Thursday, September 1, 2011

US Federal Reserve Bank Reels Into The Jubilee Year

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

US Federal Reserve Bank Reels Into The Jubilee Year
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 1-Sep-2011 07:27:15
Source: Silver Bear Cafe
U.S. "Feral Reserve Boink" Reels Into The Jubilee Year
Richard Sauder
Oh, did I misspell U.S. Federal Reserve Bank? You'll have to excuse me. I'm feeling a little dizzy this afternoon, because it is all unraveling so fast now.
The world of high finance is cracking apart, outright falling apart. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is failing, mostly because the U.S. Federal Reserve Note is rapidly losing value, mostly due to the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank's own criminally stupid, criminally inept, and criminally corrupt policies, and since the Federal Reserve Note is essentially its one and only product, its bread and butter, the whole criminal cabal is destined for the ash heap of history, and soon.
Consequently, by Christmastime the USA and most of the rest of the world are likely to be in a chaotic uproar, much more so than now.
We'll be lucky if these monsters-pretending-to-be-humans do not stage a notorious "false flag" terrorist attack in Paris or Montreal or Chicago or …. you name the place, and use that as a trumped up casus belli to go after Iran and initiate a general, global war, likely nuclear, in a desperate, Strangelovian bid to fight their way out of terminal, imperial collapse.
There are a lot of reasons for why this financial collapse is happening, but the most important is that we are rapidly approaching the dramatic conclusion of a grand, multi-thousand year cycle, the End of the Age.
Swedish analyst and commentator Carl Calleman has written about this from the perspective of his interpretation of the Mayan Calendar.
His calculations indicate that events will build to a crescendo and climax on 28 October, as the Mayan calendar ends, just a little over two months from now, with continued economic turmoil in the interim period.
The Fifth Night of the Ninth Wave
Interestingly, he sees the inevitability of a wide-scale "forgiveness of debts" for ordinary people, as being an intrinsic part of the inevitable transformation of the economic system.
I heartily concur. In fact, I specifically called for a Jubilee Year in the statements that I released to the press in early and mid-2010, on the occasion of my nonviolent peace demonstration on a nuclear missile silo in North Dakota, USA.
In my Minot Manifesto
( )
and Serious Message From The Heart of America,
( )
I forthrightly called for an across-the-board nonpayment of debts - auto loans, house loans, student loans, furniture loans.
It all should be forgiven, seeing as it all is based on a global, fraudulent, Ponzi scheme run by the world's central banks, who are "loaning" fictitious, fiat money into existence at interest, and doing this right out of thin air. It's as phony-baloney as can be.
So why not call a Jubilee Year, and forgive all of the fraudulent debt across the board? It's all a big board game, using paper money.
That's all - just pieces of paper. The banks hand you pieces of paper, and then proceed to suck you dry, to take your life and property from you as the decades toll slowly by, week by week, month after month.
I was, therefore, pleased and amused to see a spectacular crop formation pop up in the fields of Jubilee Plantation in southern England just a few days ago.
The intelligences behind the crop formations are astute observers of the happenings on our world, and so they see very clearly what is coming.
We are indeed going to have a Jubilee Year, and a big one, so big that you will never forget the events that will very shortly transpire.
By this time next year, and maybe even by Christmas, paying a mortgage note, or making a car payment, or making payments on a student loan (which you perhaps can't pay anyway, because you maybe don't have a job, or even if you do, it doesn't pay enough so that you can pay off your alleged "debts") - all of that is going to very quickly become the very least of your worries.
It's all going bye-bye, and quite soon, all of it.
Why? Well, when the banks fail and the government agencies fail, and the clerks and secretaries and inspectors and mail men are no longer on the job, who will there be to actually send you a bill, or to physically deliver the bill to your house?
Or to calculate how much you "allegedly" owe? Or to receive your payments when you mail them in?
Or to operate and maintain the computers and digital data bases that keep track of who owes what to whom, and when? It's all coming down, fast, and hard.
It is entirely possible that the USA federal government will not survive the coming chaos. How long will the FBI agents stay on the job once it becomes clear to them that there will be no retirement pension, that the money they are being paid with is worthless, and that the government that gives them orders is failing, dying from its rotten inside and putrefying outward in all directions?
Ditto for IRS vampire drones, CIA spooks and military personnel.
How loyal will they be once they grok that they have been cynically played by the American government, and hung out to dry?
Logic suggests that their loyalty to Washington, DC will become highly uncertain, and real fast, in direct proportion to their realization that they have been reamed.
Interestingly, as the comments to the Jubilee Plantation formation indicate, this cereal glyph incorporates the Phi constant, the Golden Mean, that underlays all of nature, and is seen in everything from the twining of a morning glory vine, to the graceful curve of a galactic spiral arm, to the growth of a conch shell, or the unfurling of a fern frond.
It is the mathematics that the Universe uses to build and animate the natural world, at every level.
Implicitly, this formation is heralding the imminent arrival of the Jubilee, and forgiveness of all onerous and odious debt, and also pointing to the power of nature, which will be on display in the near future. Nature will be heard from, that is a firm promise, and all of this unnatural insanity will be forcefully put in the subordinate place that it so richly merits.
American television viewers of a certain age will remember the 1970s-era margarine commercials that said,
"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature."
No, it really is not.
The chorus of voices warning of what is to come - and very soon! is growing larger.
Here is a warning from three Russian scientists.
Two of them also have a similar message on the Jubilee Plantation crop formation comments link above.
Destruction or Ascension- Or both?
The Russians warn of imminent, major cataclysm, the first of three episodes, beginning the last week of this month, mere days from now. Are they right? We shall know soon.
If no major cataclysms occur over the next couple of weeks, then they are wrong, at least in part.
If no major cataclysms occur at all over the next couple of years, then they are just completely blowing smoke.
But the mega-earthquakes in Japan this year, and in Sumatra in 2004, show that we are, indeed, in a period of major, geological instability, so we shall see whether the Russians are on to something.
Then I stumbled across Clarity Ross's intriguing videos recently. I do not know who Clarity Ross is, other than that he is one more voice on YouTube, putting his message out for the world to consider.
According to himself, he is an intuitive who has had realizations starting in 1998 of an impending, global, civilization-ending, financial collapse, that has been expertly rigged to take place in October and November of this year.
It will be swift and devastating. He says that it will start with the sudden failure of two large banks, and then the collapse will very rapidly take place after that.
Economic Apocalypse 2011
The financial order will go down hard. It will collapse in total ruins like the World Trade Center Towers in New York City.
