Thursday, July 19, 2012

History of Trojan horse Army invasion

Please review the attached file so that the military are no longer played for fools. As Dr. Henry Kissinger said "The military are just a bunch of dumb, stupid animals that deserve to be sacrificed." That is the typical attitude of a Zionist Jewish supremacist (RACIST) Commie-Czar that claim the Gentiles (Goyim or CATTLE) are SLAVES that only exist to serve Jews.

I was watching a television show about the Nuremberg war crimes trials. I saw how the prisoners of war were dressed up with name and number boards that were hung around their necks because there were so many of them in,the room. The film was taken in black and white and one of the prisoners was a young PAUL WOLFOWITZ! The camera panned up to do a close up on his face and it was unmistakebly a the face of a scowling young man, a teenager, no doubt about it, Paul Wolfowitz was a JEWISH NAZI SS MAN! A convicted WAR CRIMINAL! I did some research and found that the State department (then Sec. of State was John Foster Dulles, along with his brother, Allen Dulles, who at the time was the head of the CIA) gave immunity protection from prosecution and even new identity paperwork and admitted THOUSANDS of former Nazi war criminals that had been CONVICTED under "Operation PAPERCLIP" in exchange for advanced weapons technology and aerospace vehicles like the Rundflugzeug, RFZ, the Vril and Haneburu anti-gravity disks (Nazi UFO) The anti-thermal heat shield metals like VICTALIN, that insulate the high velocity friction heat generated, etc. I am also certain that Hjalmar Schacht, the President of the Reichsbank that was one of the few Nazi war criminals placed on trial at Nuremberg but that was acquitted, was NOT because he wasn't GUILTY, but because he had stashed vast amounts if GOLD BULLION away in Switzerland Banks and the Vatican Bank and he was the only person who had the access codes to the gold, essentially making an agreement to share "the SPOILS OF WAR" to buy his acquittal by BRIBERY.

The other Nazi war criminals that did the dirty work of ARMED ROBBERY and mass murder, the looting and pillaging of the invaded countries were deemed "expendable agents" and were "sacrificed" for a show of justice and retribution...but the GOLD was safely tucked away in the bank vaults in Switzerland and never released back to the owners until a few years ago, and what was returned.was estimated to be only a fraction of 1/7th of the total amount that was stolen. WWII was a Rothschild bank financed business that ran both sides behind the scenes. The proof of the banking cartel (or cabal) ran both sides and played the miltary personnel for fools, making them sacrifice their lives fighting the war so that the bankers could line their pockets with money is plainly evident in the case of J.D. Rockefeller (a Rothschild subsidiary) that owned Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon/Mobil) that was caught supplying petroleum products to I.G. Farben the Nazi chemical cartel WHILE THE FIGHTING WAS GOING ON AND MEN WERE DYING. Henry Ford, Irene DuPont (GM) ITT, etc. had truck, automotive and aircraft manufacturing plants that were also supplied by Aluminum corporation of America in Nazi occupied territories.

Guess who was at the helm of Union Banking an affilliate of the Wall Street investment firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. Prescott Bush, George H. W. Bush's pappy, and George W. Bush's grandfather. Prescott Bush was later CONVICTED under the TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT. It is a MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD that TREASON is a BUSH FAMILY TRADITION. J.D. Rockefeller got off with a $1,000 fine, barely a slap on the wrist because he threatened BLACKMAIL to cut off the supply of vital war material of petroleum without which no airplane, ship, tank, truck, or car would work. What the government should have done was a hostile takeover and expropriate the oil company legal title under asset forfeiture law for TREASON instead of caving in to blackmail and threats of cutting off supplies. Another interesting fact was that the Naval investigator assigned to unravel the tangled web of interconnected banks, industrial manufacturers, and investment law firms that  built up the mechanized Nazi war machine was a young Naval lieutenant by the name of Richard Millhouse Nixon. Nixon's rise to power was undoubtedly linked to his access to the financial records that he undoubtedly used to his advantage to blackmail and get "favors" from individuals that would not like to have their dirty laundry exposed to the public, J. Edgar Hoover, Nixon's associate the FBI director was a notorious  blackmailer, especially interested in sexual blackmail of married men who had mistresses or homosexual affairs to control them by extortion, threatening to show the wife the pictures and films taken of the targeted individual with the "other woman" or "other man" as the case may be.

The FBI was finally chastized when the COINTEL program of illegal unwarrented surveilance and invasions if personal privacy were exposed in Congress, which was the prime reason for Congress to approve the Privacy Act of 1974 that was made into Federal law. On the other side of the ocean in Japan, Jacob Schiff the Jewish banker bankrolled Japan to finance the bank loans to build up the Japanese military in the war against Tzarist Russia. In 1905 Jacob Schiff was awarded the Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure for securing a $200 million dollar loan to finance the war. Leiba Bronstein, the Jewish Communist (a.k.a ,Leon Trotsky) similarly was financed with $20 million dollars in gold bullion from by Jacob Schiff. Google "Who financed Lennin and Trotsky?" The "Capitalist" bankers of New York, London ! The Rothschilds! So you all are right in track about going after the source of the problem ...the IBS, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, etc.

What I do not understand is why Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, and the rest of the "Project for a New American Century" neo-cons are not behind bars? They are clearly TRAITORS and are the true TERRORISTS,responsible for "A NEW PEARL HARBOR" the mass atrocity operation of Sept. 11, 2001 CRUISE MISSILE STRIKE on the PENTAGON and the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center, the WAR CRIME OF GENOCIDE in VIOLATION of title 18 U.S.C. 2441 War Crimes as explicitly stated by former director of studies at West Point at the U.S. Army war college, Dr. Alan Sabrosky that stated with 100% certainty that THE ISRAELI MOSSAD DID 911.

I have encountered many moles of the Israeli Mossad (formerly the Waffen SS, and the Nazi Gestapo and Jewish Capos) in almost every location in the local federal, State and local government positions of authority. The local Laredo police department, I identified a former Nazi General in the Laredo P.D. with a photograph and it was verified by ICE intelligence officer Al Moreno, and he was JEWISH! A former Jewish Nazi Capo came to out to my home dressed as a Laredo police officer and when I asked him if he remembered what happenned to the war criminals that were convicted at Nuremberg, he went into a total panic and began to dance around and retreated to his police patrol car and burned rubber to get away from me!

Same thing happenned in the Austin FBI office except he danced around like he was dodging bullets and he threatened me with his sidearm! If the FBI interview room had not been equipped with audio video recording equipment he would have shot me for blowing his cover. I have found several female espionage agents in the the Shiloh federal building in Laredo. They are also in the Border patrol offices, illegal aliens from Israel working for the immigration service, what a joke!

Heck, the commissioner (f the Customs and Border Protection service is Alan Bersin, another DISLOYAL ILLEGAL ALIEN FROM ISRAEL. The deputy attorney general Lanny Breuer is another Communist Israeli Mossad agent, the very same one that is responsible for the FAST AND FURIOUS international gunwalker cover -up along with Eric Holder. Somehow, I am not surprized.

The Israeli Mossad has a history of deliberately selling weapons to both sides and promoting wars to make a profit like in Sri Lanka with the rebel Tamil tigers and the Singhalese government army troops. Same thing in Colombia. IDF Lt. Col. Yair Klein the "architect of terrorism" in Colombia was convicted for selling thousands of AK-47's to the FARC rebels and at the same time supplied "right wing" paramilitary groups with guns. Yair Klein was Pablo Escobar's expert on making bombs that murdered who knows how many people in Colombia. I have also found other Jewish Nazis (now Communist Israelis) in the Del Rio P.D. The Roma P.D. The San Antonio P.D. and the Houston P.D. I have found other Communist Israeli MOSSAD SPIES dressed up as Texas State troopers in Laredo drivers license office as well as Sheriff's deputies  the Webb county and Zapata county.

They are fricking EVERYWHERE! THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS AND CONVICTED MASS MURDERERS and now after so many years, their children have grown up and are taking their places, but they are the same. This is a direct result of having brought the Jewush Nazis over here after the battle of the bulge and putting them into the prisoner of war camp in Crystal City, Texas after WWII and then after the war was over just letting them loose because they felt sorry for the "POOR DEVILS". Well, that was a BIG MISTAKE. They should have never been released from prison in Texas and they should have been sent back to their home country or just executed.

Now these very same CONVICTED MASS MURDERERS AND ENEMY SOLDIERS ARE THE POLICE, WITH AUTHORITY OF LAW, A BADGE AND A GUN? ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME? That is just INSANE! THEY ARE DISLOYAL ILLEGAL ALIEN ENEMIES from a FOREIGN COUNTRY (NOW THAT ISRAEL EXISTS AS A JEWISH NATION, THEY ARE ISRAELITES, NOT LOYAL AMERICANS) These Askenazi Khazarians are actually originally from the former Soviet republic of Khazakstan that is now an independent country, a Turkish oriental tribe that converted to Judaism, the same ones as the much feared Ghenghis Khan and the marauding huns that terrorized eastern Europe for centuries and now they brought these same ones over here to America.

Well, that is just great, I can't believe how ignorant and stupid some people are that don't know their history of barbarism and repeated forced expulsions and pogroms out of almost every country in Europe as self defense reaction to their predatory and parasitic and deceptive double dealing back-stabbing treacherous behaviour. It is high time to CLEAN HOUSE and ARREST these SUBVERSIVE ENEMY AGENTS that are SPIES and MOLES of the Communist Israeli MOSSAD (ISRAELI CIA) that have infiltrated into the American government offices at the Federal, State and local levels and HIRE LOYAL AMERICAN CITIZENS to fill those positions as NEW JOB OPENINGS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post! Keep up the great reporting, you will surely be blessed. Thank you John.