Monday, August 20, 2012

$$$$$ Obama's Legal Tabs

Highlighting is mine...

Obama Law Tab Hits $2,800,000.00: Contempt Of Court, Contempt Of Congress, Contempt Of Constitution!

Law Tab By The End Of 2008 – 2009 $1,700,000.00
FEC record for payment to Perkins Coie, 2009 July quarterly report (covers April 1, 2009, to June 30, 2009)

FEC record for payment to Perkins Coie, 2009 July quarterly report (covers April 1, 2009, to June 30, 2009
FEC record for payment to Perkins Coie, 2009 July quarterly report (covers April 1, 2009, to June 30, 2009)
FEC record for payment to Perkins Coie, 2009 April quarterly report (covers Jan. 1, 2009, to March 31, 2009)
FEC record for payment to Perkins Coie, 2008 post–general election report (covers Oct. 16, 2008, to Nov. 24, 2008)
FEC record for payment to Perkins Coie, 2009 April quarterly report (covers Jan. 1, 2009, to March 31, 2009)
FEC record for payment to Perkins Coie, 2008 year-end report (covers Nov. 25, 2008, to Dec. 31, 2008)



Gibbs lied when he said Obama’s birth certificate is posted on the Internet.
False Claims And Undisclosed Conflict Of Interest is an arm of the powerful Annenberg Foundation which also runs the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the entity which employed Barack Obama as its chairman of the board. conducted an allegedly “independent” analysis of Obama’s 2007 computer-generated birth document (see above).According to the National Review, the Annenberg Challenge was founded by former “Weather Underground” terrorist Bill Ayers, who apparently played a pivotal role in politically positioning Obama to run for public office. See this National Review article detailing Obama’s relationship to Annenberg and Ayers and its unsuccessful efforts to review the archives of the Annenberg Challenge.FactCheck is guilty of making the patently false claim that the Hawaii “…Department of Health confirmed Oct. 31 that Obama was born in Honolulu…” See Born In The USA?. Hawaii officials have made NO such claim.On the same web page FactCheck also falsely states that, “ staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate.” In truth, the document examined by FactCheck is a 2007 computer-generated document and is obviously not the “original” Obama 1961 birth certificate sought by the Foundation. These are simply and unequivocally, false statements. is part of the Democrat machine.

Here’s the “qualifications” on Joe Miller and Jess Henig of FactCheck. It’s on the FactCheck “About Us” page ( ):

Joe Miller
Staff Writer, Annenberg Political Fact Check
Joe Miller earned his B.A. in philosophy from Hampden-Sydney College, his M.A. in philosophy from Virginia Tech, and his Ph.D. in political philosophy from the University of Virginia. He joined the Annenberg Public Policy Center in April 2007 after working as a writer with the Mack/Crounse Group. Previously he was an assistant professor of philosophy at the United States Military Academy and at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and a visiting fellow at the Callaghan Centre for Conflict Studies at the University of Wales at Swansea and

Jessica Henig
Staff Writer, Annenberg Political Fact Check
Jessica Henig earned her B.A. in history of science from Smith College and her M.A. in English from the University of Maryland. While at Maryland, she taught digital literature and rhetorical writing. Prior to joining the Annenberg Public Policy Center in May 2007, she worked for the National Academies Press. She has also worked for the National Institutes of Health and as a freelance researcher and editor.In addition to being Democratic schills, NOTE there’s NO qualifications for either of them in document examination, document forensics or any field remotely similar, and yet the word of these two has been taken as absolute fact!
Forensic Document Examiner Ramsey, Has Submitted And Filed Affidavit With The Court, that even the COLB which is NOT a Vault Birth Certificate nor allowed to represent the same. Even The COLB that was provided is a scam.
McCain under Congressional hearings provided his vault copy – So where is Obama’s – excuse me – Barry Soetoro’s?
In March 2008, a lawsuit was filed to remove John McCain, the GOP candidate, from the ballot because his natural-born status was also in doubt. John McCain immediately responded by showing his actual, original birth certificate to Congress.
On June 12, 2008, about three months after John McCain settled his eligibility issue, the pressure on Obama to do the same led to the release of what was called his “original birth certificate” — an image copy, not a paper copy, by his campaign, not by himself, to the Daily Kos blog, not to Congress, or to anyone even remotely responsible for vetting him.
Moreover, what Obama submitted for “release,” was not an image copy of his original birth certificate as claimed. It was an abbreviated transcript of a birth record called a “Certification of Live Birth.” HOWEVER, the image itself was a fabricated forgery intended to mimic this transcript. Since a forged birth document cannot represent a true birth record, it means that someone committed forgery just to keep Obama’s actual birth record from ever being known.

What makes it a forgery?

