Monday, August 6, 2012

Psychological Operations/Warfare

Psychological Operations/Warfare
by Major Ed Rouse (Ret)
"Capture their minds
and their hearts and souls
will follow" 
Psychological Operations or PSYOP are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individuals. Used in all aspects of war, it is a weapon whose effectiveness is limited only by the ingenuity of the commander using it.
A proven winner in combat and peacetime, PSYOP is one of the oldest weapons in the arsenal of man. It is an important force protector/combat multiplier and a non-lethal weapons system.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP) or Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR) is simply learning everything about your target enemy, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations.
Psychological operations may be defined broadly as the planned use of communications to influence human attitudes and behavior ... to create in target groups behavior, emotions, and attitudes that support the attainment of national objectives. The form of communication can be as simple as spreading information covertly by word of mouth or through any means of multimedia.
A psychological warfare campaign is a war of the mind. Your primary weapons are sight and sound. PSYOP can be disseminated by face-to-face communication, audio visual means (television), audio media (radio or loudspeaker), visual media (leaflets, newspapers, books, magazines and/or posters). The weapon is not how its sent, but the message it carries and how that message affects the recipient.
For instance, our American flag, when it goes by in a parade do you feel a sense of pride? How about when you hear our national anthem played? How about "God Bless the USA", Lee Greenwood's song which became popular during Desert Storm? Music or sound can be a major factor in motivating emotion if it is associated with the right message. How many of you think about the pottery wheel scene with Patrick Swaytze and Demi Moore in the movie "Ghost" when you hear the theme song "Unchained Melody"?
It has long been said that: "The pen is mightier than the sword". That is because, if used properly, words can be an inspiration to motivate others. Some examples:
"Remember the Alamo"
"Give me liberty or give me death"
"I regret I have but one life to give for my country"
"Ask not what your country can do for you? Ask what you can do for your country"
Now for psychological operations to be effective, you must carefully plan your propaganda. You must make sure that you know everything about your enemy and that you are targeting his beliefs and not using your own. For example, at the very beginning of Desert Shield, just after Iraq invaded Kuwait, President Bush referred to Saddam Hussein as being
"just like Adolph Hitler"
For Americans and most of Europe that was an insulting comparison. However, looking at it through the eyes of an Iraqi soldier Adolph Hitler tried to exterminate all the Jews. Iraq has long hated Israel. Hitler drove out the British and French forces that had long occupied the middle east. So with the right propaganda, the comparison could be interpreted that Saddam, like Hitler, hates Israel and wants to keep the western infidel influence from contaminating the middle east. This would be a compliment not an insult.
On the reverse side, knowing your enemy's beliefs can work for you. For example, remember when Saddam Hussein broadcasted live images of his "Human Shields, the woman and children of westerners that were in Iraq when the war broke out? The Koran, the Moslem bible, states that you can do what you with with your enemy, but that you must not harm his family,(wife and children). Saddam's actions allowed us to show that he was a coward, hiding behind innocent people and ignoring the Moslem laws he was so quick to say he was defending.
How do you get to know your enemy? Intelligence reports, Area studies, in country research, defectors, native help, and even the enemy prisoners of war all are sources of information. As leaflets were developed during Desert Storm, they were tested on cooperative EPWs (enemy prisoners of war. Some of the recommendations for changes to the leaflet's illustrations made by these EPWs were: remove any trace of the color red (a danger signal to Iraqis), show Allied soldiers with chin beards rather than clean-shaven faces (beards convey trust and brotherhood in Iraqi culture), and add bananas to a bowl of fruit shown being offered to surrendering Iraqis (bananas are a great delicacy in Iraq). Also, an illustration depicting a surrendering Iraqi thinking of his family back home confused the EPWs. "Thought bubbles" are well-known in Western culture, but virtually unknown to Iraqis. The illustration was dropped.
In a memo written to then-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles on 24 October 1953, former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower defined psychological warfare as anything "from the singing of a beautiful anthem up to the most extraordinary kind of physical sabotage."
Used during peacetime, contingencies and declared war, these activities are not a form of force, but are force multipliers that use nonviolent means in often violent environments. Persuading rather than compelling physically, they rely on logic, fear, desire or other mental factors to promote specific emotions, attitudes or behaviors. The ultimate objective of U.S. military psychological operations is the dissemination of truthful information to foreign audiences in support of U.S. policy and national objectives to convince enemy, neutral, and friendly nations and forces to take action favorable to the United States and its allies.
Now please note that I stated above that Psychological Operations as conducted by the US Military is the dissemination of "truthful" information, not propaganda which is categorized as "white, gray, or black". Now what is the difference between PSYOP and propaganda? A memorandum prepared by the Chief of Army Field Forces at Fort Monroe, Virginia in September of 1953 briefly explained the difference between "gray" propaganda, messages broadcast with the goal of "avoiding identification," and "black" propaganda, which involves "attribution to a source other than the true one."
A more recent set of definitions, reportedly used by former CIA chief William Colby and cited in at least one commercial publication, calls truthfully-attributed and non- attributed messages "white" propaganda, whereas messages falsely attributed to a third party are considered "gray." The term "black propaganda" is reserved for those materials "planted by the United States but in such as way that it seems to be the product or even an internal document of the target group." In other words, "black propaganda" is nothing less than a form of intellectual and political subversion.
Historically, the application of psychological operations in one form or another has proven to be almost as essential to the successful waging of war as the use of manpower and weaponry. However, in spite of its long history of successful employment, the potential for using the power of persuasion through psychological operations as a force multiplier to achieve national objectives with a minimum of destruction, has been recognized by only the most perceptive of military leaders and statesmen. Furthermore, it has been since World War II that PSYOP has come into its own as an effective weapon system.
The giant strides made in the area of behavioral sciences, which can now enable us to know and understand why people behave as they do, combined with the development and perfection of mass media communications, have greatly multiplied the capability and value of PSYOP as a means of achieving our own national objectives without needless bloodshed.
An analysis of recent conflicts has demonstrated the value of psychological operations/warfare on and off the battlefield. As a result, military authorities are now beginning to accept the fact that psychological operations is a very special combat weapon…one that every military commander must consider employing, and defending against, if he is to accomplish his mission with minimum losses. This recognition of the important role of PSYOP has resulted in its integration into many training programs and tactical exercises, as well as the consideration of PSYOP employment in all future military operations.
United States psychological operations consist of three distinct types: Tactical PSYOP, Strategic PSYOP and Consolidation PSYOP.
Tactical PSYOP is addressed to a specific enemy combat group, to induce them to perform a specific action that will affect the current or short-range combat situation.
Aimed at a larger audience, Strategic PSYOP is put into effect by a carefully planned campaign against a larger target audience than that toward which Tactical PSYOP is directed.
Consolidation PSYOP’s mission is to assist the civil and military authorities in consolidating their gains, by establishing and maintaining law and order, and by re-establishing civil government in an occupied or liberated area.
All three types of psychological operations - - Tactical, Strategic and Consolidation--- can be employed to produce the following desired effects:
1. Reduce moral and combat efficiency within the enemy’s ranks.
2. Promote mass dissension within and defections from enemy combat units and/or revolutionary cadre.
3. Support our own and allied forces cover and deception operations.
4. Promote cooperation, unity and morale within one’s own and allied units, as well as within resistance forces behind enemy lines.
Now Psychological Operations (PSYOP)is not a new military tactic by any means. There are numerous examples of the use of psychological warfare throughout history. The following are some historical examples which illustrate the attainment of each of these four objectives.
Perhaps one of the earliest examples of Psychological Warfare was attributed to "Alexander the Great of Macedonia. Alexander had conquered most of the known world during his reign. With each region he conquered he left behind soldiers to keep control of the newly conquered area. Eventually, there came a point when Alexander realized that he had stretched his army too thin and was now in danger of losing to a large opposing force. Alexander's only option was to retreat and regroup forces with the armies he left behind. However, to do so would certainly incite the opposing force to pursue him and very possibly capture or defeat his now smaller army.
