Friday, July 17, 2015

A nesaranews reader in need of some help from anyone who may be able to help.

Ron Hayes has been a reader on nesaranews for a very long time and he has contributed many articles as well. He is in trouble now and is reaching out for help if anyone may be able to assist him. As soon as I can find a link for donations or any other way of contributing help, I will get it up on the left hand side of nesaranews blog. For now Ron has given me this link explaining his situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Helping you to help yourself:

Hi Ron, You can combat Type2 Diabetes by changing your diet, and Lifestyle. Although we may not realize it, sometimes, we are simply not finding that balance for good health. Most people think of Diabetics as being overweight. You would be surprised as to how small changes to Diet, etc can restore you back to health. Have a look at this guy, he got rid of his Diabetes2 by making changes...........its never too late to change: