Sunday, March 25, 2012

JP Morgan-MF Global-Euro Gate Escalates


Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL patriotAmericans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U. S. media covers up

EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
JP Morgan-MF Global-Euro Gate Escalates
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Sunday March 25, 2012!/image/656152717.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_aufmacher_klein/656152717.jpg
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking has new evidence showing that JP Morgan had a $200 million overdraft aka a second margin call on the London LIFFE Exchange three days before the MF Global bankruptcy fiasco was triggered.

The second margin call (the first margin call was four days earlier for $175 million) dealt with cross-collateralized, compounded naked euro currency put options that were written by JP Morgan with the transactions being placed through the CME Group and the aforementioned London LIFFE Exchange.

We can now divulge that, thanks to PROMIS software, MF Global took the opposite side of the trade.

Note: The fact that MF Global took the opposite side of the trade is a significant development and it completely torpedoes the ISDA's (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) legal standing that declared the latest Greek bailout a non-credit event rather than what it really is, a Greek default.

The ISDA's decision has temporarily rewarded crooked banks, as well as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, and screwed the hedge funds as well as the looted customer segregated accounts that were tied to MF Global.

The fact that two margin calls were issued in a span of one week against JP Morgan is clearly a game changer.

The first margin call aka the overdraft was triggered when the JP Morgan SWIFT wire transfer (to pay for their derivative trades) was rejected by the London LIFFE Exchange after the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank refused to honor the JP Morgan float aka line of credit.

Dallas Fed President and CEO Robert W. Fisher actually notified the New York Fed on that day that JP Morgan was using TARP money (Troubled Relief Asset Program) to write their euro currency option derivatives.

This illegal trading done by JP Morgan violated the terms of the 2008 Bush-Pelosi bank bailout that forbid banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan from using U.S. Taxpayers' money to engage in any type of derivative trading.

What followed was the largest 24-hour crime spree aka money laundry in financial history.

Forty-eight hours after JP Morgan's line of credit was rejected (their electronic check bounced creating an overdraft), a second larger margin call was issued to JP Morgan, which set off the following change of events:

Immediately financial terrorist Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan phoned Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler and discussed his predicament.

Within an hour the CME Group re-issued the second margin call singling out only MF Global and removing JP Morgan from its liability.
Fifteen minutes later Jamie Dimon called MF Global CEO Jon Corzine threatening his life and demanding that MF Global meet the $200 million margin call that was originally issued for JP Morgan.

One hour later the crooked ISDA ruled the MF Global trades to be null and void, which then allowed JP Morgan and Jamie Dimon to short the MF Global stock and then, with the approval of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York laundered the proceeds into the London LIFFE Exchange, and issued new naked derivatives which would be used in the latest Greek-Euro bailout ponzi scheme.

Note: Dallas Federal Reserve President and CEO Richard W. Fisher immediately phoned Fed Chairman Bernanke to protest this latest JP Morgan money laundry involving customer segregated accounts.

Bernanke told Fisher, and I quote "Timothy Geithner calls the shots".

Reference: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York tried to disguise this ponzi scheme by first moving the MF Global customer segregated funds through the Dominion Bank of Toronto, Canada and then on to the London LIFFE Exchange.

At this hour we can divulge that Dallas Fed President and CEO Richard W. Fisher is cooperating with U.S. Marshals who are investigating this financial treason and will shortly offer his resignation.

P.S. We can now also report that JP Morgan and MF Global had a joint custodial account with a side clearing agreement with the noted derivative clearing house Maiden Lane LLC.

We can now also reveal that the joint JP Morgan-MF Global custodial account had a common email address with the financial officers of both JP Morgan and MF Global having access and ability to receive and send emails to each other.

This joint account specialized in using crooked high-frequency trading aka 3-second electronic front running in creating artificial wide spreads in the forex foreign currency futures markets that guaranteed that both MF Global and JP Morgan could not lose on any of their foreign currency transactions.

In other words, folks, both Jamie Dimon and Jon Corzine were running a ponzi scheme.

P.P.S. We can now report that the crooked CFTC, NFA and SEC issued a clean audit report for both MF Global and JP Morgan three months before the aforementioned MF Global-JP Morgan financial debacle.

It is clear the alleged financial regulators were bribed because new evidence now in possession of Senator Carl Levin, Democrat of Michigan, indicates that JP Morgan was in violation of both CFTC and SEC rules concerning proper capitalization of their assets versus their margined derivative liability exposure.

We can now divulge that at the time the JP Morgan audit was issued its margined derivative exposure exceeded their capital assets by 2500 to 1.

Note: Word is out on the street that JP Morgan made a deal with the crooked aforementioned financial regulators to throw their broker dealers under the bus in return for the regulators to look the other way when it came to JP Morgan's massive financial criminal misconduct.

In closing, we can divulge that thanks to the efforts of patriotic elements of the U.S. military, the U.S. Marshal Service, International Monetary Fund President Christine Lagarde and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the repatriation of U.S. dollars back to the U.S. Treasury continues, which will lead to the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

Tom Heneghan's EXPLOSIVE Intelligence Briefings

Young man motivated by God

absolutely a must watch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My Friends---if this one doesn’t get you, you are “ungettable”.
The next time I am feeling sorry for myself, I will remember this Youtube.

Wanderer Of The Skies Message - 3-25-12

The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies


Greetings from the Federation:

Let us begin by saying that your world will shortly be undergoing changes that will bring it into alignment with the Ascension process. Gaia has sent her message to the Creator that she is ready. She, and all of us, are anxiously awaiting the response. It is no small matter. The response from the Creator could be the “green light” which allows us to move forward with disclosure. Therefore, our hearts are turned towards the Creator at this time as we await word of how and when to proceed.

This message from Gaia is her assurance that she is prepared for the next step and is willing to proceed. It is also her “assessment” that all living beings which take sustenance from her are reasonably prepared for the next phase. This assessment is very important, for without it Creator would not consider such a position viable. Therefore, we have moved collectively into a very important phase of the process and one which brings us no end to the excitement of the prospects before us.

There has been a turning away of many who see this process dragging on and use this as proof that is was never meant to be in the first place. This will change upon the Creator’s response and we are reasonably excited to believe that the time has come. The call has gone out from the Federation to all systems in the cosmos and an even greater number of visitors are now heading this way to observe this next phase in activities. In that respect, you can expect that another “Norway spiral” will occur as more dimensional beings arrive over the next several weeks.

Many exciting things are now planned in the days and weeks ahead. As changes continue with your world governments and your media, with emphasis on your financial institutions, you will see more and more a willingness to openly discuss what has, until now, been the 800 pound gorilla in the room. You will hear statements as politicians and media personality begin to openly talk about the Illuminati and their role in your world and what must be done to take back the world for your people.

A new “discovery” about to be revealed to the masses concerning the deepest underground cave yet found is a leak of information on one of the doorways to a world containing beings who you have called the Agarthans. It will set the stage, if necessary, for future revelations about these beings and their role here.

Keep in mind that as these matters develop, they are done so in a specific order for a specific reason that is interconnected to a much grander plan than we cannot reveal to you now. But as these pieces come into place, they will be self-executing. And when the dominoes fall, they will fall quickly and without any doubt on your part. There will be no guess work involved at that time.

Quiet your mind so that we may speak to you. Open your hearts so that you can hear each other. Stay in the moment and stay courageous in your calling. We are with you and we are you.

Be at peace.

 you are love, you are loved, and I love you  

Dinar Intel - poppy 3

[poppy3] glory glory the heavens are opening up. Guys as you know i
try to stay positive all the time and always try to control my
emotions and confirm every word i get my hands on before exciting
everyone else. Well I just got one of the very important calls I have
been hoping for and it was a awesome call. This source is in the thick
of the meetings in Iraq and he for the first time called himself to
inform me agreements where made today that allows the RV and a couple
other things to happen prior to the summit.. Get that I said again
prior to the summit. He has never called the RV before and I
personally have complete confidence in his statement. There is only
one possible blowup that could take place that could prevent this
happening and if it does it could be a long time later so I and many
of my friends will pray continually that we have the favor to bring
this home for all people involved. Hang on friends the ride is coming
to a screeching halt and money will spill all over America. God’s love

[poppy3] OK just got a email saying the bankers in VND where told to
expect the dong to RV next week.. They got this notice Friday?? Don't
know this source well or their source so take as a rumor but it stands
to reason if the dinar goes so will all the rest. Poppy3

Dinar Cashing In --- Intel

5:23 PM stargirl:  [ AndyS]: Just wanted to let you know that what we learned yesterday about the Dinar RV is still the status today.

We had calls again today from the same sources who said they reconfirmed today that what they told us yesterday had not changed one iota. J

* It’s live in the 4 big banks which will be approved to do the exchange (as of Saturday night and still is live today though banks are closed)

* Banks should start cashing in on Monday (They allowed some people with political clout to cash out last night, so it’s true.)

* The rate is very very high – we will all be so happy with the rate! 
* They will require you to keep about 1/3 in their bank and the rest will be available as cash on a debit card to spend and get money out in the economy ASAP.

 * You will not have to do a mad dash and stand in line at a bank to cash it in – they don’t want lines at the bank that look like a run on the banks. Once it’s publicized that banks are able to exchange it you will need to call their private banking dept and get an appointment with them. How will we know what to do and when its time?

 * We do not think there is going to be any public announcement or official notification. This is going to happen outside of the news and media. We will know when the banks and currency exchanges and forex have changed the rate on the dinar and are willing to exchange it.

 * We’ll know when other people start saying they’ve cashed theirs in!!

 * We’ll call or email you as soon as we know for sure ourselves. ( Or you can please call us if you find out first! )

 * will be showing the new rates – look under sell dinar

* The BH Group will send you a notice of confirmation when it’s public and live – a webpage to go to where we can learn the specific instructions and details.

Note: Be sure you are on the BH Group list to be able to use their pre-negotiated group rate with Wells Fargo (and the other 3 banks if you’re not using Wells Fargo) and get other special banking privileges etc
5:12 PM Sam: stargirl does hammerman agree with this information excluding the bank packages

5:13 PM hammerman: not 100% just couse i cant comferm but did talk to him awhile on the phone an really sounds good so he said i could post