Saturday, March 10, 2012

This is how to play Pool! -- Enjoy



(Common sense, politically incorrect newsletter to 15,214 subscribers)
Our mission is to get our readers thinking about current events.
Brigitte Gabriel, founder of
"Act for America" speaks at
anti-Sharia conference in Nashville.


    Click on the link below to listen to a 14 minute very serious
discussion about how radical Islam is in the process of infiltrating this
country's colleges and brainwashing this country's young people.

    Be sure to wait until you have 14 minutes because after you start
listening to the clip you'll want to hear all that is said.

    Americans, you need to watch this video, the entire video, and wake
up because what this lady is telling you is really happening in our
schools and universities.

    I have a granddaughter at a small prestigious university here in
Texas and she took one of these classes teaching her about Muslims.  It's
real and it's happening as you are reading my words and watching this
video.  It is time for us to wake up and take our America back -- and you
better start this morning.

    This is an Eye Opener and she is not reading from a TelePrompTer

    Please watch and listen all the way through.  Very informative.  It
is well worth your time (approximate 15 min.).

    This is frightening.  Watch the entire video.

Click here: TaboolaArticle

115-year-old electric car gets same 40 miles to the charge as Chevy Volt

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's DeeZe: 115-year-old electric car gets same 40 miles to the charge as Chevy Volt
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 10-Mar-2012 12:18:34
Meet the Roberts electric car. Built in 1896, it gets a solid 40 miles to the charge — exactly the mileage Chevrolet advertises for the Volt, the highly touted $31,645 electric car General Motors CEO Dan Akerson called “not a step forward, but a leap forward.”
The executives at Chevrolet can rest easy for now. Since the Roberts was constructed in an age before Henry Ford’s mass production, the 115-year-old electric car is one of a kind.
But don’t let the car’s advanced age let you think it isn’t tough: Its present-day owner, who prefers not to be named, told The Daily Caller it still runs like a charm, and has even completed the roughly 60-mile London to Brighton Vintage Car Race.
Like “green technology’s” most powerful proponent, President Barack Obama, the 1896 Roberts was made in Chicago. Obama, who supports the $7,500 tax credit for the Volt, is not fazed by its 40-mile electric limit — he only drove the car 10 feet.
Read more:

ABC Blasphemes Jesus with New Show ‘GCB’


ABC Blasphemes Jesus with New Show ‘GCB’

By Dr. Ted Baehr, Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE®

Friday, 02 March 2012 17:35)                                
ABC-TV has taken blasphemy against God, the Bible, God’s church, and Jesus Christ to new levels of depravity.
The attached advertisement for ABC’s new program, GCB, found in a New York subway, not only is a blasphemous use of the biblical command to “Love thy neighbor.” It also blasphemes Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross to save the souls of all people who have faith in Him.
Based on the book “Good Christian Bi----s” by Kim Gatlin, GCB is about a woman named Amanda Vaughn, played by Leslie Bibb, who returns home to Dallas with her two children after facing marital and financial troubles. GCB’s trailers, ads, and name suggest this series will not be family friendly or even respectful towards Christians.
According to information about the program received by Movieguide, Amanda is a former “mean girl” who has put the past behind her, while her former class mates and victims have not. They are the new mean girls who are as likely to gossip viciously about their returned rival as they are to offer up a humiliating prayer about her in church. As soon as their leader Carlene Cockburn, played by Kristin Chenoweth, sees her arrive she calls her friends, smugly gossiping about how Amanda’s former husband died in a car crash while having an affair with her best friend. Chenoweth’s character then halts the talk saying, “Ladies, it is not appropriate to speak of such things on the phone.” After a pause she continues, “I’ll see ya in church.” Another clip shows Carlene and her friends confronting Amanda about the moral code of their community.
The following scene shows Carlene in an office getting an invitation from a man to “do it.” Turning religious pictures face down, she crawls over the desk, as well as the man, and gives him a heavy kiss. Meanwhile, Amanda’s gun-collecting, shallow mother, played by Annie Potts says, “I feel certain that the good Lord would like me to have a new fur coat.”
Based on the trailers, Amanda Vaughn appears to be the only sane member of this community, and she doesn’t appear to be a practicing Christian. When her mother drags her and her children to church, Amanda tells her mother that she “didn’t raise the kids with any particular religion.” While we all know that there are hypocrites in every institution and every religion, GCB uses southern Christian women as the sole, stereotypical examples of self-indulgence, shallowness and hypocrisy.
Other scenes show young girls being encouraged to wear revealing tops. When one mother expresses concern that her daughter‘s old cheerleader uniform is to tight, Chenoweth’s character tells her not to worry “cleavage helps your cross hang straight.” Later at the game, the football team cheers when the girl’s vest pops open.
Clearly, this isn’t exactly a message Christian parents would want to send their daughters.
Although the series may prove better than its trailers and name suggest, the fact that GCB ridicules God, morality, and Christians, who are little more than stereotypes, raises concerns for both families and Christians. In this light, everyone should remember that ridicule was a tool that Adolph Hitler used to murder six million Jews during World War II.
We urge everyone to call or write a letter complaining about this series (which begins airing Sunday night) to the following Disney and ABC executives:
Robert Iger, CEO
The Walt Disney Company
Anne Sweeney, President
Disney-ABC Television Group
Paul Lee, President
ABC Entertainment
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA  91521
Phone:  (818) 460-7777

