Saturday, September 15, 2012

It’s All Starting to Unravel for Obama

If ONLY................this unraveling could be sustainably true!

It’s All Starting to Unravel for Obama

Filed under Islam, Media, Politics, War
unravel_flagThere’s a report that our government knew of the attack 48 hours before it happened. You can’t blame this one on George Bush, but something makes me believe the Democrats and the media will try. The Independent, a UK news source, reports the following
“According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and ‘lockdown,’ under which movement is severely restricted.”
We’ve seen it coming. In fact, the Obama presidency started to unravel the day he took office with his hand on the Bible swearing before God and men to uphold the Constitution by closing with “So help me God.”
What’s kept President Obama’s presidency intact for the past four years is the accomplices in the media. His every foible, mis-statement, radical policy, international blunder, executive order, and ties to Islamists either never appeared in print or were buried deep in the fold of page 59 of the New York Times.
Sound criticisms of the president were always declared to be “code words” for imbedded racism in the Republican Party.
There’s no place to hide today. There are more networks than ABC, CBS, and NBC. CNN is in the ratings tank. The internet minute-by-minute explodes with news information. Photos and videos make their way to our computer screens within minutes of the events happening.
One of the things that helped end the Vietnam War was images of body bags and the daily casualty count.
Previous wars were fought in distant lands. News was mostly sanitized for American audiences.  Hollywood got behind the war effort. They were cheerleaders for the troops. A number of them enlisted. Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable come to mind. Baseball great Ted Williams put his baseball career on hold and served as a naval aviator (a U.S. Marine Corps pilot) during World War II and the Korean War.
For most Americans these wars were fought “over there.” “Over there” is now in our living rooms, offices, smart phones, tablets, and computer screens. Hit the refresh button, and there’s something new in the news.
When the stories of the embassy attacks hit the news, we were told that it was about some obscure anti-Muhammad video. Now we’re learning that the attacks were planned well in advance and were coordinated. It’s not coincidental that the attacks took place on 9/11. Were the attacks in retaliation of killing Osama bin Laden? Taking out the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attack was always ripe for retaliation.
The U.S. embassy in Cairo was attacked by a mob chanting “Obama, Obama, we’re all Osama.” Support of “Arab Spring,” apologies, political deference, religious appeasement, bowing and scraping, and billions in foreign aid haven’t done a thing to placate the “we hate America” radical Muslims.
What did the media do to protect the candidate they got elected? They blame shifted, like Obama, the Democrats, and the media have been doing for four years. “It was Bush’s fault.” Now it’s Romney’s fault for exposing the ineptitude of this administration.
On the anniversary of the biggest and most frightening attack on American social, these embassies were left unprotected. You know that had George Bush been in office, the media and the Democrat candidate running against him would be putting out these things in triplicate. It’s all you would be seeing and hearing about. Here’s an example of media diversion:
“[H]ere’s Chris Matthews summing up the narrative du jour by insisting that ‘The tragedy in Benghazi that cost Ambassador Stevens his life unfortunately has been overshadowed by the desperate reach by Mitt Romney to secure political advantage.’”
Romney’s running for president. He needs to send a message to the voters and to the radical Islamists. He can’t sit back and look indecisive. That’s what got us into this mess.
Then there’s Hillary Clinton who is still blaming everybody but the radical murderers for what happened on America’s Second 9/11. Here’s how the complicit Washington Post massages the story:
“Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton took strong steps Thursday to distance the U.S. government from a movie that has sparked protests throughout the Muslim world, calling the film ‘disgusting and reprehensible’ but also condemning violence in response to it.
“‘The U.S. government has absolutely nothing to do with this video. We absolutely reject its content and messages,’ Clinton said. ‘But there is no justification — none at all — for responding to this video with violence.’”
The movie didn’t have a thing to do with the actions of these insane people.
Here’s what Nancy Pelosi had to say, “If they’re suggesting we should cut off assistance to Egypt,” Pelosi said of some Republicans in Congress, “I don’t agree with that.’” She’s just as insane. The tax payers will have $1.5 billion dollars stolen from them this year by Pelosi and the Democrats to fund who knows what in Egypt.

The longest distance a man has to travel,
is the distance across his mind to the center of his heart.
Like the Journey Of 1,000 Miles ~
It begins with the first step.


Shadow Bankers Vanished Leaving China Victims Seeing Scams

Sept. 13, 2012 A collapse of property schemes, commodity schemes, and other investments schemes in China is well underway. The Ponzi schemes all had one thing in common: they needed an ever-growing pool of suckers to pay the returns promised to investors.

Well, the pool of greater fools finally ran out, and Shadow Bankers Vanished Leaving China Victims Seeing Scams
China’s slowest economic growth in three years and a slumping property market, where many so-called shadow-banking investments are parked, are squeezing millions of Chinese who have invested the money of friends and acquaintances chasing higher yields to honor those payments. The slowdown also is putting pressure on the government to rein in private lending to avoid a spate of defaults that could increase the number of victims and lead to social unrest.
Suicide, Bankruptcy

The shadow bankers are now disappearing, committing suicide or reneging on agreements, leaving thousands of victims in their wake. In the first half of the year, more than 58,000 lawsuits involving disputes over 28.4 billion yuan in private lending were filed in Zhejiang province, where Wenzhou is located, up 27 percent from the same period in 2011 and the most in five years, according to the provincial supreme court. One-fifth of the cases were in Wenzhou, where authorities have set up a special court to handle the surge.

Private-lending victims nationwide filed more than 600,000 lawsuits valued at 110 billion yuan in 2011, an increase of 38 percent from the previous year. In the first half of 2012, the number of filings rose 25 percent to 376,000, according to People’s Court, a newspaper run by China’s Supreme Court.

In Wenzhou, an export hub where almost 90 percent of families have taken part in underground lending, more than 100 people have fled, committed suicide or declared bankruptcy since August 2011, and at least 800 lending brokers have gone bankrupt, Xinhua News Agency reported in May. Home prices there declined 16 percent in July compared with a year earlier, the fifth consecutive monthly decline, according to the National Bureau of Statistics of China.

Banks also are feeling the pinch. The industry’s nonperforming loans increased for three consecutive quarters through June to 456.4 billion yuan, the longest streak of deterioration in eight years, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

Loans overdue more than one day jumped 27 percent in the first half at the nation’s five largest lenders, including Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., the country’s biggest, and Bank of Communications Co., according to data compiled by Bloomberg based on semi-annual earnings statements.
Implosion Reaches Critical Mass

China's shadow banking is not a new topic, and the implosion now appears to have reached critical mass. Here are a few more Bloomberg articles 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Maybe The Best Ad Of The Political Season So Far

Does the rhetoric of the Obama campaign bring about feelings of déjà vu, along with the inevitable nausea? If so, it could be ’cause we’ve heard it all before somewhere.
I have to say that the Republican National Committee has outdone itself with this new ad. With apologies to Abe Lincoln, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time—unless they are Obama voters.

Maybe The Best Ad Of The Political Season So Far

(click here)
Maybe The Best Ad Of The Political Season So Far…

Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 14-Sep-2012 21:44:13

Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)
Aug. 20, 2012
Christ Michael thru Candace
Dearly Beloveds, this is Christ Michael and an update is due.
The time is close. We give no dates but I am here to update today about a small change of plans that will affect you. The craft to eclipse the sun has been behind the sun and ready for some time, close and easy. We have begun to move it more "forward".
Now, because folks are NOT aware of what is planned, and most are NOT listening within, the 3DD will start with a partial eclipse of the sun. This will last for about 24 hours so that everyone can prepare for something coming. It gives "notice". There are many countries in which the news will cooperate during this time, but some don't plan on it. I think the pressure will require it, when the whole world notices an unexpected partial eclipse and wonders WHY.
The eclipse will look somewhat different than a partial eclipse by the moon. You will NOT see a huge round dark disk as the method is different but it will be obvious and certainly much more obvious that this is not NIBIRU or any such other thing, in the method we will use. You will not see a gradual eclipse forming. Due to the method used, it will be sudden.
At the end of the 3DD there will be another 24 hours of similar events. The electricity will be turned off shortly after the total eclipse is manifest but not before. And hopefully most news stations around the world will be making that statement about the electricity, so people can prepare some sort of lighting in their homes. People will be advised to GO HOME. For those traveling, home would be of course the hotel or whatever other temporary arrangements are being used. ALL aircraft will be landed during these first 24 hours, we will see to that.
Countries are being encouraged to bring ships into port, and this has been out for a time to leadership, but not much seriousness has been taken by some players on the world stage. Generally however, the big boats make their own electricity and will be fine and smaller ones, if the people are so dumb to not come in to port, and have no way to generate heat or light, it is their problem.
Hospitals of course will make scarce use of electric generators and hopefully during the initial 24 hours will send stable patients home. Ditto other circumstances. Since most businesses require electricity, everyone is going home, there is no need to run any services except for emergency needs.
This is WELL planned beloveds. Do not fear. But we will not be dropping flashlights to people. They will be challenged to manage. Of course native types will get thru it fine. There is still the mini stasis during this. All intelligent animals will be in stasis, those requiring human care. We do not let cows go un-milked, they go to sleep too. This is but one simple example.
The mini-stasis will last at least one week and likely more. Those of you coming aboard during the mini-stasis will be lifted on our schedules devised. Generally shortly after the electricity goes off, but will fluctuate according to local circumstances.
We need those of course in the know, to be working with those who are going to be afraid. If you can have some sort of extra candles, flashlights and batteries that might be useful to share. MANY are NOT needed, one per house is enough, as to flashlights, you chose on candles. It is not hard to get thru 3 days without electricity and in the dark, but it is made easier if the house has some sort of lighting to find the way to bathrooms and the like. It will NOT be pitch black in the day time. The sun's corona extends a fair distance from the sun and the corona will not be completely blocked, so it will not be pitch black in the daytime, but more like a heavy dusk.
You can assure people that its fine to go outside and look out windows. It is the thugs who put out that one needs holy candles and must stay inside flat on the floor in prayer. People will be in prayer though, I assure you.
Where media will cooperate, this will be told in fact. People will be given some time to get small amounts of lighting to find their way in the dark. That is truly all that will be needed anyway, except in hospitals, and nursing homes and most all of them do have generators.
Anything to make light will work as long as its not on the grid. Most people with solar electricity and battery storage may have some light and it will be friendly of these who do, anyone with generators also, to invite neighbors in. There will be NO removals during the darkness. That occurs ONLY during the mini-stasis which is scheduled in the middle of the period of darkness.
The 24 hours of fading eclipse afterwards, allows the grid to be gradually brought back on line and the increase in natural light then will encourage those "left behind" to begin gathering and dealing with what has happened.
Many of our team are to be lifted, including those not known to AH who have roles in this. These ones will all help during that 24 hours of "half light" after the 3 days are over, and many of them will be triggered into action in the preliminary 24 hours. Most of the ones brought up shortly after the darkness starts, will be returned a few hours before the end of the darkness.
Now, during the mini-stasis, the plant and animal life NEEDS the sun and the planet cannot be allowed to cool to much, so of course the eclipsing craft will be moved so the sun can shine. And then the craft moved back when the mini-stasis is over. With the two "half light" days, this makes a total of 5 days plus the mini-stasis.
As soon as it is visually obvious the sun is partly occluded, you in the know, go to work. Some of you may awaken even to news in the morning if this starts during your individual sleep cycles. This 1/2 "light" initial day also provides a powerful motive to some of the dark to clean up their act, but it mostly so ones can prepare as best they can. It will make the shock and awe LESS.
Plan now accordingly and simply LIVE until the time happens. These 3 days are generally done on any planet where possible in the seasons of fall and spring, or the approaching of those times, so the planetary people do not have to deal with so much cold of winter months. Your southern hemisphere is beginning to warm, generally speaking. And the food is near harvest, in the north. Man will be busy with harvest as appropriate after this is over.
This is more than enough and should probably be the last update that will be needed. In great love of you ones who serve AbundantHope, my 2nd Coming Organization, Christ Michael.
This piece is under copyright protection of It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site. It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link. Thankyou, Candace.
Update on the Three Days of Darkness (3DD)


This is an update to the following posting.

The initial information was provided in a dinar chat room. A lady in Foreclosure received a letter from her lender via Fed Ex stating her mortgage was paid off by the GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS. She was informed that she could NOT distribute it to others. Since that time -----

I have also received calls from others receiving the same type of notice from their lenders.

Banks involved so far are Bank Of America and Chase Bank. They are all sending Fed Ex notifications.

The letter clearly states that the mortgage was paided off in full. No Federal Repayment program or any bank low interest offer.


I Know My Galactic Family Is Here...Do You?

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
I Know My Galactic Family Is Here...Do You?
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 14-Sep-2012 23:03:35

I Know My Galactic Family Is Here...Do You?
This video has been produced and released for you to share with all your family, friends, neighbors, work colleagues - and the world - to let them know that our Galactic family is here.
For too long, our governments, military leaders, religious leaders and the mainstream media have hidden the truth of our galactic history and the real presence of our star brothers and sisters from us. Not any more! Our Galactic family is here - and has been since the beginning of time. They come in peace, love and friendship to help us fix our planet and create the world we all deserve - a world of peace, pristine environments, equality on every level (racial, financial, sexual) and, importantly, love.
This video features the InLight Radio on-air team - Graham Dewyea, Steve Beckow, Geoffrey West, Linda Dillon, Dave Schmidt, Sierra Neblina and Stephen Cook - as they share their personal disclosure stories and ask you to share this video with everyone you know via your social media and online resources. We know our Galactic family is here - do you?
I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You? (UFO Disclosure) - YouTube

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood is Next Terrorist Boogeyman After False Flag in Libya

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood is Next Terrorist Boogeyman After False Flag in Libya

By Susanne Posel
September 14, 2012
Protests are erupting across the Middle East as demonstrators throw rocks and Molotov cocktails at police who have retaliated by shooting tear gas canisters into the crowds.
The US Embassy in Cario has become a new target.
On the 11th anniversary of September 11th, a US-sponsored false flag attack occurred wherein the US Embassy in Libya was bombed.
The US Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens was suffocated to death and his dead body dragged through the streets amid a mob of fake revolutionaries supported by the CIA-funded al-Qaeda.
Obama, using this manufactured Islamic extremist threat to his advantage, admonished Egypt saying “they’re not taking responsibilities, as all other countries do where we have embassies, I think that’s going to be a real big problem.”
In Yemen, mobs have formed and stormed the US Embassy in Sanaa, Egypt. This latest protest is being tied to the Islamic film that sparked the violence in Libya.
One has been reported killed while 13 Egyptian protesters are wounded after security guard fortified the compound and began firing on the protesters. It is estimated by mainstream media that 5,000 protesters over-ran the US embassy. The protesters who are al-Qaeda operatives have been heard repeating a mantra: “we redeem, Messenger of God.” The US flag has also been destroyed and burned in effigy.
Yemen is one of the homesteads of the CIA-funded al-Qaeda. The terrorism through proxy campaign the US is waging on the Middle Eastern nations is beginning to take form under the cover of another staged Arab Spring.
Ali Aujali suddenly claimed that the bombing was in response to the frustration left behind by the US-contracted murder of Gaddafi as “loyalists” acted out and “they took this chance to infiltrate among the people.”
Obama is now turning his back on the Muslim Brotherhood and his favored Mohammad Morsi who the US government planted for presidency in Egypt. Obama said this about Morsi and the Egyptian protests:
“We are going to have to see how they respond to this incident, how they respond to, for example, maintaining the peace treaty with Israel. So far, at least, what we’ve seen is, in some cases, that they’ve said the right things and taken the right steps; in others, how they’ve responded to various events may not be aligned with our interests, and so I think it’s still a work in progress.”
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), under their National Terror Alert Response Center, (NTARC) has issued a threat warning entitled, “Egyptian-Iranian Intelligence Meeting Prompts Fears of a New Middle East Terror Axis.”
The DHS has declared that the Muslim Brotherhood is working with Iranian spies. Being a deniable asset, the Muslim Brotherhood have become what al-Qaeda was11 years ago – the latest US-created terrorist group who will be the catalyst that propels America into Fascist control.
Obama had members of the Muslim Brotherhood over for dinner and drinks back in June of this year; as well as sent $1.5 billion in “foreign aid” as a celebratory gift to Morsi’s newly elected government.
The Pentagon has reportedly approved and is sending armed drones to Libya to “seek out insurgents”. Considering that the terrorists are CIA-sponsored, those drones will undoubtedly be dispatched for another purpose.
The US Navy has deployed two missile guided destroyers to the coast of Libya for “contingency plans”, this according to a military official.
US military aircraft have taken the dead and wounded out of Libya as Obama orders “all necessary resources” to Libya. Obama intends to “increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe.”
The film that is being used as the reason for this explosive violence in the Islamic world was written and directed by Sam Bacile, an Israeli and Zionist-sponsored filmmaker who previously worked as a real estate broker.
Initial reports had Bacile going into hiding and only surfacing long enough to say that “Islam is a cancer.”
Searching for Sam Bacile come up empty as there is suspicion that this person does not actually exist. According to the Zionist-controlled Israeli government, there are no records of Bacile; as well as a lack of real property owned by Bacile as well as no phone number, license, or court records of Bacile ever being in California.
Steve Klein, a consultant for the film Bacile is credited with having made, stated that Bacile is neither Jewish, nor Israeli and that this is in fact a pseudonym. The Zionist connection is now being covered-up so that all that is left is the deniable asset known as the Muslim Brotherhood who are the newest Boogeyman for the world to fear.
It is clear that using al-Qaeda as the go-to terrorist faction is no longer effective for the US government. The exposure of this manufactured group as fake has taken root in the psyche of the American people as well as citizens throughout the world.
It is time for a new, scary threat to justify further murder of the Islamic nations through the directives of the Zionist movement and their puppets like Obama and Netanyahu. This battle centers on the Salafist and Zionist wars that have gone on for centuries. In this respect, this is a holy war, based on religion and the extermination of people for their religious beliefs.
The Israeli media is turning the ethnicity of Bacile onto America, as Morris Sadek, a US-0based Egyptian Christian claims that Bacile is “an American”. The National American Coptic Christian movement is coming into the spotlight as well under the question of who Bacile really is.
Sadek hopes that the film exposes the discrimination of the Islamic world against Christians, while implying his approval of the violence that has ensued due to the film.
The reality is that the movie trailer accredited to Bacile entitled The Innocence of Muslims was released onto YouTube over 2 months ago and is only now sparking such an outraged response . . . This does not make sense.
Having doubt about Bacile’s existence, there may not be a finished film to speak of; considering that this trailer has performed the job of allegedly inciting a riot that fits the schemes of the Zionists in the Middle East.
Surfacing reports about the cast of the film assert that they did not know they were participating in a slam movie about Muslims, but weretold that “they were appearing in a film about the life of a generic Egyptian 2,000 years ago.”
The un-coordinated attack on the US Embassy in Libya surprisingly coincided with the release of the trailer dubbed into Arabic and disseminated throughout the Islamic nations, according to the propaganda purveyed by the mainstream media .
Obama, planning to attack Iran and supporting a proxy war in Syria at the directives of the Zionist handlers controlling both he and Netanyahu, is breeding a new terrorist faction he once endorsed called the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Islamic extremist threat, used to stifle Americans after 9/11 is back with the new deniable asset, the Muslim Brotherhood. This group has been used in secret by the Zionists since the early 1920s. They have a long and standing relationship as a proven terrorist organization just terrifying enough to instill the right amount of fear into the minds of the ignorant American public.
Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporate-funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.


 Years ago I was in the backyard behind my house on a bright sunny day, flowers blooming, etc. Suddenly I heard a voice in normal tone saying, "You have the ministry of the plummet." It sounded like it came from the sky. I thought someone was playing a game with me. I looked behind bushes, etc. and no one in my backyard. I got curious and went inside my house. I looked up prophecies in the Bible on plummet and found in the Old Testament that the ministry of the plummet is prophecied is the ministry of truth which a flood of lies cannot overcome and is the standard of truth for other religious sources to measure against. That is the only time in my life I ever heard a voice come out of thin air. I know that St. Augustine reported a similar voice in his backyard which told him to become a Christian scholar if I recall the story correctly. The only voice from thin air he ever heard in his life also.

     A book released a few years ago stated that Americans were heavily brainwashed to be colossally scared to death if anything supernatural ever happened in America. They did not want God to send them any messages or instructions and God please keep out of the life of America at all costs! America is in a terrible jam with God. I really hope that God will not have to  look at America in total disgust and end up damning America all the way because God judged no one cared for good in America.  Any Christian already knows that candidates pushing "Gay Marriages" and abortions is the archenemy of God and no true Christian out of good conscience can vote for such an obviously Antichrist candidate for office. First Christianity condemned as murder before God the abortion of unborn babies. They had an abortion drug in the Roman Empire when Christianity arose and Christianity solidly condemned it as murder of the unborn according to teachings in the Bible which they quoted. Also, they condemned the Theory of Evolution as heresy to Christianity. Thy discredited it by arguments such as "Which came first? The tree or the seed? The bird or the egg?" You see Charles Darwin did not originate the Theory of Evolution. It was first taught by the Greek philospher Epicurus a few hundred years before Christ. In fact, Karl Marx wrote his doctrinal thesis on Epicurus which gave him the idea to found Communism with. Later Karl Marx also dedicated his Das Capital to Charles Darwin. National Socialism under Adolf Hitler based his movement upon evolution. And evolution is the theory motivating the Illuminati today to justify their planned murder of the entire human race down to maybe 500 million or even lower to 200 million humans left alive on earth. Personally I think the theory of evolution is the false doctrine prophesied that can deceive even the elect of Christianity in the last days if they are not careful. The last Pope came close to endorsing the theory of evolution as not contrary to Christianity. This is the evolution doctrine that has murderd so much of mankind already and this same evolution doctrine is committed to kill off nearly the entire human race remaining on earth if we let the evolutionist political leaders carry out their beliefs on mankind now.

     The early Christians had committees of copyists in their local churches and made copies of the Scriptures. That is why church leaders such as a Bishop of Constantinople stated that all Christians should read the Scriptures as much as they could. They might have been slower than book publishing, but they still had their copies of the Bible for local Christians to read. I was intrigued when I found Apostles of Jesus Christ using modern methods of promoting Christianity. They would have reservations put in for them at key commercial lodgings in major cities, have local Christians and churches publicize they were coming, and then good crowds would be waiting for them when they arrived later at the appointed time. The ancient Roman citizens lived in a much more modern society than people realize today. You could have understood them and they could have understood you with all your modern culture, etc. One strong plus for ancient Christians. Generally their Bible scholars were more thorough than modern Bible scholars. They quoted all pertinent Bible Scriptures to show Biblical support for their positions. Also, they used well-established traditions of teachings left them by the Apostles of Jesus Christ to explain some tough questions in Bible scholarship. Modern Bible scholars seem to think they were dumb hicks and unsophisicated back then so normally don't study the early writings of Christianity. Actually I find the reverse the truth about early Christian scholarship. They were more sophisticated and thorough in Bible scholarship than modern Bible scholars who normally want the quick McDonald Hamburger done in 5 seconds approach to Bible scholarship rather than the slower, far more methodical Bible scholarship of the first Christian scholars after Christ and the Apostles. Also, back then, not having computers, internet, all versions of clever mobile phones, etc. they had the time and patience to listen to very intelligent lectures on Apostolic Christianity lasting even 3-4 hours. Today, no American would have the patience to listen to such educated lectures as TV, internet, electronic play toys such as cell phones, etc. are far more appealing to them. It is recorded in the Bible how one young man fell off a high beam of the building where the Apostle Paul was preaching for several hours. The young man had fallen asleep, fell off, and everyone thought he was dead. The Apostle Paul prayed for him and he came back to life and was fine again. But that shows you early Chrisianity was hungry to learn all of Chrisianity taught them by Jesus and His Apostles. Modern Christianity is not so hungry to learn what all early Apostolic Christianity taught. I lived in Wash., D.C. for years and used to go over the library at Georgetown University, the first Catholic university founded in America. I looked their section on early Christian writings which was a small section of their library. I have a lot more books on early Christianity now than they possessed back then. They used to use rubber stamps then to show when books were checked out. I found it a sad commentary that these books were apparently checked out maybe once every one, two, or three years between users. And this student body using this was to be the later Jesuit priests, scholars, and general Christian elite of the Catholic Church in America.

     All my positions following are taken from the early Apostolic Christian teachings of first Christianity. The most quoted verse in the Bible is Romans 1:17: "The just shall live by faith." The correct historical meaning behind this verse is faith is a way of life. Just means righteous or faithful. The faithful by action actively participate in the righteousness of God by their response of belief and obedience to the required teachings of God in the Bible. And the Bible warning for those who suppress the truth in Christianity and invent heresies (false religious teachings) is Romans 1:18: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness." Truth makes us free in life and before God! Lies just make us slaves to evil!

     For those who claim no original traditions left us by Christ and the Apostles exist or should govern the churches, I quote 2 Thessalonians 2:15, "Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistles (written letter in Bible)." St. Jerome who translated the Vulgate Bible (Latin translation for Roman Empire) wrote that traditions tracing back to first Christianity must be respected. Those traditions created later were not binding on Christianity and were not required beliefs. To the credit of the Vatican on this similar point correctly ruled that all Bible prophecies were required to be believed in by Christians. Later private prophecies should agree with the Bible, but are not binding on you to believe.

      St. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 3:14, 15 where the Church is "the pillar and ground of the truth." It does not say where a multitude of conflicting interpretations of private Bible scholars outside of the true, original, historical Church of God founded on Pentecost is the pillar and ground of the truth. Like a sharp legal brain, I say the teachings of the true, original Church of God founded on Pentecost still exist in early Christian writings, so use the advice of Bishop Irenaeus.  Bishop Irenaeus around 150 years after Christ wrote that the answers to later disputes of Christianity should basically be able to always be found in the first ancient writings of the first Christian authorities after Christ and the Apostles. We have a lot of sloppy Bible scholarship by lazy scholars today. For example, I saw the reference that making the sign of the cross was a "pagan" practice introduced by the Vatican during the middle ages. Historical truth now! Tertullian, famous early Church Father, around 170 years after Christ, wrote about the ancient Christian tradition of making the sign of the cross. I figure it was probably similar to Masonic symbols where Christian could identify Christian without the pagans around knowing the sign was given to a fellow Christian during dangerous pagan times. I have seen references that Constantine the Great was the "Antichrist" because he legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire and saved the Christians from total massacre across the Roman Empire the pagans had planned as soon as they defeated Constantine the Great. Ancient Christianity taught that all Roman authority of Imperial Rome must disappear before the Antichrist could successfully appear. The Eastern half of the Roman Empire with its capital also referred to as the "Rome of the East" did not fall until 1453 A.D. And since I am the last lawful descendant of the Roman Imperial Line descending from both Constantine the Great and the Byzantium Roman line of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire, when I release the claims to the Roman Imperial Line to Jesus Christ, first Christianity taught the Antichrist can appear any moment after that. You Christians today do not know what early Christianity taught as explanations of the prophecies of the Bible in some highly speculated sections of Bible prophecy. By the way, the cities of world importance built upon 7 hills is in list form the following for the Antichrist to choose from: Rome, Constantinople, Moscow, and I understand Wash., D.C. also! Thought you who are Bible scholars would find this interesting in reference to Bible prophecy!
     The Greek Orthodox Church put out a copy of the King James Bible with detailed notes what the early Christian Church in Constantinople taught as authentic Apostolic Christianity. I found this to be a very good Bible reference work as their early Christian references were familiar to me and they did a good job of presenting many of the prominent teachings of first Apostolic Christianity as recorded in the early official writings of Christianity left over from the fall of the Roman Empire. We have schemers in Christianity who create conspiracies to divide the naive Christians if they let themselves be naive. Being naive is the condition created by a lazy mind that does not want to take the effort to learn the truth. The King James Bible originally had the basically same books in the Old Testament as the Catholic Bible of today. Maccabees, etc. were removed from the King James Bible in the late 19th century and then I hear Bible scholars say today the Catholic Church added a number of books in the Old Testament not in the original Bible. I may hurt the feelings of some Catholic scholars, but the King James Bible is a good translation of the Bible when all the original books it was published with are included. Also, the Vulgate Bible when in a good English translation is also a good translation of the Bible. With that comment, I hurt the feelings a bit of both Catholic and Protestant scholars, but the truth is the truth!

     Since the beginning of Christianity, key church councils were required to be assembled by the qualified bishops and scholars with authority in Christianity to settle major issues of religious teachings as the Church was chartered by Jesus Christ to teach the Christians the truth, not private scholars with strong egos, insufficient knowledge of the teachings of Christianity right after Christ and the Apostles, and reading too lightly key words used in the Bible instead of finding the original intent behind the words used in the Bible. The mass division of Christianity is due to bad Bible scholarship by incompetent scholars thinking themselves smarter than the original Church Farthers taught Apostolic Christianity. They lack true integrity towards the truths of God taught since the beginning of formal, Apostolic Christianity! St. Peter wrote in his second epistle ,1:20:"No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation," but can only be correctly understood and interpreted by those moved by the Holy Spirit. And St. Augustine wrote how "interpreting prophets" would arise in the latter days able to explain Bible prophecies of the future not clearly undertood by early Christianity, but they would teach within the true churches of Christ, not as outsiders to the One True Church of Christ on earth.

     As the New Testament in Galatians 4:16 says: "Am I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?" Also, in Galatians 1:8 says concerning what the church pastors are to teach you: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we (the Apostles) have preached, let him be accursed (cursed before God. By the way, federal sources in trouble of pending curse of God, tomorrow Friday is your last day to avoid the pronounced curse of God pending upon you! I died as a youth and was allowed to see life after death. I know better than to mess with God and try to make God my enemy! I saw the love of God, but you may be shocked to face the Wrath of God instead. I learned when dead than Jesus Christ is our only Messiah, not Mohammed, or any other source. I step on toes! It is guaranteed controversy to say anything political or religious in America. I speak the truth! That is the most controversial thing in America as the American people rarely hear the truth in any important field!)

     Matthew 16:27, Jesus prophesied of Himself, "For the Son of Man (Jesus) will come in the glory of His Father with His angels and reward each according to his works." Remember that Jesus taught that the unprofitable servant is rejected and cast out! This lazy do nothing Christian or false doctrine supporter will hear Jesus say, "Get out of my sight! I never knew you!" This Christian will protest, "But I did nothing!"And Jesus will reply, "Yes, that is correct! You did nothing for Christianity or Me (Jesus)!" And Matthew 10:41 teaches that he who backs a prophet or righteous leader shares in his eternal reward! And since no one else apparently wanted to do the Will of Jesus for this age as Jesus asked for in the following, I accepted the offer of Jesus  Christ in Rev. 2:26 to champion true Apostolic Christianity! It is like the old Hollywood of a former movie star which I think was Gene Autry or else Roy Rogers, before he became a Western movie star, he was a telegraph operator. There was an ad for a trained telegraph operator to get a job. He went to the office filled with applicants and much smoke from their cigarettes. He registered like the others and waited to be called. Then he noticed static on the intercom saying whoever hears this message, come inside and the job is yours. I heard the message because I listen to what Jesus says in the Bible. The job was offered to all Christians on earth, but I listened and heard the message in the static which was Morse Code saying the job is yours if you come in now. I came in and told Jesus the position was now filled. I understand I pleased Jesus because I did as the Bible said to do and volunteered myself for the job.  Jesus offered the one thing I could not refuse. Jesus is the reward for the one willing to do this job. Remember Jesus is the morning star in Revelation. But all those who support me now share in my reward with Jesus. You can be the inner circle of Jesus Christ for all eternity according to what the Bible teaches.This is a team effort so you all get highly rewarded as "The King's Friends!" who join with me and that is the highest rank in royal circles next to being the Chief Steward to the King meaning same thing as Prime Minister to the King. I know how royalty works in reality!


      This is the teaching on Paradise which was standard in the early Catholic Church (both West and East)  of the Roman Empire for the first several hundred years and apparently not taught now as not mentioned in sermons today of any Christian churches in the world whether Protestant who claimed to be reforming back to first Christianity or Roman Catholic or Greek Catholic which claim to still be teaching all original Apostolic Christianity! I am the Orthodox Christian leader pressing all churches to return to all the recorded teachings of first  Apostolic Christianity which they are now ignoring and do not teach now!

     Jesus said to the thief on the cross in Luke 23:43: "Verily I say unto thee, Today shall thou be with me in Paradise." Jesus went first to Paradise (in Eden)! Then He went to Heaven according to the New Testament!)

    Tertullian, early Church Father, wrote in "A Treatise On the Soul" around 200 A.D.: "How indeed, shall the soul mount up to heaven, where Christ is already sitting at the Father's right hand, when as yet the archangel's trumpet has not been heard by the command of God,---when as yet those whom the coming of the Lord is to find on the earth, have not been caught up into the air to meet Him at His coming, in company with the dead in Christ, who shall be the first to arise? To no one is heaven opened: the earth is still safe for him. I would not say it is shut against him. When the world, indeed, shall pass away, then the kingdom of heaven shall be opened. Shall we then have to sleep high up in ether....No, but in Paradise...(or) detained in...Hades."

      Bishop Hippolytus, "Treatise On Christ And Antichrist" written around 210 A.d., explains what happens to the Christians who are to be spared going through the Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist: "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man (Jesus) be. For wherever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. ""Now the fall (of Adam) took place in Paradise (other name for the Garden in the east of Eden): for Adam fell there. With that statement, hr reveals why other Church Fathers of his era all wrote about the above verses from Matthew 24:27-28 were so glorious and wonderful for the Christians. The eagle (elect of God totally dedicated) Christians do not have to go through the Tribulation! They go to join Jesus in Paradise! Also, St. Jerome (d. 420 A.D.) wrote about this in his explanation of the correct meaning of the Parable of the 10 Virgins (Matthew 25),. The wise virgin Christians are with Jesus in Paradise during the Tribulation and hidden safely from the Wrath of God and Judgment of God on earth.

(Federal boys, if you do not settle with me by tomorrow Friday, you risk this being your fate to face the Wrath of God!)

The foolish virgin Christians on earth get to face the Antichrist because they were not seriously loyal to Christ prior to the prophesied Tribulation. Jesus rejects them in Matthew 25 telling them to get out of His sight as He does not know them! The wise virgin Christians are safely hidden with Jesus during the Tribulation - Matthew 25 explanation by St. Jerome rated the top expert in the Roman Empire then on the early writings of Christianity. 

     Bishop Hippolytus had been taught Bible prophecy by Bishop Irenaeus who had been taught Bible prophecy by Bishop Polycarp who had been taught Bible prophecy by St. John the Divine, the Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Bishop Hippolytus explained that the real meaning of some Bible prophecies like this were deliberately hidden by Apostolic Christianity from the heretics and bad Christians so they could not mock the holy secrets of God. The key secret to Matthew 24:28 is the Greek word which equals carcase literally means fall! The fall where Adam fell is the symbol for Paradise (the Garden of Eden) where Jesus keeps His loyal Christians during the prophesied  World Tribulation! Carcase was a coded Greek word, but the early Christians knew what it meant. When I showed this to Ray Brubaker of God's News Behind The News, he was shocked as a Greek scholar and wrote that yes, I was correct what first Christianity had taught here.

      Bishop Irenaeus “Irenaeus Against Heresies," (182 - 188 A.D.), Book V, Chapter V, "Where, then was the first man placed? In Paradise certainly, as the Scripture declares: "And God planted a garden (paradisum) eastward in Eden, and there He placed the man who He had formed. And then afterwards, when (man) proved disobedient, he was cast out thence into this world (Back then, they taught Paradise was hidden beneath the surface of the earth as also hell was.) Wherefore also the elders who were disciples of the Apostles tell us that those who were translated (means physically raptured such as Enoch or else spiritually from their bodies) were transferred to that place (Irenaeus:for Paradise has been prepared for righteous men, such as have the Spirit; in which place also Paul the apostle, when he was caught up, heard words which are unspeakable as regards us in our present condition), and that there shall they have been translated (same Bible meaning as raptured) remain until the consummation (end of all things), as a prelude to immortality."

     Book V, Chapter XXXVI, "And as the presbyters (first disciples of or after Christ) say, Then those who are deemed worthy of an abode in Heaven shall go there, others shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, and other shall possess the splendor of the city (New Jerusalem on  earth): for everywhere the Savior shall be seen according as they who see Him shall be worthy." Many dead come back alive reporting seeing Jesus in Paradise. When Pastor Dan of Nigeria returned to life after being dead 3 days in a morgue, he would say on Christian TV that he had been in Paradise at this time. The Christians TV hosts seemed to always change this to Pastor Dan had said he spent 3 days in Heaven. They did not understand the difference between the meaning of Heaven and Paradise. Early Christianity did!

     And for a private comment I venture hopefully inspired as an "interpreting Prophet" as St. Augustine said would appear in the Last days sent by the Holy Spirit of God, the Bible in Genesis 4:16 said Cain dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. The City of Enoch was built here and close to the Garden of Eden according to Genesis.Origen, an early Church Father around 200 years after Christ, mentions that the Garden of Eden mentioned in Gen. 3:24 is also called Paradise. In "An Exhortation To Martyrdom, he writes that the Christians counted worthy from this life will be allowed to enter Paradise and not be stopped from entering by the cherubims and the flaming sword as mentioned in Genesis to keep the unworthy out. Some ancient American Indian legends indicated that North America was the location of the Garden of Eden and the water fountain of youth which gave you eternal life, but not in Florida as one Spanish explorer searched in!

      Some Jewish legends about the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve point to North America as the original location of the Garden of Eden which Columbus was sailing across the ocean to try and find. He felt the Bible inspired him with this answer to seek in the direction he would sail. Being very scientific, I took the directions of Genesis combined with modern science and like a straight arrow, Genesis seems to point to North America as the Biblically identified secret location for the Garden of Eden. The archaeologist in me is intrigued by this and I already did secret exploring which seemed very suspicious that 4 of us were on the right track with what we found! I showed some Bible scholars what I spotted in Genesis and as their eyes grow huge in shock, they see what I see and it all makes sense to them! As the Bible scholars do not pay attention to all the details given in the Bible, elsewhere than in Genesis, the Bible tells of the holy mountain of God which is the secret, hidden entrance to the Garden of Eden maybe as big as the Grand Canyon in size. Jewish legend also mentions the secret entrance to the Garden of Eden hidden from view of sinful man on earth. Noah's Ark was built at the foot of the Holy Mountain of God as the descendants of Adam until the Flood lived close to the Garden of Eden they were not allowed by God to reenter. Old historical documents tell the story the public does not know. And Noah in reference took the bones of Adam, etc. from the Cave of Deposits and carried them on Noah's Ark until they landed on top of the mountain in modern Turkey.

     I have educated guesses where all the missing main items of Bible history are now located. Some here and some in the Middle East. If some when the trouble is gone from America would like to, join with me and we will see how many of the great main items of Bible history we can find such as the Ark of the Covenant which ancient Israel hid.

     We have to remain focused on this planned October Surprise until we break the back of the conspirators including Obama who is the head of this planned colossal massacre of the American people. God  Blesses me with practical common sense. By threatening we will hunt down like Nazi War Criminals the Illuminati leaders who are behind this planned October Surprise if it happens, they don't like world hunts to locate and capture them. Then try them and execute them if they try this. They are brave with other people's lives, but I doubt so brave with their own lives. Try to retreat from this plan of theirs for mass murder of Americans starting in October, 2012. Also, we confiscate their god from them which is their worldwide hidden wealth if they try this. All these family lines are destroyed forever from human history if they try this, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc! Time for peace! Time for retreat before we of the Confederate Government resurrected because of the villain Obama decide to play our aces, win against the other side by tactics more deadly than theirs, and then crush forever those who planned to mass slaughter the American people.

      Folks, stop being cowards for Christ. Become mighty men and women for Christ, pass this report all over America, contribute money if you can so we pass this  Omni Law which God inspired me to see needed by America now if it is to survive as a nation, and as Christians united, let's now win America back to Christ! If you want to financially back us as we have no Rockefellers, etc on our side, send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Someone sent us $20 cash with their name, zip code and city and state, but forgot to give us an email address or else mailing address so we can send them back a receipt for their money to back us. Later on, our backers will smile when they see how powerfully we bless those who backed us when America hung in the balance whether it would survive or else cease to exist as a nation and people. Nesara News believing in the principles of a free press has not censored from the American people what the main news media has. We have great plans for them after we win! Copies of my proposed Omni Law may be read by going to the search box at the top left of their archive listing of reports and put in Omni Law. You can read copies of it there. Or if you want to read many other reports I have filed with Nesara News, in that same search box at the top left side put in Erasmus of America and you will see many reports listed I posted with them.  As for the main news media which has tried to cover up for Obama’s plan to mass slaughter the American people, I am a good legal brain and will give the main news media how we can teach them never again to try and set up the American people for mass slaughter. That is treason no matter how you call it! And there are answers under law how to teach traitors not to try and betray America again! You can disagree with any political movement. No problem! But when you try to set up the murder of 25 million Americans or more, you have crossed over the line! You report what will save the lives of millions of Americans. You can disagree with any political movement, but don't use the newspapers, etc. as weapons to try and set up the American people for colossal slaughter! The Nuremberg War Trials set legal standards for such situations!

      If stuck, send an email for a copy of the Omni Law to us at
We are short of staff briefly, but will try to answer all requests fast as possible. I anticipate soon we will have a much larger staff and we are planning shortly to open up our own website also to coordinate our national movement better yet, but all things require a little patience to get set up and started.

      I have hit the Christian churches with a ton of early Apostolic Christianity. I will give them time to digest this before releasing much more. I intend to sit as chairman of a Christian conference of dedicated Christian scholars, Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, Protestant, and credible independents. I am a very fair man and I want all sides to show their positions and issues they think need resolved. It requires the wisdom of Solomon to bring back together all the deeply divided factions of Christianity, but with the blessing of the Holy Spirit, I think we can do this. Jesus founded one Church, not thousands, but with a lot more freedom in different opinions than too partisan of scholars may recognize. I don't plan for any side to sell out their integrity to Christ in anything they do, but all of us maybe even including me need to let the Holy Spirit guide us to the truth and love between Christians we all should have towards each other. When it is over, Christianity will regain its love for its brethren in Christ and love for the truths of God as God reveals them to us. Early Christianity taught that the Christians were a separate race and nation on earth. I care about all Christians on earth, not just those in America. Of course, we Christians across the world care about all of mankind, not just the Christians. We Christians will become the leaders of the world once we learn how to pull our strength together and unite as one national and world movement with Christ as our Head! We have the answers the pagan world needs!

      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name briefly. When the hour is right, no problem letting all know my ordinary name in life. But an element of privacy made it easier to organize this movement for victory for Christianity in America and then the world! Wash., D.C. already knows who I am. They are just stunned that I have put them in a box where it may become impossible for them to engineer their planned October, 2012 surprise for America where they start killing off millions of Americans for Obama the Communist-Muslim fanatic in the White House! If I save millions of Americans from being massacred by Obama, then my tactics were totally justified!)

 By the way, George Washington thought America would become the New Jerusalem of Bible prophecy later on. Other Founding Fathers of America believed this was the future calling of America to become the New Jerusalem of Bible prophecy!)

More financial information: by Drake

New post on ANMilitia

More financial information:

by Drake
Subject: FINANCIAL UPDATE: Your bank deposits are not YOURS, warning... URGENT ALERT
FORWARDED for Education, Edification, and Information Purposes Only
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NOTICE the word "rePledged" the article below.... 
NOTE:  I love my country....and I realize that my "govt" checked out for lunch many decades fact, in 1789...
QUESTION:  Will the general Public awaken too late?  It is up to you and me to tell them the Truth...pass it on....
R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
Posted by EU Times on Aug 31st, 2012
In June of 2012, Eric Bloom, former chief executive, and Charles Mosely, head trader of Sentinel Management Group (SMG) were indicted for stealing $500 million in customer secured funds.
Both Mosely and Bloom were accused of “exposing” customer segregated funds “to a portfolio of highly risky derivatives.”
These customer funds were used to “back up personal investments” which were part of “collateral for a loan from Bank of New York Mellon” (BNYM).
This loan derived from stolen customer monies was “used to purchase millions of dollars worth of high-risk, illiquid securities, including collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs, for a trading portfolio that benefited Sentinel’s officers, including Mosley, Bloom and certain Bloom family members.”
Fast forward to August 9th of 2012, and the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals (CCA) rules that BNYM can be moved to first in line of creditors over the customers that had their funds stolen by SMG.
When a banking customer deposits their money into their bank account, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SPIC) are in place to protect the customer from fraud or theft.
The ruling from the CCA means that these regulatory systems will not insure customer funds, investments, depositors and retirees who hold accounts in banks.
In fact, the banking institution is now legally allowed to use those customer funds deposited as collateral, payment on debts for loans made, or free use on the stock market to purchase investments as the bank sees fit.
Fred Grede, SMG trustee, explained that brokers are no longer required to keep customer money separate from their own. “It does not bode well for the protection of customer funds.”
Since the ruling gives banks the right to co-mingle customer funds with their own, no crime can be committed for the use of customer deposited monies.
According to Walker Todd, former lawyer for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Cleveland:
“Basically, there is a new 7th Circuit opinion saying that there is no reason to impose a constructive trust on a lender’s takings of customers’ funds from client commodity firms that were used (inappropriately) to secure the firms’ borrowings, as long as the lender can say that it did not know WITH CERTAINTY that customers’ funds were being repledged. Negligence and misappropriation (vs. knowing criminal intent) are now a sufficient excuse for letting the lender keep the money and go to the head of the line for distributions in bankruptcies of the client commodity firms.”
When a customer deposits money into a bank, the bank essentially issues a promise to have those funds available when the customer returns to withdraw the deposited amount.
When the same customer withdraws funds from their account (whether checking or savings) the customer assumes that the bank has enough funds to cover their withdrawal; including the presumption that their monies are separate from the bank’s assets.
Now, those funds are up for grabs by the bank at their discretion without explanation to the customer – nor is the bank obligated to recoup the customer should they “lose” those funds due to bad loans, bankruptcy or stock market loss.
In Texas, Pamela Cobb, manager of Bank of America (BoA), stole an estimated $2 million from customer funds for personal use. Cobb had been taking customer segregated funds since 2002.
Customers have complained of fraudulent charges placed on their accounts that BoA cannot explain. When the customer brings these charges to the in-house fraud department, they are given the run-around until they acquiesce.
Other customers have had their private possessions stolen right out of their safety deposit box held at BoA. The safety deposit box was drilled into and the contents shipped to the BoA corporate holding center in South Carolina.
In 1992 to 2003, Citibank called their theft of customer funds “account sweeping” wherein they stole more than $14 million from customers nationally.
Using computerized credit card processes to remove positive and negative balances from customers, the scheme included double payments or funds paid out on returned purchases that were then attributed back to the customer.
At Chase bank, an anonymous employee opened an account under a customer name (targeting an Alzheimer’s sufferer), complete with a personal debit card.
An estimated $300 per day was withdrawn on the fraudulent account. When family representing the victim alerted Chase, they brushed them off with an internal investigation claim – even as the family sought legal action.
Banking fraud against the elderly has risen of late, since banks realize they can steal massive amounts of cash from their aging customers with little to no repercussions.
The recent ruling on SMG has given the banking industry the legal backing they have been lacking when stealing from their customers.
Our financial institutions have been planning for a financial collapse wherein the US government will not offer assistance.
The resolution plans required by the Federal Reserve Bank, described schemes to have the major domestic banks remain afloat by selling off assets, finding alternative sources of funding, reducing risky measures that make a quick buck. These strategies were to be perfected with “no assumption of extraordinary support from the public sector.”
The mega-banks, through Wall Street, are also acquiring firearms, ammunition and control over private mercenary corporations like DynCorp and ‘Blackwater” as authorized by the Department of Defense (DoD) directive 3025.18.
DynCorp is a military-based private mercenary contractor that provides (among other services) intelligence training and support, international security, contingency plans and operations. Ninety-six percent of their funding is based on annual revenues from the US federal government.
The international branch of DynCorp has operated as a “police force” even assisting local law enforcement during Hurricane Katrina.
Named as investors for the amassing of gun and ammunition manufacturers are Citibank, BoA, Barclays and Deutsche Bank who are pouring money into Cerebus and Veritas Equity who have taken over private corporations involved in the controlling riot situations.
The Federal Reserve Bank, one of the heads of banking cartels, has their own police force which operates as a protective security for the Fed against the American public.
As part of the Federal Reserve Act signed in 1913, the designation of a Federal Law Enforcement – special police officers that are exclusively regulated by authority of the Fed (whether in uniform or plain clothes.
These specialized police officers (who train with Special Response Teams) can work in tandem with local law enforcement or US federal agencies. These officers are heavily armed with semi-automatic pistols, sub machine guns and assault rifles as well as body armor.
Of recent, when withdrawing cash from an ATM, the daily allotted amount has decreased with some banks, thereby forcing the customer to go into the branch and extract the difference with a teller.
At this point, according to anonymous informants, the customer is taken into a backroom to be questioned as to why they want the cash, what they are purchasing with the cash, why they are not choosing to use a debit card or another form of digital trade to make the purchase. These questions are not only intrusive, they are illegal.
Some anonymous sources have said that banking representatives who conduct the integrations are directed to keep a record of customer responses on an online application that will be sent to the FBI in conjunction with Patriot Act mandates on tracking banking activity.
Customer funds are no longer secure, no longer backed by the FDIC or other insurance corporations, and banks are legally allowed to co-mingled customer money with other funds of the bank. The only safe place for your money is with you.
Now is the time to close your bank account.
Drake | September 14, 2012 at 12:03 pm | Categories: News | URL: