Saturday, September 8, 2012

UNDERGROUND WAR? From Erasmus Of America Sept. 8, 2012 1:20 PM

Posted: 03 Sep 2012 01:44 AM PDT

While returning our rental car to the airport here in North Carolina Saturday, my husband and I passed a convoy of about 20 military hummers that were strange in appearance. On the side of them it said MILITARY POLICE. The lead car had these shields (3-4) with these radar-looking things on the left and right side of the front windshield and I wondered how in the world the driver could even see to drive. There was a place on the top of the hummers for a large gun, but there wasn't any guns there. I was so taken back at actually seeing this! I was driving West on I-540 about 75 mph, had just picked my pet up from the kennel and she was all over me, so I could not take photos.

Later when I got home, I contacted a military friend of mine who is very knowledgeable and vocal about what is going on in the military right now. I described to her the odd looking hummers. She said the shield/radar looking hummers were for crowd control and emitted ultrasonic high pitch sound that numbed the brain and basically left you confused and not knowing who you were for a few days. She said at very high pitches, the sounds were fatal. The guns for the hummers were also for crowd control, but they were lethal. They are called heat guns and can be used on crowds. They basically burn your internal organs without causing any external damage to anything else. She said these guns were carried on the drones also and could kill people in their homes without causing any damage to the exterior of their homes. The drones could basically fly over someone's house that they wanted to get rid of and not cause any damage to their one would know. She said the military has a lot of "star wars" weapons. This info comes from believers who are file clerks, pilots, weapons testers, etc., and there is a bond of secrecy between them. She said currently the military is going around and asking soldiers if they are willing to do whatever the military asks them to. Some have said no. Some have been arrested and discharged from the army, especially outspoken ones. She said they are withholding her husband's military pay and several others in the military who are being outspoken. This is a close friend of mine; please pray for her and her family. We need to lift up our military personnel because they are undergoing persecution right now. I have a feeling that people with no consciences are going to do some horrible things against Americans in the not too distant future.

This was from another friend who has inside connections:


This information came from trusted, reliable sources, and you may make of it what you will. Those who are in Christ have no reason to fear, as He is with us, come what may. However, we should be prepared. People in America have no idea what true persecution is, and I believe that it's about to become very real. I will stand for the truth and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, no matter what. I will not be silenced, and I will not relent. They can take my body, but they will never take my soul. It belongs to the LORD Jesus Christ, bought and paid for by His precious blood. I am ready for anything, my prayer is that you will be too.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  1 Thessalonians 5:21

Dan Fink
"Bringing the news behind the news, the story behind the story, hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed at and that illusion is usually king.  But, in the battle for survival of western civilization, it's going to be reality and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future is going to bring."  Dr. Stan Monteith

Answer to C.I.A. Operative from Erasmus Of America September 8, 2012 12:55 PM

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Comments to:

     To answer the question, return the federally stolen $525,000, return the federally stolen $15 million, return the federally stolen $25 billion, and up to four other times large sums of money were federally stolen from me is why blocking tactics were used so no grand jury would investigate the federal government for these acts of mass theft of money from me. As I had since a young man committed that all serious money beyond normal living expenses was all going to the cause of Jesus Christ as I once explained to a I.R.S. auditor when questioning I had listed 30% of my entire income one year contributed to Christianity, all this federally stolen money was therefore stolen from Jesus Christ. You are utter bastards and I call now for God to call upon you the 4 times 7 curse of Leviticus that you may suffer for all eternity the pains of the estimated 3 billion humans you murdered in the eyes of God by repeatedly suppressing my father's Vatican endorsed food process which would have saved these estimated 3 billion humans so they could live healthy and lengthy lives on earth instead of being murdered by you in C.I.A. and other colossal evil in federal circles. The 7 times formula works if God honors my request for this colossal curse upon you for the biggest willful murder of the human race seen in the last 6,000 years you would then suffer 2,401 times the pain and suffering of the estimated 3 billion people your harlot government murdered and laughed its head off at God, "What the hell can you God do about this?" I predict that God will honor my requested 2,041 times curse upon you and for all eternity. It would be merciful if God would let you someday cease to exist after being punished so astronomically as this, but the Bible does not teach that God grants this mercy to those who hated Him on earth. Enjoy your punishment from God for trillions upon trillions upon trillions of years and then wonder if Obama was worth this price to try and protect him from being exposed to the American people before he could mass murder Americans as charged by the Major Gen. and other good patriots of America. Return very fast the federally stolen $525,000 where your boys boasted to two of us how we would be federally murdered if we tried to stop you from stealing this money. If you had not stolen all this money from me, of course the old goldmine would have been opened many years and several of us checked out the location years ago and still intact. But you would never have allowed me to raise investment money to reopen it.
     If I do not see at a minimum of $525,000 returned to me of money that was mine before you stole it by next Friday Sept. 14, 2012, I call upon God to make irreversible this curse of God upon every person in C.I.A. who does not want this federally stolen money immediately returned to me, upon Obama personally, upon the head of every federal agency who has influence on this issue, all personnel of federal agencies who are not on my side and calling for this federally stolen money to be returned to me and now. Larger amounts of federally stolen money from me can be returned later, but if you do not return at least this which is nothing to you in amount of money, let God put His seal of judgment upon my proposed curse and like the taking of the mark of the beast as Revelation warns can never be forgiven by God once taken.
      I have cited stunning Miracles of God with me which shows God is on my side and God did this deliberately knowing the intense wickedness in your federal hearts. My curse will later extend to members of Congress if the larger amounts federally stolen from me are not returned and before the November election. I know for a fact that God is enraged at you now. And don't try to be clever with the one that God is going to back in this issue. I am out to save the human race from extinction by revival of my father's Vatican endorsed food process. You want in the eyes of God to murder off the entire human race by continued suppression of this Vatican endorsed food process prophesied by God in the Old Testament would be given to the people who honored God and were loyal to God and denied to the people who hated God and wanted to mock God everyway they could. There are over 50,000 highly sensational Miracles of God in the 2,000 year history of Christianity which can be heavily documented. You would have to be total morons in intelligence if even in your highly evil hearts, you did not recognize that God exists.
     When I am returned enough of the federally stolen money, I will reopen the goldmine setup of my great grandfather exactly as I had planned and checked out the site 12 years after leaving the univesity as a history major. God is on my side, not yours. For maybe 1,000 years my mother's side of the family always had the gift of prophecy. There is evidence to indicate this line descended from the Apostle St. Jude, cousin of Jesus, who wrote the Epistle of Jude in the New Testament. I descend from the cousin line of Jesus Christ, it appears, and you play with fire to play your games of lies, cunning, and satanic level deception against the cousin line of Jesus and strongly backed by Jesus at this time. Sometimes I know things before I can know them by natural means and if this family prophetic gift is operating, I sense that God is so enraged at you now that you will billions of times over in infinite terror regret when you face God face to face that you had served Obama and tried to mock the Will of God in this matter.
     You are in beyond your depth. Return the first of the federally stolen $525,000 by next Friday or this curse goes upon all of you in the federal government that it applies to. And why would Jesus not use His cousin line to carry out His will for this period of time which is close to His Return to Earth?  Jesus used His cousin line before in John the Baptist who was born six months before Jesus and prepared the way for Jesus to reveal Himself as the prophesied Messiah to the people of Israel then. $525,000 is nothing in money to you. But it is the token you must show God by next Friday or this curse of God is sealed from my end against you for all eternity. You think God will not honor this curse? I bet God will honor it and the honor of God is at stake to back me up as a good general always backs up the military actions of his loyal officers under him.
      I may be a strong Christian, but having run businesses most of my life, I can handle the practical in life as good as any of you and probably a lot better than most of you. Business is run by practical use of reality, not fantastyland answers, no Et's to help, no fairy godmothers, etc. I am a practical man who also strongly honors God in my life. I get the impression that God likes me because I have the guts to stand up to you colossal wicked idiots in life whereas other Christians are scared to death to face up to you. By the way, that movie of years ago of what was it "JFK" by Oliver Stone did a great job of showing how C.I.A. massively dominated Wash., D.C. so the Warren Commission and other angles of investigation of the murder of Pres. Kennedy were all totally controlled by C.I.A. so nothing but C.I.A. lies about the murder of Pres. Kennedy were what the public heard about the evidence concerning the assassination of Pres. Kennedy by C.I.A. C.I.A. definitely murdered Pres. Kennedy.Throw in for free. Also murdered Dr. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy as one of your reports said was for "political control" over America. A boy from U.S. Army Intelligence and a boy from U.S. Naval Intelligence read your C.I.A. report boasting about murdering these three leaders in America. These two later got their testimony to me how C.I.A proudly boasted to its inner circle how they got away with the murder of these three American leaders and then so easily tricked the American people into believing the C.I.A. lies how these three leaders were really murdered.
     Pay the federally stolen $525,000 by Friday Sept. 14, 2012. If I don't see payment by then, you boys are in more trouble with God than satan himself. And after Friday, I will see no reason to ask God to cancel this curse of God upon you. Don't pretend that you can't see this in time. The F.B.I., C.I.A., and many other intelligence services both American and foreign are watching every release of mine now. Among questions unanswered is how far have I released the technology on the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb and do I have already a deal with a foreign nuclear source to make these for the Provisional Confederate Government. I will answer half. Yes, the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb technology has already been secretly released by me. How far has this technology spread. Only I know. Better walk very softly with me. I can knock you off your feet if I decide to. Enough said! Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America


This video is 10 minutes long.  LISTEN TO IT!  This will affect ALL of us, liberal or conservative, legal or illegal, white, black, brown, yellow, purple or orange.  Everybody.  And it is nasty. 


Please watch the entire video... is ALMOST unbelievable!
forward it as you see to be appropriate ...
Please also forward to friends that hold public office...
ie State and Federal representatives / Senators.

Click on ....

