Monday, December 29, 2014

Cheney, CIA Torture Offer Rare Glimpse Into Darkness Of New World Order

Cheney, CIA Torture Offer Rare Glimpse Into Darkness Of New World Order

December 27, 2014 | By Bernie Suarez | CIANew World OrderPolitics
Top Ten Causes for Dick Cheney's Congestive Heart Failure
The CIA torture program is fully exposed to the world and there goes Dick Cheney – still alive, still defiant, still selling tyranny, dictatorship and fascism to anyone who will listen. Every time the man speaks he seems to be attempting to speak to your consciousness with the voice of darkness and evil. The voice seems to be saying- “Bad is good, eye for an eye, survival of the fittest wins, he who has the biggest gun wins, kill or be killed, the ends justifies the means.” Now where have I (we) heard this before? Who thinks this way? Who declares boldly that anything goes, murder and torture is fair game, love and peace is weak and useless, might and force rules, and thinks that we live to kill enemies?
I remember now – its the villains in every movie we watched as children. It was the villain in every cop show we watched growing up. Remember the bad guys that always died at the end? The ones whose missions almost succeeded except for the actions of a superhero, or hero cop, detective, agent or investigator saving the day.
I remember the typical villains in old shows and movies – They never felt like they owed anything to humanity. Everything they did was for themselves. They were consumed in egoism and selfishness. The villains of old movies and TV shows never felt responsible for anything they did and they never felt any guilt when doing something evil. Remember those typical personality profiles of the evil villains?
In psychology there is a clear and definite set of signs and symptoms that point to someone being a psychopath. Scott Bonn, PhD, professor of criminology, and expert criminologist states:
Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They … despite their inability to actually feel (emotion) … will appear normal to unsuspecting people.
Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature.
Furthermore, Bonn goes on to state regarding psychopaths:
When committing crimes, psychopaths carefully plan out every detail in advance … psychopathic criminals are cool, calm, and meticulous … Intelligent psychopaths make excellent white-collar criminals … due to their calm and charismatic natures.
Can you see how Dick Cheney and many of the globalists fit perfectly into this profile? Looking back at scary movies and thrillers of old, they often portrayed the killer as a psychopath. Consistent with this definition, they were portrayed as intelligent people who planned out their murders, manipulated their victims and never felt any remorse whatsoever for what they did, all the while appearing as “normal” to the outside world including family and friends.
Unfortunately this darkness and psychopathic behavior we are talking about goes far beyond Dick Cheney. The CIA torture documents that have come to light offer a mere glimpse into the psychopathic mindset that is behind the entire concept of global domination. What some like to call the “new world order” or the controllers, the globalist gangsters, the Illuminati, NATO, the West, the U.S.-Israeli empire, the Military Industrial Complex, the anti-Christ, Babylon, the Beast, the Federal Reserve banking cabal, whatever you want to call this movement. It’s an organized movement lead by a dark consciousness whose evil mind is on display recently for people to see.
The forcefulness by which they operate, the tyranny and global dictatorial meme is on display and it’s capable of inflicting misery and suffering on all its enemies and all of humanity.
The truth of the matter is that most of humanity is not prepared to wrap their heads around the reality of the new world order and the minds of its control freaks. This cognitive dissonance prevents them from being able to fathom the evil and psychopathic minds we speak of, so they choose to ignore it instead.
Thanks to the recent attention focused on the CIA torture programs, coupled with the voices of Americans who blindly and defiantly support and defend torture, we are now able to have a rare glimpse into the psychopathic minds of the new world order in a way that will hopefully wake up more people and make us more aware of how serious their plans are.
Americans are bombarded with mainstream media lies and mind control propaganda every single day. On top of that, there is the engineered mass amnesia effect. That’s when the mainstream media drops a topic and suddenly no one is talking about it. The topic then seems to drop out of sight out of mind (like the mind of a one year old).
Mainstream media carefully chooses their top stories to push into the forefront of everyone’s consciousness and they also decide which stories to fade away. We’ve seen this with Ebola over the last few months. Sometimes, however, stories get out that don’t fit the agenda so they have to work it out of everyone’s consciousness. In order to phase these unwanted stories out they will come up with bigger stories, bigger distractions while deemphasizing the story they want to fade away. (See example of recent Sandy Hook anniversary ignored by media.)
There is no question that many people in America are finally questioning what this nation is all about and what we believe in. America’s reputation has been raped ever since 9/11 and is now seen by most as the next global oppressive empire. Subsequently, more than ever people are looking twice at the stories put out by the western (NATO) powers and their propaganda media and they are questioning things.
I, however, urge all Americans and people around the world to consider this. Consider that given how fast stories are pulled from everyone’s consciousness, we may have just seen the only temporary glimpse into the darkness that drives the individuals pushing for war and global domination. The huge wave of consciousness pushing through this week will soon go away; and while many will become more aware, more educated and more vigilant – unfortunately many will go back to sleep and forget that the CIA just got caught deliberately and maliciously torturing innocent people and got away with it.
Soon none of this will matter as the mainstream media will pull off brand new false flag attacks (Sydney Australia?) to get the attention away from the stories that don’t help their long-term agenda.
Let’s therefore do what we can to help others see this glimpse of reality while it lasts, and hopefully more people will finally put their foot down to stop the evil that has taken over America. Hopefully realizing how psychopathic our leaders are, we will start to take definitive action to pursue justice against those who have violated human rights and conducted unethical and illegal torture programs.
Let us hope that as a whole, we (humanity) can restore the principles of ethics, morality, human decency, dignity, respect, justice, accountability, and good will that America (even if just in principle) once stood for. We watched the last two presidential administrations blatantly push America from the (perceived) beacon of freedom it used to be, into the role of a dictatorial global aggressor murdering without consequences.
So let’s all grasp a glimpse, while we can, into the dark mind of the psychopaths that run this world and truly understand what is at stake here. Let us never underestimate the forces who wish to control all of humanity, and may we never lose sight of how evil all of this really is.

