A sign in Georgia warns criminals visiting Harris County that residents in the region are armed.
“Our citizens have concealed weapons,” the sign says. “If you kill someone, we might kill you back.”
“Enjoy your stay!” the sign also reads, before adding, “We have ONE jail and 356 cemeteries.”
The sheriff responsible for the sign, Mike Jolley, had previously
triggered the leftist media after he paid $553 out-of-pocket for a sign
in 2015 telling visitors the county is “politically incorrect.”
“WARNING: Harris County is politically incorrect. We say: Merry
Christmas, God Bless America and In God We Trust. We salute our troops
and our flag. If this offends you… LEAVE!”
Jolley told Fox News he’s an Army vet and doesn’t care if anyone’s offended by the message.
“I spent 20 years in the army to give everyone the right to disagree
with me or anyone else,” the sheriff said on Fox & Friends.
“Hopefully, if they disagree, they can voice that opinion. But if it
offends them, truly offends them, maybe they’re in the wrong country.”
The sheriff says reactions to his latest sign have been “98 to 99 percent supportive,” according to local media.
Friday, April 6, 2018
Dear Mr. Trump, Don't Be a Chump!
By Anna Von Reitz
This is a quick unofficial note.
The Russian killed in the UK was killed by the UK using Russian poison to frame the Russian Government.
in addition to revealing their illicit interference in Central Europe
and Asia, he was going to tell you about British interference in
in our elections. Interference in our government. Interference in our
economy. Interference in our stock and commodities markets. Interference
in our trade policies. Interference in our courts.
Wake up, Donald. The alarm bells are ringing.
enemy of America and the American People has always been the British
Empire -- the British Monarch and the British Crown--- and while
generations of Americans have slept on deluded by a bunch of British
Bunko, it is essential that you wake up right about now.
was it we were fighting in the Revolution? And again in 1812? And who
set up the whole situation embroiling the entire Middle East in endless
war? And who has undermined your Presidency and used the Territorial
United States to undermine our Constitution and bleed our country dry?
Who guided the wreck of our trade policies? Who was Barack Obama, a
Kenyan National, working for?
set up all the bankruptcy fraud schemes at the banking conference of
1898? And again at the Geneva Conventions in May of 1930?
The British Monarchs and the British Crown.
are our enemies --first, last, and always. They are at the bottom of
every stinking pile of intrigue, deceit, war-mongering, and violence
that has ever been played on us in our entire history. And they are just
trying to "play upon" you and other world leaders again.
Who engineered and dragged us into both World War I and World War II?
Not the Russians. Not the Chinese.
I rest my case.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
Death to Democracy
By Anna Von Reitz
you start thinking, you will quickly realize that "something is wrong"
in this country, and that it has been wrong for a very long time.
We have covered many of the various things that are wrong and why they are wrong, but this one deserves special comment.
your life you have heard about "democracy"--- endlessly. We grow up
hearing about how we need to defend democracy and spread democracy, but
nobody ever tells you what democracy is or tries to justify why anyone
would defend or spread it.
Democracy is Mob Rule.
51% of your neighbors want to eat you for breakfast or use your yard
for a roller derby or rape your wife in public, hey, that's okay in a
might as well call it a "demon-cracy" because the mindless lust and
greed of the Mob is the only real law in a democracy. Anything and I do
mean -- ANYTHING -- goes in a democracy as long as a majority of people
want it.
what is this "American Democracy" they tout? It turns out to be the
government of our ugly British half-sister, the Territorial United
States, but they are conveniently confusing it with our lawful Union of
republican states, which function under a different law and political
system entirely.
Once again, the fraud artists are at it, presenting their version of "democracy" -- as "American".
It's "American" in the same sense as South America is "American".
actual United States of America isn't a democracy of any kind and never
has been. We honor the sanctity and the rights of every man and woman,
and we assert and protect those rights against mobs and against mob
mentality, too.
call us a democracy is a venal insult and affront. The idea that we
should support and fight for the spread of democracy is antithetical to
everything that America stands for.
is one more big example of how dumbed-down and ignorant we have been to
allow and identify with this idea of "American Democracy".
is also a Big, Fat Example of just how corrupt, mindless, and in the
end, discredited, their government is. In order to run a democracy you
need a 51% mandate from the people subscribing to your government.
biggest number on record for participation in any of their elections --
EVER -- that I have been able to find is 29%. And the majority in that
election was a whopping 17% of the eligible voters.
been running on the premise that whoever shows up and votes, that
"majority" rules, but that is not the majority required by a democracy,
which needs a 51% or greater mandate to proceed with any action.
even as a democracy, one of the worst and most corrupt forms of
government ever devised, they can't play it straight. They have to fudge
everything and pretend to have a mandate.
since they have advertised to the entire world that they are a
democracy and they have touted statutory law and code as their law ---
why not ask to see the public mandate allowing them to exist? Let's see
the mandates supporting each and every one of these statutes and codes?
