Saturday, September 8, 2012

UNDERGROUND WAR? From Erasmus Of America Sept. 8, 2012 1:20 PM

Posted: 03 Sep 2012 01:44 AM PDT

While returning our rental car to the airport here in North Carolina Saturday, my husband and I passed a convoy of about 20 military hummers that were strange in appearance. On the side of them it said MILITARY POLICE. The lead car had these shields (3-4) with these radar-looking things on the left and right side of the front windshield and I wondered how in the world the driver could even see to drive. There was a place on the top of the hummers for a large gun, but there wasn't any guns there. I was so taken back at actually seeing this! I was driving West on I-540 about 75 mph, had just picked my pet up from the kennel and she was all over me, so I could not take photos.

Later when I got home, I contacted a military friend of mine who is very knowledgeable and vocal about what is going on in the military right now. I described to her the odd looking hummers. She said the shield/radar looking hummers were for crowd control and emitted ultrasonic high pitch sound that numbed the brain and basically left you confused and not knowing who you were for a few days. She said at very high pitches, the sounds were fatal. The guns for the hummers were also for crowd control, but they were lethal. They are called heat guns and can be used on crowds. They basically burn your internal organs without causing any external damage to anything else. She said these guns were carried on the drones also and could kill people in their homes without causing any damage to the exterior of their homes. The drones could basically fly over someone's house that they wanted to get rid of and not cause any damage to their one would know. She said the military has a lot of "star wars" weapons. This info comes from believers who are file clerks, pilots, weapons testers, etc., and there is a bond of secrecy between them. She said currently the military is going around and asking soldiers if they are willing to do whatever the military asks them to. Some have said no. Some have been arrested and discharged from the army, especially outspoken ones. She said they are withholding her husband's military pay and several others in the military who are being outspoken. This is a close friend of mine; please pray for her and her family. We need to lift up our military personnel because they are undergoing persecution right now. I have a feeling that people with no consciences are going to do some horrible things against Americans in the not too distant future.

This was from another friend who has inside connections:


This information came from trusted, reliable sources, and you may make of it what you will. Those who are in Christ have no reason to fear, as He is with us, come what may. However, we should be prepared. People in America have no idea what true persecution is, and I believe that it's about to become very real. I will stand for the truth and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, no matter what. I will not be silenced, and I will not relent. They can take my body, but they will never take my soul. It belongs to the LORD Jesus Christ, bought and paid for by His precious blood. I am ready for anything, my prayer is that you will be too.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  1 Thessalonians 5:21

Dan Fink
"Bringing the news behind the news, the story behind the story, hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed at and that illusion is usually king.  But, in the battle for survival of western civilization, it's going to be reality and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future is going to bring."  Dr. Stan Monteith


Anonymous said...

Please STOP BASHING President Obama....
it IS NOT HIS PLAN TO TAKE OVER our country...BUT IT IS THE NWO....and there is a BIG difference!

Is there a war going on? YES...and its between the NWO with nazi head, BUSH CABAL leading the charge....and do not confuse these two!

PLEASE STOP SENDING THIS FEAR B.S. out...PLEASE STOP SENDING HATE into the ethers about President Obama for its not the truth!

Ask the angels for their divine protection for our country and those who are working for the light to bring freedom to our planet!

Anonymous said...

your proof on this matter please?

Anonymous said...

What planet or cloud are you on, Anon.2:40? All you have to do is examine Obama's actions to see where he stands. Have you checked? How about all the unconstitutional executive orders he has made? (Hello! He is breaking the law!!!) How about the fraudulent social security number he uses? The phony birth certificates he has posted? Duh! How about all the radical communists he has appointed? I don't mean to be insulting, but why are you in denial of all this? What is your problem? Wake up before it's too late for all of us!

Anonymous said...

goggle any thing he said and you will find proof! try searching sheriff joe from az more proof from the police! where does your ignorant bliss come from? most people are stressed with this knowledge.
must be nice not to have the burden of common knowledge. ever here of a internet search?

Anonymous said...

I have to say, all this fear porn about PRESIDENT Obama is just plain ludicrous. Pres. Obama is FIGHTING the NWO, he is on OUR side and all of this BS that you keep posting is just that BS. Did you not read Michael's latest? If so, what part of Obama is one of the good guys did you miss? Considering that Pres. Obama is NOT Muslim, not is he communist, this article, and Erasmus, is just plain laughable. ERASMUS is a NWO Shill and should never again be posted, he is full of fear porn disinformation and is pointing the wrong direction. Obama is NOT the problem, he is part of the solution!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that magnetic weapon the Keshe Foundation has can put a stop to some of these horrible weapons?

Anonymous said...

first off, ALL POLITICIANS are under the control of the VATICAN, ALL OF THEM, who controls the VATICAN? who knows!!! maybe the greys, the reptilians, or Satan himself disguised as an ET. Obama is just a puppet, he has to do what he is told. This message was originally posted on other websites under other captions, this ridiculous guy that calls himself Erasmus of America just choose to add the underground caption to insinuate he knows something we don't or that he's got some inside info, he has no proof of anything he says, he copies info from others that are really working and trying to actually do something about it. Drake does the same thing. this narcissists that John refuses to held accountable for all the misinformation they post on daily basis should be banned from this site. Obama, just like his predecessors has been hired to do a job. This actors: Senators, Governors, Sheriffs, Congress, have an agenda and are working towards a common goal: To keep us slaves to the Banks, to keep us CONSUMERS, to keeps us drugged, stupid and ignorant!!! They are doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

Why under the Obama administration is our money being used to pay China to build and ship thousands of guillotines over here? And why is this government spending our money to grant a big contract to a company to build railroad cars with 180 pairs of shackles in it? And why are there humvees running around in NC with radars that have very high pitches for crowd control that are fatal to the people in the surrounding area? And why are there star wars weapons that are lethal mounted on top of these humvees that burn people's organs on the inside of their body in order to kill them? And why does Obama watch videos of drones killing the people on his hit list or kill list over and over? And why is one of America's favorite comedians who did satire on Obama dead? (we loved him by the way) And why are there 30,000 drones that have been bought with the American's money in order to kill them instead of doing something positive and good for everyone with that amount of money? And why did he sign the NDAA to indefinitely hold Americans for any reason they choose to and not give them any rights under our laws, Bill of Rights, and Constitution? And why did he put in the health care bill (which by the way still needs to be repealed) that Americans were to take a computer rfid chip under their skin in Jan. 2013? (is that the mark of the beast?)(you know the big computer in Brussels, Belgium) And why did Obama take God and Jesus out of the Military Chaplain's speech at funerals for our Military men? And why is Obama a double-talking liar? You know the fish rots from the head down.... if he wants to proceed with all of his plans to end America and kill off the Americans, then why is he buying a $37 million dollar house in Hawaii? He probably wouldn't want to get nuked, because then he wouldn't enjoy what he did to America. That would probably would ruin his view. And by the way....where are you coming from? "proof" on the matter... Do you know how to use a computer? You can find proof for everything mentioned, on your computer.

Anonymous said...

Who said Obama is not a muslim nor a communist? Everything he does shows the fruit of what he is... Why does he have stuff about dhimmitude and sharia law in the "Obama Healthcare Bill" which is definitely muslim? You may be the shill or disinfo agent. I'm certainly not laughing at anything Erasmus has to say. This article was posted on this blog just last week by someone else, who wasn't Erasmus. How do you know that Obama's MK-ULTRA mind programming and temple implant isn't going to keep him from doing his great "goldenage" (is that new age?) wonder stuff? Will Valerie Jarrett be there with him? (his controller)

Anonymous said...

You make yourself sound like you know so much. Everybody pretty much reads the same information. You are right about one thing... This article was posted here last week and can be found somewhere on the left side column. It's pretty obvious that if Erasmus of America didn't think this article was important, he wouldn't have posted it here to warn people of what is being reported in the United States. If you are working and actually trying to do something, you would realize that other people are also working and trying to do something. I have seen nothing but original posts from Erasmus of America...quite interesting too, I might add. The people who are aware of what is going on, want the charades to end.