Friday, September 13, 2013

Op NSA - Anonymous Exposes NSA Supporters' Financial Ties

lots of links in here also ..

----- Original Message -----
From: Lynda
To: John
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 12:48 PM

Op NSA - Anonymous Exposes NSA Supporters' Financial Ties
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Sep-2013 12:14:04
A Virus Has Been Detected...Virus Name: 'Gang Of Eight'
OpNSA - Anonymous Exposes NSA Supporters' Financial Ties
Published on Sep 12, 2013 By The Young Turks
Join the fight against money in politics:
"Members of the Anonymous hacker collective, known as Anons, are targeting US lawmakers who have financial ties to intelligence contractors in their latest campaign.
Unlike other Anonymous operations, however, OpNSA does not involve hacking or illegality of any kind.
Instead, the operation aims to bring attention to what Anons have termed collusion between US senators and private contractors, whom Anons allege enabled privacy violations as part of National Security Agency surveillance programs.
The contractors include Northrop Grumman, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and others...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more here from Jeb Boone / Global Post:
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Anonymous - OpNSA Release III Mike Rogers
Published on Aug 19, 2013 By OfficialAnonymousTV1
Greetings congressman Michael Rogers republican representative for Michigan's 8th district.
We are Anonymous and we have been extremely concerned with your conduct since being first elected to congress in the year 2000 your crudity rise to the level of chairmen of the house permanent select comity on intelligence and member of the elite Gang of Eight.
Who by federal law are briefed on every intelligence action undertaken by the federal government.
In fact you have been become such a power in house that you have run virtually unopposed in every race for federal office you have been in as in an income but with one, but even then you raised nearly three times the election funds of your opponent.
In fact in several elections your democratic opponent raised less then one percent then of your award chest. That this has happened and continues to happen is a disgrace especially given your record and Anonymous is not pleased.
We have been watching you and we think it is time for some new blood in your district.
We therefore call to the democratic party to field and fund a legitimate opponent to depose you in the next election, for your crimes against the American people.
Despite running without serious opposition you still managed to rack up an impressive list of donors in the defense and technology sectors.
From corporations that stand to benefit from your deregulation of the bill of rights.
Corporations that are either in the business of expanding and facilitating domestic surveillance programs or are affiliated with the unconstitutional prism program.
Lockheed Martin/
Northrop Grumman/
BAE Systems/
Verizon communications/ (Pwnd)
L3 communications/
Microsoft/ (Pwnd)

And the list goes on and on all told you have raised $420,500 from these company's just since the 2006 election cycle despite the fact that you could have defeated most of your electoral challenges on a child's allowance.
And where did it all start to go wrong congressmen?
Was it your support for the USA Patriot Act in 2001 and its love of warrant-less wire tapping?
Could it be the Patriot Act re-authorization of 2005?
Your monumental vote for the protect America act of 2007 that paved the way for the unconstitutional Prism program?
Was it your re-authorization of the patriot act of 2011?
Perhaps it was your failure to attend reign in the NSA following the Fisa courts eighty six page 2011 opinion that declared that the NSA activities are in violation of the 4th amendment in the 2008 Fisa amendments?
Or maybe it was your disgusting CISPA Act that you ran through the house?
On not one but two occasions despite the fact that it had no chance of being signed into law.
Was it the fact that you devoted against the Amesh amendment that would have stopped the NSA from co-opting the telephone records of hundreds of millions of American again without warrants?
And of course it could have been when you lied in telling the American people that the e-mails of American's were not being tracked without warrant when the NSA Keyscore makes it clear that is not true.
Regardless of where your crimes begin and end it has been apparent to Anonymous that you take pride in using the constitution and the bill of rights as Toilet Paper
your constituent should be ashamed of you and we call upon to them to force you out of office at there earliest opportunity.