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
Capacity - The Root of Confusion
By Anna Von Reitz
A one time or another in your life you have heard the question
asked, "What's your capacity?" or "In what capacity were you acting?"
This might have come up in any number of situations. You might have
even heard it in a court room or in relation to someone driving "in an
impaired capacity".
Identifying your capacity
has two main components --- describing the role you are playing at a
given time or in a given situation , and secondly, the authority under
which you are playing that role.
capacities are mutually exclusive, such that you cannot be acting in
both capacities at the same time. You can't be a "sovereign citizen"
because it is impossible to act as a sovereign and as a slave at the
same time. You can't be a "private citizen" because you can't act in a
private capacity at the same time that you are acting in a public
People who attack me and call me a
"fake judge" and who otherwise attempt to discredit my credentials don't
understand the capacity in which I am acting.
explain it this way: there are two jurisdictions, land and sea. This
in turn gives rise to two different jury pools, one called a "jural
assembly" and another called a "jural society".
I work for the Jural Assembly of the Alaska State as a Justice operating a land jurisdiction court.
I do not work for the Jural Society of the State of Alaska in any capacity whatsoever.
to the Great Fraud perpetuated against us, the courts owed to the land
jurisdiction of this country have largely been vacated since 1965 and
people have forgotten about them.
Not understanding the capacity in which I act then gives rise to false assumptions about the requirements of my office.
assume that I must be a member of the Alaska Bar Association, but in
fact, the opposite is true. Bar Members can't serve in a land
jurisdiction court.
In an effort to keep
things straight, land jurisdiction judges are properly called "justices"
and sea jurisdiction judges are called "judges" but since average
people don't know the difference anymore, it does little good to make
the distinction.
Perhaps we, the growing body
of American Justices, need to wear green robes and our counterparts in
the sea courts need to wear blue robes, to help people grasp the
difference in capacity and jurisdiction--- land and sea --- that is
Another common confusion about
capacity arises when people claim back their birthright political status
and then want to do things like sign petitions and vote in federal
elections and call "their" Congressman.
be very clear about this. When you reclaim your birthright status you
are no longer acting in the capacity of a "voter". You are declaring
yourself to be an "elector".
You no longer
sign "petitions" in the capacity of a British subject begging for
relief. You direct your public servants to do your Will.
also recognize the fact that these people deceptively calling
themselves "Congressmen" are not your Congressmen. They are members of
the Territorial United States Congress and the Municipal United States
Congress, not the National United States Congress, which has been vacant
since 1861.
When you claim your birthright
estate and correct the falsified public records, you are able to act in a
different and new capacity. You are no longer acting as a British
conscript, obligated to obey every whim of a foreign government. You
have a new capacity as a non-citizen American national to fulfill.
capacity enables you to form your local County Jural Assembly, to elect
your county land jurisdiction Sheriff, to elect your land jurisdiction
Justices to your actual land jurisdiction County Court --- and from
there, you are able to assemble your State Jural Assembly and elect your
State Justices and also elect State Deputies to attend the
National-level Congressional Assembly.
Finally, you are also enabled to elect National Deputies to attend the Continental Congress.
This is how the organizational structure of your lawful government looks:
American non-citizen national forms:
County Jural Assembly forms:
State Jural Assembly elects:
National Congressional Assembly (Washington, DC / Delegated Powers)
Continental Congressional Assembly (Philadelphia /Non-Delegated Powers)
you will note there are two (2) Congressional Assemblies, one that
meets in Washington, DC to administer the delegated powers, and one that
meets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to administer the non-delegated powers.
the new capitol was built, Congress moved all its meetings to DC --
which turned out to be a mistake. With the same men acting in two
different capacities but meeting in the same location, it was natural
for the lines to get blurred between their administration of the
delegated powers and their administration of the non-delegated
powers----- and also for their loyalties to get confused.
Today the members of Congress, even the Senators, do not act as Fiduciary Deputies chosen by electors.
Instead, they act as unaccountable "Representatives" of corporate shareholders, holding proxies from voters.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
American Town Moves To Confiscate ‘Assault Weapons,’ Fine Violators Up To $1,000 Per Day
Piecemeal gun control being rolled out across America
After June 13, residents of the Village of Deerfield have 60 days to sell, render inoperable or turn their “assault weapons” over to local police.
“Any person who is found to have violated this Article shall be fined not less than $250 and not more than $1,000 for each offense,” reads the ordinance penalty, “and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.”
The village defines an “assault weapon” broadly, including rifles with fixed magazines that are capable of accepting magazines holding more than ten rounds, certain pistols with detachable magazines, and certain shotguns.
The town has additionally banned so-called high capacity magazines.
“Large capacity magazine means any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds,” the ordinance states.
“The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall have the power to confiscate any assault weapon of any person charged with a violation under this Article,” reads Section 15-91.
Weapons and magazines surrendered or confiscated will be recorded and destroyed by police.
Law enforcement and military members are excluded from the measure “if the persons described are authorized by a competent authority to so carry an assault weapon loaded on a public way and such person is acting within the scope of his duties or training…”
Several concerned citizens sounded off on the unconstitutional measure at town hall meetings.
“Of the 26 people who spoke” on March 19, “15 were against banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and 11 said they wanted it to become law,” reports the Chicago Tribune.
Army and National Guard veteran Patrick Murphy said the ban would eventually lead to a ban on all guns.
“[Murphy] equates this ban to banning a specific vehicle because it could kill, banning certain types of dogs, or banning certain guns from everyone including law enforcement. He expressed concern that there will first be a ban on assault weapons, then shotguns, then hand guns,” a copy of the meeting’s minutes reads.
Another resident pointed out media focus on gun deaths was disproportionate and one-sided.
“There have been a lot of emotional and reactionary things going on since the Parkland, Florida, event,” said Wheeling resident Rich Bierman.
“Today, 115 people on average died from opioid overdose. The media attention to one event is enormous, but the media attention to overdoses is not even close. Although there is an intensive amount of attention during mass shooting events, the media pushes the agenda to an extreme. Opioid overdose will not get national coverage. Deerfield does not have a problem with semiautomatic rifles. He questioned what will happen after the next mass shooting, after this Ordinance is passed. He questioned whether the Village would try for a ban on handguns.”Other speakers included Deerfield high school students who said banning guns would alleviate mass shootings, with others hoping other municipalities and eventually the state would follow suit.
Below is a summary of the Board of Trustees April 2, 2018 Regular Meeting:
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Our Flags, Our History
By Anna Von Reitz
The only "laws" or "regulations" you commonly find about the Stars and Stripes is in the Territorial United States Federal Code where they define the proportions of the flag that THEY will be using in Title IV.
But those regulations in no way restrict the proportions of the Stars and Stripes that We, the People use.
Stars and Stripes literally belongs to us. It is our property. It
came about as one of the war flags used in the Revolutionary War --- the
other flag to come out of the Revolution as a "national" level flag,
was the "rebellious flag" --- so-called because of the vertical
stripes--- the United States Civil Flag.
the world of international flags generally, the horizontal "bars"
indicate resistance and forbidding of trespass, much as a gate bars a
road or a dam blocks a stream. Thus the flag with horizontal bars
symbolizes conditions of war, where we are resisting or fighting or
otherwise restricting and controlling.
The vertical columns symbolize "free flow" -- the gates are open, the columns of the government are solidly in place.
think of an old-fashioned dam in a river --- the floodgates can be
closed, forcing the water to back up behind the dam (horizontal bars on a
flag) or open, allowing the water to pass through (vertical bars).
both flags have their genesis during the Revolution. Both are national
level flags, meaning all the colonies used them to identify the
American side of the conflict. But because of their symbolism, one came
to be used in war and the other in peacetime. Prior to the Civil War,
both flags were in common use with the Stars and Stripes being flown
over military installations --- forts, arsenals, training fields, etc.,
and the Civil Flag being flown over civilian installations --- post
offices, customs houses, departmental buildings, polling places, public
hospitals, town halls, and so on.
you think about this, this is merely common sense. There should be a
clear distinction between the federal military service and the federal
civilian service. So there are two flags, and that should not be any big
surprise to anyone.
should be cause for concern and alarm is that there has commonly been
only one flag -- the war flag -- in evidence for many years, but
because people don't know that there should be two flags, they haven't
questioned the absence of the civil flag.
flags inhabit international jurisdiction. Because the Territorial
United States continued to make war and "be" at war after the so-called
Civil War ended, it continued to fly the Stars and Stripes and exercised
our delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
Because the actual states were at peace after the conflict, they flew
the United States Civil Flag instead, so for a time, from 1865 to 1907,
both flags were -- as before the "Civil War" -- being used to
distinguish between military and civilian functions.
in 1907, the first Great Fraud occurred when the Territorial United
States Congress bankrupted "The United States of America, Incorporated"
and "took title to the land" that the Territorial States were holding in
trust for us and used our land as security backing their bankruptcy.