Bernie Suarez is an activist, critical thinker, radio host, musician, M.D, Veteran, lover of freedom and the Constitution, and creator of the Truth and Art TV project. He also has a background in psychology and highly recommends that everyone watch a documentary titled The Century of the Self. Bernie has concluded that the way to defeat the New World Order is to truly be the change that you want to see. Manifesting the solution and putting truth into action is the very thing that will defeat the globalists.

Brazil’s Economy Just Imploded

The latest Keynesian success story

Brazil's Economy Just Imploded
by Zero Hedge | December 29, 2014

China may have mastered the art of fabricating economic data to a level unmatched by anyone except the US Department of Labor, but its derivative countries have much to learn. And none other more so than one of China’s favorite sources of commodities over the past decade: Brazil. It is here that things are going from worse to catastrophic, as disclosed in today’s update of Brazil’s fiscal picture.

Here are the disturbing facts showing that behind the world’s propaganda growth facade, it is all hollow: Brazil’s consolidated public sector primary fiscal balance, which posted a significantly worse than expected R$8.1bn primary deficit in November driven by the R$6.7bn deficit of the Central Government,dipped into negative territory: -0.18% of GDP, driven by the significant deterioration of the Central Government finances.

This is the worst fiscal outturn since November 1998. Furthermore, the primary surplus of subnational government (States and Municipalities) has also been eroding, a reflection of the authorizations given by the Treasury since 2011 for increased borrowing by the States. For instance, the States and Municipalities posted a negligible 0.08% of GDP surplus during Jan-Nov 2014, down from 0.46% of GDP during Jan-Nov 2013.
It gets worse: the overall public sector fiscal deficit widened to a very high 5.82% of GDP (the highest fiscal deficit since September 2003) given the high 5.64% of GDP net interest bill and steady erosion of the primary fiscal surplus. Given the BRL depreciation during the month, the interest on the stock of Dollar swaps issued by the central bank reached R$8.7bn.
The steady decline of the public sector savings rate is leading to a wider current account deficit despite weaker growth and low investment. In fact, the twin fiscal and current account deficits are now tracking at a combined, very troublesome 9.9% of GDP, the worst picture in 15 years (since September 1999). Repairing the severely unbalanced macro picture demands a deep fiscal and quasi-fiscal adjustment and a significantly weaker BRL.