Alexander knew that if he could intimidate the opposing force they would be scared to follow his army. Alexander instructed his armorers to make several oversized armor breastplates and helmets that would fit "giants", men 7 to 8 feet tall. As Alexander and his forces withdrew during the night they left behind the oversized armor. The oversized armor was of course found by the opposing force who then believed that they had come close to engaging in a battle with giants. A battle that they surely would have lost. The oversized armor coupled with the stories they had heard from travelers of the savagery of Alexander's army caused enough doubt and fear that they elected not to pursue Alexander's army.
Sun Tsu, recognized as one of the greatest military tacticians of all times, strongly advocated the use of psychological warfare as a force multiplier. Sun Tsu wrote that:
To capture the enemy's entire army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a regiment, a company, or a squad is better than to destroy them. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances by diplomacy. The next best is to attack his army. And the worst policy is to attack cities.
Sun Tzu understood that given the opportunity, an adversary will surrender to a superior commander prior to conflict. In order to have a chance to be that superior leader, PSYOP must be coordinated and included in initial planning and implemented prior to conflict. If hostilities begin, proper PSYOP implementation can end the conflict earlier than otherwise expected. PSYOP is a force multiplier and resource saver.
Mongol leader Genghis Khan was widely known for leading hordes of savage horsemen across Russia and into Europe. While not totally unfounded, the Mongols' image of total, barbaric domination was greatly enhanced by Khan's use of PSYOP, deception, operational security (OPSEC), and targeting his adversaries' decision-making process. "Agents of influence" were sent in advance of his armies to do face-to-face PSYOP, telling of brutality and large numbers in the Mongol army. Khan also used deception to create the illusion of invincible numbers by using rapid troop maneuver, making his army look larger than it really was. He had a network of horsemen called "arrow riders" to communicate quickly with his commanders, and he targeted enemy messengers to prevent enemy commanders from communicating with each other. All these actions caused a weakness in their enemy's psyche, and the Mongols were feared wherever they went.
World War II
Psychological operations were used extensively by all sides during World War II. Adolf Hitler rose to power by exploiting the dissatisfaction of supporters of the traditional left and right wing parties, by dwelling on the failure of these parties to solve the problems created by the conditions imposed on Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. He then presented National Socialism as the one movement capable of uniting conservative nationalists with international socialists, the professional classes with the working classes in the service of the nation. The speeches he delivered urged national pride and unity and placed the blame for all of Germany's problems on others. His oratory techniques and use of propaganda gave him a truly hypnotic grip over the German masses. After taking over as dictator, the Germans continued to use propaganda both to unite Germany and to intimidate their enemies.
Radio broadcasts became a major means of passing propaganda to the enemy. Japan used the notorious "Tokyo Rose" to broadcast music, propaganda, and words of discouragement to our allied forces. The Germans used Mildred Gillar, better remembered as "Axis Sally". The Americans used deception and psychological operations to convince the German high command that the D-Day invasion was not going to be launched at Normandy but at Calais.
However the best and most innovative use of psychological warfare must be attributed to a radio broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). During the period May through September 1940, when the German invasion of England seemed imminent, a regular BBC radio program, easily heard and often listened to by the Germans, began a series of English language lessons for the would-be invaders. These broadcasts of course were presented in flawless German. The British announcer stated the purpose of these broadcasts like this:
"…..and so it will be best if you learn a few useful phrases in English before visiting us. For your first lesson, we take ‘DIE KANALUEBERFAHRT’. The channel crossing."
"Now, just repeat after me: ‘DAS BOOT SINKT.’ The boat is sinking. The boat is sinking"
"DAS WASSER IST KALT. The water is cold. SER KALT. Very cold"
"Now I will give you a verb that should be very useful. Again, please repeat after me. ICH BRENNE. I am burning. Du Brennst. You are burning. ER BRENNT. He is burning. WIR BRENNEN. We burn. IHR BRENNT. You are burning. SIR BRENNEN. They are burning."
This was rather crude material: but it proved effective. The phrases about burning in the English Channel seemed to confirm the intensive rumors already being spread by British agents on the continent that the British had perfected an apparatus with which they were going to set fires in the Channel and on the English beaches whenever Hitler launched his invasion. Although not true, the rumors were so well planned and cleverly spread that to this day, many Germans believe them. Documents found after the war confirmed that the German High Command believed that the British had a workable plan to set fire to the English Channel.
Cover and deception operations are complex and intricate affairs, invariably involving many talents, techniques and resources. Perhaps the most ambitious and spectacular cover and deception operation of modern times was the effort of the Allies to convince the German high command that the upcoming Allied invasion of Europe would occur across the beaches near the Pas de Calais, rather than the narrow sand strips and cliffs of Normandy nearly 100 hundred miles away.
Through imaginative employment of psychological operations the Allies created the fictitious "Army Group Patton," which was poised to strike across the English Channel at the Germans 15th Panzer Army defending the Pas de Calais. This ruse convinced the German strategists and planners that the Allied assault would be spearheaded at the Pas de Calais by an army under the command of Lieutenant General George S. Patton, whom many considered our best combat command. As a result, the heaviest concentration of German combat power in France was positioned at the Pas de Calais, waiting for Patton.
Even after the Allied invasion came at Normandy, Hitler would not allow for the deployment of the 15th Panzer Army from the Pas de Calais. Hitler was still convinced that the Normandy invasion was only a prelude to the real invasion. The 15th Panzer Army waited in vain at the Pas de Calais for nearly seven weeks for Army Group Patton, an invasion that was never to come. General of the Army Omar Bradley later referred to this operation as "the biggest hoax of the war". As for the German Army, they never fully recovered from the reversals set in motion by their delay in releasing the 15th Panzer Army.
The next example concerns the fourth objective of psychological operations, that is, its use to promote cooperation, unity and morale within friendly units and people as well as within resistance forces behind enemy lines.
During World War II, the very survival of the Soviet Union was due in large part to Stalin;s ability to appeal to and mobilize the emotional patriotism of the Russian people. With his regime reeling under the blows of the German blitz in 1941, Stalin sensed that the ideological abstractions and Communist platitudes, which the Party had driven into the minds of its captive domestic audience since its take over in 1918, were relatively barren and did not have the emotional and spiritual impact necessary to fortify the Russian people for their struggle against Hitler’s armies. Therefore, in one of the most dramatic policy turn-abouts in modern history, Stalin systematically set about identifying his Communist regime with "Holy Russia" (and "Mother Russia") its ancient heritage and its accompanying symbolism.
The two Russian institutions with the deepest roots in the past, the Army and the Church, were cultivated by Stalin’s propagandists as never before in Soviet history. The historic accomplishments of Russian armies were glorified. The church hierarchy and class distinctions were returned to pre-revolution standards. Even the official newspaper, "PRAVDA," dropped its Marxist motto, "WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE," and substituted the openly nationalistic slogan, "DEATH TO THE GERMAN INVADER." The ensuing struggle became and is still officially known in Soviet history as "The Great Patriotic War".
Thus we see how even Josef Stalin, one of the most hard-headed dictators of the 20th Century, realized that his conventional military weapons alone, were not enough to meet the challenge of the German armies. In retrospect, we can see that his choice of utilizing psychological operations to augment his conventional military forces, would prove to play a major role in maintaining the survival of his communist regime for so many years.
Having learned the effectiveness of radio broadcasts and leaflets during World War II, the U.S. Army Far East Command's small Special Projects Branch of the Headquarters G-2 (Intelligence) Division, began radio broadcasts and leaflet drops over the Republic of South Korea immediately after North Korea's invasion across the 38th Parallel in June 1950. Later during the fall of that year, the 1st Loudspeaker and Leaflet Company arrived in South Korea. This unit would serve as the 8th Army's tactical psychological warfare unit to the end of the war in 1952.
The 1st Loudspeaker and Leaflet Company used both vehicle and aircraft mounted loudspeakers to get their verbal messages across. However, as in previous U.S. wars, leaflets were still the major medium. Korean War leaflets themes center around the "happy POW." "good soldier-bad leaders," "surrender and you will be well-treated," "we can crush you," and nostalgia for home, family and women.

Psychological Operations were used by both sides. Many G.I.'s may remember the notorious "Hanoi Hannah", who like "Tokyo Rose" of WW II broadcasted a daily radio program where she played music, coupled with the North's view of the news and messages of discouragement to our troops.
The Americans countered with their own radio broadcasts, and leaflet programs.
In Vietnam, the United States conducted air attacks against military and military-related strategic targets partly for psychological effect. The principal psychological objective of these attacks was to persuade enemy leaders to negotiate an early end to the conflicts on terms acceptable to the United States.
These air attacks failed to deter the communists from protracting the fighting for over eight years in Vietnam. In addition to the humanitarian and other constraints the United States imposed on its air operations, various conditions and attitudes in the enemy camp diluted the coercive effects of the U.S. strategic attacks. These included the enemy government's:
access to support and sanctuary from external powers, which allowed the enemy to continue fighting even when its indigenous war-related production facilities had been destroyed.
strong commitment to the objectives or cause that gave rise to the conflict with the United States.
readiness to absorb enormous human and materiel losses.
ability to maintain domestic support for the war effort and/or sufficient internal security to suppress any potential opposition.
perception that the likely benefits from continued conflict would exceed the costs resulting from the U.S. bombing.
After having already made what it considered to be its maximum feasible concessions in the Vietnam peace talks, the United States resorted to escalation or threatened escalation to bring the negotiations to closure.
Severe U.S. escalation or threatened escalation was required to extract comparatively modest concessions from both enemies. In Vietnam, Washington had to employ massive B-52 and fighter-bomber strikes on Hanoi and Haiphong to force the communists to complete a peace agreement, the key provisions of which they had already accepted.
The communists agreed to terms only after their military forces on the battlefield had been stalemated. Prior to the settlements, the communist forces in Vietnam had mounted major offensives, the defeat of which left them no prospects for immediate further military gains.
Operation Just Cause - Panama
At H-Hour, 1-508th Abn had the mission of securing Ft. Amador, an installation shared by the U.S. and Panama Defense Force (PDF). Because of the need for OPSEC, American dependents could not be evacuated in advance of the attack. This complication, and the requirement to minimize enemy casualties and physical damage, made PSYOP loudspeaker teams, from the 1st Bn, 4th PSYOP Gp, a key asset. The battalion sealed off the PDF portion of Ft. Amador and ensured that all noncombatants were safe. After daylight, the task force set about systematically securing the area. When initial appeals failed to persuade the PDF to surrender, the commander modified the broadcasts. The holdouts were warned that resistance was hopeless in the face of overwhelming firepower and a series of demonstrations took place, escalating from small arms to 105mm howitzer rounds. Subsequent broadcasts convinced the PDF to give up. The entire process allowed Ft. Amador to be secured with few casualties and minimal damage.
The Gulf War