A Virus Has Been Detected..
Anonymous Is Working To Correct The System Failure..
IRC: -

Resources: - - -

Anonymous is for Freedom
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Anonymous - Operation NSA: Senator Dianne Feinstein EXPOSED #OpNSA
Anonymous Operation NSA Dutch Ruppersberger EXPOSED
Anonymous #OpNSA - Saxby Chambliss

Simple Cancer Protection For You

Simple Cancer Protection For You 

I'll go out on a limb and say that the average person would want to do
as much as they could to prevent cancer.

Fair statement?
Since cancer continues to be the #2 killer in the US just behind heart disease, and currently the average person stands a 1 in 4 chance of dying from it, preventing it is definitely something that is a top priority for many.
The good news is that the list of ways that you can help prevent cancer continues to GROW.
Let's take a look at some of the best ways you can help keep this killer far away from you, plus a significant new discovery on how your gut bacteria can make you or break you in terms of cancer prevention.
5 Strategies for cancer prevention
Here are some tried and true anti-cancer strategies, plus an exciting new way to fight this dreaded disease:
1) Don't smoke
I know--this one should be pretty obvious by now.
But I continue to see people lighting up wherever I go! So clearly there's been a disconnect somewhere in people getting this message.
Plus, remember you are not the only one you're harming with your smoke--the dangers of second-hand smoke are documented and very real.
Countless times I have had to hold my breath when entering a building because I don't want to breathe in the poison from all the smokers huddled at the entrance puffing away.
If you smoke, please quit already. Millions of people have done it before you so it's not impossible.
If you need help, that's fine. There are lots of stop smoking programs and aids out there. Pick one and put that cancer-loving habit behind you for good.

2) Exercise regularly
Regular exercise helps rid your body of toxic wastes, and since cancer needs a toxic environment in order to thrive, when you exercise and help keep your innards clean, you are putting out a "No Vacancy" sign for cancer.
Now, don't even start with your "I can't exercise because _____" excuses!
If you think you don't have the time, that's not true. You HAVE the time for anything you MAKE the time for, and that includes exercise. Make the time for it.
If you're self-conscious about going to a gym, that's OK. Get some home equipment or a DVD instead.
If you're on a tight budget, as far as I know, walking is free (except for the cost of sneakers...which you probably already own).
And if you get bored, well, think of how boring it would be lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a chemotherapy IV.

3) Avoid unsafe exposure to the sun
Exposing your skin to natural sunlight is how your body produces Vitamin D, so some exposure (without sunscreen) is actually good for you.
The problem arises when people remain in the sun unprotected for HOURS on end and/or get a sunburn. That's when you're really playing with fire as far as skin cancer is concerned.
Although Vitamin D production can vary depending on your skin type and color, as well as the strength of the sun where you live and for the particular time of year, generally speaking 20-30 minutes of sun exposure 2-3 times a week will help your body create the Vitamin D you need.
If you are going to be in the sun for much longer periods of time, it's wise to either cover up with clothing or use sunscreen.
And NEVER allow yourself to "roast" in the sun to the point where you get burned.
You may just end up "getting burned" in more ways than you think.

4) Nourish your body with the right foods in the right way
This is far and away THE #1 most important anti-cancer measure you can take.
The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society estimate that at least 30-35% of all cancers are related to a poor diet!
Here's why a good diet has such a profound effect on cancer prevention and treatment:
First of all, having a diet comprised of meals that are easy to digest and contain lots of alkaline foods (like fruits and vegetables) can help eliminate built-up toxic wastes in your body.
So you're a much less attractive home to cancer and can make it difficult for it to thrive!
The nutrients in a healthy diet play a big part too.
Antioxidant vitamins (like Vitamin C and E) and minerals (like selenium) can actually help prevent and repair DNA damage that may otherwise develop into a cancerous tumor!
Plus, Vitamins A, D and folate all encourage healthy, proper (NOT crazy, tumor-forming) cell growth.
And many of the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables have been shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties and are potent antioxidants as well.
The great news is, having this ever-important healthy diet is not only easy, but it tastes good too.
That is, if you follow the Great Taste No Pain health system or if you're gluten-sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten.
Both the Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten systems will show you how to create healthful, nutritious meals (featuring many of the anti-cancer nutrients mentioned above) that are not only positively delicious, but are also easy to digest.
When your digestion is accomplished easily and thoroughly, not only will you be helping to eliminate toxic waste build-up, but you'll also help maximize your body's absorption of cancer-fighting nutrients from your foods.

