Saturday, July 18, 2015



Earthquakes Increasing, Volcanic Activity At Record Level

Friday, July 17, 2015


PlanetX McCanney Video

Correspondence from John DiNardo:

It is not my intention to cause problems for Mr. McCanney or for The Power Hour radio show. However, the plain language presented herein and on many other tape recordings which I have posted over the past several years tells us that Planet Earth is in trouble!  The past decade's stark history of unprecedentedly extreme geological and meteorological events shouts in our faces:

                                                           "HELLO! PLANET EARTH IS IN TROUBLE!

Those who do not want to rock the boat, nor make waves may *die* from these natural disasters, since the ancient pole shift, which Prof. McCanney herein states DID occur, and we absolutely know that the vast majority of the human race was annihilated by that pole shift. Very basic physics, folks: When a meteor is plunging to the Earth, that meteor does NOT turn around and go back where it came from. Likewise, when an object, not orbiting the Sun, begins to be sucked into our Sun's great gravitational force field, it does not turn around and go back out of our Solar System until it has looped around the the Sun to be slingshot back out of the Solar System, as has occurred in ancient Planet X intrusions of this VERY SAME dwarf star; namely the Great Flood of Noah's Day, and the great Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt [The Book of EXODUS, Chapters 9 through 13]. My chief point, Power Hour, is that if there was an object moving into our Solar System when Prof. McCanney made this video, then that object has been gravitationally pulled by our Sun ever closer to our inner Solar System (i.e. Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury, Sun).
John DiNardo




Earthquakes Increasing, Volcanic Activity At Record Level

Sign of the times? Volcanic activity at record levels


The earth’s core is getting more restless, grinding and shifting underfoot, and increasingly spewing forth its fury.

From Alaska and Hawaii to Japan, Malaysia, Ecuador, Iceland and Russia, the amount of volcanic activity has been at or near record levels in recent years, some scientists say. But apparently measuring such activity over time is not an exact science. Other scientists believe the level of activity is normal but that the speed of communications and increased media coverage makes it seem out of the ordinary.
Earthquakes, however, are clearly running at historically high levels since 1900, according to statistics from the U.S. Geological Survey.
All the while students of the Bible are pointing to Matthew 24 and saying “I told you so.”
They read in the flowing lava and glowing night-time outbursts a biblical warning sign that can’t be dismissed.
At the U.S. Geological Survey’s website, the number of earthquakes that have registered in the 6-plus range are as follows since 2005.

2005 33
2006 27
2007 47
2008 47
2009 54
2010 51
2011 56
2012 53
2013 62
2014 73
2015 29 so far

The most recent temblors were a series of three small earthquakes in Perry, Oklahoma, June 12 that measured between 3.1 and 3.9 on the Richter Scale. That same day, a 3.4 quake occurred in Caliente, Nevada. And on May 29 a much stronger 6.7 quake hit northwest of Chirikof Island, Alaska. The next day, on May 30, a massive 7.8 quake rocked Chichi-shima, Japan.
“The number has more than doubled over the last 10 years,” says Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries and author of the popular book “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs.”
The reason Christians interested in prophecy stay tuned-in to seismic activity is because of Jesus’ words in Matthew 24. Jesus spoke of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and famines increasing in the days before his return.
“It was prophesied that there would be earthquakes at increased levels before the return of the Messiah and they were to be likened to birth pangs,” Biltz said. “With the increase in activity and the increase in magnitude I definitely see it as being but another sign along with the signs in the heavens that we are at the door!”

Here are just some of the world’s most active volcanoes:
  • Indonesian authorities placed Mt. Sinabung on highest alert level last week. Scientists urged villagers to avoid main danger zones four miles from the crater.
  • Zhupanovsky Volcano in the far eastern Russian province of Kamchatka erupted Monday, June 8, producing a plume rising 20,000 feet in altitude and visible from parts of Japan.
  • Karymsky Volcano, also in Kamchatka, is emitting ash seen on satellite in the West.
  • Mount Etna, Italy’s tallest active volcano in eastern Sicily, erupted for days ending May 17.
  • Wolf Volcano on Ecuador’s Isabela Island erupted on May 25 for the first time in 33 years, sending lava streams running down the sides of the volcano. The flow has now reached the ocean but is no threat to Islanders, scientists said.
  • Mt. Aira in Japan is active and spewing ash.
USGS put out information releases on three volcanoes June 12:
  • Shishaldin Volcano in Alaska has had low-level eruptive activity continuing over the past week, but was confined to the summit crater.
  • Hawaii’s Kilauea Volcano eruption continues at Kīlauea summit and East Rift Zone. Surface lava is active and within 5 miles northeast of the Puʻu ʻŌʻō Crater. This is the most active of Hawaii’s five volcanoes and has been erupting periodically since 1983.
  • Pagan Island is a volcanic island in the Northern Mariana Islands in the Pacific Ocean, but the United States military has been in talks to purchase the island for live-fire training exercises. Formerly inhabited, the inhabitants were evacuated due to volcanic eruptions in 1981, although a report in the Huffington Post claims about a dozen people still live on the island in shacks with no electricity, plumbing or access to markets.

According to an article at Extinction Protocol, a blog about seismic activity, the most ominous sign is increased activity at the world’s super volcanoes, one of which sits in the United States.
“Unrest also seems to be growing among the world’s super-volcanoes. Iceland (which is home to some of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet), Santorini in Greece, Uturuncu in Bolivia, the Yellowstone and Long Valley calderas in the U.S., Laguna del Maule in Chile, Italy’s Campi Flegrei – almost all of the world’s active super-volcanic systems are now exhibiting some signs of inflation, an early indication that pressure is building in these volcanic systems.”
The number of earthquakes is also dramatically up since 1980.
“Looking at global magnitude six (M6) or greater from 1980 to 1989 there was an average of 108.5 earthquakes per year, from 2000 to 2009 the planet averaged 160.9 earthquakes per year: that is a 38.9% increase of M6+ earthquakes in recent years.”
Earthquakes are increasing but scientists aren't sure why                                                     
                                                                                          NIBIRU PLANET  X 
                                               (A VERY REAL HIGH DEF IMAGE TAKEN BY NASA)


Published on May 4, 2015
Is Planet X, NIBIRU ready to show it self in 2015? And if so, What will it bring with it? Are NEMESIS and NIBIRU hiding behind the sun? With so many people wondering about other world affairs and not looking to the sky. Could Planet X already being showing itself?