The Gulf War brought a whole new meaning to the use of multimedia in psychological operations. Radio and TV broadcasts, leaflets, and loudspeakers used the themes of Arab brotherhood, allied air power, and Iraqi isolation to induce large numbers of enemy soldiers to desert. One of the most effective tactics involved the dropping of leaflets on a particular unit, informing it that it would be bombed within twenty-four hours and had to surrender to avoid destruction. Over a seven-week period, 29 million leaflets of more than 100 different leaflets were disseminated, reaching approximately 98% of the 300,000 troops. Click here for some examples of Gulf War leaflets.
The 4th PSYOP Group began broadcasting the "VOICE OF THE GULF" radio network on 19 January 1991. It operated continuously through 1 April 1991 with more than 210 hours of live broadcasting and 330 hours of prerecorded programs. A total of 2072 news items were aired along with 189 PSYOP messages. The VOICE OF THE GULF network consisted of a 50 KW AM transmitter located at Abu Ali, Saudi Arabia broadcasting on AM 1134; a 10KW AM transmitter located at Qaisumah, Saudi Arabia broadcasting on AM 1179; a 1KW FM transmitter located at Qaisumah, Saudi Arabia broadcasting on FM 87.5 and two Volant Solo EC-130 aircraft of the 193rd Special Operations Group broadcasting on AM 690 and FM 88.5 and 87.9.
Of course like some of the other big wars, Iraq chose to use a woman, "Baghdad Betty", to conduct propaganda broadcasts to deter and disillusion their enemy. Unfortunately for Iraq, they forgot that a truly effective psychological warfare program must have the input of highly-qualified clinical psychologists "who specialize in the unconscious dynamics of human behavior and motivation'' and who are knowledgeable about the "values and customs of different cultures.'' Such expertise is essential to the "selection of a culturally appropriate and effectively persuasive concept and value-based theme" that is the heart of any PSYOP. In one of her first broadcast Baghdad Betty warned the American soldiers listening that while they were in the desert of Saudi Arabia, their wives and girlfriends were sleeping with Tom Cruise, Tom Selleck and Bart Simpson. Now it was ridiculous enough to infer that our wives and girlfriends would be seduced by two movie stars but by their failure to do thorough research on the American culture, Betty lost any chance of credibility by telling our servicemen that a cartoon character was seducing our women back home.
During Desert Storm the 4th PSYOP Group fielded 71 Tactical loudspeaker teams. These teams provided support to USARCENT (both XVIII Airborne Corps and VII Corps), USMARCENT and USSOCCENT. Loudspeaker teams broadcast surrender appeals, harassment and deception tapes. Most loudspeaker teams had Saudi Arabian, Egyptian or Kuwaiti linguists attached to execute live broadcasts as the situation dictated. Loudspeaker teams were also innovatively employed for prisoner control at the EPW camps with broadcasts designed to accomplish prisoner pacification and underscore Military Police authority.
One of the best examples of the successful use of loudspeakers occurred during the Gulf War. The allied coalition effectively isolated, both physically and psychologically, a large element of Iraqi forces on Faylaka Island. Rather then reduce the island by direct assault, a tactical PSYOP team from the 9th PSYOP Battalion, aboard a UH-1N helicopter, flew aerial loudspeaker missions around the island with cobra gunships providing escort. The message told the adversary below to surrender the next day in formation at the radio tower. The next day 1,405 Iraqis, including a general officer, waited in formation at the radio tower to surrender to the Marine forces without a single shot having been fired.
How successful was the US PSYOP campaign in Desert Storm? The International Red Cross reported that nearly 87,000 Iraqi soldiers turned themselves over to coalition forces, most of them clutching the leaflets or hiding them in their clothing. All incidents of surrender were bloodless. Perhaps the best testimony to the effectiveness of PSYOP was given by an Iraqi General when he stated that:
"PSYOP...was a great threat to troop morale, second only to the coalition bombing campaign."
Thus, psychological operations are coming of age. We saw from historical examples, how Tactical, Strategic and Consolidation PSYOP can cover the short-range, long-range and recuperative phases of warfare, to reduce enemy morale and combat effectiveness; to promote dissension within and defections from enemy ranks; to support cover and deception operations; and to promote unity, cooperation and morale within our own military and those of our allies, and to provide meaningful domestic assistance to less fortunate groups and communities.
Why then , you may ask, has the value of psychological operations taken so long to receive general recognition, and why is it full potential yet to be realized?
Part of the answer to this question was covered earlier in our presentation, when it was discussed that although psychological operations has been utilized by various military leaders over the centuries, it has only been recently with the major advances in behavioral sciences and mass communications that PSYOP has come into its own as an effective weapon system of great potential.
Another part of the answer to this question lies in the attitude of people towards psychological operations. To some, it produces images of government controlled communications/mass media, telling the people only what the government wants them to hear. To others, it raises the horrid specter of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, practicing the technique of the "big lie" which has incorrectly become synonymous with "propaganda". Still to others, the mere mention of "psychological" operations or warfare invokes visions of "mind control" through some mysterious means of brainwashing.
It should be clear that modern psychological operations, or PSYOP, is none of those things. On the contrary PSYOP is not unlike the public advertising that we are all exposed to wherever we go, every day, through all kinds of mass media. However the negative connotation that some people attach to the word psychological" prevents many people from recognizing the simple truth. Everyone knows that if you do not have a good product to sell, people will not continue buying it, no matter how much you advertise. The same applies to the points of view advertised through the use of psychological operations. Thus we have no reason to fear PSYOP, but we do have ample reason to respect it for what it can do.
By the application of sound PSYOP techniques, through face-to-face communication and mass media communications, we have demonstrated , time and time again, that we can appeal to the intelligence, reason, and emotions of our target audience to get them to think and act as we desire. If these people are shooting at us, we can persuade them to lay down their arms. If they fear us, we can convince them that they have nothing to fear. If they are belligerent and uncooperative, we can show them the value of unity and cooperation. Lastly and most important, the utilization of PSYOP can prevent needless bloodshed, destruction and misery. That is why we say, with conviction, that psychological operations, or PSYOP, is truly a humane weapon.
Today, Psychological Operations are a vital part of the broad range of U.S. political, military, economic and ideological activities used by the U.S. government to secure national objectives. The mission of providing Psychological Operations for the U.S. Military today rests with the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.


