Thursday, July 19, 2012

NESARA & 911

Change is on the horizon, and it begins with NESARA.
There is much disinformation on the Internet pertaining to this law. Sources such as which is a CIA front, which is owned by the Bush family, the 33rd Zion Lodge, the NSA, Sherry Shriner, and various Internet channeling’s straight out of CIA Langley have been spouting much disinformation and confusion on the subject.
The information on the Wikipedia even has its facts wrong.
Wikipedia gives you the history of Harvey Barnard NESARA law. If you look closely this law it stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would reform the economy and replace the income with a national sales tax.
This law was rejected by congress in the 1990′s. However there is another NESARA law on the books.
This NESARA, stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It’s the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the secret government, and much more.
History of NESARA
To understand NESARA’s origins we must go back to the early years of the American Republic. Ever since England lost her most prized jewel the “American Colonies,” the royal crown was looking for ways to take back what was once theirs. The pioneers of our new republic knew the threat that faced the young nation. To ensure its survival a nobility amendment was passed to prevent anyone who had loyalties to the crown from holding public office. The 13th Amendment was approved by congress and the House of Representatives in 1810. It was ratified by all the necessary states into law on March 12, 1819. It reads as follows.
13th Amendment
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
This amendment was unacceptable for the British crown because this would essentially cut of all meddling into the affairs of the new republic’s government. It would also mean anyone who is a member of the BAR (Lawyer) association would not be allowed to hold public office. Remember the B.A.R. is short for the British Accredited Registry. This amendment is technically still in effect today and therefore all the laws that have been made by lawyers remains unconstitutional, as they are not allowed to be US citizens.
This is why England fought in a war with us in 1812. Washington D.C. was burned to the ground and the original documents which proved this was indeed a law were destroyed. The British monarchy knew the American people would never tolerate British rule again, so they offered back the republic to the people with one exception, the 13th amendment was to be removed from the constitution. Nearly 200 years have now since passed, we have been conquered and yet we don’t know it.
Then we had the civil war which was really about the Rothschild family trying to gain control of the south’s cotton industry. Then we had the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which put America into slavery. Finally in the early 1990′s we started to see a change.
The beginnings of NESARA takes us back to the early 1970′s when the banks where foreclosing on farmers mortgages all over the United States. The Willie Nelson “Live Aid” concerts were one of the fund raisers that helped these farmers. The farmers soon realized the banks where not only charging exorbitant and illegal amounts of interest, but they where illegally foreclosing on their homes.
When these farmers began to seek legal action against the banks they soon realized that the government and banks where working in collusion with each other. So in the early 1990′s, they sought the help of the Farmers Union and did in depth research on all the banks illegal activities. A series of lawsuits where initiated against the banks and the government. Over 336,000 Farm Claims filed for fraud against the U.S. Federal Government with an average of $20 million dollars per claim. This amounts to $6.6 trillion total.
In retaliation the banks and the government sent the IRS against the farmers. When the farmers realized they where being unfairly targeted by the IRS they began looking for ways to fight back. They requested help from military generals such as General Ray Swasinger, to sit in the court room to ensure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.
These court cases ran up and down various state and federal courts from 1970′s till the 1990′s. Then in 1992-1993, the farmers appealed their case to the US supreme court. Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were VALID and that the U.S. federal government and the banks had seriously defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property. Furthermore the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS and the Federal Reserve where unlawful, that the income tax amendment was never ratified by the US states, and that the US government had illegally foreclosed on farmers homes with the help of federal agencies. Irrefutable proof of such was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activity, to lead further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were legitimate.
The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required.
Now, when rulings are made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more Justices are assigned to monitor the progress on how the rulings are carried out. In this case, five Justices were assigned to a committee to develop steps to implement required government and banking reformations. As the Justices went about developing the required reformations they enlisted the help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, Constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. The Justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; these thousands of people working to bring us NESARA have been named “White Knights”.
This term “White Knights” was borrowed from the world of big business hostile takeovers. It refers to how a vulnerable company is “rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. This term is a most accurate term for these “White Knights” are working behind the scenes to stop the madness.
After the trial, the damages process name was changed to Bank Claims. From 1993 through 1996, U.S. citizens filed Bank Claims against the banks and the federal government through the U.S. Treasury Department to obtain payment for the damages as specified by the U.S. Supreme Court. (This process CLOSED in 1996.)
Gag Order
Due to the ground breaking changes required, an extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone, directly involved and the court case records. Anyone who broke this gag order would receive the death penalty. Furthermore all court records where sealed until after all the reforms are completed. To maintain this secrecy, the case details for the docket number assigned to the Farmers’ Union case were changed.
As a result doing a search for this case will fail to reflect the correct information until after the reformations are made public.
At every step of the process, anyone directly involved has been required to sign an agreement to keep the U.S. Supreme Court’s process of implementing the required reformations “secret”, or face charges of Treason which are punishable by death. This gag order was placed on all media personnel, government officials, and bank employees. This is why Alex Jones or TV news anchors will not talk about this on air. Nor will wikipedia tell you the truth behind the law. Nor will Sherry Shriner who is nothing more than a CIA stooge. Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, was about to break the gag order, but before he could his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.
To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur. These agreements , known as “Accords” where made with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone.
The U.S. banking system reformations require the Federal Reserve Bank system be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’ fraudulent activities stopped. Plus remedies will need to be made to U.S. citizens for past harm due to fraud. The U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world and therefore the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved.
As the years began to pass, the military generals who originally helped the farmers soon realized that the government had no intentions of implementing the “Accords.” So, the Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA).
NESARA implements the following changes;
1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
2. Abolishes income tax
3. Abolishes IRS; creates 14% flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax revenue for government
4. Increases benefits to senior citizens
5. Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
6. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement
7. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
8. Creates new US Treasury currency, “rainbow currency,” backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals
9.. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
10. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
11. Restores financial privacy
12. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
13. Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
14. Establishes peace throughout the world
15. Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 a month for 11 years. The law requires that the farmers claims to be paid first before the general public receives funds. Remember, these funds will come from the Level 5 Trust, bank roll programs.
16. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
17. Enables the release of new technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup, and sonic healing machines.
This law was passed secretly on March 9, 2000 by Congress. It was voted on by seven members congress, which where the only ones constitutionally allowed to hold office. This is because the nobility amendment prevents anyone with ties to the crown from holding office.
Plus, NESARA requires all congress members to resign immediately, so all the corrupt members of congress refused to vote. From its very inception Bush Snr., the false congress, and major bank houses, and the Carlyle group opposed NESARA. Secrecy was maintained by revising the official congressional registry. The details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently.
Our members of congress will not tell us any of this because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to “deny” the existence of NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by death; and some members of Congress have actually been charged with “obstruction” and threatened with Treason charges. Therefore, all members of Congress pretend that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justices’ gag order. This why there are no public Congressional Records!
The unelected cloned President Bill Clinton and his puppet masters, had no interest in signing NESARA into law. So, the military generals enlisted the help of the elite Naval Seals and the Delta Force. Together they stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA into law. This occurred on October 10, 2000.
Before NESARA is announced to the public it is stipulated that the original farm claims must be paid out first in with gold or precious metals backed currency as stipulated by the constitution. Therefore they cannot be paid in Federal Reserve notes which is not money anyway. The $6.6 trillion is to be distributed in the form of ATM debit cards from the new gold back US Treasury system. This money will come from the bank roll programs originally set up by benevolent illuminati families. The only catch is to release these funds they must first be released by Goldman Sacs and Bank of America which are owned by the Rockefeller and Bush cabals.
To prevent the funds from being released the banking documents, which contains instructions on how to access the funds, are being transported 24/7 between warehouses in Charlotte, NC and Washington D.C. The drivers of these Fed Ex trucks are heavily bribed and many of are afraid of reprisals from the Bush family if they deliver their payload as required by law.
One time when these packets where returned to Washington D.C., Bush placed them under military guard. Federal judges ordered him to release the funds, G.W. Bush replied. “You will never receive these packages, they belong to me”. The judge answered “I can do no more, he is President of the U.S.”
The news media were called and refused to film the guards saying “He is the President and we are afraid of what he will do.” (code for we also work for the Illuminati)
This has been going on for some time, so the IMF, and World Bank got together along with the Rothschild family to set up a new global banking system backed by gold. This will ultimately kill the Federal Reserve System which is worthless fiat money. It was approved by congress on September 19, 2007. On October 19, 2007, at midnight the U.S. treasury of the Republic went on-line with the Global Banking System. The next step is announcing this to the public, but it’s not an easy task to do.
Many powerful groups have tried to stop the announcement and implementation of the NESARA law. 18 months after NESARA became law, the Justices had the current Congress pass resolutions “approving” NESARA on September 9, 2001.
On September 10, 2001 George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement.
The next day NESARA was set to be announced at 10 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001.
9/11 Attacks
Groups opposing NESARA arranged for the attacks to occur on 9/11 to keep NESARA from being announced.
Just before the announcement, Bush Snr. ordered the demolition of World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two, in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system.
George Bush Snr decapitated any hopes of returning this government back to the people. Despite the fact the Bush family was to be paid off $300 trillion dollars to cooperate with NESARA, they choose instead to maintain control over us.
Ultimately in the end the Bush’s will end up with nothing.
Without a gold backed treasury system our country is headed to economic collapse, and eventual civil war.
Logistics of 9/11
We are all familiar with the official story of September 11th: Four jetliners where hijacked by groups of four and five Arabic men armed with box cutters, who flew three of the four jets into the Twin Towers and Pentagon. The World Trade Center weakened by the fires collapsed into piles of rubble. Later that afternoon, the 47 story Building 7, collapsed due to fire (a fact which most people are unaware of).
The FBI had compiled a list of hijackers within three days, and so it was obvious that Osama bin Laden had masterminded 9/11 from caves in Afghanistan. With that in mind there was no need to seriously investigate 9/11. The problem is when one investigates the conflicts of interest and red flags we find a long series of improbable coincidences.
It is standard operating procedure (SOP) to scramble a jet fighter whenever an airliner goes off course or radio contact is lost. Between September 2000 and June 2001, interceptors where scrambled 67 times. In 2000 jets where scrambled 129 times. The air traffic control system continuously monitors air traffic and notifies NORAD of all deviations. NORAD is responsible for monitoring, air and space traffic continuously, and is prepared to act immediately to threats and emergencies. It has the authority to order units from the Air National Guard, the Air Force and other armed services in pursuit of airliners in trouble.
With this in mind what would cause the massive breakdown in the chain of command?
According to the Pentagon, NORAD was conducting a mock terrorist drill on 9/11, this is why they where unable to scramble jets in time. This seems to conflict with Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta’s testimony before the 9-11 Commission. He reports that at the time of the attacks both Dick Cheney and himself was in the Presidential Emergency Operations Command Center. Norman recalled an officer coming in every few minutes to question the Vice President if NORAD should continue to stand down and not shoot the airplanes out of the sky.
“During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President…the plane is 50 miles out…the plane is 30 miles out….and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president “do the orders still stand?” And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??”
The airplanes which flew into the twin towers where military aircraft as no normal 747 could maneuver the way they did. Remember the hijackers nearly flunked out of flight school, how are they able to maneuver an airplane in such a way even expert pilots could not. These planes were most likely flow using autopilot because all 5 planes had their black box in flight recorders turned off at the same time. The recorder is turned off when the Airborne Warning and Control System takes over the craft.
The Planes where controlled using the U.S. Air Force’s “QRS11 Triaxial Remote Guidance System” called “JPALS.” Essentially it’s a “gyro on a chip.” It uses GPS satellite technology and electronics implanted in the Boeing aircraft allowing them to be controlled remotely.
The truth is the September 11th attacks where carried out using remote processes. It was planned out by a CIA unit of 100 people (Aquarius?) in August of 2001. This group carried out the attacks and staged the so-called cell phone calls purported to be from passengers on the commercial airlines by using voice impersonation technology and other remote technologies. This same CIA group also created the conspiracy story of 19 Arab hijackers, many of whom where either dead or in jail in the middle east.
As for the airline passengers on 9/11, they where probably gassed aboard their plane and then sent to either the Amtrak facility in Kansas City, Kansas or the FEMA crematorium in Terra Haute, ID to be incinerated.
Explosions in WTC
The official NIST’s (National Institute of Standards and Technology) investigation is often cited as proving the theory that planes and fires caused the collapses. Yet the report fails to mention how the buildings could collapse due to fire without a historical precedent of any steel framed skyscraper collapsing other than a controlled demolition. In the entire report only two sentences in a half page section gives us hints as to what really happened. This troublesome issue is avoided by placing them outside the scope of its investigation, claiming that “global collapse” was “inevitable” after the “initiation of collapse.”
A striking distinction of the World Trade Center collapse was the pulverization of the concrete into dust and gravel before it hit the ground. This can been seen in videos which show the towers mushrooming into vast clouds as they fall, leaving only twisted pieces of steel and no large pieces of concrete. While the building is collapsing you can see puffs of smoke exploding each floor out in a timed demolition. These puffs of smoke are called Sprites; which explode outward 10 to 15 floors below the rubble as the building collapses. This would suggest the detonators where on a timed circuit set to go off in a controlled manner. This also explains why the building collapsed in a free fall. An unobstructed freefall using Newtonian physics would be 6 seconds. Logic would dictate as the building collapsed the floors below it would reduce the speed, however the World trade center collapsed in 7 seconds. All of this make s sense especially when you consider the testimony from the firefighters. They reported hearing bombs going off but the media ignored their testimony. Even Columbia Observatory recorded minute explosions on their seismograph, moments prior to the collapse.
William Rodriguez who worked as a janitor reported hearing explosions in the basement just moments prior to the airplane colliding into the world trade center. Hilary Clinton promised him a high position in her government if he remained silent about this. Instead he refused, even today the media continue to ignore and distort his testimony.
Prior to 9/11, no steel building had ever collapsed due to fire. There is no way Jet fuel could burn hot enough to melt the steel in the WTC, this is because steel melts at 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, and Jet fuel burns at 1,800. Even if the beams buckled it wouldn’t cause them to melt with the fire proofing protection. The truth is the fire burned around 700 degrees and was about to extinguish itself. This can be confirmed by the black smoke which occurs in an oxygen deprived fire. There is no way the fires could have burned as hot as the government claims especially when the videos show people sitting at the edge of the impact hole waiting to be rescued.
Furthermore, Steven Jones, professor of physics at Brigham Young University found that the rubble had evidence of evaporated steel, and thermite which is used in controlled demolitions. In order for steel to evaporate it would require temperatures in excess of 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Even three weeks after the world trade collapsed their where still areas of rubble which where so hot fire fighters could not go near it. Maybe this explains why the government was so eager to ship all the “evidence”, I mean ruble to China and South Korea. This was crime scene, and by removing the evidence the government violated crime scene laws. Oddly enough the company which was given the task to do this was none other than “Controlled Demolition Inc.” Its funny thing you know with all this “heat.” How come the terrorist’s passports which linked Al-Qaeda to the attacks failed to burn in the inferno as claimed by the government?