In January 2015 YOWUSA posted a Cut to the Chase interview Bob Fletcher. In that interview Fletcher predicted that martial law will be invoked in the US within six months of the worldwide naked eye observations of objects in the Planet X System for the first time.

In possible support of Bob’s claim there are disturbing trends being reported by the MSM on the upcoming Jade Helm 15 exercise beginning in July. Are we marching towards Martial Law?

As elite branches of the US military prepare to hold military training in seven southwest states, with some troops operating incognito among civilians, some Americans fear the training is actually preparation for imposing martial law.

The explanations given for the training, however, has not stopped fierce speculation among a number of citizen groups and alternative media sites as to why the entire states of Texas and Utah, as well as a section of southern California, have been declared “hostile,” while portions of the military detachment will be operating in the shadows of communities.

5 h 42m 21.0s 22° 36′ 45.7″





Karen Hudes – Network of Global Control – Episode 5

Jul 152015

Published on Jun 29, 2015
DCTV Series Live Segments on Karen’s June 1 testimony to DC Board of Ethics and Government Accountability, International Court of Justice, Committee of 300 & CIA’s attempt to steal gold in Global Debt Facility, Greece & Global Currency Reset Executive Producer & Host Karen Hudes
Producer & Director Carmen Stanley
VTR and Audio Maurice Jackson Floor Director Kofi Tendai

7/17/2015 — Yellowstone Road Melts — New “geothermal feature” causes road deformations

Yellowstone Road Melts —
New “geothermal feature” causes road deformations
 A well used road at the Yellowstone National Park supervolcano is melting due to a new “geothermal feature” forming below ground.
(thanks to Justin Walter for sharing the story)
Rangers at Yellowstone National Park have temporarily closed Upper Terrace Drive near Mammoth Hot Springs to vehicles due to a new thermal feature that is affecting the road. (Yellowstone National Park photo)
This has happened before, however this time around, instead of blaming it on “hot weather” / “the sun” , officials are admitting the melting of the road is actually due to a new geothermal feature taking form.
Now , July 17 2015, Upper Terrace Drive near Mammoth Hot Springs is closed, measured with subsurface soil temperatures exceeding 152F / 69C.
upper terrace mountain
Upper Terrace Drive located at the North Entrance to Yellowstone National Park , part of Terrace Mountain “butte” volcano.
Last year, the same thing happened, roads actually melted to the point where oil in the pavement was bubbling.
Defying logic (and reason) , an instant cover story was spun up by the Media (and National Park Service) .. trying to make the claim that the 80F / 27C temperatures were somehow magically melting the asphalt (SMH + a real life facepalm at that notion).
At the time when the roads previously melted, I was a lone voice in the wilderness telling everyone that there was not a snowballs chance in hell that the Sun would be melting roads in Northern Wyoming on a partly cloudy 80F week.
Within a day of blaming the Sun, they backtracked a bit, and said it was a COMBINATION of Sun and some heat from the ground :) .
Here we are today in July 2015, and we have a full admission of a geothermal cause.
Most likely, the only reason they’re admitting a new geothermal feature, is because tourists noticed the feature, and it became undeniable.
Recent news reports over the past few months have shown that Yellowstone supervolcano is much bigger than previously thought, measuring an additional 11 “grand canyons” worth of stored magma below the Volcanic caldera at the National Park.

Road in Yellowstone National Park closed to vehicles due to thermal activity
“Rangers at Yellowstone National Park have temporarily closed Upper Terrace Drive near Mammoth Hot Springs to vehicles due to a new thermal feature that is affecting the road.
A press release from the park says that the new feature became “visibly active” in May near the Upper Terrace parking lot, creating new small terraces adjacent to the drive. 
Geologists and rangers monitored the thermal feature and found temperatures up to 152 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Rangers noticed additional thermal activity this week adjacent to and under the pavement, which triggered the temporary closure.
Thermal imaging shows heat under the pavement as well.
Park geologist Dr. Hank Heasler said, “We have known this area had heat near the surface based on the fact that it does not hold snow in the winter. We drilled two holes a half-meter (20 inches) deep, both of which now have hot water bubbling at the surface or very near the surface.”
Park visitors are still able to walk on the Upper Terrace Drive. 
Maintenance staff is preparing bumper logs to protect the thermal feature and keep the outflow off of the pavement. 
Once those are in place, the road will reopen to vehicle traffic. 
Heasler noted, “As in all of the thermal areas, visitors need to stay on the boardwalks or paved areas and avoid touching thermal features.”

What's the bankrupt civilly dead government that doesn't exist in law preparing for?

to me









I won’t beat around the bush.

Dr. Paul sent you a critical email yesterday about a special giveaway we’re conducting for the Patriot Club program.

Please read Dr. Paul’s message right away.

In Liberty,

Carolyn S.

Campaign for Liberty

Dear xxxxxxx

73 federal bureaucracies - from the EPA to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - now have armed agents. 

They’re buying up ammo by the truckload.

Surveillance aircraft are flying over American cities. 

Meanwhile, the federal government spies on innocent Americans at will, Congress spends us even deeper in debt and the U.S. Supreme Court shreds our U.S. Constitution every chance it gets.

“It can’t happen here” is out the window.

The liberties you and I cherish will die an ugly death right before our eyes if you and I don’t FIGHT back like never before.

Can I count on you to take the plunge and sign up for Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program right away?

You can do so for as little as $10.00 a month – just $0.33 per day.

And if you sign up before the July 23 deadline, your name will be entered to win one of eight one-ounce special Campaign for Liberty silver coins!

no matter what they do, the statists can’t destroy the value of these by printing money out of thin air!

So I hope you’ll agree to act at once.

The truth is, Patriot Club members have become a true game changer in the fight to protect our liberties.

How many times have you and I seen over the past several years the statists do their worst when the believe the American people aren’t watching?

Or just don’t have time to react?

Often, Congress doesn’t even make legislation public until just before voting to RAM it down our throats!

This is all part of the insider game in Washington, D.C.

And it’s all designed to ensure the American people are kept in the dark and stripped of a say in their own government.

