Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Unique Perspective On Our Debt - Interesting!

Wow,  this unboggles your mind.   How could educated men think this is alright?

This puts it in proper perspective and makes it more understandable.
This rather brilliantly cuts thru all the political doublespeak we get...........
Food for thought..... This puts it into a much better perspective and is the same for many countries in Europe ...
Why the U.S. was downgraded:

* U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
* Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
* New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
* National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
* Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000

Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

* Annual family income: $21,700
* Money the family spent: $38,200
* New debt on the credit card: $16,500
* Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
* Total budget cuts: $385

Got It ?????

OK now Lesson # 2:

Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:
Let's say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood....and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.

What do you think you should do ......

Raise the ceilings, or pump out the shit?

Ginger Destroys Cancer

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

CGI's Wayne: Ginger Destroys Cancer
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Mar-2012 13:29:09

Cancer drugs are just expensive ways to make cancer worse. You try and survive the chemo, not the cancer.
Ginger, a cousin spice of super anti-cancer substance turmeric, is known for its ability to shrink tumors. Astoundingly, it is even more effective than many cancer drugs, which have been shown to be completely ineffective and actually accelerate the death of cancer patients. Commonly consumed across the world in small doses among food and beverage products, the medicinal properties of ginger far surpass even advanced pharmaceutical inventions.
The subject of one study based out of Georgia State University, whole ginger extract was revealed to shrink prostate tumor size by a whopping 56% in mice. The anticancer properties were observed in addition to ginger’s role in reducing inflammation as well as being a rich source of life-enhancing antioxidants. But what about cancer drugs? Could this simple spice really topple the advanced pharmaceuticals that are often touted as the ‘only option’ for cancer patients by medical doctors?
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First, Strange Sounds, Now Strange BOOMS..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

First, Strange Sounds, Now Strange BOOMS..
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Mar-2012 09:26:44

Starting in March of 2011, strange rushing and trumpet-like sounds began to be heard worldwide. Now, over many parts of the central United States, unexplained loud explosions are being heard. But what might of all of this mean? This week on Dreamland, Linda Moulton Howe reports on the explosions, offering interviews with direct witnesses.
Linda's website is Visit every day to keep up with stories other science websites will NOT tell you!
Linda's recent reports on the strange sounds are available in the subscriber section Dreamland archive.
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Mysterious, unexplained "booms" in Alabama, Georgia, Wisconsin
In separate events, mysterious booms shook residents of Alabama, Georgia, and Wisconsin. So far, government activities, earthquakes, and sonic booms are ruled out.
Read more:
Mysterious Booms Return To Clintonville – And They’re Louder
March 28, 2012
Police in Clintonville, Wisconsin were flooded with dozens of calls from concerned residents last night after the town was again rattled by a series of booms louder than anything reported to date, despite official assurances that previous reports of the noise were caused by a minor earthquake.
“Clintonville police say they received about 65 calls Tuesday night, from people reporting three or four loud booms. Officials say the calls came in from 10:35 until 11:40 p.m,” reports Fox 11.
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Pentagon Has No Records of Osama bin Laden's Death

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Pentagon Has No Records of Osama bin Laden's Death
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 28-Mar-2012 09:06:57

Pentagon Has No Records of Osama's Death ... CIA and Admin Stonewall Requests ...

Pentagon says it has no records of bin Laden's death; CIA hasn't answered open records request ... The hunt for Osama bin Laden took nearly a decade. It could take even longer to uncover U.S. government emails, planning reports, photographs and more that would shed light on how an elite team of Navy SEALs killed the world's most wanted terrorist. Ten months after that electrifying covert mission, an administration that has pledged to be the most transparent in American history is refusing to release documents about it under the Freedom of Information Act. The records could provide insights into how bin Laden died, how the U.S. verified his identity and how it decided to bury him at sea, as well as photographs taken during and after the May 2011 raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. –
Dominant Social Theme: Records? We don't need no stinkin' records.
Free-Market Analysis: As responsible members of the alternative media, we've gone on record often as pointing out that Osama bin Laden probably died five to ten years ago. We were very suspicious of the well-timed murder of Osama by a group of Navy Seals. Our main article on the subject, which has been reproduced numerous times, can be seen here: Osama bin Laden Is Dead Again?
Many others in the alternative media have had the same reaction. It tends to begin with the idea that there is a group of dynastic families that want to run the world and use the proceeds of the central banks they control to do so.
These individuals and their enablers and associates help create economic downturns and even create international military tension escalating into wars. The war on terror is one such phony war, in our view.
Osama bin Laden was apparently a creation of the CIA along with al Qaeda that was built up by American Intel to oppose the Russians back in the 1980s. He is likely to have died years ago as a result of Marfan's Syndrome.
But the powers-that-be likely never announced his death because he was more valuable alive. They finally announced his death in order to boost the election possibilities of Barack Obama.
Read more:

Obama's birth certificate may be forgery

Obama's birth certificate may be forgery

Mar 26, 2012 11:48 Moscow Time
Obama's birth certificate may be forgery
Photo: EPA
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Interview with Joe Arpaio, Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, US.
Start from the beginning, why is this cold case squad that you had look at the President’s birth certificate and what do they come up with?
Well, first of all we have about 3 000 party members, have a cold case party, they worked for nothing, they are ex-cops and attorneys. And I decided when the Tea Party, about 250, asked me to investigate the President’s birth certificate and I decided to give it to the cold case party so not to cost tax-payers any money. They started the investigation and obviously I gave instructions to do everything they can to clear the President on this issue. But as they dug into the investigation they came up with some evidence which tends to probably indicate that the birth certificate and the selective service form could be forgeries.
So, a lot of people have heard about this controversy before and they’ve also heard about document examiners and experts in this field saying that this long form birth certificate is legitimate. What do you say to the people who say you are just digging up something that have already been refuted?
Well, I don’t know, refuted by whom? There has never been a law enforcing agency looking into this matter. So, you can get all these opinions from different so called experts but we looked at it and our people feel, I’m not going to get in all the technical details, but it is a computerized initiated birth certificate.
Why now? Obviously this controversy has been brewing for a number of years. Why are you just now sort of jumping into the fray with this birth certificate controversy?
Nobody came to me before. When you get 250 of my constituency come to me and say – please, look into it, why not look into it? When you come to me and ask me to look at possible violations of law, I did it. But once again I gave it to the volunteer party.
And what do you say to critics there in Maricopa County who say you have millions of people to look after millions of constituents. And in a big city like Phoenix and in a county like Maricopa County in Arizona there are murders and rapes, and robberies all the time that you should be pursuing and your critics will say that this is a needless distraction from the work of a Sheriff.
Once again this is a volunteer group of people, it does not cost the taxpayers any money, I mean we investigate every crime whether it is prostitution, drugs or whatever. So, I don’t know but that’s what I say to the people – this is just another investigation that we are doing and it does not even cost the taxpayers any money. I mean why don’t we say – why do cops go after hookers and DUI and all these minor things and not concentrate on murderers is my answer to those critics.
Your critics have also said that, you know, this is not your jurisdiction. You are not a federal law enforcement agent any more, I know you used to be, and you are not in the State of Hawaii where these birth certificates were generated. So, is this really your jurisdiction?
I think we have standing when the President and the White House goes public and show their birth certificates saying it is a valid birth certificate. That affects everybody in this country including Maricopa County if it is not valid. So, we do have standing here, I’m looking now after people of Maricopa County.
And what has been the reaction over these last few weeks since you announced the findings of your cold case party? What have you heard from constituents across Maricopa County?
Wherever I go people commend me for doing this. So, naturally this has been probably the biggest censorship and blackout in the history of journalism when no one from the national level will cover the story. You know, when I do something, whether it is saw taken underwear or chine gangs, what I feed to inmates, that goes national. I’ve been on 4 000 international profiles and national and yet this has been has been blacked out when I’m investigating this situation.
But the whole controversy about that – the President’s birth certificate has been covered by news outlets in the United States for years, most recently when Donald Trump brought that up as an issue and when you brought it up as an issue. You say there is a media blackout or censorship but there are hundreds if not thousands of news outlets who have been covering this story.
Well, I wish you would tell me who they are, I’m sure they are not national. CBS, ABC, cable? Just show me who has been covering it? They haven’t been covering. I’m not going to get into inside sources and state that they don’t want to cover it, that’s another issue when we are talking about the media. But where is all the news? You are calling me, you are dealing with Russia, so I have to talk to Russia to get this story out.
So, are you saying that you haven’t received any enquiries from any American new organizations about this story?
No. We got some to talk shows. But I haven’t been called by any major networks or cable. I’m on cable all the time – Fox, CNN, - and where are they. They are not calling me, they are calling me for everything else. You would think this will be an interest, especially the ladies during the investigation they slept at service, currently they just pulled out. I see this in web and I guess in other news outlets like yours but I don’t see any major outlets talking about it.
We had a press conference on March 1, meaning it was all over the place and they showed up to insult me and not look at the facts of the evidence that we put on the screen. They didn’t question the evidence which is interesting, they wanted to question what my motives were. And like you said that everybody has already reviewed this. Who is everybody else? I don’t see Utah’s Donald Trump, you are saying that he is a law enforcing guy. No. Actually he sent me a note last week commanding me undoing this. So, maybe he figures there is some smoke out there.
In the weeks and months after Donald Trump brought this up as an issue, now almost a year ago, there were a lot of news organizations who did their own investigations, I remember CNN in particular, and came to the conclusion that this is a valid birth certificate. Do you think it is possible that they’ve concluded that this issue is just a note issue?
Why you would look at CNN, on news outlets and talk about their evidence when already talked to a law enforcing agency? Who has more credibility CNN or the law enforcing agency.
Well, some would say an elected official who is by definition a law enforcement agent and also a politician running for reelection has another agenda as well, that what a lot of your critics say.
I’ve been reelected for five times. I’m sure you don’t need this to get elected issue, believe me. I can get elected I think on the words I make to inmates, I surely don’t need this issue. I’m doing something that I know might be rather controversial. But when people came to me and asked to look into it, why not give it to my volunteer party? So, I did. And I told them I want you to clear the President on this birth certificate but they came up with the evidence not clearing the President. That’s the way it is in law enforcement.
As you know and as a lot of our listeners know the Obama Administration and in particular the Justice Department has been investigating your department for a number of years and investigation actually goes back to the Bush Administration. Do you want to clear the air, is this a political payback against the Obama?
No, that’s not go back to the Bush Administration. There was a Mayor here and a couple of other democrats who went to the Justice Department at the later part of Bush’s term and complained about us – my office largely racial profiling. They never got there and get us, the Justice Department gets thousands of thousands of allegations and that doesn’t mean they investigated it. It was a hundred days after Obama took the office that they launched the investigation. So, I wanted to clear that up. And no, I’m not doing this because they have been looking at us, it has bearing on this.
So, this isn’t anyway a political payback against the President?
Standing against the President, like I say over and over again – I’m not accusing the President of any crime, I’m investigating the two possible forgeries in the Government documents. I’m not accusing him of being involved. We will see what happens as we keep pursuing this. This isn’t payback to the President. I do know he’s mentioned me at the White House three or four month ago, he doesn’t like the way I’m doing my illegal emigration. But that’s ok, it doesn’t bother me at all what he says, I’m doing my job. Change the laws if you don’t like what I’m doing.
It sounds like you have seen evidence that you think might lead you to believe that the President’s birth certificate is a forgery but you haven’t concluded that for certain. What makes you certain that it is a forgery or that it is authentic?
Well, we’ve done a research, I think any amateur could look at what we presented and come to the theory that it is not the true birth certificate. You know, I don’t run Hawaii, so I presume that we will be riding to Hawaii. And you know, from day one all I said – to clear the air look at the microfilm in Hawaii, if the President was born in a hospital, look at the microfilm and prove it, that’s all. We have two other twins who were born the day after and the day before, the microfilm shows that they were born, so let’s see the microfilm, forget the birth certificates if that’s an argument. Show the microfilm and that clears the air. Where is the microfilm?
As you know your critics have also said that the gentlemen from the cold case volunteer party that conducted this investigation have also now published a book that they selling on Amazon for $10. Do you think that they have a financial motive?
Hold on, the investigative reporter of WND has been looking at this for years. I do have some faith in investigative reporters. Sometimes they come up with good information like the Watergate, nobody cared about the Watergate until two investigative reporters came up with the evidence. So, they are very, very looking at it. The reason this was in a book, this was a press conference that I held and I got the words out knowing that the main media would not cover this press conference, I guess they did it live on the Internet. This was not authorized by me but I called the book like enhance press release. So, the guy run in this, my chief investigator and ex-cop, he didn’t make any money on this. This wasn’t a real book, I’m not a technical guy, but they recorded the statement to get word out.
But if they are selling it for $10 on the Amazon who is getting the money?
Well, I presume if anybody was getting the money, it wasn’t my guy but if he did it would go although with expenses to develop the investigation since we are not using the taxpayers money. If you want to talk about books, I see there are a lot of elected officials that write books while they are already in the office and talking about their duties. So, what is wrong if that did happen, but my guy didn’t, to write a short book to explain, doing the press conference, what really happened because we knew that the major media would not cover it. And I guess we were right because they are not covering it and at least other public avenues are able to look at this and have an idea of what we are doing.
Sheriff, thanks for your time, I appreciate it.

White ribbons in America. Will Russians march in solidarity with us?

White ribbons in America. Will Russians march in solidarity with us?


By Dr. Orly Taitz
White ribbons in America. Will Russians march in solidarity with us?. 46912.jpeg
AP photo
In the US we've watched protests in Russia, claims of elections fraud and white ribbons of solidarity with dissidents.
But what about the United States of America? The irony is that we, all 311 million Americans are victims of the biggest fraud in the history of this nation. Specifically, this is the fraud committed by one, Barack Hussein Obama. Unfortunately, the level of corruption among our governmental bureaucrats and judges and heavily censored and manipulated puppet US "main stream" (or truly backwater) media is enormous. Even with the undeniable evidence of fraud committed by Obama, we are yet to get a court ruling removing him from the ballot and prosecuting him to the full extent of the law for elections fraud, use of a computer generated forgery, claiming it to be a true and correct copy of his valid birth certificate, use of a stolen Social Security number and hiding his identity under the last name Soetoro and Soebarkah.
Well, I better start from the beginning. As Obama started running for the US Presidency, I could tell that much of what he was saying did not ring true and did not check out.
Probably the most troubling was the fact that he is using a Social Security number assigned to another individual.

In the United States the Social Security numbers were assigned by the states. The first 3 digits of the number that Obama is using, (042) were assigned to the state of Connecticut. Obama was never a resident of Connecticut and there is no legitimate reason for him to have this number.
I can disclose this number and make it public in this article for two reasons:
1. Inadvertently Obama himself made it public when he published his tax returns on line and did not flatten the PDF file. Thousands of individuals around the world opened the file using Adobe Illustrator program and got the number 042-68-4425.
2. We know that this number was assigned to a resident of Connecticut born in 1890. (If you believe that Obama is that person, you can stop reading this article, as nothing will get through to you anyways.)
In my research I was able to secure assistance of three licensed investigators: retired Scotland Yard senior officer Neil Sankey, licensed investigator Susan Daniels and recently retired senior Deportation Officer John Sampson. All of them searched different national databases, which are routinely used by licensed investigators and attorneys and came to the same conclusion: Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States and commander in Chief does not have a valid Social Security number. National databases showed his name linked to several Social Security numbers, none of which was issued in the state of Hawaii, where he grew up. The number that Obama used more often for most of his life, is a Connecticut Social Security number issued to a resident of Connecticut, whose date of birth shows as 1890. This was the same number that Obama posted on his tax returns: 042-68-4425.
I personally ran Obama's registration with the selective service with the military. I entered Obama's name, date of birth and the Social that Obama posted on line with his tax returns. It showed that indeed with yet another governmental agency Obama used this Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425.
Later a researcher by name Linda Jordan ran this number through E-verify, official Social Security verification service. It showed no match between the number and the name Barack Obama.
As I was conducting 21 law suits challenging Obama, I was getting thousands of e-mails and comments on my website Among thousands of e-mails were documents that came from concerned citizens from all of the country. Those documents showed more and more evidence of fraud committed by Obama and more and more evidence of unprecedented corruption in the top echelons of power in all three branches of the government and corruption among our manipulated media executives.
I received an e-mail from a retired US air force colonel. Colonel Gregory Hollister ran yet another governmental Social Security Number Verification Service, SSNVS. It showed that the number Obama is using in his tax returns and selective service documents was never issued to Barack Obama.
I watched the hype media reports about Obama. One of them was an evening report with Katie Couric, who purports to be a top reputable journalist. The report showed Obama's old school in Indonesia. It showed his school records, where Obama was listed as a citizen of Indonesia going under the last name of his step father Lolo Soetoro. The same Katie Couric, who did her best to show the Republican Sarah Palin in a negative light, was just sitting there, staring at the screen without ever posing a question: "What is Obama's citizenship status? Is it America or Indonesian? What is his legal last name?"



But American news agencies still absent on presidential scandal

While many U.S. mainstream media outlets spike news about the Obama eligibility investigation, Russia’s government radio is keeping the world abreast of the scandal that has caused “the biggest censorship and blackout in the history of journalism.”
The Voice of Russia – successor of Radio Moscow, the official station of the Soviet Union – published an exclusive interview with Sheriff Joe Arpaio March 26 titled, “Obama’s birth certificate may be forgery.” As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse announced there is probable cause indicating the documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are actually forgeries.
“Wherever I go, people commend me for doing this,” Arpaio told The Voice of Russia. “So, naturally this has been probably the biggest censorship and blackout in the history of journalism when no one from the national level will cover the story.”
He continued, “You know, when I do something, whether it is [inaudible] pink underwear or chain gangs, what I feed to inmates, that goes national. I’ve been on 4,000 international profiles, international and national, and yet this has been has been blacked out when I’m investigating this situation.”
Arpaio’s investigation into Obama’s constitutional eligibility was rated last week by Internet ranking service as one of the most-read news stories in the entire world – due almost entirely to coverage by WND and the Drudge Report – not only the establishment press, but most of the “conservative” media as well, looked the other way.
WND recently reported Russian news website Pravda published an accusation that the American media is “tame,” afraid to publish news and is “deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about [President Obama's] defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States.”
However, in the recent The Voice of Russia interview, the Russian host argued that the Obama eligibility issue has been covered by “hundreds” of U.S. news outlets for years – after both Donald Trump and Arpaio brought up the question.
“Well, I wish you would tell me who they are. I’m sure it’s not national. CBS, ABC, cable?” Arpaio asked. “Just show me who has been covering it. They haven’t been covering. I’m not going to get into inside sources that say that they don’t want to cover it, that’s another issue when we are talking about the media. But where is all the news? You are calling me, you are dealing with Russia, so I have to talk to Russia to get this story out.”
Arpaio explained that he is on cable news outlets regularly to talk about other issues, but producers are not calling him to ask questions about the Cold Case Posse investigation.
“You would think this will be an interest, especially the latest investigation on the Selective Service card that I just put out. … I don’t see any major outlets talking about it.”
He noted that major media outlets showed up to his March 1 press conference merely to scoff at his efforts to hold Obama accountable.
“They showed up to insult me and not look at the facts of the evidence that we put on the screen,” he said. “They didn’t question the evidence, which is interesting. They wanted to question what my motives were.”
Arpaio refuted allegations that the Cold Case Posse investigation has anything to do with his own efforts to be re-elected.
“I’ve been elected and re-elected five times,” he said. “I sure don’t need this to get elected this year, believe me. I can get elected on pink underwear that I make the inmates wear. I sure don’t need this issue. I’m doing something that I know might be rather controversial. But when people came to me and asked to look into it, why not give it to my volunteer posse? So, I did. And I told them I want you to clear the president on this birth certificate, but they’re coming up with evidence that’s not clearing the president. That’s the way it is in law enforcement.”
Arpaio explained that any layperson could conclude that the birth certificate Obama presented online is a forgery.
“Well, we’ve done our research,” he said. “I think any amateur could look at what we presented and come to the theory that it is not the true birth certificate.”
Arpaio added, “You know, I don’t run Hawaii, so I presume that we will be writing to Hawaii. And you know, from Day 1 all I said – to clear the air, let’s look at the microfilm in Hawaii, if the president was born in that hospital, look at the microfilm and prove it, that’s all. We have two other twins that were born the day after and the day before. The microfilm shows that they were born, so let’s see the microfilm – forget the birth certificate, if that’s an argument. Show the microfilm, and that clears the air. Where is the microfilm?”


Discernment Is Advised

G. Thomas Gulick Update 3-28-12

Selected few;

During the e-teaching times, I get many 'iinquiry minds' asking for the far out details. The study of The Gatekeepers,
Quarterly Derivative Reports, RightSide Market and The Baltic Dry Index e-teaching. Each came about from our January 2000
to present family of like-minded relationships. Today, you are on my list to ask for some your brain power.

If you receive this e-mail it's because you make the difference in many of the extreme 'real news'
within our International Intelligence Reporting/Editors & Whistleblowers. Without getting into details of persons
of strange deaths of late, possible assassinations, I am seeking the knowing and understanding how it's done.
I know it's done but want to seek the how and provide the proof in later times. Get it?

Appears one must stay away from electronics, such as cell phones, or one could lose their head, have a sudden heart attack, at any age,
at any time, at any place in the world. Never to talk on a cell phone during gas pump use, etc.. The following is a place you can get educated for a fee.

I have set up 'My How Assassinations Happen Through Electronics - File" as my latest Project in Process. I expect this project in process to
take a lot of time since this knowing and understanding is like finding a pin in a hay stack! Again, it happens. We, together, are about to know
and understand the how?

If you are one of interest and would like such details as this Project In Process is completed, let me
know. In turn, I ask you to provide me with what you know and understand too. Again, let's share our
brain power to complete this task at hand.

In the meantime, catch to following:

Michael Savage on the Passing of Andrew Breitbart - (Radio Commentary Aired on March 1, 2012)
13 Minutes 14 Seconds
Uploaded by imitator777 on Mar 1, 2012
# # #
I have the sources to provide the answers. But see the importance of being more believable with the self-evident truths needed to simply
prove I am 100% right in making such reports. Tim Russert was my first of such knowing. Then Matt Simmons. Today, they are dead and
their knowing and understanding of history making corrupted events appear to have gone to their graves. Latest suspect. . . Breitbart.
What a waste!

No further mention of this Project in Process will be mentioned again. Are you in or not? That's my close and final close!
BONUS - Today, you have MASSIVE REAL NEWS at: dutchsinse 1 day ago - 
Ponder - New Madrid Fault????????????
Gerry Gullick

The wealth transfer has begun.


The mansions in glory have become the mansions on earth. 

The wealth transfer has begun. 

Look to your God for all the provision you need for this season of Kingdom work. 

Do not take lightly this word of instruction or jest at its writing. The hearer will do mighty exploits and do so with heaven's blessings. Some things you hear tell of do not speak, for no words of doubt should be spoken. As Zacharias heard of his son's birth but could not help but speak words of doubt. An unnatural/spiritual thing was manifesting in the natural. When you see some miracles of great proportion take place, hide those things in your heart. Some will agree in your hearing but speak doubt in secret. The evidence will become apparent and need no explanation.

Go and tell of my mighty works to those that have ears to hear. Little will become much in the hands of those who have need for My Kingdom purposes. Above and beyond; all your needs met. The pressed down, shaken together and running over. You have been diligent to pray for; now be diligent to receive. Some of you need to rehearse or have a dry run of receiving what I am bringing. In your spirit open a door, receive the gift, close the door, thank your God. No gyrations will be needed. Such acts will become matter of fact.

I am requiring you to receive through faith. You are creatures of habit and old habits die hard, so you say. I say you are mighty sons of the Kingdom of God who are expectant of all, I say ALL, I want to do.
"I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel."Isaiah 45: 3

"And Zacharias said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.” And the angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time.”LUKE 1: 18-20