So now the question is how did those explosives get into the building without anyone noticing it? On the weekend of 9/8 and 9/9 there was a ‘power down’ condition in the south tower. For 36 hours there was no electrical supply from the 50th floor and up. This would mean there would be no security cameras, security locks on doors. Maintenance workers reported seeing ‘engineers’ coming in and out of the building, and the sound of heavy objects moving around on floors which where supposed to be unoccupied. Even more red flags are raised when one considers the fact that bomb sniffing dogs patrols where halted on September 6, 2001. So who allowed this to happen?
Securacom (later renamed Stratesec ) was responsible for the security of the WTC complex. Marvin Bush, G.W’s brother was on the board of directors. Isn’t it odd that he has never been investigated especially considering Securacom was also in charge of security for United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport, the same place where the reported hijackers boarded there planes.
Building 7
Building 7 was the third building to collapse on 9/11 according to the government fires leveled the building. The only problem with this is, fires have never leveled a steel skyscraper before. The team that investigated the collapse was kept away from the crime scene; by the time their report was published in May 2002 the evidence had been destroyed.
Building 7 had a number of fires of limited extent and unknown duration before the total collapse at 5:20 PM. Official reports assume the debris from the North Tower ignited the fire at 10:29 A.M. FEMA’s report blamed the collapse primarily on fires, though it was inconclusive. NIST suggested it was cause by severe structural damage. However other skyscraper fires exhibited more extensive burns and longer lasting than Building 7, but none of these other buildings collapsed.
From the video evidence, it is clear building 7 collapsed in a controlled demolition type manner. Even the owner of the WTC complex, Larry Silverstein admitted to this fact in 2002 on PBS,
“I remember getting a call from the…fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire. And I said, ‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life. Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull-it.’ And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.”
Pulling is a term used in controlled demolitions. Now it takes weeks of planning and installation of detonators for a successful controlled demolition. How could all these detonators be conveniently in place unless Silverstein had foreknowledge the attacks would occur? Perhaps this explains why he bought a 99 year insurance policy worth $7 billion months prior to the attack. The truth is the world trade center was loaded with asbestos. It would have cost much more than $7 billion to take the building apart piece by piece to remove the stuff. So not only is it cheaper to do a controlled demolition Larry Silverstein made money from it too!
Buildings which where much closer to the World Trade center sustained more damaged yet did not collapse due to fire. So how is it that Building 7 which was two buildings away from the North Tower, developed these fires when it wasn’t hit with a plane. Maybe this can be answered when we look at who has the most to gain from the destruction of this building.
The following are the prime suspects in the 9/11 collapse.
In WTC 7, the SEC was storing thousands of files related to pending Wall Street investigations on companies such as Enron and Worldcom. Conveniently these document where destroyed when the building collapsed. Other tenants in WTC7, include the IRS, CIA, Secret Service, FBI, and Department of Defense. Building Seven also served as the command center for the security of the entire WTC complex, which was headed by the President’s brother, Marvin Bush, whose contract ended “coincidentally” on 9/11. It was also host to then Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management command center. This was built on the 23rd floor, in 1998 as a “bunker” for emergences such as 9/11. It had bullet and bomb-resistant windows, its own water and air supply, the ability to withstand 160 mph winds, and a full commanding view of the entire WTC complex. Interestingly, on 9/11 Giuliani didn’t bother to put the center to use, even though that’s what it was built for. He decided instead, to set up a makeshift command center down the street.
Isn’t it strange that the official 9/11 commission report, choose to omit any reference to building seven. What else are they hiding from us?
What happened to the debris from flight 93 in Pennsylvania? It was mysteriously missing, with the only evidence left, a 15 foot hole in the ground. The truth is flight 93 was intended to hit Camp David. If you go to YouTube you can hear the actual sound bites from the new networks which announce flight 93 hit Camp David. Seriously folks, 9/11 was totally scripted that day. Camp David was targeted by our government because it was the anniversary of the “Camp David accords.” Which was the 1978 Israeli-Egypt peace treaty, (Israel is actually a state within the United States so it’s really the US-Egypt peace treaty.) By blaming the Muslims it would have given our government another excuse to bomb the Middle East.
Why was their no investigation in the put options on American Airlines stock? Why was members of the bin laden family flown out of the country on 9/11 when all other planes where grounded? Where did the missing $700 million dollar stash of gold stored under the WTC complex disappear too? The questions go on and on. The government will not answer them because they are at fault. The whores in the media will not tell us the truth, as many of the major news networks have been paid off to lie to the American people. Its all about the money!
There is no way a 124 foot wide Boeing 757 airplane could fit into a hole 15-18 feet wide. So what hit the pentagon if it wasn’t a passenger airplane? Unfortunately the government confiscated most evidence covering up what happened. After the impact, pentagon officials confiscated 80 video cameras which where focused on the pentagon, and eyewitnesses had to sign nondisclosure agreements. To date only one of these videos has been released and this video is only 4 frames. All we can conclude from the video is a blurry metal bogey of some sort hit the pentagon. It is safe to rule out a 757, because such a large aircraft flying at 450 mph would literally be torn apart from turbulence created while flying under 60 feet in altitude.
The truth is Bush ordered the destruction of the Pentagon building to prevent this country from returning back to constitutional law. Remote pilot technology was used to fly a small white private plane loaded with explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Communications Center. At the time they where coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide.
Every time Bush says we are in a war against terrorism, the terrorists they are referring to are not Al-Qaeda, THE TERRORISTS ARE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Patriot Acts I and II will eventually take away basic constitutional liberties such as a trial by jury and search warrants. Further more anyone who tries to cash their refund from the NESARA trust funds are arrested under the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Gestapo. When one takes a closer look at the secret memos and executive orders the intent of the elite is clear. We are now living in a police state just like our Nazi leaders have always planned for us.
“He who trades liberty for security, deserves neither and will loose both.” – Thomas Jefferson
The Bush family and the Bin Laden family are in fact best friends. They where both business partners in Saudi Oil and members of the Carlye Group. According to Patrick Bellringer, the Bush family was protecting Bin Laden. He checked into the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN prior to September 11, 2001 seeking medical treatment for his kidney problems. The hospital gave him and his family a floor unto themselves for privacy. He later died on December 26, 2001 from kidney (renal) failure and lung complication. The big lie by the US government is to keep the people believing there are terrorists out there to get us. It’s hard to have a War on Terrorism, if there are no terrorists! Furthermore the media refuse to investigate how a dying man can survive on a dialysis machine in remote Pakistani caves for over six years.
When you analyze the video footage, the seismic data, and eyewitness accounts the government’s conspiracy theory just does not make sense. This fictional story has given Bush an excuse to send the U.S. Military to Afghanistan, Iraq, and create Patriot Act I and II. Now you know why on 9/11, Bush Jr. sat in a classroom reading a children’s book about a pet goat for seven minutes, as if this epic cosmic tragedy was no big deal.
Now our country remains at war and the media covers up the amount of body bags coming out of Iraq. Nor do they report the real death totals on 9/11. The actual death count is 30,700. No one questions the insanely small numbers given out by the government because New York City is a large place; people who have lost loved ones do not make contact with others who have died in 9/11. So they have no way of knowing how many truly died, especially when their government lies to them. The following death totals comes from the Pleiadian Commander in Chief Hatonn (more on who he is later.)
Casualties Report March 2003 till January 2007
Iraq War
U.S. soldiers killed 11,600
U.S. soldiers, war injuries 22,800
U.S. civilians killed 5,000
U.S. soldier bodies dumped into Persian Gulf 7,000
Iraqis killed 960,000
Iraqis injured 555,000
Official Data of the U.S. Dept. of Defense, Jan. 26, 2007
Confirmed U.S. soldiers dead 3,063
U.S soldier, hostile injuries 22,884
U.S. soldier-non-hostile injuries and disease victims 24,823
Afghanistan War
U.S. soldiers killed 680
U.S. soldiers, war injuries 660
Afghans killed 36,000
Afghans injuries 67,400
Official Data of the U.S. Dept. of Defense
U.S. soldiers official deaths 494
9/11 – World Trade Tower Disaster
People killed that day 30,700
Total deaths to date resulting from this disaster 56,600
Number of the 30,700 picked up by Starship that day 20,400
U.S. Gov. official death toll 2,752
U.S. Gov. officially identified 1,527