Natural Remedies for Painful Toothaches

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Natural Remedies for Painful Toothaches
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 10-Mar-2012 06:49:52

Toothache or tooth pain is usually caused when the nerve root of a tooth is irritated. Infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth are the most common causes of tooth pain. Pain may also occur after a tooth has been extracted. Here are some natural remedies which have been used to relieve and heal painful toothaches:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Update - Banker Resignations now Total 236

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader, W, link: Update - Banker Resignations now Total 236
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Mar-2012 23:15:30

(Thanks, W. :)
Reader W. sends us:

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 9, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 9, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Mar-2012 22:10:50

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 9, 2012
Power will be had by the people when everyone begins to come together under the new system. Rallying from the brink of financial disaster, humanity will rise to heights not seen on this planet since before your known recorded history. Everyone will be free from the shackles of financial hardship and be able to finally focus their attention on other areas of their lives. Continuing into the months ahead, humanity's newly accrued wealth will permit a blossoming of new projects and programs designed to restore your planet to her natural pristine beauty and perfect functioning. Under these new conditions, the collective vibration of humanity will soar, and this will forge your wings necessary for your ascension into the higher realms. This is the plan.
Some of you have voiced your confusion about why so much emphasis has been put on your new financial system if you are only months away from ascension into the higher realms anyway. You now understand this, as it is hoped that your collective vibration will spike when so much of your worries and hardships are lifted from your shoulders.
Your new system is now very close at hand. Many have dedicated much of themselves to the design of this new system, and many walls had to come down that were preventing its implementation. We ask you to show a little more patience as your new system is being rolled out, and we also ask you to demonstrate confidence in your new system to allow others who are not informed to follow your lead and support it. Your new system will be based on fairness and equality with each person throughout your world possessing an equal share in the collective wealth of your society. No one will be worth more than any other, and no one will face lack as a daily burden of their lives.
Your new system is being prepped at this time for it’s unveiling, and its initiation will soon follow the media coverage of the many arrests of the members of your criminal Cabal. Much rides on these arrests, and upon witnessing them for yourself you will know that the time has come for the implementation of the many positive changes for your society.
We again wish to enlist your support to inform your brothers and sisters of what these arrests will mean, and what your new financial system will mean to your people. There will be those who fear your new system and believe it will be detrimental to the wealth they have legally accrued. We ask you to explain to all who will listen that your new system is a system of abundance for all, and no one will be losing out no matter how much wealth they have accrued throughout this lifetime. As the quality of life quickly improves for everyone around you, your life will too improve. We ask you what good is having so much wealth if others around you are suffering through lack of what you have been blessed with. When everyone can share equally in the wealth created by a society, the society is then free to blossom to great heights, unimagined by many of you at this time.
Just think of what you can do together once the obstacle of financial limitation is removed from your path. Some of you will not be able to picture this as you have never known true wealth, and most, if not all, of your previous incarnations have been lives of hardship and struggle. This was seen as necessary for your advancement, and you will soon see how all of what you have gone through is worth the prize that has always awaited you far down the path of your journey. You have finally reached that point you knew existed, and now you are to be showered with all you have worked so hard on achieving. We say congratulations to all of you for your efforts to persevere and reach this point, and tell you that you are all much greater for your experience through the hardships of lack and scarcity. These limitations will now be lifted, and you will be freed to live your lives in your natural state of abundance.
This has always been the plan for you, and the groundwork has been laid for your new system for years now. Much effort has been put into the construction of this system, and many courageous men and women deserve much gratitude and recognition for their work. Some of these members of your human family will be introduced to you upon the unveiling of your new system, and we are confident many of you will show them how much their hard work and dedication is appreciated. This will be another aspect of your new world, where the efforts of all of those who strive to improve the lives of another will be recognized and celebrated. No longer will the personal achievements of a few of you be celebrated as humanity's shining moments. Your proudest moments have always been when you came to the aid of another of your human family, and we see this as your new celebrity in the days ahead.
You will all be greatly rewarded for your efforts to assist one another, as we have said, when one benefits, all benefits. This will be one of the greatest changes to your society, and we see so many of you relishing these new opportunities to help another on their journey while contributing to your worldwide communities at the same time. What a liberating experience this will be for many of you.
It will all begin for you upon the arrests of the members of the criminal Cabal, and that is why we say to you that celebrations will certainly be in order. These arrests will be witnessed by you very soon in the days ahead, and we tell you this event will merely be the beginning of the many changes that will come your way. We say to you to stay alert and prepared for all these events as they will come rapidly once they begin. This is how it must be as much needs to be done to prepare your world for ascension.
There will be other challenges for you in the days ahead, and you have many friends here to help you with these tasks. This is what we do, and we look so forward to being able to assist you, our family, in this way. Allow us to do what we do best by demonstrating your trust for us and showing us that we will be safe in your world. This is a necessary step towards our working relationship together. We have the tools and the experience that you will find necessary for a smooth transition in the days ahead, and we are eager to share what we have with you.
There are many of you at this time who are experiencing fear of us, and we say to you your fears are unfounded as we come not to harm you in any way. We are your family from long ago, and would never wish any harm on you. We have been here on your planet many times for many long years. Our footprints are everywhere, visible in the ancient and mysterious ruins of your ancient worlds. We did not come to conquer then and we do not come to conquer now. We come only in love and service to others throughout this universe.
We are also not the only organization here, as other peaceful alliances are here as well. All that are here are peaceful and are here in service to humanity at this time. You will know this in the days ahead. Help us help you, by laying the groundwork for our arrival. Many of you are members of the Galactic Commands, and part of your assignments were to live amongst the people of Earth so when the time came the people of this planet would see some of us as some of them. We are all one in the greater picture, and we ask our Lightworkers to help your brothers and sisters see this and help calm the fears that surely are, and will be, more evident in the days ahead. We know you can get the job done, many of you have done this before, and after your work here is completed you will be welcomed back to our fold as members of the Galactic Federation of Light.
We will leave here for a while, and return when the balance here has changed. There is normally a place open for everyone, but we will make sure we make room for those who help us in our cause and show a willingness to accept us. There are many changes in store for humanity in the days ahead, and we do wish to work with as many of your world as possible smoothing your transition to the higher dimensions as much as possible. There may be a few bumps in the road ahead, and this is one of the reasons we are here. There are those of you are showing a propensity to be frightened of us and a non-willingness to accept us. We feel even the most diehard of detractors will quickly change their mind once they understand better what our mission entails. There will be need for us, and there will be need for our many ships. We are here on a mission of service, and all of you will soon find out what we mean when we say we are here to assist you. There is no need to be frightened of any of these changes to come, and we will, with your assistance, do what we can to make the road up ahead as smooth as possible for your transition to the higher realms.
The details of what we will need to accomplish together will be fully explained in due time. We feel it is important to focus on the present tasks at hand, and you should know by now that this is the arrests of your criminal Cabal and what you must do to prepare as many as possible for this worldwide event. After that, we will begin our disclosure plans which will entail working relationships with some of you who we feel we can trust and that will be a benefit to our disclosure efforts. What is hoped for is for those of you who begin a working relationship with us to bring back and readily share evidence of this in the form of photos and video of your experience with us. It will be asked of you to share this evidence and your story with as many members of the media as you can, as we hope for worldwide coverage of this relationship.
We are initially looking for those who will not shy away from the media spotlight and for those who would be good speakers to more effectively share your story. We are not requiring you to be professional caliber orators, but we feel a certain level of ability is required to fill these positions. After we feel we have recruited enough of those who we feel are qualified for this role, we will then begin recruitment of all those willing to work with us and who do meet certain qualifications, and these will be fully explained to you at the proper time.
We do have a code of conduct policy in force, and we would ask you to review it if you would. Once accepted to begin working with us, you'll receive orientations, counseling, and training sessions with us before you begin your assignments. There are many different assignments that will be available, and for the most part, you will be free to choose the field you would prefer to work in. All the tasks we will be working on are important at this time, and we will need to fill every needed position, but we do not see this as presenting any problems.
Once your on the job performances can be evaluated, we will discuss with you more permanent career opportunities with us.
Not all that will be working with us in our service to your planet will go on to become full members of our organization, but the experience you will gain from working with us may be valuable to you in future endeavors, and there may be other opportunities to work with us in the future. Time permitting, we will speak to all of you at length about all the opportunities with us, and you can then decide if a career with the Galactic Federation of Light interest you.
As a member of our organization, your lives will change radically from what they are today, and we feel many of you will relish the opportunity for a new adventure. We do have many different types of beings among our crews, and many of you may be interested in meeting many different beings from throughout this universe. All members of the Galactic Federation of Light are ascended beings, and as such, a certain level of professionalism, intelligence, and kindness can be expected. Do not, however, expect all beings to possess identical personalities, and this goes for members of the same races as well. Some of you following our messages sent through our channels seem to believe that all of our members who send these messages would exhibit the same personality traits. We assure you that this is not the case, and ask you to look upon how many different personalities make up the human race. The beings who make up the forces of our organization are no different, and a very beneficial talent for those who may consider working with us will be your ability to work well, communicate effectively, and get along with, many different personality types.
Language will not present an obstacle as we have methods that will allow you to effectively communicate with others no matter what language they use to communicate with. We will introduce you to this technology when we begin working with you, as it will be important for you to immediately and effectively communicate with many different beings, as well as members of your human family who may speak a different language than you.
All in all, we see a very exciting experience ahead for many of you, and we look so forward to speaking with you more personally about opportunities with us. This day is approaching rapidly, so we ask you to prepare yourselves for changes to your daily routines. Events are moments away from unfolding, and many more important events will quickly follow. From now until the end of this year will certainly be a most exciting and challenging time, and every day will see a flurry of changes and activities as we help you restructure your world in time for the grand finale, which will be your planet's ascension into the Heavenly realms.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles English

