Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fast & Furious Info - MUST READ

Subj: FW: Shotgun!

(1-thousand bcc herein-permission to forward)

The following is a Must Read! (see below herein)….
….considering Fast & Furious and what it was Intended to do with respect to the 2nd Amendment.

Ø The Attorney General (Eric Holder) of the ‘U.S.’ withholds evidence for a year and half.
Just before he is found in Contempt of Congress, His president issues an Executive Order intended to protect & shield him.

Ø Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional Black Caucus walk out just before the Contempt Vote is Taken, but NOT before Nancy goes on a tirade berating the House.
Ø Many are Dead because of Fast & Furious but the Truth, like so much else, be damned by these Ideological Maniacs.

Ø The same Nancy Pelosi along with the same Congressional Black Caucus who rammed down our throats THEIR ‘mans’ Health Care Program 2-years earlier VIA Reconciliation while walking Defiantly, Smugly & Arrogantly past the Tea Party to enact it.

Ø Afterwards they claimed a Variety of things wherein they claimed the Black members of the CBC were spit upon and called the ‘N’ word.
Despite hundreds of cameras and numerous newsmen present, NOT a single camera or piece of audio equipment could support their claims of Racism.

Ø Nonetheless, Nancy and her Special Interest Constituents used this to Demonize the legitimate protestors expressing their 1st Amendment Rights and just the SAME as ‘OTHERS’ have done routinely & regularly in pursuit of their perceived injustices BUT,  ‘this time around’- OUR time ‘around’, we are called and  depicted as “Nazi’s, Right-Wingers, Neo-Cons, etc., etc” simply for exercising Our Rights as have others are numerous occasions prior.

These same ‘Elected Officials’ had the Temerity to Publicly call & describe it and us as:
“NOTHING MORE THAN AN ASTRO-TURF MOVEMENT”… displaying their all too familiar grin of arrogance & accomplishment in doing so, knowing they had Screwed us again.

Was the Civil Rights Movement ever called such names?
Why then is a National Expression of Outrage as it relates to Obvious Injustice reduced to such ugliness and ridicule while others are demonstrably vindicated and always given a free pass?

How and Why is One Expression of Outrage Treated with Greater Attention than Another- particularly when this National Outrage is the result of
National Transgression brought about and by the very Officers of Government who WE ‘ELECTED’ TO REPRESENT US WHILE SWEARING AN OATH TO DO SO?

How is it that the substance of one position can be addressed but NOT that of the other?
Aren’t they EQUAL?
In fact, isn’t this current event even MORE Important because of the circumstances and inter-relationship it can have on EVERYONE RESULTING FROM THE PRECEDENCE it is creating?

Ø But NO, she and they would NOW exhibit what they defamed 2-years earlier- allowing themselves, as Government Officials, to Walk Out in Protest!...
…despite the fact they were ‘Elected’ to seek the Truth and sit their fannies in the Seats we pay them to sit in!
What gave them the right to leave that Chamber that we put them in?

Ø ‘Laws’ hence, have now been passed that insulate them from us and prevent any ‘protestor’ from nearing Government Grounds for reasons of ‘Security’ (Ha!), growing Government more distant from the People who sent them there in the first place.

Ø Further, their Dream Act regarding Illegal Immigration is quietly passed & back-ended with another piece of ‘Legislation’.

Ø Equally, the NDAA is also passed (National Defense Authorization Act) whose ‘Language’ is as, if NOT worse, than Obamas’ MANDATE that wasn’t a Tax but is NOW a Tax that he and they still claim is NOT a TAX?

The ‘Language’ within the NDAA is arbitrary & vague but whose measures give YOUR Government the right to Invade and Seize YOUR Homes and Personal Properties without the consent of a Court Order based entirely on that Ambiguity & Vagueness in the name of ‘Supposed Terrorism- Domestic or Foreign’.

Ø As if ALL this isn’t BAD in of itself- His Majesty, Barack Hussein Obama, summarily Ignores Congress and the Laws he doesn’t like by ‘Decreeing’ Amnesty to those Illegals who are here.


Ø On top of this their Supreme Court kicks the crap out of what we foolishly think is a ‘Sovereign State’s Law’ by claiming, essentially, they have NO right to protect themselves despite the fact the State was doing what the Federal Government SHOULD BUT WON’T, in protecting OUR Borders despite the ‘laws’ on their Federal ‘books’ to do so--- because His Majesty, Obama refuses TO! ….BUT that’s OK, and finally, the crème de la crème-

Ø Their Supreme Court issues a Plebiscite via an INTERPRETATION based upon ‘Nomenclature’ presented by the Solicitor General at the March hearings which was literally an ad hoc inclusion that received NO worthwhile review BECAUSE it didn’t mean a damn thing.
Yet this NO-ACCOUNT argument within that section became the REASON upon which, Obama Care would stand!

Heah- kiss me before you s___w me PLEASE!


Folk’s, if Y’all can’t see the web being woven about you, it is Game Over!

Reichsfuhrer of the Schutzstaffel, Heinrich Luitpold Himmler MUST be smiling in Hell because the German People also didn’t believe what the same spider was doing to them as well.
They said it couldn’t happen, but that little man became head of the ‘Government Sponsored’ National Security Team in 1940.
He headed the Waffen SS and within 6-months they had 150,000 men.

Nicht Kleckern KLOTZEN!

The Republic is being Ripped right OUT from Under Your Feet and Y’all are Denying It EVERY BIT THE SAME AS DID THE GERMAN PEOPLE.

This is the CULMINATION of EVERYTHING the Confederate Republic saw coming resulting in their Legal Secession from what they Realized would be THE End Consequence resulting from the Ideological Corruption thanks to the then known Red-Republicans and the Forty-Eighters of that time under Lincoln.
Ever since, this Republic has been downsized from a Republic under a truly Federal Government into this Mobocracy under a National Government.

The Only Ones that can save You Now are Yourselves.
We Told you this Time would Come.

(Now Read Below and perhaps another ‘Dot’ will ‘Connect’ for you?

For God, Family and the Republic of the Confederation,
Craig Maus,
president, The Confederate Society of America
Ø  Become a Confederate Citizen, before it’s TOO late- see
Ø  Become a Member of the Society- see
PS- Thanks Al for the ‘Shotgun’.

Subj: Shotgun!


  You're sound asleep when you hear  a thump outside your bedroom door.
Half-awake, and nearly paralyzed with fear, you hear muffled whispers.
At least two people have broken into your house and are moving your way.
With your heart pumping, you reach down beside your bed and pick up your shotgun.
You rack a shell into the chamber, then inch toward the door and open it.
In the darkness, you make out two shadows.
One holds something that looks like a crowbar.
When the intruder brandishes it as if to strike, you raise the shotgun and fire.
The blast knocks both thugs to the floor.
One writhes and screams while the second man crawls to the front door and lurches outside.
As you pick up the telephone to call police, you know you're in trouble.
In your country, most guns were outlawed years before, and the few that are privately owned are so
stringently regulated as to make them useless.
Yours was never registered.
Police arrive and inform you that the second burglar has died.
They arrest you for First Degree Murder and Illegal Possession of a Firearm.
When you talk to your attorney, he tells 
you not to worry: authorities will probably plea the case down to manslaughter.
"What kind of sentence will I get?" you ask.
"Only ten-to-twelve years," 
he replies, as if that's nothing.
"Behave yourself, and you'll be out in seven."
The next day, the shooting is the lead story in the local newspaper.
Somehow, you're portrayed as an eccentric vigilante while the two men you shot are represented as choirboys.
Their friends and relatives can't find an unkind word to say about them..
Buried deep down in the article, authorities acknowledge that both "victims" have been arrested numerous times.
But the next day's headline says it all:
"Lovable Rogue Son Didn't Deserve to Die."
The thieves have been transformed from career criminals into Robin Hood-type pranksters..
As the days wear on, the story takes wings.
The national media picks it up, 
then the international media.
The surviving burglar has become a folk hero.
Your attorney says the thief is preparing to sue you, and he'll probably win.
The media publishes reports that your home has been burglarized several times in the past and that you've been critical of local police for their lack of effort in apprehending the suspects.
After the last break-in, you told your neighbor that you would be prepared next time.
The  District Attorney uses this to allege that you were lying in wait for the burglars.
A  few months later, you go to trial.
The charges haven't been reduced, as your lawyer had so confidently predicted.
When you take the stand, your anger at the injustice of it all works against you..
Prosecutors paint a picture of you as a mean, vengeful man.
It doesn't take long for the jury to convict you of all charges.
The  judge sentences you to life in prison.
This case really happened.
On August 22, 1999, Tony Martin of Emneth, Norfolk,  England, killed one burglar and wounded a second.
In  April, 2000, he was convicted and is now serving a life term..
How did it become a crime to defend one's own life in the once great British Empire?
It started with the Pistols Act of 1903.
This seemingly reasonable law forbade selling pistols to minors or felons and established that handgun sales were to be made only to those who had a license.
The Firearms Act of 1920 expanded licensing to include not only handguns but all firearms except shotguns..
Later laws passed in 1953 and 1967 outlawed the carrying of any weapon by private citizens and mandated the registration of all shotguns.
Momentum for total handgun confiscation began in earnest after the Hungerford mass shooting in 1987. Michael Ryan, a mentally disturbed man with a Kalashnikov rifle, walked down the streets shooting everyone he saw.
When the smoke cleared, 17 people were dead.
The British public, already de-sensitized by eighty years of "gun  control", demanded even tougher restrictions.
(The  seizure of all privately owned handguns was the  objective even though Ryan used a  rifle.)
Nine years later, at Dunblane, Scotland ,
Thomas Hamilton used a semi-automatic weapon to murder 16 children and a teacher at a public school.
For many years, the media had portrayed all gun owners as mentally unstable, or worse, criminals.
Now the press had a real kook with which to beat up law-abiding gun owners.
Day after day, week after week, the media gave up all pretense of objectivity and demanded a total ban on all handguns.
The Dunblane Inquiry, a few months later, sealed the fate of the few sidearms
still owned by private citizens.
During the years in which the British government incrementally took away most gun rights, the notion that a citizen had the right to armed self-defense came to be seen as vigilantism.
Authorities refused to grant gun licenses to people who were threatened,
claiming that self-defense was no longer considered a reason to own a gun.
Citizens who shot burglars or robbers or rapists were charged while the real criminals were released.
Indeed, after the Martin shooting, a police spokesman was quoted as saying,
"We cannot have people take the law into their own hands."
All of  Martin's neighbors had been robbed numerous times, 
and several elderly people were severely injured in beatings by young thugs
who had no fear of the consequences.
Martin himself, a collector of antiques, had seen most of his collection 
trashed or stolen by burglars.
When the Dunblane Inquiry ended,
citizens who owned handguns were given three months to turn them over to local authorities.
Being good British subjects,
most people obeyed the law. 
The few who didn't were visited by police
and  threatened with ten-year prison sentences if they didn't  comply.
Police later bragged that they'd taken
nearly 200,000 handguns from private citizens.
How did the authorities know who had handguns?
The guns had been registered and licensed.
Kind of like cars. Sound familiar?


"...It does not require a  majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless  minority keen to set brush fires in people's  minds.." --Samuel  Adams

If  you think this is  important, 
please forward to everyone you know.

Subject: If This Passes, There Will Be A Civil War

Subject: If This Passes, There Will Be A Civil War

If This Passes, There Will Be A Civil War which is what I think BO wants so he can invoke martial law.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote ! ”
--Benjamin Franklin

The Full Article Here:

U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.

The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush's
administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States. The Obama administration intends to
force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By
signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress. Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US
citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments.
These are laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to lead to the complete ban
and confiscation of all firearms.

The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before US
citizens even understand what has happened. Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is committing the US to international treaties and foreign gun control laws. Does that mean Obama is
telling the truth? What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress. We will wake up one
morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public. We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm ownership. And then, we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.

This is not a joke nor a false warning. As sure as government health care will be forced on us by the Obama administration through whatever means
necessary, so will gun control.

Please forward this message to others who may be concerned about the direction in which our country is headed.

We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter (Socialism/Dictatorship).


CNBC admits, "We are absolutely slaves to central banks."

This is NOT about financial advice.

This NOT about gold or how to invest your money.

It IS about a bizarre and rare admission from a dying dinosaur
media outlet that we are under the global governance of corrupt
elite bankers.

CNBC admits, "We are absolutely slaves to central banks."


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and
videos with friends and colleagues.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

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Published on Jun 23, 2012 by TNSONSOFLIBERTY

4 sec: "Do we all work for Central Bankers? Is this Global Governance at last? Is it One World.. with the Central Bankers in charge?"

1 min: "To answer your question: We are absolutely slave to Central Banks"

1 min 16sec: "Markets are driven by policy now, they're not driven by market forces"

1 min 26 sec: "Fiat currency thats continually watered down.. so the markets go up and we feel good about it"

2min 25 sec: "We are basically beholden to Central Bankers"

2min 30sec: "..admits (Federal Reserve) are debasing currency and borrowing our way to false prosperity"

2min 48sec: "Every Central Bank in the world has to devalue their currency"

3min 28sec: "Free markets will fight back and ultimately they'll win"

Warren Buffet - Winds Of Change

Winds of Change....
Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward
This email to a minimum of twenty people on their
Address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United
States of America will have the message.
This is one idea that really should be Passed around.

*Congressional Reform Act of 2012*

1. No Tenure / No Pension.
A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into The Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 12/31/12. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congressmen/women
made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their Term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S. ) to receive the message.  Don't you think it's time?


If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete.
You are one of my 20+ - Please keep it going, and thanks.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Hampshire Adopts Jury Nullification Law!

by Michael Suede

New Hampshire Adopts Jury Nullification Law! July 2, 2012By For those of you who don't know much about jury nullification, basically it's when the jury finds a defendant innocent because of their dislike of the law.�For example, a jury might refuse to convict a non-violent drug offender because they disagree with the fundamental premise of drug laws themselves.

Throughout the United States, judges have forbidden defense attorneys from informing juries that they have a right to nullify the law based on their dislike of the law. In California for example, jurors are required to inform on other jurors if one of them argues that the law is bad. The judge will then replace that juror with an alternate. A defense attorney who argues on grounds of nullification could face disbarment or other sanctions by the court, even though nullification is a right all U.S. jurors poses under common law.

On June 18, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch signed�HB 146, which reads:

�[A] Right of Accused. In all criminal proceedings the court shall permit the defense to inform the jury of its right to judge the facts and the application of the law in relation to the facts in controversy.�

I have the feeling this New Hampshire law will end up having a tremendous effect on the American judicial system as a whole.�If enough people start nullifying drug laws in New Hampshire, eventually New Hampshire prosecutors will be forced to stop prosecuting drug offenses in that state entirely. In 2010, a Montana case�never even made it to trial�because prosecutors could not find enough people who would be willing to convict a person based on drug charges.

It is a little-known fact that the vast majority of cases in America never make it to a jury trial.�The Florida Bar�released a report�showing that�less than 1% of civil and criminal cases go before a jury.�This is because legislatures have imposed incredibly stiff penalties for all sorts of victimless crimes, which makes gambling with a jury trial inherently dangerous for those who are accused of violating a victimless law. Often prosecutors will initially charge a person with numerous felony offenses, then offer a plea deal for far less time if the person agrees to plead guilty; thereby avoiding a jury trial. Presently, people who are charged with growing 50 or more marijuana plants under federal law face 20 years in prison. Often prosecutors will drop that to 5 years under a lesser charge if a person agrees to plead guilty.

If jury nullification were to become widespread, more and more people would again seek jury trials hoping for an acquittal.�Since the number of people being charged with victimless crimes has increased exponentially, the U.S. court system itself would crumble under the weight of pending jury trials. �Prosecutors would have no choice but to stop prosecuting victimless laws or face an implosion of the legal system.

Here is a�document on nullification�created by a lawyer that explains your rights as a juror.�Every American citizen should take the time to read this document.

In the video below, historian Tom Woods explains the impact of nullification by state legislatures and juries throughout America�s history. Jury nullification was used to combat fugitive slave laws, as well as to fight against laws that violated free speech and free trade.

More eerie 'ghost cities' popping up

Why is China constructing large, well-designed “ghost cities” that are completely devoid of people?
Now, the BBC reports a giant new Chinese-built city has been spotted in Africa in the outskirts of Angola’s capital Luanda.
The city, Nova Cidade de Kilamba, was designed to hold up to a half million people and features 750 eight-story apartment buildings, 12 schools and more than 100 retail units, according to the report.
State-owned China International Trust and Investment Corporation reportedly took less than three years to build the city at a cost of $3.5 billion. It covers 12,355 acres.
BBC former Angola correspondent Louise Redvers reported that the discovered that the city’s buildings are completely empty.
The empty cities aren’t only in Africa.
WND and Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert reported just last year that Google Earth photographs of China depict city after city of vast complexes consisting of office skyscrapers, government buildings, apartment buildings, residential towers and homes, all connected by networks of empty roads – with some of the cities located in China’s truly most inhospitable locations.
Google image of China's empty roads
Images of these “ghost cities” – after countless billions of dollars have been spent on the towns’ design and construction – reveal nobody lives in them.
Block after block of empty houses and apartment buildings, glamorous public buildings, magnificent public parks and sports complexes, even art museums, remain entirely empty.
“The photographs look like giant movie sets prepared to film apocalyptic motion pictures in which some sort of a neutron war or bizarre natural disaster has eliminated people from the face of the earth while leaving the skyscrapers, sports stadiums, parks and roads perfectly intact,” Corsi noted. “One of China’s ghost cities is actually built in the middle of a desert in Inner Mongolia.”
Business Insider ran a series of photos of these Chinese ghost cities. One showed no cars in the city except for approximately 100 parked in largely empty lots clustered around a government building, and another showed a beautiful wetland park with people added using Photoshop.
At the time, China had an estimated inventory of 64 million vacant homes and was building up to 20 new ghost cities a year on the country’s “vast swathes of free land.”
Empty roads in Zhengzhou, China
Business Insider speculated that the Chinese need to put their money somewhere, so developers have decided to build, as a place to store the wealth, even if the Chinese building these cities do not intend to live in them and there is no prospect they can find renters. quoted Patrick Chovanec, a business teacher at Tsinghua University in Beijing, who explained, “Who wants to be the mayor who reports that he didn’t get 8 percent GDP growth this year? Nobody wants to come forward with that. So the incentives in the system are to build. And if that’s the easiest way to achieve growth, then you build.”
The following are some photos posted on Facebook of the Chinese “ghost city,” Nova Cidade de Kilamba, in Africa:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Colorado Fires - Potential Causes

Colorado Fire = Cabal Arson, Fraud & Murder, Say ETs/EDs

By John Kettler On July 1, 2012 · 39 Comments

Colorado Fire–Forensic Specialist & ETs/EDs Expose Glaring Burn Pattern Anomalies

Colorado fire
Fire Weather Lookout 1 July 2012 Image Credit: National Weather Service, NOAA
Colorado fire dominates the news, what with the unprecedented destruction of hundreds of expensive homes, thousands homeless and tens of thousands forced to evacuate, plus its nearly getting onto the U.S. Air Force Academy.  And now, two are dead!  Suppose, though, as Colorado police are already opining, the Colorado fire was the result of arson?  Suppose further a Certified Forensic Photographer and trained Crime Scene Investigator found blatant evidence of ultra high tech arson and had the pictures to prove it? What do we see when homes are burned to the ground by wildfires? Forlorn looking chimneys, incinerated trees!  Here’s one from California, in which wildfire got into part of a group of expensive homes; note the debris, chimneys, burned trees and ground. Now, contrast that with this, from the Colorado fire, where the houses are calcined to almost snow white and have fallen in on themselves as the same sort of pulverized structure we saw at the World Trade Center. Note particularly picture 19, an aerial view of destroyed homes in Waldo Canyon, Colorado Springs, in which the Colorado Fire, if that’s what it was, annihilated the homes, left no chimneys, barely touched the trees and left green grass clearly visible. Picture number may change, as new pics are added by CNN.

Colorado Fire–U.S. Scalar Satellites Reportedly Hacked & Cabal Plasma Weapon Armed Antigravity Craft Employed to “Intensify Colorado Fires & Destroy Evidence”

The Waldo Canyon Colorado fire had exotic high tech help; that’s the only reasonable conclusion to be drawn here. Ordinary wildfire does NOT destroy chimneys or fireplaces, nor does it spare lawns or trees. Neither does it leave snow white ash in its aftermath. The ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces say that highly secret U.S. scalar weapon satellites were hacked (very difficult to do, per sensitive contacts), then used by the Cabal to surgically destroy multimillion dollar homes containing damning records of unimaginable crimes. Further, they say the Cabal used its own antigravity craft, armed with plasma weapons, to ensure complete destruction. The latter are being reported in the mainstream media as “meteors,” which for a time, grounded firefighting crews.

Colorado Fire–ETs/EDs Say Cabal Attempts To Destroy Evidence Only Worsen Cabal’s Situation. Effort Futile, Since ETs/EDs Have Already preserved Evidence!

According to the ETs/EDs of the Liberation Forces, the Cabal/NWO (New World Order) deliberately started the overall Colorado fire via using HAARP (High (Frequency) Active Auroral Research Project) to change the weather to dry out Colorado, then set it ablaze to destroy incriminating evidence.
The Colorado fire, though, couldn’t be counted upon to do the job by itself, so assured destruction was sought, with the added bonus of huge insurance payouts for hundreds of multimillion dollar homes. Terror. Dislocation. Big payout. One problem, though. The houses wiped out by the Colorado fire, though, weren’t empty, and at least two people are known dead. Arson + corpses = murder. Oops! Worse,  through mechanisms not disclosed, the ETs/EDs have the evidence the Cabal sought to destroy via the Colorado fire. This coverup effort was going to count heavily against Cabal members, but now the destruction of innocent lives must be added to the extraordinary and long list of charges facing them. This is such a mess it may require a Galactic Tribunal, if a competent and not corrupt Earth tribunal can’t be assembled. The Colorado fire, still ongoing, together with another in Utah and the expectations of same in New Mexico, point to an ever more desperate, cornered and cash strapped Cabal, one whose game clock has all but run out.

