Wednesday, February 26, 2014

TNT Nice One

FROm CHAT...Fellow Member...Some intel and Me too

Member just posted that a good friend of hers works in pentagon...She had not heard from this friend in MONTHS..

Member got a text this afternoon..YOU READY...Told her RV going down TONIGHT...good news, months since last text!




The Perfect Husband

Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A mobile phone on a bench
rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker function and begins to talk.

                             Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

                             MAN: "Hello"

                             WOMAN: "Hi Honey, it's me. Are you at the

                             MAN: "Yes."

                             WOMAN: "I'm at the shops now and found this
beautiful leather coat. It's only $2,000; is it OK if I buy it?"

                             MAN: "Sure, go ahead if you like it that much."


                             WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Lexus dealership
and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked."

                             MAN: "How much?"

                             WOMAN: "$90,000." ;

                             MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all
the options."

                             WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing... I was
just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is
back on the market. They're asking $980,000 for it."

                             MAN: "Well, then go ahead and make an offer of
$900,000. They'll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra
eighty-thousand if it's what you really want."

                             WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later! I love you so

                             MAN: "Bye! I love you, too."

                             The man hangs up. The other men in the locker
room are staring at him in astonishment, mouths wide open.

                             He turns and asks, "Anyone know whose phone
this is?"

503 DAYS.......................... Now this is interesting!!!

503 DAYS..........................
  Now this is interesting!!!

The United States ranks 3rd in Murders throughout the World.

But if you take out ChicagoDetroitWashington DC, and New Orleans,
the United States is 4th from the Bottom for Murders.

These 4 Cities also have the toughest Gun Control Laws in the United States.

All 4 are also controlled by Democrats. 

It would be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data..RIGHT?

NEW INFROMATION COMING OUT----- Neil Keenan-----We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Gonna Take It Any More!

Sign Up To Volunteer

For the courageous among us.  Give us a few words about your background and skill set and we’ll see if we can put you to work fighting the cabal on The Keenan Team!
Sign up by emailing us at freedom[at]

Prosperity Packages… Bathsheba and Esther Trusts

Prosperity Packages… Bathsheba and Esther Trusts

Prosperity Packages…Bathsheba and Esther Trusts promises  each individual living on this planet, whether man, woman or child a $1 billion dollar redemption from a system that has enslaved us for generations. Redeeming yourself is a simple process, and you do not have to put up any money, pay anybody anything and you will not be expected to give anything in return.  According to Dr. Henderson, each individual will be expected to denouce the birth certificate, that ties you to a debt slavery system, and have your DNA tested to determine which of the 12 tribes your originate from to determine Nationality. (listen to full recording and explanation below as well as other recordings from Dr. Henderson and Ms. Bolling.)
Shelley Bolling, steward for the Bathsheba and Esther Trust and one of several prosperity packages, stated that she has been working as a Global Pay Officer and Trustee for the past 10 years.

The Bathsheba and Esther Trust Prosperity Packages are for Restoration of the Global economy

Dr. Henderson, Executor  is of the designers  of new Metals backed global banking system of which there are 4 trusts controlling the new system. They are:
  1. Principle Trust is Mount Kesidick Trust
  2. Sovereign Civil Peoples Rights Trust of which Dr. Henderson  is Executor and Steward
  3. Bathsheba Trust Mr. Henderson and Shelley Bolling are both stewards of this trust
  4. Esther Trust Mr. Henderson and Shelley Bolling are also stewards which involves the redemption all all 7 billion people on planet.
For more information on the prosperity packages go to their website for more information. The   Redemption documents can be found on the site under the link Bathsheba and Esther Trust . The first three pages gives you some information about what the Trusts are are about. You do not have to complete the information on the notary page (not sure why that was included). The last page is the R.P.R Page (Restoration, Protection and Restoration Signature page.

How to complete the Redemption Package..Bathsheba and Esther Trust

On page 4 complete Your Full Name Address and Telephone Number above the Dotted line.It also instructs you to list the names addresses and telephone #’s of 10 people you would like to redeem (from this corrupt slavery system). It further instructs you that once you have put 10 names on the form to forward a blank copy to each of your ten people for them to repeat the process with their name on the top above the dotted line and 10 people they want to have redeemed below the dotted lines. All born  children should be included as well.
Every living man woman and child is to be redeemed. This includes individual that are incarcerated as well.  This is not saying everyone is going to be released from prison, however they are considered part of the 7 million to be redeemed on this planet.
After you have completed the (Redemption, Protection and Restoration Signature Page) form for this particular Prosperity Package, it is to  be emailed to  (the email address is also listed on the form) or you can fax to 501-330-2707 You can also include the information in an email and send via email your list to the same email address.

How will people be contacted to receive their Prosperity Package?

Each person will receive a telephone call prior to receiving their redemption  funds. Funds will be sent via courier with instructions on how to access your funds.  This will ensure that the person will be present to receive their redemption package. When you are contacted by phone call you will be asked if you have been foreclosed upon and if the house if still available.  If the property is still available and no one has purchased the property, then you will be allowed to move back in.
If the property that was foreclosed upon and is no longer available or has been sold, you will be restored according to Levitical law which will be 7 times your property.  Phone #’s will also be used to let each recipient know what the id badges of the couriers will look like  so the courier can be verified. When the courier arrives they will have all the information you will need to have access to your account.
Many things are going on globally now, that everyone can’t understand. Much talk about secret societies, conspiracy theories, etc.
The World Global Reset is not a group. Their  purpose is to reset everything on the globe and planet. They are connected to 197 nations.
In 2012 letter went out to explain that a certain group of people were not in charge and have been asked to step down, and according to Dr. Henderson, they have.
The entire universe needs to understand and over stand,  according to Dr. Henderson that the entire fight to this whole world of wars, disagreement, racial dissension is based on one commodity, Land. Mr Henderson states that everyone understands that “who has the land has the gold, the people, oil, diamonds, gas, that comes from the earth.  Whomever owns the earth owns all of the rights to those minerals.  The Land is owned by the people whom God (Yahwh) created or the Moors. Dr. Henderson is a member of the Moors.
According to Mr. Henderson,  in July 24, 2002 he gave declaration to reinstate every person…..The Global reset  is not reparation but restoration. The Global reset is to be return what is originally “ours” (the Moors). World global reset will be reset by replacing what has been taken.

What is the time frame for a person to receive their Prosperity Package via the Bathsheba and Esther Trust?

According to Dr. Henderson, the Redemption Packages will be delivered this year, 2014. He has not however, given a specific date.  This will be an ongoing project until all 7 million people on the planet are redeemed.
Do you feel this can happen? Have you redeemed yourself and at least 10 more?  For more information on Dr. Henderson and Shelley Bolling Redemption Packages, come back to this site often for updates. You may also go to their site for updated conference calls where you can call in to ask questions. The updates are listed on the blue link labeled NEWS on the site. You may also click here for more info. Please share with your family and friends. Encourage them to sign up to redeem themselves and claim what is rightfully theirs.
Link to call for 1-15-2014 with therealtruthcall2

Ten nations that still execute homosexuals

Ten nations that still execute homosexuals

Homosexuals executed in Iran.

February 25, 2014
To many, same sex attraction is as normal as breathing air. To others, active homosexuality is acceptance of the deviance of basic human physiology. However, other than the dozens of nations that still maintain anti-sodomy laws, there are still ten nations on earth that execute homosexuals, as reported by Terri Rupar of The Washington Post on Feb. 24, 2014.
Regardless of what one's opinion is concerning LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) issues, the overwhelming majority of Westerners would consider legal punishments levied against those who keep their private lives private, would range from believing punishment for such to be a barbaric withholding of the basic of human rights, to the other end of the spectrum: the denial of God-given free will.
However the varied opinions of Westerners may be, most were at least taken aback by Rupar's noting of 37 various nations on the African continent alone that imprison those found guilty of homosexuality.
Notably was Uganda recently adding to their civil canon a 14-year prison stretch for homosexual acts — and life sentences for those found guilty of "aggravated homosexuality."
With the common thread of all that nations that execute homosexuals being Islamic Sharia Law, the list is as follows:

  • Yemen: According to 1994 penal code, married men can be sentenced to death by stoning for homosexual intercourse. Unmarried men face whipping or one year in prison. Women face up to seven years in prison.
  • Iran: In accordance with sharia law, homosexual intercourse between men can be punished by death, and men can be flogged for lesser acts such as kissing. Women may be flogged.
  • Iraq: The penal code does not expressly prohibit homosexual acts, but people have been killed by militias and sentenced to death by judges citing sharia law.
  • Mauritania: Muslim men engaging in homosexual sex can be stoned to death, according to a 1984 law. Women face prison.
  • Nigeria: Federal law classifies homosexual behavior as a felony punishable by imprisonment, but several states have adopted sharia law and imposed a death penalty for men. A law signed in early January makes it illegal for gay people countrywide to hold a meeting or form clubs.
  • Qatar: Sharia law in Qatar applies only to Muslims, who can be put to death for extramarital sex, regardless of sexual orientation.
  • Saudi Arabia: Under the country’s interpretation of sharia law, a married man engaging in sodomy or any non-Muslim who commits sodomy with a Muslim can be stoned to death. All sex outside of marriage is illegal.
  • Somalia: The penal code stipulates prison, but in some southern regions, Islamic courts have imposed Sharia law and the death penalty.
  • Sudan: Three-time offenders under the sodomy law can be put to death; first and second convictions result in flogging and imprisonment. Southern parts of the country have adopted more lenient laws.
  • United Arab Emirates: Lawyers in the country and other experts disagree on whether federal law proscribes the death penalty for consensual homosexual sex or only for rape. In a recent Amnesty International report, the organization said it was not aware of any death sentences for homosexual acts. All sexual acts outside of marriage are banned.

No LEGITIMATE Heirs to Queen Elizabeth II??

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

No LEGITIMATE Heirs to Queen Elizabeth II??
Posted By: Lymerick [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 26-Feb-2014 01:07:04

For your discernment.
By Rev. Clifton A. Emahiser
How Long Can Queen Elizabeth II Live?
Few there are who understand the significance of this question! Most are not aware of it, but there are no qualified replacements to take her place should she die except the Messiah Himself. I addressed this situation in my Watchman’s Teaching Letter #51, July, 2002 as follows:
You will remember that in the last two Teaching Letters, #49 and #50, I promised to document that Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Philip, was of questionable blood and how all the children from that union are unfit to take the Throne of David, which the British throne represents. I said the following in lesson #49: “... from the news I notice the queen-mother of England is dead. I’m fully persuaded Elizabeth II is the last pureblooded descendant of David left to sit on the throne, while Philip Mountbatten and his heirs are of questionable blood presenting prophecy problems.” Then again in lesson #50 I reiterated: “In the last lesson, I briefly mentioned that the queen-mother of Britain had died. I believe that this is a major mile-marker in time as to where we are today on Yahweh’s time-clock. I would remind you that Scripture says in no uncertain terms that there would always be a descendant of David on a throne somewhere until Messiah’s Second Advent. Conceivably, this could mean: if the present Queen Elizabeth II were to have a heart attack and die, and our Redeemer has not returned, the promise to David is a lie and our Bible is untrustworthy. I also pointed out that Queen Elizabeth II’s husband was of questionable blood, and because Elizabeth had taken an unsuitable mate, thus violating Yahweh’s Law of kind after kind, her children by that marriage are unfit to take the throne” (i.e., Shuah vs. Tamar, Gen. 38).
Some are of the opinion that if the Queen were to suddenly die, the throne could be transferred to another branch of the family. That would be the usual process, but those who make that statement don’t take into account there were only to be three “overturns”, Ezekiel 21:27, and all three have already happened (i.e., Jerusalem to Ireland, to Scotland, to England). Queen Elizabeth II undoubtedly represents the last surviving pureblooded heir to the throne on behalf of the third “overturn.” Let’s now document why the tainted-blood offspring of Elizabeth by Philip, are unqualified to take that throne.
Philip was of the line of Battenberg until the name was changed to Mountbatten. I will now quote from two encyclopedias on the background of the Battenberg side of Philip’s lineage:
The Encyclopedia Britannica (1963), volume 3, page 281: “Battenberg, the name of a family of German counts, which died out about 1314, whose seat was the castle of Kellerburg, near Battenberg, in Hesse. The title was revived in 1851, when Alexander (1823-88), a younger son of Louis II, grand duke of Hesse, contracted a morganatic marriage with the Polish lady, Countess Julia Theresa von Hauke (1825-95), who was then created countess of Battenberg. In 1858 the countess and her children were raised to the rank of princes and princesses of Battenberg, with the title of Durchlaucht, or serene highness.
“In 1917 the eldest son of this union, Louis Alexander (1854-1921), who had become an admiral in the British navy, was created marquess of Milford Haven ..., and, at the request of King George V, the members of the family who lived in England renounced, in 1917, the German title of prince of Battenberg and adopted the surname of Mountbatten. The second son, Alexander Joseph (1857-93), was elected Prince Alexander I of Bulgaria in 1879 ... Henry Maurice, the third son, married on July 23, 1885, Beatrice, youngest daughter of Victoria, queen of England, became a naturalized Englishman and was appointed captain general and governor of the Isle of Wight and governor of Carisbrooke. He died at sea on Jan. 20, 1896, of a fever contracted on active service with the British troops during the Ashanti War. The fourth son, Francis Joseph (1861-1924), married in 1897 Anna, daughter of Nicholas I, prince of Montenegro, and was the author of Die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung Bulgariens von 1879 bis zur Gegenwart (1891).
“The only daughter of the princess of Battenberg, Marie Caroline (1852-1923), married in 1871 Gustavus Ernest, prince of Erbach-Schönberg. Princess Alice of Battenberg (b. 1885), daughter of Prince Louis Alexander, and Victoria Eugénie (Princess Ena of Battenberg; b. 1887), only daughter of Prince Henry Maurice, were both married before 1917, the former to Prince Andrew of Greece and the latter to Alphonso XIII, king of Spain. Prince Henry’s youngest son, Maurice of Battenberg, was killed in action near Ypres on Oct. 27, 1914 ...”
For another witness I will quote from the Encyclopedia Americana (1991), volume 3, page 356: “Battenberg ... is a title of nobility taken from the name of a village near Marburg, West Germany. A family of counts held the title until it died out about 1314. In 1851, upon the morganatic marriage of Prince Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt to Julia Teresa, countess von Hauke, the latter received the title of countess of Battenberg. The countess and her children were raised to the rank of princes and princesses in 1858. Their descendants retained the title until World War I, when those living in England anglicized it to Mountbatten.”
It seems that we have a castle by the name of Kellerburg, near a town called Battenberg in an area known as Hesse in Germany. It also appears that there was a family of German counts that lived there until they all died out in 1314. That area seems to have been settled mostly by Kelts in early times. Did the family physically die out, or did the succession of royal authority die out? It makes a lot of difference. Be that as it may, it also appears that this heir apparent, Alexander, married a Polish lady. Again, one must ask the question, what kind of ladies might one find in Poland at that time (actually Warsaw)? Then, we are told there was a “morganatic marriage” arranged between this Polish lady named Julia Theresa von Hauke and Alexander. Interestingly, we have another morganatic marriage to compare with that of Alexander to Julia Theresa von Hauke. The party was Constantine Pavlovich (1779-1831) grand-duke and cesarevitch of Russia, born to Paul Petrovich and Mary Feodorovna. His grandmother, empress Catherine II, arranged for his marriage to Juliana of Coburg, which failed miserably. Later, he fell in love with a Polish lady, Johanna Grudzinska, and signed a paper resigning all claim of succession to the throne. Question: Why wasn’t Alexander required to sign a similar paper?, or did he?
Well, let’s investigate what is meant by a “morganatic marriage.” From The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (1969), we read this: “morganatic ... adj. Of or pertaining to a type of legal marriage between a man or woman of royal or noble birth and a partner of lower rank, in which agreement is made that any titles or estates of the royal or noble partner will not be shared by the commoner or by any of the offspring. [New Latin morganaticus, from Medieval Latin matrimonium ad morganaticam, ‘marriage for (no dowry but) the morning-gift’ (i.e., the husband’s token gift to the wife on the morning after the wedding night), from Old High German morgan, morning ...”
The marriage of Philip Mountbatten to Elizabeth II was a tragedy of the utmost magnitude, and is only part of the story. While they both had a great-great-grandmother in common the bad blood came through Louis Battenberg, and in turn through Julia Theresa von Hauke, not Victoria. Julia Theresa von Hauke (the Polish lady’s) father’s name was Maurice von Hauke who had married Sophia of Lafountaine. Alexander Louis George Frederick Emil contracted a “morganatic” marriage to Julia Theresa von Hauke and had the following children: (1) Mary Battenberg, (2) Louis Alexander Mountbatten, (3) Alexander Joseph Battenberg, (4) Henry Maurice Battenberg, and, (5) Francis Joseph Battenberg. The bad blood followed down from Julia Theresa von Hauke to her son Louis Alexander Mountbatten, to his daughter Victoria Alice of Battenberg, to her son Philip Mountbatten (Queen Elizabeth II’s husband), to his son Charles, Prince of Wales (whose very telltale appearance defies all reasonable doubt of a “Jewish” bloodline connection). Here is what the book Kings & Queens Of England by David Willamson says on page 121:
“Not long after the royal family’s return to England, the princess’s engagement to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, RN. was announced. He was born at Corfu on 10 June 1921, and like her was the great-great-grandchild of Queen Victoria, being the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark and his wife, Princess Alice of Battenberg.”
Because this may be somewhat confusing, I will show you that alleged bad bloodline from a different perspective:
Julia Theresa von Hauke.
Louis Alexander Mountbatten.
Victoria Alice of Battenberg.
Philip Mountbatten.
Charles, Prince of Wales.
Thus, I will repeat what I said before: The present Queen Elizabeth II is the last pureblooded Israelite of the Tribe of Judah, of the House of David, to sit on David’s throne, and she has no legitimate heirs to take her place. If anyone has evidence to the contrary without an additional “overturn”, let’s please see it!
From the book Mountbatten by Philip Ziegler, ©1985, pages 21-22: “Prince Alexander of Hesse, Mountbatten’s grandfather, was the third son of Grand Duke Louis II and godson to the Tsar of Russia. When his sister married the Tsarevich, the future Tsar Alexander II, it seemed both sensible and in keeping with the national tradition that Alexander of Hesse should take service in the Russian army. He achieved distinction, had a regiment of the Lancers named after him and was awarded the Cross of St George. The Tsar intended him as a husband for his niece and his future in Russia promised to be secure and prosperous. For Alexander, however, at this stage of his life at least, security and prosperity did not count for much. He fell in love with Julia Hauke, one of his sister’s ladies-in-waiting, a Polish girl who, if hardly a non-entity [nobody], was not from a family sufficiently grandiose to justify so princely a match. The Tsar indignantly forbade the marriage. Alexander went to England to forget, remembered, returned to St Petersburg and in 1851 eloped with Julia to Warsaw and thence to Breslau where he married her.
“This impetuous escapade effectively exiled him from Russia. It did little to improve his standing in his native Hesse. His elder brother, now Grand Duke Louis III, was almost as outraged as the Tsar, but felt that he could hardly let Alexander starve. An uneasy settlement was reached. Alexander was allowed to retain his status as a royal prince of Hesse; the defunct title of Battenburg — a pleasant town in the north of the Grand Duchy — and the quality of countess was conferred on his wife; any children of the marriage, though without claim to the throne of Hesse, would at least be of the same rank as their mother. Even this qualified disgrace did not last long. In 1858 Countess Julia of Battenburg was raised to the level of a Serene Highness and four years later the couple returned to Darmstadt. A new house had been born; royal, after a fashion, but bearing about it a faint aura of wildness and irregularity ... There had always been much to-ing and fro-ing between the courts of Great Britain and of Hesse, and this was intensified after the marriage in 1862 of the future Grand Duke Louis IV to Queen Victoria’s daughter Alice.”
From this, we can clearly see that indeed all heirs of Julia Hauke were disqualified as royal members entitled to the throne. The Almighty’s promise to David was a seedline promise. Therefore, take away the element of seedline, and we have nothing. The only way we have access to the Kingdom is through the seedline Promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If one cannot claim that kinsman seedline Promise, there is no Redemption in Messiah’s blood. As Hebrews 12:8 says, we are either “sons” or we are “bastards.”
We cannot fully grasp the maneuvering that was developing at that time unless we understand Disraeli’s background. For that, I will give an abridged paraphrase from the book DISRAELI by André Maurois: In the year 1290, on All Saints’ Day, King Edward I expelled the “Jews” from England. It was the time of the Crusades, and the monks were crying, ‘get rid of the Infidels.’ Those “Jews” who survived that onslaught took asylum in France. There in 1306, King Philip the Fair, being pressed for money, confiscated their belongings and thrust them towards Spain. Upon the persecutions in Spain, they moved to Venice and Amsterdam, and back to France once more. After much confusion under Cromwell and the Puritans, at the close of the 17th century, a small community of Portuguese and Spanish Jews was reestablished in London. Among these returnees was the Disraeli family. Benjamin’s father, Isaac, spent most of his time at libraries and the British Museum. Upon the advice of Sharon Turner, the great Anglo-Saxon historian, Isaac and his family were “converted to Christianity”, and “baptized.” After problems with his schoolmates, Benjamin, at the age of 15, returned home to utilize his father’s library, reading a wide variety of subjects. Vigorously, he read details on the secret societies; the Vehmgerichte, the Council of Ten, and the Jesuits, reading and rereading the life of St. Ignatius Loyola. Following a boring attempt at law practice, he reverted to writing and traveling, after which he entered politics, which his “baptism” helped to facilitate.
Upon the death of Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, Disraeli immediately bombarded her with a barrage of flattering letters to which she responded enthusiastically, and that relationship continued to Disraeli’s death. Therefore, in essence, Disraeli became the Queen’s chief steward. From the book DISRAELI by André Maurois, pages 288 and 290, we read this:
“... Downstairs he would come, and she would receive him with such delight that for an instant he thought she was going to embrace him. So full of smiles was she that she looked younger, and almost pretty. She twittered and glided about the room like a bird. She was happy. She had recovered her Minister, the only Minister who gave her confidence in herself. For the Queen had had a difficult life. She had been unpopular, very unpopular. She had seen people in London turn their backs on her carriage in the streets. First it was because of Lord Melbourne; and then it had been poor Albert, whom the public would not pardon for being a German; and then the Queen had been reproached for her mourning, and not one of her Ministers had defended her ...
“... Sometimes when they were alone, the Minister’s compliments became flowery and almost direct. But the Queen excused him when she recalled that he had Eastern blood. The Queen loved the East. She delighted to have [him] ... standing behind her chair, and at the head of her Realms this ingenious and sentimental Grand Vizier.
“She invited him everywhere. She asked him to come and see her at Balmoral, where life was simpler and more free. Unfortunately, the guest was often ill. The long journeys fatigued him. The Queen sent her physician, the famous Sir William Jenner, to Mr. Disraeli’s sick-room. Sir William insisted on the Premier keeping his bed. In the morning the Queen came to see him. ‘What do you think’, he wrote Lady Chesterfield, ‘of receiving your Sovereign in slippers and a dressing-gown?’ Seeing him so weak, she became maternal. Their relations became entirely human. She talked to him of Albert; he told her of Mary Anne. Minister and Sovereign had both found happiness in marriage, in the past, and here was one more bond between them.”
A few years ago, the Christian Vanguard of Metairie, Louisiana, published an article showing that Disraeli had gotten to Queen Victoria and convinced her that the Anglo-Saxons and the “Jews” were the same people, and that they were permitted to intermarry. I sure wish I still had that issue. Inasmuch as Sharon Turner was a personal friend to the Disraeli family, it makes sense. The Israel Identity message, through the efforts of John Wilson and Edward Hine, became very popular during that period. Therefore, the Christian Vanguard article is very plausible. Interestingly, Wilson and Hine were also unaware that today’s “Jews” are not Israelites.
In 1948 there was something grave that happened in England which was a catastrophic tragedy of the greatest magnitude. And, once that appalling disaster manifested itself, it could never be corrected, for there simply is no remedy once such a thing takes place. On November 14, 1948, Charles Philip Arthur George (a “Jew”; a descendant of Cain) was born to Queen Elizabeth II by her non-Royal husband, Philip Mountbatten. By that birth, the “nail” of Isaiah 22:25 was “removed”, “cut down” and there was a great “fall.” It marked the end of David’s Monarchy on that Throne until the rightful “Shiloh” comes. Absolutely none of Philip Mountbatten’s issue are Biblically, lawfully qualified to be coronated to that dignity. The day Charles was born brought death to that Great Royal line of kings. With the advent of Julia Theresa von Hauke, the “seed of the serpent” of Genesis 3:15 entered that Royal line. Additionally, it should be noted that Julia Theresa von Hauke’s shield has no Israelite symbols as do other royal members. Hers’ is what appears to be a cartwheel on a red background; indeed, a befitting emblem for a “rolling-stone” upon Satan’s color, RED!
Taking excerpts from the book Prince Charles, The Sustainable Prince by Joan Veon, pages 28-31:
“... Prince of Wales, the future Charles III has an abundance of titles which include: Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and Great Master and Principal Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath ... Paget writes: His Royal Highness is cousin or nephew, in varying degrees, of all the six wives of King Henry VIII. ... In addition to Charlemagne and William the Conqueror, he numbers amongst his ancestors such historic characters as King Alfred the Great, King Harold, who was slain at Hastings, Llewelyn the Great Prince of North Wales, Owain Glyndwr, Warwick the Kingmaker, Margaret, Countess of Salisbury (the last of the Plantagenets), the Protector Edward Seymour, the Duke of Somerset and his rival John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland ... Louis IX, King of France, the Emperor Rudolph of Hapsburg, Catherine I, Empress of Russia, Robert Bruce, Mary Queen of Scots ... Charlemagne and Frederick Barbarossa ... Hapsburg and Hohenstaufen, Guelph and Hohenzollern, Bavaria and Saxony, Hesse and Baden. ... the Dukes of Savoy and the Emperor Frederick II ... and the medieval Kings of Sicily, as also the Orsini of Rome (Pope Nicholas III was his ancestral uncle) ... Ferdinand and Isabella ... and thus El Cid himself ... Woden ... King Niall of the Nine Hostages ... kings of Tara ... Through the Lusignan crusader kings of Cyprus, titular kings of Jerusalem ... from King Tiridates the Great ... and thus from the divine Parthian imperial House of Arsaces (247 B.C.), which reigned over Persia and Babylonia and was in its time the mightiest dynasty in the Ancient World ...”
Reputedly, Diana’s son Harry was not fathered by Charles which might be a wild-card. However this would break the present royal family line, and in my opinion, would constitute an additional “overturn.”
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Home remedies lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Home remedies lower blood sugar and prevent diabetes
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Tuesday, 25-Feb-2014 17:36:26

