Saturday, October 1, 2016

How to fatten pigs and people

How to Fatten Pigs and People

Hi Folks,
When I was a child growing up there was not one school child that was obese... Now the powers to be are using HIGH fructose corn syrup in all kinds of food...This stuff is killing us as it is the underlying problem of most of our serious health issues today and people seem to be addicted to it... We need to make the stuff illegal.
Post image for How to Fatten Pigs and People
by Brenda on July 11, 2013
We raise pigs. We currently have 24 pigs on pasture. Needless to say, fattening pigs is on our mind. Our last pigs, American Guinea Hogs, ate way too much feed for the amount of meat we got off of them (1,000 lbs of feed each–roughly $500, and they only produced 50 lbs of meat!!). We are studying how to fatten our pigs in a healthy way that isn’t too fast, but is fast enough to still make them profitable (who wants to pay $30 for 2 pork chops?!). :) In the midst of all of this studying, I’ve realized that the way commercial hog growers fatten pigs is not really that different from how most Americans live. Read below to see what I mean.

How to fatten pigs and people

Feed them Skim Milk

Skim milk has been used as a method of fattening pigs for a very long time. According to a report called Fattening Pigs for Market by Oregon State Agricultural College from 1930, skim milk  is “not only the very best supplement for growing pigs, but is of almost equal value for fattening purposes.”
This is also true for children. A study found that kids who drank 1% or skim milk had higher BMI (body mass index = more fat on their bodies) than children who drank whole milk. Word to the wise: do not move your kids to 2%, 1% or skim milk in their growing years. It is detrimental to their health. It is also detrimental for adults to drink low fat and skim milks.
Including the fat with the milk will curb your cravings for sweets. The fat in the milk minimizes the impact of the sugar in the milk when it hits your body. The higher the fat content in the milk, the better your body is able to handle the milk. The best milk to purchase is whole, unprocessed, non-homogenized, unpasteurized milk.
Are you eating low fat sour cream, yogurt, and other dairy products, believing that you are making a healthy choice? Eating low fat dairy products leads to a higher risk of obesity and heart disease. One report (which quotes many studies) says that we should not be avoiding the saturated fat and cholesterol in milk, and that components in whole milk likely protect against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Feed them Corn

“Yellow corn continues to be the basic feed grain for hogs and most other livestock species.” -Storey’s Guide to Raising Pigs
Corn is a cheap feed for pigs, and it fattens them quickly. Studies show that corn fattens pigs much quicker than barley. Corn is an incredibly efficient feed for pigs and used widely by commercial hog growers as well as most small farmers, because a pig only needs to consume 3.66 lbs of corn to produce a pound of weight gain (opposed to 4.06 lbs of beans or 4.63 lbs of wheat).
Corn is being consumed regularly by humans in many forms, including high fructose corn syrup, which has been implicated in the obesity epidemic. You can look at the history of nutrition in America and see that the rise in obesity has paralleled the rise in the use of high fructose corn syrup. Even if you don’t eat corn syrup, you’re likely eating corn. Corn is hidden in so many processed foods. An obvious source of corn is corn oil, and long term ingestion of corn oil makes rats consume excessive calories. Before I ate healthy, I used to have a theory that eating fast food (like Taco Bell) made me crave more food. It is absolutely true. There are certain foods (like corn) that create more cravings. The hidden sources of corn includes a long list of sweeteners, preservatives and chemical ingredients that are a part of many every day foods. To truly avoid corn in your diet, you would have to avoid all packaged processed foods, all bottled juices, all candy bars, all salad dressings and canned foods, etc. You would have to stick to a diet of completely unprocessed pure grains, meat, eggs, dairy, vegetables and fruits, from local sources. If you do not eat this way and you truly believe that you don’t eat much corn, you are fooling yourself. Corn is hiding in everything. Even if you eat a diet of primarily fruits and veggies, if they weren’t grown by a local, trusted farmer, they’re likely coated with a wax made from corn.
Some of the names that corn is disguised under include: acetic acid, alpha tocopherol, artificial flavors or sweeteners, ascorbic acid, calcium sterate, caramel color, cellulose, citric acid, dextrin, dextrose, ethyl acetate, food starch, fructose, glucosamine, glycerides, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, lactic acid, lecithin, linoleic acid, lysine, magnesium citrate, malic acid, maltitol, maltodextrin, methyl cellulose, modified food starch, mono- and di-glycerides, monosodium glutimate, natural flavorings, olestra, olean, propylene glycol, saccharin, iodized salt, simethicone, sodium erythorbate, sorbate, sorbic acid, sorbitol, splenda, stearic acid, sucralose, sucrose, tocopherol, unmodified starch, vanilla, vanillin, vitamin c, vitamin e, xanthan gum, xylitol, yeast. Source: Corn Allergen List

Feed them Sugar

Pigs who were fed molasses and cane juice products the night before slaughter had a 34% larger liver than pigs who were fed a traditional grain-based diet. A larger liver = a sicker liver. Adding sugar to a pig’s diet increases their rate of carcass growth. Weanling pigs have a greater growth performance when they eat milk chocolate products leftover from the candy making industry. Go figure. Pigs who have diets that are sweetened end up eating more. In fact, simply giving the pigs a sweetener increased their chewing behavior. Ever feel the need to chew something, even though you’re not hungry? You’ve probably been eating too much sugar.
I don’t think that you need me to link to a bunch of studies that prove that sugar makes people fat. It’s a no brainer, really. What you probably don’t realize is how much sugar you eat, if you’re eating packaged, processed foods or if you are dining out. Please read my post, The Myth of Moderation: Sugar, to see how much sugar is hidden in the average American’s daily meal plan. Sugar is hiding in tomato sauce, salad dressing, taco seasoning mix, salsa, yogurt, and more. There are many foods that contain sugar that absolutely do not need it. The best way to avoid this is to make your own food. Start making your own ketchup, spaghetti sauce, salad dressing, and seasoning mixes.

Keep them Sedentary, Out of the Sun, and in a Confined Space

Pigs that are grown in confinement (most of the pigs that are raised for meat in the US) grow at a faster rate than pigs that are raised on pasture. People who live a sedentary life are also prone to obesity. People who work in offices are more likely to gain weight. People who lack Vitamin D (which is primarily acquired from exposure to the sun) are more likely to be obese. If you’re stuck working a corporate job and you feel like you live in a cubicle, just make sure you’re taking breaks and taking a walk in the sun. Getting to work before the sun rises and leaving after it sets, without any exposure during the day is detrimental to your health. Also, consider a treadmill desk to get some daily movement!

The moral of the story?

Don’t eat like a pig! Literally! :) Truly, if you want to live a healthy life, eat real fat, avoid low-fat dairy products, limit your consumption of corn, avoid all packaged and processed foods, limit your consumption of sugar, and get out in the sun and move!

We found the elusive good cop

Democrats registering DEAD PEOPLE to vote!!!!

Hillary's agents caught registering dead people to vote!!!
I'm quite confident this has happened in other States.
I just hope they all get caught before it's too late.

by Tyler Durden

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote 

While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operation...until now. 

Meet, Andrew Spieles, a student at James Madison University, and apparently "Lead Organizer" for HarrisonburgVOTES. 

According to the Daily News-Record, Spieles confessed to re-registering 19 deceased Virginians to vote in the 2016 election cycle

While this should come as a surprise to precisely 0 people, Spieles just happens to be Democrat who, accorded to a deleted FaceBook post, apparently recently ran for Caucus Chair of the Virginia Young Democrats. 

It's too bad really.  Sounds like Spieles had all the right "special talents" required to be very successful politician...he just forgot the most important first rule:
"Don't get caught." 

The 19 applications of deceased citizens were submitted by Spieles through an organization called HarrisonburgVOTES.