B-17 Mid Air Collision 1943

B-17 Mid Air Collision 1943

A mid-air collision on February 1, 1943 between a B-17 and a German fighter over the Tunis dock area became the subject of one of the most famous photographs of World War II.
An enemy fighter attacking a 97th Bomb Group formation went out of control, probably with a wounded pilot then continued its crashing descent into the rear of the fuselage of a Fortress named All American, piloted by Lt. Kendrick R. Bragg, of the 414th Bomb Squadron.
When it struck, the fighter broke apart, but left some pieces in the B-17.  The left horizontal stabilizer of the Fortress and left elevator were completely torn away. The two right engines were out and one on the left had a serious oil pump leak.  The vertical fin and the rudder had been damaged, the fuselage had been cut almost completely through... connected only at two small parts of the frame and the radios, electrical and oxygen systems were damaged. There was also a hole in the top that was over 16 feet long and 4 feet wide at its widest and the split in the fuselage went all the way to the top gunner’s turret.   

There was also a hole in the top that was over 16 feet long and 4 feet wide at its widest and the split in the fuselage went all the way to the top gunner’s turret.  
Although the tail actually bounced and swayed in the wind and twisted when the plane turned and all the control cables were severed, except one single elevator cable still worked, and the aircraft still flew... miraculously! 
The tail gunner was trapped because there was no floor connecting the tail to the rest of the plane.  The waist and tail gunners used parts of the German fighter and their own parachute harnesses in an attempt to keep the tail from ripping off and the two sides of the fuselage from splitting apart. 
While the crew was trying to keep the bomber from coming apart, the pilot continued on his bomb run and released his bombs over the target.     
When the bomb bay doors were opened, the wind turbulence was so great that it blew one of the waist gunners into the broken tail section.  It took several minutes and four crew members to pass him ropes from parachutes  and haul him back into the forward part of the plane.  When they tried to do the same for the tail gunner, the tail began flapping so hard that it began to break off.  The weight of the gunner was adding some stability to the tail section, so he went back to his position.
The turn back toward  England had to be very slow to keep the tail from twisting off.  They actually covered almost 70 miles to make the turn home. The bomber was so badly damaged that it was losing altitude and speed and was soon alone in the sky.  For a brief time, two more Me-109 German fighters attacked the All American.  Despite the extensive damage, all of the machine gunners were able to respond to these attacks and soon drove off the fighters.  The two waist gunners stood up with their heads sticking out through the hole in the top of the fuselage to aim and fire their machine guns. The tail gunner had to shoot in short bursts because the recoil was actually causing the plane to turn.
Allied P-51 fighters intercepted the All American as it crossed over the Channel and took one of the pictures shown.  They also radioed to the base describing that the empennage was “waving like a fish tail” and that the plane would not make it and to send out boats to rescue the crew when they bailed out.  The fighters stayed with the Fortress taking hand signals from Lt. Bragg and relaying them to the base. Lt. Bragg signaled that 5 parachutes and the spare had been "used" so five of the crew could not bail out.  He made the decision that if they could not bail out safely, then he would stay with the plane and land it.
Two and a half hours after being hit, the aircraft made its final turn to line up with the runway while it was still over 40 miles away.  It descended into an emergency landing and a normal roll-out on its landing gear.
When the ambulance pulled alongside, it was waved off because not a single member of the crew had been injured.  No one could believe that the aircraft could still fly in such a condition.  The Fortress sat placidly until the crew all exited through the door in the fuselage and the tail gunner had climbed down a ladder, at which time the entire rear section of the aircraft collapsed onto the ground.  The rugged old bird had done its job.

Just want to share something on how Australia survived the Financial Crisis




30 APRIL 2009

"Good afternoon.
Thank you for that kind introduction. I must say I'm delighted to be here.
I'd like to thank CPA Australia and its Singapore Division for jointly hosting this forum. In particular, I would thank Mr Low Weng Keong, Deputy President of the Board of Directors, CPA Australia, and Mr Chaly Mah Chee Kheong, President, Singapore Division, CPA Australia.
Around the world, the current economic crisis has highlighted the vital role of CPAs in providing the leadership and expertise the global financial system needs right now.
As the President of CPA Australia, Richard Petty, said last month:
"The business world is faced with serious challenges. The skills and perspective so characteristic of the accounting profession will be integral to addressing those challenges."

Relationship between Australia and Singapore

Our two nations have long enjoyed a close relationship.
That relationship is expressed in the joint Singapore-Australia declaration, A New Partnership. This 1996 agreement encompasses mutual cooperation in cultural, economic, political and security matters.
I have just this morning held bilateral meetings with the Singapore Minister for Finance and the Minister for Law and I can testify that 13 years on from that agreement, and many more years on from the formation of our deep and abiding relationship, forged during the Pacific War, our relationship remains deep and strong.
Note a few weeks ago that our Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was here and several key Ministers will follow my visit during 2009.
Testimony to our bilateral economic relationship is the fact that Singapore is Australia's largest trade and investment partner in ASEAN. And our fifth largest trading partner overall.
Our nations also have a significant investment in each other.
According to Singapore's Economic Development Board, more than 1,300 Australian companies operate in Singapore. As at 31 December 2007, Australia's investment in Singapore totalled $AU17 billion, while Singapore's investment in Australia amounted to over $AU32 billion.
Our close economic partnership has undoubtedly been strengthened by the Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement, which has been operating since 2003.
I anticipate that these links will be further strengthened by the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, which is expected to enter into force no later than 1 January 2010.
And of course, our two nations are engaged in significant cooperation and dialogue on major regional and global economic, political and security issues.
This includes our joint work in forums such as the East Asia Summit, APEC, and the ASEAN Regional Forum.
Speaking of regional forums, I would like to thank Singapore for its initiative in offering to host the next Regional Policy Forum on International Financial Reporting Standards.
IFRS continues to be adopted across both the Asia-Pacific region and globally. It is now required or permitted in over 100 countries.
The IFRS Regional Policy Forum provides a valuable opportunity for policy-setters within the Asia-Pacific to exchange ideas, and to gain a better shared understanding of the financial reporting issues which affect our region.
The forum also enables delegates from within the Asia-Pacific region to continue working towards achieving common global accounting standards.