What Does Dhimmitude mean?

  why would this word be used in  OUR healthcare system
  Dhimmitude-- What does it mean?

  Obama used it in the health care  bill.

  Now isn't this  interesting? It is used in the health
  care law.

  Dhimmitude -- I had never heard the word until now.  Type it into
  Google and start reading. Pretty interesting. It's on page 107 of  the
  healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists.. It is a  REAL

              Word  of the Day: Dhimmitude

  Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim
  populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of
  non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of
  converting conquered remnants to Islam.

  ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia
  Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the
  government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for
  being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking",
  and  "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption
  based on  this.

  How convenient. So  I, as a Christian, will have
  crippling IRS liens placed against all of my  assets, including real estate, cattle,
  and even accounts receivables, and will  face hard prison time if I refuse
  to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax.  Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will
  have no such penalty and will have 100% of his  health needs paid for by the
  de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be  paying a tax to subsidize
  Muslims. This is Dhimmitude.

I recommend sending this onto your contacts.  American citizens need
to know about it

Coil of Rage

Coil of Rage... a must read
Coil of Rage

After you've read to the end, come back and read this first paragraph again.
The character of any man is defined by how he treats his mother as the years pass...need I say more about this person below other than there is no character, no integrity but there is a ton of attitude and arrogance that defines his shallow past and hollow future....

I bought and read Obama's book, Audacity of Hope. It was difficult to read considering his attitude toward us and everything American. Let me add a phrase he uses to describe his attitude toward whites. He harbors a "COIL OF RAGE". His words not mine.

Is anyone out there awake? 

Everyone of voting age should read these two books by him: Don't buy them: by all means, just get them from the library!

From Dreams From My Father:
"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."

From Dreams From My Father: 
"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."

From Dreams From My Father:
"There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white."

From Dreams From My Father:
"It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names." 

From Dreams From My Father:
"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela."

And FINALLY...and most scary:

From Audacity of Hope:

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." 

If you have never forwarded an e-mail, now is the time to do so!!! We have someone with this mentality running our GREAT nation! 
Keep your eye on him anddon't blink.

Democrat, Republican, Conservative or Liberal - be aware of the attitude and character of this sitting President.

The Leopard Doesn't Change His Spots!

Please - Spread the word!

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Iraqi Dinar, recently being said: ...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 9-Mar-2012 17:15:10

Hi, Folks -
('Dong' is the Vietnamese currency.)
Found at