Bill Gates, Monsanto & Eugenics

Bill Gates, Monsanto & Eugenics
August 6, 2012

After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoftfounder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world’s poor (
It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world’s systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture.
The Gates Foundation, aka the tax-exempt Gates Family Trust, is currently in the process of spending billions of dollars in the name of humanitarianism to establish a global food monopoly dominated by genetically-modified (GM) crops and seeds.
And based on the Gates family’s history of involvement in world affairs, it appears that one of its main goals besides simply establishing corporate control of the world’s food supply is to reduce the world’s population by a significant amount in the process.
William H. Gates Sr., former head of eugenics group Planned Parenthood
Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society.
In a 2003 interview with PBS‘ Bill Moyers, Bill Gates admitted that his father used to be the head of Planned Parenthood, which was founded on the concept that most human beings are just “reckless breeders” and “human weeds” in need of culling .
Gates also admitted during the interview that his family’s involvement in reproductive issues throughout the years has been extensive, referencing his own prior adherence to the beliefs of eugenicist Thomas Robert Malthus, who believed that populations of the world need to be controlled through reproductive restrictions.
Though Gates claims he now holds a different view, it appears as though his foundation’s initiatives are just a modified Malthusian approach that much more discreetly reduces populations through vaccines and GMOs.
William Gates Sr.’s association with Planned Parenthood and continued influence in the realm of “population and reproductive health” is significant because Gates Sr. is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ( This long-time eugenicist “guides the vision and strategic direction” of the Gates Foundation, which is currently heavily focused on forcing GMOs on Africa via its financing of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
The Gates Foundation has admittedly given at least $264.5 million in grant commitments to AGRA (, and also reportedly hired Dr. Robert Horsch, a former Monsanto executive for 25 years who developed Roundup, to head up AGRA back in 2006. According to a report published in La Via Campesina back in 2010, 70 percent of AGRA’s grantees in Kenya work directly with Monsanto, and nearly 80 percent of the Gates Foundation funding is devoted to biotechnology.
The same report explains that the Gates Foundation pledged $880 million in April 2010 to create the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), which is a heavy promoter of GMOs. GAFSP, of course, was responsible for providing $35 million in “aid” to earthquake-shattered Haiti to be used for implementing GMO agricultural systems and technologies.
Back in 2003, the Gates Foundation invested $25 million in “GM (genetically modified) research to develop vitamin and protein-enriched seeds for the world’s poor,” a move that many international charities and farmers groups vehemently opposed ( And in 2008, the Gates Foundation awarded $26.8 million toCornell University to research GM wheat, which is the next major food crop in the crosshairs of Monsanto‘s GM food crop pipeline.
If you control agriculture, you control the populations of the world
The Gates Foundation‘s ties with Monsanto and corporate agriculture in general speak volumes about its real agenda, which is to create a monopolistic system of world control in every area of human life. Vaccines, pharmaceuticals, GMOs, reproductive control, weather manipulation, global warming — these and many other points of entry are the means by which the Gates Foundation is making great strides to control the world by pretending to help improve and save it.
Rather than promote real food sovereignty and address the underlying political and economic issues that breed poverty, Gates and Co. has instead embraced the promotion of corporately-owned and controlled agriculture and medicine paradigms that will only further enslave the world’s most impoverished. It is abundantly evident that GMOs have ravished already-impoverished people groups by destroying their native agricultural systems, as has been seen in India.

Amateur Rocket Blasts Into Stratosphere

Alternative News Director and “Loose Change” Filmmaker Team-Up to Expose World Depopulation

Alternative News Director and “Loose Change” Filmmaker Team-Up to Expose World Depopulation

(For Release)
August 6, 2012

Never before has the New World Order been exposed to the degree that Shepard Ambellas and Jason Bermas do in the film SHADE the Motion Picture.
Once again the elites have something to fear as their sinister Master Plan for Global Domination is exposed.
Unbound Media and the filmmakers of SHADE the Motion Picture, both Shepard Ambellas (the founder & director of and Jason Bermas (maker of the film “Loose Change”) are charging full throttle to the top of the pyramid with the epic release of their long awaited film trailer.
About the Film
Full-scale depopulation procedures have been implemented as Population Reduction, Geoengineering, Land Grabs, and Criminal Banking Scams rule the populace.
All human activity will soon be under surveillance and the remaining world population of 1 Billion will exist in Mega-Cities controlled by oligarchs tracking the RFID Chipped Population – the “Useless Eaters” as the elite have termed us.
The future of humanity will be a world in which oligarchs decide who lives and who dies.
Webster Tarpley, Alex Jones, Dan Dicks, Shepard Ambellas, Jason Bermas, and Mark Dice set the tone of this ominous presentation.
Shot from multiple locations such as Maui Hawaii, Chantilly Virginia, several locations in Arizona, Texas, and more, the filmmakers stop at nothing to bring you the compelling details of an overarching diabolic agenda.
This agenda – Does not involve you, or your family.
In fact it involves the systematic extermination of 90% of the earths population.
The “Useless Eaters”
The movie also talks solutions and boasts an All Original Motion Picture Soundtrack featuring Global Resistance, Chronic Vibe, and more.
About the Filmmakers
Jason “the Infowarrior” Bermas is the maker of several renowned films such as Loose Change, Fabled Enemies, and The Invisible Empire.  Jason is also a profound face in the alternative media, radio talk show host, and a veteran activist.
Shepard Ambellas heads-up the popular alternative news website and has expanded into filmmaking by way of virtue.
All information and details can be found at

Temple Shooter Former Army PSY-OPS Soldier

Temple Shooter Former Army PSY-OPS Soldier
August 6, 2012
Another possible mind control victim and possible “Super Soldier” involved in the temple mass shooting that took place yesterday in Wisconsin.
An excerpt from the AFP reads;
US investigators were hunting for answers on Monday after a former psy-ops soldier attacked at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and killed six people before he was shot dead by police.
Officials identified the slain suspect as Wade Michael Page, a 40-year-old white male formerly attached to the US Army base in Fort Bragg, North Carolina as a “psychological operations specialist.”
Page served between April 1992 and October 1998, and was a qualified parachutist who received two good conduct awards and a National Defense Service Medal but never won significant promotion.
FBI agents and local police were investigating Page’s supposed address in Cudahy, a suburb of Milwaukee just four kilometers (2.5 miles) north of the suburban Sikh temple that was targeted in Sunday’s attack.
The AFP openly admits a “former pay-ops soldier”!
This event is being sold to the general public as domestic terrorism, as the powers that be are planning their long awaited gun grab.

Related Articles:

Billboard surprise for Dems' convention

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Billboard surprise for Dems' convention
Media, delegates will learn about explosive
new book on Obama's 2nd-term plans

When delegates attending the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., in September arrive to nominate Barack Obama for a second term, they will very likely be surprised by a billboard waiting to greet them.

The prominent outdoor advertising promotes an explosive new book by New York Times best-selling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott that promises to blow the lid off of Obama's secret plans for a second term.

The book is called "Fool Me Twice: Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed" – expected by WND Books founder Joseph Farah to be the biggest political book of the election year.

It's based on investigative reporting into the specific proposals of Obama's inner circle of advisers for the next stage of America’s fundamental transformation.

"If you think you've seen America radicalized and Alinskyized over the last four years, you ain't seen nothin' yet," said Farah. "This is the only book this year that isn't about Obama’s past performance, which we all know from first-hand experience. This is about what he will do if given the chance of a second term – based on the words and plans of those policymakers closest to him."

Get your copy of "Fool Me Twice" autographed and with a free copy of "Manchurian President" at the WND Superstore now.

Klein will also be in attendance at the convention along with most of the nation's political media.

Likewise, those delegates and media attending the Republican convention in Tampa in late August will also be greeted by the billboard campaign.

But the public won't have to wait until then to see what Klein and Elliott have uncovered. The book, scheduled for national release and a media tour beginning Aug. 7, is available now at Amazon and autographed at the WND Superstore.

The explosive book unveils all the main areas of Obama's second-term domestic policy onslaught – jobs, wages, health care, immigration "overhaul," electoral "reform," national energy policy, Pentagon plans and much more.

"This book will be a game-changer in 2012," predicts Farah. "Just as 'Unfit for Command' provided the margin of defeat for John Kerry in 2004, 'Fool Me Twice' will ensure Obama serves only one term."

While many are expressing general concerns over Obama's future ambitions, "Fool Me Twice" lays bare the devastating details and consequences of a second Obama term as president.

The book is based on exhaustive research into Obama's upcoming detailed presidential plans and policies, as well as the specific second-term recommendations of major "progressive" groups behind Obama and the Democratic leadership – the organizations that help craft legislation and set the political and rhetorical agenda for the president and his allies.

See what the book is about:

Here are a few highlights of dozens and dozens of second term plans uncovered in "Fool Me Twice":
•    An expansive, de facto amnesty program for illegal aliens via executive order and interagency directives linked with a reduction in the capabilities of the U.S. Border Patrol and plans to bring in untold numbers of new immigrants with the removal of caps on H-1B visas and green cards.

•   Government-funded, neighborhood-based programs to better integrate the newly amnestied immigrants into society, including education centers and healthcare centers. A "federal solution" to ensure that the amnestied immigrants are treated "equitably" across the United States.

•   The re-creation of a 21st century version of FDR's Works Progress Administration program within the Department of Labor that would oversee a massive new bureaucracy and millions of new federal jobs;

•   Specific plans for a National Infrastructure Bank. This entity would "evaluate and finance infrastructure projects 'of substantial regional and national importance'" and would finance "transportation infrastructure, housing, energy, telecommunications, drinking water, wastewater, and other infrastructures."

•   Wresting control of the military budget from Congress by attempting to place an "independent panel" in charge of military spending while slashing the defense budget in shocking ways.

•   The vastly reduced resources of the U.S. Armed Forces will be spread even thinner by using them to combat "global warming," fight global poverty, remedy "injustice," bolster the United Nations and step up use of "peacekeeping" deployments;

•   A new "green" stimulus program and the founding of a federal "green" bank or "Energy Independence Trust," which would borrow from the federal treasury to provide low-cost financing to private-sector investments in "clean energy."

•   Detailed plans to enact single-payer health care legislation controlled by the federal government.

Klein is Jerusalem bureau chief for WND and hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's WABC Radio, the nation's largest talk station. Klein's program is one of only two weekend shows in the U.S. to make the Talkers Heavy Hundred official list of top American radio shows.

His previous books include "Red Army," "The Manchurian President," "The Late Great State of Israel" and "Schmoozing with Terrorists."

Those purchasing autographed copies of "Fool Me Twice" from the WND Superstore will also get a free copy of "Manchurian President," the last New York Times bestseller from Klein and Elliott.

Elliott is an award-winning historian, researcher and New York Times bestselling author. She is the blogger who created RezkoWatch, The Real Barack Obama, RBO and RBO2. She has appeared on hundreds of radio shows, contributed to numerous investigative articles and publications and is the co-author of "Red Army" and "The Manchurian President."

About 12 months ago, a book called "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President" by New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi was the fastest-selling new book in the country a month before its scheduled release.

On the day it hit No. 1 at Amazon, White House records indicate Obama was desperate to derail the issue of eligibility from breaking through into the mainstream media, which has been complicit in covering up all questions pertaining to the issue for four years.

What Obama did next was not unexpected by Corsi and the WND Books team that published it.

"Jerry Corsi called me a couple weeks earlier and told me his sources said the White House was going to release a fraudulent Hawaiian birth certificate before the book released to head off the success of the book and to end the burgeoning controversy," says Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND and WND Books. "There was not much we could do about that. We were anticipating the move and planning to subject the document to intense forensic investigation."

On April 27, 2011, the White House posted the alleged long-form birth certificate on its official government website to quell the growing doubts about its existence.

"The media, partners in the crime of the cover-up of Obama's ineligibility for the presidency, quickly embraced the document without even a cursory examination," said Farah.

And that appeared to be the end of the eligibility debate – with even Donald Trump capitulating.

But something changed recently when the very first law enforcement investigation of Obama's eligibility announced its findings that the document was indeed fraudulent. The eligibility issue is alive and well and threatening to derail Obama's re-election bid.