He calls it the "Flash Crash" of late 2011 that is being done by expert "architects of destruction," operating beyond any governmental control. Perhaps he is right.
Flash Crash 2011
Clarity says that the financial markets will be suddenly, massively taken down, in a vastly sophisticated, highly computerized, global operation.
Collapse Of The Middle Class 2011
Clarity Ross says that the "Flash Crash" is designed to create great misery. I agree that the crash will create immense suffering and turmoil, and that it will be a civilization altering event, for better or for worse.
No doubt it is going to be one of the most momentous, historical inflection points ever known or experienced in the long trajectory of the human sojourn on this planet.
Big Bank Failures To Trigger Global Financial Collapse
Financial Crash 2011: Don't Underestimate Destructivity
New World Order Elite Aren't Really Elite
Economic Collapse: Preparation, To Store Or Not To Store
2012 Timeline of Events
Clarity Ross recommends that everyone should choose a life of affluence in order to go deeply into consequent boredom with materiality, and eventually search for deeper spiritual answers to life.
While I find much of value in his YouTube videos, this is one point where Clarity Ross loses me.
I definitely understand the value of searching for the deep spiritual meaning of life, but I don't see how everyone can "choose" a life situation of affluence, when the global economic system is massively, criminally rigged to funnel the vast majority of the world's financial resources into the hands of less than 1% of the global population.
So in that respect, I find some of his commentary to be simplistic. I mean, precisely how does a child born into dirt-poor squalor in a slum in Thailand or Bangladesh or Brazil or Liberia, "choose" a life of affluence?
Moreover, seeing as the global financial system is imploding daily before our watching eyes, precisely how are the billions of people living in poverty supposed to become affluent?
Exactly how does that happen?
Clarity Ross also avers that the destructive principle in the Universe is stronger than the creative principle. Logically, to my mind, it is the other way around.
Given the vast age of the Universe, if the destructive principle were more powerful than the creative principle, the Universe would have self-destructed long ago.
While I don't deny that the destructive principle certainly does have great power and a very wide scope of action, it is self-evident that there must be an overall bias in favor of the creative principle, because the Universe has manifestly persisted across the many billions of years.
If it were otherwise, it would not still be here.
Interestingly, he does say that November 22, 2010 was when he was shown what he called "Pure Destructivity" that is 100% focused on destructivity, which was released into the world to have its way with the planet and humanity, with no restraints, to carry out its agenda of tremendous destruction.
November 2010 was also the period when I undertook my ayahuasca vision quest and saw what I have called The Machine in operation, that is now assaulting the Earth and humanity.
Quite possibly what he calls the great "Destructivity" that has been unleashed on the world, is the destructive aspect of The Machine's ruthless agenda on this planet.
I did see that The Machine is relentless. It will not stop. It will not change what it is doing. It is pitiless and without remorse.
Essentially, Clarity Ross recommends that the only way out of our impasse is to focus on a "new idea," on "non-dual realization."
He emphasizes, "non-dual clarification," a higher perspective on what is taking place, as the proper way to react to what is very shortly going to happen.
By which I think he is saying, don't get so caught up in the drama of what is about to happen, that you lose your mind, that you lose your spiritual poise, that you violently act out or lash out, that you are plunged into bottomless despair.
As I understand him, he is advising that people remain calm, objective and spiritually detached from the violently dysfunctional melodrama that is imminently going to massively play out all over this planet.
He also warns of tremendous geological cataclysms that will begin in the spring of 2012.
In fact, the bulk of what Clarity Ross is saying is consistent with what The Bone Lady communicated to me in 1958, and it is also consistent with information a great many others have perceived or been shown in dreams, visions, direct intuition, inner realization, UFO abductions, remote viewing, etc.
It is consistent with crucial aspects of Clif High's forecasts at, which also highlight October and November of this year as a time of tremendous turmoil, and other more conventional forecasters like Gerald Celente, who is also forecasting the Greatest Depression to imminently occur globally.
And there are others, like Carl Calleman (mentioned above), the Swedish Mayan calendar expert, who is pointing to 28 October 2011 as a deeply significant temporal marker, effectively marking the End of the Age, and the transition to a new world reality.
Now, if you find that Clif High, the Russian scientists, English crop formations, Clarity Ross and Carl Calleman are too esoteric for your tastes, are too "out there," not grounded enough in everyday reality, then consider this news item:
Postal Service considers cutting 120,000 jobs
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is skating on the edge of outright failure. It looks like the best case scenario is for that agency to fire or somehow get rid of 120,000 employees, close over 3,600 postal facilities, and/or outright fail to pay a $5.5 billion dollar obligation next month.
A sober consideration of these hard facts suggests that the U.S. Postal Service is on its last legs. How long can it last as a functional organization?
If it fails, its failure will be a sledge hammer blow to the USA government and American society. The USPS handles many billions of dollars worth of checks, money orders and other financial instruments and transactions every month.
It is one of the largest and most essential financial institutions in the USA, as well as the agency tasked with delivering the daily mail to private residences and businesses. Its failure will cause unbelievable hardship and chaos.
And yet, the plain indications are that it is in real danger of failing, maybe even in the coming months.
The evidence for the accelerating disintegration of the USA is everywhere. As millions of people lose their houses, their jobs, their life savings and more, it is inevitable that shanty towns and squatter settlements would spring up, and so they have, all over the USA.
Economic Woes Lead to Proliferation of Tent Cities Nationwide
As the dollar collapses, as the stock market continues to gyrate wildly up and down like an out-of-control yo-yo, as the price of gold and silver goes up and up, as more and more people are literally kicked to the curb by this uncaring, failing financial and political system, we draw ever closer to the October-November period, which a variety of analysts and forecasters, using different methodologies and ways of knowing, have pinpointed as the time of a great financial collapse that will bring a spectacular end to the current, criminally dysfunctional, global system of political-economy.
Whoa! - I almost forgot the GEAB special report of summer 2011. They are also warning of the "Autumn 2011 shock."
Global systemic crisis - Last warning before the Autumn 2011 shock, when $15 trillion of financial assets go up in smoke
The report warns that $15 trillion of U.S. dollar denominated paper "wealth" will imminently "go up in smoke," between now and the end of 2011.
It says that the world financial system's players are going to see "the ground giving way beneath their feet," that as the
"Autumn 2011 shock" buffets the markets, that U.S. Treasury bonds will "plunge sharply."

To be sure, failure of the USA federal bond market will certainly mean "lights out" in Washington, DC and Wall Street.
Earlier this year I wrote about the oncoming economic tsunami, and how it is going to slam us all hard. I have seen nothing so far to make me change my mind.
As surely as night follows day, it does look like it is oncoming, fast and fierce and hard as steel.
How do you get ready for The End of The World As We Have Known It?
I don't know. But I do know that a lot of people will not take the abrupt change(s) well. It is quite possible that very large numbers of people will die from complications associated with systemic financial failure - from utter destitution, from violent crime, from mob violence, from military assaults and warfare, from disease, from hunger, from exposure to extreme cold, from radiation poisoning as more nuclear power reactors fail and melt down, etc.
There may be a spiritual ascension, as the Russian scientists seem to think. Or not. But first it does look like we are imminently going to hit an extremely rough patch in the road. What happens after that is anyone's guess.
I suspect there are myriad possibilities, that span the gamut from unspeakably hellish to unimaginably sublime.
Get ready. Because we are all about to sail together right over the edge of the Known Universe, and into uncharted territory, a real terra incognita.
Richard Sauder is a native Virginian, with an abiding interest in Forteana, unusual information and anomalous paradigm-busting data of all varieties.
Beginning in early childhood he has experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena that have left him a bit puzzled, flummoxed and thoroughly persuaded that there is much more to the Earth and to human perception and consciousness than the mainstream American culture believes.
Some of Richard's favorite research and reading interests are underground and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom Technology, UFOs, human prehistory and remote antiquity, international politics, the Kundalini energy and alternative thought patterns.
Visit Richard's Blog HERE

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wanderer of the Skies - August 31, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Wanderer of the Skies - August 31, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 31-Aug-2011 21:26:37

Wanderer of the Skies - August 31, 2011 

Greetings from the Federation:
We have taken some time since our last communication as we have been very busy of late. There is a tremendous amount of activity on our side as everyone readies themselves for an unusually big event. We remain excited and expectant about the occurrences to take place on your world. We now have an opportunity to update you in this respect.
The recent events in the Americas have no doubt many of you wondering what has transpired. We detected the use of chemtrails and other devices to take what was initially a natural event, a hurricane, and expand it and divert its path. We have taken our own steps to downgrade the ferocity of this event but acknowledge as well your efforts, which have been quite effective, at lessening its impact through the power of your thoughts. While there was great destruction, the vast majority of it was part of the natural world and necessary for Gaia’s transformation.
We have had great “debates” on exactly what should and should not be divulged to you through our discussions. We acknowledge your desire not to be told certain dates regarding Disclosure as this tends to weaken, rather than strengthen, the human spirit, especially since we cannot be certain ourselves of the outcome of these events with absolute certainty. Our discussions also touched upon whether to foretell of the man-made and natural events that occur around your world. We have decided for now not to divulge these events prior to their occurrences unless they somehow fit into an explanation necessary for you.
You will no doubt have noticed a significant increase in the appearance of our ships in your sky in all corners of the world sometimes in very large numbers indeed. This will continue and grow even larger in magnitude and frequency. We are conditioning as many people as possible to our existence so as to prepare for the inevitable. A key faction of the Illuminati’s rogue element has “seen the Light” recently and made a secret deal with those already brokering a power shift that is underway in many of its elemental functions. This should help in smoothing the way towards Disclosure.
Be ready for the inevitable. Focus on the task at hand as matters reveal themselves to you. The subtle Disclosure discussed previously will now make way for a much more obvious and powerful form of Disclosure yet to come. Be kind to each other in these trying times.
Be at peace.

FORECLOSURE - How Chase Ruined Lives of People Who Paid Off Their Mortgages

How Chase Ruined Lives of People Who Paid Off Their Mortgages

Matt Taibbi, in giving a well deserved thrashing to the banking industry’s Tokyo Rose, aka New York Fed director Kathryn Wylde, said:

[S]tealing is pretty much the worst thing that a bank can do — and these banks just finished the longest and most orgiastic campaign of stealing in the history of money.

Once you read the allegations in the cases included in this post, I strongly suspect you will agree that the “ruining lives” in the headline is not an exaggeration. And as important, these two cases, with very similar fact sets, also suggest that these abuses are not mere “mistakes”. These are clearly well established practices that Chase can’t be bothered to clean up, since cleaning them up costs money and letting them continue is more profitable.

Both cases took place in Alabama. In both cases, the borrowers had made every mortgage payment on time. One was a couple with three children, the Barnetts. The second is a widow, Besty Barlow, but her husband was still alive when this ugly saga started.

In both cases, the house burned down, The borrowers both had homeowners’ insurance. In the case of the Barnetts, they promptly notified Chase, their servicer, and made one mortgage payment post the fire. Both the homeowners and the insurer, State Farm, called Chase to get a ten day payoff amount. They were told not to make the next payment, since it would be included in the payoff amount. State Farm sent as check as instructed, asked that the mortgage be paid off, and Chase cashed the check.

But Chase did not pay off the mortgage. It put the funds in a suspense account The Barnetts found out the mortgage had not been paid off on their own, and called Chase to get the matter corrected. Chase then proceeded to harass the Barnetts for payment, calling at home and at work. Chase then ‘fessed up that they had the money, and asked the wife, April, to send a fax instructing them to make the payoff. They didn’t, called to pressure her again, and claimed they never got the fax. April repeated the process as instructed a second time (to a different number).

Chase continued to call demanding payment and then sent a letter stating that Fannie had refused the payoff due to “past due” amounts. Chase wanted an additional $8000, which consisted of fees that were not warranted and were due solely to the failure to pay off the mortgage with the money they had.

Around this time, April, who was over four months pregnant, miscarried, and she believes the miscarriage was as a result of the stress created by Chase. And this is far from the end of the mess: the “foreclosure” was reported to the credit bureaus, which meant the Barnetts, who have three children, which has thrown a big wrench into their efforts to get back on a normal footing (more ugly details in the filing).

(rest at link)
[link to]

The Great Game approaches its final shake of the dice.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
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US Senator Jay Rockefeller (Democrat - West Virginia).

Monaco Colloquium - August 2011. The Great Game approaches its final shake of the dice. Switzerland leads a fifty-seven nation geopolitical board change. The current governments of the US, Japan, UK, Germany, France and Italy are actively excluded from executive decisions concerning the new global gold-backed financial system.
It was a step-change moment destined to be savoured by future historians. For the period of a week towards the end of August 2011, a secret meeting of fifty-seven finance ministers from across the globe began the long-prepared-for task of setting up a new international asset-backed financial system.

The gathering was a powerful invitation-only colloquium, hosted by Switzerland, which started on dry land in the Principality of Monaco & Monte-Carlo, and then moved onto a major naval vessel in adjacent international waters.

Nations represented at the meeting in an official government capacity included Switzerland, The Netherlands, China, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Venezuela and several Gulf Cooperation Council states. Various positive transnational power groupings were also present, such as the White Dragon Society and the US Pentagon-CIA-NSA reform faction (referenced further down this page under a separate heading).

Certain negative fiat-casino players were strenuously refused entry. These included the recently deposed Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, the Managing Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, and all members of the US Nazi-continuum (the Rockefeller-Kissinger-Bush syndicate).

For Jay Rockefeller it was like being thrown out of his own funeral. Having last year lost Europe to the Rothschilds, and more recently lost Japan to the White Dragon Society, he was now physically and forcibly removed from the Monaco Colloquium by agents acting for the US Pentagon White Hats.

Initially resorting to patrician Illuminati bluster, Rockefeller attempted to talk his way into the Monaco meeting. He was rebuffed. "Do you know who I am?" he demanded. "Yes, I know who you are. You are nobody," said the host's man at the door. "The Old World Order is out and a New World Order is about to begin." Rockefeller raged to no effect and was informed that this was now a brave new world for the young; old mummies like him were merely dust to be swept away.

Jay Rockefeller left the entrance, collected a security detail of BlackOps goons, and returned in an attempt to force entry. The Monaco Colloquium summoned its own security and, according to eye-witness reports, Rockefeller and his cowboys were "literally thrown out."

Shortly afterwards, the land-based part of the meeting was adjourned, the attendees boarded a large naval vessel and continued their conference in international waters off the coast. Two of Rockefeller's BlackOps helicopters buzzed the boat, intent, it is said, on activating listening technology and using electromagnetic pulse weapons to disrupt proceedings. If this is true, the importance of the meeting would be difficult to overestimate. Within moments of the choppers' appearance, military aircraft, described as jump jets, arrived and forced the helicopters away.

The opposition of two openly conflicting and powerful US interest groups (Rockefeller syndicate vs Pentagon White Hats) raises an important, if covert, operational issue. Which faction now controls the clone-labs at Camp David (Maryland) and elsewhere? Whose finger can switch off the sleeper cells? Which prominent clone-lines might be terminated first? This is a large and emerging topic of current concern. More about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here.

Another important side-issue arising from the active participation of several South American reformist governments at the Monaco Colloquium, was the confiscation of the Nazi-continuum's bank assets, BlackOps bases and residential boltholes scattered all over the continent. These have been multiplied and much-developed since the Nazi diaspora first established itself in South America in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War.

