Monday, January 14, 2013

New Wyoming Gun Law – Jail Terms for Feds

New Wyoming Gun Law – Jail Terms for Feds

The Firearms Freedom Act

New Wyoming Gun Law – Jail Terms for Feds

Executive Summary – Wyoming passed a new gun law similar to Tennessee and Montana. The Firearms Freedom Act. This law states that any gun made, sold and kept within the State of Wyoming is not subject to Federal Gun Control Laws. This means no registration. Wyoming did however go further that the other states. They said that any State or Federal Official who tries to enforce any federal firearm law regarding a firearm made, sold and kept in Wyoming could face a $2000 fine and two years in prison. See how the law reads:
“A personal firearm, a firearm action or receiver, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in the state to be used or sold within the state is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of congress to regulate interstate commerce.” (Note the federal government was never given the right to interfere with or regulate intrastate commerce (within a given state).

“Any official, agent or employee of the United States government who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the United States government upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Wyoming and that remains exclusively within the borders of Wyoming shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($2,000.00), or both.” (Please note if a federal agent was convicted of this law it would make him or her a felon and thus they could not own firearms and would be ineligible to hold a federal law enforcement position. And face firing and loss of pension. Of course if they ignore Wyoming convictions under this law then Wyoming may ignore all federal arrest warrants they felt to be inconsistent with the constitution like tax cases.)

Discussion - The Federal ATF are not amused by the bill and of course have no intentions of following a state law. This pushes the country closer and closer to a full out and out revolution (think shots fired) as the fed oversteps their bounds and powers delegated to them by the constitution which is the document that empowers them in the first place. Montana is taking the federal gun control people to federal court to test their law. This is one of the stupidest things imaginable. They think a federal judge is going to side with them and let the process of forcing the federal government to return to their constitutional powers only get support in the federal courts. We will see what happens when they lose in court. We think Wyoming did the right thing by putting penalties in the game for the feds. This will pitch the feds against the local police, which is a good thing for the people that want to remain free and exercise their constitutional rights. Rest assured Wyoming got the attention of the feds and has them boxed into a corner. If they ignore this they lose. If they react against this they convict themselves of usurping their authority. It is a lose lose situation. Obama is the perfect storm waiting to happen.

Poofness 1-13-13

Greetings and Salutations;
I have stated, 'they' came and ask me to help out in the late 80's just after 'they' fired up in chicago. I got the over all plan but not the bloody details. But, I did get a 'disclaimer'. Don't expect the bad guys to throw up their arms in defeat but rather fight til their last breath. They are on their 'last breath'. Some private people reached Mr Reagan when he was president and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Thus, the reagan/mitterrand protocols were created. To assist the process, appointments were made, trustees along with ambassador wanta, to bring all of this to fruition. Mr Reagan didn't realize his actions would earn him a bullet. He went after the sacred cow, the federal reserve bank, attempting to get the constitutional treasury making our money again, which had been frozen after the depression of 1929. Just because congress ratified the federal reserve act, didn't make it legal according to the constitution. So, when you hear, the us debt has gone bye bye understand this was set up a long time ago and not 'presto-chango' magic tricks.
There have been a lot of 'legalities' that needed dug thru and gotten rid off, just to get these global settlements done, changed from 'intention' to hard cash, for the people of the planet. A few years ago, the formula was to start a war to cover your money losses, handled, the tell ya it was the 'patriotic' thing to do. How many bodies were shipped back from vietnam with their bellies filled with 'china white', yea, we were fighting communism to keep america free. In a pig's eye! This fight has been about folks' come uppance coming to them and they having no where to hide and avoid their prosecution. Deep earth bases, not with standing. As I have said, I will watch my mouth and not name any guilty parties, that protocol goes to folks above my head, then it won't be a conspiracy story to be fluffed off in disbelief. They'll tell you so it's never repeated in this country again. You might even hear the howling from them first, before you hear the announcements.
Man, you folks are going to crap yourselves, when they start preaching the word. A whole lot will just sit for a moment as it all gets dumped. The history books will be rewritten. Many laws will be dumped into file 13 as unconstitutional. Don't worry women will retain the vote....lololol Watch the video as your next few weeks will feel like it.
Southern Rock and Roll
Consultations until that knock on the door.
Love and Kisses,

Lost Churches of the East Coast

Subject:  Lost Churches of the East Coast.

When hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast, even houses of worship were not spared.

A local television station interviewed a black woman from New Jersey and asked how the loss of churches in the area would affect their lives.

Without hesitation, the woman replied, "I don't know 'bout all those other people, but we ain't gone to Churches in years. We gets our chicken from Popeye's."
The look on the interviewer's face was priceless.
They live among us, AND THEY VOTE

Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?

Subject: "Just a lone gunman"


The big divide...

There's the official story
as supported by the news
media, academia and endless
hack writers.

Then there's the real

Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?


- Brasscheck

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8:00 LIVE New J4P letter will be read with Ron Cross and guest

We are adding this showing on here for tonight, a special guest will read a NEW letter, from Sgt. Charles Dyer aka JULY4PATRIOT with Ron Cross at 8:00. Please join us to hear this letter and there will be more.
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DefaultRe: The answer to everything, David Wynn Miller


An open e-mail from his ex-wife in 2001:
From: Colleen Lloyd <>
To: .....
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 7:56 PM

I do this with a prayer that the Lord will do what has to be done and guide our actions, and with great reluctance, but also great resolve. I never thought I would be doing this, but I want to expose the truth about this fraud who teaches the "In the Truth" Law Procedures, David Wynn Miller's deception and I would like to have some press and radio on it, immediately and until he is called to repentance. Another Clinton we don't need. What we need is someone who will follow the Lord's program, not put his program above the Lord and deceive people. David Miller is so convinced that his language procedures are the only way, truth and light, that he told me, "Jesus spoke in fiction."

Anyone you know who would do a show where David will have to answer for his lies, which I will go into, or where people can bring issues relating to his deceptions forward for him to have to explain, please contact me at once at 435-632-2321. He will be in Bellingham, Washington Thursday the 23rd, and have a seminar Saturday and Sunday at the Red Baron Suites. I am planning on being there passing out what I have discovered about him, unless he corrects his mistakes publically. I am doing my investigation there to get certain proof I need, and I already have a lot of evidence.

If someone can arrange an interview with him for as soon as he gets off the plane, on the radio by phone, or otherwise, and find out when he will get to the airport and what flight he will be on, he can be investigated from the moment he arrives, which is necessary to get to the truth.

The reason I am contacting you, is that David has consistently trashed and failed to acknowledge Right Way Law, and ALL programs except his, INCLUDING THE LORD'S. He says his procedures disqualify everything else because it is all in fiction. He has made out those like Larry Becroft, Jural Society, who say ANYTHING against him or bring up challenges, etc. to be doing what they are doing because David is taking away their students and income. And now that I see the reality of who he is, and his capacity to confuse and destroy willfully people's lives for his own interests, I think I and the others who have information and who have been hurt by his lies have a right to be heard and people have a right to know so that the wrong can stop. I never thought that I would be called as a witness to discredit him, but I am very sadly, yet very LOUDLY saying that I will do it now.

I am Colleen-Lloyd-Miller, his wife. It is a "common-law" and unusual thing privately between us, which David insisted upon because at first he was so adamant against marriage and could not ever have anything in writing. Being that we both agree that the state is not a partner in the marriage and don't want a license, I said, I don't need it in writing, then, I want a marriage in our hearts and union of our lives to build it together, like Adam and Eve, no papers necessary then. He said, " I can work with that." And we were supposed to get a house...and he is the king of breaking promises.

And he would say he didn't want anyone even knowing about it at first, because he concerned someone out to get him would hurt me. But you could not hide it, and I didn't want to because I am so honest and open, and over the years, it has become pretty known to many that we are a couple, and we are openly very romantic and he pays bills and our phone and internet accounts, etc, and we will be addressed as a wife and husband in those often and at hotels, etc. The reason this is significant is because, since I found out that he was lying about emails that showed he was cheating, he has actually tried to deny that there is any relationship between us at all, and attacked Clinton. It is absolutely chilling to me. The pattern of deception is in his work, too.

And there is more to it, and there were storms like men and women have and wrongs and forgiving and trying again to build a love that lasts. You know how it is. But he would not let me come and be in Milwaukee, because he said I would be unhappy and he was always gone on the seminars and never home, and he would see me more if I was out here, and flew me and had me come to the seminars whenever I could. RIGHT.

I knew that it was not right, and it caused me doubts and I constantly wondered and asked if he was seeing other women, which he denies TO THIS DAY he ever did in 5 years, in spite of the proof I now have, and even his family, friends and closest students telling me...and I wondered why it was that way, and had all the instincts you have that he was lying.

But you have to understand that David stands up there and professes to be all about honor and integrity and the truth, and can be very persuasive and manipulative to get what he wants, and you want to believe him and love and support him. You want to believe someone is about fighting to correct the corrupt courts, who is everyone's hope for...a Saviour?

I just found out, to my great horror, that he had been lying and cheating on me with not just one, but probably many women. I questioned information I got before, but he always denied it. This time I saw emails that proved it, and asked why. I have saved my emails. When I emailed the woman and asked what she meant by her statements, David began his defamation campaign, and still accuses me of being crazy and making it all up.

He tried to claim that Anthony Rees, the woman's ex-boyfriend, sent all of the emails to assassinate his character, because Anthony was involved in a conspiracy to destroy his program. Anthony has emailed me that he absolutely did not create the emails. Paul Newton's website has been created to show the falseness of the claims that people like Anthony investigated. Anthony suggests I go to the public forum rather than to court. I plan to file a complaint/claim against him and his seminar host, "Debbie Anderson" tomorrow for conspiracy and accessory in the crimes of fraud, malice, defamation, libel, reckless endangerment, criminal and willful negligence and adultery. The maliciousness is scary. I see in him the same pattern as we saw in Clinton, who David claims is "one of my students."

And that is why I feel that it is relevant, because of the way people follow him like it is a cult and look to him as some kind of leader, or Messiah-like figure, to the point where they are so blind they are willing to lie and attack anyone who brings forth the truth, and sacrifice that person to the cult and justify anything he does, regardless of any sense of moral integrity. I think he has put his program before the Lord's plan, and it is almost like he is the Creator of this sick religion which he calls law. I am their latest prey.

He is so convinced that his In the Truth language "procedures" are the be all and end all, that last year, when I made a very big step and told him how I wanted to share with him the importance of the Saviour, and my step I made to truly devote my life to the Lord and be willing to place Christ first, all he had to say about Jesus was, "Jesus spoke in fiction."

The Lord was not following David Miller's law procedures. David's plan was apparently superior to the Lord's. This is the arrogance that Satan had, and his downfall, and it is David's downfall also. I was full of the love for the Saviour and realizing how much the Saviour had done for us, and full of faith. I told him that if you believe in Christ, all things are possible, that if the Lord could raise Lazarus from the dead, the Lord would work other miracles. I wanted to bring the Lord into our relationship because I knew that a man and woman must have the spirit of the Lord between them and that is the central pivot, and that it would make everything all right. I wanted a happy home and marriage and family, which had been a struggle to get him to realize the importance of and honor a commitment to. He would say one thing one day, and act like he never said it the next.

What I wanted was to have a shared reverence for the Lord first, between us, because whenever two or more are you gathered in His name, he is there, and I could trust that and be happy. David only said that Jesus could have pulled off the Lazurus trick by faking the death. I have prayed so many times in this relationship to have the truth be made known about if David is a truthful, good man, because of all the attacks made on him and the things I see in my life with him.

I have been David's biggest supporter, and written articles about him every week in the Las Vegas Tribune (one was published on the front page of the American Bulletin) and helped him with seminars and stood by him when students and others brought to me their concerns about his false claims, and when I saw him doing things that I questioned as wrong. I believed he was a good person in spite of the things I heard, and gave him always the benefit of the doubt.

Now I know that he is a great deceiver, and the damage his deceit did to me and his hypocritical, arrogance and mocking, unrepentant attacks on me for seeking the truth are the reason why I see no other way at this point to combat his crimes but to expose him and call him to repentance. The only thing that he seems to understand is being called on the carpet before everyone publically.

I have given them every chance, over and over, to admit they are lying in saying that they did not create the emails which show they are involved in the liaison which they denied to me. They will not. She is a Canadian, and Anthony also discovered this liaison by the emails, after smelling a rat when she would not let him (her fiance) attend the seminar. She is the leader of the website which is Citizens Voice for Health Rights, allegedly a non-profit organization. Apparently she has a marijuana addiction problem and cannot go a day without a joint. Which makes you wonder where she is going to get it illegally in this country. She also, he says, has no job, but lives off the money from the seminar/materials/tapes, and lives with her mother in Kelowna Canada. She apparently got into trouble with Revenue Canada and whored her way into David's very busy bed when at a Bellingham seminar last March, to get to his "procedures" to get her out of it, so her silence is to make money and his interest is in keeping people quiet to keep the money coming in, I believe.

David told me to charge the students who's lawsuits he set me up to correct, $400 and to lie and tell them that I had spent 4 hours at $100/hour, when he would just fax me the paperwork from himself. I refused to do it, and thought, well he is just trying to help. He felt he was justified, since he had spent so much time developing it and they were getting so much. I felt it was fraud. Now I see the reality that he IS a liar.

The defamation began when he stopped paying my phone and internet -- when I found out he was lying and told people the truth. He and she refused to give me a statement that they did not send the incriminating emails or have an affair, and hassled me when I called for the truth. You would think they would want to know who had done it, wouldn't you, if not them?

I have not let up calling him (sometimes pretty pissed off) and demanding the truth and an end to the lie. I am a pit bull. His friends call me crazy. He says I am making it all up. His students have brought to me his false claims for years, and now I know.

He is a liar. He says no one will follow a lie.

I know the truth and it will set you free.

: copyright/copyclaim: 02-20-2001:

Obama Charged With Treason

from the JagHunter web site, which belongs to LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick, now retired, who was one of the first to claim BHO was not eligible 5 years ago.  Fitzpatrick was even thrown in jail because he complained about corruption when his Tennessee Grand Jury met in regard to Obama's eligibiliy,  just like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin was thrown in jail.  So we do have some heroes!  Read Sher Zieve's article below the complaints ...

Of course, will this "go anywhere"?  Need we ask!


·         CLICK HERE: Fran Austin Treason Complaint filed 10 December 2012 (California)

·         CLICK HERE: Navy Veteran Joseph Mayer Treason Complaint filed 26 December 2012 (Florida)

·         CLICK HERE: Navy Veteran Michael Lerman Treason Complaint filed 13 December 2012 (California)

·         CLICK HERE: U.S. Army Captain Neil B. Turner Treason Complaint filed 5 December 2012 (California)

·         CLICK HERE: Michael D. Jackson Treason Complaint filed 9 November 2012 (Illinois)

·         CLICK HERE: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III Treason Complaint filed 8 November 2012 (Tennessee)



Saturday, 15 December 2012

OBAMA’S TREASON: SHER ZIEVE: Living under the Obama Hordes: Unprosecuted and Ignored Treason!

Friday, 14 December 2012

Sher Zieve thumbnail 1

Today’s “leaders” of the [former] United States of America consist of an increasingly motley crew of Agenda 21 land-grabbers, confiscators of citizens’ money, anti-Judaism/Christian and pro-Islam adherents and deviants in myriad ways who are headed up by the most perverse person to ever inhabit what was once our White House: Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama. And the equally corrupt and collaborative members of a dying US Congress have refused–and still continue to refuse–to stop his now overt and almost daily doses of high crimes and misdemeanors. Instead, it appears they–as do the Obama Czars and all those who have sworn allegiance to Obama but, certainly not the US Constitution–are enjoying their portion of the booty stolen from the American people that the Obama syndicate provides to them for their silence and/or acquiescence to his demands.

Adding fuel to an already out of control fire at home, Obama is providing American dollars and American firepower (F-16 fighter jets and US tanks are being provided to the Muslim Brotherhood to take out the “rebels” who are protesting their slavery under ObamaFriend and fellow dictator Morsi) to the Egyptian government, more and more credible reports (not–of course–from the “mainstream” media who support the Obama murders) are surfacing indicating the Benghazi assassinations were due to planned Obama events. These include the supplying of American armaments–via Turkey–to the Muslim Brotherhood (Sunni) affiliate al-Qaeda to take out another Shia Muslim government–this time Syria, the pretense of a kidnapping of the American Ambassador and the illegal holding of Libyan militants in the consulate. For those who are unschooled or schooled in the last 20 years or so in the US government (public) school system, taking down other governments who are allies is a high crime–and a high crime perpetrated by a so-called POTUS is treason…which is the arguably the greatest crime in the USA.
Obama has acted against the best interests of the USA and its people since he first took office in 2009. He has repeatedly bypassed Congressional authority and claimed it as his own. He has openly consorted with the enemies of the USA and its people and even placed them is high levels of the US government. He has worked toward the overthrow of other world governments–without an Act of War or Congressional approval–which now include Egypt and Libya and he is actively working to dissolve the Syrian government with his next sights set on our long-term ally Jordan.

Note: To repeat, all of the countries Obama is working to topple are comprised of majority Shia Muslims. Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood are Sunni Muslims. It very much appears that Obama is–indeed–working for and with his long-time benefactors the Saudi government.

Latest Obama Syndicate’s land-grabs for Agenda 21 (removing humans and their influence)
1. EPA now designates rainwater as a pollutant, in order to confiscate (steal) private land
2. EPA takes away family’s oyster farm where they have been legally harvested for over 80 years, claiming “National Preserve” not for humans
3. EPA ends oil shale research and development
Obama’s already named Treasons–a few examples
Available at JAG Hunter site:

CLICK HERE: Neil B. Turner Treason Complaint filed 5 December 2012 (California)
CLICK HERE: Michael D. Jackson Treason Complaint filed 9 November 2012 (Illinois)
CLICK HERE: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III Treason Complaint filed 8 November 2012 (Tennessee)

Thursday, 8 November 2012 – 70th Anniversary OPERATION TORCH – World War II Northwest Africa – Casablanca

From: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III United States Navy Retired
To: CDRRobert Swan Mueller, III, Director – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington D.C. (ORIGINAL) The Foreman of the two sitting Federal Grand Juries sitting in Knoxville, Tennessee via William C. Killian, U.S. Attorney for Tennessee’s Easter District

1. OBAMA represents a clear and present danger to U.S. national security, to the U.S. Constitution and to our Republican form of government. OBAMA IS A FOREIGN BORN DOMESTIC ENEMY! OBAMA is working assiduously to destroy America! No document record exists showing Barack Hussein OBAMA to be a United States citizen.

2. OBAMA paid money and aided and abetted Al-Qaeda members and groups that attacked Americans on U.S. territory in Benghazi, Libya on 11 and 12 September 2012. Al-Qaeda is the jihadist terrorist organization that attacked the United States on 11 September 2001.

3. Pro-jihadist and Islamist OBAMA personally denied frantic cries for help from Americans in mortal danger throughout a 7-hour attack by approximately 150 heavily armed known jihadists. OBAMA watched four Americans die in real time. OBAMA is allowing our enemies to slaughter our servicemen piecemeal at the same time ordering our troops to disarm.

4. OBAMA lies to the American people about his TREASON with every opportunity. OBAMA is lying to the American people about the 11-12 September attack in Benghazi, Libya in a cover story intended to protect OBAMA from facing a criminal prosecution and conviction.

5. OBAMA is personally responsible for OBAMA the 6 August 2011 shoot-down of an Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan. 17 Navy SEALS died. All 5 men of the Chinook crew died. 3 Air Force special tactics airmen died. 5 men of a Navy support force died. OBAMA and his gang of outlaws lie to the America people about that.

6. In commission of TREASON In commission OBAMA is engaged in purchasing and supplying guns, heavy weapons, high-powered munitions and explosives to foreign aggressors—AMERICA’S ENEMIES—around the globe. OBAMA has and continues to ship weapons from Libya to Syria through Turkey. Some weapons may be being directly shipped to Syria. Christopher Stevens was OBAMA’s point man of this operation when Stevens was murdered in Benghazi during the attack of 11-12 September 2012. In this TREASON OBAMA is arming America’s enemies: Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood connected Syrian rebels.

7. As an Act of TREASON OBAMA provides safe-haven and sanctuary to those bent on the destruction of the United States, its people, and its form of government. OBAMA encourages, facilitates and arms our enemies to carry out a WAR on the United States from enemy bases set up in the homeland and around the globe. OBAMA aids and abets these known enemy forces to establish and strike from strongholds OBAMA allows established on American soil.
How to file a Treason complaint

LCDR Walther Fitzpatrick III (ret) has offered to assist anyone who wishes to file a complaint of Treason against Barack Hussein Obama. All you need to do is contact him via his Jag Hunter email address at Time is now very limited and this appears to be the last
 non-violent option which may be available to us before a new civil war or a new American Revolution begins.

These are the most desperate times in US history and I firmly believe that the only reason Obama still occupies our White House is due to disenfranchisement (most if not all military votes were not counted) and the most massive voter fraud in our history. Yes, most certainly those who have never worked for a living or who decided early on to live off of other people’s money helped him. But, I do not believe there are yet enough of these to have tipped the “election” to him. We are living under tyranny that is only getting worse with each passing day. I refuse to believe that most Americans have chosen slavery instead of freedom. Remember that ObamaHero and Socialist/genocidal leader Josef Stalin said: “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

Please contact LCDR Fitzpatrick and find out how to file your complaint. It’s either that, a real fighting war or the end to you/we having anymore control over our lives. And let’s remember who it is that gave us freedom and liberty in the first place. It’s time for action, folks!

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”–2 Chronicles 7:14

Benghazi and Syrian US (Obama/Holder) gun-running deal:
Latest Obama Land Grabs:
Muslim Brotherhood appointed to high level US Gov positions:
Obama sending more F-16s and Tanks to Muslim Brotherhood Egypt:
Jag Hunter:
Sher Zieve
Send email feedback to Sher Zieve

Biography – Sher Zieve
Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS LIST? Email your .pdf filings to to add to this list!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012


·         CLICK HERE: Navy Veteran Michael Lerman Treason Complaint filed 13 December 2012 (California)

·         CLICK HERE: U.S. Army Captain Neil B. Turner Treason Complaint filed 5 December 2012 (California)

·         CLICK HERE: Michael D. Jackson Treason Complaint filed 9 November 2012 (Illinois)

·         CLICK HERE: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III Treason Complaint filed 8 November 2012 (Tennessee)



Monday, 10 December 2012


Monday, 10 December 2012


Date: Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 2:34 PM
Subject: GET  PREPARED  NOW  !!!!

Drake is giving us a WARNING that we could be in
a Civil War situation BEFORE the end of this month.

He suggests getting yourself a gun & ammo, join a
local Militia  OR Start One,  get yourself food & water
ahead and BE ready..... FOLKS THIS IS SERIOUS.....

The Cabal is Dangerous as a Wild Animal being cornered.

...... more to come when information is available......

Message from Montague Keen - January 13, 2013

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - January 13, 2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 13-Jan-2013 22:22:24

Message from Montague Keen - January 13, 2013
This is a difficult time for so many of you as the dark entities infiltrate wherever they can, to cause disruption and chaos in their desperation to survive. Indeed, someone brought such entities into our home recently. The constant disruption to the electricity supply, which has prevented you from carrying out our work, is an example of this interference. It searches out people who get close to you, in order to disrupt our work and cause disharmony where there should be none. I know it is always difficult to make people understand that they have been infiltrated and that they need help to remove the entity. The entity itself convinces them that this is a ridiculous suggestion, and so it continues to control them. This has gone on throughout history. Soon it will no longer be possible to do this.
Remember my dear, many are called but few are chosen. Be strong, my dear, as you face yet another crisis. You will be assisted in deciding who you can trust and who must withdraw. Those within the Cabal are clever and they appeal to people's weaknesses and egos, quickly taking control of their minds. So you really do not know who you are dealing with. They attack you and your work. But you, my dear, are made of sterner stuff. You have had to deal with similar situations in the past, and no doubt, there will be more in the future. Deal with the situation with compassion. Try to help those who are overcome, to understand that they are no longer in control of their lives, and in the end they will be destroyed and discarded when no longer of use.
There is a battle going on between the light and the dark, and you are all in the middle of it, struggling to survive. It is disrupting your sleep and making people anxious about the future. It will come to an end, as you know in your hearts and souls, that the light will triumph. It is just a question of being strong and not giving in to the fear that is being created all around you. The weather is being manipulated; food shortages are being created; businesses are being forced to close; all in order to create chaos and hardship. It is all part of their great plan.
The illuminati figures are struggling to hold on, as everything around them changes, and people ask questions and begin to see the light. The propaganda machine is now open to scrutiny. People are seeing through the lies which, not so long ago, they would have accepted as absolute truth. You can now see that before every tragedy or situation occurs, their explanations have, so obviously, been prepared in advance. But these explanations do not fit the situations anymore. In fact, this is adding to their downfall. The light is shining upon their actions, exposing them for what they are. Their great illusion is being exposed. At last, humanity is beginning to see things as they are, not as it was told they are. Once you grasp the reality of it all, you are home and dry.
You: each and everyone of you, is bringing this about. You are taking back your planet from the usurpers. It is difficult to accept that such evil entities have controlled you and your planet and kept you as prisoners and slaves. Be prepared ! Start researching the real truth of who you are, and your true history, which bears no resemblance to what you were taught.
It is time to question everything and everyone. Refuse to be treated like sheep anymore. We are orchestrating everything from this side of life, so we are dealing with the opposition also, by helping you to see the truth. You are fighting for your lives and the future of humanity. You cannot afford to be complacent. It is your duty to expose all the evil that has kept you in darkness, and your planet in isolation. Humanity is crying out for freedom from tyranny and corruption. It is time for them to leave your planet. They appear to those on your planet to be people, but they are NOT. They do not have compassion and they despise you. They want your planet for themselves. They only require a select few of you to serve them as slaves. They look down on you as lesser mortals, seeing themselves as superior; when in fact, nothing is further from the truth.
However, you are winning the war on every level. They waged war against your souls, your minds, and your very existence, and they almost won. You owe a great deal to those who (for years) have faced ridicule and attack because they told the truth and exposed corruption. Let love be your guiding light. The corrupt are not capable of love; for love is giving, and they do not understand the concept of giving. Love survives, creating an imprint on the soul that cannot be erased. You and I are an example of this: not even death can extinguish it.
I am aware, my dear, that it is the ninth anniversary of my passing on the 15th January. Do not mourn me, as I am still with you. I prove to you, every day, that I have never left your energy. That is the power of love. To have love in your life is to have everything.
My love grows stronger with each passing year, nourishing your life and supporting our work. Together, we can move mountains.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Slavery and the 8 Veils

Subject: Slavery and the 8 Veils
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2013 17:28:37 -0500
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 7:40 PM
Subject: Slavery and the 8 Veils

"If my math is accurate there are only
about 60,000 people on the planet who
have pierced the sixth veil. The irony
here is too incredible: Those who are
stuck behind veils one through five have
little choice but to view the people who
have pierced the veils beyond them as
Video (about 11 mins):

- Alexandra

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Alexandra Bruce

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Removing The Shackles

Removing The Shackles

This is Cobra's latest update. It tells what is happening and how we can help.

             Hello All:
                     This is Cobra's latest update. It tells what is happening and how we can help.
                               God Bless Love to all Smile Red rose Red heart                 

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 07:33:23 +0000
Subject: Portal 2012

Portal 2012

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 11:33 AM PST
Etheric Liberation Update

There is even more progress being made. The etheric Archon grid in layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles above and below the surface of the planet is slowly (and in some cases not so slowly) disintegrating due to actions of the Light forces and there are more and more Light beings present in those etheric layers. 

In the meantime, the innermost surface etheric layer (up to 110 feet above and below the surface profile) is still pretty dense with few occasional cracks in the Matrix. The main problem remaining is the etheric ELF HAARP technology which keeps the Matrix in this layer in place. You can experience this technology as a low frequency hum or vibration, which you can feel both in your physical and your etheric energy body, as etheric sound tends to propagate through the physical plane as well. You can feel it also as an electrical current in certain parts of your body, a feeling of spatial disorientation (due to strong etheric magnetic field) or a cold energy present around your aura (due to etheric electromagnetic standing wave resonance interfering with your auric membrane). When there will be more awareness about this technology among the awakened part of the surface population, the Light forces will remove it so much more easily. 

You can see a simplified explanation of the current planetary situation on this picture:

Or read an excellent article about the progress of the etheric liberation process here:

Except for the technical details about the position and size of the remaining unliberated etheric layers, I completely agree with intel presented in that article and I would recommend everybody to read it. 

Victory of the Light is near!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Johnnie Sick - FLU BUG

I am now on day 3 0f a hope for 4 day Nasty Flu. This will explains my absence on this blog.

Shall try to catch up. My apologies to all.

John MacHaffie