For WND's part, Corsi quickly assembled all of the forensic investigative findings about the document itself in an updated e-book version of the book, "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?" Those findings provided much of the preliminary probable cause for the investigation by Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who oversaw a six-month law enforcement probe – the first ever conducted into the matter of national security and constitutional integrity.

And now the book that Obama tried to kill is back – the most thorough and comprehensive exploration of all of the issues involving the eligibility of the man in the White House. It's more relevant today – eight months before the election – than ever before.

For a limited time only, WND Books and the WND Superstore is making available both the original book, signed by the author, and the updated e-book companion, which includes a full examination of the fraudulent birth certificate released by the White House, for one low price of $9.99 – to ensure the American people have every opportunity to learn the truth before it's too late.

In addition, WND is making available other resources in this critical hour at giveaway prices:
Get the newest e-book by Jerome Corsi and Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, "A Question of Eligibility: A Law-Enforcement Investigation into Barack Obama's Birth Certificate and His Eligibility to be President." This is a historic work, which will be constantly updated with the latest information and findings for those who purchase the e-book for only $9.99 and get free downloads whenever there's breaking news.

While you're at it, and while supplies last, you can get a copy of the video of the same title, "A Question of Eligibility," produced by WND Videos, which lays the groundwork for the questions surrounding Obama’s eligibility questions.

But the most in-depth work ever done on this topic is to be found in two books, which you can get for one low price through the WND Superstore. There's Corsi's bestselling "Where's the Birth Certificate?" – the book that actually forced Obama to release what he claims is his long-form birth certificate – and the e-book sequel, "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?"

Farah is continuing a campaign he believes was responsible for raising awareness of the eligibility issue when the media wouldn't give him the time of day – the national billboard campaign asking the question, "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?" Hundreds of billboards have been placed all over the country over the last three years, and Farah plans to continue the campaign right through Election Day. If you support this idea, your contributions are desperately needed.

Prefer to make your own statement – in your own yard? You can do that with "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?" yard signs. and "Where's the Real Birth Certificate?" bumper stickers.

Want a short and sweet "Obama Eligibility Primer" you can read, digest and help you to spread the word?

Do you know what was the first bestselling book to explore the eligibility issue in depth? It Was Aaron Klein's "Manchurian President." You can get that book, while supplies last, for just 99 cents.

One of the other early eligibility pioneers was WND's Molotov Mitchell. Get his early video work, "For the Record: I'm Not Crazy" on this subject for just $4.95.

Check out the rest of the eligibility resources available in the WND Superstore in the "Birth Certificate Department." They include postcards, special reports, bumper stickers, T-shirts and more.
Everything is marked down to bargain prices because time is short to make a difference.

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This report shows some specific kinds of foods that are most vulnerable to fraud and how little is done to stop it.

"The FDA inspects only 1% of the 10 million
food products shipped into the US every
year. That makes food fraud an easy and
lucrative way for organized crime to make

This report shows some specific kinds of
foods that are most vulnerable to fraud
and how little is done to stop it.

(courtesy of TheRealFoodChannel)


Goodman Green
- Brasscheck

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dinarguru - Geithner to give speech at 9 am Eastern, "large global change in the worlds economic status"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

dinarguru - Geithner to give speech at 9 am Eastern, "large global change in the worlds economic status"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 6-Aug-2012 03:43:01

Hi, Folks -
Might be something interesting, or might be "business as usual" :) - however, found at
8-5-2012 Intel Guru BOBGETZ6 I understand...Timothy Geithner is supposed to make a speech tomorrow around 9:00 AM EST. Supposedly, it is to be about the looming global financial crisis, a large global change in the worlds economic status, etc. This should be something to watch, if he says anything that gives real information rather than the typical politico speak.

Clif High w/Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot) and John Moore [from July 26, 2012] (vid)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Clif High w/Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot) and John Moore [from July 26, 2012] (vid)
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 6-Aug-2012 08:33:40
Unedited version
art by Cameron Gray (Parabolic Vision)
uploaded by YTuber DiametricMind

URGENT Priority ** Copy This YouTube before it is pulled by YouTube

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

URGENT Priority ** Copy This YouTube before it is pulled by YouTube
Posted By: CAFR1 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 6-Aug-2012 08:56:48

URGENT: Get all that you know to go in and copy this YouTube radio show before it is pulled by YouTube.

This tape of the show could be pulled in the next 5 to 48-hours.

Many media players have the ability to copy the show as it plays. Real Player which is a free download can be set under options / preferences to show a pop-up to be clicked on to copy as the YouTube plays.

When you do so you will now have a copy of the show and then you make copes of the same on as many CDs for distribution to all that you know. Each person that gets a copy then can make their own copies from the copy they receive and further more and more to listen to the same.

The clear and well presented impact and disclosures made in this show was a clear Babe Ruth home-run hit 300-yards over the wall and out of the park.

** After you make a copy, this is a must play as-soon-as-possible by you for your groups; clubs; association meetings; local church, breakfast Clubs; family; VFW, T-Party events; AARP meetings; local University; and American Legion posts, etc..

The show posted on YouTube today for you and your friends to copy (still up as of 5 AM AZ TIME) is:

Walter Burien - CAFR1 on Coast to Cast with George Noory - 

There are two commercial at the beginning and end that can be edited out with a video editor if you wish to do so.

The show was the proverbial Sniper's Shot to the heart core of "the" primary issues.

Do not delay or hesitate, and copy the show while you still can.

This has been a special request call to action alert from,

Walter Burien - CAFR1
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

"I Am Flowing With A Great Flow"

"I Am Flowing With A Great Flow"
August 3, 2012
I am flowing Children, I am flowing with a great flow. It is I that caused you to come. It is I that caused you to go. It is I that wakes you up, and it is I that causes you to lie down. It is I that causes you to turn around, and to go back and forth on even, straight ground. I have made provision for you. I have made things straight for you. I have made things even for you. I have measured things for you. I have brought you into a spacious place with Me. A place of great spiritual activity. I am moving in your midst. I am moving in the earth.

Men look at the earth, they look at the events of the earth, and they think it's destruction. But I told them already through My prophets, if they would listen, that it is not destruction, it is construction! I am removing those things that have obstructed My Children from giving birth. I am removing and dealing with those things that have broken the fellowship and the union of My House in the earth! I am fashioning a new birth! I am rising from the rubble, and from the ashes of what was- a House of great brilliance and worth! Men that are not of My House think that they know what I shall do, and think that they have authority over Me. But I say, those things shall not be! For I am working a work that men do not understand, nor do they see. They cannot measure accurately. They cannot interpret things as Me. But I say, you shall understand! You shall walk with Me, hand in hand. You shall know what I am doing! Because you will understand My whole plan!