Impact of recession on Asian region

Ladies and gentlemen, we are all well aware that the world is in dire financial straits.
Global GDP is currently forecast to contract in 2009 for the first time in 60 years. Most major advanced economies are now in recession. In fact, the global recession is expected to result in lost output of around US$4 trillion in this year alone. That's more than 16 times the size of the Singapore economy.
While balance sheets in Asia remain relatively healthy, it was inevitable that the region, with its higher than average dependence on trade, would be affected by the global recession.
Exports are collapsing, investment is slowing significantly and domestic demand is moderating sharply. Equity markets remain depressed... and foreign exchange reserves in a number of countries have fallen.
By any standards, the region has experienced an immense, surprisingly sharp, and largely unanticipated shock.
Fortunately, most Asian countries have attacked the downturn head-on, announcingal Monetary Fund. This group pavand interest rate cuts to combat growth.
I understand that Singapore has announced its own fiscal measures to help your people and businesses to weather the recession and to support continued bank lending.

International responses to the global financial crisis

A global challenge demands a global solution.
That's why Australia has played a leading role in encouraging G20 members to adopt a coordinated response to the global financial crisis.
Prime Minister Rudd was one of the key proponents of the two G20 Leaders' Summits that were held in Washington and London.
Together with South Africa, Australia was also a co‑chair of the G20 working group established after the Washington Summit on the reform of the International Monetary Fund. This group paved the way for the significant reforms Leaders agreed to at the London Summit.
Australia also played an important role in securing agreement by G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to adopt a set of principles for dealing with toxic assets. Action in this area is crucial to the success of fiscal stimulus measures designed to restore global economic growth.
G20 Leaders have delivered several major outcomes.
These include an unprecedented fiscal injection — estimated to total US$5 trillion by end of 2010 — to assist global economic recovery.
The G20 has also worked to ensure that key international financial institutions have the resources to assist member countries to deal with the crisis. The G20 agreed to treble the resources of the International Monetary Fund. Japan, the United States and EU members have already each committed about $US100 billion.
As well, the G20 supported an additional US$100 billion in lending by multilateral development banks. This includes a 200 per cent capital increase for the Asian Development Bank, which will support higher future lending to developing economies.
In addition to these measures, G20 Leaders have made a strong commitment to increase the influence of developing countries in international financial institutions, particularly the IMF. It has become clear that existing arrangements need to be re‑balanced to reflect the recent shift in the relative weights of advanced and developing economies in the global financial system.
The global financial crisis has also exposed major deficiencies in the regulation of financial markets.
Through the G20, the world's major economies have agreed on the need to adopt better national standards of regulation and to improve cooperation between national regulators.
Since the Washington Summit, international standard-setting bodies have been working hard to develop better and stronger regulatory frameworks. This work is being coordinated by the Financial Stability Forum, which has been enlarged and re‑established as the Financial Stability Board with a stronger mandate to ensure global financial stability.
All G20 countries are now members of the Financial Stability Board, as well as the European Commission, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Spain and Switzerland.
As a longstanding member of the Financial Stability Forum, I expect that the Monetary Authority of Singapore will continue to make a valuable contribution to the ongoing work of the Financial Stability Board.
The Financial Stability Board has already developed new standards on compensation and cross‑border crisis management. In the future it will oversee the development of new standards to extend the regulatory perimeter and mitigate pro‑cyclicality in prudential regulation. Together with the IMF, it has also been charged with monitoring overall progress in implementing the action items agreed by G20 Leaders at the London Summit to strengthen financial regulation and supervision.
A final key objective of the G20 has been to counter protectionism.
Trade plays an important role in boosting global growth and prosperity. And of course, trade has played a particularly important role in the development of Singapore.
There is a strong recognition within the G20 of the potential for both trade and financial protectionism to undermine efforts to restore capital flows and stimulate economic growth. So I am pleased that the London Summit produced a robust commitment to promote global trade and investment and to reject protectionism. To ensure that we deliver on this commitment, Australia also agreed to submit our policies to regular external review by the WTO and other relevant bodies.

