Monday, September 3, 2012

Ben Fulford Blurb: Financial War is Down to a Few Small Factions and Key Individuals, Lots of High Profile Deaths Seen

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Ben Fulford Blurb: Financial War is Down to a Few Small Factions and Key Individuals, Lots of High Profile Deaths Seen
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 3-Sep-2012 09:59:24

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
The financial war that has been raging intensely for the past several years is now down to a few factions all marred by infighting. One the one side is the fascist P2 lodge still pushing for a world fascist dictatorship. On the other side can be seen several groups all claiming they want to do good but need to be in charge.
Several recent high-profile deaths may be related to this ongoing, but climaxing, struggle. Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Bishop of Milan and reported Vatican spy master, died on August 31st, during the blue moon. Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov, the former head of the Soviet Union’s armed forces fired by Gorbachev, also died on that day. Another prominent death was the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, head of the Unification Church. The Unification Church is known as a powerful player in the Asian underworld and has a large ranch in Paraguay next to the one the Bush family owns. None of the causes of death were announced but all the men were elderly.
These men were connected, though, at the highest level, to the intensifying factional struggle over control of the world’s finances.
In this situation the White Dragon Society, a junior member of the Dragon family and other groups, proposes that the ring of centralized control over money be taken to “Mt. Doom,” and melted.
On a more positive note, former Prime Minister Kan Naoto of Japan revealed a lot of secrets about the 311 nuclear and tsunami terrorist attack at a well-attended (but un-reported) press conference. Attempts to put a video of the press conference up on U-tube have been blocked. During the conference Kan,

Mystery Light Beams Appear In Japan 2012 HD

Dozens of mystery light columns appeared in Japan following a unusual thunderstorm. 

Hundreds of people witnessed this rare and frightening phenomena, as fiery light columns appeared in the sky. Eyewitnesses reported, that the light poles appeared immediately after a heavy and unusual lightning storm, lasting several minutes before vanishing. In 1908 just before the Tunguska explosion, similar phenomena occurred, giant pillars of fire rose from the earth to the sky. Many locals are fearful that a major disaster is looming, and that the light columns are a warning of grave danger. This story has been confirmed by the Japanese media and the pictures are authentic, and come from different sources, just in case your wondering, but as always you decide.

Beam me up: Scientists left baffled as mysterious columns of coloured light appear in the night skies

Weird Troll Creature Captured In Africa 2012 HD

Sheep Gives Birth To Half Human Creature 2012

Alien Hybrid Or Starchild Discovered In China? 2012

Alien Hybrid Discovered In South America 2011

Fallen Angel Discovered In Russia? 2011

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6 Top Immune Boosters For Fall

6 Top Immune Boosters For Fall 

Today is Labor Day in the US, and that marks the official end of the
"lazy, hazy, crazy" days of summer with its vacations and barbecues.

The new school year is upon us, and my son is excitedly making sure he has all the supplies he needs to start his freshman year of high school this week.
Baseball season is nearing a close with the World Series coming up next month, and the football season is kicking into high gear. Get ready for tailgating!
Yes, fall is officially knocking on our door. And as exciting as that may be, it's unfortunately also a classic time for many people to get VERY sick.
September and October are popular months to see several "flu bugs," sore throats, runny noses or stomach viruses spreading through schools and workplaces.
But that doesn't have to mean that you have to stop up on NyQuil, Thera-flu, cough syrup and chicken soup.
Because no matter what time of year it is, you can help fight viruses and infections by strengthening your body's natural defense against them...
Your humble immune system.
You can use boatloads of hand sanitizer or wash your hands until the cows come home, but unless you make sure your immune system is strong, you are a likely target for many a nasty virus or infection.
The great news is that there are some very effective ways to make sure your immune system is in tip-top shape, 12 months a year. I call them the...
Six Super Immune Boosters
1- Get enough sleep and boost your immune system
Nothing can wipe out your immune system faster than inadequate sleep. Turn off the TV and get some decent rest.

2- Avoid immune depressing food, processed food, sugars, refined carbs and excessive alcohol consumption.
All of these feed the harmful bacteria in your gut, which can then crowd out your friendly flora and greatly hamper your immune function.

3- Limit antibiotic use for a stronger immune system
They can be life-savers, but antibiotics can also obliterate your immune system because they destroy your beneficial bacteria as well as the illness-causing bacteria.
If you must take them, be sure to help counteract their harmful effects with a good probiotic supplement (more on that below).

4- De-stress for greater immune response
Stress causes your body's protective mucosal barrier to become less effective at defending against unfriendly bacteria and dangerous pathogens. That's why many people get sick when they're really stressed -- their bodies literally can't fight off illness as well.
There are many ways to de-stress: Meditation, exercise, counseling, deep breathing, prayer and seminars, to name a few.

5- Take a quality probiotic supplement for immune health
Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets.
One of Super Shield's 13 superior bacteria strains, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, has been shown to stimulate antibody production and enhance phagocytosis (one of your body's weapons for destroying dangerous invaders).
In addition, Super Shield contains Bifidobacteria Lactis, which has high adhesion to human mucus. That means it will stick to your colon wall to keep it strong and protective, which helps keep wastes, dangerous toxins and bacteria from leaking out into your bloodstream and making you SICK.

6- Adequate B12 boosts your immune system
In addition to helping your body generate energy and keeping your thinking sharp and clear, vitamin B12 is essential for a strong immune system.
B12 is crucial for the formation of red and white blood cells, which help boost your immune function.
Problem is, as many as 1 out of 4 people are deficient in B12. Especially vulnerable are people over age 50, people who take acid reducers, vegetarians and people who have Crohn's, colitis or IBS.
And even if you eat foods that are rich in B12 or take oral supplements, B12 is not easily absorbed through the GI chances are good you're getting far less than what you think and what you need.
The easiest way to make sure you have enough is to supplement with a form of B12 that absorbs in your mouth, not your stomach...
Like Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 nano spray.
Hydroxaden 2.5 is an easy to use form of B12. Just 5 sprays under your tongue gives you a full 2.5 mg of B12, comprised of two of the best forms--hydroxocobalamin (which raises your B12 level faster than other forms) and adenosylcobalamin (the form of B12 most used by your brain).

Be good to your immune system and it will be good to YOU
Your immune system is your key to helping to fight off colds, flu, infections and even deadly diseases 365 days a year.
So do as much as you can to keep your immune function strong, and you can reap the rewards of fewer or less severe illnesses and quite possibly, avoidance of more dangerous diseases.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Kathy fought off a bladder infection, plus she's no longer constipated thanks to Super Shield:
I had trouble with constipation for practically all of my life. The constant straining only to have little relief. I used to go only once a week with terrible bloating and cramping.
Since I started taking Super Shield, I have had no trouble at all with constipation. Every day, sometimes twice a day, I go without any straining at all. I even feel like the lining of my colon is cleaner. And, I am Iosing weight!
Also recently I felt as though I were getting a bladder infection. I doubled up on the Super Shield and within a few days, no more bladder infection.
In the past I would have had to take antibiotics which would inevitably make me feel horrible.
Super Shield is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The longer I take it the better I feel. I have given it to people and recommended it to many more.
Super Shield is a miracle!
Thank You for such a great product.


Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
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Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.
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* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Americans and Northern Alliance “Friends”…False Flag Terror, Drugs, Staged “Taliban” Attacks

Americans and Northern Alliance “Friends”…False Flag Terror, Drugs, Staged “Taliban” Attacks

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Everyone in the world knows America’s invasion of Iraq was a lie, an oil raid, from day one. Everyone who stood against Bush and Cheney is dead, in jail or in hiding.
Similarly, anyone who, from day one, knew 9/11 had a “smell” about it was eliminated, down to academics, diplomats, intelligence agents, anyone who spoke up and thousands did ON 9/11.
Not only is there no Al Qaeda, but what we know to be “the Taliban” is actually the Northern Alliance. The terror acts, persecution of women, the extremism, is all orchestrated and staged by CIA contractors with Blackwater and related companies, using Northern Alliance drug lords and their gangs pretending to be “Taliban”.
This, in itself, is only one of the Bush era scandals. Now we have had access to an intelligence dump from Afghanistan.
The facts are startling. That war, our “good war”, was even worse and is being continued by trickery.
We have startling reports of human trafficking, children being stolen around Afghanistan and sold into sexual slavery by the tens of thousands, stories of terror bombings and assassinations meant to prolong war, rig elections, end negotiations and compromise and control key regions to maximize drug profits.
With full access to “on the ground” intelligence in every province of Afghanistan, the truth about that war will make you sick. Not one word that hits the press is true.
We will start with the recent visit by General Dempsey. He had just left Tel Aviv after telling Netanyahu that America would never support an attack on Iran. NEVER. When Dempsey landed, his plane was rocketed and blamed on the Taliban.
Solid intelligence cites the Northern Alliance in cooperation with Israeli agents in Afghanistan, some of the hundreds there, mostly with false German passports who run half the phony UN NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations).
They, along with Indian intelligence, the RAW, train bomb makers, stage attacks, supply detonators and the endless stream of Indian built weapons, run training camps that actually do exist and have been managing a covert war on Pakistan while the US has turned a blind eye even though they are responsible for hundreds of attacks on Americans.
article continues:


by Jeffrey Steinberg

< A>George Bush's "Heart of Darkness" --
Mineral Control and Africa

by The Staff of the Executive Intelligence Review

Printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1997

On Dec. 1, 1996, former President George Bush gave an interview to {Parade} magazine, in which he stated: "I don't want to be at the head table anymore. I care about being a good citizen. I don't join boards of directors, and I don't go into business deals. I've had every opportunity to join in putting a petrochemical plant in Kuwait, a chance to make money. I haven't done it. The way I make a living is giving speeches. Get paid a lot of money for giving a speech. No conflict of interest.'' This statement was an outright lie; a lie that Sir George Bush arranged to appear in the pages of a weekly newspaper insert that reaches millions of households in every part of the United States. George Bush does, indeed, have a very important foreign corporate affiliation: In May 1995, the Canada-based Barrick Gold Corp. created an international advisory board around the personal leadership of Bush and Bush was designated "honorary senior adviser'' to that board--a legal fiction to disguise the former President's active role as chief business developer for the company. What, then, is Barrick Gold Corp.?

- The destruction of Africa -
It is understandable that Bush did not wish to advertise his ties to Barrick. The company is not only an important corporate element of the London-centered Club of the Isles and the British global raw materials cartel -a British link that might prove embarrassing to Sir George, at a point when Anglo-American relations remain at a low point, and when British propaganda organs are leading an all-out assault upon the U.S. Presidency - but, Barrick, along with the South Africa-based Anglo American Corp., is engaged in a strategic metals grab in Central Africa, which is being abetted by the greatest genocide per capita in modern times. From April 1993, when Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni, on behalf of London, launched the genocide of the Hutu majority in Rwanda, through to the ongoing invasion by the same Museveni-led forces in eastern Zaire, Central Africa and the Horn of Africa have been turned into a killing field. Local, British-sponsored "countergangs'' have been unleashed to depopulate a region that possesses the world's richest strain of precious metal deposits, while a string of Club of the Isles metals cartels, including Barrick, moves in for the kill.
As you will read below, the invasion of eastern Zaire, by the combined armies of Rwanda and Uganda, which began in September 1996, coincided with the Barrick and Anglo American metal grabs in the very same area. The net result of the invasion, and the simultaneous launching of an "internal'' rebellion by longtime British provocateur Laurent Kabila, was the depopulating of a string of camps that were holding Rwandan Hutu refugees. Thousands of those refugees were killed in the fighting between the British-backed invaders and French-supported Hutu guerrillas; at least another quarter of a million refugees were driven into the wilderness, to face death by disease and starvation; and another half a million fled back across the border into Rwanda, to face likely extermination at the hands of the Tutsi. [EIR] first exposed this policy of genocide on Aug. 19. 1994, in a cover story titled "The British Hand Behind the Horror in Rwanda''. Then, on Oct. 28, 1994, in a [Special Report] titled "The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor,'' we revealed the existence of the secretive Club of the Isles, the House of Windsor-led oligarchical institution centered upon a tightly knit alliance of European princely families, London-based financial and insurance houses, and food and raw materials cartels. The Club of the Isles in turn deploys the resources of the global environmentalist movement, headed by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF, formerly the World Wildlife Fund), and its funding arm, the 1001 Club, as a propaganda and paramilitary arm of their one-world "New Dark Age'' agenda. Under the WWF umbrella, the British Crown has built up a string of strategically located nature preserves and national parks, which serve as staging grounds for cross-border incursions, as training grounds for terrorist gangs, and as command posts for British "former'' SAS commandos to direct the killings in every part of sub-Saharan Africa. As we document below, in joining the advisory board to Barrick Gold, and throwing his political clout into facilitating Barrick's worldwide strategic metals grab, George Bush, has cast his lot with a collection of very unsavory characters, including Barrick's chairman, Peter Munk, and with the entire Canadian Bronfman gang. Barrick and the South African Oppenheimer family's Anglo American Corp. are at the cutting edge of a Club of the Isles drive to recolonize a severely depopulated African continent, by busting up the post-colonial nation-states, beginning with Zaire; and then creating privately owned micro-states, in which what is left of the indigenous population is impressed into slavery. The novelist Joseph Conrad described these conditions graphically in his 1899 book [Heart of Darkness]. Unless the oligarchy is stopped, Bush and his friends intend to reimpose those conditions. article continues -
  1. George Bush's "Heart of Darkness" --Mineral Control and ... On Dec. 1, 1996, former President George Bush ... Toronto-based paper controlled by Bush's media ally Conrad Black ...
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
03 Sep 2012
All links are here:
Bush, Blair must stand trial for war crimes: Tutu 02 Sep 2012 South African Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu has called for the trial of former US President [sic] George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for their role in the Iraq war. "The immorality of the United States and Great Britain's decision to invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, has destabilized and polarized the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history," Archbishop Desmond Tutu wrote in an article in The Observer on Sunday. The Nobel Peace Prize winner called for the trial of the pair at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.
Tony Blair should face trial over Iraq war, says Desmond Tutu 01 Sep 2012 Archbishop Desmond Tutu has called for Tony Blair and George Bush to be hauled before the international criminal court in The Hague and delivered a damning critique of the physical and moral devastation caused by the Iraq war. Tutu, a Nobel peace prize winner and hero of the anti-apartheid movement, accuses the former British and US leaders of lying about weapons of mass destruction and says the invasion left the world more destabilized and divided "than any other conflict in history". Writing in the Observer, Tutu also suggests the controversial US and UK-led action to oust Saddam Hussein in 2003 created the backdrop for the civil war in Syria and a possible wider Middle East conflict involving Iran.
US justice department rules out prosecutions over CIA prison deaths --Human rights group describes outcome as 'nothing short of a scandal' after investigation into treatment of detainees is closed 31 Aug 2012 The US justice department has announced it has ended its investigation into CIA interrogations of terrorist detainees without bringing criminal charges. The decision in the inquiries of the deaths of two terrorist suspects marks the end of a wide-ranging criminal investigation by federal prosecutor John Durham into interrogation practices during the presidency [sic] of George Bush.
Obama's justice department grants final immunity to Bush's CIA torturers By Glenn Greenwald 31 Aug 2012 The Obama administration's aggressive, full-scale whitewashing of the "war on terror" crimes committed by Bush officials is now complete. Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced the closing without charges of the only two cases under investigation relating to the US torture program: one that resulted in the 2002 death of an Afghan detainee at a secret CIA prison near Kabul, and the other the 2003 death of an Iraqi citizen while in CIA custody at Abu Ghraib. This decision, says the New York Times Friday, "eliminat[es] the last possibility that any criminal charges will be brought as a result of the brutal interrogations carried out by the CIA".
'I don't want to be complicit' in an Israeli strike on Iran, says US army chief 30 Aug 2012 The US should not become embroiled in an Israeli military strike on Iran that would not only fail to destroy Iran's nuclear program, but could also undo international diplomatic pressure on Tehran, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey said Thursday in London. Such an attack by Israel would "clearly delay but probably not destroy Iran's nuclear program," Dempsey said, adding: "I don't want to be complicit if they [Israel] choose to do it." The US's top general - the Guardian reported - said that he could not presume to know Iran's ultimate intentions in pursuing a nuclear program, as intelligence was inconclusive on that score.
Karzai slams US for civilian killings in Afghanistan 01 Sep 2012 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has strongly condemned the killing of two civilians in an attack carried out by US-led troops in southern Afghanistan. Karzai strongly denounced the US-led night raid, saying it violated a security deal under which the foreign troops are obliged not to carry out such attacks unless they are coordinated with Afghan officials. Two Afghan civilians, a 70-year-old man and his son, were killed in a US-led night raid on Friday in Afghanistan's southern province of Uruzgan.
Huge blast near NATO base in Afghanistan kills 12 01 Sep 2012 A militant bomb attack near the US-led NATO forces' base in the eastern Afghan province of Wardak has left 12 people killed, including 10 civilians, Press TV reports. The incident occurred when a bomb-laden truck exploded near the gate of a NATO base in Sayyidabad district early Saturday, also killing 2 policemen and injuring several others, according to a provincial official.
US Troops Build 'Alamos' Against Insider Attacks 30 Aug 2012 U.S. military units have resorted to building hardened safe rooms, or what they call "Alamos," to protect themselves from potential attacks from the soldiers and police officers they are training, according to a report from Stars & Stripes. Troops have built the safe rooms as U.S. and NATO commanders receive almost daily reports of supposed Afghan security forces turning their guns on their trainers. [OR, the US could just *get out* -- but then the mercenaries and contractors would make less of a killing on the US 'mission' in Afghanistan -- protecting the CIA's opium routes.]
Canadian forces to continue Afghan training despite U.S. suspension 02 Sep 2012 U.S. forces have suspended the training of Afghan local police forces in response to a surge of attacks by infiltrators, but the work of Canada's 900 military trainers will continue. NATO's 'mission' to upgrade the Afghan National Security Force and the Afghan National Police – the program under which Canada works – was not affected by the American decision, Lieutenant-General Adrian Bradshaw, deputy commander of the International Security Assistance Force, said in a statement Sunday.
Training on hold for some Afghans to find infiltrators 03 Sep 2012 The training of Afghan Local Police and Afghan special operations forces, which account for about 7 percent of all Afghan security forces, has been put on hold for at least a month while their American trainers conduct stricter vetting to try to root out infiltrators or recruits who could pose risks to the coalition troops working with them, U.S. officials say. The move does not affect the vast majority of Afghan forces - more than 350,000 Afghan National Army soldiers and Afghan National Police members - who are still being trained and are working in the field with against American and NATO counterparts, military officials said.
NORAD, Russians join for computer-based mock terrorist exercise 30 Aug 2012 The mock rescue of a plane seized by terrorists was the basis for a computer-based joint exercise by NORAD and the Russian Federation Air Force that ended Wednesday with representatives from both entities agreeing that it will serve as solid preparation for next year's event [and the next false flag]. The annual event, part of the Vigilant Eagle exercise series, ran Monday through Wednesday and involved a core group of about 35 U.S., Russian and Canadian service members.
DNC security rules trigger free speech worries --The new rules have already been used for events before the convention and will remain on the books after it's over. 01 Sep 2012 Starting Saturday, someone walking through Charlotte's central business district could run afoul of the law by carrying water bottles, hair spray, socks or magic markers under sweeping security rules enacted ahead of the Democratic National Convention. The changes to city ordinances adopted earlier this year for "extraordinary events" [!?!] ban a long list of actions and items that would otherwise be legal from a more than 100-square-block zone.
Fighter Jets to Protect Skies During Democratic Convention 31 Aug 2012 Continental U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command Region fighters will protect the skies during the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. Air Force fighter jets will be on alert during the convention -- which begins Sept. 4 and runs through Sept. 6 -- enforcing the Federal Aviation Administration's temporary flight restriction zone. Meanwhile, Continental U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command Region fighters will be active prior to the Democratic National Convention preparing to protect the skies around Charlotte.
Downtown Minneapolis Becomes Black Hawk Helicopter Training Zone --Officials not giving out Black Hawk training locations 27 Aug 2012 If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, don't be alarmed. They're just training in an urban environment. The U.S. Special Operations Command will be conducting exercises until the beginning of September. This week they're using helicopters, including Black Hawks.
Romney lacks convention poll bump as Democrats prepare to meet in Charlotte 02 Sep 2012 Mitt Romney failed to achieve a bounce from the Republican convention, according to a poll published Sunday, lifting Democrats' spirits as they arrived in Charlotte for their own gathering. Although Obama's campaign team played down the chances of Obama securing a poll bounce from the Democratic convention, beginning Tuesday, it is privately hoping he can open up a significant lead after months in which the two have been tied in the polls.
Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital --How the GOP presidential candidate and his private equity firm staged an epic wealth grab, destroyed jobs - and stuck others with the bill By Matt Taibbi 29 Aug 2012 Mitt Romney - a man whose own father built cars and nurtured communities, and was one of the old-school industrial anachronisms pushed aside by the new generation's wealth grab - has emerged now to sell this make-nothing, take-everything, screw-everyone ethos to the world. He's Gordon Gekko, but a new and improved version, with better PR – and a bigger goal. A takeover artist all his life, Romney is now trying to take over America itself. And if his own history is any guide, we'll all end up paying for the acquisition.
The Medicare Killers By Paul Krugman 31 Aug 2012 The Republican Party is now firmly committed to replacing Medicare with what we might call Vouchercare. The government would no longer pay your major medical bills; instead, it would give you a voucher that could be applied to the purchase of private insurance. And, if the voucher proved insufficient to buy decent coverage, hey, that would be your problem. Moreover, the vouchers almost certainly would be inadequate; their value would be set by a formula taking no account of likely increases in health care costs... The G.O.P. platform says that it "will empower millions of seniors to control their personal health care decisions." Indeed. Because those of us too young for Medicare just feel so personally empowered, you know, when dealing with insurance companies.
Central banks debate limits of power at Jackson Hole --The annual Jackson Hole gathering came to a close on Saturday. 01 Sep 2012 Central bankers who traveled to the wilds of Wyoming to figure out if more policy action was needed to curb stubbornly high unemployment heard powerful arguments on both sides of the debate, and leave with many questions unanswered. Policymakers in Europe and the United States facing weak growth and painfully high unemployment are struggling with the issue of whether additional monetary stimulus could do more harm than good.
German left-wing MP Sevim Dagdelen visits Julian Assange at Ecuador embassy 03 Sep 2012 German far-left MP Sevim Dagdelen has visited Julian Assange, who has been holed up at Ecuador's embassy in London since June, and afterwards expressed her solidarity with the WikiLeaks founder. "I have sent solidarity regards to Julian Assange from the left in Germany and the online community in Germany," said Ms Dagdelen in a statement issued after the visit.
Assange Asylum Wins Correa Anti-U.S. Cachet as Trade to Suffer 28 Aug 2012 Ecuador President Rafael Correa is emerging from the shadow of Venezuelan mentor Hugo Chavez as his decision to grant asylum to WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange plunges relations with the U.S. to new lows. While such a tactic may boost his chances of re-election in February, the political gain may spell economic loss for Ecuador, as harboring Assange sparks reprisals from the South American nation's top trade partner, said Cynthia Arnson, Latin America program director at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Three cases of influenza linked to swine barn at Minnesota State Fair 31 Aug 2012 Three people are believed to have developed a strain of influenza known as variant H1N2 (H1N2v) after exhibiting pigs or spending time in the swine barn at the Minnesota State Fair, the Minnesota Department of Health said Friday afternoon. One of the three cases has been confirmed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Test results for the other two are pending. The H1N2v strain is different from the H3N2v strain that has prompted stepped-up surveillance and prevention efforts nationwide, after causing 289 reported cases of illness and one death since the beginning of the year.
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CLG Editor-in-Chief: Lori Price. CLG Founder: Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. Copyright © 2012, Citizens for Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved

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Episode 32 - A brief explanation of society

Episode 31 - Should we blame Police & Military?

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Secret Code

Tele-promptor or Tele-brainer  Scholarly Challenged? Takes one to know one................. Funny for today in case


After a President has been in office for 1 year it is customary for the
last President to send a note to the new president. So when the note came from
Bush to Obama, the President was somewhat troubled because it was written in code and all it said was:


This troubled him as he had always heard from his peers how former
president Bush was perceived to have been scholarly challenged.
So he took the note to his wife. She was unable to decipher it.

They called in the VP, and he was unable to decode the message. They
called in the chief of staff and the head of Secret Service detail and they were
unable to determine the meaning of the note.

Next he called in the head of the Senate and Speaker of the House. They
both were mystified by the meaning of the coded message.

Now there was complete panic in the Oval Office. They called all of
their contacts in the media and sent copies of the note to all of them, and not
one was able to come up with an answer. A special emergency meeting was called by the staff. All branches of the military, counter intelligence, CIA, FBI were called in, and the best minds were unable crack the code.

After a sleepless night, a now humbled President Obama picked up the
phone and called the former president, and asked him the meaning of the note.

George Bush chuckled and replied---" you're holding it upside down"!


"The World Will Not Be Destroyed By Those Who Do Evil, But By Those Who Watch Them Without Doing Anything." - Albert Einstein
     "The Constitution Is Not An Instrument For The Government To Restrain The People; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests" - Patrick Henry
     2 Thessalonians 2- 12: "That they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

