Thursday, September 10, 2015

Christian Navy chaplain targeted by 'gays' exonerated

(God's Teachings CANNOT be Trusted as they do Not Support the Teachings of Satanism, as the Holy Bible does not have 'Middle of the Road' acceptance, as you are one of His followers or NOT?)


Christian Navy chaplain targeted by 'gays' exonerated

No grounds for dismissal of 'consummate professional' over Bible beliefs

 Chaplain Wes Modder
Chaplain Wes Modder

A decorated Navy chaplain threatened with a career-ending dismissal for voicing his Bible-based beliefs on homosexuality has been exonerated.
As WND reported in March, Lt. Cmdr. Wes Modder was detached from his unit late last year and isolated at the chapel of the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command base near Charleston, South Carolina.
In March, the Navy denied Modder’s request for a religious accommodation of his views.
The actions taken against Modder come from the commanding officer of the base, Capt. Jon Fahs Jr., after several sailors complained about the counseling they received from Modder on issues of sexual morality. Fahs accused Modder of “failing to show tolerance and respect” to the sailors who sought his advice. This came just weeks after Fahs gave Modder the highest possible rating for his job performance, calling him “a consummate professional” who was sought out for his “sage counsel.”
But late last week, the Navy rejected Fahs request to bring Modder before the Board of Inquiry in a letter stating evidence that Modder demonstrated “substandard performance” did not meet the “standard of gross negligence or complete disregard of duty.”
A Navy official speaking anonymously to the Military Times confirmed the official verdict.
“There is no documentation of poor performance in his personnel record,” he said. “There was no record of counseling. There was no letter of instruction given to Chaplain Modder by the command and non-judicial punishment was not conducted.”
“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists
“I am relieved the Navy sided with me. I have served honorably for 20 years in diverse units in the Marine Corps and Navy. I am proud of my service but prouder of all those who serve on the front lines regardless of their faith and backgrounds,” Modder said in a statement.
“I am called by my faith to express love for all, regardless of the diversity of backgrounds from which they come, and I will continue to follow my faith in all things. I am grateful to be able to continue the ministry God called me to do.”
The original complaint against Modder alleged the following:
  • He told a student she was “shaming herself in the eyes of God” for having premarital sex.
  • He told another student homosexuality was wrong.
  • He told a student “the penis was meant for the vagina and not for the anus.”
  • He implied he had the ability to save people from being “gay.”
  • He asked a staff member about her sexual conduct and then told her that she should be in love with God and not her partner.
  • He chastised a pregnant student for becoming pregnant while not married.
The Liberty Institute, which represented Modder, responded to the charges saying are “simply untrue or are gross mischaracterizations of what actually occurred.”
Modder said he never initiated any conversation about marriage. On occasion, and only when asked, Modder said he did express his sincerely held religious belief that:
  • Sexual acts outside of marriage are contrary to biblical teaching.
  • Homosexual conduct is contrary to biblical teaching.
  • Homosexual orientation or temptation, as distinct from conduct, is NOT sin.
Can you be gay AND be Christian? Learn how to respond with love and truth to questions about homosexuality
WND earlier reported that the complaints against Modder surfaced just a few weeks after his new assistant reported for duty. It was later disclosed that the assistant was in a homosexual “marriage” with another man.
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Michael Berry with the Liberty Institute said the assistant’s attempt to derail the chaplain’s career over his beliefs could come back to haunt him.
“I believe some of what the lieutenant has alleged could constitute a military crime – false statements, taking what the chaplain said and twisting or misconstruing it in an attempt to get the chaplain punished.”
“It’s unfortunate that a good man like Chaplain Wes Modder has been subjected to public scorn and ridicule because of a young officer’s witch hunt,” added Liberty Counsel president Kelly Shackelford: “However, truth won the day and Chaplain Modder should be commended for his courage under fire and his long years of service to the United States Armed Forces.”
“This is not only a great day for Chaplain Modder, but for every American who supports religious freedom in our military,” Berry said in a statement. “Although Captain Fahs’ actions against Chaplain Modder violated the Constitution, federal law, and military regulations, we are grateful that Navy officials categorically rejected those actions. We commend Naval Personnel Command for carefully reviewing the facts and following the law. We believed this would be the outcome from day one.”
Copyright 2015 WND

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who ever agrees with this article doesn't understand the military very well. I am retired and have seen many cases in which senior officers were cleared of violations, in one case a colonel was forced to retired for embezzlement and retained his retirement on the basis of his so called long military career that an enlisted soldier would have gone to Leavenworth for. the same old story is that an officers career was immaculate and in some cases the military has argued that charging a senior officer would hurt his family but what about the enlisted families that were hurt with what there spouses did the same goes here.