Australia's response to the global financial crisis

The global financial crisis has affected nearly every country in the world. And Australia has been no exception.
But we have withstood its worst effects. This is due to two main factors — the underlying strengths of the Australian economy, coupled with swift and decisive Government action.
The fundamentals of the Australian economy are sound.
We have a strong regulatory framework.
We have four of the world's strongest banks.
And Australia has had very limited exposure to the sub-prime sector which was the tipping point for the United States' economy, and created a ripple effect throughout the world.
Supporting these fundamental strengths, the Australian Government acted quickly to cushion Australia from the worst impacts of the global recession.
At a regulatory, systemic level, we have:
  • Put in place a 100% guarantee of bank deposits and also of wholesale term funding for our banks;
  • Legislated for a financial claims scheme
  • Developed the Australian Business Investment Partnership (ABIP) and a separate special purpose vehicle to support concerns in relation to vehicle purchase finance and commercial property financing.
At the macro stimulus level, we implemented range of stimulus responses.
This includes a $10.4 billion Economic Security Strategy, a $15.2 billion cross-federal package, a $4.7 billion Nation Building infrastructure package and now a $42 billion Nation Building Plan - a major economic stimulus for the Australian economy.
This has proven to be a sound strategy.
The Australian Treasury estimates that the Nation Building Plan alone will support up to 90,000 jobs in 2008-09 and 2009-10. And that the initiatives in the Plan will boost economic growth by about ½ per cent of GDP in 2008-09, and around ¾ per cent to one per cent of GDP in 2009-10.
The most recent analysis from the OECD underscores the importance of Australia's decisive and early action.
The OECD's Interim Economic Outlook demonstrates that Australia's economic stimulus measures, with their strong focus on direct government investment, are amongst the most effective of all OECD fiscal packages in terms of stimulating activity and supporting employment.
It is here I would note the similarly significant steps taken by the Singapore Government through the Singapore "Resilience Package".
I am advised that the Resilience Package, announced in January this year, amounts to a stimulus of the Singapore economy of some 8.4% of the Singapore GDP or more than $20 billion Singapore Dollars.
This is decisive and appropriate action.

Australia's corporate law reforms

Turning now to Australia's corporate law reforms...
Since being elected in 2007, the Australian Government has introduced a series of corporate law reforms to both strengthen our regulatory system and help us weather the economic crisis.
I would like to briefly outline some of this work.

Credit rating agencies

As you would be aware, the regulation of credit rating agencies has come under scrutiny in the fall-out from the global financial crisis.
We strongly believe that any issues with credit rating agencies are a worldwide concern that must be tackled globally. This is why Australia's response has been to contribute to, and work with, the globally coordinated efforts of the G20 and IOSCO to improve the oversight of credit rating agencies.
In a world-leading move, from 1 July this year, all credit rating agencies in Australia must hold an Australian Financial Services Licence, and comply in the form of annual comprehensive compliance reports to our regulator, with the updated IOSCO Code of Conduct as a condition of licensing.
We also want to reduce over-reliance on ratings. I have held a series of roundtables with industry to improve the due diligence of those who use ratings, and the disclosure of information by rated entities.

Short selling

Another issue which has been highlighted by the global financial crisis is short selling.
In September 2008, the Australian corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, or ASIC, implemented a temporary and total ban on the covered short selling of financial stocks.
This decision aligned with the actions of securities regulators around the world to limit the activity of short sellers.
ASIIC has now lifted its bans on the covered short selling of non-financial stocks. However, ASIC has decided to retain the ban on short selling of financial stocks until, at least, 31 May 2009. This reflects the systemic importance of financial institutions in the Australian economy.

National regulation of consumer credit and financial services

Well before the global financial crisis hit the headlines, the Australian Government decided to take action to bring the regulation of Australia's financial services into the 21st century. This includes all consumer credit - mortgages, credit cards, investment lending to over 5.7 million Australian households.
But also brokers and credit advisers, margin lending - that is, debt borrowing to purchase securities, usually on-market - plus trustee corporations, debentures and non-deposit taking institutions.
This represented the last of Australia's financial services industry not to be fully and nationally regulated. In a global environment, having six states and two territories regulating this area was unsustainable.
As mentioned, at the moment, Australian consumer credit regulation occurs under a range of different legal regimes, both Federal Government and State or Territory government.
This means that there is currently no consistent consumer protection system throughout Australia.
In 1996, each State and Territory government agreed to a Uniform Consumer Credit Code. The Code was designed to provide consistent consumer protection throughout Australia.
But since then, some State governments have extended the scope of the Uniform Consumer Credit Code in their State.
This means that consumer protection laws are not applied consistently throughout Australia.
Another problem is that the laws do not currently cover some of the newer, and more complex, credit products. The current regulations may not ensure that consumers are properly informed of all the risks associated with these products.
To be perfectly frank, our current system does not work very well. It is confusing. It creates far too much paperwork. It is very inefficient. And worst of all, it is unfair to consumers.
To overcome these problems, the Australian Government will introduce one single, national, standard system to regulate consumer credit.
Because this is a very large-scale project, we are implementing it in two phases.
Under the first phase, the Federal Government is taking responsibility for the Uniform Consumer Credit Code by enacting it as Federal law.
Work on this phase is well underway. On Monday just this week, I released for public exposure the National Consumer Credit Protection package that will create a new national regime regulating credit consistently across Australia for the first time.
I expect to introduce the National Consumer Credit Protection Bill into Parliament in the next few months and this regime will be in place shortly thereafter.
The law will cover all forms of consumer lending, and all credit providers, as well as credit and mortgage brokers and advisers. It will also be uniform in all jurisdictions across Australia.
This is an important step forward for us. It means that, for the first time, we will have one, standard, national regime which applies equally to all credit consumers and all credit providers, right across Australia.
The new national law will be based on two important principles — responsible lending and consumer protection.
Credit providers will need to provide credit services honestly, fairly and responsibly. They will also need to make sure that the loans, or other credit services, that they provide are suitable for their clients, and that the clients can afford to repay.
Lenders will no longer be able to extend credit without checking their client's credit history, or analysing their capacity to repay.
These rules will give consumers a new level of protection. We expect to see far fewer cases of people with loans they cannot repay.
The responsible lending rules will be complemented by a comprehensive consumer protection regime.
All credit providers will need to be licensed under a new, national licensing regime, to be administered by our corporate regulator, ASIC.
Lenders will need to meet entry standards before they can offer their products and services to Australian consumers.
And once they have become licensed, lenders will need to meet continuing standards of conduct. These standards will be higher than those that currently exist at the State and Territory level.
Credit providers who do not meet these standards must either improve their conduct or leave the industry.
Credit providers who breach the provisions of their licence — particularly the rules relating to responsible lending — could have their licence to provide consumer credit withdrawn.
The second phase of the new consumer credit law will be rolled out in 2010. During this phase, we will consider possible further rules to stem specific unfavourable lending practices, including credit card limit extension offers, deceptive advertising practices and other fringe lending issues.