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Dinar Intel - Drano/Blaino

Subject: Drano/ Blaino

7-2-2012   Blaino 

 There is rumor that vnd happens in hours, SO... In hours we ought to know.  Basel iii compliance is spreading across the globe as we read this.  I am aware that some people in special places are getting their ears whispered INTO...The forcast is looking GREAT...Highs in the...WELL... Very high, and won't the 4th be a great day! (it will!) the fireworks this year may be historic!  Prepare to observe history as we live IT...Read and think!  Be well, be at peace and know we are close to fruition

July 1, 2012 – The White Hats Report #43

July 1, 2012 – The White Hats Report #43

House of Lords, it’s time to perform

On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath made history by being the first public official anywhere in the world to expose the criminal enterprise being run by and through the Federal Reserve.  Known as “White Thursday”, four months have passed since this historic event without any apparent effort by highly paid regulators, Agencies or Government officials to rigorously investigate.  For the Mother of Parliaments, this is inexcusably lax conduct. Leader of the House, Lord Strathclyde, when will you investigate, as history will show this happened on YOUR watch, making you solely responsible for the directed actions or lack thereof.  We gave the Lords a chance to show their exemplary leadership, and unfortunately due to the same politics that has overcome the United States, a block to the investigation has been put in place.  The one action you did provide was a poorly thought-out decision to cut off information to the media who desperately wanted to report the news and the assumed progress in good faith.  The leadership of the world and the British citizens who trusted you deem this unacceptable!   Only the most explicit answers to these very troubling questions are acceptable. And answers are not forthcoming.  Again, it’s on YOUR watch!
Lord Strathclyde

If an individual party ever attempted to produce counterfeit dollars they would be pursued all over the planet by the US Secret Service and MI-5 and they would be apprehended.  Yet, for this 15 Trillion dollar scam perpetrated by Homeland Security’s private entity called Pureheart, no action is apparent. No action apart from every level of obfuscation to prevent the truth from emerging.  The White Hats have been told flat out, that ours is a futile effort to attempt to regain control of the $15T. We are told to cease our effort, if we know what’s best. Here is our reaction to those threats: We know that the truth is always tough to get to, and we understand the pressure from your contemporaries on the dark side, but we will continue to be the voice that forces the issue.  Hear us now! It starts with you alone Lord Strathclyde.  Do not allow the liars and cheaters to continue to steal the funds.  If you are unpopular with your contemporaries, so be it. That is a distant problem compared to the day when the masses come knocking on your door asking you personally about your decisions.   If you refuse to force the investigation with all due diligence, integrity and vigor, then we will have to assume that you and your family… “have received your tickets.”  Shame on you if you leave the folks you represent, the ones you hold stature with, at the door step.  If you do not answer the door when the people’s bell rings, step down and get out of the way for someone who cares and who does not have their “ticket.”  The people deserve someone who will care and represent them with truth and fairness.  They deserve a leader!

All the White Hats have ever done is to investigate the truth, and try to apprehend those responsible for the deception of the masses.  We hold significant Pureheart records showing a history of Global freebooting and shady dealings.  Why is this huge scam being allowed to be buried at the expense of the people of the world?  The perpetrators and others involved deserve to be arraigned for even trying it, and sentenced for succeeding.  It attempted to compound Federal debt, and to compromise the integrity of the United States and British banking systems, the whole Western European Monetary System, and a cross involved Sovereign nation’s bank in Indonesia to issue bogus SWIFTS.
Now, Lord Strathclyde, not only do you have the $15T scam to deal with but now you have the LIBOR problem as well.   All in the largest financial center in the world and directly under your specific watch and control.  Will you sell out to your contemporaries?

This is a time when shameful Libor rigging conduct is revealed between Barclays and other colluding banks such as The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), a bank in the middle of the $15T scam, up to its neck in Libor fraud, yet scalping the taxpayers’ money.  Bankers, yet again, are revealed to be no more than lying racketeering criminals conspiring to cheat and steal in the interests of their greedy, unearned bonuses. Lying, thieving villains whose words are worthless. Just bogus bonus men who will elude jail if you do not act.


Do not allow this to continue.  Make a point of telling the scammer banksters that this is not going to be allowed in your town under your watch.
The White Hats are about to embark on a journey of releases that will not only explain what Lord James was referring to in his speech, but will follow the money trail to its destination and expose not only the objective of this theft and money laundering operation but the debilitating affects it has had on the planet. We hope to shame our inept and colluding agencies for their failure to address and rectify it.  That destination involves the murky world of black projects and 2012. But first, some background to this complicated and sophisticated trail of deception and fraud; with cabal and political corruption leading to their planned Fourth Reich New World Order Nazi domination ideologies.

In fact, the US just put out information that up to five major banks are on the block for closure.  Also, Fed regulators are climbing through every orifice of JP Morgan Chase.  Sorry, Jamie, your nasty little secret is out of the box.  It’s just a matter of time that your silver futures problem is out and it’s time you tell the American people it’s not a $2B loss on trading. It’s not a $6B loss on trading.  It is more like $50 to $100 Billion or better.  Right Jamie?  Good stab at walking the problem down the public relations path, but it’s out and nobody believes you.  After all, it was you who stated that, “truth be known, the bank was upside down to the tune of 100:1.”  No wonder the regulators are inside looking around … just the preparations to cutting it up.

Let us raise an alarming question, with a parallel to the antics of the failed regulatory supervision with all the clear profiling warning signs.

The RBS was the alleged recipient of a series of bogus SWIFT transfers.  Such an elaborate scam needed sophisticated Fed and bank complicity. Did RBS receive the money evidenced by clear bank terminal receipts? For a bank which has just declared c3B of profits, how was it possible to pay 163B English Pounds of State loans back?  The numbers just don’t add up! That is unless you have a hidden multi- Trillion dollar platform of funds to play with beyond the sight of the Auditors or Regulators. As Madoff would say, these plonkers you can fool all of the time. What do you think? Is this not worth investigating with competent professionals to recover our nation's funds? So either a huge fraud was attempted, or it succeeded. RBS is once again in the flashing red light district. All of that would make the Lords recognize the merits of a serious investigation. Right? Or would it? Where the hell did that 163B UK pounds to repay insolvency loans suddenly come from?  Part profits on the $15T hidden off balance sheet in a sheltered operation? They are also a thieving defrauding, Libor rigging bank!
Lord Sassoon

Lord Sassoon reasons that if they did not see it, then it didn’t happen.  Any more than he sees the vast MTN billions traded each day and their huge untaxed profits disbursed without withholding taxes to all tax havens each day.  They also failed to spot the blatant Libor market rigging right under their nose and the FSA’s. What poor guardians of justice.   Who is fooling who here? That didn’t happen also, until they were caught at it. Who will be revealed as fools or criminals when it all comes out? These issues are far too serious not to be investigated by competent professionals. Madoff fooled them for years. The Fed has fooled them for decades. Are we employing fools to act as guardians of justice? Why was such a complex scam as the $15T planned? For what purpose?  Who was involved?  Has there been a systematic cover up and if so, how high does it reach? We know so much more. Each week we will expose new truth spotlighting the who’s-who list with some worrying exposures held in abeyance. The Libor rigging scam was publicized by a Barclays Whistle Blower 4 years ago. The FSS and Treasury knew and did nothing. Vast interest insurance sales were predicated on the back of it, all bogus. Akin now to the Banks Payment Protection Rackets, another black hole of Bank litigation is opening up. It has been four months since we reported the $15T scam. Again, they did nothing. Just as with the Libor scam, Sassoon saw nothing, because it was hidden in plain sight. What part of this vast fraud do you not understand needs to be investigated? Instead you choose to believe the word of a challenged SWIFT rigging, Libor rigging criminal bank like RBS? From Fred “the Shred” Goodwin down, what a shameful board. The Lords are supposed to be the defenders of liberty and integrity - the safety check against bad legislation and incompetence. The $15T is unfolding. Each week, we will name and shame with greater damning evidence until action is taken.    

So, in conclusion Lord Strathclyde, will you take full credit for the mess or for the fix?
Your decision.  

FTSE dragged down by banks on LIBOR scandal -

What is LIBOR

Johnnie's back almost!

I am back among the healthy ones almost. Writing this from my Hospital Bed after having a heart attack. This scared the heck out of me and and my family. Fortunately I have been blessed with an awesome hospital and staff. The Emergency attendants were fantastic.

Truly feel I have surrounded by GOD's Angels here in --- Thank You LORD!

I also thank you all for your prayers, phone calls and visits. Yes actually had visits by real people who I never met except on the internet ----- They were wonderful to say the least.

I also wish to thank my son for the posts in my absence. He did that of his accord. He has been a blessing!

My body has been stabilized and expecting to be released tomorrow!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Can The World Survive Washington’s Hubris?

By Paul Craig Roberts

When President Reagan nominated me as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, he told me that we had to restore the US economy, to rescue it from stagflation, in order to bring the full weight of a powerful economy to bear on the Soviet leadership, in order to convince them to negotiate the end of the cold war. Reagan said that there was no reason to live any longer under the threat of nuclear war.

The Reagan administration achieved both goals, only to see these accomplishments discarded by successor administrations. It was Reagan’s own vice president and successor, George Herbert Walker Bush, who first violated the Reagan-Gorbachev understandings by incorporating former constituent parts of the Soviet Empire into NATO and taking Western military bases to the Russian frontier.

The process of surrounding Russia with military bases continued unabated through successor US administrations with various “color revolutions” financed by the US National Endowment for Democracy, regarded by many as a front for the CIA. Washington even attempted to install a Washington-controlled government in Ukraine and did succeed in this effort in former Soviet Georgia, the birthplace of Joseph Stalin.

The President of Georgia, a country located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, is a Washington puppet. Recently, he announced that former Soviet Georgia is on schedule to become a NATO member in 2014.

Those old enough to remember know that NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was an alliance between Western Europe and the US against the threat of the Red Army overrunning Western Europe. The North Atlantic is a long, long ways from the Black and Caspian Seas. What is the purpose of Georgia being a NATO member except to give Washington a military base on the Russian underbelly?

The evidence is simply overwhelming that Washington--both parties--have Russia and China targeted. Whether the purpose is to destroy both countries or merely to render them unable to oppose Washington’s world hegemony is unclear at this time. Regardless of the purpose, nuclear war is the likely outcome.

The presstitute American press pretends that an evil Syrian government is murdering innocent citizens who only want democracy and that if the UN won’t intervene militarily, the US must in order to save human rights. Russia and China are vilified by US functionaries for opposing any pretext for a NATO invasion of Syria.

The facts, of course, are different from those presented by the presstitute American media and members of the US government. The Syrian “rebels” are well armed with military weapons. The “rebels” are battling the Syrian army. The rebels massacre civilians and report to their media whores in the West that the deed was done by the Syrian government, and the Western presstitutes spread the propaganda.

Someone is arming the “rebels” as obviously the weapons can’t be purchased in local Syrian markets. Most intelligent people believe the weapons are coming from the US or from US surrogates.

So, Washington has started a civil war in Syria, as it did in Libya, but this time the gullible Russians and Chinese have caught on and have refused to permit a UN resolution like the one the West exploited against Gaddafi.

To get around this roadblock, fish out an ancient Phantom fighter jet from the 1960s Vietnam war era and have Turkey fly it into Syria. The Syrians will shoot it down, and then Turkey can appeal to its NATO allies to come to its aid against Syria. Denied the UN option, Washington can invoke its obligation under the NATO treaty, and go to war in defense of a NATO member against a demonized Syria.

The neoconservative lie behind Washington’s wars of hegemony is that the US is bringing democracy to the invaded and bombed countries. To paraphrase Mao, “democracy comes out of the barrel of a gun.” However, the Arab Spring has come up short on democracy, as have Iraq and Afghanistan, two countries “liberated” by US democratic invasions.

What the US is bringing is civil wars and the breakup of countries, as President Bill Clinton’s regime achieved in former Yugoslavia. The more countries can be torn into pieces and dissolved into rival factions, the more powerful is Washington.

Russia’s Putin understands that Russia itself is threatened not only by Washington’s funding of the “Russian opposition,” but also by the strife among Muslims unleashed by Washington’s wars against secular Muslim states, such as Iraq and Syria. This discord spreads into Russia itself and presents Russia with problems such as Chechen terrorism.

When a secular state is overthrown, the Islamist factions become free to be at one another’s throats. The internal strife renders the countries impotent. As I wrote previously, the West always prevails in the Middle East because the Islamist factions hate one another more than they hate their Western conquerers. Thus, when Washington destroys secular, non-Islamist governments as in Iraq and now targeted in Syria, the Islamists emerge and battle one another for supremacy. This suits Washington and Israel as these states cease to be coherent opponents.

Russia is vulnerable, because Putin is demonized by Washington and the US media and because Putin’s Russian opposition is financed by Washington and serves US, not Russian, interests. The turmoil that Washington is unleashing in Muslim states leaks back to Russia’s Muslim populations.

It has proved to be more difficult for Washington to interfere in China’s internal affairs, although discord has been sowed in some provinces. Several years from now, the Chinese economy is expected to exceed in size the US economy, with an Asian power displacing a Western one as the world’s most powerful economy.

Washington is deeply disturbed by this prospect. In the thrall and under the control of Wall Street and other special interest business groups, Washington is unable to rescue the US economy from its decline. The short-run gambling profits of Wall Street, the war profits of the military/security complex, and the profits from offshoring the production of goods and services for US markets have far more representation in Washington than the wellbeing of US citizens. As the US economy sinks, the Chinese economy rises.

Washington’s response is to militarize the Pacific. The US Secretary of State has declared the South China Sea to be an area of American national interest. The US is wooing the Philippine government, playing the China threat card, and working on getting the US Navy invited back to its former base at Subic Bay. Recently there were joint US/Philippines military/naval exercises against the “China threat.”

The US Navy is reallocating fleets to the Pacific Ocean and constructing a new naval base on a South Korean island. US Marines are now based in Australia and are being reallocated from Japan to other Asian countries. The Chinese are not stupid. They understand that Washington is attempting to corral China.

For a country incapable of occupying Iraq after 8 years and incapable of occupying Afghanistan after 11 years, to simultaneously take on two nuclear powers is an act of insanity. The hubris in Washington, fed daily by the crazed neocons, despite extraordinary failure in Iraq and Afghanistan, has now targeted formidable powers--Russia and China. The world has never in its entire history witnessed such idiocy.

The psychopaths, sociopaths, and morons who prevail in Washington are leading the world to destruction.

The criminally insane government in Washington, regardless whether Democrat or Republican, regardless of the outcome of the next election, is the greatest threat to life on earth that has ever existed.

Moreover, the only financing the Washington criminals have is the printing press. In a subsequent column I will examine whether the US economy will complete its collapse before the war criminals in Washington can destroy the world.

Poofness – Moments from the Flip 07/01/2012

Greetings and Salutations;

June was busy month for weirdness, the skies have been filled with anomalies all over the world. The earth is being monitored at this critical juncture in time and transition. Disbelief in et’s doesn’t make them go away.…ings-june-2012

All over this world, by different people and groups, folks have held prophecies and writings for the ‘end times’. When the big universal clock turns, stuff happens. No amount of praying to make it ‘your way’ does any good. This transition is reaching deep into the financial world as evidenced by what’s in the news, the explanations vary, but change is there non the less. How about europe all the sudden, solving their problem and anybody shorting the euro, lost a bundle. Justice Roberts even flipped the script, against a bet. Universal health care is coming to america, like it not. The money will not keep going to the top. No gov can sustain itself by making its populace top heavy. Rome is the most recent example. Only fair ness works….duh.

How can you call yourself a christian and not follow what the master said about taking care of the ‘least’. There are principles of nature that even effect govs, greed will get you in the end. The st germain trust exists because it’s intention was always to shift the wealth of the world from the greedy to those in need and make life’s principles real for the common folk. Nature will always make a balance and no amount of politics can change that. They joined withe the dragons because their purpose was the same. The elders joined them both for the same reason. They could see the eddies of time moving to the big shift and they have ‘age’ on most. They broke the code on longevity and have lived accordingly ever since. The secret is ‘attitude adjustment’. Change your mind, change your life. Take ownership of your own crap. Man, it is time to end serfdom for the masses. The lords are being whupped big time, from the top and not a thing they can do about it, they borrowed and failed to pay back, the casino has been foreclosed upon.

Because I watch Bloomberg in the wee hours of the night, I frequently see things happening before they hit us shores. Last week’s delay appeared to be named merkel, she’s still hanging on to that master race **. She wants nothing to interfere with that plan, tho things already have. Big surprise, Aryans were not ‘white’. She was told to her face, that concept was not going to fly in the new system. Ahh cockroaches are cockroaches, and they will die being that, like her cousin, still trying to dazzle the populace with manipulation in the us. That’s ok, you will know who’s been ‘working’ you for years and as hoped you will never allow them back into a position of power again. Many retired military officers know the bottom line and are fully on board with restoring the constitution to it’s rightful place. It’s already been done but you need to hear the ‘announcements’ to verify it for you. There’s been ongoing arrests in the us, but it’s been mostly lower rankers, not commander cockroach him self yet. But he knows the Raid is coming and that seems to be upon us all. Don’t be shocked or amazed, secretly you’ve suspected for some time, anyhow.

Things have been moving and testimony has reached me. The masses are next, you and me. Hold your powder and don’t fire til you see the whites of the couriers’ eyes. True independence is coming to a town near you. It’ll start small, then become huge. One foot in front of the other, walk into the future and don’t look back….you’ll get turned into a pillar of salt…lololol. It’s all over but the shoutin’ don’t know the ‘moment’ all flips on it’s head but it’s close enough to smell. Be well and take care of yourselves, be good to one another. This has been poofness, over and out. Broadcasting from the Phoenix.

Love and Kisses,

Update 1 John's Health

Results came back from the heart doctor saying john has his arteries clogged and type 2 diabetes(400) which is no surprise for his condition he says. John is doing well however saying he's feeling better , his heart rate dropped by 10% from 134 which is really high so that's a improvement. As soon as he checks out of the hospital he's eating nothing but greens and no sugar at all :) please keep your blessings and prayers alive so he may overcome this sickness.

Sad News

This is his son posting john machaffie my dad (the duke) had a heart attack today at 2:00 am Eastern time it was very traumatizing for the family and he is currently receiving care at bayfront hospital St Petersburg the doctors are very kind and professional and are currently doing tests to determine the root of the problem he is speaking but is being kept under nitroglycerine we wish that you all will pray for him and wish him well I will post daily updates on his well being.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 30, 2012 'Arrests Update'

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 30, 2012 'Arrests Update'
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 1-Jul-2012 00:00:54

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 30, 2012 'Arrests Update'
Debunkers are those who attempt to disprove theories and beliefs of others. The reasons why these individuals or even organizations choose to use much of their energy in such pursuits differs from person to person, but we will say for the most part these individuals attempt to disprove or dismiss other's views because these views to not match their own beliefs and understandings. We see this as an unproductive means to advance on one's journey, learning and picking up new ideas and concepts as one travels through this universe, but we will also say that all of the choices of others no matter what they may be should be respected and are respected always by us, and therefore we welcome any and all views even if they are on the contrary to our existence and our peaceful intentions to assist humanity and your planet at this time.
There are many of you with opposing views; this has been made very clear to us of the Galactic Federation of Light. We see these differences in opinions flaring up from time to time into heated debate and argument and even in the promulgation of insults being hurled back and forth. We do not wish to see this, as again, there are certainly more productive ways to share your ideas and your points of view to each other. We wish to say that there is no need for name calling or insulting of one another. You are all in this together. You have all gotten to this point together. If you could open up the pages of your true history you would read stories and adventures that team you with individuals that today you may argue with throughout your online communities. This is what we would like you to understand, that even those who today may appear your enemy or your foe of some kind may have been your brother or your sister or your closest friend or ally while you were at war with others. Try to see this, and try to understand that all of you are indeed friends and you are all indeed family. Try to think of this the next time debate turns heated throughout your online communities and we feel this can be your water to the flame.
We would like to speak with you today about the impending arrests of many members of your criminal cabal who have conspired against the people of your planet. We would like to say that the operation to remove these beings from your world is proceeding smoothly at this very time. We are seeing troop movement into areas where we, through our monitoring capabilities, have concluded members of your criminal cabal await for their arrest or have chosen these areas as a place of refuge in an attempt to hide from what is inevitable and what is just. We see that there are many of you waiting with great anticipation for the news of these arrests to break through your popular media, and we say to you that it is appropriate to remain confident at this time, but we also urge you to remain patient, as although signals have indeed been given that these arrests will now proceed, this is an extremely delicate operation and matters must be dealt with appropriately as they surface one by one and appeased sufficiently before the operation can once again begin to move forward.
At this time, we have perceived several different difficulties on certain fronts of this operation, and we say to you that we, along with your Earth allies, are dealing with these problems and difficulties and are doing our best to minimize any and all delays. We will say, and are happy to say it, that we do see these arrests moving forward and we do see these arrests being accomplished in a very suitable timeframe from now. For those of you waiting and counting the minutes down of a 72 hour window that was opened a day or two ago, we say to you please do not count the minutes and try to remain as patient and as optimistic as you possibly can, as at this time there is great momentum being swept up by the people of your world including your Earth allies and we do not wish this emotional, mental and physical momentum to ebb and subside. We wish for this momentum to carry your people through these arrests and continue on into the many new projects that wait for your assistance in the days ahead.
We see these arrests as the catapulting event that will send your world over the walls that have kept you locked inside and locked within a system of antiquity, imbalance, injustice and unfairness. These arrests will be monumental, as nothing of this magnitude has ever occurred here in your world and this includes all of your wars, including wars that many of you have no idea have been fought as they occurred beyond the understanding of your local and recent histories. These arrests will finally put an end once and for all of all wars, conflict and skirmishes across your entire planet. There will never be another reason for a human to pick up an arm against another human and point it at them. This is a behavior that was ignited by the ruthless and cunning minds of your criminal cabal, as they tricked and conned you into believing you had enemies across seas or across imaginary borders drawn in the sand.
We tell you that you do not have any enemies but those who propagate this lie and this fear, this con and betrayal. These are the ones that you must learn how to handle and remove from your world. It is not each other that are the problem or your reasons for conflict, suffering and war, it is the doings of those that will now face justice for their heinous acts against you, the people of Earth. The people of your planet have spoken, and they have stated loudly and they have stated clearly that no longer will they be manipulated, ruled, controlled and oppressed by so few of opulence, of wealth, power, ruthlessness, cunning and deviousness. These are the traits of those who at this time desperately try to cling to their crumbling empire of control they have built like pyramidal structures throughout your systems, agencies, governments and people. They are losing their grip on their pyramids, and these pyramids are crumbling and toppling onto them. They will be crushed under their weight, and they will never be allowed to resurface in your home ever again.
This is one of the promises to you that we will make, and we keep our promises. Never again will these beings be allowed to filter through breaches in the dimensional enforcements. This is something that we of the higher realms are better qualified to deal with and deal with it we will, and we wish you to know that we have worked very long and very hard at a new, refined and strengthened system that will never allow again a crack to appear in the dike, if you will, and allow lower dimensional beings to trespass into the domain of higher dimensional beings which is what occurred here hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is what our mission is correcting at this time, and we will not stop our efforts until every being that has not earned the right to be here is removed and relocated to where it is they do belong, whether it be within the lower dimensions or somewhere else. They will be removed, and they will never be permitted to call this planet their home ever again. You can be assured of this and know that your new world will be ever safe and guarded from any infiltration, lower dimensional or extra terrestrial in nature, ever again.
We are your protectors and we are your family of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Doc warns about breast cancer screening unavailability

This is a great video, unfortunately it has only 148 views. I would hope it goes viral and gets perhaps 148 MILLION views.