Tuesday, September 8, 2015

If You Want To Keep Your Guns, You Are Going To Have To Use Them...US Official At Un Meeting: "Actively Enforce US Domestic Disarmament"..

If You Want To Keep Your Guns, You Are Going To Have To Use Them...US Official At Un Meeting: "Actively Enforce US Domestic Disarmament"..
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 7-Sep-2015 15:44:11

In the midst of all the rest of the Sept. Hulabaloo, we now have US 'officials' in a Pre-NY meeting stating that the UN will have to help take Americans guns... There's your sign, folks. Your choice is either to kill or be killed. Our fore fathers left us the way, but it is up to us to provide the will.
At a resort in Mexico, representatives of the U.S. government met with delegations from other countries to gauge just how far America is willing to go in letting the United Nations repeal the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.
The First Conference of State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was held from August 24 to 27 in Cancun, Mexico. Attendees promulgated rules for future meetings, set budgets for enforcement of the terms of the treaty, and, perhaps most importantly, established procedural rules that will determine how much power agencies of the international body will have over future domestic enforcement mechanisms.
Or, put simply, the United States has acceded to allowing the globalists at the United Nations to set the metes and bounds of the Second Amendment, regardless of the will of the American people.
In a statement issued at the conclusion of the conference, representatives of the European Union praised Mexico for taking leadership in the effort to eradicate “illicit arms” from the globe and promised that the EU would “actively contribute” in the enforcement of the terms of the treaty worldwide.


Anonymous said...

The U.S.A. defunct corporation IS the LEADER of the mass killer world depopulation 'elitists' 'globalists'. What we need to remember is that this is a rogue criminal mafia nazi organization that has taken over the TRUE Republic government of our nation. In agreement with the UN, the traitors running this nation's agenda is to takeover the world. The U.S.A. both supports and IS the United Nations/NATO/NWO/Nazi bastards. The UN 'leaders' are now leading the other - most ignorant - dumbed down nations just as a judas goat leads the sheep to their slaughter. These criminals - majority or not - have no right or authority to rule the affairs of ANY nation or to invade another nation nor to confiscate the guns of a nation. NONE of these 'US officials' represent the people of this nation - ALL are imposters and all are judas goats. It is America's RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to overthrow these demonic 'leaders.' And yes - the die has been cast. It is now time for Americans to stand up and fight to be free of these traitorous tyrants or die - either way you may well die - so STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR PETE SAKE and perhaps there is a snowballs chance in hell that we can survive this gun confiscation action which - without fighting - will surely reduce us to ashes in their NAZI FEMA crematoriums. American's - its your choice - fight and possibly die or hand over your guns and die. Make your decision and decide to stand by it. Either way the plan is to take you down so go down FIGHTING and take some of the enemy with you.. Do you have the guts - the balls - to fight these criminals? No one wants or likes the thought of killing another brother but in this situation it is kill - OR BE KILLED. What is YOUR decision American brother?

slaveman said...

I will die on my feet... before I will live on my knees. (the powder-blue helmets will make a fine target by the way.) Furthermore,... the U.S. politicians pushing this agenda need to be outed and arrested for treason. When we get our Republic back I fully expect this to happen...pronto!

Anonymous said...

How nice it is for them to make their helments so visible. . . heh heh heh . . .