Executive remuneration

Both the G20 and the Financial Stability Board have identified remuneration practices as a contributing factor to the global financial crisis.
A review of the causes of the crisis has revealed that many financial institutions pay their employees in a way that encourages them to take inappropriate risks. Some incentive structures encourage excessive short-term risk taking at the expense of longer-term sustainability.
In Australia, our strong prudential and corporate reporting framework has held us in good stead. This is one of the reasons we have not seen any mainstream financial institution collapse, nor any financial institution needing capital injections from the Government.
Our remuneration framework is also sound. But it is clear that some aspects require further strengthening and modernising.

APRA review into executive remuneration

Australia's Prime Minister Rudd has advocated reform of executive remuneration arrangements in financial institutions to remove incentives for excessive and short-term risk-taking.
In October 2008, the Prime Minister announced that the Government, together with the independent regulator, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, or APRA, would examine how we could take steps on executive remuneration to avoid excessive risk-taking in Australia's financial institutions.
In response to this request, APRA has been participating actively in the Financial Stability Board to develop principles for sound executive compensation. The report of the Financial Stability Board was endorsed by the G20 London Summit on 2 April. This work is helping APRA to refine its approach for Australia's needs.
APRA is scheduled to release its discussion paper next month for consultation with interested parties.

Termination benefit payments

Excessive termination payments or "golden handshakes" have caused concern in Australia for some time. And they are clearly problematic in the current economic climate, particularly when they are seen as "rewards for failure".
This is why the Australian Government will curb excessive termination payments by reducing the threshold for shareholder approval. This will ensure that termination benefits that exceed the threshold will require shareholder approval, regardless of whether they are made to directors or executives.
We have drafted and will shortly release amendments which will require that shareholder approval must be sought for any termination payment exceeding one year's base salary. The amendments will extend the range of executives whose termination payments are subject to shareholder approval. They will also broaden the definition of termination benefit to include all types of payment and rewards given at termination.
We are committed to ensuring that Australia's executive remuneration framework is practical, workable and equitable.
As well, we want to strengthen the accountability of company management in setting remuneration. And make executive remuneration more transparent for shareholders and the broader community.

Financial Services Working Group

Upon coming to Government, we also moved quickly to address the growing flaws in our financial product disclosure arrangements.
Under the regime in place, we were witnessing an explosion in extremely lengthy allegedly investor protective documents.
I know there are several lawyers in the room today - and indeed I am the Minister for Corporate Law - but what we faced was Latin-like documentation that was written by lawyers primarily for the protection of their clients. And those clients we not the mum and dad investors.
So we formed the Financial Services Working Group to rip these documents apart one-by-one. In their place we are developing, in coordination with industry, simple, clear, retail focused disclosure documents of no more than 4-8 pages.
This is a breakthrough from the 100-150 page tomes that we passing as disclosure and it's a major improvement for consumers and a cost saver for the finance sector.

Australia's Future Tax System and comprehensive review of our superannuation system

I have intentionally spoken today about corporate law. As many of you would know, I am also Australia's Superannuation Minister, and it's been a very busy year on that front.
Finally I wanted to mention two very significant processes - one underway and one shortly to be underway in Australia that I know you will have an interest in.
After lunch today, I am meeting with the CEO of the Singapore Central Provident Fund and I will save most of my views on super and pensions for then.
But first a few words about Australia's Future Tax System review. As many of those here would be aware, upon coming to Government, the Prime Minister and Treasurer announced a comprehensive review of Australia's taxation system.
This review is also dealing with the inputs side of our retirement incomes system. As an update, the review is progressing well and the Government looks forward to its findings in late 2009.
We have now also moved on a critical and complementary examination - this looking at the superannuation system and its outputs.
On Tuesday this week, I released an Australian-first communiqué signed by the Government and each and every key part of our superannuation sector.
The communiqué highlighted the strengths of our system, and called forward a comprehensive and mature review of the efficiency, structure and operation of our system.
Over the coming weeks, a significant level of further detail will be forthcoming.


Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see from my words this afternoon, the Rudd Government is working on several fronts to mitigate the effects of the global financial crisis.
We are supporting jobs and investing in future economic growth.
We are working internationally as part of the global solution.
And we are creating a fair marketplace for all Australians.
I hope that my talk has been informative for you. And once again, I would like to extend my sincere thanks for inviting me to speak with you today." 


Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law


This should work if all Christans apply it !

ONE MINUTE EACH NIGHT During WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group of people who dropped what they were doing every night at a prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety of England, its people and peace. This had an amazing effect as  bombing stopped .

There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America .

If you would like to participate: each evening at  9:00 PM Eastern Time  (8:00 PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific), stop whatever you are doing and spend one minute praying for the up-coming election, and for the revival of Christianity in this great country.

If you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass this along.

Someone said if people really understood the full extent of the power we have available through prayer, we might be speechless. Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.

Thank You. Please pass this on to anyone who you think will want to join us.

NSA Whistle-Blower Tells ALL

NSA Whistle-Blower Tells ALL

William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the  
National Security Agency, helped design  
a top-secret program he says is broadly  
collecting Americans' personal data. 

The program, called Stellar Wind is

It is a subversion of the Constitution and of  
any number of laws.

Top Justice Department officials threatened  
to resign in 2004 because Stellar Wind
violated  the law. Their objections to the
law are not  public nor do Americans currently
have any say in this matter.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that  
oversees the NSA is scheduled to be reauthorized  
in December 2012. Thirteen senators have signed  
a letter expressing concern that the law allows  
the collection of personal data from US citizens.

As Binney says, "We can call ourselves a democracy  
but that doesn't mean that we will stay that way."  


PS:  Please take note of the date 2004 and
WHO WAS IN OFFICE during this time?

If you can't recall -- BUSH, Jr.

President Obama’s Re-election Part of the Golden Age Master Plan

His years in office have taken their toll
Yesterday (Sept. 6, 2012) we posted Matthew Ward’s comment that “it’s essential that the Obama presidency continues. This has nothing at all to do with politics in that country or any other! It has everything to do with the Golden Age master plan!” (1)
Almost every other year, Matthew has posted his message much close to Sept. 11, 2012 – 9/11. But this year, with the Democratic nomination convention coming up, Matthew posted it prior to that event.
Now the President has won the nomination of his party, a circumstance that was probably never in doubt and, according to the Company of Light, must win the election in November.
Matthew stated that “the highest universal council chose as a major player a soul with highly evolved spiritual status, ancient wisdom and world leadership experience in many lifetimes. That soul is Barack Obama.” (2)
Other, more mainstream sites will look at the evidence of voting records and political alliances, but our evidence here comes from the views of ascended masters, galactics, and celestials. Nowhere else perhaps is this evidence considered than the various 2012 Ascension blogsites and certainly the mainstream media can be counted on not to take notice of what we say here. Of that we can be sure.
But we take notice of it. What do the galactics say about the evolved soul named Barack Obama who has labored for the past four years against an avalanche of abuse and spin and still has held his vision for America and the world?
In his speech President Obama cited Abraham Lincoln and the two Presidents have at least one thing in common: both faced a high degree of unpopularity by the end of their first term. President Lincoln was despised by many. President Obama faced an avalanche of bad publicity and lack of support from the earliest years of his presidency, as soon as it became apparent, I believe, that he wore a white hat instead of a dark hat.
The opposition to the President goes right back to his earliest days in office, Matthew tells us.
“From his beginning days in office, Obama has been confronted with powerful opposition to his godly vision for his country and a world at peace, and while never wavering one iota from his ultimate intentions, he has had to make compromises and interim decisions that are not in consonance with his vision, with messages from his soul.” (3)
Matthew noted the toll this has taken on the President:
“President Obama has been up against the darkest of the dark ones ever since he took office, and even though his light has not diminished one iota, the stress of relentless opposition to what he wants to accomplish for Earth and all of peoples has noticeably taken its toll.” (4)
Matthew explained the nature of the opposition that President Obama faced.
“While opposition to Obama’s direction from the Republicans in Congress en masse and some members of his own party too is public knowledge, the power behind the dissension—pressure from the Illuminati global web-work—is not. Except for readers of our messages and those from other sources within the light, it is not known that the vociferous and rancorous disagreements within the US government are not as they appear to be, a stubborn partisan bloc or inflexible ideological differences—it is the influence of the light and of the darkness being played out on the United States government stage.” (5)
In July 2012, Matthew foretold the re-election of President Obama and said that we had agreed to it before we incarnated.
“President Obama will be reelected, and this is no more a matter of politics now than it ever was. Often we have told you that the Golden Age master planners requested this soul from a highly evolved civilization to come to the planet specifically to fill one of the most strategic positions during this phase of Earths’ ascension out of third density and entry into fourth. And all of you agreed with this when you enthusiastically chose your own roles in this lifetime.” (6)
Hatonn, Mathew’s galactic colleague, told us in October of 2010 that President Obama and his family was protected and that the President knew of the Ascension timetable.
“Obama now knows we have him covered and he can proceed without fear for his family’s safety and his own. Media report what they are told, of course, but the truth is, now that he knows Earth’s ascension timetable, he’s negotiating with powers that be either personally or via safe communication channels to shut down Illuminati strongholds in his country, Europe and the Orient.” (7)
More recently, Matthew revealed something of those who stood around the President, protecting him. And those who threatened him. What he said may shock some people.
“We also have spoken about the formidable opposition to Obama’s endeavors to bring about greatly-needed reforms in his country and to achieve peace in the world. What we didn’t disclose before is that light warriors came from his homeland to protect him and his family from the band of dark reptilians, also from another planet, that the Illuminati hired to kill the Obamas.
“This shows the extent of the dark ones’ fear that this president would end their long reign, and they are right. Very soon they will have no more means to buy assassins, members of Congress or multitudes of lobbyists—then all will see the light in Obama and herald his wise leadership and actions toward world unity.” (8)
Matthew’s opinion of the President is shared by SaLuSa, who in May called Barack Obama “a great soul of the Light. He is already taking actions that will aid our allies in bringing the Cabal to answer for their crimes.” (9)
Geoffrey West, on An Hour with an Angel on March 5, 2012, asked Archangel Michael if President Obama was still aligned with the Divine Plan. AAM answered: “Yes, he is. … He is your star brother, and we suggest that you trust him. There is a bigger plan afoot.” (10)
Matthew Ward in his January 2012 message spent the bulk of it explaining the President’s position vis-a-vis the Illuminati:
“Some doubt that Barack Obama is the highly evolved light being that we and other messengers in high stations have told you he is, and he is perceived as following in the footsteps of the Illuminati. You will see for yourselves the truth of what we have said, but because his role in your world is of paramount importance, we shall speak about his position vs the Illuminati agenda. …
“Without the power of any Illuminati behind him, Obama could not have risen to become the Democratic party’s nominee, the essential first step to his election as president, and this was known to the master planners of Earth’s Golden Age. The soul who embodied as Barack Obama, the souls who would back him many years later, and all of you who clamored to participate in Earth’s ascension process knew that too, but none remembers.” (11)
The Arcturian Group last year told us that “your president is an evolved being, but he is not being allowed to bring through many of his enlightened ideas at this time, but he will.” (12)
SaLuSa also explained to us in January of 2011 that President Obama’s best work lay ahead of him.
“President Obama is surrounded by the dark Ones but nevertheless able to make some progress, and will continue to lay down the foundation for his final years of office. His best work is still to come and he is well aware of his destiny to lead the people out of the darkness. He is a highly spiritual soul, and will with our help and protection work with us to speedily transform your experiences, into ones of happiness and release from the draconian laws that rule your lives.” (13)
In late 2011, SaLuSa congratulated those who continued to support the president and assured us that he would blossom once the interference of the dark ones was eliminated.
“Dear Ones, you are wonderfully loyal to those you respect and we are pleased that many still hold President Obama in high regard. That is in spite of continual attempts by the dark Ones or those who do not understand his position, to show him in a bad light.
“Be aware that he is a great Being of Light, who is having to play a role that requires him to ‘play’ along with the dictates of those who advise him. He has achieved a degree of success even although he has faced opposition all along. He needs your continued support and love, and you will see him blossom and take charge once he can fully implement his own policies without interference.” (14)
With the top leaders of the Illuminati either in containment, under arrest, sequestered or removed from the planet, we can expect President Obama before too long to take charge of his government in a way that he’s been unable to do so far. When he does, I think we can look forward to seeing the great and evolved soul he is, something that we’ve only seen so far in flashes

The Queen's Riddle

The Queen's Riddle

Barack Obama met with the Queen of England.

He asked her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?"

"Well," said the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people."

Obama frowned, and then asked, "But how do I know the people around are really intelligent?"

The Queen took a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle."

The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. "Please send Tony Blair in here, would you?"

Tony Blair walked into the room and said, "Yes, Your Majesty?"

The Queen smiled and said, "Answer me this, please, Tony. Your mother and father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister.

Who is it?"

Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair answered, "That would be me."

"Yes! Very good," said the Queen.

Obama went back home to ask Joe Biden the same question. "Joe, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?"

"I'm not sure," said Biden. "Let me get back to you on that one." He went to his advisers and asked everyone, but none could give him an answer.

Finally, Biden ran in to Sarah Palin out eating one night. Biden asked, "Sarah, can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"

Sarah Palin answered right back, "That's easy; it's me!"

Biden smiled, and said, "Thanks!" Then, he went back to speak with Obama. "Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It's Sarah Palin!"

Obama got up, stomped over to Biden and angrily yelled into his face, "No! You idiot! It's Tony Blair!"