Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Palestine: The end or a new beginning?

Palestine: The end or a new beginning?

The nuclear-armed Zionist state of Israel is not remotely interested in peace on terms the Palestinians could accept

harris passport_014
…by Alan Hart

There is a strong case for saying that Palestine is a lost cause. And it, the case, can be summarised as follows.
* The nuclear-armed Zionist (not Jewish) state of Israel is the regional superpower and not remotely interested in peace on terms the Palestinians could accept. The vast majority of its Jews have been brainwashed by Zionist propaganda and as a consequence are not open to rational and reasoned discussion about justice for the Palestinians. And that leaves Israel’s leaders free to continue the policy of taking (stealing) for keeps the maximum amount of Palestinian land with the minimum number of Arabs on it.
* As things are the major world powers are not going to use the leverage they have to cause (or try to cause) Israel to end its defiance of international law and denial of justice for the Palestinians.
* The regimes of a corrupt, authoritarian and divided Arab Order have no interest in any kind of confrontation with Israel; and they do not have the will to use the leverage they have to press the major powers, the one in Washington D.C. especially, to oblige Israel to be serious about peace on the basis of justice for the Palestinians and security for all.
* The occupied and oppressed Palestinians have no credible leadership. (And that reality won’t be changed simply by Mahmoud Abbas standing down to make way for another “President”).
The idea for this article was triggered by an analysis written for  Al-Shabaka, The Palestinian Policy Network, by Palestinian professor Tariq Dana. The title of his policy briefing paper was Corruption in Palestine: A Self-Enforcing System. Dana is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Hebron University. (Established in 1971 it was the first educational institution for university education in Palestine).
Al-Shabaka, which means The Network,  was created in 2009 and is registered in California. It brings together some of the best and brightest Palestinian writers and thinkers around the world and  describes itself as “a think-tank without borders and walls.” Its mission, drawing off the experience of the Palestinian people, is “to engage the broadest spectrum of perspectives in debate on policy and strategy”, and, “to communicate ideas and strategies on resolving the Palestinian-Israel conflict to Palestinian communities as well as to Arab and other policy communities and interested parties worldwide.”
The Overview to Dana’s policy briefing paper noted that according to a recent survey 81% of the occupied and oppressed Palestinians believe the Palestine Authority (PA) is corrupt.
Dana then put some flesh on the bone of corruption with this statement.
Corruption in Palestinian Authority (PA) institutions should not be perceived as merely a matter of administrative and financial wrongdoing committed by irresponsible individuals whose behaviour is driven by greed and personal interests. The scandals that Palestinians hotly debate from time to time – such as embezzlement of public funds, misappropriation of resources, and nepotism – are an outcome of longstanding corruption embedded in the underlying power structure that governs the Palestinian political system and that were rooted in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) prior to the Oslo process.
If I was in dialogue with Dana I would ask him this question. Isn’t the real point that the PA has become just like all other Arab governments? I imagine he would say “Yes.”
From conversations many years ago I know that Arafat and the other founding fathers of Fatah and the authentic PLO didn’t want that to happen. They really did want their state to be democratic (which was one of the reasons why the Arab regimes feared and even loathed the authentic PLO). I can recall, for example, what was said to me by Khalad Hassan, a founding father of Fatah and its intellectual giant on the right. “We have to be democratic. If we become just another Arab regime we will fail.”
Dana also offered this observation.
Corruption has been a major contributing factor to the Palestinian national movement’s inability to achieve its objectives and now also serves the objectives of Israel’s occupation.
My way of putting it is to say that corruption helped to guarantee that the PA became, by default but effectively, a Zionist collaborator. Dana’s conclusion was this (my emphasis added).
Corruption will remain endemic within the PA as long as the Palestinians themselves do not begin restructuring their national institutions according to democratic principles and standards of accountability, as part of a broader strategy to pursue self-determination and Palestinian national rights, including freedom from occupation.
That call for restructuring Palestinian institutions echoed one made by Osamah Khalil, a co-founder of Al-Shabaka, in March 2013.  (He is Assistant Professor of History of the U.S. in the World at Syracuse University). In a briefing paper with the headline “Who Are You?” The PLO and the Limits of Representation, his conclusion was the following (my emphasis added).
If Palestinians want a representative  body, national unity, an end to factional differences and to a corrupt and illegitimate leadership, they will need to build that movement themselves from scratch. They will also need to make the previous body and its leaders – regardless of their revolutionary origins and rhetoric, titles, symbolism, and emotional ties – obsolete and irrelevant. With a past marked by failure, Palestinians must imagine and work toward a very different future. Otherwise there will be little hope of finding a successful strategy or vehicle to achieve Palestinian rights.
Given that liberation was the goal the Palestinian past is indeed “marked by failure” as Khalil states but complete understanding of it has to take account of  two most important facts.
The first is that Arafat risked everything – his credibility with his leadership colleagues and his life – to prepare the ground on the Palestinian side for peace on terms which a rational government in Israel would have accepted with relief. (Israel’s response was to invade Lebanon all the way to Beirut with the objective of liquidating the entire PLO leadership and destroying the organization’s infrastructure). If the major powers led by America had backed Arafat after he secured support for his policy of politics and unthinkable compromise in the shape of a two-state solution, peace would have been there for the taking if Israel’s leaders had wanted it.
The second is that the occupied and oppressed Palestinian people have not failed. Israel’s policy was and is to make life hell for them in the hope that they will abandon their struggle and either surrender on Zionism’s terms or, preferably, pack their bags and leave to start a new life in Arab and other countries. The steadfastness of the occupied and oppressed Palestinian people (not their leaders) is a success not a failure.
In my analysis the process of  building a new Palestine liberation movement “from scratch” would have to begin with something I have been advocating for several years – the dissolution of the PA and handing back to Israel complete responsibility for its occupation of the West Bank.
As I have noted in previous articles, that would impose significant burdens – economic, security and other – on Israel. But with complete responsibility for occupation would come full accountability.
How might that benefit the Palestinians?
Israel’s racism, oppression and on-going colonization of the West Bank (ethnic cleansing slowly and by stealth) would be exposed, fully naked, for the whole world to see, and that could assist the mobilization of public opinion everywhere for pressure on governments to use the leverage they have to cause (or try to cause) Israel to end its defiance of international law and denial of justice for the Palestinians.
I think it can be assumed that Israel would prevent the Palestinians under its control engaging in activities to rebuild their liberation movement on democratic foundations. So how, actually, could the rebuilding be done?
In my view it could only happen if the incredible, almost superhuman steadfastness of the occupied and oppressed Palestinians was supplemented by practical and co-ordinated Palestinian diaspora action.
The composition of the Palestinian diaspora by countries and numbers of Palestinians resident in them is roughly the following.  Jordan – 2,900,000; Israel – 1,600,000; Syria – 800,000; Chile – 500,000; Lebanon – 490,000; Saudi Arabia – 280,245; Egypt – 270,245; United States – 270,000; Honduras – 250,000; Venezuela – 245,120; United Arab Emirates – 170,000; Germany – 159,000; Mexico – 158,000; Qatar – 100,000; Kuwait – 70,000; El Salvador – 70,000; Brazil – 59,000; Iraq – 57,000; Yemen – 55,000; Canada – 50,975; Australia – 45,000; Libya – 44,000; Denmark – 32,152; United Kingdom – 30,000; Sweden – 25,500;  Peru – 20,000;  Columbia – 20,000;  Spain – 12,000;  Pakistan – 10,500; Netherlands – 9,000;  Greece – 7,500;  Norway – 7,000; France – 5,000;  Guatemala  – 3,500; Austria – 3,000; Switzerland – 2,000; Turkey – 1,000; and India – 300.
In the past I have advocated that Palestinians in the diaspora should take the lead in bringing the side-lined Palestinian parliament-in-exile, formerly known as the Palestine National Council (PNC), back to life, refreshed and re-invigorated by elections to it in every country where Palestinians live. But… On reflection as I write this article I think that idea needs to be modified.
I still believe there needs to be a new institution elected by Palestinians everywhere with the prime task of debating and determining Palestinian policy and then representing it by speaking to power with one voice, but I think it should not style or present itself as a Palestinian parliament-in-exile.
In reality there’s something almost absurd about having a parliament for a state that does not exist. And if an institution elected by Palestinians everywhere did pose as a parliament-in-exile, its American representatives and those who are residents and citizens of other countries could be accused of having dual loyalty.
The B-I-G question is this.
Are there enough diaspora Palestinians who care enough to become politically engaged to rebuild their national institutions on democratic principles and standards of accountability?
It isn’t a question of resources because there are many very wealthy diaspora Palestinians. It’s a matter of will. If the answer is “Yes” there could be a new beginning for the Palestine liberation movement.
If the answer is “No”  it can’t and won’t happen. Then, when Israel’s leaders conclude that they can’t force the occupied and oppressed Palestinians to abandon their struggle for an acceptable amount of justice, the most likely endgame will be a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
If such an obscenity is allowed to happen I think future honest historians will conclude that the Palestinian diaspora was complicit by default.

Fraudulent. And Illegal.

Fraudulent. And Illegal.


You’ve heard it over and over again from Monsanto’s public relations machine: GMOs have been thoroughly tested and proven safe.
You know it isn’t true. But unfortunately, many people—and many U.S. lawmakers—have heard only that side of the story. And they’ve heard it so often it’s engrained in their psyches.
It’s up to us to counter Monsanto’s message. In the media. In meetings with Congress members. In phone calls and emails to Congress members.
Thankfully, Steven M. Druker, executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity and author of “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public,” has made it easier for you to become a messenger of the truth. Druker has taken key points from his 528-page book and created a short 30-point argument for why the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s decision to allow GMO foods, untested and unlabeled, into the marketplace was fraudulent and illegal. Druker says:
In reality, FDA decision-makers disregarded the input of the agency’s own scientists, covered up their warnings about the risks, lied about the facts and, despite pretensions to the contrary, have failed to conduct any genuine scientific reviews at all (a fact even acknowledged by FDA officials). Without such frauds, GE foods could never have come to market; and they could not remain there if the frauds became widely known. Moreover, the FDA’s policy on GE foods violates federal food safety law, and these novel products are on the market illegally.

Latin America Is Now China’s Backyard

Latin America Is Now China’s Backyard


(The Real Agenda) China has strongly positioned itself in Latin America, much like it has done everywhere else.

Whether it’s with military hardware, economic aid, trade agreements or political ties, the Chinese are now securing their future by expanding their power as far and wide as possible.
One of the regions where China exercises the most influence is Latin America, where its military and economic power has bought it multiple allies; many of whom have abandoned the traditional American dependence to side with a growing tide of Chinese influence.
The latest example of such advancement by the Chinese -although not new- is Venezuela. In full border crisis with Colombia, President Nicolas Maduro, traveled this week to China and Vietnam.
Beijing, after the visit on Tuesday, Beijing agreed to disburse a new package of $5 billion dollars, which was agreed to in January. The money will allegedly help to finance the operations of the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA.
Maduro announced the loan the same day during the broadcast of his weekly program, In Touch with Maduro, which aired via satellite from China. The liquidity crisis in public funds was exacerbated by the fall in oil prices, the main source of foreign exchange for Venezuela. Prior to these agreements, the debt of Caracas with Beijing was of about 50 billion dollars.
Venezuela has seen its foreign exchange earnings erode by 60% in less than a year, but Chinese cooperation involves a paradox: much of the debt of the South American country with the Asian is amortized with oil shipments.
With the decline of oil prices, Venezuela could be forced to deliver increasing volumes of oil, without receiving more money in return, which would in fact open a debt hole that could exacerbate the crisis in the long run.
Maduro signed 14 new agreements Monday after meeting with Chinese president, Xi Jinping. The implementation of a set of a 10 year plan to increase Venezuelan oil production stands as it was agreed previously. Indeed, Venezuela does not have a way out now. It is debt servitude with China or complete and immediate collapse.
There were also agreements for the production of tires in Venezuela, new apartment buildings and the opening of the Confucius Cultural Institute for the teaching of Mandarin in the Bolivarian country.

Currencies and food
Caracas and Beijing awarded a strategic character to their relations since they signed the Framework of Cooperation Agreement in 2001. Although in the heart of the alliance is the source of investment by the Asian giant -especially because oil is at the heart of the agreements- it is not clear how such agreements may or may not help Venezuela during its economic collapse as well as ensure its energy needs if most of the oil is being sent to China in exchange for cash whose benefits are not visible to the average Venezuelan and the economy.
Nicolas Maduro’s government increasingly entrusted their fate to investments and loans from Beijing.
The Venezuelan president’s visit coincides with the celebrations in China of the 70th anniversary of the victory against Japanese invaders during World War II.
The regime of President Xi Jinping has granted unprecedented importance to the event, and the Venezuelan government has not ceased to emphasize that it is the only South American country who was present at the military parade.
“I think we can tell the Chinese people and the Venezuelans that, 70 years after the victory of China, today our peoples are closer than ever,” Maduro said.
In Vietnam, meanwhile, President Maduro went looking for solutions that may solve his country’s dependence with regard to food imports, which has been exposed to chronic shortages experienced in the Venezuelan market.
During his two-day visit, the president signed an agricultural production plan until 2018, and an another agreement to increase bilateral trade to $1 billion annually.

Luis R. Miranda is an award-winning journalist and the founder and editor-in-chief at The Real Agenda. His career spans over 18 years and almost every form of news media. His articles include subjects such as environmentalism, Agenda 21, climate change, geopolitics, globalisation, health, vaccines, food safety, corporate control of governments, immigration and banking cartels, among others. Luis has worked as a news reporter, on-air personality for Live and Live-to-tape news programs. He has also worked as a script writer, producer and co-producer on broadcast news. Read more about Luis.

Muslim migrants go Christian to win asylum

(Will refusing accepting the Satanism of someone could be considered Denial of Religious Freedom anywhere in the World? So, Thou Shalt Kill Christians, is Approved of?)

Muslim migrants go Christian to win asylum

Pastor: 'Will you break away from Satan and his evil deeds?'

Muslim refugees are converting to Christianity to win asylum in Germany.

Muslim refugees are converting to Christianity to win asylum in Germany.
Hundreds of Muslims hoping to end their flight from the Mideast with asylum in Germany have willingly converted to Christianity, thinking their new-found faith will boost their chances for acceptance by the government.
Pastor Gottfried Martens said to one Iranian refugee who was converting in order to cross the border, the Daily Mail reported: “Will you break away from Satan and his evil deeds? Will you break away from Islam?”
And, the Daily Mail reported. the speedy reply was, “yes.”
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Germany was expecting about 2,500 refugees on Monday – and that was after about 20,000 flowed across the border over the weekend. Chancellor Angela Merkel called the situation “breathtaking,” and asserted: “What we are experiencing now is something that will occupy and change our country in coming years.”
She also pledged those who needed aid would receive it. Merkel also clarified Christians were not given special treatment over those of other faiths, including Muslim.
“Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians” provides documented accounts of attacks on Christians worldwide, and it tells of the perseverance and courage of men and women who suffer abuse because of their faith in Jesus Christ
But many are quietly making the faith switch anyway, and at least one female asylum seeker told the Daily Mail she knew of many conversions that were rooted in hopes of bettering the chances for an open door to the border.
The news outlet reported hundreds of Iranian and Afghan asylum seekers have renounced their Muslim beliefs and embraced the Christian faith at just one evangelical Trinity Church in a Berlin neighborhood in recent weeks.
Copyright 2015 WND


Christians warned to pull kids from public school

Christians warned to pull kids from public school

'All the garbage and debris and waste from this faulty model is washing up'

By Paul Bremmer

Imagine an America in which all children are educated according to biblical, Christian principles instead of modern, secular, liberal values.
Chaplain E. Ray Moore (Lt. Col. USAR Ret.), such a scenario is not just possible, but essential if Christians wish to reclaim the American culture.
“We take the position at the Exodus Mandate that the Scripture and sound theology teach that the education of children belongs to the family and the church or private associations, not government,” said Moore, the founder and president of Frontline Ministries, Inc. and director of the Exodus Mandate Project. “We don’t believe that government, even at the state level, has any role in K-12 education, and the Scriptures are clear and explicit on this. There’s no wiggle room.”
In order to wake Christian parents up to the dangers of public schools, Exodus Mandate has released a new documentary called “Escaping Common Core: Setting Our Children Free.”
The film is divided into two roughly 30-minute parts. The first part explores the origins of Common Core and the history of progressive education, from Horace Mann through John Dewey through the education policies of our past four U.S. presidents. The filmmakers argue Common Core is the latest manifestation of the effort to impose a socialist worldview on American children.
The second part of the movie offers Exodus Mandate’s suggested response to Common Core, which is for Christian parents to pull their children out of what Moore calls the “pagan, godless, atheistic public school system” and either homeschool them or find a private Christian school.
Moore, the scriptwriter and executive producer, said Exodus Mandate saw an opening for this film because Common Core has become a major national issue in the past few years.
“For the first time in our lifetime, because of Common Core, K-12 education is being debated on the national stage,” Moore told WND in an interview. “We saw an opportunity to kind of come in there and ride the crest of the wave, with all these millions of dollars of free publicity on the Common Core issue, to create a movie that would give the Christian an answer to the problem.”
Exodus Mandate is the same group that produced the award-winning 2011 film “IndoctriNation,” which also dealt with the history of the public schools and their subversive, anti-Christian nature. However, that film came out before Common Core was a major national issue, so Moore felt the need to do a follow-up.
International journalist and educator Alex Newman, coauthor of “Crimes of the Educators,” offered hearty praise for “Escaping Common Core.”
“It is exciting to see the makers of the wonderful film ‘IndoctriNation,’ which featured a great interview with my co-author, the late Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld, release their next documentary,” Newman said. “I encourage everyone to see it and spread the word. The topic could not be more important. As sad as it is to admit it, I agree with the message of the film: Christians can no longer be a part of these government schools.”
A threat
Indeed, Moore confirmed the goal of “Escaping Common Core” is to make parents realize Common Core is a threat to their children and they should pull out of the public schools in favor of private Christian schools or homeschooling. The longtime chaplain lamented that Christians have trusted the public schools for far too long.
“After 160 years or so, all the garbage and debris and waste from this faulty model is washing up on our shores,” Moore said. “And it’s creating a lot of anxiety and cultural, social, and moral destruction in our culture. So we think it’s time to jettison the model completely. Christians need to do that first, lead the way.”
Moore believes if Christian parents set up a far-reaching system of private schools, many non-Christian families would be drawn to them as well in order to escape Common Core. If this happened, he said, more people would find Christ, which might spark a revival that would renew American culture.
However, he said that will never happen if parents continue to put their kids in public schools.
“To think we can win the culture war when a majority of Christian children are still being indoctrinated in the public schools doesn’t pass the common sense test, much less the theology test,” Moore said. “And so Christians are derelict and irresponsible, in my judgment, if they continue to put their kids in these pagan, godless, atheistic public schools.”
In the few weeks that “Escaping Common Core” has been out, Moore said he has already met opposition from some conservative Christians – the very people for whom he made the movie. He said many Christians still hold on “almost like an addiction” to state education, even though it’s harming their children.
“We’re still having to fight trench warfare within our own camps to try to win over Christians and pastors,” the former chaplain said. “Pastors as a group are pretty much AWOL on this issue. Maybe 10 or 15 percent are engaged, but 75 to 80 percent won’t touch it because they have so many public school people in their churches still, and they know, you get a disgruntled group, you’re history. So they really are putting their job security ahead of taking care of their flocks in many cases.
‘Pagan education’
“It’s time the pastors step up and be the shepherds of the flock that God’s called them to be in this particular area.”
Moore is adamant that Christians don’t have permission to put their children in harm’s way under “pagan, atheistic education,” as the vast majority of evangelical Christians are doing now. He warned 80 percent of Christian children who attend public school through their entire K-12 lives are leaving the church and abandoning the Christian faith. Moore wants to see a change.
“If we would change our ways, in a decade we could create a whole new private Christian and homeschool system that would educate tens of millions of children,” he declared. “And then it could be used as a way to evangelize and re-Christianize the culture.
“But so many Christians are still locked into this faulty, absurd salt-and-light theology that their children are in the public schools to be a witness for Christ, and actually what’s happening is they’re being converted by the Left.”
Patrice Lewis, a WND columnist and freelance writer, said well-intentioned parents are making a huge mistake by sending their children off to public school.
“Most parents want what is best for their children,” Lewis said. “When they send their kids to public schools, they’re making the erroneous assumption that those schools are educating children with sound values. In fact, public education has become little more than progressive indoctrination camps where dissenting opinions and a Christian worldview are treated with hostility.”
Lewis homeschools her two children, and she urges other parents to do the same.
“The question parents must ask is, who do you want to have the biggest influence on your children?” she said. “By default – by simple mathematics – if your children spend the bulk of their waking hours under the influence of public schools, they are far more likely to adopt to morals and principles of those influences, rather than the morals and principles of the people who love them the most.
“It’s not a matter of ‘detoxifying’ your children again and again every evening and weekend; it’s a matter of making your life easier by choosing to keep them out of the toxifying environment to begin with.”
Homeschooling growing
Moore approvingly noted the homeschool movement is growing in America. Indeed, the number of children 5 through 17 years old who were being homeschooled by their parents rose 61.8 percent in the 10 years from 2003 to 2012. A total of 1,773,000 kids were homeschooled, representing 3.4 percent of the total 5-to-17 population.
In addition to homeschooling and private Christian schools, there is a third option that gives Moore hope: online K-12 education. He noted lots of middle class and working class parents want out of the public schools, but they can’t all afford private school tuition and some of them are not comfortable homeschooling. Within the past 10 to 15 years, online Christian education programs have given parents the chance to school their kids according to Christian principles at home without having to come up with lessons and curricula themselves. Liberty University and Bob Jones University are two examples of colleges that offer “online homeschooling” curricula for children grades K-12.
Moore also praised Apologia, a corporation that offers Christian-based curricula for homeschooling families. Apologia textbooks cover all the natural sciences as well as civics and history.
“There’s just so many good things out there now,” Moore exclaimed. “There’s no excuse for a family to put their kids in a government school.”
These alternative forms of education are important, Moore said, because government schools simply cannot be salvaged.
“It’s important for conservatives and Christians to realize that we cannot reform public schools,” he said. “It’s a socialistic model. It’s the wrong model. You don’t fix socialism; you abandon it. So many of our best people are still foolishly trying to reform that system, and it can’t be done.”
He said trying to reform public schools is like trying to teach a pig to dance: it doesn’t work, you get dirty, and the pig gets mad. He believes the leftists who control public education will never allow the system to be changed.
“A lot of Christians are protesting, and you can’t defeat an evil power by mere protest and whining,” he advised. “We’ve got to create a rival power, and the Left is just laughing at us when we protest and talk about fixing government schools. It’s never going to happen, so it’s time to give that model up.”
Reforming pointless
Newman agrees it’s pointless to try to reform government schools.
“If we are going to save and restore America, and protect our children from evil and ignorance, that needs to begin with a mass exodus of Christians from government schools,” Newman asserted. “They cannot be reformed. They were, in fact, designed to do precisely what they are doing: mass producing anti-Christian illiterates who lack even the most rudimentary academic and critical-thinking skills but are experts on pseudo-science and leftist ideologies. It is a crime of monumental proportions, and Christians can no longer be bound up with these institutions.”
This fight is getting urgent, Moore said. With the recent Obergefell decision, the Supreme Court legalized and legitimized “same-sex marriage,” and now the chaplain worries public schools will indoctrinate children with a pro-”gay marriage” mindset.
Also, in the Sept. 5 issue of World Magazine, Warren Cole Smith reported on the College Board’s ongoing effort to revise its 37 Advanced Placement (AP) tests. He wrote that the U.S. History exam in particular has become more politicized with a leftward slant. For example, one anonymous teacher told Smith a recommended AP textbook called “A History of Western Society” devotes less space to John Calvin or Martin Luther than to homosexuality and the acceptance of different sexual orientations, which it considers a mark of Western civilization’s progress.
Conservatives see this bias as a problem, according to the article, because the College Board operates as a de facto monopoly, with no other organizations offering an alternative to the AP exams at this point. And if teachers choose not to use the recommended textbooks, their students are less likely to do well on the AP tests.
Moore fears the Left will use the education system to push Christians “to the bottom of the economic ladder.”
The chaplain compared America to the Egypt described in Exodus Chapter 1, when a new pharaoh who didn’t know Joseph rose to power and enslaved the Israelites.
“Now humanists and pharaohs have come forward in our country who knew not Christ and knew not the founding era of our country,” Moore declared. “So we’ve got to break free and escape Common Core and go to the promised land of Christian schooling and homeschooling, and that’s what our movie’s about: escaping Common Core, escaping the tyranny of this system, and setting our children free.”
Copyright 2015 WND


If You Want To Keep Your Guns, You Are Going To Have To Use Them...US Official At Un Meeting: "Actively Enforce US Domestic Disarmament"..

If You Want To Keep Your Guns, You Are Going To Have To Use Them...US Official At Un Meeting: "Actively Enforce US Domestic Disarmament"..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 7-Sep-2015 15:44:11

In the midst of all the rest of the Sept. Hulabaloo, we now have US 'officials' in a Pre-NY meeting stating that the UN will have to help take Americans guns... There's your sign, folks. Your choice is either to kill or be killed. Our fore fathers left us the way, but it is up to us to provide the will.
At a resort in Mexico, representatives of the U.S. government met with delegations from other countries to gauge just how far America is willing to go in letting the United Nations repeal the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.
The First Conference of State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was held from August 24 to 27 in Cancun, Mexico. Attendees promulgated rules for future meetings, set budgets for enforcement of the terms of the treaty, and, perhaps most importantly, established procedural rules that will determine how much power agencies of the international body will have over future domestic enforcement mechanisms.
Or, put simply, the United States has acceded to allowing the globalists at the United Nations to set the metes and bounds of the Second Amendment, regardless of the will of the American people.
In a statement issued at the conclusion of the conference, representatives of the European Union praised Mexico for taking leadership in the effort to eradicate “illicit arms” from the globe and promised that the EU would “actively contribute” in the enforcement of the terms of the treaty worldwide.

Starbucks CEO At Shareholder Meeting ... If You Support Traditional Marriage Over Gay Marriage...Then We Don't Want Your Business..

Starbucks CEO At Shareholder Meeting ... If You Support Traditional Marriage Over Gay Marriage...Then We Don't Want Your Business..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 7-Sep-2015 12:38:35

During the annual Starbucks shareholder meeting, CEO Howard Shultz sent a message to everyone who buys coffee at the large chain. If you support traditional marriage over gay marriage, Starbucks doesn’t want your business.
Because Starbucks aims to “embrace diversity of all kinds,” Shultz told a specific shareholder, who supports traditional marriage, he should sell his shares and go to another company.
A Forbes report stated that Shultz seemed extremely intolerant of any shareholder who opposed gay marriage.
During the meeting, Tom Strobhar, founder of the Corporate Morality Action Center and Starbucks shareholder, pointed out that when Starbucks backed gay marriage in Washington State, traditional marriage supports boycotted the coffee store and sales venues dropped.
When Strobhar mentioned the facts, Schultz responded by telling him to sell his shares and invest in another company.






“Prayer Request from Dan and Marilyn Wilson.............

Missionaries who are in the areas that are being attacked by ISIS are asking to be showered in prayer. ISIS has taken over the town they are in today. He said ISIS is systematically going house to house to all the Christians and asking them to denounce Jesus.  
He said so far not one child has and, so far, all have consequently been killed, but not the parents

The UN has withdrawn and the missionaries are on their own.  They are determined to stick it out for the sake of the families, even if it means their own deaths.       
They are very afraid, have no idea how to even begin ministering to these families who have witnessed their children martyred, yet he says he knows God has called them for some reason to be His voice and hands at this place at this time.  Even so, they are begging for prayers for courage to live out their vocation in such dire circumstances and, like the children, accept martyrdom if they are called to do so.  
These brave parents instilled such a fervent faith in their children that they chose martyrdom.  Please surround them in their loss with your prayers for hope and perseverance.
One missionary was able to talk to her brother briefly by phone.  She didn't say it, but I believe she believes it will be their last conversation.  Pray for her, too.  She said he just kept asking her to help him know what to do and do it.  She told him to tell the families we ARE praying for them and they are not alone or forgotten -- no matter what. 

Please keep them all in your prayers.

This came this morning.  Just a few minutes ago I received the following text message on my phone from Sean Malone who leads Crisis Relief International (CRI).  We then spoke briefly on the phone and I assured him that we would share this urgent prayer need with all of our contacts..................

"We lost the city of Queragosh (Qaraqosh). It fell to ISIS and they are beheading children systematically.  
This is the city we have been smuggling food to.  ISIS has pushed back Peshmerga (Kurdish forces) and is within 10 minutes of where our CRI team is working.  Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last night. The UN evacuated its staff in Erbil.  Our team is unmoved and will stay.  Prayer cover needed!" 

Please pray sincerely for the  
deliverance of the people of Northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians across this region. 
May I plead with you not to ignore this email.  Do not forward it before you have prayed through it.  Then send it to as many people as possible.  Send it to friends and Christians you may know.  Send it to your prayer group.  Send it to your pastor and phone him to pray on Sunday or Wednesday during the service - making a special time of prayer for this.   
We need to stand in the gap for our fellow Christians.  Please remember to continue to intercede for these people.

Please continue to keep all our brothers and sisters and their children in all your prayers !!!!  

It may soon be our time in America to be seeking prayer coverage, as the muslims and ISIS movements are gaining in numbers and strength in our own nation. How can we ask for prayer coverage for ourselves if we are not willing to provide it for our dear suffering brothers and sisters in other nations?

Thank you.

Warning... Don't Go To Court In Bowdon, GA Without Cash....

(Will it come to the point of an ABA Judge, that works for the British Crown, mandate you get LIFE Imprisonment if you do NOT have the CASH, Federal Reserve Note, when the Banks will NOT allow you to take out more than $100 per day? Then they can access your Trust fund set up by the HJR 192 of 1933!)

Warning... Don't Go To Court In Bowdon, GA Without Cash....
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 7-Sep-2015 12:16:57

An explosion of cellphone videos has brought renewed attention to police practices, provoking criticism, indictments and talk of criminal justice overhaul. Courtroom videos of judges in action, however, are far rarer.
But one surreptitious video in a small-town Georgia court has led to an overhaul of court practices there. The video showed the judge threatening to jail traffic violators who could not come up with an immediate payment toward their fines.
“You can pay what you have, you can call whoever you need to call, go to an A.T.M. if you need to, do what you need to do,” Judge Richard A. Diment of Bowdon Municipal Court said to one defendant. “Call friends, call family, call your employer. But until you get $300 here tonight, you won’t be able to leave.” The defendant said she had recently begun working at a supermarket and had $150 with her.
To another defendant, a man who said he had been unemployed for two years and received food stamps, Judge Diment said: “You’re going to have to figure out a way to get this paid, do you understand me? Or you’re going to go to jail. One or the other. You understand?”

Conservative dissent is brewing inside the Vatican

Conservative dissent is brewing inside the Vatican

Papal power, Burke warned, “is not absolute”

Conservative dissent is brewing inside the Vatican
by Washington Post | Anthony Faiola | September 8, 2015 

VATICAN CITY — On a sunny morning earlier this year, a camera crew entered a well-appointed apartment just outside the 9th-century gates of Vatican City.
Pristinely dressed in the black robes and scarlet sash of the princes of the Roman Catholic Church, the Wisconsin-born Cardinal Raymond Burke sat in his elaborately upholstered armchair and appeared to issue a warning to Pope Francis.
A staunch conservative and Vatican bureaucrat, Burke had been demoted by the pope a few months earlier, but it did not take the fight out of him. Francis had been backing a more inclusive era, giving space to progressive voices on divorced Catholics as well as gays and lesbians. In front of the camera, Burke said he would “resist” liberal changes — and seemed to caution Francis about the limits of his authority. “One must be very attentive regarding the power of the pope,” Burke told the French news crew.
Papal power, Burke warned, “is not absolute.” He added, “The pope does not have the power to change teaching [or] doctrine.”
Burke’s words belied a growing sense of alarm among strict conservatives, exposing what is fast emerging as a culture war over Francis’s papacy and the powerful hierarchy that governs the Roman Catholic Church.
Read more


Migration of populations vs. the individual

Migration of populations vs. the individual

And as more duped and deluded people sign on to this agenda, the whole concept of the individual shrinks and becomes irrelevant

Migration of populations vs. the individual
by Jon Rappoport | Infowars.com | September 8, 2015 

We are seeing a flood of population-migration in various parts of the world.
The Globalist strategy is obvious:
Make the only solution a global solution.
Instigate the chaos that causes the migrations, and then come in behind that with the answer: “better planning, better organization, international agreements”—in short, a planned society for the borderless world.
Of course, “global solution” means the individual is cut out of the equation, he doesn’t count, he doesn’t mean anything in the larger scheme of things, he is just another pawn and cipher to move around on the board.
And as more duped and deluded people sign on to this agenda, the whole concept of the individual shrinks and becomes irrelevant.
This is purposeful.
This is the script for the future: in many ways create problems whose only solution appears to be collective.
Psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually divert the individual’s attention from his own vision, his own profound desires, his own consciousness, his own imagination—and place it within The Group (“all of humanity”).
Propagandize the idea that, if the individual concerns himself with anything other than The Group, he is selfish, greedy, inhumane. He is a criminal.
More and more, this is how the young are being trained these days.
The grand “we” is being sold to them like a cheap street drug. They buy in. They believe this “we” is real, instead of a hollow con designed to drag them into a Globalist framework owned and operated by mega-corporations, banks, foundations, governments, and ubiquitous Rockefeller interests.
And what of the individual, his mind, his unique perception, his independent ideas, his originality, his life-force?
Swept away in the rush toward “a better world.”
I have breaking news. Earth is not a spaceship and we are not crew members. If Earth is a spaceship, it has serious design flaws, because it keeps making the same trip around the same sun every year.
Each one of us does not have a specified function, as a crew member would.
Going back as far as you want to in history, every shortage and scarcity in the world that engendered a crisis was either created by some elite or maintained by them, for the purpose of eradicating dissent and fomenting a collectivist solution. Meaning a solution that came from the top. Meaning a solution that reduced individual freedom.
In recent human history, a different idea emerged: establish severely hamstrung government, in order to protect the individual against it.
This idea existed in its pristine form for about an hour after the ink dried on the founding documents.
Elites emerged with the realization that they would need to build great wealth for certain men, who would then turn around and use their power to expand government and corporate and banking control, in order to sink the population back into the swamp from which they had just been liberated.
On and on it goes. But regardless of circumstances, the individual can author his own freedom and what it implies. He can discover, within himself, extraordinary possibilities and extraordinary consciousness. He can contemplate what it means to create reality that expresses his most profound desires.
And then he can begin a voyage that no one and no group can stop.
Civilizations come and go, rise and fall, but the individual remains.
Behind and below and above all the false prescriptions of the State and its allies, he remains. He is at the core.
But why wait until some distant day to wake up?
The word “imagination,” when properly understood, indicates that the individual can envision and then create futures that never were, and never would be, unless he invented them.
Imagination is the opposite of “provincial,” “restricted,” “well-known,” “familiar,” “accepted.”
That is its danger to the status quo.
That is the true threat the individual poses to all predictive systems.
The modern State works from the assumption that you are renting your life and your self. It sees itself as the landlord, whose beneficent concern, expressed through “programs,” should direct your behavior and thought.
It is softening 1984 into the effects of Brave New World. Pain is the stick and pleasure is the carrot.
Soon you will see official calculations of “pleasure quotients” for citizens. You will even see promises to “expand” those quotients.
“The greater good of all” will be highlighted.
That is the primary selling point.
Its success depends on the individual ceasing to exist in his own mind. He is The Group.
On the horizon: researchers studying the myriad activities of the brain in real time will claim there is no chemical/biological/electrical basis in the brain for the concept of the individual. The whole notion is an aberration, resulting from an imbalance that can be corrected.
Sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists and other charlatans will chime in, pointing to indisputable evidence that, throughout history, it has been the individual who has caused all the trouble. (This propaganda op has been actively underway for a hundred years.)
Yes, the hard scientists, will agree. “But to be more precise, it is the disordered brain that has caused the trouble.”
Yes, my friends, you can be free of the imbalance, and the suffering and turmoil it causes. You can be liberated, and thus discover a new world of pleasure.
“Take the carrot.”
Against all this stands: the individual.
This post originally appeared at NoMoreFakeNews