For people flirting with elevated blood glucose levels, the looming threat of having to take insulin shots can truly be frightening. Diabetes has become more prevalent than ever due to the All-American diet consisting of fast junk food, sodas, and the variety of other garbage people consume -- counter to common rational health advice. Even for many participating in healthier lifestyles and eating whole foods, blood sugar levels may still be troublesome. Whether you're diabetic or prediabetic, there are a variety of home remedies available to help manage your numbers and eliminate the need for insulin.
Read more: 




     It is announced that the severe drought in California is going to create a rise in the cost of food across America. Not as publicized, but moderate water shortage for several years in Texas has held back their production of agricultural goods as well. Across America, more and more locations report insufficent water for local water needs. What is Wash., D.C. under Obama doing about this? As far as I can tell, NOTHING! What are their plans for solving the future mass water shortage predicted for America and the whole world? Apparently 
NOTHING planned at this stage!
     In negative leadership, what are their plans to slow down and raise the cost of manufacturing in America? MASSIVE PLANNING for ways to sabotage American manufacturing! Wash., D.C. under Obama slams the brakes on the American economy so many ways and only rarely does something that helps the American economy. Obama and his wrecking crew in Wash., D.C. are great at ways to sabotage or destroy the American economy and lousy at answers how to boom the American economy!
      To get the project rolling on solving the water crisis for America and the world, I turn over my secret water technology (NIFI) I already have to my father's Vatican endorsed industrial food process to mingle in with its national and world profits. As soon as my proposed Omni Law for America is passed (full name "Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America"), we begin setting up the world food industry based upon my father's great food discovery so important that the Vatican endorsed it with words to the effect that it was potentially even the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of malnutrition and starvation on the earth. And my Camelot Project which will be world headquarters for this world food industry, I will try to have the first parts of it operational within 90 days of when we start building if the engineering crews do their jobs right and on schedule! 
     As soon as we have room for research and development work in our Camelot location, I will be the engineering ramrod and see if we can't have an operational version of the water system that can cheaply supply water to the world from the ocean water available everywhere across the world within maybe even months after that. And we will build our water processing plants first in America and fast, and then spread across the world as other nations close deals with us for our trade secret water process.
     Now how to solve our water crisis for America and if our answer is good, we can potentially solve the pending world water crisis and make a colossal profit for America in the process with an American world industry supplying the water the world needs for its populations across the earth, cities, towns, rural areas including farms, and of course the needs of industries wherever they are located.
     Coming from a line of inventors both sides of my family, clever answers for this engineering problem come as easy to me as breathing air in and out. Also, I had studied with an engineering school and was allowed to study one week's worth of engineering each day and kept an A average while doing this.
     It is hard to get people to do the right thing for reasons of idealism, so let me show materialistic reasons why we should have a crash program like a Manhattan Project to get the right answer to solve the American and world world crisis as fast as possible. There is potentially an incredible amount of money that can be made as profit while still keeping the water supply cheap for the world. For example, NASA says there is enough gold in the ocean to supply every human on earth with 9 pounds of pure gold each.
     Now as engineers and chemists know, it is an enormous challenge how to economically (means cheaply!) get gold out of the oceans at this time. However, with my "nothing is impossible" approach to using 
engineering, I think I see two ways at least how to get gold out of the ocean and cheaply at that. However, I treat these as trade secret concepts until my group heads up the project to solve the world water crisis and basically cheaply in cost of water at that. We get our water from the ocean and we have got plenty for the whole earth. The only water in short supply is fresh water on the land area of the earth.
     So those that get a share of the profits in my coming world food industry from the same deal will also get a same terms share of our profits from our water process once we offer this to America and the rest of the world. If we can get gold from the ocean very cheaply as well, we will make our backers smile like beaming suns when going to their local banks! And there are more ways of profits by purifying ocean water into fresh drinking, industrial, and agricultural water than I am openly showing to you in this report.
     I am also an economist and trained under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German economist who had been endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th Century. He also was endorsed by Sir John Maynard Keynes (had been rated top world economist in his time) as having the one answer that could overwhelm Communism for leadership of the world economy and put Communism out of business as an economic movement!
     How ironical life can be! My German economist was an admitted atheist yet taught on the monetary system which was run on the economic teachings of Jesus Christ as the most powerful monetary system ever seen in human history. Four times in history it wildly skyrocketed the economies using the Jesus taught economics until central banking interests each time finally figured out how to overthrow this monetary system which made the ordinary people too wealthy and no poor nor unemployed left, businesses too prosperous and wealthy, and governments too wealthy as the economy skyrocketed into the greatest prosperity ever seen in human history once Jesus Money was used as their economic system! And censored of course from your history courses by the banking interests or else the sucker public would know that there is no reason for unemployment, bad times, or poor business except letting the crooks through government run the national economies instead of Christian leaders who know how to run the Jesus Money money for their people and nations. The fourth time used in history the people using Jesus Money even paid off their real estate taxes two and three years ahead of time they were so wealthy overnight and previously had been the most depressed area in that part of Europe! This is recorded history of Europe!
     And I have a powerful asset to back up America with once we pass the Omni Law over the opposition of corrupt bought off politicians and other criminal elements behind the governmental leaders and not wanting all this prosperity for the American people and businesses of America. I am not dumb myself, but have access to a large number of brilliant geniuses in America and some abroad as well, and with all that brainpower behind the passed Omni Law, the economy of America will skyrocket into super prosperity and the people wondering now why they had been so dumb in their own eyes as to not have passed the Omni Law, etc. much sooner in America!
     You elect corrupt leaders to public office and they are constantly scheming how to con the daylights out of you using the powers of government to hold you down so they can squeeze the daylights out of you every way they can! Obama and his associates are in that category! But if you elect honest leaders who also have smart brains and moral guts to do what is right for America, America will skyrocket and be the success story of the human race even far surpassing what it previously did as a nation when in its best hour of performance as a nation before!
     The Omni Law is the key for the American people to regain serious control of government and then the economy booms as we find out once more why freedom is the key to enormous prosperity in a nation. The Chinese people are disciplined and smart in many ways. But they do not have our talent for inventing technologies, etc. and due to that, we can soon be once more the undisputed world industrial leader and this time rising much higher than before as a nation and race!
     Back me totally in passing the Omni Law fast in America and then setting up fast the economic policies that I stand for as an economist and engineer. These are areas that I would like for America to soon have as world industries for America. I want America to be the food industry leader of the world. I want America to be the water supplier leader of the  world. I want America to be the energy supplier leader of the world. I want America to be the most mineral independent nation in the world and that can make your economy basically invincible after that!
     It is a win-win situation for all sides involved! When the time is right, I want Canada and Russia to join with America in a three way economic alliance that will skyrocket all our three economies. Sometimes there is wisdom in having powerful allies for America in economic resources. And we combine our engineering talent from these three talented nations and our economies can grow enormously fast due to the power base we have created by this pragmatic, smart triple economic alliance.
     I am a statesman and tell you the smart answers for the future of America. Cheap politicians in Wash., D.C. are not statesmen and therefore their policies and laws sell America far short of what we are capable of as a race and nation. And I am so strongly sold on sound freedom as the basis of society to bless our economies and life in our nations, I probably believe more in freedom than any other leader in the Western World! And I apply to all governments of the world the pragmatic formula of: "That government is best which is best administered!" In other words, I want practical results that matter and not excuses from any government on earth!  
     I think it was back in or around 1978 I ran a large ad in a large newspaper in South Carolina that I had a powerful engineering answer how to solve the coming water crisis for America and abroad. I asked if anyone would be interested in backing such an engineering process and received no replies back! I did not expect any support then as I am more foresighted than most people, but I wanted to show the people that nothing happens in society until you finally back the leader with the answers your society needs! With your food prices scheduled to start rising due to the water shortage in California and if I had been backed much earlier, your food would be much cheaper now which would have increased your money left in your wallet after basic expenses of life in that case, and businesses would have made more profits as the costs of doing business would not be driven up by inflation and superinflation created by the incompetent policies of such as Wash., D.C. which knew the water shortage would threaten California at some point. And being by nature a government of irresponsibility, inertia, and incompetence,
then never made any moves to prevent this from happening to California and to America!
     A statesman acts upon wisdom and preventing problems from occurring or else getting out of hand. A politician is too often a lot of hot air, bad answers that do not solve the problems of the nation, and then looking for someone else to blame so he or she won't be blamed for the disaster that Wash., D.C. created in America by dumb policy! 
     Pass this report around unless you want the day to occur when prices rise so much that you have superinflation in America and your money is worth so little that you might as well use your paper money for wallpaper in your home as trying to spend it!
     When I reach the sum I am committed to raise for the Omni Law to be passed in America, my Omni Law Loan Program will then be closed as an offer and no one else allowed to join it. $25 loan credits in the Omni Law Loan Program give you a pro-rata share in 10% of the national and world profits to be made by the Vatican endorsed food industry for 30 years, same deal on whatever water system we end up with to end the water crisis in the world, and 10% of the cash settlement figure we judge we will get from Wash., D.C. when all the dust settles and bewildered leaders in Wash., D.C. wondering how all this happened!
     Frankly speaking, we pull off all this and our backers will be greatly blessed by us financially due to all this. I have already been offered twice ways to finance the entire Omni Law Drive by making special deals on the Vatican endorsed food process my father invented, but wanting the public to have this once in a lifetime opportunity for themselves, did not accept the private deals at this time. I just stated this so I have been fair and stated that the Omni Law Loan Program can be withdrawn any time after we reach our goal of how much in finances will do the job to  pass the Omni Law in America and now! We played our cards right and already have the winning hand once we show our aces the other side may not realize we have at this time!
     The Omni Law can be looked up on our website, looked up in the search engine for Nesara News under Omni Law By Erasmus Of America (my pen name), or looked up in search engines such as for Google.
Our mailing address for orders and payments sent in by mail instead of through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for.
     A lot of people invested their smart brains in me is part of the reason why I was able to write maybe 300 or so national reports posted with Nesara News since April, 2012. I have always got along well with very smart people and know how to pull them together into a team to achieve powerful results with. And through the Omni Law, we can pull America together as a team and I predict that you the American people will prove how smart and brilliant you can really be as the America we see arise then will be because we all pull together to raise America up to its God-given potential as a race and nation on earth.
     I like President Ronald Reagan say that I believe in you the American people and it is you the American people who will make America rise to the greatness it is capable of. I believe in the old saying that "There is extraordinary potential in even the most ordinary of people!" I also believe in the old Jesus teaching that if I lead you through this Omni Law, I am your servant, not your master! That is why through the Omni Law, smart Omni Law officials loyal to you the American people will submit to you the American people the laws and policies they think would serve you best. You being the masters of America will then vote by referendum if you want this proposed law or policy. By this policy you the American people have regained controlled over this runaway highly corrupt government and now you are the masters over the government again and no longer the intended serfs, peons, and slaves of those in Wash., D.C. who want to be your masters and not your servants in public office.  
     You don't know the early Apostolic Christian teachings on your God-given political rights, but the early Church Fathers would have approved of the Omni Law and said that this reflected the Apostolic Christian belief in the God-given rights of all mankind to control government to serve them and not act as their master in life. The Omni Law reflects the highest political standards of early Apostolic Christianity and not contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. For example, by referendum the Tribes of Israel voted to unite their Tribes under the government led by David of Israel. You had all the time the God-given right of referendum over government. You just didn't know what your Bible taught you on this subject!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that American leader who believes in the God-given rights of the people which no form of government may take away from them! The early Founding Fathers of America in 1776 believed in these same God-given rights of yours as I do! God is the spirit of freedom! Man without God is the spirit of tyranny meaning the government has all rights in its own godless eyes and you the people have no legal rights under government! And this following quote reflects the founding spirit of America in 1776! "The Bible is the cornerstone of all liberty!" - Thomas Jefferson!) 
     P.S. It shows the pathetic government we have under Obama that heavy radiation has been dumped into the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear accident since March 11, 2011 and independent reports indicate this radiation is mounting steadily in the ocean in front of California up through Canada, threatens to ruin whatever crops of California with radiation poisoning coming from the sky through falling rain, etc. or through contaminated water, and more immediately already heavily poisoning fish with extreme radiation poisoning, and Obama keeps silent on this. He does nothing and this nothing instead of action threatens much to all of America with later radiation poisoning and famine due to food you cannot eat or else die!
     With this water system I described above, we could get the radiation out of the water for drinking purposes, etc. Also, among my brilliant contacts are likely one or two who would know how to effectively neutralize the growing radiation in the ocean splashing against the coasts of California, etc. so the radiation threat is gone and fish can live in the ocean again there!
     I strongly use technology when it can serve the American people! Maybe Obama does not understand technology anyway, but he does not use technology to protect the American people. He only uses technology developed by such as the military to hurt the American people. These criminal acts are hidden from the American people by our corrupt news media made corrupt by corrupt owners covering for the high treason going on in Wash., D.C. by allies of the news media owners, etc. When I lived in Wash., D.C., one business owner told me of the secret deal of the news media and C.I.A. where the news media would only report what C.I.A. told them to.
     We have had a controlled press in America for a long time now! Time for freedom of the press to be practiced seriously again in America in important issues! Report the truth, please! Not lies and deceptions! We are adults! We can handle the truth and hate to have lies tried on us by the corrupt in the news media!