5) The impressive 1-2 punch from healthy gut flora
Having a strong population of healthy gut flora can actually help prevent cancer in TWO ways.
The first way that most of us are familiar with is that they help strengthen your immune system.
A strong immune system is absolutely vital in the fight against cancer. Your immune cells are constantly on alert for cells that could potentially develop into cancer, and when they see a possible culprit, they engulf and destroy it.
Since 70% of your immune system resides in the beneficial bacteria in your gut, it's essential to make sure yours are healthy and in the proper balance.
And now recently another gut-cancer connection has been discovered.
Researchers from UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC) have observed that certain types of dangerous bacteria that can be present in your intestinal tract are major contributors to lymphoma (cancer of the white blood cells).
The researchers studied mice with a genetic disease called ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), which is associated with a high rate of B-cell lymphoma.
They discovered that, of the mice with A-T, those with certain (friendly) bacteria in their guts lived much longer than those with other (dangerous) bacteria before developing lymphoma, and had less of the gene damage that causes lymphoma.
This is promising news because it can mean that effective treatment against cancer may eventually include probiotics to help expand the friendly bacteria that protect against it!
So clearly with discoveries like this and the many more that will likely follow, it's becoming increasingly important to ensure that you have a healthy flora balance in YOUR gut.
The good news is that's easily done.
In addition to a healthy diet like I mentioned in #4 above which nourishes your friendly flora, probiotic supplementation can help you achieve this important, possibly life-saving goal.
Super Shield's 13 strains of friendly bacteria are up to this potentially life-saving task.
As soon as they arrive on the scene, Super Shield's impressive "army" lines your intestinal walls, helps crowd out unhealthy bacteria, and helps keep your digestion smooth (so carcinogens and dangerous bacteria can be eliminated with your bowel movements).
This will help keep your intestinal flora balance where it needs to be and help build a strong, cancer-fighting immune system!
Learn more about Super Shield and all the ways it can help you here.

Cancer continues to be a very effective killer, but that doesn't mean you are completely defenseless against it.
When you adopt healthy habits, help encourage your body's natural defenses and make yourself a less attractive home to cancer, you are taking giant steps toward fighting it and keeping it FAR away from you...for good.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Don's been feeling great for the past 3 years!
Dear Sherry,
I have been using your Great Taste No Pain Guide to eating healthy for the past three years and introduced it to many of my friends and family.
Upon being released from an over night stay at the hospital for digestion problems that were so severe, I Iost 25 Ibs in 6 weeks from not being able to eat do to extreme pain.
After many tests and medications that did not help, the doctor prescribed medication to take away the pain in order for me to eat without suffering. I knew that was only going to make my problem worse.
That evening, I was very lucky to find your website and while listening to your story I thought you were reading my script--same tests, same diagnosis, same medications to no avail.
When I started eating using your guide is when my digestion problems disappeared. There are other issues that I suffered from that have also disappeared!
Thank you for the work you have done to help people like me restore our health.
Check out THOUSANDS of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's tastiest gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here  
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Vossa & Webre: Preparing for Teleportation and Time travel - A Dialogue

  Vossa & Webre: Preparing for Teleportation and Time travel - A Dialogue

The Koch brothers’ secret bank – these are the men who are now in the process of taking down North Carolina

   [New post] Exclusive: The Koch brothers’ secret bank – these are the men who are now in the process of taking down North Carolina . . . ~J


