Thursday, June 8, 2017

Accept the Deed ............. for tax and power grab attacks

Recommended  viewing by one of our readers for those who may be experiencing problems such as Anna Von Reitz wrote about in :  "Pay Attention! -- If You Want to Save Your Butts" and  Power to Sell" -- The Latest Land Grab


Designate the Muslim Brotherhood As A Terrorist Group


Demand That Congress and President Trump Designate the Muslim Brotherhood As A Terrorist Group

You can 'thank' muslim traitor Obama along with the about 28 unlawful muslim brotherhood 'czars'  (and Cair - Richardson, TX) appointed by Obama for the heavy infiltration of muslim jihadis in to the US.  
If America does not export the muslims, confiscate their training manuals and weapons, and destroy their American 'training camps,' then we had better make some serious preparations for the coming terrorist events such as are taking place throughout Europe, Sweden, Africa and elsewhere.  
President Trump, Dunford and military - if you do nothing about this imported terrorist population planned, financed and directed by American 'congressmen' traitors (John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton and others), some serious sh*t will happen.
There are 22 Islamic Jihadist Training Camps across the United States with open FBI investigations into terrorist operations now in all 50 states.

It is time to demand that Congress and President Trump designate the Muslim Brotherhood and its umbrella group - Muslims of America – as terror organizations, so that federal law enforcement can adequately investigate their activities before more Americans are murdered.

Please go to bottom of page:     to sign the petition!!  Thank you!   

Shingles Vaccine Side Effects

Shingles Vaccine Side Effects

The shingles vaccine is one of the most widely marketed vaccines on the market. It is difficult to turn on your  television in any capacity without enduring some celebrity endorsement over Zostavax. 

Approved in 2006, the vaccine uses a live virus, and it’s a big seller. But Merck’s manufactured goldmine also has a bit of a “murky” history in terms of side effects.

First, in 2015 the vaccine was found to cause cases of  chickenpox (the precursor to shingles). This led to a side effect being added to the label: Shingles. The vaccine targeting people looking to prevent or cure shingles was actually listing shingles as a potential side effect.

This past February, the situation worsened for Zostavax consumers as the FDA listed eye disorders to the list of side effects. Specifically listed was necrotizing retinitis and keratitis. This disorder causes scarring and inflammation of the eyes. It can lead to a loss of vision if left untreated.  

Researchers found that 20 cases of keratitis in both children and adults occurred within one month of taking the chickenpox of shingles vaccine. The researchers declared there was a likely relationship between the eye disorder and the vaccine but also stated that the research wasn’t intended to prove such. Instead, researchers put out this warning:

“While this is a rare occurrence, it’s important for physicians to know when giving the vaccine to individuals who have a history of the condition because it could be reactivated by the vaccine,” he said. 

This vaccine also contains monosodium glutamate, or MSG, as it is more popularly known as. The American Heart Association calls MSG  “common trigger for Atrial fibrillation.” It has also been linked to killing brain cells, obesity, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

The shingles vaccine has the highest concentration of gelatin of any vaccine. Gelatin is a protein that can cause inflammation. There is a strong relationship between systemic allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis and injected gelatin. Allergic cross-reactions also occur to gelatin-containing foods.

More Shingles Vaccine Side Effects

Here is a list of side effects the manufacturer claims:
  • allergic reactions, which may be serious and may include difficulty in breathing or swallowing
  • chickenpox
  • fever
  • hives at the injection site
  • joint pain
  • muscle pain
  • nausea
  • rash
  • rash at the injection site
  • shingles
  • swollen glands near the injection site (that may last a few days to a few weeks)
Before taking any vaccine, know and understand the potential for side effects. Read the labels and do the research. Treat vaccines the same as any medicine you might be prescribed. The primary difference? If you have a reaction to a medication you can stop taking the pills. Have a reaction to a vaccine? You can’t un-vaccinate.

Holder & DOJ botched up 'Fast and Furious' Operation


June 7 2017

Wednesday morning saw the release of a scathing report from the House Oversight Committee that former Attorney General Eric Holder and the DOJ tried to hide the facts of the botched ‘Fast & Furious’ operation.

The operation, which involved allowing marked firearms to be sold in Phoenix-area shops with the intention of tracking them once they made their way to Mexico, went off the skids when 1400 of the 2000 guns used in the attempted sting went missing.

Two of them were recovered at the scene of Brian Terry’s death. Terry was a Border Patrol agent.

From Fox News:

More than five years after Brian’s murder, the Terry family still wonders about key details of Operation Fast and Furious,” the report states. “The Justice Department’s obstruction of Congress’s investigation contributed to the Terry family’s inability to find answers.

The new report states that the Justice Department knew before Terry’s death in 2010 that the ATF was “walking” firearms to Mexico and knew the day after the agent’s death that weapons from Fast and Furious were involved in the shootout, despite denying these facts to the media.

The report also says that Holder’s Justice Department stonewalled inquiries from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and deceptively told him that the “ATF makes every effort to interdict” firearms purchased by straw buyers. 

The controversial act of straw purchases – where a person who is prohibited from buying firearms uses another person to buy a gun on his or her behalf – has been a popular method that Mexico’s drug cartels use to obtain guns.

We’ll have more on another revelation about Holder’s DOJ in a few minutes…stay tuned.   

Bad news from the past for Comey

BREAKING:  SOMEONE  FROM  COMEY'S  PAST  JUST  CAME  FORWARD  WITH  SOME  BAD                                                              NEWS 

June 8 2017

The Obama spying scandal continues to grow in scope. Now, the FBI under its former director, James Comey, are accused of aiding Obama.

Late last month, the investigative website Circa released declassified documents revealing that the FBI illegally spied on American citizens. Now, a former employee is SUING James Comey for allegedly allowing that illegal activity to take place. (via Circa)

Dennis Montgomery, a former intelligence contractor, has filed a lawsuit against former FBI Director James Comey and other top-level government officials.

The spying scandal, which originated when President Trump accused Obama of spying on his political campaign, is shaping up to be larger than the Edward Snowden leaks.

In 2013, Edward Snowden, who was also an intelligence contractor, illegally copied and leaked classified information to British journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Snowden worked as a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA) and revealed the chilling details of the NSA’s global spying apparatus, including the program known as PRISM.

Under PRISM, the NSA compelled seven major telecommunications companies to monitor and store information on their customers, including American citizens, in clear violation of American law.

Now, Dennis Montgomery is revealing that the FBI has similar programs that may be larger in scope. Snowden revealed that the NSA was collecting data indiscriminately on American citizens while the FBI’s efforts are targeted.

According to Montgomery’s allegations, the FBI was illegally targeting and spying on American citizens for political purposes, including judges, members of Congress, and major businessmen such as Donald Trump. This illegally obtained information was sometimes shared with third parties lacking security clearance.

Montgomery is now suing former FBI director James Comey for covering up evidence of the widespread and illegal spying. Montgomery claims he approached Comey and provided him with overwhelming proof of the illegal activity and that Comey refused to acknowledge the crimes and attempted to cover up the evidence.

Montgomery has been offered limited immunity so he can explain how he was able to smuggle 47 hard drives of highly classified information from multiple intelligence agencies.

Montgomery is proving himself to be a true patriot. He is risking everything to expose the extent of Obama’s crimes, and he is using the proper channels to do it — instead of illegally leaking documents to the press.

What do you think will happen when the trial begins this summer?

"Power to Sell" -- The Latest Land Grab

By Anna Von Reitz

All over the country alarmed homeowners and landowners are getting unexpected demands to pay large amounts of taxes that they never heard about.  These bills appear out of the blue, usually with a "Notice of Power to Sell". 

What is happening is that the UNITED STATES, INC. is in liquidation.  That means that the STATE OF IDAHO is in liquidation.  So is CRAWFORD COUNTY.  So is JOHN MICHAEL DOE.  These are all franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC., so they are all being liquidated, too. 
The bankruptcy trustees are going around and trying to settle the debts of CRAWFORD COUNTY by  taxing or selling off property belonging to franchisees like JOHN MICHAEL DOE who happen to have property in CRAWFORD COUNTY for the benefit of Secondary Creditors to the bankruptcy liquidation. 
They are able to do this because they are trying to claim that the whereabouts of the actual owners and their identities are unknown, so that the property is abandoned. 
What to do?  
Go do the Land Recording Office and get a certified copy of the present deed. 
Go home and create a Corrected Deed to file on top of it. 
You are going to correct the name of the owner from JOHN MICHAEL DOE to Doe, John Michael or Doe, J.Michael, or some other variation that suits you. 
Next, you are going to correct the address.  If it was "1911 Sugarplum Lane" you are going to change it to in care of a Post Office Box or your business address or your Mom's mailing address.  One way or another, you are going to change it. 
Next, you are going to change the land description itself.  If they were using Lot and Block, you are going to use the Plat Numbers, or a Metes and Bounds description.  If you can afford it, get a land surveyor to do a new survey and attach that to the corrected deed.  The point is, you are going to change it.  
As part of the land description you are going to add a tag line of new information. 
If you were born in say, Montana, you are going to write the following on your corrected deed: 
Covered under Private Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US Montana. 
This tells the Bankruptcy Trustees to back all the way off  until their butts hit seawater. 
I set up a Private Indemnity Bond at the U.S. Treasury covering every one of the fifty states.  You can indemnify your property against all and any claims against JOHN MICHAEL DOE by piggy-backing onto your home state's indemnity bond and making reference to the bond in your land description.  
The rats will have to discharge their claim and set it aside because the actual Principal Priority Creditors have come forward and staked their claim.  

Spread the word and the instructions and help your neighbors.  This is all about helping each other through this onslaught of fraud.  Go door to door if need be. 
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Pay Attention! -- If You Want to Save Your Butts!

By Anna Von Reitz

Apparently a lot of people didn't notice or didn't pay attention or didn't know what it meant when I told everyone that I had established a Private Indemnity Bond at the U.S. Treasury covering every state of the Union---- but that is critical information to have branded on your foreheads in the days to come.
The UNITED STATES, INC. is in liquidation. The Bankruptcy Trustees are going to try to liquidate, sell, tax, or otherwise raise funds off of all the franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. This includes the STATE OF MINNESOTA and CRAWFORD COUNTY, MINNESOTA, and JOHN MICHAEL DOE, too.

When your land deeds and car titles and mortgages are all in the NAME OF a UNITED STATES franchise, what do you think is going to happen? You are going to be "assumed to be a surety" and "collateral" for the debts of all these fictitious entities, and the secondary creditors---- banks and foreign investors--- are going to be howling for your blood and for the auctioning off of your assets to pay the bills of the UNITED STATES.
Get it? This is a repeat of what FDR did back in the 1930's only worse. This time the rotten bastards want it all. They want the copyright to your name, they want your DNA, they want your body, your house, your business, your land---- anything that is "assumed" to belong to the JOHN MICHAEL DOE version of your NAME. See "Power to Sell -- The Latest Land Grab".
If you are like most people, you had no idea that any such secretive claim against you or your assets existed and unless you have been reading the news posted here, this is going to catch you blind-sided. You are not going to know what to do and you are not going to have anything in place to defend yourself--- UNLESS--- you remember that you and your property are indemnified against loss.
How, why, by whom? By me and by my team because we were awake and got things in place for you. Just as neighbors, we did all the work so that at this crucial moment in history, you could remember in which state you were born and write the following:
"Held under Private Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US Montana" ----or the same numbers and whatever your birth state is, on your land deeds, vehicle titles, or any other property assets they come after and try to seize.
AMRI00001 RA393427640US Alaska
AMRI00001 RA393427640US Alabama
AMRI00001 RA393427640US Arkansas.....
This is your "Home Free" Card, your indemnity policy, your means to rebut all and any claims that come addressed against actual assets held in the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS NAMES.
Please do all that you can to help and inform your friends and neighbors and countrymen. I have given specific instructions for those facing sudden huge "tax" bills, and "Notices of Power to Sell" and similar demands being made against their homes and land holdings in the article called: "Power to Sell" -- The Latest Land Grab.
P.S. --- Use the Private Indemnity Bond to Protect Your Bank Accounts and IRA's and 401K's, too. Inform the banks and IRA / 401K managers via Registered Mail that your accounts are private accounts and are held under Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US - Your Home State.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

The way it ALWAYS is with liberals


Obama's wall around his new Washington
 'spy headquarters' home

Paul Ryan has wall around magnificient home for
the future 'president' of the united states

WHO is kowtowing to the Russian government?

Drug Discovered To Reverse Autism

HUGE: Old Drug Discovered to REVERSE AUTISM Symptoms Caused By Vaccines - SURAMIN

Published on Jun 4, 2017
Ancient Drug Discovered To Reverse Autism Symptoms Caused By Vaccines- Suramin was Developed in 1916.

Old sleeping sickness drug: Autistic 14-year-old speaks first sentence of his life - 26-05-2017

Published on May 30, 2017
Century-old sleeping sickness drug allowed an autistic 14-year-old to say the first full sentence of his life - as well as boosting sufferers' social behavior and coping skills A drug, known as suramin, produced dramatic results after just a single dose Suramin is thought to 'silence' the 'internal siren' that rings in autistic patients This allows them to focus on development, growth and healing, researchers said Improvements were made to sufferers' eye contact, interactions and playing It was developed in 1916 by German scientists for sleeping and river sickness.  Autism could be treated by a drug that has been around for more than 100 years, new research suggests.  The drug, known as suramin, which was originally developed to treat sleeping sickness, produced dramatic results in young sufferers after just one dose.  These included improvements to their language and social behavior, as well as their coping skills.  Study author Professor Robert Naviaux, from the University of California in San Diego, said: 'We had four non-verbal children in the study, two 6-year-olds and two 14-year-olds. The six-year-old and the 14-year-old who received suramin said the first sentences of their lives about one week after the single suramin infusion.'  Around one in 68 children in the US and up to one in 100 in the UK are on the autistic spectrum.  Researchers from the University of California, San Diego, administered a single dose of suramin to five male autistic children, while another five were given a placebo.  Suramin was developed by German scientists in 1916 to treat sleeping sickness and river blindness, both of which are caused by parasites.  Results, published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, revealed that all of the patients given suramin displayed improvements in their language and social behavior, restricted or repetitive behaviors and coping skills.  Improvement was assessed according to examinations and interviews using standardized tests and questionnaires.  The researchers found ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd edition) scores improved by -1.6 points in the suramin group, with lowers score indicating lesser symptoms.  Changed behaviors included social communication and play, speech and language, calm and focus, repetitive behaviors, and coping skills.  The only side effect was a temporary skin rash.  A parent of a 14-year-old study participant who was given suramin and had not previously spoken a complete sentence in 12 years said: 'We saw improvements in our son after suramin that we have never seen before.  'Within an hour after the infusion he started to make more eye contact with the doctor and nurses in the room.  'There was a new calmness at times, but also more emotion at other times.  'He started to show an interest in playing hide-and-seek with his 16-year-old brother. 
Read full article here:   
Read also: ‘Game-changer for autism’: 100-year-old drug reverses symptoms, study finds 
Read also: Researchers Studying Century-Old Drug in Potential New Approach to Autism
Video above is: Potential autism drug needs more testing, but money is needed - Parents of autistic children who have read my recent article on suramin ( are asking me when the next clinical trial will begin, and how their children can apply to get into it.

