Monday, June 22, 2015

The Road to World War 3: Soros Warns Of World War III

'Elite' Financier George Soros Warns Of World War III: “Not An Exaggeration”

Mac Slavo
June 18th, 2015

As the world economy imploded in 2008 global financier George Soros worked feverishly on a book about the crash in which he detailed the specific actions that needed to be taken by governments and banking institutions to prevent a complete global meltdown. From bailouts to energy price hikes, his recommendations came to pass, almost exactly as he described them in The Crash of 2008 and What It Means.

To say Soros is influential within the realms of business and politics would be an understatement. He is considered by many to sit within the very inner circle of the 'elite'. With direct ties to the White House, leading financial institutions and as gatekeeper of the financial assets of many ultra-wealthy individuals, Soros may well be one of the few who call the shots.
His money and influence has  been responsible for the 'election' (by fraudulent RIGGING of 'election votes') of American 'Presidents'  (remember, these 'president's are NOT presidents of this nation or its people but of a private mafia corporation responsible for crimes against humanity worldwide who should be arrested, prosecuted and executed), as well as the destruction of sovereign economies, not the least of which was his direct hand in the collapse of the Russian Ruble in the late 1990’s.
So when it comes to understanding the machinations behind the scenes and their effects on global affairs, when Soros speaks, it would behoove us to pay attention.
In his latest article for The New York Review of Books, Soros puts forth a stark warning, and one that has implications for all of mankind.
Soros, who has previously warned of coming riots and widespread collapse in America, says time is running short for the United States and China to cooperate in political and financial spheres. Failure, says the multi-billionaire, will undoubtedly lead to a widespread conflagration within a decade.
And we’re not just talking about a war of words or a cold conflict – we’re talking all out nuclear war.
The US 'government' (this is NOT our nation's legal government - it is a criminal coupe private corporation takeover of our nation and it's Republic government, more commonly known to have more publicly occurred in the 1920's and 30's) has little to gain and much to lose by treating the relationship with China as a zero-sum game. In other words it has little bargaining power. It could, of course, obstruct China’s progress, but that would be very dangerous. President Xi Jinping has taken personal responsibility for the economy and national security. If his market-oriented reforms fail, he may foster some external conflicts to keep the country united and maintain himself in power. This could lead China to align itself with Russia not only financially but also politically and militarily. (This is their PLAN and it HAS been officially ENACTED.) In that case, should the external conflict escalate into a military confrontation with an ally of the United States such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we would be on the threshold of a third world war.
Indeed, military budgets are rapidly increasing both in Russia and in China, and they remain at a very high level in the United States. For China, rearmament would be a surefire way to boost domestic demand. China is already flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea, operating in a unilateral and often quite belligerent manner, which is causing justifiable concern in Washington (That concern remains to be seen, as 'the plan' is for the alliance between China and Russia to occur, and for invasion and destruction of the USA to take place shortly. The troops are here and in place with the knowledge and assistance of the USA military).
Nevertheless, it may take a decade or more until a Russian–Chinese military alliance would be ready to confront the US directly (They are ready now - just waiting). Until then, we may expect a continuation of hybrid warfare and the proliferation of proxy wars.
China is preparing for something big later this year. Soros touches on this in his op-ed, noting that the Chinese are ready to have their currency be included in the global SDR (Special Drawing Rights) basket maintained by the IMF, giving their currency global reach and some level of reserve status. The United States (cabal corporation 'Federal Reserve' mafia) opposes such a move but, by doing so, is creating more hostility between East and West.
Whatever the case, insofar as China’s currency is concerned, does anyone really believe that the United States is willing to give up its position as the world’s only super power (Folks, don't be DECEIVED!!! The 'plan' is for the destruction of our nation, and it is being done with the agreement and assistance of the USA corporation rogue 'government' within as well as with the assistance of the Provost Marshall and USA military since they REFUSE to stop, arrest and prosecute the criminal actions by the treasonous actors - CON-gress, 'president', and all their sub corporations - FBI,CIA, DHS, et al) by simply conceding economic power to the Chinese?
Moreover, does anyone think the Chinese, or the Russians for that matter will sit idly by while America continues to push for global hegemony on all affairs related to finance, economic, politics and military might?
While Soros outlines his solutions, which involve a lot of political pandering and agreements, those in the upper echelons of the governing structures of the East and West have a lot to lose should they concede too much.
We have to assume that peaceful resolutions will give way to egos, money, power and influence, just as they have throughout human history (the PLAN of the evil 'elites).
This, of course, suggests that rather than finding middle-ground, there is a real danger that events will continue to escalate as the United States, China, and Russia increase military activity in proxy states like Ukraine, Iran, Syria and even North Korea. (also part of the 'plan.')
The scenario painted by Soros isn’t that far-fetched, and it is one that has been put forth by Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief, who noted in a recent documentary that a war with China and Russia may be inevitable. Like Soros, Skousen has suggested a timeline into the early 2020’s because China and Russia need more time to ramp up their military and technological capabilities. (BS - they are prepared and they are HERE.)
Once they’re ready, though, it will happen quickly and according to Skousen it will likely start in Asia:
Here’s how I think it’s going down. I think there will be an attack against South Korea. The North Koreans have over two million troops… 20,000 artillery… they can level Seoul in a matter of three or four days. The only way the U.S. can stop that attack is using tactical nuclear weapons.
And that would give China the excuse to nuke the United States. U.S. is guilty of first-use, the U.S. is the bully of the world, Russia and Chinese unite to launch against U.S. military targets. Not civilian targets per say. There will be about 12 or 15 cities that are inextricably connected with the military that are going to get hit that I mentioned in Strategic Relocation… you don’t want to be in those cities.
You may have two days notice when that attack in Korea starts, before China launches on the United States.
Source: The Trigger: If This Ever Happens You Know You’re Days Away From Nuclear War
The most powerful countries in the world are actively involved in mobilizing their militaries, just as was seen during the multi-year build-up to World War I.
The catalyst is impossible to predict, but it could be something as seemingly insignificant as the assassination of a member of the 'elite'. Following the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in late June of 1914, all hell broke loose.
Within six months over a million people were dead. (America is 'the' target)
And that was without nuclear weapons in their arsenals. (Nukes, bioweapons)

Related Reading:




Billionaire Thugs Plot To Steal California’s Water And Everything They Tell You Is A Lie

This article is from 2010, but is very informative.  This is what the criminal cabal has been working on for decades, i.e. a drought in order to control and make billions, while destroying neighborhoods and property values (so they can gobble them up pennies on the dollar).  Note that in 2009 we had a Republican governor, and now we have a Democrat governor; they are working in unison.

We’ve been lied to for years now about the severity of California’s water shortage. The media and state officials have been ringing the alarm,  warning that the state was in the grips of the quite possibly the “worst California drought in modern history,” when in fact the state nearly pulled in its average rainfall in 2009. The fear mongering is about to go into overdrive, as powerful interests start whipping up fears of drought to push through a $11 billion bond measure on the upcoming November elections, setting up the Golden State for a corporate water grab.

The power of simple fact-checking aside, why would California officials exaggerate — if not outright lie — about the drought? Well, the issue here is less about the drought itself and more about what a drought — real or not — can help achieve.

If there is one thing 2009 revealed about California’s “action hero” governor, it’s that he is eagerly willing to serve as the front man for the sleaziest, most crooked business cartel in the state: a de facto water oligarchy made up of billionaire corporate farmers who run vast stretches of the state like their own personal fiefdoms, exploiting migrant workers for slave labor and soaking the taxpayers for billions of dollars in subsidies every year.

And like all good businessmen, they aren’t letting a good mini-crisis go to waste. Their objective is to whip up fears of a drought-related calamity to push through a “solution” they’ve been having wet dreams about for the past five decades: a multi-billion-dollar aqueduct the width of the Panama Canal that would give them near total control of more than half of California’s water supplies.
Schwarzenegger’s mandate that urban water use be cut by 20 percent has earned the governor a lot of green cred, but few people realize that his plan for water conservation is actually a forced wealth transfer scheme in a environmentalist disguise.

Conservation is a good idea, but it won’t do much good for California, no matter how diligent residents are about turning off the tap while brushing or the number of low-flush toilets they install, not unless farmers are forced to conserve water as well.

It is a simple matter of discrimination. Why is the agricultural industry exempted from mandatory conservation when it consumes an  unreal 80% of California’s water?

There won’t be much conservation going on even if every living soul in California up and moves to another state because no matter how much water city dwellers save, it’ll be sucked up by wealthy corporate farmers who are always on the lookout for more taxpayer-subsidized wet wealth.

And with water trading for a minimum at ten times what they pay for it on the open market, every gallon a city dweller conserves will will end up as cash in the personal bank account of some wealthy corporate farmers.

It’s all part of the master plan because, even as the governor talks up urban conservation, he tries his darnedest to get them more water.


What is Primary Water?

Friends, don’t judge this video by the camera work. The information on primary water is amazing and it’s the last interview of Dr. Riess who passed away just two months later.  I was happy to produce this video at the request of Pal Pauer and the wonderful folks at the primary water institute and primary water works.  Just pretend it’s a podcast with some bonus video thrown in.  Listen closely and you will be amazed.   

What is Primary Water? 1985 Interview with Dr. Stephan Riess 

Published on Jun 19, 2015

This is a very important interview of the late Dr. Stephan Riess from 1985 about primary water.

What is Primary Water? 


For more information, please visit the website:  and

A free e-book about primary water called New Water for a Thirsty World is also available at:­or-a-Thirsty-World-by-Michael-H-Salzman.

This book is considered to be the bible of primary water.

A fantastic illustration of primary water versus atmospheric water is available at:


Category Science & Technology


Greek Default to Trigger 48-Hour Global Meltdown!

Bill Holter: Greek Default to Trigger 48-Hour Global  Meltdown! – 6/21/15 

Published on Jun 20, 2015
Greece Weekend is upon us and nothing has been fixed! That is according to Bill Holter, a returning guest to Palisade Radio and a favorite amongst our listeners.

Bill Holter is very vocal on how corrupt governments and central banks are mismanaging (or outright destroying) the western economy before our very eyes.

Bill is also highly regarded for his investment knowledge, and thousands of investors follow his writing every week, previously on, now with Jim Sinclair.

This week, Bill came on to share a dire message with listeners about Greece.

Tune in to get the following questions answered!

• Did you know that Greek Banks may not open on Monday, as reported by the ECB?
• Can you identify which government bonds have seen yields rise 20-fold over a 4-week span?!
• Why a default in Greece is liable to create a global meltdown in just 48 hours!
• How China and Russia are teaming up to get out of the US system?
• And what China is doing in particular to create favorable deals for their economic partners.

Greek Default to Trigger 48-Hour Global Meltdown




Meet TISA - Evil Cousin of TSA



Published on Jun 15, 2015
Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future/The Zero Hour (radio) joins Thom. Jamie Dimon says that Elizabeth Warren doesn't know anything about the world of international banking. He's kidding - right? Or is he really trying to "mansplain" economics to the woman who literally wrote the book on how Wall Street has destroyed the middle class?

For more information on the stories we've covered visit our websites at - - and You can also watch tonight's show on Hulu - at BIG PICTURE and over at The Big Picture YouTube page. And - be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter!

Wrath Of God To Crash Down Upon 'Elite' - All Hell To Break Loose - Global Elite On Run - As They Prepare To Slaughter 6 Billion


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
All across the country and the world, humanity is rapidly awakening to the evil powers-that-be and their plans of killing off over 6 billion people across the planet; as Zen Gardner tells us, the self appointed elites are on the run. Awakened humanity is clearly freaking them out. Bilderberg reporter Daniel Estulin tells Alex Jones in the 3rd video below that the 'global elite' are DEFINITELY on the run after the once-secretive Bilderberg meetings.

We MUST REMEMBER and ANP will CONTINUE TO STRESS: The globalists WANT 6+ BILLION PEOPLE DEAD and they have set their plans in motion to accomplish that goal. Whether they run to their bunkers in preparation for WW3 and nuclear annihilation or are running from the people to try to save their own lives, THEY WANT US DEAD, 6+ billion of us!

Pete Santilli tells us in the 2nd video that US government officials WILL be indicted and many of them may even get the death penalty. The backlash of humanity has clearly begun as shared in the 1st video below from KafkaWinstonWorld who urges 'swarm the evil bastards'.
It's well past the time that Americans TELL those who believe they are in charge while completely pillaging and plundering the rest of humanity that WE DO NOT CONSENT! The story that really set us off this morning is the absolute ABOMINATION of justice in Huntsville, Alabama, and their DECLARATION OF WAR upon a United States Veteran for deciding to live off of the grid.

We called Hunstville, Alabama's Mayor's office this morning (at 256-427-5000) to voice our opinions and WERE TOLD that they are threatening to arrest US Veteran Tyler Truitt SO THAT HE WON'T harm himself while living off the grid. Can you say 'insanity'? 'Oh Say Nation' has given us an easy way to CONTACT CONGRESS and REMIND THEM that THEY ARE MERELY PUBLIC SERVANTS, not dictators. How many members of Congress are there who should get the death penalty as stated by Santilli for their crimes against Americans and against humanity?

Meanwhile, if China or North Korea or the Sun decides to deliver a knockout punch EMP upon America, it's almost guaranteed that EVERYONE in the Huntsville, Alabama city hall and mayor's office WILL DIE while someone like US Veteran Tyler Truitt and his family would live on. WHO is the city of Huntsville, Alabama to tell Tyler Truitt how to live? WHO do the criminal elite think they are to tell the rest of society how they have to live? WE DO NOT CONSENT and clearly, they all have another thing coming with the rapid awakening of humanity across America and the entire planet.

All News Pipeline does not condone violence against others unless one's life is in danger; however, we have almost reached the point when all of humanity is threatened with near extinction - if the elite, who want to KILL OFF over 6 billion people, ARE NOT SOON HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their actions, there will soon be NO ONE to hold them accountable. We must hold them accountable legally before the only option left available is violence. We must avoid violence at all costs, for it will only be returned to us.

With a rapidly awakening and rapidly angering America, the wrath of God is about to come CRASHING down upon the criminal elite. For the rest of humanity, it couldn't happen at a better time. For the 'elite', it's long past time to run. 





Jade Helm 15 Kickoff Coincides With Cremation Of Care Ritual At Bohemian Grove - Madmen Preparing To Destroy The Entire Planet


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
In the brand new video below, Gary Franchi of Next News Network proves to us that the military exercises that we are watching across America now have gone global as he provides us with footage of 4 separate sets of wargames going on across the world right now. In the footage here we get up close and personal and practically INSIDE of the machines of war as the US and NATO drill in preparation for going to war with Russia and potential worldwide nuclear annihilation.

ALSO NEW ON ANP! Elite Call Humanity 'The Walking Dead' As They Warn 'The Next Great Extinction Is Here' Before Running Off To Their Bunkers

'New Concertina Wire' Fencing Around Closed Prison And Guard In Tower - Are Closed Prisons Going To Be Used As 'FEMA Camps'? - Veteran Who Took Photos Followed By 'White Van'

Franchi tells us that Jade Helm has splintered globally and warns us that the highly occultic 'cremation of care' ritual at the upcoming Bohemian Grove meeting attended by the elite in California coincide with the OFFICIAL start of Jade Helm on July 15th. With Russia also wargaming now and also hosting huge military 'drills' in September, will Jade Helm 15 soon turn into the actual PHYSICAL manifestation of the 'cremation of America' as suggested by Franchi? We are clearly witnessing an unprecedented buildup of military power both here in America and overseas and this kind of mass preparation is rarely done without a major, world-defining event following.

What are the 'Cremation of Care' ceremonies at the upcoming Bohemian Grove meeting spoken of by Franchi? The 2nd video below is the full-length, "Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove", which will get much more into the elitists dark secrets but they can be described briefly as this.:
The Cremation of Care is a ritual performance undertaken at the yearly Bohemian Grove club, where a mock child sacrifice is made to an approximate 40ft stone owl. The ritual involves club members, often high ranking businessmen and politicians, cremating (getting rid of) their care (moral compass) in order to clear their conscience for the year ahead.
Presumably the cremation of care is conducted because club members will be involved in unethical business deals and corrupt political decisions in the coming year and want to rid themselves of any internal guilt. This most likely just being symbolic.

The owl idol used during the cremation of care might represent Minerva like other symbols of the club, the Babylonian demon Lilith or a rendition of Phoenician child sacrifice God Moloch. The narrator of the ritual names Phoenicia during the line, “As vanished Babylon and goodly Tyre, So shall they also vanish.” Tyre is another term for “an ancient seaport of Phoenicia”.
With the Summer solstice upon us, a retired US Navy SEAL posted a very important warning on the website of Steve Quayle that ties right into what we are reading in the 'cremation of care' ritual described above. Much more on the military exercises across the world below including more pictures and excellent video.
Brother, please send out a reminder:

Remember, Summer Solstice and Litha are tomorrow and the 22nd, mainly tomorrow (June 21st) both blood sacrifice ritual events. A big blood spilling is what I believe they will be going for, the timing is ripe for it.

Be on the alert for a mass casualty event. Stay away from crowds or crowded areas. If you know anyone in the Denver Colorado area, tell them to keep a close eye on their children, the ritual practitioners will be snatching kids to abuse and sacrifice, especially today.

Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Pray for your family, friends, neighbors and countrymen.
Jun 20, 2015
This past week, 4 separate groups of wargames for NATO and their allies included Operation Saber Strike 15, Operation Noble Jump, Operation Baltop and Exercise Eagle Talon. Operation Saber Strike was one of the largest multinational shows of force since World War 2. Franchi asks us if we heard about this on the mainstream media and if not, WHY not?

According to his own assessment, JH15 has unofficially gone live over a month early and the extreme intensification of military exercises all across the globe, in coordination with NATO, are likely in preparation for war with China and Russia. Each of the different exercises going on right now is broken down below.:


BALTOPS 2015 is a major naval exercise involving 5,600 naval and ground forces taking place in Poland, Sweden, Germany and throughout the Baltic Sea. The exercise is designed to solidify interoperability, and display the power of allied and partner forces to defend the Baltic region. A total of 49 ships, 61 aircraft (including B-52 Bombers), one submarine and a combined landing force of 700 Swedish, Finnish, UK and US troops are participating from 17 NATO nations and partner nations.

OPERATION SABER STRIKE includes 6,000 troops from 13 countries and features the integration of U.S. close air support with partner nation ground forces and a demonstration of U.S. air deployment of forces and equipment. All activities will feature joint, multinational training among the participating nations. The video at the beginning of this report was from the Saber Strike final battle.

NOBLE JUMP, also in poland, is the exercise training over 2,100 personnel from 11 Allied nations for the new “Spearhead high readiness force” that includes 5000 land troops. In one drill Czech and Dutch soldiers practiced on the mortar range.

The goal of the new swift reaction force is to deploy within 48 hours notice as part of the Alliance’s larger NATO Response Force, which is being increased to a force level of around 30,000 troops.

EXERCISE EAGLE TALON is a part of Operation ATLANTIC RESOLVE and OPERATION BALTOP it includes Polish F-16 fighter jets from Łask Air Base, Poland, US Airmen from Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany and the South Carolina Air National Guard in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.


So, what are we REALLY looking at? When we include approx. 13,000 troops from Operation Hedgehog as well, there's a total fighting force for NATO of more than 26,000 and who is the threat they're preparing for? Russia. With NATO continuing to poke the Russian bear allegedly due to Russia's aggression in the Ukraine and Crimea, Putin has responded by adding an additional 40 new nuclear intercontinental-ballistic missiles, giving them more than enough firepower to destroy the world if NATO continues to provoke. Franchi warns us that both sides have been threatening to use nuclear weapons and if so, escalating tensions to a point that is far beyond repair.








Independent Media Under Attack - YouTuber Channel Deleted- Harassed And Threatened 'We Are Going To Kill Your Son' - Jade Helm Coverage Cited!

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
 [MAJOR UPDATE - June 17, 2015] Gary Larrabee's new channel is still live but all the videos from the last two days, including the one embedded below, are gone again! ANP has emailed Gary to see if there is anything we can all do to help.

[UPDATE #2] Gary has uploaded one new video, a taped conversation with one of the people harrassing him by phone. If it is removed, ANP has downloaded the entire thing. It appears these people have access to his entire account, meaning they have access to all his Google associated accounts since they generally are connected.

An Independent Media personality, Gary Larrabee, has had his YouTube channel with approximately 7,000 videos completely wiped out along with his subscription list of almost 13,000 people. He has been harassed by phone, threatened,  as well as a specific threat stating "we will kill your son," his personal information, including his bank account numbers accessed and much more as you will hear in the video below on his new channel which only has 46 subscribers as of this article.

(Gary Larrabee)

Gary had filled his YouTube channel with an information archive from Alternative Media sources, considered his channel an "information library," covering topics such as Jade Helm, Military movement across America, weaponized weather, Bilderbergs and much more...... in other words, news you won't find on the MSM.

The phone calls came from multiple people calling themselves "anonymous," then "Jasper," and "Hawkeye," citing his videos on topics such as Jade Helm, claiming they "worked for Jade Helm," and "Obama."

Those aware of how Google Adsense works, understand that people that monetize their videos are paid by Google Adsense as YouTube is owned by Google. Mr. Larrabee supplemented his income with modest earnings from his videos, which if monetized can continue earning money indefinitely, meaning the loss of about 7,000 videos is a loss of present and future income.

Video details explain what occurred from June 14th to June 15th, 2015:

My You Tube Channel was Shut down yesterday, in the after noon of 6-14-2015. Shut down by a person going by the name of Annonymous and later Jasper He started out by threatening me saying if I hung up on him my YouTube site would be shut down. (At the time I thought I was dealing with the same internet company that was fraudulently taking my earnings from AdSense, saying my income would increase because they would be placing ads to be advertised world wide instead of just in the USA). So thinking this was another trick of this company I told him I did not think he was capable of shutting me down for I had previously been told by Ryan That this company was not able to do that although they had threatened to do so. Thinking this, I accepted his challenge and hung up on Mr. Annonymous. A Few minuits later I found I no longer had a you tube web site and over 7,000 videos I considered to be a library of information were all gone and never possible to get back.

Then within five minuits the phone rang again and this time it was Ryan, the very nice gentleman representing AdSense in dealing with the fraudulent advertising company. He said, I have good news for you. I got you totally released from the contract with the internet advertising company you were having trouble with. 

I then said, Ryan my YouTube Web site was just now shut down, Ryan responded he did not think so and I then ask him to check it and he said yes, everything 

is gone. He then said this company was not capable of doing this. I then ask would the US Gov. or Homeland Security have this power? and he said, Yes.

After what has happened in the last 24 hours it seems to me that there might be a possibility of all of these events being orchestrated and controled by demonic forces in the CIA and /or Homeland security. Just my opinion and speculation.

These people also told Mr. Larrabee that they would be going after others that are reporting on Jade Helm.

Questions - What kind of scum attempts to terrorize an elderly gentleman and why hasn't YouTube re-instated his older channel with all his videos intact? They have the technological capability to do so.

This is a religious man that spends countless hours attempting to inform and warn his subscribers and others of what is being seen but not reported by the mainstream media.

He is a watchman and he is under attack.

Personally, after hearing his story, I am an infuriated. You will be as well.



Strange White Vans Following And Attempting To Kidnap People In Multiple Cities And States


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

More reports are being investigated by authorities of strange white vans following people, and in searching for information on the latest reports we found that this has been occurring for years in multiple states and cities, and yet authorities call these cases unrelated.

The most recent reports have come from multiple counties in Tennessee, including Loudon,  Monroe and Cumberland according Local 8 News from June 19, 2015:

That's when she saw the man get into a white Dodge Sprinter van and drive away.

We called all three departments that received complaints. None of them have identified the suspects, but based on descriptions of the vans and the drivers, they don't think the cases are related.

In each case, there weren't any laws broken, but Vonore City Police say they are trying to find the man to get more information.

Kirkland says the man who she thinks was following her is between 40 and 50 years old and about 6'2".


On June 10, 2015, the same station reported the county of Cumberland incidents:

Law enforcement across Cumberland County is on the lookout for a suspicious white van that has been seen several times following people.

Cumberland County Community Resource Officer, Gary Howard, said the van has been spotted several times throughout the county following people and driving suspiciously.

On one occasion, a boy was walking home and the van was reported to have driven past the boy several times. On another occasion, a white van pulled up to a local business, a man got out and started asking a woman several personal questions before finally driving away.

The authorities see no relation in these cases, but looking at the larger picture after doing some searching we see that strange white van incidents have been occurring in multiple states for years, another recent report coming on June 10, 2015, from Bexar County in Texas, where local law enforcement has sent out an alert warning people of a "man in a white van" following teenage girls on the street, the report describing two incidents in the same day:

The first report came from a teenager walking down the street in the 11000 block of Creek Crown.

"She said a guy in a van was following her so, she decided to snap a picture of the van," said James Keith with the Bexar County Sheriff's Office. "The driver of the van ended up taking off. He didn't make contact with her, he didn't talk to her, nothing like that, but she thought it was suspicious. She went home and told one of her parents." 

Two hours later, Keith said a 12-year-old girl reported that she was walking in the 10000 of Raven Field when she first noticed a van behind her. 
She said it eventually pulled up right next to her, but when the driver rolled down the window, she screamed and ran.

In January 2015, Plano,Texas, a man in a white van attempted to kidnap a 9-year-old boy, first offering him ride, then getting out of his van and attempting to grab him.

In March 2014, police were searching for a man in a white van in relation to a kidnapping attempt of a 5-year-old child, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

In March 2014, police in Reddington, Connecticut, were also searching for a man in a white van who went after a teenage girl and coincidentally, the report indicates "the same thing happened in three other towns," with police telling parents to be on the lookout.

In July 2014, Wyoming, Minnesota, KMSP-TV reported that "Two girls were apparently in the front yard of a house when two men in their 30s pulled up in the van. One of the men motioned for a girl to come closer to the vehicle, at which point an adult came out of the house and the van sped away." That van was reportedly white as well.

In August 2014, Jacksonville Florida news reported "suspicious white van spotted 3 times near school bus stops," where the driver was following teenagers and in one case reportedly stopped and took photographs.

August 2014, Chicago news reported of an 11-year old girl that escaped a kidnapping attempt claiming their was another girl "duct-taped" in the white van the man was driving.

In September 2014, Reynoldsburg, Ohio had reports about "a number of community members reported seeing white cargo vans canvassing the area."

In September 2014,  Iowa news reported on four attempted kidnappings in separate incidents in multiple counties.

In October 2014, Port Clinton Ohio, police put out a "white van alert" after a man followed "a pair of juveniles throughout Port Clinton."

In October 2014, Jefferson County, Georgia, two attempted kidnappings were reported by a man in a white van.

In March 2013, in Mount Pleasant South Carolina, police were on alert for a man in a white van who was "following and taking pictures of children," with police telling WCBD-TV they had also "received reports of residents seeing the van in many neighborhoods."

In December 2013, the LOCAL 15 reported from Mobile County, Alabama, "A new report of a white van is causing people to be on their guard.This past weekend some homeowners reported four people in a white van were scouring the neighborhood claiming to be with a carpet cleaning business. Soon after, car alarms went off. Now another homeowner just across the Mississippi state line has had a similar encounter, this time she was able to get pictures of the white van and its occupants. Our dog started barking sure enough at a white van with four individuals, said Marcus Hennis in a phone interview with Local 15.Marcus Hennis wife saw a white van with four occupants hanging out in her yard. They were lingering around back so she went to the door they said they were with a carpet cleaning business, said Marcus Hennis. The Hennis live right across the Mississippi-Alabama state line off Moffett Road, 15 minutes from where people in Semmes reported the suspicious van. Marcus says his wife remembered the story from our newscast so she immediately became suspicious. After she pressed for more information they eventually just left, said Hennis.The Mobile County Sheriffs Office is getting copies of pictures Hennis took of the van. Theres no evidence right now the van in the pictures is the one other neighbors reported seeing." (Shown in the first video below)

In March 2012, MLive reported from Jackson, Michigan, that "After multiple incidents of a man in a white van reportedly taking photos of or lingering around children, Jackson County Sheriff Steve Rand is encouraging people to call 911 and report any similar suspicious activity."

As an interesting side note, we also found that incidents of white vans targeting women and children have also been reported in other countries, such as Canada and the UK.  In Sri Lanka, "white van stories" have been connected to mysterious disappearances since  before 2013. (Shown in the second video below)

Are these and many more found just by utilizing a search engine truly unrelated? Do perverts and kidnappers all have some sort of manual which leads them all to buying and using "white vans"? Or is something far more sinister occurring?

For example, the NYT has connected "white vans" to cases of sex trafficking. Tampa Bay Times has connected them to human trafficking. WGBH in Boston has also connected them to human trafficking.

According to Equality Now, At least 20.9 million adults and children are bought and sold worldwide into commercial sexual servitude, forced labor and bonded labor; About 2 million children are exploited every year in the global commercial sex trade; Almost 6 in 10 identified trafficking survivors were trafficked for sexual exploitation and; Women and girls make up 98% of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

One has to wonder why these events, specifically reporting "white vans" are always reported as separate events without law enforcement or the MSM even mentioning the possibility of an organizational connection to something far more sinister than just random incidents totally unrelated?





Exploding Pond In Canada Is 'Vision Of Hell' As Methane Erupts From Ground Miles From US Border


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Photos, videos and email tips can be mailed to

In the absolutely amazing 1st and 2nd videos below, we see a pond on a golf course in Canada exploding in gas bubbles in a scene that looks more like a volcano preparing to erupt than something we'd expect to be seeing at the 2nd hole. The Winnipeg Sun said it "looked like a vision from hell, if hell was a golf course" and as we quickly learn here in the 2nd video, a news program about the 1st video, we're witnessing methane bubbling up out of the ground, just the latest such eruption around the planet, as we quickly race towards hell on Earth.

After watching these videos, ANP urges you to read the warnings given to us by Dane Wigington in his new story called "Planetary Meltdown From Formerly Frozen Methane, If You Are Not Alarmed, You Should Be" and as shared in the 3rd video below called "Extinction Level Arctic Methane Releases Caused By Geoengineering." What we are witnessing here is unprecedented and if we're not alarmed, we learn real quickly we definitely need to be! Much more below videos.

According to Dane Wigington, our planet is changing at such a blinding speed that before long, it will no longer be able to support life. He tells us bluntly that we are on the edge of extinction: If there is not a complete course correction in regard to human activity, total near term global extinction is a mathematical certainty. ANP published a story yesterday called "Elite Call Humanity 'The Walking Dead' As They Warn 'The Next Great Extinction Is Here' Before Running Off To Their Bunkers." Maybe Paul Ehrlich of Stanford U knows more than we give him credit for when he tells us our time here is running out.

Susan Duclos recently published a story on ANP in which she warned that our planet Earth is becoming increasingly unstable with a massive uptick in earthquakes and 'violent' volcanic activity across the world. We need to understand that all of the events we're witnessing across the planet are clearly connected. As we learn from Wigington if we're paying attention, our planet is in total meltdown and the ongoing global geoengineering programs are making the situation WORSE, not better. We're told: "Methane is releasing at an ever increasing rate from lake and sea beds around the globe, especially in the Arctic."

We can now add Canada, and only MILES away from the US border, to the locations where methane is now bubbling up - and completely out of human control as the state of emergency they declared there proves. The chart below is mind numbing. The video below the chart is absolutely sobering. The pictures below that video are quite thought provoking and show us in more visual images exactly what we're now dealing with here now and why we're so in danger.

Atmospheric methane is virtually skyrocketing past pre-industrial levels. As methane releases, it fuels "climate feedback loops" that trigger even more methane release.


The exploding pond at the Indian Hills Golf Course in Lambton Shores, Ontario, Canada is on Lake Huron and is only 25+ miles from the US border in Michigan as seen in this Google Earth screenshot bottom right.


Wigington tells us that our 'industrialized/militarized civilization' has  no regard for the natural world, nor does it care for the 'miraculous life support systems' of our amazing planet Earth and our once-thriving biosphere. In a race to fix what we've destroyed, geoengineering is blowing up in our faces and actually quickening what we're watching unfold.

"There is one form of anthropogenic activity that stands out above all others as the epitome of human insanity, climate engineering."

Imagine if the pond in Canada erupting now in methane was covered in ice; is this what it would look like? As we see in the 2nd image below, we could catch it on fire!



These mysterious holes in Siberia were also caused by massive methane releases.


Elite Call Humanity 'The Walking Dead' As They Warn 'The Next Great Extinction Is Here' Before Running Off To Their Bunkers

pepb.jpeg paul-ehrlich-1968-population-bomb-356.jpg paul-ehrlich.jpg

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich, along with experts from Princeton and Berkely, recently issued a warning to the world; the next great extinction is here and humanity is likely to die out with it. Calling human beings 'essentially the walking dead', we can hear Ehrlich tell us of humanity's destiny in the 1st video below from Stanford University as they officially tell us the 6th great extinction has arrived. Back in 2012, Ehrlich, the author of "The Population Bomb," warned that 'population shrinkage' would be necessary and told of a need for billions of people FEWER on the planet than were on the planet then. Depopulation.

NEW ON ANP! Exploding Pond In Canada Is 'Vision Of Hell' As Methane Erupts From Ground Miles From US Border

Back in June of 2010, Saudi Arabian Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud warned his country's royal family to flee prior to a military coup or revolution overthrows them; his warning also left a dire message to the US, Israel and the UK: "Do not fool yourself by relying on the United States or Britian or Israel, because they will not survive the loss."

Entire country's, economic and political experts and other players on the world stage are increasingly warning of the coming of World War 3 and the skyrocketing potential of a coming economic armageddon. George Soros told us just weeks ago that it's 'no exaggeration that China-US on threshold of World War 3'. Russian President Vladimir Putin just announced an addition of 40 ICBM's to Russia's nuclear arsenal. Military drills are being held worldwide with NATO and its allies holding massive drills simultaneously in at least 4 locations across the planet while China warns the entire world that World War 3 is 'inevitable' unless the US butts out of politics in the South China Sea. In Europe there's a race against time to save Greece from economic collapse while 'Dr. Doom' Nouriel Roubini tells us about the 'liquidity time bomb' that will surely trigger the next global financial collapse. This story on Boston's WCVB is simply called "Ron Paul's Apocalypse Is Now."
Ron Paul warned that a currency crisis "of epic proportions" would arrive soon and prophesied that life in America was "guaranteed to end in disaster" as "a total breakdown of the stock market" would lead to "civil unrest" and "authoritarian clampdowns."


In the brand new video (2nd below), Alex Jones issues what he calls a 'total emergency alert' and warns us that the elite are now 'evacuating'. Why would the elite suddenly jump this sinking ship like rats? All News Pipeline has published several stories recently in which we've warned of what we are watching across America that back up Alex Jones' warning.:

On December 7th, 2014, Susan Duclos published a story called "Doomsday Lair! Elite Bug-Out Underground Bunkers And Cities Prepared For Major Catastrophe - The Elite Will Survive, Will We?" In that story, Susan told us about tons of missing food, government stockpiling of ammunition and weapons and missing gold and money and shared with us proof of where it was all likely going. On March 30th, 2015 she followed up with "Doomsday Underground Command Centers: US Builds Bunkers To Protect Elite, Russia Builds Them To Protect The People - What Is Wrong With This Picture?" in which she detailed Russia's decision to build doomsday bunkers to protect their people while here in America, the bunkers are solely for the government and the 'elite'. Days ago, I published a story documenting that the global elite were on the run, many of them likely to their bunkers, preparing for what THEY know is coming that most of the rest of America is clueless about.

Surely these elitists are well aware of what Stanford's Ehrlich gets into in this video; the end is near. While ANP must point out to you that Ehrlich is the same Paul Ehrlich who is calling for 'depopulation', arguing that the world needs to get down to 2 billion people for optimal lives of the survivors, we have to remind you that that would mean BILLIONS of people dying off before that is accomplished. Ehrlich calls it politely 'population shrinkage'. Even that can't sugar coat what Ehrlich and the  elite are calling for: genocide. It'll likely happen while they're holed up in their bunkers, hoping beyond hope that they aren't one day flooded out or caved in by the remaining survivors on the outside.

In the 3rd and 4th videos below from David Vose he tells us WHY World War 3 is likely to occur by 2016 and breaks down the depopulation agenda for us in much more detail. Why would the elite want millions or even billions of less human beings on the face of the Earth in the near future than there are now? What would these same elitists do to go about bringing their desired population numbers to fruition?

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World Peace With Debt Forgiveness or More Gun Drills?

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

How many of these gun drills, bombing drills, or planes flying into building drills actually become real events to take control of the people?
These are called False Flags to the people, which the government supporters call Conspiracy Theories.
This 'Active Shooter Drill' video shows that the Charleston Shooting was scheduled back in February for between 6/15 and 6/19, and the actual shooting was 6/17.

Now look at the lower videos with Tracy Davison speaking with Dan Lutz and M1 with the Global Debt Forgiveness & Prosperity for which M1 is giving out $1 Quintillion (UBS 920,000,000,000,000,000.00) to the World, to clear both the Government's Debts and the People's Debts.
Take your time to look at these videos with M1 and see that We The People can receive these funds of $6 Million most likely on an ATM card and then $600 per child and $1,200 per adult monthly payments.
Yes, M1 is pushing for this to have World Peace and hopefully no more Corporation Government's Wars for Profits.
There are eleven videos for Interview with M1, so it will be about 90 minutes, and M1 is also willing to speak with the Cabal if they do not accept the Debt Payment Gift.
Davison and M1 also speak about the secret agreement JFK and President Soekarno had where we should have been receiving this Debt Forgiveness back in 1963.
Now for you people that have access to sources with the government leadership then you should find out how We The People can get access to these funds ASAP as well as pushing our US government to accept the Debt payoff by August 17, 2015, as M1 has a BANK INDONESIA Certificate with several World Leader's signatures shown at 10:30 on the "Public Statement By Tracy Davison" video.
The one problem I could see is that THE UNITED STATES, INC. will not accept the Debt Payment Gift, but will go for the loan with interest payments which in turn the people would have to pay possibly $1 Million per year in taxes, as this Clear the Debt Payment is Income for all residents, yet the elite and government officials will be exempt (318 Million Americans x $1 Million per year = $318 Trillion USA elite Revenue).
Maybe you should just push for the We The People that are associated with the rumored USA Republic return, for which those names on the BANK INDONESIA Certificate were all Corporation Officials, to then come forward with our True Republic government and Debt payoffs.

Charleston Shooting Hoax Was a Confirmed Active Shooter Drill (Redsilverj)
Published on Jun 21, 2015

Charleston Shooting: Liberals Call for Disarming All White People
"Let's just take away the white people's guns"
 by Paul Joseph Watson | June 18, 2015
Liberals reacted to the tragic shooting at an Episcopal Church in Charleston last night by calling for an immediate gun ban in order to disarm all white people.

Primary website for Tracy Davison videos:
60 Second Millionaire TV - M1 Show

60 News Flash
Published on Jun 10, 2015

60 News Flash Update!
Published on Jun 12, 2015

Tracy Davison - 60 Second Millionaire TV - "Public Statement By Tracy Davison" - 6/19/15

Interview w/ M1 - 01
click on the 'More videos' below the comments to then go to the other videos if they are not on the right.


Geomagnetic Storm Warning: June 22-23

Space Weather News for June 22, 2015

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WARNING: A CME is heading directly for Earth, and it is expected to sweep up one or more lesser CMEs before it reaches our planet on June 22nd.  The combined impact is likely to spark polar geomagnetic storms and high-latitude auroras.   Visit for more information and updates.

AURORA ALERTS:  Don't sleep through the auroras.  Get a phone call when geomagnetic storms are underway.  Space weather alerts are available from (text) and (voice).