Bank Roll Programs

excerpt ---

Bank Roll Programs
Around the turn of the century, the children of robber barons, and “banksters” began to see the error in their parent’s evilness and their use of wealth. These 100 children are known as “wealthy visionaries”. Together they invested some of their families money into secret money roll programs, to be used for humanitarian purposes.
The bank roll programs, allow wealthy investors to make insane profits by ripping off the assets and resources from third world nations. The profits from these programs are utterly astronomical as monthly returns can be in excess of 1:100,000 and 1:500,000. The name “roll programs” comes from a method of rolling money over and over in short periods of time. At the end of each cycle investors then reinvest or “roll” the principle and interest earned over into the next cycle. In the late 1990′s the bank roll programs finally ceased.
Money earned from these bank roll programs became known as the “Prosperity Programs” Over time the programs where secretly opened up to small investors so that one could invest as little as one hundred dollars at a time. These small amounts where handled by trustees, who collected the money and kept records, and combined the small investments into the large amount, let’s say, one million dollars, that was required in order to enter a “roll”.
The news of these programs spread by word of mouth and especially via multi-level marketers. Thousands of people invested and great wealth was generated, but little, if anything was ever paid back to the investors. Trustees such as Clyde Hood and Mike Kadoski where sent to jail under false charges. Then corruption, greed, and fraud became wide spread among the bankers, government, and even some trustees who wanted to steal the money for themselves.
Even the Bush family had their hands in the pot, using Promis Software they could transfer stolen funds without being traced. Many have died because of this wealth, but God has another plan for humanity.
The time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from Saint Germain’s, World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. 250 years of compound interest has mushroomed the World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000.
That’s 1 with 40 zeros behind it. This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it!
The money from the World Trust will be distributed in the following manner.
Level One — World Trust.
This is under the trusteeship of Master St. Germain. At his direction The World Trust can only be activated for payout at only two times during any given year, Easter and Christmas. At St. Germain’s orders the World Court activates the funding process. This process continues down through the four lower levels of trusts to the people, and under certain conditions the funding window remains open until the next holiday funding window begins. For example, if the Easter window is activated, the window can remain open until December 24, the day before Christmas, at which time it closes. The window remains open only if significant funds are moved to certain designated trusts during a set period of time. If not, the funding window is closed when such deadlines are not met.
Level Two —
These are the 180 Royal Trusts under the control of trustees in various sovereign countries. Examples are The French Trust, The Russian Trust, and the Vatican Trust.
Level Three —
These are the Family Trusts under the control of trustees of the world’s wealthiest families. Examples are Bronfman, Warburg, Morgan, Rothschild, and Rockefeller.
Level Four —
These are the 250 plus Corporate Trusts under the control of trustees from powerful companies and corporations. Examples are General Electric, Lockheed, General Motors, Boeing, Carnegie, Ford, Marriott and AT&T. There are 4-5 trustees per trust which means that approximately 1200 trustees must sign documents to move money through these trusts.
Level Five —
These are the Prosperity Program Trusts which represent the various 70-75 bank roll programs which are under the control of designated program trustees. Again, there are 4-5 trustees per trust or some 350 persons who must sign documents to activate these trusts. Some examples include Bergevene, SBC, ITI, Savage, Morgan, Omega, and Freedom. The largest trust is Freedom and it must be funded first. It is these trust’s that hold the wealth from the enlightened robber baron children.
Then finally the funds will be released to the common man.
As the funds pass through each trust, the trustee must use only certain designated “safe” banks and sign the proper documents with only certain designated banking personnel at those banks. Should this process be activated and then be stalled by deceitful bankers, deceitful trustees, etc. and the deadlines for funding to reach certain trusts are not met, the funding window is then closed. This is the problem members of the Bush family are blocking the release of these funds.
Change is on the horizon, and it begins with NESARA.
There is much disinformation on the Internet pertaining to this law. Sources such as which is a CIA front, which is owned by the Bush family, the 33rd Zion Lodge, the NSA, Sherry Shriner, and various Internet channeling’s straight out of CIA Langley have been spouting much disinformation and confusion on the subject.
The information on the Wikipedia even has its facts wrong.
Wikipedia gives you the history of Harvey Barnard NESARA law. If you look closely this law it stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would reform the economy and replace the income with a national sales tax.
This law was rejected by congress in the 1990′s. However there is another NESARA law on the books.
This NESARA, stands for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It’s the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the secret government, and much more.
History of NESARA
To understand NESARA’s origins we must go back to the early years of the American Republic. Ever since England lost her most prized jewel the “American Colonies,” the royal crown was looking for ways to take back what was once theirs. The pioneers of our new republic knew the threat that faced the young nation. To ensure its survival a nobility amendment was passed to prevent anyone who had loyalties to the crown from holding public office. The 13th Amendment was approved by congress and the House of Representatives in 1810. It was ratified by all the necessary states into law on March 12, 1819. It reads as follows.
13th Amendment
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
This amendment was unacceptable for the British crown because this would essentially cut of all meddling into the affairs of the new republic’s government. It would also mean anyone who is a member of the BAR (Lawyer) association would not be allowed to hold public office. Remember the B.A.R. is short for the British Accredited Registry. This amendment is technically still in effect today and therefore all the laws that have been made by lawyers remains unconstitutional, as they are not allowed to be US citizens.
This is why England fought in a war with us in 1812. Washington D.C. was burned to the ground and the original documents which proved this was indeed a law were destroyed. The British monarchy knew the American people would never tolerate British rule again, so they offered back the republic to the people with one exception, the 13th amendment was to be removed from the constitution. Nearly 200 years have now since passed, we have been conquered and yet we don’t know it.
Then we had the civil war which was really about the Rothschild family trying to gain control of the south’s cotton industry. Then we had the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 which put America into slavery. Finally in the early 1990′s we started to see a change.

Editorial about the First Lady

Editorial about the First Lady

Michelle certainly has a nice life—tired or not! 


Mychal Massie 

Mychal Massie is chairman of the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives-Project 21 – a conservative black think tank located in Washington, D.C. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, N.Y. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. He has appeared on Fox News Channel, CNN, 
MSNBC, C-SPAN, NBC, Comcast Cable and talk-radio programming nationwide. 

Here is his article about our current First Lady. 

What on earth can Michelle Obama possibly be tired from? What has she done since her husband was elected that gives her one reason to be tired? I know that flying, for the proletariat such as myself, can be tiring and, more times than not, a genuine pain – but she flies in presidential luxury, sans the president. And the only checkin' in and full-body scan she goes through at an airport is when she looks at herself in a mirror. 

We, the taxpayers of this great nation, demand to know just what it is that has her royalness so worn out and tired, that after just enjoying a lavish 17-day Hawaiian Christmas vacation (that cost taxpayers $4 million), she needs another vacation at one of the most exclusive (and anti-union) resorts in the country. 

It cannot be that she is overworked because, if the liberal Los Angeles Times is to be believed, between them, 
the Obama's have 454 White House aides, at a cost to the taxpayers of more than $37 million annually – and that doesn't include recent pay raises. (See: "No Recession For Obama's 454 White House aides: They'll make $37,121,463 this year"; Andrew Malcolm, July 5, 2011.) And before you ask – yes, that is more than President and Mrs. Bush had, and I was one of the lone voices decrying the small size and cost of Laura Bush's staff. 