The image contains digital signatures of Photoshop
Only one side of alleged COLB shown (COLB is two-sided)
Missing second-fold line while first fold-line is shown
Missing the embossed Seal of Hawaii
Missing the State Registrar’s signature
Unusual and unnatural pixilation between the letters of text data
Original text was removed by pasting a layer of background over them
Different text was typed onto a text layer and merged with background layer
Pixel blocks of text data are different from the data headers
Heavy and unnecessary sharpening of the whole image, except for the border
Border was created as a separate layer and merged with other layers
Border pattern is more blurred than the background
Border pattern more transparent than those on genuine scans
Top and bottom black border bars have less pixilation than text
Border bars are more black in color than any of the text
Absence of green, background pixels inside the border bar text
White lines between border bars and pattern (both sides)
Image colors are very different from scan images of real COLBs
Lack of pixilation in black rectangle covering certificate number
Different blocking artifacts from JPG compression found across the image.


In other words, Which part of this caveat did the “Cult Of COLBrs” NOT understand?
There is conclusive and irrefutable evidence that the COLB image created and distributed by Obama’s campaign to the Daily Kos, Annenberg’s Factcheck, and the St. Pete Times, Politifact, is, unquestionably, a false identification document.
Furthermore, there is conclusive and irrefutable evidence that the photos taken by Annenberg’s Factcheck, in collusion with the Obama campaign, are themselves, false identification documents, having been made from the same false identification document image, as well as from additional false identification documents created for the same purpose; namely, to proffer these false identification documents as true reproductions of a genuine, Hawaii-issued and certified, “Certification of Live Birth” document, and thereby, intentionally deceive the American public into believing that Barack Hussein Obama is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and thereby, fully qualified to become their President. ~ Authenticate 360



Obama’s sister, Maya Soetoro-NG was interviewed by Bennett Guira of Rainbow Edition, Volume 2, Issue 3 in November 2004. In this article, entitled “A New Face in Politics”, it is stated in the first paragraph “Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 at the ****[Queen’s Medical Center]**** in Honolulu, Hawaii.”
However, Maya Soetoro-Ng was interviewed again by Laurie Au with the Start Bulletin in February 2008 under the headline “Obama backers stress importance of caucuses”. In the Star Bulletin interview, Maya Soetoro-Ng stated:
“This is a place that’s been relatively unchanged for him, and so much of who he is was born here,” Soetoro-Ng told a crowd of about 200 people eating “OBAMAsadas.”
“He was born in ****[Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children]****, two blocks up from where our grandmother still resides … the place where he used to stick orange peels under his bed, where it got all dried out and … nasty.”


Obama was registered in a public school as an Indonesian citizen by the name of Barry Soetoro and his father was listed as Lolo Soetoro, M.A. Indonesia did not allow foreign students to attend their public schools and any time a child was registered for a public school, their name and citizenship status was verified through the Indonesian Government. The school record indicates that Obama’s name is “Barry Soetoro;” his nationality is “Indonesia;” and his religion as Islam. There was no other way for Obama to have attended school in Jakarta, Indonesia as Indonesia was under tight rule and was a Police State. These facts indicate that Obama is an Indonesian citizen, and therefore, he is not eligible to be President of the U.S. Under Indonesian law, when a male acknowledges a child as his son, it deems the son, in this case Obama, as an Indonesian State citizen. Constitution of Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 62 of 1958 Law No. 12 of 2006 dated 1 Aug. 2006 concerning Citizenship of Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 9 of 1992 dated 31 Mar. 1992 concerning Immigration Affairs and Indonesian Civil Code (Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata) (KUHPer) (Burgerlijk Wetboek voor Indonesie).
Furthermore, under the Indonesian adoption law, once adopted by an Indonesian citizen, the adoption severs the child’s relationship to the birth parents, and the adopted child is given the same status as a natural child, Indonesian Constitution, Article 2. The Indonesian citizenship law was designed to prevent apatride (stateless) or bipatride (dual citizenship). Indonesian regulations recognized neither apatride nor bipatride citizenship. In addition, since Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship; neither did the United States and since Obama was a “natural” citizen of Indonesia, the United States would not step in or interfere with the laws of Indonesia, Hague Convention of 1930. In or about 1971, approximately a year after the birth of Obama’s sister, Maya, Obama’s mother sent Defendant Obama back to Hawaii. Obama was ten (10) years of age upon his return to Hawaii. As a result of Obama’s Indonesia “natural” citizenship status, Obama could never have and in fact never regained U.S. “natural born” status, if he in fact ever held such. Obama could have only become “naturalized” if the proper paperwork were filed with the U.S. State Department, in which case, Obama would have received a Certification of Citizenship, after U.S. Immigration. A COLB (certificate of live birth) is not a vault copy of Birth Certificate – in fact, Maya who’s vault copy of Birth certificate has been validated to have been born in Indonesia received a COLB from Hawaii. COLB argument for Barry is a ‘moot’ issue. These facts invalidates the remainder of your argument, with regards to Hawaii of which Obama claims to be his birth place. ~ Volubrjotr


[Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro] was born in Hawaii, there are four (5) other obstacles to Senator Obama’s eligibility. However according to experts the documents he has posted on his site are a fraud, and were used for seed documents.
1. In and about 1967, Senator Obama moved to Indonesia, took the last name of his stepfather, Soetoro, and went by the name Barry Soetoro. In original legal action filed by Mr. Berg, he presented Senator Obama’s school registration, showing him registered as Barry Soetoro, Citizenship-Indonesian, Religion Islam, signed by L. Soetoro.

2. From 1945, Indonesia has not allowed dual citizenship and, therefore, Ms. Dunham-Obama-Soetoro, Senator Obama’s mother, had to relinquish her son’s U.S.citizenship in order to obtain Indonesian citizenship for him, which would make him ineligible to become a United States President.

3. Regrettably , the United States could not allow dual citizenship with Indonesia at that time, as Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship, and it was prohibited by the Hague Convention of 1930, as interfering with the internal affairs of another sovereign Country.

4. Upon return to the United States in and around 1971-1972, Senator Obama would have been required to go to the then current immigration procedures to regain his U.S. citizenship. There is no record of him ever doing that. Even if he had done so, he would be considered a naturalized citizen and not a “natural born” citizen.

5.Aassuming Senator Obama was born in what is now Kenya, at the time of Senator Obama’s birth in 1961, (now) Kenya was the British Protectorate of Zanzibar and Senator Obama was automatically accorded a form of British citizenship under Section 32(1) of the British Nationality Act of 1948, effective date January 28, 1949, based on his father’s citizenship.

Finally, in 1981, Senator Obama traveled to Pakistan, when there was a ban for U.S. citizens to travel to Pakistan. The only logical possibility for him to do so was by using one of his other passports: Indonesian, Kenyan, or British.
A sacrifice to public interest takes place when a citizen is deprived of a constitutional right or rights, See: Arnett v. Kennedy, 416 U. S. 134, 159, 40 L. Ed. 2d 15, 94 S. Ct. 1633 (1974)(quoting United States Civil Serv. Commission v. National Ass. Of Letter Carriers, 413 U. S. 548 , 579, 37 L. Ed. 2d 796, 93 S. Ct. 2880 (1973) .

Obama not showing his “vault” birth certificate, that is the one sealed in Hawaii is in fact a sacrifice to public interest, that’s something we all deserve, he could avoid this by simply having his certificate released from the vault in Hawaii. States cannot diminish rights of the people; Hurtado v. California, 110 U. S. 516, where rights secured by the constitution are involved; there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them, Miranda v. Arizona, supra.

If the State refuses to investigate these allegations the State will be violating the rights of the people of Arizona. Article 1 section 9 clause 7 ( tile of nobility) John McCain was vetted, however Obama; aka Barry Soetoro was not, so Barack Obama; aka Barry Soetoro needs to be vetted.

There is a growing number of suits out there and Americans are made, especially those that were not informed. Discrimination, is the act of treating differently two persons or things under like circumstances, National Life v. United States, 277 U. S. 508, 630, McCain was not treated with the same respect as Obama, nor were the people of Arizona, that sir is discrimination. The denial of equal justice is still prohibited by the constitution, Yick Wo v. Hopkins, supra.

All I’m asking for Mr. Goddard is the same respect that was shown to Barack H Obama, it is also your duty under the constitution to protect the rights of the people of Arizona. And just a reminder Mr. Goddard; pursuant to the Ninth Amendment and the Arizona constitution Article 2 § 13 of the “No law shall be enacted granting any citizen, class of citizens, or corporations other than municipal, privileges and immunities which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens”.

Respectfully submitted
Orly Taitz


See Another Newspaper That Says Not Only Obama Was Simply BORN, But Where He Was BORN.

Many who argue that Barack Hussein OBAMA II was born in Hawaii not only point to the COLB as direct evidence of eligibility, but the [Cult Of COLB] also point to two separate birth announcements that appear in the Honolulu Sunday Advertiser and the Star-Bulletin in 1961. Those doing so, either fail to understand the legal definition of a natural born citizen as it applies to the eligibility factor, or are guilty of intentionally misdirecting the core issue. A birth announcement is simply that – a public announcement that a baby was born. The birth announcements do not provide ANY information about the child’s citizenship, CANNOT be authenticated, and holds NO weight of evidence to support either side of the eligibility argument.
The Obama “mama” Timeline: 6 Lost Months Prior To Birth
In My Neck Of The Woods It Would Be Economically More Feasible To Produce The Vault Birth Certificate Instead Of Signing An Executive Order Hiding The Same. Perhaps This Is The Reason America Is Plummeting Into Debt Obligations To The Rothschild International Banking Cabal. Obama Has Not A Lick Of Frugal Financial Sense ~ Or Perhaps He Does And This Debt Business Is By Design!!
Jacob & Wifey Rothschild ~ I’m Sure They Bailed Out Japan Right????? ~ Or is it just their banks, that are allowed that title of [too big to fail]? And this, after setting America Up With The Housing Bubble Derivative Scam & sinking The U.S. into the Black Hole Of Rothschild Subjugated Debt.

Another E.O. That Weighs Heavily Into The Rothschild Corner Of Life!

They’re just people doing their jobs right???

Hey, What About The Other $1.1 Million In Legal Fees That Makes $2.8 Million?

As of 2009, there were 48 Federal Lawsuits challenging Obama Eligibility and with legal fees at $600/hour ~ well, why not show the $20 Vault Birth Certificate????
A Democratic spokesman said in a statement that the expenses were expected and not extraordinary considering that Obama’s White House run was the largest campaign in history, taking in more than $750 million.
“If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election.” Also, a Common Cause questionnaire dated November 27, 2007, asked “If you are nominated for President in 2008 and your major opponents agree to forgo private funding in the general election campaign, will you participate in the presidential public financing system?”, Obama checked, “Yes.”


June 19, 2008:
Obama announced he would not participate in the presidential public financing system.
Did You know that all of this extra money [$750 Million] can be used towards legal fees?
Was this planned in advance?
I would think so!

All Right Already, What About The Other $1.1 Million In Legal Fees That Makes $2.8 Million?

  1. FBI Witness Murdered Who Had Access & Was To Testify In Obama/Soetoro Passport FBI Investigation.
The FEC’s decision to audit the campaign is not surprising, given that it was the largest federal campaign in history, raising more than $750 million in receipts. If Obama’s campaign were not audited, it would have been the first presidential nominee’s campaign to escape such scrutiny since the public financing system was created in 1976.
The potential for the FEC’s audit became increasingly more likely as the FEC questioned some of Obama campaign filings. In all, the FEC wrote 26 letters to Obama for America warning the campaign that if it did not adequately respond to the agency’s questions that it “could result in an audit or enforcement action.”
These letters totaled more than 1,500 pages of questions and data that outlined compliance concerns — including the longest one ever sent to a presidential candidate.
The Obama campaign has shown signs of an audit for years as it has ramped up its spending on legal fees and other similar expenses, according to CQ MoneyLine study of disclosure reports.
As of the end of March, Obama for America had spent nearly $3 million on legal fees since the 2008 election. In all, the president’s campaign spent three times more on lawyers after Election Day than in the two years preceding it.

Remember, the Eligibility Lawsuits, Have All Been Stopped By ‘STANDING’ and the [eligibility facts of the past] have ‘NEVER’ been adjudicated/vetted in court. When you read the word ‘frivolous’ in the above Perkins Coie ‘letter of intention’ ~ remember ‘STANDING’.
FYI ==> Perkins Coie serves high-profile clients such as Microsoft, Amazon and Starbucks. In 2006, the firm also represented Salim Ahmed Hamdan, Osama bin Laden’s alleged bodyguard and driver.
FYI==> Dodd’s campaign finance reports may give a hint on what’s going on. Two months after the Ethics Committee disposed of a complaint against Dodd over his dealings with subprime mortgage giant Countrywide, Dodd’s campaign was still paying the law firm Perkins Coie. From October through December of 2009, Dodd’s campaign paid $77,688.18 to the firm favored by Democrats in trouble. In the first quarter of 2010, when Dodd was no longer a candidate, his committee paid Perkins Coie $46,844.13.
FYI==> Obama hiring Bauer of Perkins Coie, a week after the ACORN national headquarters were raided by Louisiana state law enforcement is no coincidence.FYI==>Bauer’s law firm, Perkins Coie, has earned about $1.5 million in representing Obama since 2005, according to Politico.

Bauer & Dunn Political Maoists
FYI==> Who Is Anita Dunn? Bauer’s wife!! Anita Dunn’s video surfaced about a speech she gave at a May 2009 high school commencement, where she referred to the former communist dictator of China Mao Tse Tung as one of her favorite political philosophers. Anita was hired by then-Senator Barack Obama in 2006 to direct communications and strategy for his political action committee, The Hopefund.
This move signaled to many that Obama was planning to run for the presidency. While advising Hopefund and Obama in 2006, she was instrumental in the preparations for the launch of Obama for America, and brought many key staffers to the Obama campaign with whom she had worked in Bayh’s and Daschle’s offices. In 2008, Newsweek named Dunn and Bauer the new “power couple” in Washington, D.C. Wikipedia

Judge Carter The Big Bad Marine ~ Semper Fidelis?? Don’t Make Me Puke!!

FYI==>Remember, Judge Carter Was Allowing A Lawsuit Against Obama, When Suddenly The Case Was Dismissed.
In early October, word came out that something very strange had happened. Judge Carter had hired a new law clerk, but not just any law clerk. Judge Carter could have hired a law clerk from among the recent graduates of any one of a number of fine law schools (including his alma mater, the UCLA School of Law) or from any one of hundreds of elite law firms in California and across the country.
Instead he hired Siddharth Velamoor, from the Seattle law firm of Perkins Coie, the firm which represented the presidential campaign of Barack Obama and the firm where Obama’s White House Counsel Robert Bauer was formerly a partner.
Bauer is married to Anita Dunn, former White House Director of Communications, who is infamous for her publicly-expressed deep admiration for the political philosophy of Mao Zedong, the greatest mass murderer in the history of mankind, according to author and former Red Guard Jung Chang in her masterpiece biography of Mao entitled Mao: The Unknown Story.

The lion’s share of Obama’s legal spending went to Perkins Coie, a well-known Democratic legal and accounting firm. Perkins Coie is representing the Obama campaign in all major legal matters, including
seven of the FEC’s known investigations involving the White House bid. In each of these cases, the FEC voted to dismiss the case or found “no reason to believe” that the Obama for America or related committees had violated any laws.
Perkins Coie may be also representing Obama for America in the FEC’s spending investigation of a Republican National Committee complaint. A few weeks before the election, the RNC alleged that Obama’s campaign accepted donations from foreign nationals, received contributions that had exceed limits and submitted fictitious donor names to the agency. The status of this investigation is unknown, though the FEC confirmed it received the complaint.
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So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?

"I Am Going To Bring A Breakthrough In My People"

"I Am Going To Bring A Breakthrough In My People"
August 19, 2012
The Lord spoke to me on 8-16-12 to spend 30 days seeking Him for the days ahead until 9-16-12. It was after this that I learned that 9-16 is Rosh Hashanah. The Lord has many things to speak to us in this hour, but we must come aside and listen. This is the first thing He has given to me during this 30 day period, and He spoke tonight and said to release it. I inserted the scriptures He gave to me, where He told me to insert them. The Lord said to tell you that will read this:

"I am going to bring a breakthrough in My People's understanding so that they can be in right standing. I am going to reveal Myself to all who will press in to know Me in this hour, so that they can walk in My Power."

"I am going to bring this breakthrough to My People in many ways in the coming days.
To some, it will come in visitations. To some, it will come in revelations.
To some it will come through persecutions.
To some it will come in many crisis revolutions.
To many it will come as the grounds shake and break under their feet.
To all, it will come so that they may each rise up and take their ordained seat."

"I have reserved many things for the days ahead. Many think they know what I have reserved, and they also think that they know this because they have deserved. But I say, it shall not come in this way! I will never share My secrets to those who lift themselves up in the way! No, I shall reverse this trend in a day, for the wise in their own eyes shall stumble in the days ahead. The humble shall stand in full dependence upon Me, for I shall open their eyes to see, and they shall speak for Me!"

"I have reserved hidden mysteries which must be told, and I do not want the things that I will say to continue to be greedily marketed and sold. I want My People to be nurtured, and to be strengthened, and to be taught so they can be both wise and bold! So, I will allow many human seeds to fall in this season, and much that is hailed as supreme in men's eyes shall pass away as a dream. For I shall cleanse My streams. I want My Word to bring forth fuller fruit. I have begun to release My mature sons. I shall also hasten My heralds that shall humbly and wisely run."

"I have many new winds that will now come to blow within My House, and they shall blow in a new flow, not like the winds that you have come to know. I want you to stretch and change, as I move and change. For My Changes will increase, so My People must learn to abide in My Peace. For with every thing that I remove, I shall also plant within new life that will stand, and you shall never again be shaken or moved. You shall see the Breaker Winds shatter things that have stood for too long. My Word comes around full circle now, and it shall break all the resisting bands that have held your feet and hands."

"I have signaled for wisdom and knowledge to come near. I have called for you My People to also come near. I have called you to gather corporately unto Me in My House. Few have listened to My command and have obeyed Me fully. I have given My instructions to you, so that you will be prepared for My New. How can you receive My Plans, if you do not come to receive them from My Hands? So, I will allow the division of those who obey all the way, from those who do their way. But those who gather here as I command, will be those who will fully and wisely stand."

"I am hastening My Plans, and time shall also hasten with Me, for time as you perceive it will change, as time itself was created by Me. I stand at the head of the nations to see who will come and drink with Me. I have called for My House to be filled and to grow in their knowledge of Me. To these that obey, I shall flow into and feed liberally. I shall satisfy the desires of hearts, and I shall quiet your souls. It is time that My Rest unrolls. I shall lead you into the depths of My rich Pasturage with Me. You shall walk rich in wisdom with Me. For your eyes shall see that which I have held in reserve. I have kept it for this hour that is before you all. Look unto Me, for I am not weak, nor am I small! I am the All that fills All!"

"I have given to you your portion and call. I will sustain you with My daily Bread, while other hunger and fall. I will unfold each page of My Word as you take heed to My lead, and as you submit yourselves unto Me. I will feed you as you stand in prayer with Me. I have called you for this hour, and I have chosen you to be among those who see, and who will understand what to do. You who will stand in this generation, and move with Me in the things that shall come. You will walk in My Peace and in the knowledge of My Release, as the days unfold around the earth, for you are of My Birth."

"But you must apply yourselves even more diligently to seek after Me. Take no further thought of the troubling affairs on the earth that must come, for I bring them forth in their timing, to accomplish My Will. I want you to know for yourself the things that I now require of you are more important, and I will teach you the things that should be done. Focus upon that which was ordained for you from the beginning, and leave the worldly things to those that are bent on sinning."

"I want you to measure out My Word each day, for in it you will see Me, and you will hear Me, and I will give you your daily bread and pay. I shall walk with you night and day. I am at work, and you must be at work, and we must all work, while it is yet day. My Wave is moving more today, and you already know you are in My flow. Hearken unto Me and guard the things I have already planted within you. I shall harvest those things as you labor joyfully in My Kingdom with Me, for the earth has been given to you, and you shall reap it all, two by two- three by three- five by five- with teams and with many hands. I shall enlarge your borders and ignite your hands, for this is already planned. - Do as I command."


August 19, 2012
I have chosen you My sons and daughters from the very beginning. When you chose Me as Lord of your life; your Heavenly Daddy, you accepted the life and destiny that I created for you. You have My Spiritual DNA. Your destiny is to carry My Divine Nature – to walk it out in the earth..

In Me, you move, and exist. You are more than conquerors! You walk in My authority and power. You are My powerhouses because you believe every word I say. You know that I have given you all power and authority over every lie, over every messenger, device, and tactic of satan, and over the world, and over the flesh. I have given you authority in Heaven above, and authority in the earth, and authority under the earth - I have given you authority in 3 worlds.


I am your Father, come unto Me. Harken closely to My voice, and be led of My Spirit. For I have called you out of the world, and into My family; to walk as MY Kings and Priests; to rule over all principalities, and to reign victoriously with Me! This is a season of Breakthrough, a season of Restoration, and a season of the release of My Glory upon earth. Walk in the inheritance and identity I have given you! Now is the time for you to do the greater things that I spoke of while I walked on this earth!

My sons and daughters all that I have is yours for the asking. My anointing, glory, wisdom, discernment, gifts, talents, abilities, power, signs, wonders and miracles are yours to fulfill your destiny. I’ve had many of you hidden for a season to prepare you. Now it is time to come out of the caves, and speak forth My oracles; open your mouths and Glorify Me! Declare all that you see Me doing, so that others may believe by your testimony. Let the strongholds of ignorance be brought down low! Let the blind see! Let the deaf hear! Heal them and set them free in My Name! My Name is the mightiest weapon there ever was or ever will be. USE IT WITH THE PRECISION AND EXPERTISE THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS TAUGHT YOU TO USE. You have not been in the school of the Holy Spirit all these months and years for no reason. GET OUT THERE AND USE WHAT I HAVE TAUGHT YOU!

I am calling you to come out, and to shine! Be My light in this season! Invade earth with Heaven! Sound the trumpet and declare My truth. I am moving through you, whose Identity is in Me. When you hear Me and humbly obey Me by speaking forth My words of truth; It will release a fresh wind of My Spirit, and cause a wild fire of manifestation and revival to burst forth throughout the lands!

These are exciting times, beloved. I have raised up a people who trust Me; a people who know they are Mine; a people whose identity is in Me, their Heavenly Daddy.

I am empowering My chosen ones to walk in Supernatural Power. They are mighty men and woman of Mine. They will release My greatness upon the earth, and they will honor Me with all their praises! My chosen ones come frequently to My Throne room to receive their instructions. They watch and listen. Then they return to earth and share all that they have seen and heard and come to know. They are bringing Heaven to Earth right now!

In this season many will be changed, transformed, renewed and restored by My Glory, power and authority; Many will come to have a new identity in Me!

By My Grace and Mercy I am releasing Abundant Life in a way that I have not released it before on the earth!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Message from Montague Keen - August 19, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - August 19, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 19:43:32

Message from Montague Keen - August 19, 2012
Your oppressors are failing to find a solution to the problems facing them. Slowly they are coming to the conclusion that they do not have a choice. What we envisage is that one day you will wake up to find that they have fled off-planet. That is when all the dark technology can be dismantled. It will be replaced with technology that will excite and amaze you. Be understanding; it is not easy for them to just walk away from all that they almost had in the palm of their hands.
We will deal with them as swiftly as we can. We will also have to deal with those who refuse to leave the third dimensional state. It has a stranglehold on them and they are frightened to leave it. They fear changes of any sort. They have not learned to trust the evidence that has been placed before them. They cling to material possessions, refusing to see that when you reunite with your friends from other planets you will have everything you could possibly wish for. Though they are limited in their thinking, they will be looked after.
A massive healing will occur and all bodily illness will disappear. So do not worry about your state of health as it will be taken care of. Many of you have worked hard to bring about this Transition. Soon you will see the fruits of your labor.
You had some interesting discussions this week. Once again proving that we bring people to you. You never have to go looking for anyone. When all knowledge is shared, all doors will be opened and everything will be revealed. You are all working towards the same end, just taking different routes to the ultimate destination. The whole system of government will be changed completely, so no one family or group of people will see themselves as entitled to rule over others.
David Boyle's vision of the future, as you discussed in the interview you did with him, is a good one, and deserves consideration. He has given much thought to the subject of rulership. It is necessary to be prepared to take whatever steps are needed when the Cabal are removed. Do not dwell on past wrongs as they hold you in 3-D thinking. It is time to step into the sunlight of your tomorrows. The future is what should be important to you now. It is time to leave the past behind. The longer you hold on to the third dimensional, the longer you keep the Cabal in place.
As I have said many times, "Ireland is the key that will unlock everything." My dear wife will go to Ireland in September [details are on the homepage] to reconnect Egypt with Ireland once more. The Aryan people, descended from the ancient Irish, have only to look at their DNA to PROVE the true version of history, which is not that which was written and taught by the Cabal. The history that you learned was contrived to prevent you knowing the truth of who you are.
There is confusion among many people, as to why it was forecast by many that the Cabal would bomb the London Olympics: stated on the Rockefeller web site, etc. We managed to prevent their plans taking shape. They never give up ! They will continue to try as they need your FEAR of bloodshed as well as the actual spilling of blood. It is blatantly displayed on all army uniforms that the soldiers are BLOOD SACRIFICES: IS IT NOT TIME THAT THEY WOKE UP TO THIS FACT ! The spilling of blood is essential for the Cabal to exist. Until these young men wake up to this fact, the killing will continue. Is this what you want ?
I ask that everyone who can assist to move things forward, please do so. Do not leave it to the few who have to work so hard to bring about the changes that are necessary for Transition. Sometimes all it takes is to talk to others, or help with computers. Computers were the bane of my life on Earth !
Everyone who assists, in any way, will be duly rewarded. We need your input. For those of you who have a role to play in the Transition, it is time to come together, and to work to ensure that it goes smoothly for everyone. Some of you are getting information from other planets as well as from the world of Spirit, so you are well informed as to what needs to be done and when. Certain things need to be in place, so assistance is needed. You were always taught to go with your gut feeling, but this has led you astray. I say to you, "Go with your heart". Let love be your reason for doing things. When love is your guiding light, then you know you are on the right track. The next few months are going to be the most interesting and exciting that you have lived through. Your struggle is almost over. All you have been through to bring this about will have been worthwhile. There has been a monumental effort in every country to bring about this change which you so desperately need. We are grateful to all of you. Each of you has played a part in this. You will visit other planets and you will see for yourselves how they live their lives. You will be free. Free, at last, to experience life as it should be.
All of us, together, are creating the right conditions for the Transition. The necessary changes are going smoothly to ensure the future is peaceful and just, and that love alone will guide the way forward. Love is what enables us to work together, even though we are on different levels of consciousness. We are still together in the true sense.
It has been a long and bumpy road for you, my dear, but we are almost there. So look to the future with confidence.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

A transcript of Julian Assange's 19th August 2012 speech from the balcony of the Ecuador Embassy in London

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Picture: Julian Assange Wikileaks Balcony Ecuador Embassy London 19.08.12

BBC Video here (9 mins - 19.08.12). Russia Today coverage here(19.08.12) with good pictures.

A transcript of Julian Assange's 19th August 2012 speech from the balcony of the Ecuador Embassy in London follows here:

"I am here because I cannot be closer to you.

Thank you for being here.

Thank you for your resolve and your generosity of spirit.

On Wednesday night, after a threat was sent to this embassy and the police descended on the building, you came out in the middle of the night to watch over it, and you brought the world's eyes with you.

Inside the embassy after dark, I could hear teams of police swarming up into the building through the internal fire escape. But I knew that there would be witnesses.

And that is because of you.

If the UK did not throw away the Vienna conventions the other day, that is because the world was watching.

And the world was watching because you were watching.

The next time somebody tells you that it is pointless to defend those rights we hold dear, remind them of your vigil in the dark before the Embassy Of Ecuador, and how in the morning the sun came up on a different world and a courageous Latin American nation took a stand for justice.

And so to those brave people I thank President Correa for the courage he has shown in considering and granting me political asylum.

And so I thank the government and the Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino who have upheld the Ecuadorian constitution and its notion of universal rights in their consideration of my case.

And to the Ecuadorian people for supporting and defending this constitution. And I have a debt of gratitude to the staff of this embassy whose families live in London and who have shown me hospitality and kindness despite the threats that they received.

This Friday (24th August 2012) there will be an emergency meeting of the foreign ministers of Latin America in Washington DC to address this situation. And so I am grateful to the people and governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela and to all of the other Latin American countries who have come to defend the right to asylum.

To the people of the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia who have supported me in strength even when their governments have not, and to those wiser heads in government who are still fighting for justice, your day will come.

To the staff, supporters and sources of Wikileaks whose courage and commitment and loyalty has seen no equal.

To my family and to my children who have been denied their father - forgive me, we will be reunited soon.

As Wikileaks stands under threat so does the freedom of expression and the health of our societies. We must use this moment to articulate the choice that is before the government of the United States of America.

Will it return to and reaffirm the (Constitutional) values it was founded on? Or will it lurch off the precipice dragging us all into a dangerous and oppressive world in which journalists fall silent under the fear of prosecution and citizens must whisper in the dark?

I say that it must turn back.

I ask President Obama to do the right thing. The United States must renounce its witch-hunt against Wikileaks.

The United States must dissolve its FBI investigation.

The United States must vow that it will not seek to prosecute our staff or our supporters.

The United States must pledge before the world that it will not pursue journalists for shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful.

There must be no more foolish talk about prosecuting any media organisation be it Wikileaks or the New York Times.

The US administration's war on whistleblowers must end.

Thomas Drake and William Binney and John Kiriakou, and the other heroic US whistleblowers must - they must - be pardoned and compensated for the hardships they have endured as servants of the public record.

And the Army Private who remains in a military prison in Fort Levenworth, Kansas, who was found by the UN to have endured most torturous detention in Quantico, Virginia, and who has yet after two years in the prison to see a trial, must be released.

And if Bradley Manning really did as he is accused, he is a hero and example to us all and one of the world's foremost political prisoners.

Bradley Manning must be released.

On Wednesday (15th August 2012) Bradley Manning spent his 815th day of detention without trial. The legal maximum is 120 days.

On Thursday (16th August 2012) my friend, Nabeel Rajah, was sentenced to three years for a tweet. On Friday (18th August 2012) a Russian band (Pussy Riot) were sentenced to two years in jail for a political performance.

There is unity in the oppression. There must be absolute unity and determination in the response."

Iacocca article - possible conflict


I am concerned about the article attributed to Iacocca on the following site:

This article is at odds with the original text of what Iacocca wrote as seen on the Barnes & Noble site:

If you scroll down on to the 'Read an Excerpt' section, you'll see that someone has added considerable text to the original that incorrectly attributes words to Iacocca that he did not write.

I sent in two comments about this but neither of them was acknowledged.

If you can verify that the text on the nesaranews is correct kindly let me know.  Otherwise I think the prudent this is to post my comments so that the readers can check for themselves. 

Articles like this make me suspicious of any article I see on this site.

Kindly reply to me with your take on this.

Thanks very much.

John's comments - I posted before what was submitted to me and no retraction was offered by the originator.

Two Oleander HIV Success Stories from Africa

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Two Oleander HIV Success Stories from Africa
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-Aug-2012 17:49:49

Those of you who have followed the reports and articles about the herbal supplement Sutherlandia OPC (which contains 80% oleander extract and 20% Sutherlandia frutescens) are familiar with the reports of it having virtually 100% success in reversing HIV symptoms and raising CD4 counts in South Africa (where they are now selling over 10,000 bottles per month at over 900 pharmaceutical outlets), including the limited double blind placebo controlled study at a Johannesburg HIV clinic where it was 100% successful.
Against this backdrop, I am happy to pass along two reports illustrating how powerful the herbal supplement has been against the epidemic of HIV in Africa.
The First Story tracks the progress of a young girl in an African country outside South Africa after the Director of Research for the Country's Ministry of Health contacted the developer of the Sutherlandia OPC supplement and asked him to send some of his product ASAP to help with the young girl, who appeared to be spiraling rapidly downhill.
Following is the record thus far of the correspondence between the two, with the Director's name, the country, and the girl's name deleted to protect against any repercussions that might occur for treating the girl without the usual anti-retroviral drugs:
The rest of the article: