Thursday, September 13, 2012

(Important) Sign the ET Disclosure Petition on website

Hey folks, we are so close to meeting the required signatures for ET Disclosure petition on the White website. If you have not signed the petition please do your part and click on the link and help take us over the 25,000 mark. I signed it over a year ago. If we can get over the 25,000 signatures before October 09, 2012 the galactics can’t say we failed to do our part of petitioning the government. –B

Demand a full congressional investigation of the National Space Council activities from 1989 - 1992
Demand a full congressional investigation of the National Space Council activities from 1989 – 1992

In response to an earlier petition: “The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.”

Due to national security, the U.S. should conduct an investigation. Transparently review the National Space Council 1989 - 1993 with access to classified documents, the power to call witnesses and grant immunity, publicly presenting findings. Gain Self-Disclosure from our elected government representatives re: images of ET/UFO activities and conflicts between Ex-NASA Chief and the President. None ever shared publicly the details with a budget in the billions

Created: Sep 09, 2012

It's up to you to build support for petitions you care about and gather more signatures. A petition must get 150 signatures in order to be publicly searchable on
Over time, we may need to adjust the petition signature thresholds, but we'll always let you know what the thresholds are.
Description: Description:
Signatures needed by October 09, 2012 to reach goal of 25,000

Total signatures on this petition

Follow link:


Hello All:
                      Bix Comments on the federal reserve.
                             God Bless   Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart 

Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 13:37:38 -0400
Subject: ALERT: Gold & Silver Go Parabolic as Fed Announces QE to INFINITY!

The Fed announced the beginning of QE3 with $40B in purchases of Mortgage Backed Securities PER MONTH without stating any end date or dollar amount. Here is the statement:

"the Committee agreed today to increase policy accommodation by purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month."

"If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. "

No limits. No end date. This is QE to INFINITY!

Make no mistake...this is all on purpose. This is the END GAME and the blame for the global meltdown will be placed, rightfully, on the shoulders of the Federal Reserve.

Basically, the Fed has chosen to FALL ON IT'S OWN SWORD!

The Gold and Silver move upward has caught all the shorts off guard. The Bad Guys are in deep, deep trouble as they took their cues from the likes of Jeffrey Christian and Jon Nadler who were advising EVERYONE to short gold and silver.

Now it gets exciting!

PS - Ron Paul just happens to be speaking tomorrow night at the Liberty Political Action Conference...if you think that is a coincidence then I have some lovely swamp land to sell you in Florida!

The world is about to change.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

Federal Reserve launches QE3

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Federal Reserve launches QE3
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 13-Sep-2012 13:27:24


The Federal Reserve announced plans to unleash more stimulus Thursday, in its third attempt at a controversial program to rev up the U.S. economy.
The policy, known as quantitative easing and often abbreviated as QE3, entails buying $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities each month. The end date remains up in the air, as the Fed will re-evaluate the strength of the economy in coming months.
The Fed is wasting no time. The purchases begin Friday and are expected to total about $23 billion over the remainder of September.
In addition, the Fed also indicated that it plans to keep interest rates at "exceptionally low levels" until mid-2015. Previously, the Fed had forecast rates would remain low until late 2014.
The central bank's main objective is to lower interest rates and mortgage rates in particular. By keeping rates low, the Fed hopes to fuel more spending and eventually, more hiring.
The policy "should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative," the Fed's official statement said.
Meanwhile, the Fed will continue its existing policy known as Operation Twist. Together the two programs will add $85 billion in long-term bonds to the Fed's balance sheet each month.
Read more:

Thomass Hughes with Lisa Harrison - Contact w/ interdimensional beings!

Thomass is in contact with the Sasquatch and other interdimensional beings. He also has the ability to communicate with most life forms. Here he discusses what he has learned about this transition over the next 18 months.

Join Lisa each week for The Collective Imagination Radio Show,

For more info on Lisa's Private Mentoring Sessions visit,

Lisa is also on Facebook!

Read Lisa's Blog here:

Reno Scam (Hammerman)

Hi Everyone, 
In the past Dinar Recaps was the website I referred the group to for information.  In the past month there has been an ongoing situation and controversy about Hammerman
which I did not share or address because I could see no value in spreading it around.

However, with Dinar Recaps posting Hammerman I have revised my thinking because without
all the knowledge you don't have the full picture.

Blaino at Planet Dinar had originally funded Hammerman's website,  Recently, Blaino found out Hammerman was soliciting from his chat members for operating capital and other expenditures. This was confirmed because Hammerman told Blaino he would refund some of the subscription money and several of Blaino's friend did not get a refund.  On top of this Blaino questioned the intel Hammerman was reporting so Blaino then had Hammerman banned from the Planet Dinar site and the site.

Since then, many people have been solicited and have gone to Reno to meet with so called agents to get a preferred rate.  They either turned their dinars over to someone and never heard from them again or there was no agent there and they, having gone out of desperation, were left stranded in Reno with no back up resources.

Blaino has reported that Hammerman was involved with the Reno scam also, along with another woman.  Last name Masters I think.  Additionally, from the very first time Hammerman showed up on the Dinar scene, BMW at 3sintel would not let him post there.  He never went into details but Hammerman was banned from that site right at the get go.

Hammerman had started another site after being banned at and now it seems his mods on that site are saying he lied to them and they have now banned him from it.

So, I say all this so when you see him giving out information on Dinar Recaps you will question what your reading.   Remember, anybody can call themselves a Guru and send in a posting or info to the Dinar Recaps website.  The only policing, credentialling of anyone involved with Dinars is by the Dinar/VND currency community itself.

Always be wary and DO NOT give your Dinars or VND to anyone else.

Blessings to all,

Are Politicians Different From The Military Per Retirement Pay?

 I challenge you to read this and NOT have the will to pass it on.

No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay on retirement.  While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full-pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.

If each person who receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law
that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ."

You are one of my 20+. I passed it on, will you?




I am getting several reports, some of which has been posted on chat rooms ----- That foreclosure folks have been and are getting letters that there mortgages are getting paid in full by the WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS. In short DEBT FORGIVENESS has started!   WOW!

Don't know the details yet and waiting for more information. When I get it --- it be posted here!

Now let me see --- wasn't Debt Forgiveness part of the NESARA PLAN ---- nay --- couldn't be that this Nesara thing is for real!!!

--Benjamin Fulford --Two Updates -- 13 September 2012--

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

--Benjamin Fulford --Two Updates -- 13 September 2012--
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 13-Sep-2012 07:04:24

Posted on September 13, 2012 by lucas2012infos | 1 Comment
According to British Intelligence sources, the recent killing in France of Saad Al-hilli and his family was carried out because his company manufactured equipment capable of detecting nuclear weapons from the air. It was his equipment that allowed for the detection and prevention of the recently planned nuclear terror attack on the London Olympics. He was killed in order to pave the way for future nuclear terror attacks by the fascist P2 Freemason lodge that is seeking to create mayhem before offering a fascist solution to the problem they created.
Hello Gail,
The Knights of Malta are not all part of this and I never meant to imply that a great man like Mandela was part of the Nazi cabal. I also understand that Freemason lodges come in many varieties
and they are often opposed to each other. The Scottish Rite Freemasons are in opposition to the Monte Carlo P2 freemason lodge. The Grande Lodge De L’Orient or the franco-freemasonry are also
a separate group.
The problem as I see it is that the Catholic Church is a schizophrenic organization. There are the good Catholics and Catholic charities that help the poor and the needy. Then there are the military
wings of the Catholic church who want a fascist world government and believe the means justify the end.
The murder of the US ambassador in Libya, the staged flag raising at the US embassy in Egypt etc. are all fake incidents being run by the Nazi New World Order faction who are trying to provoke
Christians and Muslims into fighting each-other before merging them into one group and using them to invade Asia and set up a world fascist government. It is their problem/reaction/solution
formula that they have used time and time again. We are demanding that they cease and desist such anti-social and evil behaviour and allow the world peace we all strongly desire.
Benjamin Fulford

BIG News! NDAA detention provisions Zapped

BIG News! NDAA detention provisions Zapped
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/12/2012 22:43 -0400
Back in January, Pulitzer winning journalist Chris Hedges sued President Obama and the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act, specifically challenging the legality of the Authorization for Use of Military Force or, the provision that authorizes military detention for people deemed to have "substantially supported" al Qaeda, the Taliban or "associated forces."
Hedges called the president's action allowing indefinite detention, which was signed into law with little opposition from either party "unforgivable, unconstitutional and exceedingly dangerous."
He attacked point blank the civil rights farce that is the never-ending "war on terror" conducted by both parties, targeting whom exactly is unclear, but certainly attaining ever more intense retaliation from foreigners such as the furious attacks against the US consulates in Egypt and Libya.
He asked "why do U.S. citizens now need to be specifically singled out for military detention and denial of due process when under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force the president can apparently find the legal cover to serve as judge, jury and executioner to assassinate U.S. citizens."
A few months later, in May, U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest ruled in favor of a temporary injunction blocking the enforcement of the authorization for military detention. Today, the war against the true totalitarian terror won a decisive battle, when in a 112-opinion, Judge Forrest turned the temporary injunction, following an appeal by the totalitarian government from August 6, into a permanent one.
From Reuters:
The permanent injunction prevents the U.S. government from enforcing a portion of Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act's "Homeland Battlefield" provisions.
The opinion stems from a January lawsuit filed by former New York Times war correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges and others. The plaintiffs said they had no assurance that their writing and advocacy activities would not fall under the scope of the provision.
Government attorneys argued that the executive branch is entitled to latitude when it comes to cases of national security and that the law is neither too broad nor overly vague.
"This court does not disagree with the principle that the president has primacy in foreign affairs," the judge said, but that she was not convinced by government arguments.
"The government has not stated that such conduct - which, by analogy, covers any writing, journalistic and associational activities that involve al Qaeda, the Taliban or whomever is deemed "associated forces" - does not fall within § 1021(b)(2)."
What is ironic, is that in the ongoing absolute farce that is the theatrical presidential debate, there hasn't been one word uttered discussing precisely the kind of creeping totalitarian control, and Orwellian loss of constitutional rights, that the bi-party-supported NDAA would have demanded out of the US republic. Why?
Chris Hedges said it best:
The oddest part of this legislation is that the FBI, the CIA, the director of national intelligence, the Pentagon and the attorney general didn’t support it. FBI Director Robert Mueller said he feared the bill would actually impede the bureau’s ability to investigate terrorism because it would be harder to win cooperation from suspects held by the military. “The possibility looms that we will lose opportunities to obtain cooperation from the persons in the past that we’ve been fairly successful in gaining,” he told Congress.

But it passed anyway. And I suspect it passed because the corporations, seeing the unrest in the streets, knowing that things are about to get much worse, worrying that the Occupy movement will expand, do not trust the police to protect them. They want to be able to call in the Army. And now they can.

He is 100% correct, and today, if it weren't for his lawsuit, the saying that someone, somewhere in the world might possibly "hate America for its liberties" would have been the biggest lie conceivable.
Also, the total fascist takeover of America would now have been a fact.

Read entire ZH article:

The Empty Chair is going Viral around the World

Subject: FW: The Empty Chair is going Viral around the World.

Initially the Democrats had a field day ridiculing Eastwood's routine with the empty chair.
It appears Eastwood may have been somewhat more clever than they anticipated.
Look at what his routine spawned

Thanks Clint...