This is why Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program is so critical.

With email, social media, and phones, we have the technology to respond to anything the statists throw at us.

But that’s only if we have the resources.

Patriot Club monthly contributors ensure Campaign for Liberty is always ready to strike back against Big Government schemes - AND take advantage of opportunities to restore liberty.

Not only that, but they also help ensure Campaign for Liberty has the resources to train new leaders to lay the foundation for a massive and growing liberty movement that lasts far into the future.

J., I’ve got to tell you:

Patriot Club members can be the critical difference between winning and losing.

ey’ve never been more important – especially with everything Campaign for Liberty has on its plate today, including:
***  New IRS demands that Campaign for Liberty turn over names of many of our most generous supporters – something federal courts have ruled against time and again;

***  BOTH parties’ National ID/Database scheme buried in the so-called “Legal Workforce Act,” which would require citizens to carry a biometric ID card linked to a massive federal database just in order to work.  This database could include everything from religious views, political affiliation, and gun ownership!

***  The fight to REPEAL ObamaCare.  After the U.S. Supreme Court again upheld this national healthcare takeover, it’s time for Congress to keep its promises and finally REPEAL 100% of ObamaCare.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign up as a Patriot Club monthly contributor right away.

This premium membership program comes with many impressive perks, including:
>>>  Exclusive Patriot Club gifts to say “THANK YOU” for your continued support.

Every few months, you’ll receive a special new gear item - as long as your membership remains active. You can see the gear items you’ll receive in your first year on our sign-up page;

>>>  Campaign for Liberty’s quarterly In Liberty magazine, which will keep you up-to-date on all the fights C4L undertakes to defend our liberty.

>>>  Automatic entry into special giveaways, like the one ounce silver coin I told you about;

>>>  Peace of mind and the knowledge you’re making “big money” impact $10.00 at a time
If you don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars to contribute to liberty, but still want to make a real difference, this is THE program for you.
But J., the Patriot Club program only works if good folks like you sign up – just like our country will only be saved if good folks like you will fight to save it.

I know $0.33 a day doesn’t sound like it would make that much of a difference.

But the reality is, it’s the best way you can make an impact for the principles of liberty I know you and I share.

As I mentioned, if you do so, by the July 23 deadline you’ll automatically be entered to win one of eight one-ounce Campaign for Liberty silver coins.

So please do so at once.

Your support would mean the world to me.

For Liberty,
Ron Paul

P.S. Today, I’m looking for as many patriots as possible to sign up for Campaign for Liberty’s Patriot Club monthly contributor program right away.

You can do so for just $0.33 a day.

And if you do so right away, you’ll be automatically entered to win one of eight one-ounce silver coins!

Air Force One officer: “Obama denies ETs exist. Photos prove ETs land on Capitol & in White House base.” ET Disclosure movement directed by Rockefeller/Jesuits for New World Order world government globalist power objectives

Air Force One officer: “Obama denies ETs exist. Photos prove ETs land on Capitol & in White House base”
ET Disclosure movement directed by Rockefeller/Jesuits for New World Order world government globalist power objectives
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