Last but not least, gross general government debt rose to 63.0% of GDP in October, up from 56.7% of GDP in 2013 and 53.4% of GDP in 2010 (and the highest level since October 2009).

To summarize, in Goldman’s words
  • The fiscal picture has deteriorated very significantly since 2011 at both the flow (fiscal deficit) and stock (gross public debt) levels.
  • President Rousseff and Finance Minister designate Levy will face, among other things, the very significant challenge of repairing the severely deteriorated fiscal picture.
  • The steady erosion of the fiscal stance pushed net and gross public debt up. Furthermore, fiscal and quasi-fiscal activism undermined the effectiveness of monetary policy, contributed to inflation very high and drove the current account deficit to a very high level despite weak growth.
In other words, after Japan, this is merely the latest Keynesian success story. And now BTFATH in the S&P 500 because the US will, any minute now, decouple from the entire world.



Highlights of Tony's CC, updated as the call progresses - Sunny 
Tony's Tweet Today: "Great call with great info from D.C. coming.   Tanslation:  DC will talk twice as fast - 
Rayren:  This is "Magnificent Money coming to me Monday.

Tony:  I'm looking for an announcement today, tomorrow or Wednesday . . . in next 72 hours I think we will see it.

DC:  a lot of minor movement.  Everything is lined up after last minute nit picking . . . for it to happen in the next several days.  Still want to get this done on or before the 1st.

Tony:   Iraq has been ready since the first of the month . . . This is different because . . . come January this is going to be law in the Gazette.   Once they announce the 2015 budget there is no excuse for them not doing it.
DC: Team in Iraq from UST, Federal Reserve, US state department. US wanted things and agreed they would no longer move the goal post. . . believe all of those minor provisions completed.  Believe it is now in Iraqs hands totally.  

WHERE WE ARE:  DC says, the delays created by US demands on Iraq seem to have been met.  US wanted all T’s crossed and I’s dotted.  Check list completed and monitored by IMF & BIS.  DC believes little to no notification will be given to other countries.  They will just do it and notify everyone later. 


CBI:  Website seen in USA has little to no information.  Website seen in Iraq is very different according to caller.  Her brother transmitted it for a few seconds and then connection cut off.
BUDGET:  to be published in Gazette January 1.  Rate in budget still shows live, International rate of 1166.  Statements within say, "When this becomes effective . . . implemented . . . will change to new rate."

Banks:   Still on standby.  No one in position.   All US banks are not Basel III compliant but working on it.
Roll-out Plan:  One bank still required to take general public.  Plan is still for internet and groups to go before general public.  DC expects some will be exchanged before the holiday (New Years).  Want to make a ton of appointments in first 36 hours.  Tony and DC speculated prior to holiday could be used to make appointments with peeps exchanging after the holiday.  
Exchanges since Oct 31st have been cash not SKR's.
DC:  Even the most cynical guys are believing that the US made a bunch of promises to very powerful people in the US to be able to move money before  the 1st during banking hours.
Dong Rate:  $1.02
Internet #'s  200,000 - 300,000 following Tony and DC.  Expect each person to connect with 10 others and them to connect with others growing into 3 million or more rapidly.
800#:   Maybe regional specific.  When released it's STRONGLY advised to make your own appointment first before passing the number along.
Exchanging:  high population areas may take longer to complete or get in than somewhere like S. Dakota which is sparsely populated.
Contract rates 
International Rate


DC:  In the budget, the one officially published in the gazette, Jan1 they have that it’s 1137 (the rate) and budget is 123 trillion dinar.  . . if you read throughout the budget, “upon economic exchange or “implementation of increased purchasing power” . . . Extremely close to getting this thing done right now.  Everyone set up for this getting done very quickly. . . waiting on Dr. Abadhi’s office to sent out notifications.  . . . they are very ready to have this done and completed pronto.  . . get this done on or before the 1st.  US folks have promised a lot of very powerful people to have this done before the 1st. . . believe contract rates still available but only small percentage will have access to it. . . rest access to Int’l rate of $3.58.     My expectation is this is our last call.  Have a very Happy New Year!
PAM: Missed the lovely lady who made the wonderful warm slippers for me by hand.  Want to say thank you to everyone who has done so much for us.  Intel, supporting members, , those helping others, our guest mods, transcribers . . . mods are amazing men and amazing to have the kind of support team we’ve had.  Thank you all.
RAY:  Magnificent money is coming to me Monday!
TONY:  It’s a great day.  I think we are there.  . . we think everything is finally done.  Hearing from Iraq side, we’re waiting for Abadhi to give the go signal. . . waiting on this side for some powerful people  . . . promised before the end of the year. . . Put in the public this will be law on the first.  I’m still enjoying Christmas. . . we can still be bearing gifts and enjoying Christmas again.  Today is the 29th and they’ve stated . . .the first.  I’m feeling good.  Enjoy the rest of your day.  We’ll tweet out sooner than later.

I don't know if I'll have a connection on Wed. and frankly hope we all are not doing a regular call on Wed.  This Momma needs new shoes!  

Great Story

WOW !!!! What a wonderful story.

I had the privilege of riding a Southwest trip back from Ontario, long about 2004 or so, with a P-51 pilot from the Tuskegee escort squadron who was returning from a speaking engagement in California.

I spotted him as he arrived at the ONT terminal and there was something about him – a sweet, but very capable demeanor – that just made me admire him on the spot.

Imagine my delight when he chose to sit down beside me on the airplane, in which there were plenty of other seating choices available.

We had a lovely chat, and I wrote his name down somewhere but have since misplaced it.

I’m confident that that precious gentleman has a place in heaven.


The Dirty Secrets of George Bush

Published on Jun 22, 2012
A number of allegations have been written about and several local, state, and federal investigations have taken place related to the notion of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport as a CIA drop point in large scale cocaine trafficking beginning in the latter part of the 1980s. The topic has received some press coverage that has included allegations of awareness, participation and/or coverup involvement of figures such as future presidents Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush, as well future Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Saline County prosecutor Dan Harmon (who was convicted of numerous felonies including drug and racketeering charges in 1997). The Mena airport was also associated with Adler Berriman (Barry) Seal, an American drug smuggler and aircraft pilot who flew covert flights for the CIA and the MedellĂ­n Cartel.

A criminal investigator from the Arkansas State Police, Russell Welch, who was assigned to investigate Mena airport claimed that he opened a letter which released electrostatically charged Anthrax spores in his face, and that he had his life saved after a prompt diagnosis by a doctor. He also claimed that later, his doctor's office was vandalized, robbed, and test results and correspondence with the CDC in Atlanta were stolen,

An investigation by the CIA's inspector general concluded that the CIA had no involvement in or knowledge of any illegal activities that may have occurred in Mena. The report said that the agency had conducted a training exercise at the airport in partnership with another Federal agency and that companies located at the airport had performed "routine aviation-related services on equipment owned by the CIA".

Two HOT articles that MUST go viral!


All Bushes Illegal to Hold Any Public Office Says Leo Wanta!

Who Is Larry Nichols? The Man That Can Bring Hillary Down!

Blast From the Past!

Leo Wanta – He Will End the Fed! The Amazing Story Never Told!


This is absolutely the BEST dolphin show I have ever seen.....REALLY REALLY COOL....






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Air Asia CEO dumps shares days before flight disappeared

Poll: Jeb Bush Well Ahead of GOP Presidential Pack, Leads Christie by 10 Points


Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush speaks to the media on December 17, 2014, in Miami, Florida. (Image source: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Jeb Bush is the “clear Republican presidential frontrunner,” CNN reported in regard to a new CNN/ORC poll that shows the former Florida governor well ahead of other potential GOP candidates since his announcement that he’s “actively exploring” a run at the White House in 2016. (Bush the forerunner?  How interesting.)

He takes nearly one-quarter — 23% — of Republicans surveyed in the new nationwide poll, putting him 10 points ahead of his closest competitor, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who tallied 13%.   Physician Ben Carson comes in third, with 7% support, and Sen. Rand Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are both tied for fourth with 6%.

That marks a drop in support for all but Christie and Bush from the last CNN/ORC survey of the field, conducted in November. That poll showed Bush in the lead, but only taking 14% of the vote, while Carson came in second with 11% and Christie tied Rep. Paul Ryan for fourth with 9% support.

Bush’s 10-point lead is the first time any prospective GOP candidate has shown an advantage that eclipses a poll’s margin of error in the past two years,  (Imagine that!  Amazing - right?!) CNN added. You can check out the entire CNN/ORC poll here and the full CNN report here.

Jeb Bush, son of G H W Bush and brother of G W Bush will carry on the Nazi NWO agenda and all the thievery, fraud, deception and death that it entails for this nation and the world. The Bush 'family'  'business' is reported by many sources through the years to include drugs, prostitution, pedophilia, and human sacrificing in Denver, Colorado.

Help Feed Iraqi Families

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Many families in Iraq have fled the violent attacks by the terrorist organization, ISIS.Some Christians, however, chose to stay and minister the Gospel to their Muslim neighbors who are more open to God's Word than ever before.

Your donation can help Christian Aid Mission directly support indigenous Christians as they provide food, clothing, and shelter for the poor and marginalized families of Iraq. Give today to feed an Iraqi family for a week.
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Message from Montague Keen - December 28, 2014

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Message from Montague Keen - December 28, 2014
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 29-Dec-2014 01:52:59

Message from Montague Keen - December 28, 2014
The whole structure of life as you know it, is falling apart. It is being exposed. Confusion abounds as all you believed in is laid bare before you: FALSE TO THE CORE. Humanity has been victim to the greatest con in the history of the universe. You, my friends, are the ones chosen to reveal the truth and remove the corrupt from positions of control. It is time to see the illusion for what it is, and then restructure life on Earth for humanity. Those who forced their way on to Planet Earth, inveigled their way into positions of power world wide and altered the true history of Man to suit themselves, must now prepare to leave the Earth in the same way they forced entry. They can never raise their consciousness. They will always remain in 3D. This is why they put so much effort into keeping as many of you as possible in 3D: always there to serve them. Sadly, many of you are too frightened to engage with the truth and move forward. You have bought into the control system, so you may have to live out the remainder of your lives on Earth at the 3D level.
The Battle in Space is still being kept from you, but soon, the evidence will become visible to all. The battle for your souls is relentless. This is obvious to all who are awake. Many of you have had your frequency stolen, though you are completely unaware of this. It renders you completely controllable and servile. This makes it easy for the cabal to use you as slaves, to attack those who try to awaken you to the control system. You sold your souls without understanding what you were doing. The cabal has planned everything for the last 2000 years. The only thing they did not take into account was the AWAKENING that has happened. They did not believe that people could raise their consciousness so that they could see clearly what has been going on.
Everything on TV, in the newspapers, your education, food, water, and air, etc, has been planned to hold you in 3D. All the history you have learned is untrue: totally false. It was written by your controllers to confuse your minds. Nothing - and I repeat, nothing - began in the East. It began in the West. THIS ONE TRUTH exposes that all you have learned is a total fabrication. Those of the cabal invented religion, and they wrote the bible to ensure that you accepted their conspiracy. Christ lived long before the Roman Catholic religion ever existed. Nothing they state as "gospel" is true. They created a story about Christ that is not true: there was no stable, no cross, no nationality.
There is a huge effort on this side of life to rescue humanity and Planet Earth. We are being assisted by benevolent beings from other planets and by awakened souls on Earth who have devoted their lives to this end. Those whose purpose it is to assist us, are being unmercifully attacked with weapons of which you have no knowledge. The cabal has far more sophisticated weapons than you are aware of. You only know of the scalar and microwave weapons etc. When those within the Cabal travel, they do not use methods known to man. They can move at speeds that would astound you. Your ignorance keeps you in your place. The truth is that you live in a world you know nothing about. The Cabal can even read your thoughts, so they are always one step ahead of you. Until you awaken and stand together, you will remain helpless.
The Irish people have realized this fact. They have come together to make the changes required; and in this, they will succeed. Please pray for those who try to lead you out of the darkness. Some are going through the most horrendous experiences, including chemicals in their food and water, and implanted devices. Benign objects can be used to implant dark energies, as well as thoughts and objectives which are totally alien to the individual concerned. These people need your help as they struggle to break free from this dark control.
Once you retake control of your planet and remove all that is dark and corrupt, everything will be restored. The sun will shine once more and peace will be restored. Remove the shackles of control. Remember, the cabal cannot exist in the light; so shine your light, and share it with all those on your path, and you will restore peace. That is all you need to do. The cabal is frightened of your light, as it is more powerful than their weapons. When you do this, we in spirit will walk amongst you again, to help you to restore harmony.
There was a big effort by the cabal to prevent our Center in Ireland. They fear the awakening of the Irish to THE TRUTH OF WHO THEY ARE. The Center needs to happen, as it will give the lead to other countries to do the same, and come together and remove all that is corrupt. Ireland will lead the way. We will have Centers all over the world because people will need help to adjust to a completely new way of life. My colleagues and I, in the world of spirit, wish to thank all those who continue to have faith in my work with Veronica. We know it is necessary and so it will continue. Love will guide the way forward. There is no place for spite, as such attacks harm the soul. Your soul is forever; everything else is momentary.
Be prepared and make plans for when the cabal leaves the Earth. You need to be ready to cope with the mess they will leave behind. They will destroy as much as they can as they leave. Humanity has destroyed their plan to have a planet of their own with just a few humans to serve them; a planet without 'useless eaters'. They could then have lived in their true form, with no need to cope with human-like bodies. They could have just been themselves, free to look as they really are.
2015 is about to begin. Will you resolve to spread light and love to all of humanity? Will you stand together with your fellow man, to remove all that is dark and corrupt from the Earth? Please do all that you can to help create a better future for all humanity. A future that is free of corruption. The removal of harmful chemicals in the food, the water, and the air, and in medicines etc. Begin making plans for how you would like life on Earth to be.
May I ask you to understand that Veronica is going through a very bad time at the moment, coping with attacks and lack of sleep. She is concerned about friends who are being held by the cabal. For this is the cabal's last stand, and they are lashing out at everyone they perceive to be in their way. The battle has become quite vicious. Send love to the one who struggles to free himself from the shackles of the cabal. He chose to experience the depths of the darkness before his return to Earth, in order that he would be able to empathize with others who have experienced it.
Look to the future which you are about to create. Ensure it will be peaceful and harmonious for all who dwell on Earth.
My heart goes out to you, Veronica, as I know what you are going through. It is not easy. It is a difficult and painful path, but we will achieve what we set out to achieve. We are three in one; and when one is hurt, all three are hurt. This cannot be changed, as it has been so since before time began. The three of us have worked successfully together in many lifetimes and we will continue to do so.
We surround you with love and light, my dear.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation



Sem December 28, 2014 at 8:51pm
OK, I am going to state what I think will happen with the groups.  This is way more than an educated guess.  The major Privates are to go first.  Those contracted with the Chinese Government will happen first.  This is to happen now, as in very soon.  Things are aligned for this.  Unless you have direct source information, you won't know until it happens.  I suspect there are not many on here with that direct information.
The other "groups" will lag a little behind.  The "Internet groups" are the ones that are in question.  I hope, because I am part of both that they occur close to each other but, really don't think so.
The "public" I think has an issue for awhile.
Janie > Sem December 28, 2014 at 9:13pm
Thank you, Sem :) - I appreciate your input!
R.V. / GCR > Sem December 28, 2014 at 9:09pm
My favorite
Santa Cl > Sem December 28, 2014 at 9:02pm
It's ok to Diversify!

RV/GCR: Greetings Love Beings, IN The Last 24 Hours something which has never occurred before in Creation Was Successfully Accomplished. This Means Big News and Movement for All of the Events which this website has been sharing about, LOVE HAS WON IN A BIG WAY NOW! ANTICIPATE A SWIFT Shift Change, and Events Are on their Way! We are NOW Here. We are Going Home Into the Light. This Coming Monday, We encourage You to Get as Many as You can Into this Room for MAJOR LIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS! Live Beginning At 5pm Mountain time!



Johnnie's surgery rescheduled for 1/5

My surgery has been rescheduled for Monday 1/5 in the morning. I was turned back from the hospital today because of my chest cold. Will keep you all updated.
This is a Repost
Johnnie is scheduled for heart surgery tomorrow morning on 12/29. I am presently still suffering from a chest cold which needs to be cured completely before surgery.

My surgery date may be postponed because of same.

Will keep you all updated.

John MacHaffie

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Central Bank of Russia has launched new SWIFT payment service, moving away from USD Western financial dominance..

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Central Bank of Russia has launched new SWIFT payment service, moving away from USD Western financial dominance..
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 28-Dec-2014 19:32:43

Central Bank of Russia has launched new SWIFT payment service, moving away from USD Western financial dominance..IN OPERATION NOW
Russia-n SWIFT, BRICS Bank, China defends ruble: Revolt has begun.
Independence from West’s global financial slavery, blackmail at hand
Submitted by IWB, on December 28th, 2014
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Central Bank of Russia has launched new SWIFT payment service, moving away from USD Western financial dominance..IN OPERATION NOW
The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) has launched a new SWIFT-style payment service aimed at moving away from Western financial dominance.
The system is already operating, and will be fully functional within six months.
“The new service was launched in order to ensure smooth and safe transmission of financial messaging within the country, and is another step towards improving the system of services provided by the Bank of Russia,” said the bank statement Friday.
The regulator said the new service will allow credit institutions to transmit messages in a SWIFT format through CBR to all Russia’s regions without restrictions.
China Offers Russia Ruble Help
BEIJING–China says it is willing to provide assistance to Russia following recent sharp drops in the value of its currency, said a senior official, as President Vladimir Putin’s regime faces continuing strains with the U.S. and Europe.
Read more:
BRICS New Development Bank Threatens Hegemony Of U.S. Dollar
At the 2014 BRICS summit in Fortaleza, Brazil, the committee announced its impatience with failed reform within the International Monetary Fund:
“We remain disappointed and seriously concerned with the current non-implementation of the 2010 International Monetary Fund reforms, which negatively impacts on the IMF’s legitimacy, credibility and effectiveness.”
Leaders of the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) have expressed the need for reform in the Bretton Woods institutions. Collectively, BRICS account for nearly $16 trillion in GDP and 40% of the world’s population.
These countries have drafted amendments to the IMF’s voting policy and have yet to receive a sufficient number of votes. At the summit, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff stated the BRICS nations “are among the largest in the world and cannot content themselves in the middle of the 21st century with any kind of dependency.”
Last June, Sergey Glazyev, Vladimir Putin’s chief economic advisor, published an article outlining the need for an international anti-dollar alliance.
He called upon allies to eliminate the dollar from international trade and trend toward depleting them from currency reserves. Recent dollar-less BRICS energy deals, currency swaps and foreign direct investment indicate that trend is taking place.
This year’s summit marks the establishment of a $100 billion dollar liquidity reserve and a $50 billion New Development Bank (NBD) in Shanghai.
As each country acts to maximize its own utility, the emerging economies of the BRICS nations will create a paralleling international financial system ultimately challenging the hegemony of the current western-dominated system.
A couple more nails in the petrodollar’s coffin, courtesy of Turkey, India and Russia
tl:dr; Russia and Turkey agreed to work alongside representatives of the business communities to identify possible obstacles for conducting payments in their national currencies. Meanwhile Indian Ambassador to Moscow states transition to national currencies, the rupee and ruble, in trade between India and Russia will significantly increase bilateral trade.
Putin: It Is Time to Play Your Ace in the Hole
You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em
Know when to fold ‘em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealin’s done.
“The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers
The entire world is watching Putin play poker with the Western politicians lead by Obama and followed by Washington quislings in London, Brussels and Berlin.
America’s goal since the end of the Cold War has been to weaken by financial, economic and, if necessary, military means any real competition to its global financial and resource domination through the petrodollar and dollar world reserve currency status.

No nation will win a shooting war between the US, UK and EU versus Russia and China.
The consequences are too horrible to be contemplated but Russia has an ace in the hole that can win the financial and economic battle going on today.
First, Russia should join with China in a new gold, oil and natural resource backed monetary union as an alternative to the failed debt democracy model pushed by Wall Street, the central bank cartel and self-serving politicians in the West.
It simply does not work in the long term to finance prosperity and improved standards of living through mountains of debt placed on future generations.
Washington has destroyed every tax haven and bit of personal and financial privacy in the world because of its desperate need for revenue.
Every financial haven has caved, including Switzerland, because they cannot hope to prevail against the US, UK and EU. The US intends to make Russia a pariah state and cut it off from trade, funds transfer, banking and Western credit markets.
It will not relent until Putin is overthrown and Russia is compliant with and a supporter of the New World Order.
Next in line following Russia will be China. Thus, a monetary union could provide the needed support for Russia necessary to guarantee the independence and self-determination of China.


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 28-Dec-2014 19:05:28
Quote from the youtube site:
CIA (Founded by Knight of Malta William Donovan) every CIA director has been a Knight of Malta , William Casey , H.W Bush , G.J Tenet and today's Leon Panetta.
Eric Prince from Blackwater (Bloodwater) is a Knight of Malta see how everything falls in its place ? Henry Kissinger Knight of malta , George Soros Knight of malta , Rudolph Guiliani Knight of Malta , George J Tenet Knight of Malta , H.W.Bush Knight of Malta , Prescot Junior Bush Knight of Malta , Amschel Meier de Rothschild Knight of malta , David Rockefeller Knight of malta , William Casey (CIA) Knight of Malta , Rick Santorum Knight of Malta , Queen Elizabeth II , Nelson Mandela even people like Bruce Willis and Robert de Niro are Knights !! and The List continues ! Can you people now finally understand how these labour Zionists are controlled ???? by The CFR which is totally controlled by The Arch Bischop of NY ! First Edward Egan , now Timothy Dolan ! The Arch Bischop of NY is The HEAD of ALL USA Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus !!!! Working closely with all the other Archbischops like The Archbischop of Washington controlling The Red Mass (Justice Supreme Courts) and the Blue mass (Police Force) then again all Controlled by The Jesuits of Georgetown and Fordham University , then controlled by The 10 Jesuit Provincials of which Thomas Smolich (cardinal Avery Dulles is even more powerful then Thomas Smolich) is the Head of and then all overseen By The Jesuit Superior Generals ! These are the facts.

How 37 Banks Became 4 In Just 2 Decades, All In One Astonishing Chart
Thank you to Gloria H. for this.
"Please share UNREAL."

If you were wondering how banks got "too big to fail," here's a good start. This chart shows us how 37 banks became just 4 in only 2 decades.