Jean posted: "Source: Huffington Post The group Freedom Partners serves as an outlet for the Koch brothers' ideas and cash. | AP Photos By MIKE ALLEN and JIM VANDEHEI | 9/11/13 9:00 PM EDT An Arlington, Va.-based conservative group, whose e"

New post on 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Exclusive: The Koch brothers’ secret bank – these are the men who are now in the process of taking down North Carolina . . . ~J

by Jean
Source: Huffington Post The group Freedom Partners serves as an outlet for the Koch brothers' ideas and cash. | AP Photos By MIKE ALLEN and JIM VANDEHEI | 9/11/13 9:00 PM EDT An Arlington, Va.-based conservative group, whose existence until now was unknown to almost everyone in politics, raised and spent $250 million in 2012 to shape political and […]

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Ascension Earth 2012

Subject: Ascension Earth 2012

Ascension Earth 2012

SaLuSa via Wally
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild The New Age of Dharma ~ Rebuilding New Earth Hand in Hand ~ Lord Metatron through Elizabeth Trutwin IF YOU FIND YOURSELF DETACHED - Veronica via April Crawford A Message to Starseeds from Fongeetale ~- Ascension DNA Activation via Isis-Neith ToolBox ~ The Creator, Father of All there-is and his Energizing Light Allow that to be the Beacon which Guides you Along Your Way ~ via Ron Head Hanging Out with My Cosmic BFF’S ~ A Reflection From The Yoga Mat and A QHHT Experience ~ via Bella CapozziSaLuSa via Wally

Posted: 12 Sep 2013 10:20 PM PDT

salusacourier.wordpress.comAgents of the dark will be paraded before you for punitive measures and you will be shown how their pyramid of control has run rampant over your lives and created hostility and estrangement where there had formerly been love, affection, and friendliness and this structure of power is being exposed and shown up for all it's false pretences, so all can again become agreeable and kind, readily helping each other. We are again reiterating to your governments that missiles of mass destruction launched in hostility will have their guidance system completely scrambled to then wonder aimlessly, and we are ever at the ready and primed to take action at a moments notice. Unlike those that would seek to create a new religion or faith, we welcome all souls in any faith or creed - as we seek to give you your wings, cutting your cord so you fly free into new heights of wonder and boundless opportunities. Much government money has been used to subsidize media puppets to speak through them things that give them a clean image so that criticism rolls off them, like water off a duck's back, mostly great Britain and the United States, and we sound the alarm bell and alert you to this practice which is just a showy and flashy display of untruths and lies. We sense much aversion and pulling back as things surface from the depths of the subconscious into the material for your attention and processing, as they need to be integrated into the conscious state, as you are many times divided and separated within yourself, and in this many men of high social status are at the novice and beginner stages, and will be some of the last ones to adapt to the new energies. Dear ones it is entirely normal to be confused and puzzled as all the many new changes take effect and the most feasible and practical treatment remedy for this is feeling a warmth of love with kindness and tenderness for all, as you are on a grand and ancient stage in that all you do is clearly seen by all. Unwanted karmic consequences will start to inflow and return, with many becoming unsettled and try to run into some form of escapism, but the lords of karma will not let anyone wriggle and wrangle their way out of dealing with consequences of past actions. This will be a dark time, where you will have to face your darkest despairing and a dissolving of your will, but out of these depths will light a clear path forward to your exalted glorification and will stand you strong, changing your fundamental make up, this testing time forces you to go within and learn who you really are, which is a very personal process, but when fully complete you can raise your flag high showing all what you have accomplished. President Obama has agreed to a negotiated settlement involving the Syrian conflict, and he is being guided and advised by us, and is greatly valued. We can guarantee and promise he is being shepherded to create the new age of light and love, we have whispered in the ears of all those involved in that conflict to drum out the exaggerated sense of pride and self-importance which lends itself to peace and harmony, for facilitating the stalling and stopping of the war. With a lasting peace on the earth it will enable all the needed freedom, creativity and inspiration to clear humanities way open for progress, and to expand through all opposition, and this new close bond between the peoples of earth will adhere. Take note to steer clear of all the gory details of how exactly the last cabal is dismantled, as you can get stuck in that state slowing down your spiritual growth, as their route of dispatch is to a Grand Jury to answer accusations made against them and the conclusions arrived upon will be the realization that a far greater amount and a vast heap more of accumulated crimes against the people that are as yet still kept quiet and hushed. The governments and political organizations will make blatant and sensational publicity of this, with much Monday Morning Quarterbacking and spirited discussion, and result in people becoming more relaxed and releasing long held in tension, and you will look back on this as a very special and sacred time. The knock on effect will be when it is known that the corporations, banks, and governments where in bed together, it will be decried and condemned intensely, and there will be calls for a system that will warn against this happening in future, and a loud call will then go out to fil

Investment bank manager: "Nobody knows what the f**k is going on..."

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Sovereign Man
September 13, 2013
Hong Kong
Financial circles in Hong Kong are buzzing today on the new Goldman Sachs projection that gold may drop below $1,000 an ounce.
And in merely suggesting such a death sentence for the metal, Goldman's pronouncement pushed the paper price of gold contracts down $20+.
Many technical indicators underscore Goldman's views. There's very little floor for gold prices below $1,200, signaling that gold could gap down quickly.
Conventional wisdom is also moving against precious metals. Newspaper headlines are telling us that emerging markets are toast (India, Indonesia, Brazil) while the developed economies (US, Europe, Japan) are on the mend.
Of course, the facts don't really support this.
  • Unemployment in much of southern Europe continues to soar, and Greece is imminently in need of yet another bailout.
  • The Japanese government's most recent budget numbers indicate payments on the national debt totaling 22.2 trillion yen, which constitutes 51.5% of the government's 43 trillion yen tax revenue.
  • In the Land of the Free, the US government is just a few weeks away from defaulting. Again.
Since May, in fact, the US Treasury Department has resorted to 'extraordinary measures' to keep the debt level firm at $16.7 trillion (the current debt ceiling) by using clever accounting tricks and confiscating funds from other sources.
As soon as the debt ceiling is raised, however, the national debt in the US will soar once again as these accounting tricks are unwound and reflected on the balance sheet.
For whatever reason, though, few people are paying attention to facts. It's all about sentiment. And the sentiment right now is that the rich Western economies are back on top.
This is the central thesis underpinning Goldman's assessment on gold: since the US economy is out of the woods, there's no longer a need for gold as a risk hedge.
But as my friend told me last night over drinks, "Nobody knows what the f**k is going on..."
He's a senior-level manager at a major international investment bank, and fully expects the banking system to go under again.
I thought about his candid remarks this morning when I read Goldman's projection on gold.
But it does beg the question-- is it time to get out of precious metals? After all, the momentum is moving in that direction.
Well, if you buy gold hoping to sell it at some point in the future and receive more fiat currency than you paid, then you might as well get out. Gold is not a great speculation right now.
Think about it like this-- and take 'gold' out of the equation. If the market for widgets had risen 10, 11, 12 years in a row, and had shattered all records for long-term performance, would you still be betting on a rise?
Probably not. Just like housing (which everyone thought would go up forever), gold's nominal paper price can fall. And it makes far more sense to speculate on something that's in the dumps right now.
However, this mentality entirely misses the point of precious metals.
Why buy gold hoping to gain more paper currency down the road? Owning gold is all about trading away your paper currency into something that cannot be conjured out of thin air by central banks.
When stored properly (holding physical gold overseas and/or anonymously), there is very little counterparty risk.
The "price" in paper currency may rise. Or it may fall. But this is largely irrelevant.
When the hopes and reams of the entire global financial system rest on the lies of politicians, the whims of central bankers, and the mountains of debt they have all accumulated, things could turn on a dime... tomorrow.
Gold is an insurance policy. It's a form of money that you might never need to use. But should that need ever arise, you'll be so much better off for owning it.
Until next week,
Simon Black
Senior Editor,
Where is the best place to bank in the world?

This is the most common question that Sovereign Man: Confidential members have. Followed by "Where should I establish residency and move to?" The answers of course depend on each specific situation, but in this month's issue we set ourselves a monumental task of analyzing and identifying the best set of options that would suit just about anybody.

This month's seminal issue of SMC includes:
  • A detailed analysis of respective banking systems of selected jurisdictions. We look at things like central bank capitalization, central government debt levels, commercial bank capitalization, and commercial bank liquidity.
  • All this is broken down to identify which is the safest bank and the safest currency in the world, which jurisdictions are best for corporate banking, where the risk and reward ratios are favorable etc. Everything summarized for you in a user-friendly cheat sheet.
  • The best residency and immigration options in the world. Find out which are the two best places to establish residency with a view of obtaining a second passport-- without the need of actually moving there.
  • What are the best and easiest passports to acquire if you actually want to uproot your life and move to a new place. All in a systematic overview, designed to give you a direction immediately.
  • A boots on the ground account from Iceland. The country was the first victim of the financial collapse of 2008. It's still in a very poor state, with a default and a significant restructuring inevitable.
  • But it also has a lot going for it. That's why I'm so excited about its potential once it's forced to pull out all the stops and attract foreign capital. The opportunities for those prepared will be immense. It should definitely be on your radar.
  • An extended set of questions, ranging from what to look for when setting up an offshore corporate bank account to the best deals for farmland in the world right now.
To get immediate access to the knowledge contained within this month's issue, and all the back issues, click here to get the full details on your invitation to join Sovereign Man: Confidential today.

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Neither this email communication nor content posted to the website is intended to provide personal financial advice. Before undertaking any action described in this letter, financial or otherwise, you should discuss your options with a qualified advisor-- accountant, financial planner, attorney, priest, IRS auditor, Tim Geithner... Also, nothing published in this letter constitutes encouragement to avoid or evade tax obligations in your home country. Furthermore, you should understand that may in some instances receive financial compensation for products and/or services which are mentioned in the letter, and in other cases, receives no compensation. The needs of the community come first, and the presence or lack of financial compensation in no way affects the recommendations made in this letter.

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Courage Knows The Truth

Courage Knows The Truth

How long has it been since the world has been told the truth

9/11 crime created for profit and greed
With jobs and wages shrinking ends badly for the whole
Maxing out credit cards to take care of basic needs
Hard to maintain a standard of living that's been lost
Millions have no jobs while others jailed for growing weed
As GM and Chrysler got their corporate bail-out fix
But didn't save Detroit, now poor pension owners scream.

Cabal banking terrorists have spread faster than light
Goldman Royals march in and justice can not be found
These fraudsters who led from the inside spiraled all wealth
As thousands of Nazi's infiltrated every town
Now control slips fast from the wheat and copper markets
With Goldman Sachs new aluminum/copper take down
Nefarious plans repeating throughout all Europe
With Central Banks profits tied directly to the Crown.

Global stomachs turn as "Bush-Cabal-Family" gloats
Spearheading this sick tyranny began with Prescott
Quick name change from "Scherf to BUSH" provided them cover
From JFK to 9/11, they all still walk
Smugly in speeches their "New World Order" was foretold
Albeit while blessing Americans with double-talk
Stolen TRILLIONS, MURDERED MILLIONS all for their Fourth-Reich
The world shudders as "USA" still lives in the dark.

True confusion began when Twin-Towers crumbled down
To connect the dots takes the truth to an inside job
These morally-bankrupt thugs weaved a tight-web of crimes
While our soldiers went into war and came back to sob
This country still mourns great loss wading pure deception
Cabal corruption is now the American-Mob
An evil that has infected and spread through the world
Courage knows the truth, time to take back all that's been robbed.

Awakened American For Freedom


Use your masterful powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

dolphins 3

James Gilliland Update: The Return of The Annunaki and The End of Tyranny -vid

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

James Gilliland Update: The Return of The Annunaki and The End of Tyranny -vid
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 13-Sep-2013 11:21:36

ECETI Ranch founder James Gilliland offers perspectives on current events at the close of summer 2013.

 New  0  0  0  0

Barack Obama LOST his citizenship by not registering for Selective Service

Barack Obama LOST his citizenship by not registering for Selective Service

by George Spelvin,  staff writer
The matador’s bright red cape and his agile moves to anger and tire the animal are the outstanding metaphor used by Attorney W. L. Albert. Moore, Jr., who is bringing an Amicus Curiae in support of lead appellant L. Dean Johnson in the request for an Alabama Supreme Court oral argument in yet another case dismissed by lower courts in the Barack Obama eligibility saga. 
Moore,  no relation to Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore,  is a nationally certified fraud attorney who has a completely new angle on the American political nightmare that just will not die. Moore told CiR in a very lengthy phone interview on September 3, that the “real issue is not the eligibility clause (2-1-5, US Constitution), but the fact that Obama would not or did not register for Selective Service, thereby signifying his LOSS of US CITIZENSHIP!  The issue is not Obama’s status at birth–Obama probably is an NBC–but rather, his abrogation of US CITIZENSHIP, Moore said. 
The long time lawyer extended his metaphor by adding that Obama handlers are more than willing to let truth seekers twist in the wind by running at the false red flags of lack of natural born citizenship status and other sidebars of this unbelievable case.  The crux of this case is a little known noun called fealty.  Of Old French linguistic derivation, fealty asks does Obama have allegiance to serve the United States of America?
Absent the impanelment of a grand jury with its subsequent subpoena powers, Moore doubts ability to obtain epithelial evidence of just who is father of Barack Obama nee Barry Soetoro!  He, Moore, is of the opinion that the sitting president may just well have NBC status and that Obama very well could be the direct offspring of the man named as the Obama grandfather, Stanley Dunham.  Other web commenters, also, have brought up this theory, i.e. that the grandfather is really the father, that the mother is really the 1/2 sister, and that Toots, Obama’s beloved grandmother who died shortly before her grandson’s first inauguration as U.S. President was the only true legacy grandparent!!
Here is Attorney Moore’s outline of his Amicus Curiae:  1.  Status at birth was verifiable by the statements of  Dr. Chiyome Fukino, M.D., former director of Hawaii’s Department of Health.  She said: “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics. . .have personally seen and verified that the (HDoH) has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record. . .” (2)
Part 2 of the Amicus Curiae alleges for court deliberation that “by refusing to register for U.S. Selective Service, Barry Soetoro-Barack Obama relinquished his U.S. citizenship status!  The original birth certificate allegedly was amended by a second birth certificate to reflect the young man’s adoption by Stanley Ann Dunham’s new husband Indonesian Lolo Soetoro.
By the way, Soetoro-Obama had to be listed as an Indonesian citizen to be registered in the elementary school system in that Islamic country.
Incidentally if epithelial evidence can ascertain that President Obama is not now, nor ever has been, an Afro-American, the blow done to the media, the Democrats, the Congressional Black Caucus and the Black Grievance Industry (BGI) will be palpable, to say the least!
Now, Attorney Moore further alleges that not only did Soetoro-Obama fail to register for Selective Service, the now Commander in Chief allegedly entered the United States as Barry Soetoro under an Indonesian visa at or around 1983.  This five year time frame, l980-l985, are called the “lost” years by researchers unable to tract this very cosmopolitan young man.  “Obama admitted his loss of American citizenship when he failed to apply for Selective Service,” says Attorney Moore. No evidence of repatriation apparently has ever surfaced!
A Part II analysis of the Moore interview will follow.
(1)  phone interview, Monday, September 9, by CiR and Attorney W.L. Albert Moore, Jr. 
(2)     affidavit of Dr. Chiyome Fukino, M.D. HI DoH