VANCOUVER, BC – U.S. President Barack Obama was publicly called out on Extraterrestrials landing in a base under or around the White House during this interview with African-American veteran Wilbur “Will” Allen, a former White House employee and Air Force One engineer under U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.
“Obama denies that Extraterrestrials exist,” Will Allen states. “Yet I have precision photographs of extraterrestrial craft coming in to land at an extraterrestrial base under or around the White House underneath the Potomac River.”
By contrast, an official statement on the White House website notes, “The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.”[1]
In any honest court of law, to sponsor such an official misstatement of fact on the White House website would amount to perjury or willful misconduct by the Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Government.
ET/UFOs fire ray of light or directed energy beam next to White House
President Obama continues officially (and personally) to deny that that he lacks evidence of extraterrestrial life. In July 2010 I reported that White House and Air Force One engineer Will Allen had produced photographs of a hyperdimensional Extraterrestrial space craft in over flight approximately one mile south east of the White House in Washington, DC. The ET craft appears to have fired a ray of light or directed energy beam in the vicinity of the White House.[2]
Mr. Allen stated, “On July 20, 2010 at 3:18:07 AM in NW Washington DC, a relatively short distance from the White House, I imaged a slow moving UFO pulse through the sky, and then [observed the UFO] fire an energy beam which extended from it.” Mr. Allan also states, “I took several stationary images of the stars as I usually do. However, there is one object I thought to be a star, moving and then discharging a beam of light!!!…. There is one frame that does not make much sense? A Star is either moving or shooting a beam of light that is ‘bent’? The motion is not registered with any of the other ‘stars’ in this sampling.”
On July 26, 2010, Mr. Allen sent a video to this reporter and added, “In the ten frames of images [in the video below] are other objects. First are the echoes of the luminous anomaly slightly in front of this object in tandem flight and maneuver. What the luminous anomaly did so did the echoes except they did not discharge a plasma beam? Secondly, it was in pursuit of another object(s). In my analysis, I discovered a luminous red object in flight, however in pursuit of energy distortion, which I have imaged may times, because it follows me? However, in the ten frames the objects mentioned all are perhaps in a tactical posture. Please take a look, the physical data does indeed show ET engagement, and the anomaly is discharging a tactical device.   Ironic, it echoes the hyperdimensional UFOs on July 16, 1952/July 16, 2002/July 4, 2002/July 4, 2010/July 20, 2010, Analysis B (quadrant analysis) July 20, 2010.”
Will Allen, the Go-To Photographer of ET spacecraft overflying Washington, DC
Mr. Allen, who grew up on U.S. military bases and now resides in Washington, DC, has stated that at age five he was visited by a group of “four to five grey extraterrestrials in silver spacesuits” who implanted him with a device.
That implant device went undetected during all the years of his military and White House service, and now signals him to go to specific locations in Washington, DC where he is instructed to photograph extraterrestrial craft and personnel that enter P-56A restricted Capitol Hill airspace through hyperdimensional Star gates at extremely high speeds. Mr. Allen, who has reported some of these UFO/ET landings to the U.S. Capitol Police, states that the police have told him his photographs confirm ET/UFO landings their officers are also encountering.
Mr. Allen believes that his photographs, which are forensic in quality, document that the same intelligent hyperdimensional civilization was behind the July 16, 1952 and the July 16, 2002 flyovers of the U.S. Capitol. These UFO/ET flyovers are continuing into the present. Mr. Allen states that the civilization communicating with him and directing his photographic documentation of their hypervelocity landings on the U.S. Capitol are “grey and human-hybrid.” There is no independent evidence that the intelligent civilization behind the hyperdimensional UFOs appearing to Mr. Allen is grey of human-hybrid.
Through advanced photo-analysis, Mr. Allen has established dimensional similarities between the UFO phenomena (1) surrounding the 1944 “Foo Fighters;” (2) the UFO/ET phenomena filmed by the Walt Disney company at the Lincoln Memorial on July 26, 1952; (3) the UFO/ET phenomena overlying the U.S. Capitol on July 16, 1952 (and during the July 13-29, 1952 Washington, DC UFO flap); (4) the UFO/ET phenomena over flying the U.S. Capitol 50 years later on July 16, 2002; (5) the UFO/ET phenomena appearing over the Washington Monument (Washington, DC) on July 4, 2002; (6) (5) ET/UFO phenomena photographed at the U.S. Capitol on November 17, 2008; (7) The UFO/ET phenomenon photographed as reflected on Commander Buzz Aldrin’s visor as he walked on the Moon during Apollo 16 (April 21-24, 1972).
According to Mr. Allen’s photo-analysis, each of the UFO/ET phenomena mentioned above was capable of dimensional shift into a self-generated Star gate phenomenon
UFO ‘Ray of Light’ near the White House
It is not unreasonable to ascribe intentionality to the hyperdimensional UFO that performed a dimensional shift into a self-generated Star gate phenomenon and entered Washington DC airspace one mile south east of the White House, emitting a ray of light or directed energy beam.
Mr. Allen appears to be a selected ‘go to’ photographer’ for these advanced hyperdimensional UFO incursion events in Washington DC that have high symbolic value.
For example, Mr. Allen – on cue from hyperdimensional intelligence – photographed hyperdimensional UFOs over the U.S. Capitol in July 2002, 50 years exactly from July 1952 UFO over flights of the U.S. Capitol. Mr. Allan states that, in his opinion, the same hyperdimensional extraterrestrial civilization was responsible for both events.
ET Disclosure movement directed by Rockefellers for New World Order world government globalist power objectives
The utter transparency and public proximity of Extraterrestrial spacecraft to the White House, the seat of U.S. Executive power, is prima facie evidence that the “ET Disclosure” movement is actually a scripted meme, directed by the Rockefeller interests and U.S. clandestine services for New World Order world government globalist power objectives.
Own the Disclosure   Own the Narrative   Own the Earthly Power
This documentary sets forth how the “ET Disclosure” narrative was first leaked by the designated Rockefeller brother Laurance Rockefeller to the First Lady Hillary Clinton during the Clinton I Presidency in the Rockefeller Initiative in which a Rockefeller-funded asset Dr. Steven Greer participated. Following this, early in Rockefeller-funded Obama Presidency Term I, John Podesta requested Rockefeller-asset Dr. Steven Greer to provide “an extensive file for Mr. Podesta to provide to the newly- elected President Obama”
BREAKING NEWS – Obama Advisor Speaks out on Disclosure
February 14, 2015
“Senior Obama Advisor and Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta regrets that he has not been able to effect official UFO Disclosure.
Dr. Steven Greer is now confirming for the very first time that it was John Podesta to whom he provided the extensive briefing on UFOs shortly after President Obama took office in 2009 (see cover letter to President Obama (
Dr. Greer states: ” An attorney working with Mr. Podesta requested the briefing and we assembled an extensive file for Mr. Podesta to provide to the newly- elected President Obama. There was also support for this process from a senior CIA official who is friendly to Disclosure and the briefing was also provided to then-CIA Director Leon Panetta . Mr. Podesta came out publicly in support of Disclosure the year after the historic 2001 National Press Club Disclosure Project event, organized by Dr. Greer.
Dr. Greer continues, ” We are encouraged that Mr. Podesta remains a stalwart supporter of Disclosure and we continue to advocate for the release of illegally classified information and technology related to UFOs.” [3]
The extensive role of Laurance Rockefeller, assisted by Rockefeller asset Dr. Steven Greer and Adviser/operative John Podesta, in scripting and launching the “Disclosure movement” around First Lady Hillary Clinton during the First Clinton administration, nursing the “Disclosure movement” during the Bush and Obama years, and now positioning to “Disclosure Initiation Stage” around the Hillary Clinton Presidency [or perhaps a false flag around the Barack Obama-Pope Francis connection?] is treated in a humorous, albeit telling way in the following documentary.
One operating conclusion of the above analysis is that any ET Disclosure that occurs under the auspices of a United States government administration that is part of the Rockefeller CIA time-travel pre-identified US Presidencies as identified by Chrononaut whistleblower Andrew D. Basiago [So far, Bush Sr.; Clinton I; Bush II; Obama] is actually part of a meme scheme to preserve or enhance global and cosmic power by the Jesuit, Rockefeller and Trilateralists group.[4]

Hidden Rockefeller agenda explains why Rockefeller Disclosure Initiative, Citizen Hearing by lobbyist Stephen Bassett, intentionally excluded Life on Mars witnesses, another Rockefeller project
This reporter, who was one of the original co-architects of the so-called Citizen Hearing process that was funded by a $1 million grant from a Canadian oil industry [Rockefeller, anyone] fortune, could not fully understand why one or more of the five living witnesses of the U.S. program on Mars who had been to Mars and interacted with Martians [of various Exophenotypes] were not only not vetted to present to the five former members of Congress but were actively turned away by the Citizen Hearing organizer, Rockefeller Disclosure operative Stephen Bassett.[5]
Colonizing Mars was David Rockefeller project’s not Laurence Rockefeller’s project (which was “ET Disclosure”). We now know that Richard B. Cheney was the black ops CEO of the Mars Colony Corporation, and Dick Cheney is David Rockefeller’s man.  You can discover that in our Mars Round Table
VIDEO – Roundtable with USMCss Capt Randy Cramer & UK Town Councilor Simon Parkes: Pleiadian nuke destroyed Mars ecology? Cheney ran Mars Colony Corporation
In the world of “meme management”, the meme of “ET Disclosure” apparently differs from “Life on Mars”.
That is, the Rockefeller-CIA-Trilateralist interests want to control the information that is being “disclosed” so as to maximize control over the human population so they can continue as an elite to exploit them.
The Rockefeller interests want to keep the Life on Mars information secret, because that means resources and wealth owned by them. Hence the Rockefeller Disclosure organizer, Stephen Bassett, could not allow of the Mars witnesses to testify.
As a reporter, I even contacted a former US Senator from Alaska who was on the Citizen Hearing Panel beforehand who I had been on a PressTV Panel with.  I informed the US Senator that US Life on Mars witnesses, highly trained personnel who had been on Mars multiple times and interacted with Martians, were being excluded.  The U.S. Senator acknowledged the information and did nothing.  So when asked in a media context, I stated that the U.S. Congress Persons had each been bribed with $20,000. They had been literally functionally been bribed to stay silent about a class of witnesses and extraterrestrials from our nearest neighbor Mars, all because of the Rockefeller family that is sculpting this “ET Disclosure” meme for their and other controllers benefit.[6]
March 12, 2015 – Obama Humorous “Leak” Strategy about Extraterrestrial Presence
U.S. President Barack Obama engaged in a “humor” strategy earlier in 2015 when asked about the Extraterrestrial presence on Jimmy Kimmel Live, acting oblivious that Extraterrestrial spacecraft are landing at a base adjacent to the White House and atop the U.S. Capitol and Congressional buildings (which are the highest U.S. national security air space).  The LA Times reported:
[Kimmel] wanted to know whether Obama had tried to get to the bottom of the “UFO files” about the mysterious desert region known as Area 51.
“The aliens won’t let it happen,” Obama joked. “You’d reveal all their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.”
But President Clinton once said he’d checked on the matter and found nothing, Kimmel protested. “That’s what we’re instructed to say,” Obama responded.
The above is typical of the deception that Mr. Obama, a facile actor and comedian, is engaging in.
Obama has visited Mars, using ET-gifted technology
As this reporter has reported, corroborated by multiple witnesses, President Barack Obama, under his then name Barry Soetoro, participated in the Mars jump room training program at the College of the Siskyous, CA. in Summer, 1980 and subsequently visited Mars several times via jump room, an advanced quantum technology gifted to CIA by a specific species of grey extraterrestrials. [7]
What impact does Will Allen’s Disclosure have?
At one point during our interaction, Will Allen turned to this reporter and stated, “Once he had seen my material, John Podesta told me, ‘This is the most powerful secret that exists and you must keep it secret because if it were made public, everything would fall apart.’  That is John Podesta, the Adviser to the President.”
So now you and I and all who read this and whom you let know are aware that Extraterrestial spacecraft land in a base adjacent to the White House, as well as on the U.S. Capitol and Congressional office buildings.
And you have just read what those in charge are thinking!

UFODC – Will Allen
How Intelligence Legend & Manchurian candidate Barack Hussein Obama [Barry Soetoro Soebarkah] was created
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Recommended Reading
ETs perform Love-Christ-Islam symbols over Jimmy Carter UFO friend

Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness – An Editorial
3rd book of The Omniverse Trilogy: “My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth”
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Purchase Softcover now
eBook available July 1, 2015
Thank you.


Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News Tips:

[1] Official White House Response to formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race – Disclosure. and 1 other petition
[2] See, Alfred Lambremont Webre, “Will Allen: ‘Ray of Light’ UFO one mile from White House, July 20, 2010”,
[3] BREAKING NEWS – Obama Advisor Speaks out on Disclosure – See more at:
[4] Time Travel & the U.S. Presidency – Articles by Alfred Lambremont Webre
[5] Citizen Hearing intentionally misleads former Sen. Mike Gravel on nature of U.S. relations with extraterrestrials by Alfred Lambremont Webre,
[6] DisclosureGate: Former Congress members bribed over Cheney’s secret Mars program by Jon Kelley,
[7] Third whistle blower confirms Obama’s participation in CIA jump room program of early 1980’s by Alfred Lambremont Webre

Leuren Moret - The International Alliance for Depopulation

               Leuren Moret : Depleted Uranium and 9/11 : video ...  Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup

        - Leuren Moret -
               Important Message
 The International Alliance
 for Depopulation

Published on Jan 2, 2014
Prince william is a devil. This is what his people do...

Friday, July 17, 2015

A nesaranews reader in need of some help from anyone who may be able to help.

Ron Hayes has been a reader on nesaranews for a very long time and he has contributed many articles as well. He is in trouble now and is reaching out for help if anyone may be able to assist him. As soon as I can find a link for donations or any other way of contributing help, I will get it up on the left hand side of nesaranews blog. For now Ron has given me this link explaining his situation.

: They want to mine where?!

Alex Wilks - Avaaz <>

Thu, Jul 16, 2015 1:44 pm
They want to mine where?!

 Dear friends,

For years they’ve poisoned rivers, devastated forests and displaced communities, and now massive companies are rushing to dig up the seabed for precious metals.

Twenty-four people 
can stop this plunder of our planet’s most fragile places,  and they're meeting this week!! The International Seabed Authority normally attracts as little attention as an underwater mine miles offshore, but our community can change that.

A few countries have agreed full or partial bans, and leading scientists just appealed for a freeze on deep sea mining contracts. Let’s amplify their message with a million-strong call, take out newspaper ads to hand deliver to each delegate, then publish their names and their responses. Add your voice and send widely:

Mining companies claim they can mine the seabed safely, but authorities in Namibia, Australia and New Zealand recently blocked seabed mining projects.  Scientists point out that many deep water species are being discovered all the time, and that the ocean floor can take decades to recover from disturbances such as the creation of sediment plumes from mining.

The International Seabed Authority has already issued licenses for exploratory mining across 1.2 million square kilometres of ocean floor. The body is almost unknown, and its 24-person Legal and Technical Committee does the detailed scrutiny of proposals and environmental safeguards with minimal transparency. We now have a unique opportunity to put its twenty-four members on notice with a demand that they freeze all mining until independent science proves it safe and the ISA opens up to concerned scientists and citizens.

Often, we don’t realise the value of our most precious ecosystems until they’re destroyed -- but this time we have the chance to take action before this whole new threat lets rip across our oceans. Join the call for a freeze on deep-sea mining, so we can hit a million and deliver to all delegates before their meeting ends:

Together we’ve stood up to protect our earth’s most precious, awe inspiring ecosystems -- from the majestic trees of the Amazon to the stunning species in the Great Barrier Reef. Now, we are standing on the brink of a new gold rush that could devastate an ecosystem that has so far escaped the ravages of mankind.
With hope and determination,
Alex, Laila, Alaphia, Alison and the rest of the Avaaz team

Deep sea mining: the new resource frontier? (Al-Arabiya)

Marine mining: Underwater gold rush sparks fears of ocean catastrophe (The Guardian) 

New Interest in Seafloor Mining Revives Calls for Conservation (National Geographic) 

Deep sea mining hopes hit by New Zealand decision (Financial Times) 

Scientists call for temporary halt on new deep sea mining projects (Popular Science)

Shedding some light on the International Seabed Authority (University of Southampton)

*Beautiful ! >>Edge of Stability Experience Every Possible Sky Phenomena In This Time Lapse Video

Edge of Stability

Experience Every Possible

Sky Phenomena In This Time Lapse Video

(Negative Tilt Photography)

Edge of Stability

from Plus 6 days ago All Audiences
A result of over 70,000 individual high resolution photos and nearly 20,000 miles of driving, "Edge of Stability" highlights some of the most unique, awe-inspiring, and incredibly strange sights on the planet. Recorded entirely over Spring of 2015, scenes include storm chasing adventures across 15 US states, displays of the Milky Way over desert landscapes, and the amazing Aurora Borealis over Canada.
The equipment I used includes two Canon 6D's, paired usually with a Rokinon 14mm f/2.8, Rokinon 24mm f/1.4, and a Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8.
Individual canvas/photo prints of any single frame in this video are available, with some already in stock!
Please visit:
Twitter & Instagram: @negative_tilt
Thanks for watching! :)
This video not for broadcast or commercial use without prior permission. Contact for licensing.

Hastings’ Lessons From the Grave - Have We Learned Anything? **YOUR vehicle can be remotely controlled!




Investigative journalist Michael Hastings died in a mysterious car accident two years ago this month. Will we ever know the truth about his death? Photo credit: Lord Jim / Flickr
Investigative journalist Michael Hastings died in a mysterious car accident two years ago this month. Will we ever know the truth about his death? Photo credit: Lord Jim / Flickr

Two years ago this month, the young and ambitious investigative journalist Michael Hastings died in a mysterious, fiery car crash. Investigators and journalists have uncovered some startling revelations regarding the accident in the past two years, though the full truth of what really happened to Hastings could have been buried with him.
Hastings was known for challenging conventional wisdom and investigating authority at the highest levels. With a Polk Award-winning article in Rolling Stone, he brought down General Stanley McChrystal, commander of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force and US Forces-Afghanistan.
At the time of his death, Hastings had been working on a story about CIA Director John Brennan. The president of Strategic Forecasting Inc. (“Stratfor”), a CIA contract global intelligence firm, has described Brennan in secret emails as someone on a “witch hunt” of investigative journalists. Brennan, of course, has denied these claims: a CIA spokesperson told reporter Kimberly Dvorak in an email that notwithstanding WikiLeaks, “any suggestion that Director Brennan has ever attempted to infringe on constitutionally-protected press freedoms is offensive and baseless.”
Is it possible that Brennan felt threatened by the content of Hastings’ would-be story? If yes, how would the CIA have responded to such an expose ?

Car Hacking—Reality, not Theory
At the time of Hastings’ death, counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that it was possible that Hastings’ car had been hacked; that the known details of the crash were consistent with a car cyber attack.
“There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers”—including the United States—know how to remotely seize control of a car, Clarke said.
At the time, however, Clarke’s suggestion received little attention from the mainstream media. In the past two years, the issue of automobile cybersecurity has entered the mainstream arena.
Since 2013, scientists have proven the possibility of hacking a car, and lawmakers are revealing the lack of cybersecurity against these types of threats built into today’s digital cars.
“Your car may have as many as 30 separate electronic control units, some of them built for wireless access. Hackers have shown that they can disconnect brakes, kill acceleration and more—although most hacks currently require direct, wired access to the car’s systems. Even so, a lab technician turned off our test car while we were driving it—from a cell phone,” Chris Meyer, Vice President of Consumer Reports, said in an email to WhoWhatWhy.
At the annual hacker conference Defcon2013, just two months after Hastings’ death, computer security experts Christopher Valasek and Charlie Miller successfully hacked two cars, accessing almost all of the car’s electronic control units.
Video demos pre-recorded for the conference showed Miller and Valasek able to jerk the steering wheel, disable the car’s brakes, accelerate, manipulate the seat belt, turn off the engine, mess with both interior and exterior lights, honk the horn, and program the console to read that the car had a full tank of gas when it didn’t, according to CNET.
After this successful demonstration of a computer-generated car hack, lawmakers sent inquiries to car manufacturers about the cybersecurity of their automobiles. The results do not provide much of a sense of security—or cybersecurity—to drivers on the road today.
In February 2014, Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) released the report Tracking & Hacking: Security & Privacy Gaps Put American Drivers at Risk. Sixteen major automobile manufacturers participated in the report, and four major trends are as follows:
Here are the four trends found in the report:
Nearly 100 percent of vehicles on the market include wireless technologies that could pose vulnerabilities to hacking or privacy intrusions.
Most automobile manufacturers were unaware of or unable to report on past hacking incidents.
Security measures to prevent remote access to vehicle electronics are inconsistent and haphazard across the different manufacturers.
Only two automobile manufacturers were able to describe any capabilities to diagnose or meaningfully respond to an infiltration in real-time; most of these manufacturers rely on technologies that cannot diagnose or respond to infiltration in real-time at all.
The information on the very real possibility of carhacking raises the question: was Michael Hastings’ car hacked? Is it possible that someone was trying to shut him up?

“This was not an accident.” In the immediate days leading up to his death, Hastings was sure that his car had been tampered with and was scared for his life. Photo credit: Lord Jim / Flickr
“This was not an accident.” In the immediate days leading up to his death, Hastings was sure that his car had been tampered with and was scared for his life. Photo credit: Lord Jim / Flickr

Michael’s Chilling Apprehensions During Last Hours
Hastings’ friends and family time and time again described him as “fearless.” In the week leading up to June 18, 2013, however, Hastings was panicked, and openly expressed concerns to his friends and colleagues that his Mercedes had been tampered with.
Hastings showed up at a neighbor’s apartment just 24 hours before his death and “urgently asked to borrow her Volvo,” saying that he was afraid to drive his own car but that he wanted to leave town, Hastings’ friend and neighbor Jordanna Thigpen told LA Weekly.
Sixteen hours before his death, Hastings alerted friends and colleagues, including WikiLeaks lawyer Jennifer Robinson, that the FBI was investigating him.
“The Feds are interviewing my ‘close friends and associates,’” Hastings wrote to colleagues at Buzzfeed, at 12:56pm on June 17.
“Perhaps if the authorities arrive ‘BuzzFeed GQ’, er HQ, may be wise to immediately request legal counsel before any conversations or interviews about our news-gathering practices or related journalism issues. Also: I’m onto a big story, and need to go off the radar for a bit,” he wrote. He signed the email that he “hoped to see you all soon.”
“As soon as I got [that email] I was nervous my whole body was shaking, I had goosebumps,” friend Joe Biggs told WhoWhatWhy.
And then, at 4:20am on June 18, on Highland Avenue in Los Angeles, Hastings’ silver Mercedes C250 exploded and hit a palm tree. There were no apparent attempts to brake before the collision.
“The whole surrounding circumstances still eat away at me all the time,” Biggs told WhoWhatWhy. “A car doesn’t just have a flash underneath before it crashes. The neighbors said that they heard an explosion—a loud explosion—then the car hit the tree. If a car hits a tree, it will pin the engine going into the trunk of the tree into the base or frame of the car. Instead, the engine was ejected, at the path of travel, heading down the road,” he said.
“I’ve never seen an explosion like that,” Terry Hopkins, a former US Navy military policeman who served in Afghanistan, told WhoWhatWhy two years ago. “I’ve seen military vehicles explode, but never quite like that. Look, here’s a reporter who brought down a general. He’s sending out emails saying he’s being watched. It’s four in the morning and his car explodes? Come on, you have to be naive not to at least consider it wasn’t an accident.”

The Immediate Aftermath
In the days immediately following his death, the FBI promptly responded to inquiries from the press about whether or not Hastings had been under investigation—a rare instance of punctuality and seeming transparency from the agency.
“At no time was journalist Michael Hastings under investigation by the FBI,” said agency public affairs specialist Laura Eimiller.
This is clearly inconsistent with what Hastings himself thought and wrote about in the email to his friends and colleagues. VICE News investigative reporter Jason Leopold and MIT Doctoral Candidate Ryan Shapiro also thought the FBI’s official position was questionable. In 2013, Leopold and Shapiro spearheaded a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit to open documents that could reveal whether or not Hastings was under investigation by the FBI.
The lawsuit revealed that the FBI had misled the public: Michael Hastings was on the FBI’s radar—if not under complete investigation—for “controversial reporting.”
“The FBI was investigating someone’s reporting. Clearly it wasn’t just isolated to Hastings, so… that’s a big fucking deal,” Leopold told WhoWhatWhy.
Investigating reporting threatens investigative reporting, Leopold believes. The revelation that law enforcement agencies will investigate journalists’ reporting has a “chilling effect on newsgathering and on the ability for journalists and sources to speak” Leopold said.
Leopold said he thinks that’s why even two years after Michael’s death there are still government officials investigating journalists. “Unfortunately,” Leopold said, “it’s really unclear what these government agencies are doing behind the scenes… That’s kind of scary.”

Possibility of Foul Play
Despite his misgivings about secret government activities, Leopold doesn’t necessarily think Hastings’ death was murder.
“I believe Michael Hastings died in a car crash, I want to make that clear, I have absolutely no thoughts about if there was anything suspicious.” Leopold said. “I’m well aware that people try to make the connection ‘oh he’s investigating Brennan and then he died,’ I’m not on that page.”
Similarly, Hastings’ wife, Elise Jordan, told CNN interviewer Piers Morgan that her husband’s death was a “tragic accident.”
Officials from the LAPD have also publicly stated that there had been no indication of foul play in their investigation of the crash, but, requesting anonymity, a family member of Hastings previously expressed dissatisfaction with the LAPD’s investigation to WhoWhatWhy.
“The LAPD has done a really sloppy job investigating his case, and they were hoping for a mother lode of drugs in his system. When they didn’t get it in the toxicology lab results (science!), they had to insert speculation throughout their field report to compensate for their lack of an investigation. It’s so irresponsible,” the family member wrote in an email.
Investigators did consider the possibility of suicide, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Department report, although Hastings was not known to have had any past suicide attempts or ideations, the report said. In response to the suggestion of suicide as the cause of death, friends of Hastings told WhoWhatWhy that they highly doubt it.
“No, he had a good family, he loved everybody in his family. I don’t think he would allow himself to do something like that because he knew that would affect so many people,” Biggs told WhoWhatWhy.
“The world lost a great reporter, he was a fearless journalist who had bigger balls than most people could ever imagine,” Biggs said. “I think the whole case should be revisited honestly.”

Panorama credits:
​Computer Center: Army Cyber / Flickr , Mercedes Benz C250: Tokumeigakarinoaoshima / Wikimedia

Oil Billionaire Attempts to Silence University Quake Researchers

The rapid increase in Oklahoma’s seismic activity was very likely caused by humans— specifically the “injection/disposal of water associated with oil and gas production.”
The rapid increase in Oklahoma’s seismic activity was very likely caused by humans— specifically the “injection/disposal of water associated with oil and gas production.”
The recent earthquakes that devastated Nepal highlight the need to find ways to avoid, or at least minimize, these catastrophes when humanly possible. One particular Oklahoma billionaire, engaged in the very activity that may be causing earthquakes in his own backyard, forcefully begs to disagree. And he’s been trying to use his seemingly unlimited resources to get his way.
Fossil fuel partisans in the Sooner State were rattled late last month when the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS) released a statement that the rapid increase in the state’s seismic activity was very likely caused by humans—specifically the “injection/disposal of water associated with oil and gas production.”
One billionaire oilman decided to take action—not about the message but about the messengers. Emails exposed by Bloomberg News reveal that Harold Hamm, the founder and CEO of Continental Resources, one of America’s ten biggest energy independents, asked the dean of the University of Oklahoma’s College of Earth and Energy to fire scientists involved with the OGS report, an official publication of the university.
“Mr. Hamm is very upset at some of the earthquake reporting to the point that he would like to see select OGS staff dismissed,” Dean Larry Grillot wrote to a couple of colleagues.
OU Stood Strong in Light of Overwhelming Evidence
Billionaire Harold Hamm called for the dismissal of university scientists who had the audacity to claim that human activity was to blame for increased seismic activity in the state.
Billionaire Harold Hamm called for the dismissal of university scientists who had the audacity to claim that human activity was to blame for increased seismic activity in the state.
To the university’s credit, none of the scientists were dismissed. One possible reason is that the findings of OGS were simply too unambiguous.
“The seismicity rate in 2013 was 70 times greater than the background seismicity rate observed in Oklahoma prior to 2008,” the OGS statement said. “While unlikely, this rate could have been potentially explained by natural variations in earthquake rates from naturally occurring swarms. The seismicity rate is now about 600 times greater than the background seismicity rate, and is very unlikely the result of a natural process.”
However, the episode is symptomatic of how science is often treated by the rich and powerful. If research goes counter to what benefits them, they either threaten to close purse strings or take even more drastic steps.
Oil Tycoon also Wanted Seat on Search Panel for New OGS Director
In this case, Hamm, who gives a significant amount of money to the university, apparently felt entitled to demand that some scientists be dismissed because their findings did not align with his business interests. The oil tycoon also lobbied to be part of the search committee that would select the new OGS director, saying that he feels strongly that such a panel should “include a representative from the oil and gas industry.”
While Hamm’s effort seems to have come up short, there is no shortage of billionaires who give lots of money to universities and other research institutions that investigate issues of even larger import than the impact of oil production methods on earthquakes in Oklahoma.
How many of them attach strings to their donations in an attempt to alter the outcome of scientific inquiry?
The undisputed masters of bending science in this way are congressional Republicans, who are currently trying to gut NASA earth science programs. These are the same programs that employ scientists who have concluded that climate change is real and manmade—conclusions that  do not sit well with some of the largest GOP donors.
American universities and research facilities are still the envy of  the world, and government-funded science has helped the US retain a top spot in many areas. However, a sustained attempt to stifle science by politicians and billionaires like Hamm, could jeopardize that position in the near future—and worse.

earth's severe weather issues explained's severe weather issues explained





                                                                 JOE FRIDAY

If you remember the TV series Dragnet...
               You will appreciate what a masterful job
               has been done in editing this






Published on Jun 22, 2015

PLEASE get this information out!!! SHARE and RE-POST as far and wide as you can folks! A learned network / software engineer’s analysis of what’s really behind the "JADE HELM EXERCISE", (aka "Jade Helm 15"), (Joint Assistant For Development and Execution (JADE). She reveals that what we are actually seeing is a SYSTEM ROLL OUT of an INCOMPREHENSIBLY DIABOLICAL Artificial Intelligence Quantum Computing Technology that can do many, many things including the production of holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use VAST AMOUNTS OF DATA being collected on the HUMAN DOMAIN to generate HUMAN TERRAIN SYSTEMS in geographic population centric locations to IDENTIFY and ELIMINATE insurgents, rebels, or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID for NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE ENVIRONMENTS.

The "JADE TWO" BATTLE FIELD SYSTEM is cognitive and intuitive. It can examine prior executed battle plans and devise 'new and better' strategies to increase the 'kill chain'. The second generation of JADE, (aka "JADE TWO"), has the capability for two way communication with DRONES through the O.C.C.O.M. technology which is one of the next generation integrations to this system. In short, JADE HELM will not be battles directed by Generals and Military Commanders, but by a computer. It is a COGNITIVE SOFTWARE SYSTEM program based on a NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE SYSTEM,... basically "AT THE HELM". Hence we have "JADE HELM"! The COMPLETE 2.5 HOUR INTERVIEW can be viewed here:

Related Videos:
JADE HELM: "MASTERING THE HUMAN DOMAIN"-1033 Program & Exec Order 13684
Governor's Response To Resident's Concerns With Jade Helm15
Robin Sage Is Jade Helm For Eastern US

Research Links:
Official US Defense Department Science Blog
DTIC News Wire 10 April 2015
Raytheon BBN Technologies
JADE Program continuation paper - Tuesday Presentation Details
Mega Data Collection - GWEN Towers
NSA Decryption Multipurpose Research Facility
Is "The Cloud" an Integral Part of the NSA Data Center and Project Bumblehive...??
Recommended viewing on the subject:
Jade Helm - An Expose-Part 2-Infiltration
The AFRL-IF-RS-TR-2001-171 (Joint Assistant For Development and Execution (JADE)
Final Technical Report can't be opened in a browser, you have to download it and
read it using Adobe or word/open office writer.
You can find it by Google: AFRL-IF-RS-TR-2001-171


William Mount
Writers - Never Give Up !!
Wed Jul 15, 2015

Writers - Never give up.

Pray (Visualize if you will) that all the forces coming against the truth
are cast into the Lake of Fire with no delay and with full prejudice

It is hard for those who are truly writing to expose the truth. You are
attacked by US Army Cyber Command, the CIA and a host of other
US ABC Agencies you may never have heard of.

Your websites and email accounts are taken down, many of you are
shot with odd type of weapons that cause strokes and heart attacks.

It is not easy to tell the truth when the norm is lying.

You are considered an oddball by your friends and an enemy of the
government for speaking the truth.

You are attacked on the net, in your finances, and physically using
weapons you have never even heard of.

Never Give Up.

These colors do not run.

If I am the last man standing for FREEDOM in America then so be it.

I will lead the way, follow me and expose the truth at every corner
of the Earth.

You Tube Video: Writers - Never Give Up

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount