DOD Linked Drills In Boston Begin September 10th For 14 Days - Heads
Up America As Entire East Coast Goes Hot
By: Lymerick
Date: Thursday, 10-Sep-2015 04:11:18
Date: Thursday, 10-Sep-2015 04:11:18
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
We find it quite interesting that with
everything else going on in September 2015, the 1st video below from
Spiro gives us more to think about and question. Beginning on the 10th
of September and going on through September 23rd, Linxx Global
Solutions, Inc., a government services provider based out of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, will be holding 'realistic scenario training' for the
Department of Defense and is looking for private
contractors....otherwise known as 'role-players'.
These 'role players', we learn through the Linxx Global facebook page
seen in screenshot below, will be acting as terrorists, bad guys and
hostages. Requirements include 'wearing assigned wardrobe and safety
equipment while responding according based on the scenario' and 'operate
various small arms with blank- and paint-marking cartridges' among
other responsibilities. Much more below including several videos and a
SQAlert from a Law Enforcement officer who shares what we consider to be
a very important warning as well as another look at the East coast of
the US suddenly receiving HUGE amounts of attention.