According to the organization's "About Us" page, HarrisonburgVOTES is a "non-partisan" voter registration organization in Harrisonburg, VA and the surrounding areas.

As the HarrisonburgVOTES webpage points out, the sole goal of the organization is to raise the number of registered voters in Harrisonburg to 25,000...though it's unclear what percentage of that goal was intended to be filled by dead voters.
The sole goal of HarrisonburgVOTES is to increase the number of registered voters in Harrisonburg and the surrounding areas to increase and encourage civic engagement.
Harrisonburg has the lowest percentage of voting age population (VAP) registered to vote among Virginia localities. Very roughly, about 17,000 people are registered to vote and about 18,000 are voting age and not registered.  
The goal of HarrisonburgVOTES will be to overcome these issues and raise the number of registered voters to 25,000.
HarrisonburgVOTES was founded by Joseph Fitzgerald who, "shockingly", is also a prominent democrat in Harrisonburg.   Fitzgerald is currently Chairman of the Sixth Congressional District Democratic Committee in Virginia and the former Mayor of Harrisonburg.

Fitzgerald told reporters, of course, that his organization had no knowledge of Spieles’s actions and fired him immediately after his confession.   
“He’s smart, and he understands the [political] process,” Fitzgerald told the Daily News-Record of Spieles. “Who the hell knows what his motivations were?”
While we agree it's difficult to be 100% sure about anyone's motivations, we would be willing to put money on it having something to do with registering a bunch of dead people and then having them all vote for Hillary in November....just a hunch.


New Republic via a GCR Oct 1 2016

New Republic via a GCR

Update as of Oct. 1 2016


Published on Oct 1, 2016

A must watch and listen ....................

America's Last Day Of Freedom? 

William Mount 

Watch out for bought and paid for disinfo agents
by the Rothschild crime syndicate in
united states and britain

Published on Sep 30, 2016

May we never forget .........................

Hillary Clinton : Remember this on 'election day'


Ancient Prophecy Documentary of
Donald Trump / 2016
Trey Smith

Published on Sep 29, 2016

TRUMP: Do the secrets of the ancient past prophecy a LANDSLIDE VICTORY for Donald TRUMP? and mathematically prophecy of Donald Trump victory in 2016 presidential election?

Trump prophecy documentary is written, directed and produced by Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell project

Trey Smith documentaries that are exclusively on DVD:

Trey Smith website:
Trey Smith Facebook
Trey God in a Nutshell

TRUMP: The Prophecy of Donald Trump. TRUMP and the Hebrew year 5777? These mysteries, and wealth's of others.

Trump "Make America Great Again" written (copyrighted) by: Caspar McCloud. "Make America Great Again" by Caspar McCloud. "Make America Great Again" (Trump / Donald Trump / Trump 2016 election slogan) is licensed for use in this use in this video, was originally written for use in this Trump prophecy video.

TRUMP: In this documentary of Donald Trump and the prophecy of Trump... The truth is there are prophecy a plenty surrounding this Trump vs. Clinton 2016 election (Trump v Clinton 2016 presidential election). The bulk of prophecy focuses on Trump.... Donald Trump.... a man (Trump) commonly now seen (in prophecy circles) as a "modern "Cyrus".

TRUMP: We delve into the heart of prophecy looking at the mathematical enigmas surrounding Trump, the ancient texts eerily seeming to foreshadow Trump, the financial Trump coincidences & property Trump coincidences that appear to match with ancient records... from both the Bible and Babylon.

TRUMP: Begging the question, can mysteries from some 2,500 years in our past actually be a foreshadowing of the future of the United States, and even possibly predict a LANDSLIDE victory for Donald Trump. As absurd as this could easily sound, the journey through the prophecy of the past and comparisons with Donald Trump may -- at minimum -- astound you?

TRUMP: Further we take a ride through the mathematics surrounding Trump -- which again strangely stretches from the ancient past (of King Cyrus, no-less) to modern day.... again seeming to fascinatingly encircle Donald Trump.

