Wednesday, September 19, 2012


From: Yolanda Ballard                                             Mon, Aug 27, 2012 4:13 pm


John 17:11 - I come to You, Holy Father, keep through Your name those who You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.

My children, I want you to ask yourself an important question, and it has to do with your relationships within the brethren.  Have you been experiencing a period of time where there has been much misunderstanding and a hard time communicating with those you love?  I want you to be very sensitive to My leading.  In the near future there is going to be an attack upon the brethren like never before has there been an attack of this intensity, and I want you to be prepared, and on guard for it.

Watch and pray, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  Your spirit man, once you have become born again by My spirit is willing and even longing to walk in My ways, but if you have allowed your flesh to rule and reign in your life, you know who has had an upper hand and it hasn't been My spirit.  You have been following the leading of the enemy if you have found yourself in snares frequently.  Some how the enemy has had an open access to be able to rule and reign, and even use you as a vessel of destruction and turmoil.

I want you to look back and count the cost, to be able to withstand this attack, for the enemy is coming against My unity among the brethren.  He knows if he can break up the forces, bringing offense and discouragement, then the forces would not be united in order to pull down his strongholds over the nation.  And these are very serious times where its going to take having an understanding heart and a belief in My people no matter what you see or hear them do.

I am calling you to die out to the hurts and wounds inflicted by those you love.  Don't look at it as a personal attack by someone you love,and start to become defensive, but continue to love and believe and trust that you will rise up above this storm and be made stronger.  For I have prayed and believed and continue to intercede that you will be made one as I and My father are one.  That is what I long for, that you would experience My intimacy and My unity among the brethren. For surely these are hard times, and I am calling the forces together to be one in mind and heart and in unity.  What the enemy means for harm always works for the good in strengthening and maturing My people.  I am testing to see if you will persevere and to press in to the end.  Do not back down and become discouraged, but continue to trust Me.  Do not give into self pity for that will only ruin the work I am doing through this storm.  For you must endure hardship like a mighty soldier would. You must be willing to die out to not having comfort and to be content in whatever situation you are placed.  You must learn to draw close and make Me your home, your secret place, your place of refuge and a great fortress to dwell.

Once you have discovered experientially that I AM all that you will ever need, you will begin to rest and start to experience a sense of relief that you do not have to work at it so hard any more.  If you would only yield, I would live My life through you.  I want you to experience thinking the way I think and to see the way I see things.  Yes, I see through the eyes of faith and I believe what My Father says to Me, and I obey what I see My Father doing.  Yes, I only do what I see Him doing.  So if you want to rise high above all power and principality, you are going to have to draw close to Me and trust Me in establishing close relationships within the brethren and when you realize that in dying out it brings life through My resurrection power.  Love unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.  Love the brethren.  Blieve the best no matter what you see.  Cover over sin with My love.  Endure, persevere and thrive. My crucifixion brought death to the flesh, but My resurrection brought life to your spirit. 

So rejoice, and thank Me for all that I allow concerning tribulation.  It is all working for your good in raising up My bride to be a powerful and a strong warrior in Me.


Here is a word the Lord gave me on 08/10/2012:

"For all that of old that you have heard
Shall NOW come upon the earth as a swift bird;
Darkness shall come as you approach the end of the year
For nations shall be covered with fear.
The seals are breaking fast
And the cup of iniquity overflows at last
For My warnings to America have fallen on deaf ears
And now men shall choke on their own tears.
Because they have rejected My life
Soon they shall eat of the fruits of their own strife.
The streets shall become graves in the night
But you must prepare to hold your place without fright.
By November hidden deceptions will become clear as water
And chaos shall begin the slaughter.
From the skies shall come a sign
With My Kingdom will it's time to align.
Pillage and plunder shall come to the cities and towns
And the enemy shall try to take away your crowns.
The East and West shall see My hand,
And who shall escape the mystery in the middle of the land?
They have mocked My Word and My Name;
Did they think My judgments are a game?
Stand up My prophets and cry aloud in boldness;
For I now judge America's coldness.
The blood of the innocent cries aloud before My throne
But now in great power comes the little stone.
For My hand shall come swift against your sin
I gave you time to enter in.
But in your filth you chose your course
Now see the Revelation horse.
The angels of correction now ride fast and hard
America, you have played your final card.
Did I not call you out, oh land of the Eagle?
I called you to be holy, royal and regal!
But you forsook Me for idols and pleasure above all;
Now I will bring you down to barely crawl.
Let tears come to the eyes of My watchmen
For the time of reaping of your national sin.
For the FULLNESS of evil shall now play out
As your heart, oh America, is ever so stout.
I have sent My prophets to warn
But your heart was only one of scorn.
From Hollywood to the White House shall you now see
All of Satan's plans he has for thee
Did I not call you to come out of her and repent?
But you still reject the watchmen and prophets I have sent.
Because you chose to eat of the pleasures of sin
You shall now find My judgments on your food supply within.
You have opened your borders to the foreign order
Now you shall see the enemy surround every border.
The terrorists shall soon arise from their posts
And you shall see the dirty bombs and terrors from the sky come to your coasts.
The man in your capital house shall now show his true face
As you see him greet those of a fallen AND foreign race.
Many saints shall soon be hunted as prey;
But in My secret place they now must stay.
What must we do cries those of a hearing ear
I will show My elect My supernatural protection the end of this year.
For at the end of the year and in 2013 you will see the weakness of your nation
But I warn you not to give place to deception and frustration.
Perilous times you will go through
Never can it be the same for the red, white and blue.
Oh, major cities of every nation
You are about to see the worst destruction since creation.
The controllers shall soon openly show their arrogant plan
Upon the screens and radios they shall taunt every man.
Creatures "of the night" shall be among you commonly in the day
But I will give My elect the power to make them their prey.
People will begin to disappear in the night season
Oh your government knows well the reason.
I will make the month of December
A time for the whole world to remember.
The feathers of the Great Eagle shall be stripped this Fall
And Lady Liberty shall never again stand tall.
Baby George and others before him paved the way
Now Obama shall see his day.
JFK was the last true man for a truly white house bold and free
All those that followed did not have a TRUE heart for Me...

