Hello All:
Bix Comments on the federal reserve.
God Bless Love to all
Bix Comments on the federal reserve.
God Bless Love to all

From: bix@roadtoroota.com
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 13:37:38 -0400
Subject: ALERT: Gold & Silver Go Parabolic as Fed Announces QE to INFINITY!
The Fed announced the beginning of QE3 with $40B in purchases of Mortgage Backed Securities PER MONTH without stating any end date or dollar amount. Here is the statement:
"the Committee agreed today to increase policy accommodation by purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month."
"If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. "
No limits. No end date. This is QE to INFINITY!
Make no mistake...this is all on purpose. This is the END GAME and the blame for the global meltdown will be placed, rightfully, on the shoulders of the Federal Reserve.
Basically, the Fed has chosen to FALL ON IT'S OWN SWORD!
The Gold and Silver move upward has caught all the shorts off guard. The Bad Guys are in deep, deep trouble as they took their cues from the likes of Jeffrey Christian and Jon Nadler who were advising EVERYONE to short gold and silver.
Now it gets exciting!
PS - Ron Paul just happens to be speaking tomorrow night at the Liberty Political Action Conference...if you think that is a coincidence then I have some lovely swamp land to sell you in Florida!
The world is about to change.
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir
For those who think Ron Paul is the next best thing since sliced bread, you may want to dig deep into his real philosophy and ask yourself a few things:
1. Why hasn't he told the American people the real truth about the Federal Reserve: in that, it is a PRiVATE CORPORATION, just like the so-called government that he works for? THINK ABOUT IT? This is the only thing that he has been running on and its a FARCE!
2. He sold a newsletter in the 90's where he made and published racial statements about Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black community as well as slanderous statements about gays repeatedly! What does that sound like to you? This is not the type of man that I want leading the way!
3. Could he be the set-up that the NWO has put into place so that everyone follows this man to the slaughter? He has a pathetic record and has gotten nothing done while also been being paid (by us) for the last 22 years to do, what?
4. Something doesn't smell good and if you follow the trail, its not a pretty one either.
To the above comment...uuhhhmm you know nothing about Dr. Paul. He has said constantly the FED is a private bank and how bad it is. Where have you been. No for those publications they were not written by Ron Paul, period. That has been also states many times. Have you actually read they or are you going off hear say? May I suggest you do further research before you make such slanderous comments on a man who gives back most of his congressional pay each year, never voted for a pay increase or an unconstitutional bill. So go run your cy-op stuff someplace else. Just try and com pair any politican to Ron Paul just on voting, integrity and consistency there is no one that comes close.
So if you're asking if I had a choice between Obama, Romney or Paul , who would I choose?
Oh, this is tough to decide!
Let's see, 2 current nominees who are for NDAA, War with Iran that will turn into WW3, continuing the Federal Reserve and in fact praising it's operation, 1 candidate of the 2, endorsed by the Clintons' and the other endorsed by the Bushs' or a guy who says send ALL our troops home, End the Fed, has the highest endorsement approval from our armed services...by far, wants to restore liberty here at home and tell other nations including Zionist Israel they will no longer get any financial support from us, wants to end our Empire around the world and put our strength into rebuilding our nation.
Honestly, who the heck would you choose?
Ron Paul 2012!
It's true,
Ben, the 'False Profit', has fired his last bullet, and has fallen on his sword...
At least, just like Greenspan, he goes out LYING HIS ASS OFF
Market Confidence?... More Jobs??...
When did printing more money EVER accomplish Either of those things?..
That takes actual money...
The kind G.W. Bush used to 'borrow, spend, lose off the backs of semi trucks, and just plain steal directly from the US Treasury...
Remember the cool $300 each we Madoff with that first year?
After the Supreme Court ruled on those hanging chads?
Just before they crashed both our economy and the twin towers?
George was downright generous with US... Wasn't he?
Most of us were able to pay the jacked up power bills for an extra month or so that year.
Before George's best friend 'Kenny boy' Lay...
And 'The smartest guys in the room' at ENRON sucked every last dollar from our pensions that is...
George was timid at first..
He started out borrowing and spending (Like a drunken sailor) with no hope of repaying, then proceeded to the harder stuff...
Embezzlement, to theft, to aggravated assault, to extortion etc.
- Nice guy though... The kind you might like to share a beer with...
Remember, Back when we used to actually HAVE some money in the treasury?
Anyway, In the end, Bush, Paulson, and Greenspan were of course, replaced by Obama, Geithner, and Bernanke...
Who said: Don't worry... All we have to do is print more money.
Turns out Ben couldn't print his way out of a paper bag...
Market confidence?
More Jobs??
More like higher food and fuel prices,
Depressed spending due to lagging wages and devalued currency,
Less tax income collected at higher rates, (due to less earning/spending)
Equals LESS consumer confidence
Equals even more debt
Equals zero % interest rate bailouts for TBTFs
Equals more derivatives hedging
Equals NO lending
Equals LESS Jobs...
And MORE... Recession/depression...
I know... Let's introduce austerity measures to the homeless...
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