Courage Knows The Truth
How long has it been since the world has been told the truth
9/11 crime created for profit and greed
With jobs and wages shrinking ends badly for
the whole
Maxing out credit cards to take care of basic
Hard to maintain a standard of living that's
been lost
Millions have no jobs while others jailed for
growing weed
As GM and Chrysler got their corporate
bail-out fix
But didn't save Detroit, now poor pension
owners scream.
Cabal banking terrorists have spread faster
than light
Goldman Royals march in and justice can not be
These fraudsters who led from the inside
spiraled all wealth
As thousands of Nazi's infiltrated every town
Now control slips fast from the wheat and
copper markets
With Goldman Sachs new aluminum/copper take
Nefarious plans repeating throughout all
With Central Banks profits tied directly to
the Crown.
Global stomachs turn as
"Bush-Cabal-Family" gloats
Spearheading this sick tyranny began with
Quick name change from "Scherf to BUSH"
provided them cover
From JFK to 9/11, they all still walk
Smugly in speeches their "New World
Order" was foretold
Albeit while blessing Americans with
their Fourth-Reich
The world shudders as "USA" still
lives in the dark.
True confusion began when Twin-Towers crumbled
To connect the dots takes the truth to an
inside job
These morally-bankrupt thugs weaved a
tight-web of crimes
While our soldiers went into war and came back
to sob
This country still mourns great loss wading
pure deception
Cabal corruption is now the American-Mob
An evil that has infected and spread through
the world
Courage knows the truth, time to take back all
that's been robbed.
Awakened American For Freedom
Awakened American For Freedom
Use your masterful
powers of thought,
visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

visualization and verbal intent to
Co-create a peaceful world now...

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