TRUMP: Clips used for Trump / Donald Trump / Trump prophecy commentary in this video include (but are/may not (be) limited to):Trump v Clinton, Trump v Clinton presidential debate, Trump v Clinton (PBS)Trump v Clinton Taxes (CNN), Trump on Islam (FOX), Trump on immigration (CNN), Trump on Mexico (CSPAN), Trump on Wall (CSPAN), Trump Crooked Hillary (MSNBC), etc.

TRUMP: Contributors to Trump Prophecy documentary:

Trump "Make America Great Again" written (copyrighted) by: Capspar McCloud. "Make America Great Again" by Caspar McCloud

Trump documentary music: Mattia Cupelli

Trump additional music:

Trump prophecy by Kim Clement:

Trump prophecy by Mark Taylor (courtesy TruNews ~ Rick Wiles). Trump TruNews prophecy

Trump prophecy by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

TRUMP: Additional thanks to Sunbeam America (future free energy) interview in Trump prophecy video. Also Special thanks to CEO Michael Hughes

John Paul Dumas II Ph.D Certified Private Equity Professional, China (Donald Trump on China / Trump Prophecy)

Henry Shaffer: President Radio Station WUCC 99.9 and Project SEER (Trump and year 5777)

TRUMP: If you enjoy the Trump documentary, you may also like these documentaries beneath by Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell project

Entities - UNVEILING:
Entities -Beginning:
Theory of Everything:
Richard Dawkins:
Enoch original:
Enoch new:

TRUMP: NOTE that this video (Trump prophecy) was uploaded 2 days following the first presidential debate (Trump v Clinton 2016) -- Trump documentary / Trump Prophecy was uploaded on 9/29/2016.

Trump prophecy documentary is written, directed and produced by Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell project

God bless all of you. And, God bless America,
Trey Smith

Trey Smith documentaries that are exclusively on DVD:

Friday, September 30, 2016

Autism Action Network putting pressure on Congress to address the root causes of autism

(NaturalNews) In the upcoming November elections, every one of the 435 members of the House of Representatives – along with 34 members of the Senate – will be up for re-election.

The Autism Action Network wishes to remind everyone that this is the perfect opportunity to apply pressure to our so-called leaders in Washington to begin addressing the issues regarding the causes of autism, and what can be done in terms of prevention and treatment.

With the notable exception of Florida Congressman Bill Posey, our elected representatives have done little or nothing to investigate the epidemic or take any meaningful action towards resolving it.

The Autism Action Network is urging voters to contact congressmen from their states and ask them:

"What have you done since the last election in your capacity as a member of Congress to help find the causes of autism, develop effective prevention and treatment, improve educational outcomes, and improve the lives of people with autism. Please be specific."

Consumer healthcare researcher Catherine Frompovich is also asking citizens to send the following question to the presidential candidates:

"What will you do, if elected into office, to investigate and to stop the fraud and collusion regarding vaccine research, plus the dissemination of fraudulent vaccine science and data by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration?"

Frompovich recommends referring anyone asking for proof of the fraud to the following video:

Those with questions should also be urged to watch the documentary Vaxxed.

The evidence won't go away

The evidence continues to mount regarding the CDC and FDA's collusion with the vaccine industry to hide the truth concerning the link between childhood vaccines and the increasing incidence of autism in America.

In fact, the CDC has ignored the results of 165 studies showing that the thimerosal (mercury) added to vaccines as a preservative is harmful and does indeed increase the risk of autism.

Even one study conducted by the CDC's own epidemiologists showed a "7.6-fold elevated relative risk of autism from exposure to thimerosal during infancy."

But the CDC's current stance on thimerosal is based on only six specific studies it coauthored and sponsored – studies which, according to research published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) were "flawed," and in direct contradiction of more than 75 years of scientific research.

And, as Congressman Posey relates in the above video, whistleblower William Thompson, PhD, has revealed that the CDC actually instructed its own researchers to omit evidence of the link between thimerosal and autism in one of the agency's studies.

The only feasible explanation for this is that the CDC is attempting to protect the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry.

The documentary Vaxxed explores this story in detail, which is obviously why so much effort was put into preventing its widespread distribution and its inclusion in the lineup of the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival.

Even though the CDC, FDA and vaccine industry shills continue to claim that thimerosal is safe, the evidence of the truth is becoming harder to suppress; too many experts and whistleblowers have come forward at this point to allow the secret to be hidden any longer.

Send a message to Washington: 'Acknowledge the problem or we will vote you out'

But so far, our elected leaders in Washington have refused to acknowledge the facts.

That's why it's so important – on the eve of the next elections – to let them know that we demand a full review of the issue, along with the taking of necessary actions, or else we will use our votes to throw them out of office.

Too many children have already suffered from the effects of vaccine poisoning; we cannot allow this to continue any longer.

Sources: (AutismActionNetwork)

Judge Anna Documents Archive

As suggested by Paul Stramer. I am uploading Judge Anna's published PDF files to this post in case her website gets knocked off by the cabal.


Educational and emotional. DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA

If you care about Your America, 
You Will Read and Watch This Video,
And you will pass it on... 
Subject: Fwd: Educational and emotional. DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA

Coming to America via history lesson that we haven't learned yet. This is an eye opener.
Thanks for the lesson Argentina. We are following by way of a free vote.
Subject: Educational and emotional. DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA
Excellent Video.

Quite a story. But of course it couldn’t happen here. Spin masters have a hard time with the hard facts of History.   Yes we HAVE JUST ADDED 15 TRILLION IN DEBT (in last 7 years) and are now 20 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT AND PRINTING MONEY FASTER THAN WE EVER HAVE, leaving it up to our children and grandchildren to  face the consequences.    
DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINAThe only thing we have learned from history is that we have learned NOTHING from history!  7 minutes but well worth watching, because it will show you what your kids and grand-kids will face not too far in the future..........

Please send on to others who may have their eyes closed to what is going on in our country right now. $20 trillion in debt and adding daily as more and more enter and receive entitlements without first earning them!!! 

BOOM! Supreme Court EXPLODES Hillary’s Debate LIE, She’s TOAST!

While the media are busy trying to tell you Donald Trump’s debate performance against Hillary Clinton was a “disaster,” they are forgetting something surprising about Clinton’s “performance” during that same debate. This might come as a shock to you, but Clinton lied.

During the Hofstra Debate, Clinton decried the stop-and-frisk policies that helped Rudy Giuliani turn the problem of crime around in the Big Apple as “unconstitutional,” but according to the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, an officer can engage in this potentially life-saving activity as long as it doesn’t violate illegal search-and-seizure practices, per
There is further evidence Clinton told a whopper, as evidenced by a famous 1968 Supreme Court case.

In Terry v. Ohio, the most liberal Supreme Court in the history of our country held that for the sake of protecting the safety of the officer and others, the officer had every right to “conduct a carefully limited search of the outer clothing of such persons in an attempt to discover weapons which might be used against him.”

The lone dissenter in Terry was Justice William Douglas, who wrote the Fourth Amendment only allows a pat-down if the officer has probable cause to suspect a crime.

However, all eight of the other justices rejected that argument.
This not only illustrates that Clinton continues to lie through her teeth, but it also illustrates she is every bit as far left as Bernie Sanders and current New York mayor Bill deBlasio.

Recall that deBlasio is the mayor most notable for ending stop-and-frisk in New York, and Hillary will follow suit if she has her way.

She will do this by remaking the U.S. Supreme Court in her image, where generations of Americans will risk many constitutional provisions being struck down.

First on the agenda will be an end to stop-and-frisk across the country and the beginning of possibly more violence resembling Chicago ensuing across the nation.

A Hillary Clinton presidency? America just can’t take that risk.

Earthquake advisory for Southern California

California warns of possible stronger quake after earthquake swarm in Salton Sea

California issued an earthquake advisory for Southern California, warning residents and officials there was an increased risk of a major quake through next week. The advisory comes days after a swarm of small quakes near the Salton Sea in Southern California.

Shawn Price
Sept. 30, 2016 at 6:17 AM 

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 30 (UPI) -- The California Office of Emergency Services has issued an earthquake advisory for Southern California following a swarm of small quakes in the region earlier this week.

The advisory warned residents and officials in Ventura, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles, Kern and Imperial counties that there was a greater possibility of a major earthquake through Oct. 4

California is earthquake country. We must always be prepared and not let our guard down," said Director Mark Ghilarducci. "The threat of an earthquake on the San Andreas Fault hasn't gone away, so this is another important opportunity for us to revisit our emergency plans and learn what steps you need to take if a significant earthquake hits."

The advisory also comes a few weeks before a quake preparedness drill Oct. 20.

The California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council -- an advisory committee of earthquake experts that analyzes seismic data -- said the swarm increased the likelihood of a major quake by up to 1 percent. A small increase, but worth public officials taking heed.

 California's Earthquake Warning System Moves Forward

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Fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse

BREAKING: “Tens of thousands” of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse


Borax — The Inexpensive Detox, Arthritis, Osteoporosis And Mycoplasma Cure
Posted By: LilliHart
Date: Friday, 30-Sep-2016 12:51:00
Absolutely nothing is more disheartening and frustrating than to be doing everything you believe to be right, and spending hours a day teaching others about real food and nutrition, while suffering in silence with unexplained joint pain and trying to hide an ever incapacitating limp!
And then at a Weston A. Price conference on nutrition, Sally Fallon casually dropped a ‘precious jewel’ that has given me the promise of a whole new day! A day? (a lifetime?) without the pain, stiffness and inflammation that have become my albatross. I would like to share it with you, because I know that too many people are suffering just like me.
BORON is a mineral that is simply an activator. It helps to activate or cause many other functions to happen within the body. Boron is one of the main minerals used in the bone building process. Boron initiates estrogen by helping convert vitamin D into an active state. The estrogen then improves absorption of calcium. Boron also helps metabolism to take place within the bone. With this metabolism properly functioning, osteoporosis is not a major factor to a person’s health. Once osteoporosis sets in, Boron can play a major role in helping the body to replace lost calcium.
Boron also assists in preventing arthritis and tooth decay. Boron is one of the minerals necessary for building and repairing joint cartilage. Boron is essential in maintaining the correct levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the body. Boron helps to regulate hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone. Boron also helps maintain brain function and memory capabilities.
Boron deficiency can cause cell walls to become very weak and fragile, rendering the cells incapable of properly transferring nutrients into them. The body depends on Boron for performing most of its functions. With its interactions with calcium and other minerals…
…Boron is a very important part of a long chain that intertwines all the minerals necessary for individual cell growth and health!
Boron is essential for ALL life in plants as well as animals. Boron is essential for the integrity and function of cell walls and the way signals are transmitted across cellular membranes.
When ingested it reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form Boric acid, ingested Boron compounds are rapidly and nearly completely excreted with the urine.
Chemical fertilizers inhibit the uptake of Boron from the soil. An organic apple grown in rich soil may have 20 mg Boron, but if grown with fertilizer it may have only 1 mg of Boron. The average intake of Boron in developed countries is only 1-2 mg of Boron per day.
This creates health problems due to Boron deficiency which is now very common, but very few of us know about it. MORE:

Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg

Voter Fraud Investigation
WHSV - Harrisonburg, VA
Posted: Thursday, September 29, 2016 10:30 pm
Harrisonburg officials and the FBI are investigating allegations of voter registration fraud after officials say almost 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people. Harrisonburg Registrar Debbie Logan said Thursday that investigators have found from 18 to 20 potentially fraudulent registrations. The Rockingham County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office confirmed Thursday that an investigation is underway, but offered no additional details on the case.
The applications were turned in by a voter registration group called HarrisonburgVOTES, officials said. The group’s representatives could not be reached for comment Thursday. No charges have been filed.
The Breeze, the student newspaper of James Madison University, reported that the applications were submitted by a student working for the group. The problem came to light when an employee in the registrar’s office noticed a new registration had come in from Richard Claybrook Sr., the late father of a well-known local judge.
“When they used a distinguished resident of Harrisonburg’s name and address, it came to the attention of an employee who has worked in the city for many years,” Logan said.
“We were pretty disgusted that they would use his name,” Richard Claybrook Jr. said of his father, who died in 2014. “He was a retired educator and had served in World War II. He was always a law-abiding citizen.”
Logan said applications using a deceased person’s real name and address but a false social security number would not be flagged in the voter system.
The fraudulent voters are still technically registered as the investigation continues, Logan said, but if her office receives an absentee ballot from one of the dead voters, it would react appropriately. Logan said she expects the State Board of Elections and her local electoral board will allow her to cancel the registrations before the Nov. 8 election.
Republican lawmakers held a news conference call Thursday to call attention to the investigation, which they said proves voter fraud is real and validates their push for strong voter ID laws.
“Often times we hear our Democrat colleagues suggest that voter fraud doesn’t exist in Virginia or is a myth,” said House Speaker William H. Howell, R-Stafford. “Well it does indisputably exist.”
“If it hadn’t been for the vigilance of a citizen, this fraud effort may never have been uncovered until it was too late,” said Del. Mark L. Cole, R-Spotsylvania, who chairs the House Privileges and Elections Committee.
Others weren’t convinced that the case represents a close brush with election fraud.
Del. Marcus B. Simon, D-Fairfax, said it’s “very disingenuous” to suggest the applications were part of a large-scale fraud, because votes would have to be cast either in person by elderly impostors or through absentee ballots sent to real home addresses.
“There’s no way any reasonable person could conclude that this was part of an effort to actually cast votes for people that aren’t able to cast votes,” Simon said.


Deutsche Bank concerns just went to '11' 

as Bloomberg reports a number of funds that clear derivatives trades with Deutsche Bank AG have withdrawn some excess cash and positions held at the lender, a sign of counterparties’ mounting concerns about doing business with Europe’s largest investment bank.

Credit default swaps are at a all time high for DB

Clients review their exposure to counterparties to avoid situations like the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and MF Global’s 2011 bankruptcy when hedge funds had billions of dollars of assets frozen until the resolution of lengthy legal proceedings.
As expected, Deutsche Bank stock in NY is sliding.

Read more from Tyler Durden himself

For more information

>Deutsche Bank COLLAPSES Tomorrow Friday 9-30-2016 Expected to wipe out banking system worldwide<

>The Ghost of Lehman Brothers Haunts Deutsche Bank

>Wall Street’s ‘fear gauge’ jumps the most in 3 weeks on Deutsche Bank worry

>Deutsche Bank crisis threatens to roil global markets


>Early reports of a full on bank run on DB

>DB collapse makes 2008 look like childs play, could be worse than 1929 for global markets.

URGENT: History Has Been Made, The Future is Ours...

URGENT: History Has Been Made, The Future is Ours...

Received via email at 1:42 AM EDT for immediate publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Mark it down, on this day the USA, Inc/Federal Reserve Bank's fiat United States Dollar (USD) finally died, and the Republic's new United States Note (USN) was born.

The gold-backed Chinese Yuan/Renminbi was born internationally (technically October 1 in Asia at noon EDT).

And the European Banking Cabal public surrendered the global financial system.

No celebrations. No parades. No recognition. But WW3 officially now has ended.

God is Great!

On this day, starting at 5:00am EDT in the Line Islands somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, humanity has legally, morally and monetarily been set free for a 1,000 years of light.

Heaven is earth once again!

All praise and glory to Akua!