I am coming to instruct you. I am coming to construct you. I am working a new work in the earth- Not like the old! I am demolishing the old. I am laying My Charges, as I told you before. I am going to shatter the mold! I am going to bring down every plan of man that is not from My Hand. I am going to blow upon all those things that still cling. Even by Spring, you shall see the rising of the new thing that I am announcing to you in this hour. You are in a season of great change, and change of power. You will see changes in the earth, and changes in the spirit. You have asked for Wisdom. You have heard her call. Now hear it! For here is Wisdom... I have been showing you pieces of My Plan. But mark it Children, and strive to understand! There are new things at hand, and it shall not be as men think and decree! They do not understand My deeper mysteries! But I tell you, things shall change in the earth. Things shall change in My Children, and in My House. For I am going to break out of the walls. I am going to break out of the doors, out of the windows, out of the floors! I am going to explode in every direction! My Children shall do, as I shall do. Because Children, what I do cannot be contained within the perimeters that you have set anymore!

Men have positioned Me, and they think that they have arranged Me according to their plans. But I say, it is men that shall be repositioned and arranged by My Plans! For I have hidden this work on purpose. Because it is a precious thing in the earth, and it is pure, and I hid it so that only those that are pure would understand and accomplish it, that it might not be defiled again! But I say, I am bringing an acceleration now. I am bringing an acceleration of My Hand, and of My Wind. You shall see both demonstrated in your realm. You shall see Me take the helm. For I shall stand as Captain of the Lord of Hosts in the earth. You shall see dispatches of angelic hosts march across this earth, as never before. I am in control, and I am in the war! You shall see war. But know, this war is Me! Men think that they will accomplish through war what they want. But I say, I shall use it, for My Purposes. I shall be seen in it, and I shall be seen through it, and they shall know Me in it! Because I shall show My Face! I shall show My Hand! I shall shake every land! They shall know that I am God, and they shall know that by Me, they stand! Because the war will turn in My Hand! When they think they have the upper hand, they shall see their hands fall. Because I am in control of it all. I shall accomplish a great birth. It shall be hidden at first, but it shall come in full force, and you shall see it, even as the War Horse running in the earth! You shall see the Sign of the Birth! The earth will shake! The earth will quake! The earth will burn, as My Children come forth!

Oh Children, rejoice! I am in control! I am accelerating on every hand! I showed you, and told you, that I have fashioned you for this day! Rejoice in this day, and know it is a Day of Great Deliverance! For many nations that are now bound and shut, shall find themselves on new ground with Me! For I shall open them suddenly, and light shall come in to the great dark night, of many nations bound in a great spiritual fight! Those iron gates shall open unto Me! Those ancient doors shall open to Me! For I am going to open every nation to My Light! I shall wage war, and it shall be My Fight! Men will think they have the upper hand, but their hand shall fall, because they shall see Me in it all! They shall know that I am at command! Children, stand! Children, look again! Children, look up higher! You shall laugh in this hour! You shall be thrilled in this hour! You shall soar in this hour! You shall move with Me in power! Because I am releasing My End-time Shower! You shall run in My Rain. You shall run in the strength of it! You shall fly in the great vastness of it! You shall be moved by My Hand! You shall understand I am at work in the earth. I am doing a great work in the earth! -I am moving greatly in the earth! The signs that men think that they understand, they shall see they did not know anything, for they shall see it come in a different way. They shall see the tides turn in a day! They shall see a different flow, turn, and change, when they thought they did know. For I shall cause a reversal. I shall cause a change in the tides. I shall cause a change in the winds. I shall cause even a change in the spin, and men shall say, "What is this? It cannot be!" - No! It is Me! It is a sign! It is My Sign! - Those that are Mine shall understand, and they shall be as Stars in My Hand! For My Light has come, and My Will shall be done!

BEYOUND THE SEA, most beautifull French chanson, interpreted by Charles Trénet

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

(undated) BEYOUND THE SEA, most beautifull French chanson, interpreted by Charles Trénet
Posted By: MESETA [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 6-Aug-2012 08:04:22
uploaded by YTuber DonhaUrraca

A Greenbrier update & more. Read all about it !

A Greenbrier update & more. Read all about it !

Two things of note:

(1) Dan's back in town and is supposed to be on the show tomorrow. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought he was originally planning to be gone for two weeks. I guess something's come up. Whatever it is, I seriously doubt it's because he couldn't stand to be away from Tony any longer. (Sorry Tony, sometimes the truth hurts, and it just can't be helped.)

(2) And finally, it has just been confirmed that the oh so important "business conference" that had all the rooms filled up at The Greenbrier, just finished up yesterday. You can now reserve all the rooms you and your family would like, even for today if you can't wait any longer.

Now, I'm trying to tie these two items together in some way, but I'm really hard pressed to do so. Who knows? Maybe Dan heard that the big poker game in the bunker has finished up, and the band's getting ready to play. I know that would be enough to make me cut my vacation short.

Now I will have to admit, there are still a couple of things that continue to puzzle me. I know, for a fact, that the games in Brussels, DC, and the Greenbrier have now been completed, and the UN has started counting their chips. And some guy over the back fence just informed me that observers are present in DC, Hong Kong, and Switzerland. Well heck, what's that all about? Are they there because the game's been called, and it's now time for the medal ceremonies and congratulatory accolades? I'm as much in the dark about that as the next guy.

Well so much for my ramblings. But before I go, I just want to offer a shout-out to His Poofness. Check out his latest posting by googling, "Poof for Aug 5." (Or as I've just been informed, that may have already been sent on over to Recaps.) As he'll tell you, "something huge happened last night." The lights in the "bunker" are about to be turned on, and the cockroaches are scrambling for cover. Yeah, I know, this all sounds pretty crazy. But mark my words, what some dogs are eager to have dismissed as conspiracy will ultimately be shown to be part of THE biggest crime in history. Yes indeedy, these times they are a' changing.

Peace everyone. Have a wonderful evening tonight, and a beautiful day tomorrow.