How do commedians get away with this?

                      If this  doesn't cheer you up, nothing  will.....

You know  the honeymoon is over,when the comedians  start.

The  liberals are asking us to give Obama more time.
We  agree...and think 25 to life would  be
--Jay  Leno

America  needs Obama-care like Nancy
Pelosi  needs a Halloween mask.
--Jay  Leno

Q: Have  you heard about McDonald's'
new Obama Value  Meal?
A: Order  anything you like and the guy behind  you
has to  pay for it.
--Conan  O'Brien

Q: What  does Barack Obama call
lunch  with a convicted felon?
A: A fund  raiser.
--Jay  Leno

Q: What's  the difference between
Obama's cabinet and a  penitentiary?
A: One is  filled with tax evaders, blackmailers,
and  threats to society. The other is for  housing
--David  Letterman

Q: If  Nancy Pelosi and Obama  were
on a  boat in the middle of the ocean and  it
started  to sink, who would be  saved?
A:  America !
--Jimmy  Fallon

Q: What's  the difference between
Obama and his dog,  Bo?
A: Bo has  papers.
--Jimmy  Kimmel

Q: What  was the most positive  result
of the  "Cash for Clunkers" program?
A: It took  95% of the Obama bumper
stickers  off the road.
--David  Letterman

Solution  to the problem in Egypt :
They want  a new Muslim leader, Give them  ours.

The Fed Now Owns Your Foreclosed Property Under QE3 Purchases of Toxic Assets

The Fed Now Owns Your Foreclosed Property Under QE3 Purchases of Toxic Assets

By Susanne Posel
September 18, 2012
On ABC’s “This Week”, George Will, columnist for the propaganda news outlet The Washington Post, spoke out against Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke and his decision to instill QE3 which is essentially, “the government printing money.”
Will pointed out that this latest move is covert “trickle-down economics” where citizens are forced to invest in equities in order to continue to prop up the economy to perpetuate the false sense of reality that the American public lives under.
Last week, Bernanke announced that the Fed would purchase $40 billion in toxic assets, called mortgage-backed securities, per month. While this scheme will devastate the US dollar’s value by the very act of printing more money, there is a secret bailout of certain financial institutions occurring under the radar.
QE3 serves as a “regressive redistribution program” for the banksters who are enjoying a surge in their wealth under current economic conditions.
The Federal Housing Finance Administration (FHFA) recently announced that “strategic defaulters”, i.e. those homeowners who have abandoned their mortgage because they could not continue to make the monthly payments, will be jailed for this “crime”.
The FHFA oversees Freddie and Fannie Mac, the mortgage corporation owned by the US government.
The FHFA are focusing their efforts on criminally persecuting all American citizens “who abuses the FHFA programs” by walking away from their foreclosure.
Statistically speaking, according to the FDIC:
• 1 out of 200 homes will be foreclosed upon
• 250,000 new households enter foreclosure every 3 months
• 6 out of 10 homeowners are delinquent on their mortgage

Morgan Stanley is the financial institution that took in the mortgage-backed securities and offered their derivatives across the global market.
Recently, Morgan Stanley’s stocks have been dramatically dropping which has been blamed on securitized loans and derivatives as to the cause of this plunge into insolvency.
This reversal of the crash of 2008 ensures that the banksters get paid and the propping up of the stock market continues while subversive measures committed today will cause the fall of the American economy in a few short years.
Freddie and Fannie were given $187 billion by the taxpayers to keep them afloat and the FHFA has now begun sending out their investigators to seek out so called strategic defaulters in a fear-mongering campaign to ensure homeowners remain in debt to the banks and ultimately the US government, all under directives given by the central banking cartels.
These people are described in the mainstream media as being squatters in their own homes; living off the government’s dime by refusing to pay their mortgage in an attempt to shift the social consciousness from sympathy toward those losing their homes to the technocrat created mortgage-backed securities scandal to demonizing them as dead-beats and freeloaders.
Heath Wolfe, assistant general for audits at the FHFA, views these victims as schemers who deserve to be punished.
Wolf explained: “We are working with Fannie and Freddie to build a mechanism [to identify strategic defaulters].”
The American public will now be forced to serve time in debtor’s prison for purposefully abandoning a mortgage mess they were coerced into participating in by the very banks that are benefiting from the Fed’s purchase of mortgage-backed securities.
Between the cost of $650 billion and $1 trillion, the foreclosure crisis has devastated the American landscape like no other scheme invented by the technocrats.
The mega-banks JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America serviced the mortgages that resulted in not only the forcing of Americans out of their homes but also an estimated $7,200 in foreclosure fees incurred by the victims.
Just in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, there have been more than 3,900 foreclosures with an increase in state and local security costs after having placed many of these homeowners on the streets.
At a time when 46 million Americans are currently at or below the poverty threshold and the average annual income is $23,200.00, QE3 is touted as the answer to rampant unemployment.
Senator Bob Corker is doubtful that QE3 will produce the results Bernanke claims. Bernanke states that it is “the weak job market” that Americans should be focusing on. And while most who listen to the mainstream media may fall for this distraction, the Fed is quietly aqquiring massive amounts of property in the US through their purchase of mortgage-backed securities.
In fact, in the US, there are an estimated 1.5 million homes currently in the foreclosure process. Under the current QE3, Bernanke will own those properties once the foreclosure is complete.
Bernanke has not indicated how long the purchasing of toxic assets will continue. In the mainstream media this move is being viewed as a detriment to the Fed and may be its undoing.
However, this is a skilled and well thought-out plan by the central bankers. The point is to create a huge land-grab within the US where the Fed owns massive amounts of land and can leverage this acquisition against the American public as the transition becomes apparent.
The plan that is covered by the shock of QE3 and even the exposure of the hidden banker bailout still cloaks the real purpose of this move by Bernanke to purchase these toxic assets. As the true controllers of this country, the central bankers are now acquiring massive amounts of land in the US with the purchases through QE3.
Not only will Bernanke own a massive amount of American land, he will be able to enforce any and all foreclosures as a recovery effort for the Federal Reserve to collect on their investment.
The American public has been reduced to serfs, chained to a manufactured debt invented by the techocrats and banking cartels.
Susanne Posel is the Chief Editor of Occupy Corporatism Our alternative news site is dedicated to reporting the news as it actually happens; not as it is spun by the corporate-funded mainstream media. You can find us on our Facebook page.
Minor Editing by Alex Thomas

Bird-Like Drone

Mysterious Bird-Like Drone May Have Popped Up in Both Iraq and Pakistan, Origin Still Unknown

By Madison Ruppert
September 18, 2012
The quite strange unarmed bird-like drone which was recovered by Pakistani forces in August of 2011 apparently did not just fly over Pakistan, but was also apparently spotted by Iraqi insurgents at least two years before making its way to Pakistan.
One might jump to the conclusion that the drone belongs to the United States since the U.S. is involved a great deal of drone operations in Pakistan – which the Pakistani parliament has unanimously declared must end.
It also appears to be similar to some of the drone projects which are leaning towards designs influenced by birds and insects.
A reader of The Aviationist tipped them off to a video posted on May 28, 2009 showing the drone captured by the Iraqi Hezbollah in Iraq which is eerily similar to the drone which was captured in Pakistan.
The providence of the drone is shrouded in a thick veil of mystery since no nation would take responsibility for the device which has, according to Danger Room, “silver wings and a span about the size of a grown man’s outstretched arms, the drone was clearly more than a hobbyist’s toy: the remains of a camera were near the crash site, a camera that fit into the robotic bird’s belly, ostensibly for spying on insurgents.”
Danger Room points out that the drone is quite similar to, but definitely not exactly the same as, Festo’s “SmartBird” drone.
The dimensions of the two drones are similar and the designs obviously look alike as well although, “It’s clearly not the same drone, as the wings are obviously different: the mystery drone’s wings are straighter and more sharply angled than the SmartBird’s sleeker, more rounded wings, which mimic those of the gull,” according to Danger Room.
The nation or entity behind the drone is difficult to determine outside from speculation based on the nations currently involved in operations in Pakistan.
However, Danger Room seems to think it belong so the U.S. in writing, “Iraqi Hezbollah date its photos of the mystery drone to May 2009 in Basra, a major city in southern Iraq. Back then, U.S. troops were training their Iraqi counterparts on new-line intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. Hmm.”
While the video and screenshots don’t reveal any technical information on the drone which is all that new, it does show that the drone in Iraq and that in Pakistan are closely related.
Both have a design which relies on flapping wings, a trapezoidal tail feather and a spherical camera placed in the belly of the bird.
However, the drone recovered in Pakistan has a tailfin on the underside of the rear feather which the drone in Iraq is missing and the version found in Iraq is a duller color than the reflective silver drone in Pakistan.
“The fact that it was probably already flying in Iraq two years before crashing in Pakistan, proves that the bird-like UAV is not a toy but a small combat proven spy drone,” writes The Aviationist’s David Cenciotti.
This deals a significant blow to those who have repeatedly claimed that it was actually just a DIY drone, evidenced by Danger Room tagging the latest post with “DIY Drones.”
However, since we really have no idea who made the drone or who was operating it, one cannot say with certainty that it is not a DIY creation of some group somewhere although I find this quite unlikely.
That being said, it wouldn’t be all that damaging for the United States to confirm that it is our drone given that we are already running deadly drone operations around the globe.
Ultimately, it’s impossible to speculate on the issue with any degree of certainty since we know very little about the drone and its origin but it will be fascinating to see if more information comes out or if more appearances of the strange device begin to surface.
Did I forget anything or miss any errors? Would you like to make me aware of a story or subject to cover? Or perhaps you want to bring your writing to a wider audience? Feel free to contact me at with your concerns, tips, questions, original writings, insults or just about anything that may strike your fancy.
Note from End the Lie: Please support our work and help us start to pay contributors by doing your shopping through our Amazon link or check out some must-have products at our store.
This article originally appeared on End the Lie


Breaking News:

Linda Jordan Files Suit in Washington State Supreme Court Against Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed re: Obama SSN ID Fraud

Sam Sumner Reed is Washington's 14th Secretary of State
“Appellant Linda Jordan seeks direct review of the COURT’S OPINION AND DECISION and ORDER DISMISSING entered by Thurston County Superior Court Judge Thomas McPhee on August 29th, 2012.

Thomas McPhee has been a superior court judge for Thurston County since 1990

Issues Presented for Review
1.      Did the trial court err by receiving an exhibit and declaration ex parte that was then used to formulate the Court’s Opinion and Decision?
2.      Can convention, ballot printing, and mailing schedules render RCW 29A.68.011 (1) (3) (Prevention and Correction of Election Frauds and Errors) effectively null and void, thereby denying citizens their right to make use of it?
3.      Can the Secretary, on his own initiative and outside the legislative and rule-making process, create a new way of certifying the names of major party candidates for President and Vice-President to the General Election ballot that violates current laws and rules governing the process?
4.      Did the trial court err by deliberately misrepresenting material facts on which this case pivots?
5.      Can the Secretary and the Court ignore the findings of a law enforcement agency concerning a forged identification document that has been presented by a presidential candidate as an offer of proof that he is eligible for the office?
6.      Is the Secretary bound to uniformly apply, to all presidential and vice-presidential candidates, the requirement to swear the eligibility oath that write-in candidates for president and vice-president have to swear?
Linda Jordan: Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number Failed E-Verify  
Rick Wiles at TruNews interviews Seattle resident Linda Jordan, who discovered the fact that Barack Obama’s SSN failed the E-Verify test on the Social Security System web site. Linda’s son is a Deputy Sheriff who was subjected to an exhaustive vetting process in order to be accepted for a position in law enforcement, while the person nominated to be president of the United States has NEVER been vetted.
Rick Wiles reveals that Obama’s political advisor, David Axelrod, was born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, and is the great-grandson of Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein), the Russian Marxist revolutionary and theorist who was the founder and the first leader of the Red Army.
Linda relates the fact that when she ran Obama’s SSN through E-Verify, it was flagged as “likely fraudulent”. By conducting further research in the Social Security POMS (Employee) Manual, she learned that the particular flag which appeared in connection with Obama’s E-Verify test is reserved for very few subjects who fail the E-Verify test, and are associated with unusually strong indications of fraud.
Full interview:


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 19-Sep-2012 00:42:01

Arpaio investigator: Hawaii still covering up for Obama
Mike Zullo back from another trip to Honolulu with 'more evidence'
by Jerome R. Corsi
Mike Zullo, the lead investigator in Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation of Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, says he has returned from a second trip to Hawaii with additional evidence the state’s Department of Health is maintaining a cover-up of Obama’s 1961 birth records.
When Arpaio dispatched Zullo for the second trip, the assignment was kept confidential for Zullo’s safety and to prevent media links. Only Arpaio and the chief deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office were aware of the assignment.
In Honolulu, Zullo worked closely with local contacts, including Duncan Sunahara, the brother of Virginia Sunahara, an infant child born in Hawaii Aug. 4, 1961, the same day Obama was born, and died the next day.
As WND reported, Virginia Sunahara entered as a figure in the Obama birth controversy because no birth certificate for her had been located, leading to speculation her birth certificate could have been the source of Obama’s.
Duncan Sunahara has tried to obtain a copy of his sister’s original birth certificate but has been denied.
“I was shocked by the lengths the Hawaii Department of Health has gone to deny the family of Virginia Sunahara a copy of the original long-form birth certificate that the family is lawfully entitled to request and obtain,” Zullo told WND. “I had to ask the question why this little girl’s 1961 long-form birth certificate was so disconcerting to the Hawaii Department of Health?”
DHOH stonewalls
Zullo obtained from Duncan Sunahara a copy of proceedings in the Hawaii Circuit Court of the First Circuit in which Hawaii Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine appeared before Judge Rhonda Nishimura on March 8, 2012, to argue Duncan Sunahara was not entitled under Hawaii statutes to observe or obtain a copy of his sister’s original 1961 long-form birth certificate.
During the proceeding, Nagamine argued that Duncan Sunahara’s request did not derive from a true interest to examine or obtain a copy of his sister’s original birth records, to which he was entitled under Hawaii law. Nagamine insisted his underlying interest was to produce evidence in Obama’s birth controversy, to which he was not entitled under Hawaii law.
Nagamine argued that the original 1961 birth certificate records were delicate and needed protection, and accessing them was burdensome.
But to get the long form you actually do have to go to the vault. And the records that are in the vault have been bound in volumes, not just the one, not just plaintiff’s sister’s records, but other records from around that time of birth, for example, in this case, the president’s birth certificate, which we know this is all about.
So these volumes in the vault are kept in temperature-controlled areas, they are bound in volumes, the clerk would have to go and find the volume that it’s in, pull out the volumes. These are old records, and in plaintiff’s case it’s more than 50 years old. They would have to open the volume. They have a special Xerox machine that copies those old records that they don’t remove the binding. They have been bound.
The plaintiff could not back (sic) in the area of the Department of Health where that special Xerox machine is and he couldn’t go in the vault without this disrupting the security and safety of the other records, the temperature in the room in the vault where the records are kept. So it would be very, very burdensome, not only for the legwork involved going to retrieve the volume, find the volume, find the page, take it to the Xerox machine, copy it.
So, Nagamine concludes, Duncan Sunahara should be satisfied with the short-form certificate of live birth the Department of Health issued for his sister, even though it is a modern computer-generated form, not a certified exact copy of the original:
If everybody was getting [a copy of the long-form birth certificate], those days of copies like they did in the old days, the records could not be preserved safely, the pages would be torn, they could not be protected. So the fact that all of this data is computerized, they can get the data. The law means that this data is as good as the original. Plaintiff got the birth certificate, he knows his sister was born. To there – there – it would be very, very burdensome.
Judge Nishimura denied Duncan Sunahara’s request, agreeing with Nagamine.
Zullo charges Hawaii with lying
Zullo was quick to point out that in the court proceedings Nagamine admitted the entire volume of birth certificates containing not only Virginia Sunahara’s long-form certificate, but also those of the Nordyke twins and Barack Obama, has been moved to a special secure location with very limited access.
“The point apparently is to hide away Obama’s original birth certificate, if it exists and then deny anyone access to see the document on the premise it’s too fragile to examine,” he said.
“What purpose did the Hawaii Department of Health have in preserving these records if it was not to show them when requested to family members and others who have a legal interest in seeing the documents?”
See Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s most recent press conference on Obama’s eligibility
Zullo dismissed Nagamine’s argument that getting a photocopy of a long-form original 1961 birth certificate was a burdensome, time-consuming process that would jeopardize the integrity of all birth documents.
“Nagamine’s arguments were utterly disingenuous,” Zullo stressed.
“Her vigorous defense has nothing to do with the integrity of original 1961 birth records. Most likely, Virginia Sunahara’s original long-form birth certificate has a different number than the number on the computer-generated short-form certificate of live birth that the agency released to the family.”
Zullo further pointed out that Nagamine’s arguments in the Sunahara hearing seem to contradict photographic evidence of Dr. Alvin T. Onaka, registrar of the Hawaii Department of Health, easily locating a volume on a wall-length bookshelf of bound birth certificate volumes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Philadelphia Man Forecloses on Wells Fargo (Fox News)

Interview with Philadelphia homeowner Patrick Rodgers who "foreclosed" on his bank, Wells Fargo, after a mortgage-related dispute. From "Fox and Friends" show on February 19th, 2011.

Moratorium on Mortgage Foreclosures

Moratorium on Mortgage Foreclosures

The Constitution for the united States of America is the Supreme Law of the Land, Article VI, paragraph 2. All statutes and laws enacted by Congress must be in harmony with the Constitution. Any statute or law enacted by Congress that is in contradiction or disharmony with the Constitution is null and void from the beginning. It creates no duties, creates no rights, imposes no obligations or duties upon any Citizen of the united States of America. It is as if it never existed. Marbury v. Madison, U.S. Supreme Court decision, 1801.

“…all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution”, Article VI, paragraph 3. When we refer to the Preamble of the Constitution we find this statement, “…do ordain and establish this Constitution for the united States of Americaitalics for emphasis only. By slight of hand, this statement gets converted to, “the Constitution of the United States”.The term “United States” has a specific meaning. Title 28, USC, section 3002, defines “United States” as a Federal corporation.
     So then all executive and judicial officers who take the oath to the “United States” are working for the corporation identified as the “United States”. They do not take an Oath to the original Constitution. By trickery and deceit, the government has converted all executive and judicial officers into corporate officers working for the corporate United States for the benefit of the corporation and not for the benefit of “We the People”. That is the current dilemma. We cannot get the corporate officers to listen to “We the People”. Look at what just happened with the so-called Health Care Bill. Simply rammed down the throats of the American People.
Question is this: Who owns the "federal corporation" known as the "United States"?  Very simple.  The Federal Reserve  Banking System.
All corporations have one goal, to maximize profits no matter what the human cost, or the environmental cost.
This oath to the “Corporation” creates quite a legal conundrum. The minute that “all executive and judicial Officers” take an oath to this mother lode “Corporation”, they have engaged in an act of treason against the People of the united States of America. However, it the nature of criminals to protect themselves, and their actions against prosecution for their crimes. Especially when they are the ones writing the so-called statutes and laws. To wit, Title 18, USC, section 2381 defines “Treason” as “levying war against the United States”. So then “Treason” is clearly defined as levying war against the corporation known as the United States, not as engaging in act of Treason against the People of the united States of America. Thus “all executive and judicial Officers” are free to betray us and engage in all sorts of belligerent and unlawful, actions against American Citizens with total impunity.
Hence, we come to the central point of the mortgage foreclosure planned fiasco. Within the four walls of the courtroom, the judge is acting in the capacity of corporate officer interested in protecting the revenue of the corporation. He is not adjudicating law. He is simply a revenue officer. A little known fact is that the judge makes a commission on each and every judgment that goes through his courtroom. The amount of commission is in dispute, could be as high as ten percent or more.
     Keep in mind, the judge sits on the "bench".  In French, "banc" means bank, and also means "bench".  So then, the judge sits in for the "bank" as a corporate officer protecting the interests of the "banc".  A simple but very clever method of decieving the sheeple of the united states of America. 
     One other thing, the word "America", when reduced to its Latin pre-fix, root word and suffix,  means this.  The prefix "A" means no,  the root word "merci" means mercy, and the suffix "ca" means sheep.  Therefore, the word, "America" means in Latin, No mercy for the sheep.  So now you know.
Continuing with the mortgage foreclosure fiasco. Courts with real judges, hard to believe, but there are some judges with a sense of moral imperative, all over the country have set forth stringent lawful requirements that a bank or mortgage company must meet before a foreclosure suit can be initiated and proceed.
First, the lending institution must enter into the court record, the original “Note” and the original “Mortgage” document as of the date the Complaint was filed. The problem is that the lending institution does not have the originals anymore. Immediately after completing the closing, the lending institution sold the “Note” and the “Mortgage” to a group of investors and turned over the original “Note” and “Mortgage” to the investor group. The original lending institution no longer has any capital at risk. Based on this requirement, the foreclosure suit cannot go forward. However, the revenue officer, the so-called judge counts on the abysmal ignorance of the Citizen losing their home and the judge proceeds to steal the property.
Another thing that is happening is this. The banks are using fraudulent securities. The banks enter copies of the note and mortgage that measure 8.5 inches by 11 inches. Pursuant to 18 USC, these full size copies are fraudulent securities. Copies can only measure 75% of the original or 150% of the original. This would clearly give notice that these are copies. However, the banks are entering 100% copies, these are fraudulent securities.
Second, the lending institution must file an affidavit of ownership, which clearly identifies the Plaintiff as the “Real Party in Interest” with all of the attending rights, title and interest in the “Mortgage”. When the lending institution sold the “Note” and the “Mortgage”, they stopped being the “Real Party in Interest”. Hence, the lending institution has no “Standing” to sue on the property.
New Mexico does not even have any mortgage foreclosure statutes, so all of the mortgage foreclosures in New Mexico are conducted under the Rules of Civil Prodecure.  READ that again, no mortgage foreclosure statutes in New Mexico.  The whole mortgage foreclosure business in New Mexico is conducted the Rules of Plunder of War, the spoils of War, Prize and Booty.
Third, “Standing” is an absolute pre-requisite to filing a lawsuit. There are are three lawful requirements for “Standing”.
  1. Injury in fact-not a hypothetical injury.
  2. Causality-that the actions of the borrower created the injury in fact.
  3. Redressability-that the judgment will make the injured party whole.
Three things can  be proven beyond a doubt: 1) There is no injury in fact to the  bank or mortgage company.  2) There is no causality-the bank is the cause of the damage to the mortgagor.  3) There is no redressability for the bank since it is the bank that caused the injury and damage to the mortgagor.
The revenue officer, the so-called judge, on the case will not require that his corporate buddies, the lending institutions, prove standing in the courtroom. Thus, without “Standing” the lawsuit cannot go forward.
Fourth, in order for a contract to be valid and binding, there must be “Consideration”. “Consideration” means “something of value”. The Citizen borrowing Federal Reserve Notes, brings his real estate, “something of value”, to the table in exchange for worthless paper called Federal Reserve Notes. So then, one must ask a few basic questions in regards to this transaction. When the bank loaned the borrower Federal Reserve Notes, did the bank go the to vault and take Federal Reserve Notes on deposit and loan those to the borrower?
Ask any banker friend and he will tell you that “No”, they do not loan out their deposits. So then, how are the Federal Reserve Notes “produced”? The bank goes to their computer and by the use of their “magical, Hollywood wand”, a few keystrokes, produce, out of thin air, say $100,000.00 Federal Reserve Notes, to loan you. This is where “Credit” comes from. One second before, these Federal Reserve Notes did not exist. Now, by magic, the bank has $100,000.00 worth of Federal Reserve Notes to lend you. So if creating “something of value” out of thin air is real, then it is easy for me to convince you that the Easter Bunny lays different colored eggs once a year. All mortgage contracts and notes are null and void for fraud, the bank never brought any "consideration" to the table. Also, the contract is void for lack of disclosure which a violation of TILA, Truth in Lending Act.
In the following sentences you can take the red pill or the blue pill. You must chose.
If you decide to read the above article titled "Memorandum of Law-Bank Fraud", you will discover that the banks, by federal law, are not allowed to lend their credit nor depositors money in the form of Federal Reserve Notes.  So the only thing the bank can loan you is your own money.  Good Reading.
There is a caveat here at this point. Before the bank or mortgage company create "credit", also known as Federal Reserve Notes, it needs to have on hand some collateral. You signed two major documents at the "closing", the "Note" and "Mortgage" or "Deed of Trust". Most Americans do not realize how valuable their signature on documents is. The Mortgage document serves as the collateral needed by the bank(from this line forward, when I say bank, I also mean mortgage company).
When you sign the "Note", the bank turns it into "money" and deposits it into a special, secret account set up in your name, that is to say, an all capitals name "nom de guerre" also known as "The Enemy of the STATE".   By the magic of "banking", your signature is needed to "monetize" the "Note". To the bank, the "Note" document is actual "money".
If you don't believe me, request a copy of your "Note" and "Mortgage/Deed of Trust". Examine the Mortgage documents and you should be able to find a stamp on the document that says, "Pay to the Order of, without prejudice ABC Mortgage Company/ABC Bank." Now we just hit the mother Lode. Follow the money.
Under 18 USC, the "Note" becomes a negotiable instrument, also known as a "Security". Hence, you, the borrower, by your signature, created a "Security" for the bank. Which in turn, the bank, converts into "money".
Now here is where it gets fun. Now that the bank has "money" that it deposited into your secret, undisclosed account, it can loan you your own "money" back at interest. The bank then must balance its books, so the bank writes a "hot check" against the "money" in your secret account to "pay off" your debtor. Then your bank demands that the bank receiving their "hot check" pay them back with Federal Reserve Notes. Now the bank turns to you and says, "Now that we loaned this money, you owe us for the next thirty years".
The bank very conveniently ignores the "money" that you created by your signature and the bank deposited into the secret, undisclosed account. By the fact that you abandoned this secret account, the bank considers this "money" a gift from you. See, under the law, you cannot reclaim a gift that you made. Of course, the bank defrauded you when they took the "money" that you knew nothing about. Wow! What a system!
However, the "money deposited into your secret, undisclosed bank account", is still there. The bank considers this secret, undisclosed account abandoned. Thus, they lay claim to this "money". However, this theft of your property is a second degree felony called "Conversion of property". However, the banking system has little to fear, we as Americans have been dumbed down to the point of illiteracy by our indoctrination system. Oops, did I say indoctrination, I meant to say "education".
Here is the crux of the above three paragraphs.  You, the mortgagor are a depositor and the bank owes you the amount of money of the Note.  How is that for fraud.  You should be suing the bank for fraud and extortion.  The bank counts on the stupidity of the American people and gets to steal homes at their leisure.
Lets go down the rabbit hole a little more. When the bank deposits your "Note money" into your special, secret account, you owned your home free and clear. The bank neglects to inform you of this little tidbit of information. Pretty convenient and self serving isn't it?
I believe that it was Henry Ford that said, "If the American people understood the banking, monetary system, they would hang us by morning". 
You would think that the bank would be satisfied with this transaction. After all, it has risked nothing, got your home for free and enslaved you for the next thirty years. No sir! The bank knows no limit on their avarice and greed. The bank lusts for your property and money in a satanic and demonic machination.
The bank then turns around and sells your "Mortgage" to Wall Street through groups of investors, for full value. Now this is coming to full fruition. The bank has now gotten paid twice on your signature on the "Note" document.
Now class, pay attention. This will be on your test of Life.
1. You created the "credit" for the bank, which the bank treated as "Money"
2. The bank monetized the "Note" document through your signature
3. The "Note" document is a negotiable instrument
4. The "Note" document is a "Security" under 18 USC
5. This "Note money" is deposited into a secret, undisclosed account at the bank in YOUR NAME.
6. The bank turns around and writes a "hot check" against this "Note  money" to pay off your debtor.
7. The bank demands and is paid by the receiving bank in Federal Reserve Notes.
8. The bank considers the "Note money" in your secret, undisclosed bank account, abandoned, and lays claim to it.
9. Thus the bank steals your money in your secret, undisclosed account
10. The payments that you make into this secret account are also considered abandoned, and the bank lays claim to them.
11. The bank turns around and sells your "Note and Mortgage" to Wall Street investors, who in turn sell these as "Mortgage Backed Securities" back to the public.
12. The bank has risked nothing in this entire transaction
13. You, the borrower, have voluntarily given your home or ranch to the bank for free.
14. You, the borrower, are enslaved for the next thirty years to the bank because of your own ignorance.  In the old Testament, in Isiah and Hoseah, it is stated, "My people are enslaved for    lack of knowledge."
15. You, the mortgagor are in truth the depositor and the bank owes owes you the amount of the Note.
It has been said that "Truth is stranger than fiction". This is a wet dream for the Federal Reserve Banking system.
The Federal Reserve Banking system is a SATANICALLY inspired system of SLAVERY AND DOMINATION of the productive people of America and the entire world. The owners of the FRB are bloodsucking parasites and leeches that have never worked a day in their miserable lives while destroying the productivity of the American people and the world.
The Federal Reserve Banking system is a RICO organization. RICO stands for racketeer influenced corruption organization. Everything that a bank does is fraud, extortion, wire fraud, mail fraud, the list of crimes is endless. But then, it is nice to have friends, in the form of treacherous senators and representatives, in high places passing "legislation" to protect the Federal Reserve.
Fifth, I saved the best for last. In the first paragraph of this article it was established that this Constitution for the united States of America is the Supreme Law of the Land. Any statute or law out of harmony with this Constitution is null and void from the beginning. Any court decision that is out of harmony with this Constitution, is null and void. The Bill of Rights clarified for the government, that the rights enumerated therein, are God-given rights, not rights given to men by other men or governments, and that these rights are Sacred and untouchable. They cannot be removed or abrogated by any government or any man or any corporation, under any circumstance.
The Fourth Amendment guarantees the right of the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.
The Fifth Amendment guarantees that a Citizen accused of a crime cannot be deprived of his three most sacred possessions, life, liberty and property without a trial by jury.
The Seventh Amendment guarantees the right of trial by jury in any controversy where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars. Here is where it gets tricky. A “dollar” is defined as “a gold or silver coin” of a specific weight. Federal Reserve Notes are paper created out of thin air with no value whatsoever. Federal Reserve Notes have been denominated in increments of “dollars”, to make them appear to be dollars, but cannot by law, be dollars. Federal Reserve Notes have been decreed to be “legal tender” by the corporation known as the United States. “We the People” have been tricked into accepting Federal Reserve Notes as “money”.
Here is the caveat, since Federal Reserve Notes are not, and cannot, ever be dollars, in any matter dealing with Federal Reserve Notes, no American Citizen gets a trial by jury.
The judges and the liaryers of the United States are the secret, Gestapo police for the banks, doing the will of the banks. Keep in mind, a judge sits on the "bench". In French, bench is "banc", which also means bank. So a judge sits in for the bank, and protects the banks' interests. Going through three years of law school is simply a hypocritical farce that fools only the greatest fools in the world, the American sheeple.
Again, back to the mortgage fiasco. When the revenue officer, the so-called judge, on the case, does not provide the borrower being sued, the protection of the Fourth, the Fifth and the Seventh Amendments, he knows that he is not adjudicating law, but simply acting as a revenue officer protecting and enhancing the revenue of the corporate, United States. In fact, he can ignore all requests by the Defendant for a trial by jury because he knows the Citizen being sued has no idea of what jurisdiction he is being sued in.
In this particular case, the Defendant in a mortgage action is being sued in Admiralty/Maritime court, also known as the "Kings' Court" with privileges granted to him/her by the King.
When the revenue officer, the so-called judge, issues a judgment against the borrower for defaulting on the “Note” and “Mortgage” without a “Trial by Jury”, he knows that he has betrayed the confidence of the American people, but he is doing the will of his master, the corporate United States. His betrayal of the American People is not legally Treason. Treason can only occur if he goes against his master, the corporate United States. The so-called judge is simply being a good “Nazi”, just following orders. However, the revenue officer, the so-called judge, also knows that he is violating the protections of the Fourth, the Fifth, and the Seventh Amendments afforded to the American Citizen.
In New Mexico even under the military rule of General Kearney during the 1850s, the right of a trial by jury in all matters dealing with life, liberty and property remained protected by military law. Subsequently, during the time that New Mexico was a territory, for about 60 years, the right of trial by jury was preserved to all Citizens. When New Mexico became a state in 1912, in article II, section 12, the right of trial by jury was guaranteed to remain inviolate as it had heretofore existed. Thus the New Mexico Constitution deferred to the Supremacy of the pre-existing condition as stated in the Organic Act establishing the Territory of New Mexico.
So then, the banks, the judges and the lawyers are the new "Mafia", extorting and defrauding the American Citizenry for lucre, due to our abysmal legal ignorance. The banks, the judges and the liarwyers are the modern day "Ghengis Khan", raping, pillaging and plundering the landscape simply because they can. Fact is, most of us are "legal idiots". This is by design and with the specific purpose to keep us enslaved to the "Legal system and its Liaryers." Most liawyers and judges have sold out their birthright as Americans for "thirty pieces of silver", or more specifically, for a few hundred worthless, Federal Reserve Notes.
Judges are no more than ambulance chasing liawyers who put on a little black dress and love to be called "Your Honor" by their ass-kissing fans, the liawyers. A prime example of the psychopathic arrogance that this ambulance chasing group of men engage in, is the fact that in order to cover up their own crimes, these so-called judges have given themselves "judicial immunity". Don't believe me, when is the last time you tried to sue a "judge"?
However, “We the People” live under “this Constitution for the united States of America” and thus have the protections of the Fourth, the Fifth, and the Seventh Amendments in all matters dealing with life, liberty and property.
My analysis: The healthiest thing for this country would be for all homeowners to stop paying their mortgages immediately. Stop paying all credit card debt, stop paying your so called Federal "Income Tax", stop paying your State "income tax" and finally stop paying your property taxes. This would accomplish the following objectives:
1. This would stop the humiliation of the American Citizens.
2. This would stop the physical and psychological displacement of the American Citizens.
3. This would stop the grotesquely, immoral ransacking against the American Citizens that the banks are committing.
4. The banks would be forced to return to "honest banking" and return the owership of homes and ranches to the rightful owners, the American Citizens.
5. Every homeowner would own their home clear and free for the first time since 1933.
6. The banks would be forced to stop all of their fraudulent activities that have enslaved the American Citizens for the last 77 years.
7. The economy would rebound to its healthiest level in 100 years. This would be true economic development.
8. This would effectively break the Federal Reserve Beast.
9. Let the American People be the first to starve the "Mammon" Beast known as the Federal Reserve Bank.
I encourage every American homeowner with a mortgage on their home to engage in an act of Civil Disobedience by refusing to make any more payments to the criminal banks. This act alone would destroy the Federal Banking System, the stated goal of Ron Paul.
This is where I will declare a Moratorium on all Mortgage Foreclosure lawsuits and evictions until the banks and mortgage companies meet all five stringent lawful requirements as stated above.
No family will be evicted from their home or family homestead, as a result of a mortgage foreclosure suit, without a trial by jury and meeting the other four lawful requirements.

When the Citizens of San Miguel County elect me as their next Sheriff, before any Citizen in San Miguel loses their homestead unlawfully and unconstitutionally, I swear on the Altar of Almighty God, I will arrest the presiding judge on the case and the Special Master assigned to sell the property.

- Rico S. Giron, Future Sheriff of San Miguel County


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 18-Sep-2012 20:51:41

(Thanks, A. :)
Reader A. sends us the link to this item at
Note that it expressly states, "An indictment merely alleges that a crime has been committed, and a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Self-Proclaimed “President” of Sovereign Citizen Group Indicted for Tax Crimes

A federal grand jury in Montgomery, Ala., charged James Timothy Turner, also known as Tim Turner, with conspiracy to defraud the United States, attempting to pay taxes with fictitious financial instruments, attempting to obstruct and impede the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), failing to file a 2009 federal income tax return and falsely testifying under oath in a bankruptcy proceeding, the Justice Department, the IRS, and the FBI announced today.

According to the indictment, Turner, the self-proclaimed “President” of the sovereign citizen group “Republic for the united States of America,” conducted seminars at which he taught attendees how to file retaliatory liens against government officials and to defraud the IRS by preparing and submitting fictitious bonds to the United States government in payment of federal taxes. Turner is alleged to have attempted to pay his own taxes with a fictitious $300 million bond and to have assisted others in attempting to pay their taxes with fictitious bonds purporting to be worth amounts ranging from $10 million to $100 billion. 

An indictment merely alleges that a crime has been committed, and a defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If convicted, Turner faces a maximum of 164 years in federal prison, a maximum fine of $2,350,000 and mandatory restitution.

This case was investigated by special agents of the FBI and IRS – Criminal Investigation, and is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Justin Gelfand of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and Middle District of Alabama Assistant U.S. Attorney Gray Borden.

Tax Division