‘Game Changer’ Study Finds 100 year old Drug Reverses Autism Symptoms in Kids

Published on Jun 4, 2017

‘Game Changer’: Study Finds 100 year old Drug Reverses Autism Symptoms in Kids With just a single dose of this 100 year old drug, autistic children experienced remarkable positive cognitive and emotional improvements. Some of the children spoke their first sentences in more than a decade. This is truly a 'game changer.' According to a revolutionary new study, a drug discovered more than a century ago may hold the key to combating the symptoms of autism. After just one dose, parents of the children in the study watched their kids make incredible improvements, with some speaking for the first time. The study’s lead researcher, Dr. Robert Naviaux of the San Diego School of Medicine is an internationally known expert in human genetics, inborn errors of metabolism, metabolomics, and mitochondrial medicine. He is the discoverer of the cause of Alpers syndrome — the oldest Mendelian form of mitochondrial disease — and the developer of the first DNA test to diagnose it. Naviaux is, by far, one of the most qualified people in the world to conduct this study. During his research, Naviaux noted the transformative results of the drug suramin which was first developed in 1916 and used as an anti-parasitic drug for treating African sleeping sickness and river blindness. After giving a single dose of suramin to boys with autism, between the ages of five and 14, Naviaux recorded something incredible — their symptoms were significantly alleviated. “After the single dose, it was almost like a roadblock had been released,” he said. “If the future studies show that there’s continued health benefits, this could be a game-changer for families with autism.” The study was published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. During the study, five children were given suramin, while the remainder were given placebos. Included in the group were four non-verbal children, two 6 year olds, and two 14 year olds. “The six-year-old and the 14 year old who received suramin said the first sentences of their lives about one week after the single suramin infusion,” Naviaux told the UC San Diego Health website. “This did not happen in any of the children given the placebo.” One parent, who noted that her son had not spoken a full sentence in more than a decade, said, “Within an hour after the infusion, he started to make more eye contact with the doctor and nurses in the room. There was a new calmness at times, but also more emotion at other times.” “He started to show an interest in playing hide-and-seek with his 16 year old brother. He started practicing making new sounds around the house. He started seeking out his dad more.” Naviaux’s expertise led him to the theory that there is a fundamental metabolic problem in all people with ASD — namely, that cells in affected people experience abnormal levels of something that Naviaux has termed the “cell danger response” (CDR), according to Seeker. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks

Exopolitical Drivers of Pedocriminal Networks: Abrogate & renegotiate secret Greada, Tau-9 Treaties with pedocriminal ETs: Draco reptilians, Orion Greys & Anunnaki ETs

May 22, 2017
By Alfred Lambremont Webre

The GoldFish Report No. 99 - Sean David Morton

The GoldFish Report No. 99: Part 1
Sean David Morton - Uncensored and Unscripted

The GoldFish Report No. 99, Part 2
Sean David Morton - Uncensored and Unscripted

Published on Jun 7, 2017
On The GoldFish Report No. 99, Author, Producer, Remote Viewer Sean David Morton joins the GoldFish Report Team, Louisa and Steve, for an explosive interview into Sean's fascinating background and psychic talents. Sean is the author of "The Sands of Time" which chronicles the experiences of an Area 51 insider that includes his experiences with UFO's, Aliens, Time Travel, Government Conspiracies and more. Sean makes predictions on current political issues as well as illustrates his astrological charts he creates for people. 

Louisa calls for the viewers to unite and meditate on a positive outcome and timeline for Sean who feels he is being retaliated against by The Powers that Be for researching and accessing his Strawman account. 

People have the right to know how humans are being used as commercial vessels disguised under Admiralty Law, rather than live human beings under natural Law of the Land.   

To Support Sean and his work. Please go to www.gofundme/helpseanandmelissa, on facebook Sean David Morton, Twitter @SeanDavidMorton, for astrological readings please email Sean at or call 310-318-1848.

The Sands of Time can be ordered from or on Amazon. This video is in two parts due to internet feed cut by some unknown source.

GoldFish Report No. 98 Kent Dunn and Melissa

The GoldFish Report No. 98 Week 20 
POTUS Update With Kent Dunn


Published on Jun 5, 2017
On The GoldFish Report No. 98 Louisa and Kent discuss the POTUS pull out from the Paris Accord, Global warming fake data, Comey due to testify this Thursday, the Kathy Griffin Debacle, False Flag Events, the Bilderberg Meeting, the Vatican Fire, and much more. 

Viewers can follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldFish, like us on facebook at

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To help support the research and production of the GoldFish Report please visit our website to make a donation at Thank you for Viewing!

You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s French Fries Again After Watching This

Oath Keepers call to action - Nation Wide

Call to Action: Help Defend Free Speech June 10 at ACT for America March Against Sharia Events Nationwide

Oath Keepers (and all other American patriots),
ACT for America has asked Oath Keepers to assist with security on June 10, 2017 at all of their “March Against Sharia – March for Human Rights” events nationwide, and once again we are answering the call to defend free speech against those who would use terrorist violence or the threat of violence to shut it down.
ACT for America has a current total of 27 events (and counting) in 19 states.   You can find an updated list here, with links to Facebook pages for each event included.   Also, see below list.
Our New York chapter had already stepped up to help provide security for the New York City event on June 10, and then the national staff of ACT for America contacted Oath Keepers national leadership and asked us to do the same nationwide.   The ACT staff informed us that they had numerous speakers who feared for their safety because they had taken a hard stance against Sharia law and specifically against female genital mutilation, honor killings, persecution of homosexuals, etc.  Some of the speakers are moderate Muslims or are former Muslims (known as “apostates”), including at least one who was a victim of female genital mutilation.  Others are Christians who suffered persecution in Sharia dominated Muslim nations.

The LGBT Is Pushing To Legalize Pedophilia

Watch Out For Your Children Because The LGBT Is Pushing To Legalize Pedophilia

US 'Goverment' Actively PERSECUTES Christians in America

The US Government Is Now Forcing Farmers To Have Homosexual Weddings On Their Lands. They Tell One Christian Farmer That He Is Prohibited From Selling Fruit Because He Does Not Accept Homosexuality

This Is Part Of The Antichrist System In Which Christians Are Prohibited From Buying And Selling If They Refuse To Take The Mark Of The Beast
 Stephen Tennes (LEFT), another victim of the sodomite antichrist mafia

By on June 7, 2017

The government is now forcing farmers to have homosexual weddings on their lands. This is already happening. A Catholic farmer has been just recently prohibited from selling fruit because he refused to host a sodomite wedding on his land. 

According to one report:
A Catholic farmer in Michigan is suing the city of East Lansing after he was barred from a municipal farmers market over his views on same-sex marriage.
Stephen Tennes filed a lawsuit at a federal court on Wednesday (May 31), seeking his reinstatement.
In it, Tennes says he was prohibited from selling his products after his business, Country Mill Farms, refused to host a lesbian couple’s wedding at its orchard in Charlotte, 22 miles outside the city and he stated on Facebook “his Catholic belief that marriage is a sacramental union between one man and one woman.”
Country Mill Farms had sold fruit and produce at the market for six years, but after city officials learned about the Facebook post, they “strongly and immediately pressured us not to return to the farmers market,” Tennes told a news conference at the state Capitol.
According to the lawsuit, Country Mill is the only business to have been prohibited under the market’s anti-discrimination policy.
In a statement, the city of East Lansing said the farmer’s refusal to host a same-sex wedding violated a “long-standing ordinance that protects sexual orientation as well as the Supreme Court’s ruling that grants the right for same-sex couples to be married.”
What is this but a part of the Antichrist system, in which Christians are banned from buying and selling if they do not take the Mark of the Beast. Homosexuality, the religion of Sodom, is a central part of the Antichrist ideology. The Scripture says that when the two witnesses are murdered, “their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” 

(Revelation 11:9) Why does it describe this place, where saints are murdered, as being spiritual Sodom? Because homosexuality, the perversities of Sodom, shall be a part of the world of the Antichrist religion. St. John describes the tyranny of the Antichrist as being one in which “no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:17)

This farmer is not allowed to sell fruit in the market, because he does not accept the religion of Sodom, that is, he does not accept the tyrannical religion of Antichrist. This tyrannical system is only going to get more and more severe, with more and more people suffering under this imperialism of delusion.