Could Ms. Obama still be suffering fatigue from the weight of having kept secret, for two years, her extravagant Halloween costume ball? Even though they used military families as a cover in case it got out, the last thing she wanted the public to know was that, while Americans were suffering in the depths of recession, she had the biggest players in Hollywood doing an exclusive costume party just for herself and her family. 

Or perhaps it's the lingering effects of taking her mother and daughters to South Africaand Botswana, or the sheer exhaustion of rushing out of Washington, four hours ahead of her husband, so she wouldn't have to share her presidential jet with him on the way to Martha's Vineyard for their annual beach break. 

Then again, maybe she was exhausted from her personal $50,000 underwear shoppingspree with the queen of Qatar, at Agent Provocateur, the store that bills itself as selling "the most erotic lingerie in the world. Realizing that you're responsible for closing down Madison Avenue can be tiring, and watching staff carry all those bags back to her limousines … whew! – that would sure wear me out. And after the tiring experience of picking out all of those exotic undies, what better place to recover than an uber-poshVail resort and theprivate home owned by Paula and Jim Crown?

Or maybe she’s worn out from rolling around on the floor to the delight of Ellen Degeneres, or making muscles on a daytime show, or pulling on a rope on another show, or eating at all of the restaurants where she loves to pig it up. 
Then again, maybe Ms. Obama is just an arrogant, high-minded person who doesn't give a rat's tail about propriety or how her behavior looks to a suffering public because, afterall, her husband claims the economy is improving, and who are we going to believe – the reality of our financial situation or her husband?

Michelle Obama can afford to live life large since every dime she’s spending comes on the backs and sweat of others. Nothing, zip, nada that she spends did she personallyearn. And therein is the disgusting elitism of a woman who forgets where she came from, and dares you to remind her. 

We are responsible for the billionaire life she lives, and it's time we started demanding that she be accountable to us. It's time we started confronting Obama at every press conference and/or speaking venue about the behavior of his wife. He is spending hundreds of millions of our money, flying around the country to raise a billion dollars for his campaign war chest, and we’re paying $4 per gallon for fuel. We've lost our homes, our mortgages are upside-down, our property taxes aren't enough to cover the increasing cost of infrastructure because of the drain of resources by illegal aliens, and all of this is happening as the price of putting milk and cereal on our tables is rising dramatically. 

But why shouldn't she be smiling??? For the first time in her adult life, she is proud of America – and why not? She has tens of millions of peons paying for her very own private reparations – now that’s enough to put a smile on any elitist’s face!

PASS IT ON !!!! (so other taxpayers can see how their dollars are being spent)

Without the consent of the governed, there is no State

A friend recently recommended I read a 500 year old essay
on 'voluntary servitude'.

I did.

This video boils down and simplifies the concept.

The Politics of Obedience...


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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Justice for Bhopal

Dear friends,

A chemical leak in India killed 20,000 people, poisoned 500,000 and caused decades of disease and death. Justice could finally be served on the company responsible but only if the Indian government admits the full scale of the disaster. An international outcry created this opportunity -- now sign the petition to ensure no victim is ignored.

Sign the petition
A chemical leak in India killed 20,000 people, poisoned 500,000 and caused decades of disease and death -- now survivors have a real chance to get justice from the company responsible. But the Indian government is working behind the scenes to help shield Dow Chemical from big payouts. It's up to us to step in and bring victory to the victims.

It took weeks of public outcry to convince the government to target Dow at all for these crimes and now Home Affairs Minister Chidambaram is busy erasing almost 80% of the victims from the claim, drastically reducing the possible damages.

Public pressure forced the Minister to support the victims in the first place. Now we have the chance to make this court case a real push for justice. Join the call, when we reach 500,000 signers we will display hard-hitting billboards outside of the two posh clubs the Minister frequents in Delhi:

The Bhopal chemical spill tragedy wrecked the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and scorched the earth for generations. Yet despite this historic destruction, no justice has been served. Union Carbide, the company in charge of the plant, dodged responsibility, then was bought by Dow Chemical who have also refused to pay out fair compensation to the victims still desperate for help dealing with the loss and destruction around them.

Now, after decades of fighting for justice and a big campaign to push the Indian government to act, the petition before the Indian Supreme Court could reopen the case – paving the way to compensation from Dow to the survivors. But accurately assessing the number of victims is key to ensuring every victim gets a payout if they win. Minister Chidambaram is responsible for a brief, submitted to the court, that eliminated almost 80% of the victims as assessed by the Indian Council of Medical Research.

The Minister is likely working to protect Dow in order to keep India’s investment reputation. We can show him that justice is more important than bending the law to please big corporations! Click below to sign the petition and if we reach 500,000 signers, Avaaz will take this message directly to the front doors of the elite clubs where Chidambaram relaxes:

The Bhopal survivors need allies to win their decades long fight for justice, and we can answer their call. In the past, Avaaz has successful stood with other communities under threat from multinational companies from Guatemala to the Ivory Coast. Now let’s support the victims of Bhopal in their final push for justice.

With hope,

Meredith, Iain, Alaphia, Pascal, Emma, Ricken and the rest of the Avaaz team


The Tragedy Continues (Tehelka)

Bhopal Activists Slam U.S. Ruling (blog)

Between the flames (The Hindu)

Breaking/Confirmed: Sec Clinton Assassination Attempt in Israel

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Breaking/Confirmed: Sec Clinton Assassination Attempt in Israel (updated)
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 19-Jul-2012 06:34:21

Al-Alam and Reuters Report Hillary Clinton Convoy Attack in Israel
By Gordon Duff
Israeli radio and Reuters broke the story then went mysteriously silent, an assassination attempt inside Israel, on Secretary of State Clinton.
Soon afterward, Iran’s national network, al Alam went public with a translated version which is being boycotted by news services.
Details on the unsuccessful murder attempt on America’s top diplomat below but first some background.
Possibly responsible for the assassination attempt on Clinton is this tale of deceit by Rep. Michelle Bachmann as outlined by CNN’s Andersen Cooper:
more + vids...


Times when you wonder why money was wasted to send these so called leaders to school! They learned absolutely nothing about this Nation of ours, our Republics and how it was to self sustain it's self, pay for roads, and our Representatives in state and federal offices!; They learned absolutely nothing! , zero, nada, el zipo..! These individuals came out of schools of higher learning as Educated Idiots! Not an ounce of Common Sense amongst the lot!
What makes me say that?!
Jobs equals Money. Money equals buying power, ability to pay tax's, support representative government, purchase homes, pay for education, buy autos, pay for doctors, medicals and health care on and on ad infinitum.
What do these "educated idiots" do?! Your not going to like the answer!
The 'president' and U.S. HOUSE AND SENATE MEMBERS, JUDGES ON THE BENCH, the individualS who are by Law most responsible for the upholding, protecting and defending this nation through Laws and Acts of Congress, i.e., Law of the Land such as the GLASS STEAGALL ACT actually put in place to 'protect' the American People and those nations with whom this nation conducts Trade and Commerce, has the unmitigated gall to violate Oath of Office, Set aside an Act of Congress Outsource the jobs from this nation, shut down our steel mills, send/outsource the steel to China's mills, shut down our top auto industrys, ship/outsource the jobs out of the country!
With the protection of GLASS STEAGALL thrown out the window, the additional primary Laws were neutered! The 1899 Sherman Anti Trust Act, Clayton Act Sec. Eight was thrown to the wind which threw Englands companion Laws of 1899 "Anti Corruption Act" out the window also..!
Next! Bribery sets in, our leaders ignore the positive Law allow 'psyschopath's' infiltrate their offices when in the 1960's someone got the bright idea they could not fire a predecessor's 'aides' in previous administrations who in essence have become the source for the 'getting next to representatives to get the job done' aka THE TO DO people in these Representative and Executive, Legislative Branch's of Government state and/or federal.
Leaders relied heavily on these 'predecessor's aides'.. when it came to passing legislation in thousands of non read pages containing unconstitutional Laws to protect Non Governmental Organizations because they relied on these former Officers of Office of Public Trust 'aides' because they knew where the bodies were buried.
One does not have to look far to see where this SNAFU has landed the United States of America and the Union of the Republic states. As a matter of fact! It can be witnessed around the world when one observes this current BANKING, FINANCING AND ECONOMIC FIASCO!
For years the PETRO DOLLAR GROUP advertised to buy the Certificate of Idebtedness of Peru, May 1, 1875 no Coupons affixed.
When the owner Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 Documents of Recorded Record called this Petro Dollar Group which ended up out in the Wilshire Blvd area .. and the individual with the Petro Dollar Group (a Far Easterner) discovered the 'owner' was a woman, he began yelling "eat my C&%#" calling me a "F$%king W&%$e".. Needless to say.. that conversation did not last long. The Owner being:
After that experience with PETRO DOLLARS I did a bit of researching and found the following on The Opal File.
Keep in mind my husband, Col. Russell Herrmann/Herrman/Herman was involved with this batch of scum prior to our marriage (I have recently discovered) which is the reason everyone wants to attempt to establish "Russell controlled Durham Trust".. which is a load.. Russell had no control over anything regarding "Durham, or Durham Trust's"..
Lets move on to THE OPAL FILE.
snip: "The following file was posted to our office recently. It is quite long, approx 56K and contains some very amazing information, such as Swiss Account Numbers of high profile people on Mafia Payrolls. You may be surprised at some of the names mentioned here.

It also contains references to CIA operations to place subliminal TV broadcasts throughout Australia and NZ, and other countries.

Happy reading.

The Opal File

The Round Table Financial Takeover of Australia and New Zealand

- A 20 Year History In Brief

"Fear them not, therefore; for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hidden, that shall shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak in light; and what ye hear in the ear, that proclaim upon the housetops." -- Matthew

18th May, 1967: Texas oil billionaire Nelson Bunker Hunt, using a sophisticated satellite technique to detect global deposits, discovers a huge oil source south of New Zealand in the Great South Basin.

10th June, 1967: Hunt and New Zealand Finance Minister reach an agreement: Hunt will receive sole drilling rights and Muldoon will receive a $US100,000 non-repayable loan from Hunt's Placid Oil Co.

8th September, 1967: Placid Oil granted drilling rights to the Great South Basin.

10th May, 1968: Hawaiian meeting between Onassis and top lieutenants William Colby and Gerald Parsky to discuss establishment of a new front company in Australia - Australasian and Pacific Holdings Limited - to be managed by Michael Hand. Using Onassis-Rockefeller banks, Chase Manhattan and Shroders, Travelodge Management Ltd sets up another front to link the operations to the US.

Onassis crowned head of the Mafia; Colby (head of CIA covert operations in S.E. Asia) ran the Onassis heroin operations in the Golden Triangle (Laos, Burma, Thailand) with 200 Green Beret mercenaries - i.e. the Phoenix Programme.

Gerald Parsky deputy to ex-CIA/FBI Robert Maheu in the Howard Hughes organisation, took orders from Onassis and was made responsible for laundering skim money from the Onassis casino operations in Las Vegas and the Bahamas.

Mid-July, 1968: Placid Oil Co and the Seven Sisters (major oil companies) begin Great South Basin oil exploration - Hunt finances 45.5% of exploration costs, Gulf Oil 14.5%, Shell (US) 10%, B.P. Oil 10%, Standard Oil California 10%, Mobil 6.5% and Arco 6.5%.

12th October, 1968: Hunt and Seven Sisters announce confirmation of new oil source comparable to the Alaskan North Slope - gas reserves estimated at 150 times larger than the Kapuni Field.

Early 1969: Mafia consolidates its banking operations; David Rockefeller becomes Chairman of Chase Manhattan; Wriston at Citibank and Michele Sindona captures the Vatican Bank, Partnership Pacific launched by Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo and Bank of New South Wales.

24th February, 1969: Onassis calls Council meeting in Washington to discuss strategy to monopolise the Great South Basin discovery. Council members included Nelson Rockefeller and John McCloy, who managed the Seven Sisters, and David Rockefeller, who managed the Mafia's banking operations.

McCloy outlines the plan to capture all oil and mineral resources in Australia and N.Z.

10th March, 1969: Parsky and Colby use Australasian and Pacific Holdings to set up a 'front' company in Australia. Using old banks - Mellon Bank and Pittsburgh National Bank - they buy control of near-bankrupt Industrial Equity Ltd (I.E.L.) managed by New Zealander Ron Brierly. 'Australasian and Pacific Holdings' 'consultant' Bob Seldon helps Michael Hand set up the new organisation. Seldon took orders from Mellon and Pittsburgh National Banks, while Hand was directly responsible to Gerald Parsky and William Colby. Ron Brierly would take orders from Hand.

24th July, 1969: New board established for I.E.L. includes Hand, Seldon, Ron Brierly, plus two Brierly associates - Frank Nugan and Bob Jones. Both are appointed consultants to Australasian and Pacific Holdings Ltd.

Jones will help Brierly launder funds into real estate (Brierly/Jones Investments) while Seldon and Nugan will channel funds into oil and mineral resources through I.E.L.

October 1969: Chase Manhattan begins new operation in Australia with National Bank Australasia and A.C. Goods Associates - Chase-NBA. [read more: ]

snip 1.): the US dollar would have soared, because the petrodollar system created consistent international demand for US dollars, which in turn gained in value. A strong US dollar allowed Americans to buy imported goods at a massive discount – the petrodollar system essentially creating a subsidy for US consumers at the expense of the rest of the world. Here, finally, the US hit on a downside: The availability of cheap imports hit the US manufacturing industry hard, and the disappearance of manufacturing jobs remains one of the biggest challenges in resurrecting the US economy today. (end snip)
The two agreements that will enable credit facility in local currency for businesses of BRICS countries will be signed in the presence of the leaders of the five countries, Sudhir Vyas, secretary (economic relations) in the external affairs ministry, told reporters here.
The pacts are expected to scale up intra-BRICS trade which has been growing at the rate of 28 percent over the last few years, but at $230 billion, remains much below the potential of the five economic powerhouses.
So what does all of this mean?
It means that the days of the U.S. dollar being the de facto reserve currency of the world are numbered.
So why is this important?
In a previous article, I quoted an outstanding article by Marin Katusa that detailed many of the important benefits that the petrodollar system has had for the U.S. economy....
The "petrodollar" system was a brilliant political and economic move. It forced the world's oil money to flow through the US Federal Reserve, creating ever-growing international demand for both US dollars and US debt, while essentially letting the US pretty much own the world's oil for free, since oil's value is denominated in a currency that America controls and prints. The petrodollar system spread beyond oil: the majority of international trade is done in US dollars. That means that from Russia to China, Brazil to South Korea, every country aims to maximize the US-dollar surplus garnered from its export trade to buy oil.
The US has reaped many rewards. As oil usage increased in the 1980s, demand for the US dollar rose with it, lifting the US economy to new heights. read more at source:

St. Germain on Transitioning from a 3D to a 5D Being on Heavenly Blessings July 19, 2012

St. Germain on Transitioning from a 3D to a 5D Being on Heavenly Blessings July 19, 2012

2012 July 18
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Posted by Graham Dewyea
We know that Nova Earth will be a more evolved, higher-vibrational paradigm, and that lower-dimensional qualities such as greed, lust, revenge, jealously, frustration, disappointment and selfishness won’t exist.
Join me, Graham Dewyea, as I interview ascended master St. Germain through Linda Dillon on what it was like for him to be human on earth and to transition into the higher dimensions as we are doing now.

Heavenly Blessings airs every Thursday, 7pm Eastern, 4pm Pacific. Click on the link below to listen live or to listen to the archive after the show

I’ll ask him to share what life looks like and feels like living in the 5th dimension, what we can expect as we enter into a higher-vibrational state where there is abundance, full freedom, and perfect health for everyone. These alone would cause many current human behaviors to greatly diminish it seems to me.
The higher dimensions are often described as peaceful and loving states, but surely disagreements still surface. How is conflict addressed in the higher dimensions? What emotions can we expect in the higher dimensions? How does being in a state of unity consciousness effect communication and how we relate to one another if everyone knows everyone’s thoughts and feelings?
I will be asking these questions and more, and hope you can join us for what I expect will be a fruitful and timely discussion.

For a biographical sketch of St. Germain’s life at the court of Louis XVI, see The Comte de St. Germain by Isabel Cooper-Oakley [1912] at

Hostile takeover of MSM Corporate Operations

The "make believe" corrupt groups of main stream media organizations that are GUILTY as prevaricators of the TRUTH by promulgating the transparently obvious factitious story of "radical Islamic terrorists of Al Quaeda" being the masterminds of 911 when the Israeli MOSSAD espionage agents were CAUGHT RED HANDED HOLDING TONS OF BOMBS ON KING STREET at the,George Washington Bridge in New York City. The Israeli MOSSAD (Israeli CIA) propaganda brainwashing machine must be extirpated out of America,immediately by a hostile takeover by LOYAL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Operation CLEAN SWEEP must be executed with the primary objective of defeating the information communication media propaganda machine by a hostile takeover of all mainstream media for psychological warfare operations used by the Communist Jewish Israeli Mafia to distort and obstruct the TRUTH from reaching the people. The operation must be executed with military precision and timed to coordinate with every other takeover operation across the country at the same time. The arrest of incompetent or corrupt public officials operating as AGENTS of a FOREIGN PRINCIPAL under title 18 U.S.C. 219 including Supreme court justices, judges and the current Attorney General Eric Holder, Congressman and Senators, FBI agents, USDOJ COMMUNIST ISRAELI MOSSAD MOLES, all of the DISLOYAL ILLEGAL ALIEN ENEMIES that are present on American soil in VIOLATION OF LAW under Immigration and Nationality Act law and the Communist Control Act must be EXECUTED by THE MILITARY POLICE (MP's) and ICE OFFICERS because most if not all of civilian law enforcement has been compromised by the infiltration of subversive FOREIGN ALIEN NATIONALS of the Israeli MOSSAD in the FBI, State and local law enforcement offices. I am speaking from personal experience. Remember Waco and the DEATHS of the four BATF officers? All four were shot in the head at close range by the "star" gun powder burn patterns on their heads, none of them were shot from long distance but BY ONE OF THEIR OWN "BROTHER" OFFICERS, AN ISRAELI MOSSAD SPY tasked to kill then to silence them as all four were former President Clinton's bodyguards to silence them from testifying in the Paula Jones sexual harrassment lawsuit which she eventually settled out of court for $850,000 dollars to buy her silence.

Remember Vincent Foster? This is the first time I have heard that a man committed "SUICIDE" TWICE with a .38 and a .22! One in the mouth and the other in the neck! The point is that the reported news and the TRUTH OF THE FACTS are often NOT THE SAME but is "sanitized" by the Orwellian editorial staff whose participation in the cover ups is FELONY OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and TREASON by prevaricating THE TRUTH which is "ADHERING TO THEIR ENEMIES, RENDERING AID AND COMFORT" (ABETTING). They ALL LOSE AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP and automatically have their American citizenship CANCELLED and REVOKED title 8 U.S.C. 1227,1424,1451(c) as PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE for TREASON. A TRAITOR HAS NO LEGAL RIGHTS, NO CIVIL RIGHTS, NO PROPERTY RIGHTS, ZIP. ZERO. They are all either DEAD or DEAD BROKE under RICO ASSET FORFEITURE LAW. Instead of DAS KAPITAL, it is DAS KAPUT. FINISHED. GAME OVER. 

History of Trojan horse Army invasion

Please review the attached file so that the military are no longer played for fools. As Dr. Henry Kissinger said "The military are just a bunch of dumb, stupid animals that deserve to be sacrificed." That is the typical attitude of a Zionist Jewish supremacist (RACIST) Commie-Czar that claim the Gentiles (Goyim or CATTLE) are SLAVES that only exist to serve Jews.

I was watching a television show about the Nuremberg war crimes trials. I saw how the prisoners of war were dressed up with name and number boards that were hung around their necks because there were so many of them in,the room. The film was taken in black and white and one of the prisoners was a young PAUL WOLFOWITZ! The camera panned up to do a close up on his face and it was unmistakebly a the face of a scowling young man, a teenager, no doubt about it, Paul Wolfowitz was a JEWISH NAZI SS MAN! A convicted WAR CRIMINAL! I did some research and found that the State department (then Sec. of State was John Foster Dulles, along with his brother, Allen Dulles, who at the time was the head of the CIA) gave immunity protection from prosecution and even new identity paperwork and admitted THOUSANDS of former Nazi war criminals that had been CONVICTED under "Operation PAPERCLIP" in exchange for advanced weapons technology and aerospace vehicles like the Rundflugzeug, RFZ, the Vril and Haneburu anti-gravity disks (Nazi UFO) The anti-thermal heat shield metals like VICTALIN, that insulate the high velocity friction heat generated, etc. I am also certain that Hjalmar Schacht, the President of the Reichsbank that was one of the few Nazi war criminals placed on trial at Nuremberg but that was acquitted, was NOT because he wasn't GUILTY, but because he had stashed vast amounts if GOLD BULLION away in Switzerland Banks and the Vatican Bank and he was the only person who had the access codes to the gold, essentially making an agreement to share "the SPOILS OF WAR" to buy his acquittal by BRIBERY.

The other Nazi war criminals that did the dirty work of ARMED ROBBERY and mass murder, the looting and pillaging of the invaded countries were deemed "expendable agents" and were "sacrificed" for a show of justice and retribution...but the GOLD was safely tucked away in the bank vaults in Switzerland and never released back to the owners until a few years ago, and what was returned.was estimated to be only a fraction of 1/7th of the total amount that was stolen. WWII was a Rothschild bank financed business that ran both sides behind the scenes. The proof of the banking cartel (or cabal) ran both sides and played the miltary personnel for fools, making them sacrifice their lives fighting the war so that the bankers could line their pockets with money is plainly evident in the case of J.D. Rockefeller (a Rothschild subsidiary) that owned Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon/Mobil) that was caught supplying petroleum products to I.G. Farben the Nazi chemical cartel WHILE THE FIGHTING WAS GOING ON AND MEN WERE DYING. Henry Ford, Irene DuPont (GM) ITT, etc. had truck, automotive and aircraft manufacturing plants that were also supplied by Aluminum corporation of America in Nazi occupied territories.

Guess who was at the helm of Union Banking an affilliate of the Wall Street investment firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. Prescott Bush, George H. W. Bush's pappy, and George W. Bush's grandfather. Prescott Bush was later CONVICTED under the TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT. It is a MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD that TREASON is a BUSH FAMILY TRADITION. J.D. Rockefeller got off with a $1,000 fine, barely a slap on the wrist because he threatened BLACKMAIL to cut off the supply of vital war material of petroleum without which no airplane, ship, tank, truck, or car would work. What the government should have done was a hostile takeover and expropriate the oil company legal title under asset forfeiture law for TREASON instead of caving in to blackmail and threats of cutting off supplies. Another interesting fact was that the Naval investigator assigned to unravel the tangled web of interconnected banks, industrial manufacturers, and investment law firms that  built up the mechanized Nazi war machine was a young Naval lieutenant by the name of Richard Millhouse Nixon. Nixon's rise to power was undoubtedly linked to his access to the financial records that he undoubtedly used to his advantage to blackmail and get "favors" from individuals that would not like to have their dirty laundry exposed to the public, J. Edgar Hoover, Nixon's associate the FBI director was a notorious  blackmailer, especially interested in sexual blackmail of married men who had mistresses or homosexual affairs to control them by extortion, threatening to show the wife the pictures and films taken of the targeted individual with the "other woman" or "other man" as the case may be.

The FBI was finally chastized when the COINTEL program of illegal unwarrented surveilance and invasions if personal privacy were exposed in Congress, which was the prime reason for Congress to approve the Privacy Act of 1974 that was made into Federal law. On the other side of the ocean in Japan, Jacob Schiff the Jewish banker bankrolled Japan to finance the bank loans to build up the Japanese military in the war against Tzarist Russia. In 1905 Jacob Schiff was awarded the Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure for securing a $200 million dollar loan to finance the war. Leiba Bronstein, the Jewish Communist (a.k.a ,Leon Trotsky) similarly was financed with $20 million dollars in gold bullion from by Jacob Schiff. Google "Who financed Lennin and Trotsky?" The "Capitalist" bankers of New York, London ! The Rothschilds! So you all are right in track about going after the source of the problem ...the IBS, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, etc.

What I do not understand is why Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, and the rest of the "Project for a New American Century" neo-cons are not behind bars? They are clearly TRAITORS and are the true TERRORISTS,responsible for "A NEW PEARL HARBOR" the mass atrocity operation of Sept. 11, 2001 CRUISE MISSILE STRIKE on the PENTAGON and the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, the WAR CRIME OF GENOCIDE in VIOLATION of title 18 U.S.C. 2441 War Crimes as explicitly stated by former director of studies at West Point at the U.S. Army war college, Dr. Alan Sabrosky that stated with 100% certainty that THE ISRAELI MOSSAD DID 911.

I have encountered many moles of the Israeli Mossad (formerly the Waffen SS, and the Nazi Gestapo and Jewish Capos) in almost every location in the local federal, State and local government positions of authority. The local Laredo police department, I identified a former Nazi General in the Laredo P.D. with a photograph and it was verified by ICE intelligence officer Al Moreno, and he was JEWISH! A former Jewish Nazi Capo came to out to my home dressed as a Laredo police officer and when I asked him if he remembered what happenned to the war criminals that were convicted at Nuremberg, he went into a total panic and began to dance around and retreated to his police patrol car and burned rubber to get away from me!

Same thing happenned in the Austin FBI office except he danced around like he was dodging bullets and he threatened me with his sidearm! If the FBI interview room had not been equipped with audio video recording equipment he would have shot me for blowing his cover. I have found several female espionage agents in the the Shiloh federal building in Laredo. They are also in the Border patrol offices, illegal aliens from Israel working for the immigration service, what a joke!

Heck, the commissioner (f the Customs and Border Protection service is Alan Bersin, another DISLOYAL ILLEGAL ALIEN FROM ISRAEL. The deputy attorney general Lanny Breuer is another Communist Israeli Mossad agent, the very same one that is responsible for the FAST AND FURIOUS international gunwalker cover -up along with Eric Holder. Somehow, I am not surprized.

The Israeli Mossad has a history of deliberately selling weapons to both sides and promoting wars to make a profit like in Sri Lanka with the rebel Tamil tigers and the Singhalese government army troops. Same thing in Colombia. IDF Lt. Col. Yair Klein the "architect of terrorism" in Colombia was convicted for selling thousands of AK-47's to the FARC rebels and at the same time supplied "right wing" paramilitary groups with guns. Yair Klein was Pablo Escobar's expert on making bombs that murdered who knows how many people in Colombia. I have also found other Jewish Nazis (now Communist Israelis) in the Del Rio P.D. The Roma P.D. The San Antonio P.D. and the Houston P.D. I have found other Communist Israeli MOSSAD SPIES dressed up as Texas State troopers in Laredo drivers license office as well as Sheriff's deputies  the Webb county and Zapata county.

They are fricking EVERYWHERE! THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS AND CONVICTED MASS MURDERERS and now after so many years, their children have grown up and are taking their places, but they are the same. This is a direct result of having brought the Jewush Nazis over here after the battle of the bulge and putting them into the prisoner of war camp in Crystal City, Texas after WWII and then after the war was over just letting them loose because they felt sorry for the "POOR DEVILS". Well, that was a BIG MISTAKE. They should have never been released from prison in Texas and they should have been sent back to their home country or just executed.

Now these very same CONVICTED MASS MURDERERS AND ENEMY SOLDIERS ARE THE POLICE, WITH AUTHORITY OF LAW, A BADGE AND A GUN? ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME? That is just INSANE! THEY ARE DISLOYAL ILLEGAL ALIEN ENEMIES from a FOREIGN COUNTRY (NOW THAT ISRAEL EXISTS AS A JEWISH NATION, THEY ARE ISRAELITES, NOT LOYAL AMERICANS) These Askenazi Khazarians are actually originally from the former Soviet republic of Khazakstan that is now an independent country, a Turkish oriental tribe that converted to Judaism, the same ones as the much feared Ghenghis Khan and the marauding huns that terrorized eastern Europe for centuries and now they brought these same ones over here to America.

Well, that is just great, I can't believe how ignorant and stupid some people are that don't know their history of barbarism and repeated forced expulsions and pogroms out of almost every country in Europe as self defense reaction to their predatory and parasitic and deceptive double dealing back-stabbing treacherous behaviour. It is high time to CLEAN HOUSE and ARREST these SUBVERSIVE ENEMY AGENTS that are SPIES and MOLES of the Communist Israeli MOSSAD (ISRAELI CIA) that have infiltrated into the American government offices at the Federal, State and local levels and HIRE LOYAL AMERICAN CITIZENS to fill those positions as NEW JOB OPENINGS.

9 11 TV Fakery No Planes! (3:10 is of particular importance!)

2011 tax return

Subject: 2011 tax return

I just received my tax return for 2011 back from the IRS. It puzzles me!!! They are questioning how many dependents I claimed. I guess it was because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?"
I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployed people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; Half of Mexico; and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate."
Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer. I KEEP ASKING MYSELF, WHOM DID I MISS?

Did you notice who Obama Threatened?

When obama is pushed into a corner, we must always remember that it is seniors that he will typically threaten.

Make this YOUR business!

Did you notice who Obama Threatened?

It's incredible that 42% of Americans think that this unqualified, incompetent, dishonorable, ego-driven, Marxist, Muslim fraud is doing a good job. Take
a moment. Admit it to yourself. You know who his supporters are. They are the people that YOU support.

From now thru November 2012 this should be required weekly or at least monthly reading

Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on raising the debt ceiling?

He threatened to not pay:

Social Security Retirees, Military Retirees, Social Security Disability and Federal Retirees.

- Now … let this sink in really good -

did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens

did not threaten to take frivolous benefits such as Internet access away from violent inmates

did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal employees that he hired

did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous gallivanting around

did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any of their staff

did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients

did not threaten the food stamp programs

did not threaten to not pay foreign aid

did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters

The list could go on and on.

He is in full political re-election mode!

• Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country with his selfishness and his lies? Have WE lost our blooming minds!!!!!!!!

• His type of change is killing our country. He needs to be stopped and only our votes can stop him.

• Do not forget about his tactics when it's election time. Vote Obama out of the Presidency in 2012.


We the people are coming
Only 86% will send this on. Should be a 100%. What will you do?