One of the facilities under immediate threat of confiscation is said to be the Bush family hideaway in Paraguay. In the autumn of 2006, George Bush Snr purchased a one hundred thousand acre ranching estate outside Paso de Patria, in the Ñeembucú department of Paraguay. The property is strategically located over the Guarani aquifer. The Bush family first got to know about the ranch through their CIA-linked drug-running activities in the area in the nineteen eighties and nineties. Located near the border with Brazil and Bolivia, the estate offers a range of covert entry and escape routes. Private meetings and arrangements with Paraguay's then-president, Nicanor Duarte, indicated that there would be no political difficulties with the Bush residence and its security.

However, by April 2008, the political situation in Paraguay was beginning to volatilise after decades of dictatorial stability. The Patriotic Front for Change coalition was on the move. Fernando Lugo, a bearded, left-leaning, dissentient Roman Catholic ex-bishop won Paraguay’s Presidential election on the 20th April 2008, decisively upsetting the sixty-year human rights horror-rule of the right wing Colorado Party. Lugo had been actively opposed by the Vatican, ostensibly because of his enthusiasm for Liberation Theology and its spiritual objective of subverting the Paraguayan élite status quo. He was also a powerful and popular advocate of land reforms.

In Paraguay, less than two per cent of the population owns more than ninety per cent of the land, and forty per cent of the population lives in poverty. "We have 300,000 families without land and they have the constitutional right to own the soil they live on," Lugo insists. If the Bush family had made private and personal arrangements with Nicanor Duarte, it is thought unlikely that Fernando Lugo and his government, emboldened by the revolutionary news out of Monaco, will continue to honour them for much longer.

The introduction of a new pan-global asset-backed financial system to replace the fiat-paper casino now visibly collapsing in the West has been a long-anticipated reform. That it is now coming to political focus at so many national levels outside the Western Cabal is only to be expected. As the ever-increasing debt-pressures impact on food and energy prices, and on employment opportunities worldwide, political instability is becoming pandemic.

The Monaco Colloquium kickstarted the only financial solution which can solve the problem. What was discussed there connects closely with Global Debt Forgiveness, with overcoming the Washington DC corporation's blocking of the disbursement of the $47 trillion World Global Settlement Funds, with the implementation of the $10 trillion US Dollar Refunding Project, and with the return to an internationally-accepted Gold Standard.

More comment on the Monaco Colloquium can be found here (30.08.11) and here (30.08.11). Some big-picture geopolitical background is outlined here (22.08.11), here (19.08.11), here (15.08.11), here (09.08.11), here (08.08.11), here (01.08.11), here (25.07.11) and here (17.07.11). Continually updated gold price charts can be viewed here and here. And the corresponding silver charts are here and here.

'Wind Lens' Could Triple the Power Output of Turbines (Video)

FED Judge Rules against the Truth per Obama SS Numbers

Tells attorney: 'Today is not your lucky day'

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cloning - Recent Times

John's Comments - I have a hard time with this topic. But I remain open minded.

Cloning - Recent Times

Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. President to be cloned. As you will read later on, it is important for world control that all the “leaders” be cloned, as they will then follow orders without thinking, and they have no emotions – no compassion, for instance, so they will carry out orders regardless of the moral implications of the action.

The mind is a liquid crystal so it can be downloaded into the new “clone.” It frequently requires refreshing, and as time goes on, the frequency increases. That frequency will go down to every two weeks before it is time to discard that model and bring in a fresh one.

If you are observant, you will find differences in facial characteristics. When George Bush Sr was giving his speech in Tokyo, he collapsed and had to be removed. When he was brought back about ten minutes later, how many people noted that he now had FRECKLES? Nobody in the press dared mention that!

He had been hit and killed by a Russian particle beam. On subsequent occasions a black box was seen positioned on both sides of him to counter these deadly weapons.

North of the border, Canadian Prime Minister Chrétien was known to speak out of the side of his mouth. One day he started speaking out of the OPPOSITE side of the mouth! Physicians will tell you that this is impossible. Of course, most of the time nobody really understood what he was saying, so nobody paid much attention to him at the best of times.

Russian Premier Gorbachev had a prominent scar on his forehead. That always remained, but you might recollect that he was “missing” for three weeks at one time, and the Russians had failed to concoct an adequate story to cover up that absence. This was the time when it took a full three weeks to create a new clone. A giveaway to those who understood.

To some this is a funny story. It was early days when President Jimmy Carter was cloned. Clones are programmed, and he was programmed to give a certain speech at the United Nations. To the dismay of the Americans, President Carter gave a speech opposing rather than supporting the topic in question. They hurriedly took him away for examination. It was later revealed that the Russians had ‘ambushed’ and re-programmed him with their version of what he should say…. talk about one-upmanship! Security was increased…..

The most important personages have THREE clones at any one time – in case there is an accident, such as happened in Tokyo. This also explains why there is such a huge entourage around the U.S. President – it is easier to hide the clones that way. Then a secondary clone can come out as if nothing had happened – as in Tokyo.

Fiat Crooks Merkel, Sarkozy, Lagarde, Trichet

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Play With Fire - Get Burned! Fiat Crooks Merkel, Sarkozy, Lagarde, Trichet - Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place!
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 30-Aug-2011 10:15:59
Source: UK Telegraph
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
8:07PM BST 28 Aug 2011
Is Germany about to dump the EuroZone project?
EuroSceptic hysteria consumes Berlin.
Financial Crisis
Euro bail-out in doubt as 'hysteria' sweeps Germany
German Chancellor Angela Merkel no longer has enough coalition votes in the Bundestag to secure backing for Europe's revamped rescue machinery, threatening a consitutional crisis in Germany and a fresh eruption of the euro debt saga.
Merkel and Sarkozy rule out talks on eurobonds.
Seething discontent in Germany over Europe's debt crisis has spread to all the key institutions.
Photo: AP
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
8:07PM BST 28 Aug 2011
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Mrs Merkel has cancelled a high-profile trip to Russia on September 7, the crucial day when the package goes to the Bundestag and the country's constitutional court rules on the legality of the EU's bail-out machinery.
If the court rules that the €440bn rescue fund (EFSF) breaches Treaty law or undermines German fiscal sovereignty, it risks setting off an instant brushfire across monetary union.
The seething discontent in Germany over Europe's debt crisis has spread to all the key institutions of the state.
"Hysteria is sweeping Germany " said Klaus Regling, the EFSF's director.
German media reported that the latest tally of votes in the Bundestag shows that 23 members from Mrs Merkel's own coalition plan to vote against the package, including twelve of the 44 members of Bavaria's Social Christians (CSU).
This may force the Chancellor to rely on opposition votes, risking a government collapse.
Christian Wulff, Germany's president, stunned the country last week by accusing the European Central Bank of going "far beyond its mandate" with mass purchases of Spanish and Italian debt, and warning that the Europe's headlong rush towards fiscal union stikes at the "very core" of democracy.
"Decisions have to be made in parliament in a liberal democracy. That is where legitimacy lies," he said.
A day earlier the Bundesbank had fired its own volley, condemning the ECB's bond purchases and warning the EU is drifting towards debt union without "democratic legitimacy" or treaty backing.
Joahannes Singhammer, leader of the CSU's Bundestag group, accused the ECB of acting "dangerously" by jumping the gun before parliaments had voted. The ECB is implicitly acting on behalf of the rescue fund until it is ratified.
A CSU document to be released on Monday flatly rebuts the latest accord between Chancellor Merkel and French president Nicholas Sarkozy, saying plans for an "economic government for eurozone states" are unacceptable. It demands treaty changes to let EMU states go bankrupt, and to eject them from the euro altogether for serial abuses.
"An unlimited transfer union and pooling of debts for any length of time would imply a shared financial government and decisively change the character of a European confederation of states," said the draft, obtained by Der Spiegel.
Mrs Merkel faces mutiny even within her own Christian Democrat (CDU) family. Wolfgang Bossbach, the spokesman for internal affairs, said he would oppose the package. "I can't vote against my own conviction," he said.
The Bundestag is expected to decide late next month on the package, which empowers the EFSF to buy bonds pre-emptively and recapitalize banks. While the bill is likely to pass, the furious debate leaves no doubt that Germany will resist moves to boost the EFSF's firepower yet further. Most City banks say the fund needs €2 trillion to stop the crisis engulfing Spain and Italy.
Mrs Merkel's aides say she is facing "war on every front". The next month will decide her future, Germany's destiny, and the fate of monetary union.
Is Germany about to dump the EuroZone project?
EuroSceptic Hysteria Consumes Berlin.
Source: Alcuin Bramerton

To save its banks, Germany is being forced to actively consider leaving the EuroZone.
Neither the German Ministry of Finance, or the Bundesbank, or the major German commercial banks can afford to finance the anticipated multi-trillion rising costs of successive EuroZone sovereign default bailouts.
Nor is it politically or legally possible, inside Germany, to get a democratic consensus behind such an attempt at EuroZone salvation.
Speaking at the Jackson Hole Western Cabal banksters' wake on Saturday 27th August 2011, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, said that Western banks needed urgent recapitalisation.
If this is not addressed we could easily see the further spread of economic weakness to core countries, and a debilitating liquidity crisis.
The most efficient solution, she argued, would be mandatory substantial recapitalisation.
(AB comment: This would be achieved immediately if the $47 trillion World Global Settlement Funds were released,
and if the Basel-mandated $10 trillion US Dollar Refunding Project was implemented.
Both schemes are fully capitalised and ready to run.)
But apart from Washington, nowhere in world economics is the political inertia and policy paralysis more evident than in Germany.
The seething discontent in Germany over Europe's debt crisis has spread to all the key institutions of state.
The latest tally of votes in the Bundestag indicates that 23 members of Angela Merkel's own coalition group plan to vote against the EuroZone bailout package, including twelve of the 44 members of Bavaria's Social Christians (the CSU).
Christian Wulff, the German President, has accused the European Central Bank of going far beyond its mandate with its mass purchases of Spanish and Italian debt. Wulff warned that the EuroZone's headlong rush towards fiscal union strikes at the very core of European democracy.
The Bundesbank has condemned the ECB's bond purchases and has warned that the EU is drifting towards debt union without democratic legitimacy or treaty backing.
Joahannes Singhammer, leader of the CSU's Bundestag group, accused the ECB of acting dangerously by jumping the gun before sovereign national parliaments had had a chance to vote on the issue.
A CSU document released on Monday 29th August 2011, flatly rebuts the latest emergency accord between the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the French President, Nicholas Sarkozy.
The CSU says that plans for an economic government for EuroZone states are unacceptable. The document demands treaty changes to allow EMU states such as Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and France to go bankrupt, and to eject them from the Euro altogether for serial financial abuses.
More developing EuroCrash background and analysis can be found
here (29.08.11),
A Dispirited Fed Chairman Emerges From the Jackson Hole
here (30.08.11),
Benjamin Fulford, August 30, 2011…
”Secret meeting of 57 finance ministers on ship charts new financial system”
here (29.08.11),
Timebomb in Euroland: The Eurozone is Heading for a Crash.
here (29.08.11),
As ECB Monetizes Another €7 Billion In PIIGS Debt,
Trichet Says A Prudent ECB "Is Not The Fed"
Trichet wants swift implementation of Greek measures.
European Central Bank (ECB) president Jean-Claude Trichet has called for swift action to help (bail out) Greece.
here (29.08.11),
China Post: Eurozone Struggles With Debt Deal
here (28.08.11),
Greenspan: North-south budgetary discipline divide killing the euro
here (28.08.11),
Finland's demands for collateral could leave Greek bailout in ruins. Row over collateral for emergency loans to Athens reveals cracks in the eurozone
here (28.08.11),
European banks set cash test by IMF chief
European banks face ordeal by fire this week after the International Monetary Fund called for “urgent” action to shore up their defences, if necessary with state money and under legal compulsion.
here (28.08.11),
German Coalition Partner CSU To Propose Bankruptcy Procedure To Kick Out Chronic Eurozone Debtor Nations
here (28.08.11),
September 23: The Beginning Of The End For Merkel... And The Eurozone?
Remarks at Jackson Hole:
"Global Risks Are Rising, But There Is a Path to Recovery"
By Christine Lagarde
Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Jackson Hole, August 27, 2011
here (27.08.11),
As Lagarde Throws Germany And European Banks Under The Bus, Did She Just Truncate Her IMF Career?
here (26.08.11),
Letter from Berlin
Blast from the Past Has Merkel on the Defensive,1518,782757,00.html
here (24.08.11),
Germany fires cannon shot across Europe's bows
German President Christian Wulff has accused the European Central Bank of violating its treaty mandate with the mass purchase of southern European bonds.
here (24.08.11)
Facing the Crisis
Time to Get Angry, Europe

An Essay by Ulrich Beck,1518,782148,00.html
and here (22.08.11).
Bundesbank questions legality of EU bail-outs
Germany's Bundesbank has issued a blistering critique of EU bail-out policies, warning that the eurozone is drifting towards a debt union without "democratic legitimacy" or treaty backing.


Get ready to have your eyes opened by the truth revealed in this video. This man is on the mark!!!!!!!!
Listen closely to what is said!!! The future existence of Western Culture, especially the USA and Canada, is
at risk and stake!!!!