     A government is growing into reality which started as the authority for the Confederate Government, Confederate States of America, which never legally surrendered to the federal union of Washington, D.C.
     A Confederate Colonial running a branch of the revived Confederate Intelligence Service has massively penetrated the conspiracy of Obama for a planned military takeover of America 10 days before the national election. We have spies on what is going on. Large numbers of Russian soldiers with support from it must be from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon have been smuggled into America in large flights at night so they would not be seen. We heavily penetrated the security of this operation to bring in foreign mercenary soldiers for the planned military seizure of America by Obama. The Russian soldiers are to be dressed in U.S. military uniforms so Americans will hesitate to shoot them. A dead giveaway that they are Russians is that they speak English with a foreign accent. The Russians are very cocky they will smash the Americans overnight. They look for a rapid military operation and America finished off. We have also heard that China will be backing the operation of the military takeover of America by foreign soldiers invited in so Obama can militarily seize control of America. We have not spotted any Chinese soldiers as of yet, but the reports we are receiving is that this will be a joint Russian-Chinese military operation to smash the American people overnight. A top Chinese general a few years ago in Asia talked about China had legal claim to North America as Chinese galley ships spotted America around 1,000 A.D. long before Christopher Columbus sailed for the New World in 1492. This Chinese general said once the Chinese occupied North America, they would kill off 2 out of every 3 Americans and the 1 left alive or around 100 million Americans left alive would be the slaves to the Chinese colonists coming over the Bering Straits to America. China would according to what this general said probably would send 200-300 million Chinese to occupy and colonize America. The general did not say this far, but it is obvious logic that Canada and Mexico are also to be mass decimated and their remnant left alive would also be slaves to the Chinese colonists.
      The pieces are now coming together. I had hoped that Putin had not remained a dedicated Communist. The planned Russian-Chinese military takeover of America is by invitation of Obama who is a hardcore Communist to make America a Communist nation.  Whatever part of America he has not killed off will have the honor of accepting Communist rulers over them or also be killed off with the prior Americans mass slaughtered.
      It appears the 1992 report of the Defense Intelligence Agency which named Obama back then as the planned Communist Trojan Horse to take over America later on with secret Communist support from within America is a valid report. An American operative in Moscow sent back the name of Obama in 1992 as the one a Communist woman in Moscow said the Communists would take over America later on with! This  Black in America named Obama once he was prepared and trained enough would then carry out the Communist plan for the Communist takeover of America. The documentary movie our Treason Press is trying so hard to smear and suppress is "2016: Obama's America." The key scholar behind this movie is a man born in India but moved to America and believes in the values America was founded upon, not the African-Asian fanatical Communism Obama was trained upon since a small child. People were interviewed in this movie who knew Obama, and others who could tell us more about his real character. Obama has a savage hatred of the White Race, and would love to see 50% or more of all the Whites in America killed off by an American Communist Government of Wash., D.C. Most Americans do not understand the character of Obama. He is a dedicated fanatic both to Communism and to Islam. He is willing to pull any trick or lie necessary to gain effective national power. Then the mass slaughter begins in America of all races, not just Blacks. Obama is not prejudiced. He will gladly kill off all races resisting Communism taking over America by military conquest by Wash., D.C. By the way, a Black radio announcer checked out Obama's racial background and found him one-half White, the rest mainly Arab and a small part of him is racially Black. Americans really elected an Arab as President, not A BLACK. See that 2016 movie on Obama and you will understand how he thinks as a Communist and planned Manchurian Candidate For Americas.
     Information this Confederate Colonial has gathered includes Russia and China plan to double-cross Obama once they gain effective power over America. Some clues picked up by our sources indicates Russia and China have no place for Obama after they totally control America. He will apparently be killed off once he is no further use to them. He is the Trojan Horse to open the defense gates of America to enemy armies so they can invade and conquer America in a lightning war in effect. We understand they have discussed plans to use an EMP attack to quickly kill off about all Americans once the cities collapse as all electrical power is wiped out across America. They have also considered neutron bombs to kill off the Americans but leave factories and cities empty and available for the foreign races to move into once no Americans are left alive.
     This is a Communist alliance between Russia, China, and our Red in the White House Obama. It has been dormant for some while, but I had access long ago to Communist plans for world takeover. If they once captured control of America, then Russia would regain control by military force of Poland, etc. and once ready, Russia would march to militarily conquer and take over Western Europe. Then Africa, Middle East, Central and Latin America, and the rest of anything left in the world.
     I don't like to repeat it but many have not seen this reference on me before. I was written up by a prestigious international organization years ago as "The Einstein Of American Economics." If Obama tries to crash the American economy to make the military takeover easy for him, I know the economic tricks where in a few short days I will have the nation back on track and running smoothly again. Make me quick economic czar of America so I can enact fast economic moves and America calms down where the economy is running like Swiss clockwork. I am pulling the rug from a key pillar of Obama's plan by letting you know that you don't have to have a heart attack if the American economy suddenly crashes overnight. Like I doctor, I can fast revive the economic heart of America if needed.
     Obama admitted and was recorded in 2006 telling a bunch of Americans that he was not born in Hawaii but in Kenya. That already tells you that his alleged birth certificates are forgeries and probably arranged for him by C.I.A. His college photo ID is all over the internet and he was listed as a foreign exchange student, not an American citizen. Since Americans are generally not seriously committed to world victory for democracy, victory of Christianity in America, etc., you do not understand the really dedicated political radical like Obama is. Just because you wouldn't kill half of Americans, you think that Obama could not. That boy if given the chance would not hesitate to do this. That boy is fanatical and you are not. That is why you cannot believe that he would be evil enough to do all this. He was super brainwashed by the Communists over much of his life and he understands nothing of American economics, America's belief in freedom, etc.
     Now I have a brutally tough decision to make and the input of the American people is invited if you can give me intelligent arguments pro or con. I can probably stop Russia and China from militarily defeating America, but the tactic is brutal and ruthless. Years ago I got a defector from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies to teach me all the nuclear warfare tactics of the then Soviet Union including how to build their Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. The Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb is the most ruthless nuclear warfare concept ever to exist on earth. They did not test it but those familiar with nuclear warfare already know it will work. I have secret agents and if I okay it, one or more will meet with picked foreign governments, decide who to deal with, and show them the Soviet technology for the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. It can be fast built if they already have a nuclear arsenal. I have to make some kind of powerful deal on behalf of the American people to buy you your lives from Communist led Russia, China, and Communist Obama the lunatic fanatic in the White House. Do you want me to make the deal that saves the lives of up to half of the American people from being killed? I arrange the deal and Russia will suddenly face the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb aimed at her and if it hits Russia, the Russian Race will be wiped out and Russia will no longer exist as a nation. If used on China, we wipe out China as a nation and wipe out the Chinese Race in Asia. And one more set of these bombs. If needed, we try to selectively use it if required. If Wash., D.C. does not turn over to us Obama and co-traitors so we can execute them for having put all Americans through this colossal hell of trying to set us up for mass slaughter, we can take out Wash., D.C. if necessary and elsewhere if needed and wipe out the entire power base for Wash., D.C. I despise doing all this but can arrange this if the American people want me to. If we end up smashing Wash., D.C. and it never arises again, then the Confederate Government will accept all 50 states into its confederated union and we will go on as a united nation, but under confederate leadership instead of federal.
      I can have the Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs ordered set up by foreign military crews so they are set to attack Russia and China 12 days before the national election. Unless Russia withdraws her military from  America, we will wipe out Russia as a nation forever. Brutal, but reality. Unless China backs off and wants peace with the American people, we can and will if necessary annihilate China and the wipe out the Chinese Race if required. Terrible situation as I don't want to kill anyone, but I will defend the American people if you want me to block Obama from taking over America for the Communist military alliance for Russia, China, and Obama's Wash., D.C. The federal government has been colossally corrupted by elements for Obama and have forgotten that they are supposed to also be American citizens. Maybe we can call them Washingtonians to legally label as ex-Americans who now are the enemies of the American people. Military elements loyal to the American people. time to show your side. Federal leaders and personnel loyal to the American people, time to show your side.
     You may communicate your thoughts to me at . You can send in financial support so we can move more effectively to end this Obama Communist threat to America and the American people. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. You may read copies of my proposed OMNI LAW at Nesara News. Look at their search box at the top left side over their archive listing of reports and put in Omni Law. Want to see other reports of mine listed with them, put in Erasmus Of America which I used as a pen name while tackling this would-be tyrant Obama. By the way, some Jewish scholars looked up in Bible Code in the Old Testament the name of Obama and he is listed as so evil as maybe to be the most evil leader in world history since man began on earth. He can be stopped, but actions have to be taken now. This is not a leisure type situation that can be solved in some future year. The Omni Law has to be passed and fast or the Confederate States of America will fast assert its national independence and then the federal union is ended forever. People have asked who the 10 Civil Tribunes will likely be if the Omni Law is passed. 1. Walter E. Williams, prominent Black economist. Very smart and sound! 2. Erasmus of America (I know a ton of tricks in economic science.) 3. Pat Buchanan. He is a good man. He like the others will have to be interviewed first to make sure that he has no hidden loyalties to interfere with this position, but I think he will check out fine! 4. Newt Gingrich. I am good at figuring out the true characters of people. He wants to really serve the American people with integrity. Give him the chance! 5. Terry (a very smart financial brain in PA, but I will release more on him when necessary.). 6. Greg Ciola, Editor, Crusador, . Maybe smartest brain in America in national health. And he will tell you why the Obamacare is so evil for the American people. I will mention separately Obamacare has hidden in it the setup of a total Soviet-style police state in America and all Americans are now the conquered subjects of Sharia Law as the Muslims now rule Wash., D.C. under the Obamacare so-called "law." 7. Frank (of Virginia). Very smart politically, national health, etc. 8. Jim (good friend of mine. Very smart, member of American Indian tribe. Will well represent interests of American Indians and all Americans as well 9. Phyllis Schlafly. I like the gal! Super patriot and super smart! 10. Former Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr. (D) from Ohio. He was too honest in Congress and so U.S. Justice Dept. legally framed him. Now he can judge U. S Justice Dept., etc.!   
      If any candidates for American civil tribunes can't serve, will find replacements, but all these Americans all your Americans out there would like on your side.
     I hope Wash., D.C. will give me a face-facing maneuver so I can keep the 50 states united. Pass the Omni Law and you are nearly there in making peace with the Confederate  States of America. Don't pass it and we will go independent for real!
      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America

His Small Still Voice

DENEEN G. MATTHEWSIndianapolis, Indiana

His Small Still Voice

September 1, 2012
“This is the hour that I have spoken of; the time when My will will invade the earth. Many await the arrival of My glory, but I tell you it has already amassed. Amassed within the hearts of my chosen vessels — the carriers of My presence.”
amass — to come together; assemble
“Heaven shall invade earth in such a manner that man with his own eyes, will not be able to deny that it is I, the LORD. I am God, the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the Ending and I have known My plan from the beginning.
Earth shall respond as heaven speaks. How, you ask? Because My prepared ones will decree a thing in the earth, spoken as a command from heaven, and it shall be made manifest. This is the time of the greater works in the earth. Didn't I say that greater works shall you do?
Those who will carry this power possess a great measure of My Spirit that have been tried and tested, tested and tried by My purifying fires to remove any impurities, any hindrances to the flow of My Spirit through and within them.
All eyes shall witness the coming forth of My kingdom as it commences. This is the time of the coronation of the King and He shall sit on the throne in the hearts of them who love Me. And His reign shall bear witness in the hearts of they that are His and recognize the sound of His voice. My word speaks to the hearts of them that are Mine. My sheep know my voice and another they shall not follow. Great deceptions shall also persist, but My word shall be their guide.
Rejoice, My children for the Light is come and shall shine brightly amongst them who are the carriers of My glory. Lift up your head O ye gates and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, for the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory? I am the King of glory, says the LORD of Hosts.
Armor up, My children for we shall proceed into the places that have been promised as an inheritance to the descendants of Abraham. Heaven is rejoicing over the fulfillment of words spoken throughout the ages, through My special messengers, the prophets.
My word will be your light, your shield. Carry your weapon and take it with you wherever you go. Follow My lead. I go before you and prepare the way.”
Scripture References: Rev. 1:8, Isaiah 41:4, Isaiah 46:10, Job 22:8, John 14:12, 1Peter 1:7, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 10:4-5, Isaiah 60:1, Psalm 24:7-10, Ephesians 6:11-18, Isaiah 45:2, Galatians 3:29