Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - March 9, 2012
Power will be had by the people when everyone begins to come together under the new system. Rallying from the brink of financial disaster, humanity will rise to heights not seen on this planet since before your known recorded history. Everyone will be free from the shackles of financial hardship and be able to finally focus their attention on other areas of their lives. Continuing into the months ahead, humanity's newly accrued wealth will permit a blossoming of new projects and programs designed to restore your planet to her natural pristine beauty and perfect functioning. Under these new conditions, the collective vibration of humanity will soar, and this will forge your wings necessary for your ascension into the higher realms. This is the plan.
Some of you have voiced your confusion about why so much emphasis has been put on your new financial system if you are only months away from ascension into the higher realms anyway. You now understand this, as it is hoped that your collective vibration will spike when so much of your worries and hardships are lifted from your shoulders.
Your new system is now very close at hand. Many have dedicated much of themselves to the design of this new system, and many walls had to come down that were preventing its implementation. We ask you to show a little more patience as your new system is being rolled out, and we also ask you to demonstrate confidence in your new system to allow others who are not informed to follow your lead and support it. Your new system will be based on fairness and equality with each person throughout your world possessing an equal share in the collective wealth of your society. No one will be worth more than any other, and no one will face lack as a daily burden of their lives.
Your new system is being prepped at this time for it’s unveiling, and its initiation will soon follow the media coverage of the many arrests of the members of your criminal Cabal. Much rides on these arrests, and upon witnessing them for yourself you will know that the time has come for the implementation of the many positive changes for your society.
We again wish to enlist your support to inform your brothers and sisters of what these arrests will mean, and what your new financial system will mean to your people. There will be those who fear your new system and believe it will be detrimental to the wealth they have legally accrued. We ask you to explain to all who will listen that your new system is a system of abundance for all, and no one will be losing out no matter how much wealth they have accrued throughout this lifetime. As the quality of life quickly improves for everyone around you, your life will too improve. We ask you what good is having so much wealth if others around you are suffering through lack of what you have been blessed with. When everyone can share equally in the wealth created by a society, the society is then free to blossom to great heights, unimagined by many of you at this time.
Just think of what you can do together once the obstacle of financial limitation is removed from your path. Some of you will not be able to picture this as you have never known true wealth, and most, if not all, of your previous incarnations have been lives of hardship and struggle. This was seen as necessary for your advancement, and you will soon see how all of what you have gone through is worth the prize that has always awaited you far down the path of your journey. You have finally reached that point you knew existed, and now you are to be showered with all you have worked so hard on achieving. We say congratulations to all of you for your efforts to persevere and reach this point, and tell you that you are all much greater for your experience through the hardships of lack and scarcity. These limitations will now be lifted, and you will be freed to live your lives in your natural state of abundance.
This has always been the plan for you, and the groundwork has been laid for your new system for years now. Much effort has been put into the construction of this system, and many courageous men and women deserve much gratitude and recognition for their work. Some of these members of your human family will be introduced to you upon the unveiling of your new system, and we are confident many of you will show them how much their hard work and dedication is appreciated. This will be another aspect of your new world, where the efforts of all of those who strive to improve the lives of another will be recognized and celebrated. No longer will the personal achievements of a few of you be celebrated as humanity's shining moments. Your proudest moments have always been when you came to the aid of another of your human family, and we see this as your new celebrity in the days ahead.
You will all be greatly rewarded for your efforts to assist one another, as we have said, when one benefits, all benefits. This will be one of the greatest changes to your society, and we see so many of you relishing these new opportunities to help another on their journey while contributing to your worldwide communities at the same time. What a liberating experience this will be for many of you.
It will all begin for you upon the arrests of the members of the criminal Cabal, and that is why we say to you that celebrations will certainly be in order. These arrests will be witnessed by you very soon in the days ahead, and we tell you this event will merely be the beginning of the many changes that will come your way. We say to you to stay alert and prepared for all these events as they will come rapidly once they begin. This is how it must be as much needs to be done to prepare your world for ascension.
There will be other challenges for you in the days ahead, and you have many friends here to help you with these tasks. This is what we do, and we look so forward to being able to assist you, our family, in this way. Allow us to do what we do best by demonstrating your trust for us and showing us that we will be safe in your world. This is a necessary step towards our working relationship together. We have the tools and the experience that you will find necessary for a smooth transition in the days ahead, and we are eager to share what we have with you.
There are many of you at this time who are experiencing fear of us, and we say to you your fears are unfounded as we come not to harm you in any way. We are your family from long ago, and would never wish any harm on you. We have been here on your planet many times for many long years. Our footprints are everywhere, visible in the ancient and mysterious ruins of your ancient worlds. We did not come to conquer then and we do not come to conquer now. We come only in love and service to others throughout this universe.
We are also not the only organization here, as other peaceful alliances are here as well. All that are here are peaceful and are here in service to humanity at this time. You will know this in the days ahead. Help us help you, by laying the groundwork for our arrival. Many of you are members of the Galactic Commands, and part of your assignments were to live amongst the people of Earth so when the time came the people of this planet would see some of us as some of them. We are all one in the greater picture, and we ask our Lightworkers to help your brothers and sisters see this and help calm the fears that surely are, and will be, more evident in the days ahead. We know you can get the job done, many of you have done this before, and after your work here is completed you will be welcomed back to our fold as members of the Galactic Federation of Light.
We will leave here for a while, and return when the balance here has changed. There is normally a place open for everyone, but we will make sure we make room for those who help us in our cause and show a willingness to accept us. There are many changes in store for humanity in the days ahead, and we do wish to work with as many of your world as possible smoothing your transition to the higher dimensions as much as possible. There may be a few bumps in the road ahead, and this is one of the reasons we are here. There are those of you are showing a propensity to be frightened of us and a non-willingness to accept us. We feel even the most diehard of detractors will quickly change their mind once they understand better what our mission entails. There will be need for us, and there will be need for our many ships. We are here on a mission of service, and all of you will soon find out what we mean when we say we are here to assist you. There is no need to be frightened of any of these changes to come, and we will, with your assistance, do what we can to make the road up ahead as smooth as possible for your transition to the higher realms.
The details of what we will need to accomplish together will be fully explained in due time. We feel it is important to focus on the present tasks at hand, and you should know by now that this is the arrests of your criminal Cabal and what you must do to prepare as many as possible for this worldwide event. After that, we will begin our disclosure plans which will entail working relationships with some of you who we feel we can trust and that will be a benefit to our disclosure efforts. What is hoped for is for those of you who begin a working relationship with us to bring back and readily share evidence of this in the form of photos and video of your experience with us. It will be asked of you to share this evidence and your story with as many members of the media as you can, as we hope for worldwide coverage of this relationship.
We are initially looking for those who will not shy away from the media spotlight and for those who would be good speakers to more effectively share your story. We are not requiring you to be professional caliber orators, but we feel a certain level of ability is required to fill these positions. After we feel we have recruited enough of those who we feel are qualified for this role, we will then begin recruitment of all those willing to work with us and who do meet certain qualifications, and these will be fully explained to you at the proper time.
We do have a code of conduct policy in force, and we would ask you to review it if you would. Once accepted to begin working with us, you'll receive orientations, counseling, and training sessions with us before you begin your assignments. There are many different assignments that will be available, and for the most part, you will be free to choose the field you would prefer to work in. All the tasks we will be working on are important at this time, and we will need to fill every needed position, but we do not see this as presenting any problems.
Once your on the job performances can be evaluated, we will discuss with you more permanent career opportunities with us.
Not all that will be working with us in our service to your planet will go on to become full members of our organization, but the experience you will gain from working with us may be valuable to you in future endeavors, and there may be other opportunities to work with us in the future. Time permitting, we will speak to all of you at length about all the opportunities with us, and you can then decide if a career with the Galactic Federation of Light interest you.
As a member of our organization, your lives will change radically from what they are today, and we feel many of you will relish the opportunity for a new adventure. We do have many different types of beings among our crews, and many of you may be interested in meeting many different beings from throughout this universe. All members of the Galactic Federation of Light are ascended beings, and as such, a certain level of professionalism, intelligence, and kindness can be expected. Do not, however, expect all beings to possess identical personalities, and this goes for members of the same races as well. Some of you following our messages sent through our channels seem to believe that all of our members who send these messages would exhibit the same personality traits. We assure you that this is not the case, and ask you to look upon how many different personalities make up the human race. The beings who make up the forces of our organization are no different, and a very beneficial talent for those who may consider working with us will be your ability to work well, communicate effectively, and get along with, many different personality types.
Language will not present an obstacle as we have methods that will allow you to effectively communicate with others no matter what language they use to communicate with. We will introduce you to this technology when we begin working with you, as it will be important for you to immediately and effectively communicate with many different beings, as well as members of your human family who may speak a different language than you.
All in all, we see a very exciting experience ahead for many of you, and we look so forward to speaking with you more personally about opportunities with us. This day is approaching rapidly, so we ask you to prepare yourselves for changes to your daily routines. Events are moments away from unfolding, and many more important events will quickly follow. From now until the end of this year will certainly be a most exciting and challenging time, and every day will see a flurry of changes and activities as we help you restructure your world in time for the grand finale, which will be your planet's ascension into the Heavenly realms.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/- English
What about the RV? There are a lot of really good people who have special projects they wanted to participate in to help others in many different ways. Are we not going to see the fruition of our patience in waiting for this to happen? Is our RV $ going to be taken away from us? This is wierd. Who is God? There are a lot of different people who think their belief is the only belief and they like to assume everyone else has strayed from the true path. I have a lot of questions about things....In this present society, you have a lot of dedicated hard workers who have dilligently gone to work on a daily basis, done a good job, been able to provide for their families and save some money for their future....on the other hand you have some people who have done nothing really productive for society, they probably don't have a lot of money, probably spend most of their time watching tv...smoking cigarettes, drinking beer, etc and you are telling me that they should be equal to the dilligent contributing members of society? There is some heavy heavy re-education in need of happening, and normally it takes a little time. I don't exactly see the picture of what you are up to. I'm just saying...I'm trying to understand so I can know where I stand.
" Help us help you, by laying the groundwork for our arrival. "
This is a Free Will planet. No, you cannot land nor be a part of us. We incarnated here and are here for a reason, if you want to arrive here, do it the same way we did, through the birth canal. As Ascended Masters born here, you will be bound by the rules of this planet.
The reason we are in this mess, is eons ago a race of beings wanted to land here, and the inhabitants allowed them to stay, but they used the inhabitants as slaves. They tricked them into performing certain tasks for them because even though they were advanced enough to arrive here, there were some things they could not do to this planet because it didn't belong to them.
Now look at where this planet has gone through after that intrusion.
Now those entities have wore out their welcome, and you've been watching, you know by our free will, they will be gone and you had nothing to do with it although you watch us get rid of them on our own, and now you want your chance.
I say NO!, I do not want you here, I do not want your gifts, you may be an ascended master but you are not our Creator.
We are not advanced enough to know what you are not telling us. We are intelligent enough to know there are unintended consequences for every action where we place a 'God' before us.
Letting you arrive here is like letting teenagers live, eat, and play, in a daycare.
We may trade one oppression for another because the things we do naturally, you may feel a need to tell us we can't if we are going to be like you and act like teenagers.
Well we aren't like you, and we have a right to 'evolve', as fast or as slow as we want while here. And when we get rid of the capsule that holds us here, we'll be ascended masters too.
So leave us alone and stop channeling your requests to come play in our playground.
The last group knew we didn't value gold, and created a lot of it and had us mine it for them.
You may come after another resource we have. You have fed us a lot of information about us, but nothing about you, why you are here, what happened to your planet, what resource we have that you desire to take and sell in the galaxy, etc...for all we know, you'll take our kids due to their DNA or something. You haven't provided full disclosure. Ascended Masters never tell their students how difficult any lesson is really going to be. They just start teaching and the student figures out what they didn't know before because they didn't know the questions to ask. Well I don't know the history of other planets you've visited. I just know we are the only kind in this system that has what it has, and from space it's probably enticing to come here and take something from her. I speak for her, and I speak for me, as we are connected. You cannot come, you cannot stay, but you can watch as long as you want to look. Your Creator knew we'd have to welcome you before you could come do whatever you do. I'm reminded of the rule in the HBO show True Blood. The Vampire cannot enter anyone's home unless welcomed, and once inside he can turn all of them into vampires if he wants to. He doesn't have to disclose why he wants to enter into the home, and even if he discloses, he can change his intentions once inside because circumstances that weren't there while he was outside, have change once he's inside, so his intentions can change with the circumstances, but he doesn't have to tell you that, and you didn't ask.
No, you cannot come here, and no you cannot stay. We should never let an advanced race land without rules, and there is not enough rules to cover what they could possibly do with an infinite number of possibilities available to them.
Sit there and watch us figure things out and move on, or incarnate here and live among us as one of us; bound by the same rules and the same technology available to us by our own creativity.
If it be by my Will, then my Will be Done.
@Anonymous 9:42am
I pondered your comprehension.
What purpose does wealth have except to identify those that have not?
In that case, the wealthy can do things to life of those that have not, in essence, be like a God to those who are weak, sick, shut in, societal rejects, etc.
All of us are born free, and all of us were born with the wealth of this planet as our inheritance.
Some that proceed us began to separate us from our inheritance, by setting up cities, and work, and education, and religion, and the massive herds that roamed free were killed off, and the massive lands that grew herbs and vegetables were razed, and the horses that ran wild were captured and tamed, etc. But in our natural inheritance, we could have lived like natives, or indians, or aborigines, hermits, or have our own villages if we wanted to and it would have been our birth right to do so.
Imagine a world where Gold was plentiful and everyone could wear it and eat out of bowls and have utensils made of it. What purpose would one have of wearing 100 gold chains when another can have one big chain that is made of the same amount of gold, and others who could do the same, decided to opt for a bracelet or an earring. with the availability of so much there is no separation based on any external observation. If someone wants to indulge in smoking an herb that was grown on this planet and grown to be smoked, then let them. If someone wants to drink the wine of a berry or hop or barely that was grown on this planet for them to drink, then let them.
At some point the creative side of us will awaken and we will seek other things. Maybe someone will be a great story teller, or a great healer, or entertainer or musician, or cook, or gardener, but we'll have an abundance around us that 'wealth' will be a thing of the past. There's nothing to hoard because there is no future of scarcity. We will have abundance of food and many people who enjoy cooking it just for the joy of cooking, and we will have clothes as we grow taller because there will be factories that make the cloth and people good with their hands who love designing clothes and shoes for people to wear. That's the world we were given 'in the beginning' but we allowed an alien race to land here and they brought their ideas, and way of life, and technology with them, and taught us to stay divided and separated and fearful so they could take what they wanted from this planet and leave us with just enough to stay alive to do what they wanted to be done, and to allow them control over us.
If people are born free, and born rich with the rights to everything this planet has to offer, then I see it where we would all be equal in wealth when that system that was created over time, collapses. You'll still be needed, and your ideas and creativity will still be valid.
I disagree, I say they can land here! I think many people feel this way
Why would the RV be taken away from you? that doesn't make an sense but in all likeliness the RV will not make you any money anyway.
The "assended masters" are the Fallen Angels of Satan. This is Satan 's last horah before God puts him where he belongs. Please people get a grip, Satan has played this card sooooo many times, why are you willing to let yourself be consumed by him.
You respond as though you are extremely ignorant...that's fine. Whatever...you are 100%+ WRONG.
It says in the bible that a tree is known by it's fruit. Bill Gates is apparently a Lizard, and he is a pretend do-gooder that says he is helping humanity to stave off disease and he is feeding the hungry with his wealth. Everyone should know what he's really about...he's all about eugenics and creating famine in the world, and he's one of those "elite" who wants to get rid of everyone, steal all their money and live with all the other "elite" on this planet, without everyone else. The type of things he does is pour money into the World Health Organization to eradicate diseases for the poor people of our planet....All lies....he is putting out vaccines such as tetanus-diptheria and giving it to all the women and children such as in Guatemala, etc. only this vaccine has HCG Human Chorionic Gonadtropin in it which only shows up in pregnant women, and when a woman gets pregnant, her body attacks the fetus because of the presence of this vaccine with "hcg". A woman who was 8 months pregnant in Guatemala was forced to take this vaccine, and after she was given the vaccine, she lost an 8 month old fetus, (baby) right after taking this vaccine. He is putting out GMO seed in places like Africa (giving them seed "for free") In the meantime, the bugs are getting resistant to this bt, round-up ready seed and plants, and the weeds are growing resistant to these round-up ready plants, also when the people eat it, it is toxic to the body, and the bt keeps on multiplying in the gut.(watch out for "sweet corn" 85% of the corn now grown is GMO) In addition to that these gmo crops will be overtaken by resistant bacteria eventually, and the whole populous will starve to death. Everyone should know what this guy stands for. The world needs to get rid of these kind of people out of government (off the planet if that were possible) and instead have people who want good for everyone.
Your comprehension is your own. Wealth can be used for good instead of evil. In other words...there is really NO reason why people should be sick, weak, etc. because the planet that God created has everything we need, including the fact that the human body has the miraculous ability to heal itself when given the right nutrients. That means what needs to be done, is to get rid of Giant Corporations like Monsanto, all the chemical companies, the pharmaceutical companies, the "poison sugar" companies like Searle, the Doctors, The Oil Companies, and STOP enriching the Saudi's and muslims to come in here and turn America into Sharia, and take over the teaching in our universities to turn our next generation into muslim zombies, get rid of evil leaders who are out to kill anyone that gets in the way of their of their evil plots to take everyone over, get rid of the Chemtrail companies, STOP the pollution of our food, air and water, No more bought off, threatened politicians running this show! End of corruption and trying to throw Our Constitution and Bill Of Rights in the trash! Another thing it says in the bible is if you don't work, you don't eat. It would seem that there are some on this here planet who want to vampirize people's energy for their use...(example....some want to have money given to them...spend their money on drugs, booze, cigarrettes, etc. and then when they don't have any food to eat, they want to take from you, the good steward who bought food, and some necessities instead of what they bought. I'm saying, I'm not going for this! Everyone can be a positive and contributing member of society, or go live with the elite on some other planet. Money "gold" of itself, holds no value, except as a vehicle to accomplish positive endeavors. God gave everybody 2 hands, and they can use these hands to grow their food, milk their cow, whatever to provide substance for themselves and their families. Families are supposed to train their children how to do these things. This society is pretty messed up, and it will take something to get it functioning properly for everyone. Sure it would be great if everyone had at least a place where they could grow a garden, etc. and from there, they could branch out and start working with their neighbors, helping one another, and things would be so much better. It's not that someone is trying to have so much more than someone else, but it is consistent with the amount of energy and labor that one puts into an endeavor. Also there are some who are just so stagnated in their mind, that they may not be able to do a lot, and a good steward could provide employment, and opportunities to many people, and that is why certain people should have more finances to draw from than others. NOT for GREED and ARROGANCE! (If God wanted people to smoke, He would have put a chimney on their head!) God said "know ye not that your body is the temple of God? If you defile it, God will destroy it.
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