Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fraudulent. And Illegal.

Fraudulent. And Illegal.


You’ve heard it over and over again from Monsanto’s public relations machine: GMOs have been thoroughly tested and proven safe.
You know it isn’t true. But unfortunately, many people—and many U.S. lawmakers—have heard only that side of the story. And they’ve heard it so often it’s engrained in their psyches.
It’s up to us to counter Monsanto’s message. In the media. In meetings with Congress members. In phone calls and emails to Congress members.
Thankfully, Steven M. Druker, executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity and author of “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth, How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public,” has made it easier for you to become a messenger of the truth. Druker has taken key points from his 528-page book and created a short 30-point argument for why the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s decision to allow GMO foods, untested and unlabeled, into the marketplace was fraudulent and illegal. Druker says:
In reality, FDA decision-makers disregarded the input of the agency’s own scientists, covered up their warnings about the risks, lied about the facts and, despite pretensions to the contrary, have failed to conduct any genuine scientific reviews at all (a fact even acknowledged by FDA officials). Without such frauds, GE foods could never have come to market; and they could not remain there if the frauds became widely known. Moreover, the FDA’s policy on GE foods violates federal food safety law, and these novel products are on the market illegally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Law makers should be made to eat GMO food exclusively for, say...6 months. Also lawmakers that are pro vaccine should be injected with this 'crap'- why not? They contend these vaccines are safe?