Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dave Hodges: World War III will mostly likely begin in Syria and Assad will likely become Archduke Ferdinand

Dave Hodges: World War III will mostly likely begin in Syria and Assad will likely become Archduke Ferdinand
Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Thursday, 10-Sep-2015 01:26:57

World War III Will Begin in Syria
Dave Hodges | The Common Sense Show
Sep 9, 2015
Syria is critical to the Russians on a number of fronts including the prevalence of Syria’s warm water ports. Syria’s importance to Russia can be condensed to five essential factors:
1. Russia has a naval installation in Syria. The base is vitally important because it is Russia’s last foreign military base outside of the former Soviet Union. Putin is playing a bit of a slight of hand approach by stating they are closing the facility. However, the Russians are maintaining navy technicians and they service their permanent flotilla in the area. This runs in opposition to what the MSM has reported. However, my sources are uniform on this point
2. Russia is moving to further advance the use of the ports at Aleppo and Tartus to facilitate its sea trade.
3. Fortifying Syria provides protection for Iran who is undermining the Petrodollar by selling its oil for gold. This allows Putin to be engaged in an economic war against the dollar and the Federal Reserve.
4. Syria is a military satellite of Russia as Assad continues to buy a high quantity of Russian military exports, which aids the Russian economy.
And of course, no Russian military option can be considered when it comes to ISIS rampaging across Iraq and Syria. Make no mistake about it, ISIS is a CIA creation fueled by illegally leaving behind American military equipment in Iraq designed for ISIS use. ISIS mission is twofold. The first goal is to unseat Assad in Syria. But the primary goal is for the West to draw Putin into a military conflict starting in Syria in order to topple Syria and Iran and preserve the Petrodollar. In effect, ISIS is Blackwater (i.e. Academia). And the ISIS beheadings is a psyops designed to inflame the American public into accepting the coming World War III.
Where is Russia most vulnerable? The clear answer is in Syria. Syria has both economic and military significance to Russia. If Syria were to fall to the United States, the military and economic loss would be catastrophic, not the least, would be the loss of Syrian ports. Russia’s prudent course of action would be to continue to erode the US economy by its relentless attacks upon the Federal Reserve and the Petrodollar. However I do not foresee the Federal Reserve banksters are going to continue to let this happen as the dollar erodes. Subsequently, when Ukraine falls, Syria and probably Iran will be attacked by the United States. The provocation will likely be a false flag event within the United States in which the Syrians are falsely implicated. Why do you think Obama is bringing so many Syrians into the United States?  


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