Because title to our land thus was transferred "for safekeeping" to
foreign Third Parties (the Holy See) and basically impounded (like we
impound a car) the international land jurisdiction that we are owed
functionally disappeared and all that was left flying was the Stars and
of habit and necessity and most of all to prevent public alarm, the
perpetrators continued to operate federal services for the international
land jurisdiction using the Territorial United States Government
structure to do so. Thus, we continued to have "Federal Marshals"
policing the international land jurisdiction and "United States
Marshals" policing the international sea jurisdiction just as it always
was, even though there was now only one flag --- the Stars and Stripes
-- being flown. Likewise, the Coast Guard continued to function as a
"civilian maritime service" under the same conditions.
forward--- In 1953, this first bankruptcy settled and all the land
titles were released, both public and private. It would have been the
correct moment for the Territorial Congress to return those titles to
the states and people to whom they belong, but by then, 46 years had
passed and many parcels of private land had changed hands and the
various states had made allocations for parks and roads and electrical
easements ---- and besides, giving it all back would entail admitting
that they stole it all in the first place, so inside of the Territorial
Congress doing the right thing, they did the convenient thing. They
threw up their hands, pretended that they didn't know and couldn't trace
the actual owners of the land, so they declared it "abandoned" and
rolled all the land titles into gigantic state and federal land
in 1933, the second Great Fraud hit, when the Municipal United States
Congress bankrupted the "United States of America, Incorporated" and the
perpetrators seized upon our private property -- our copyrights,
patents, trademarks -- embodied as names, our physical bodies and our
labor, our private property in sum total and also confiscated our
privately held gold-- as collateral to back their debts during their
bankruptcy. Again, the Holy See held us in receivership.
was Franklin Delano Roosevelt's infamous "New Deal". Thanks to this
Gross Breach of Trust, the civilian side of the federal government was
reduced to using the "National Colors" as a flag --- the familiar flag
with gold fringe around it, to give the appearance that the Stars and
Stripes was still in use.
forward -- In 1999, this second bankruptcy settled, and all the private
property, including claim to our labor, was released. However, once
again, 66 years had passed and the perpetrators -- for all the same
reasons as the first time around -- claimed that they couldn't possibly
locate all the heirs of these estates. So, again, they declared all our
"personal estates" to be "abandoned property" and cast them adrift as
abandoned properties in the international jurisdiction of the sea. All
of this, of course, is gainsaid by the fact that they continued to know
where we were for tax purposes. In 1999-2000 during the infamous
Bush-Gore Presidential Election and the Florida Chads scandal, the
perpetrators were obliged to abandon Washington, DC and leave it vacated
for 40 days. During that time, Commander Russell-J:Gould stepped into
the gap and reclaimed the Title IV flag so that no hostile foreign
entity could gain control or use of it, he also re-opened and kept open
the Postmaster and Post Master Offices, and took other actions to
guarantee the continuance of the government as a whole. He also
restructured the Territorial and Municipal Supreme Courts and conducted
court martial proceedings for a period of many months. At the time,
people laughed at him, but he preserved the entire public side of our
government, except for that portion maintained by The United States of
America (Unincorporated) which continued to exercise all the
non-delegated powers.]
trust that you can now see why the United States Civil Flag disappeared
and why the Stars and Stripes was reduced to a mere "color banner"
during our lifetimes.
the perpetrators rolled everything and abandoned the American Trusts in
1999 we knew we had to take action, so those of us who had stayed awake
formed up our Nation-States and gave Notice to the Hague and the Queen
and the Pope and other parties of interest. We also began to evaluate
the history and the legalities of all this to discern the mechanisms of
the fraud and therefore, how to unravel it. This was a long and
thankless and dangerous road to be on. Many thousands of us were
mis-characterized and railroaded into federal and "State of State"
prisons. Up to a million and a half peaceful American state nationals
remain unlawfully and unjustly incarcerated in federal prisons and up
to 15 million more in federal franchise State of State and County jails
--- simply to be used as slave labor and to generate profits for the
federal perpetrators because they can charge our trust accounts for the
"service" of keeping us in their jails. Many thousands of us were
murdered, beaten, burned out, jeered at, our families threatened, our
property seized, all while being subjected to unlawfully imposed taxes,
fees, and levies to pay for the "services" of our abusers -- our own
employees, our own military.
now some members of the endlessly deceitful and often grossly
incompetent Bar Associations are trying to promote and justify the idea
that such fanciful and supposedly dangerous creatures as "sovereign
citizens" exist and they are prosecuting these oxymorons in the courts
as "subversives". One doesn't know these days whether to laugh or cry.
Faced with these ridiculous claims, people need to observe that one
cannot act in the capacity of a sovereign and a slave (citizen) at the
same time. The same is true of their next offer, "private citizen",
because it is impossible to act in private capacity while acting in
public capacity.
Obama took office --- a Muslim man born in Kenya -- eligible to serve
in Territorial and Municipal corporation offices, but not eligible to
serve as our National President nor as an agency for the Head of State,
it was a clear warning sign and the ax was not long in falling. He
announced the impending bankruptcy of the Municipal United States in
early 2015 and he set up the bowling pins to make sure that the
Territorial United States would be forced to declare Chapter 11
bankruptcy by 2017.
would have been the coup de grace, as it would vacate both the
Municipal and Territorial Governments at the same time, and leave this
entire continent at the mercy of bankruptcy trustees chosen by secondary
creditors --- the international banks.
would have left all three federal Constitutions vacated from the
federal side of the agreements. The National Constitution has
purportedly been held "in abeyance" since 1861. The Territorial
Constitution would cease to function upon declaration of the
insolvency. And the Municipal Constitution would no longer be in effect
thanks to the liquidation of the Municipal Corporation of the District
of Columbia.
banks and the scheming criminals behind them had planned the perfect
Trifecta and fully intended to place a claim of abandonment against this
entire country and its people, and then to come in here and use a
commercial mercenary army operated under color of law "as" the familiar
alphabet soup agencies --- BATF, IRS, BLM, FEMA, FBI, and so on, to
evict the peaceful American people and "resettle" them exactly as the
profane British Government "resettled" the Irish population in the
Imagine their surprise when the American Head of State showed up and faced off the Queen of England?
when, moreover, our well-established Due Process and International
Claims were brought forward? And we demonstrated beyond any doubt that
we know who we are and that our actual sovereign (means
"unincorporated") government is still alive, kicking, and here to claim
back every iota of the property owed to the American states and people
as the Priority Creditors and Lawful Holders in Due Course?
the "heirs to the Kingdom return from over the sea" -- as we have--
then the trusts all collapse and are indeed "factualized" and must vest
in the institutions and the people and states that they rightfully
belong to. Not only that, but upon their declaration of bankruptcy, all
the powers that were delegated to these creatures revert back to us and
to the government of the people, by the people, and for the people ----
so long as we are still organized and sentient enough to conduct our
own business, which, Thank God, we are.
what does all this mean for our flags? It means that we are totally
enabled to fly our flags any time and in any style we wish. We can
unfurl our long moth-balled civil flag and send out our Federal Marshals
to police the international jurisdiction of the land. We can return
our Coast Guard to civilian service. We can fly the Stars and Stripes
in any manner we wish, and thanks to Commander Russell-J:Gould even the
Title IV flag was rescued and preserved intact and kept out of hostile
means that there won't be any commercial mercenary armies disguised as
"STATE OF STATE" police or as employees of "federal agencies" coming
around causing any trouble on our shores. It means that instead of
being paupers, Americans who have labored as slaves for these vermin for
the past 150 years, will instead inherit all that they stored up for
themselves and be able to forgive the debts and restore the national
governments and bless the people of the entire Earth.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
Blocked Transfer of Funds
By Anna Von Reitz
most Americans are blissfully unaware of the fact, an insidious "lock
down" of our economy has occurred. It's something that not even the top
of the top of the top ranks of international bankers understand ---
but nearly all large funds transfers into and out of America are being
have observed this for some time and what has become clear is that
some parties have the ability to block funds and to trade funds, but
don't have the "Go!" button. Theirs is an entirely negative function.
All they can say is "No", not "Yes".
Slowly, this small cadre of un-elected, unauthorized agency personnel is, like a python, squeezing America to death.
They are strangling us in the name of protecting us.
excuse, of course, is to prevent importation of drug money and money
laundering and to prevent off-shore tax sheltering in general, but in
reality, their function has become lawless and sinister. Even
transactions that have all their provenance and all their approvals and
have gone through all the many steps required to prove that they are
clean and legitimate and voluntary and blah, blah, blah, blah ---- are
being blocked for no reason.
is happening with large funds transfers and with relatively small
transfers -- amounts as small as $50,000 -- and nobody can explain it,
but it is simple enough. The old cabal is still hanging on via Homeland
Security's ability to block and redirect funds transfers, long after
these jokers need to be replaced and removed.
also smacks of international theft and misappropriation of funds.
Sometimes the transfers simply "disappear" and wind up weeks or months
later on private trading platforms with the proceeds earmarked to go to
individuals with no known authority to interfere with the transfers,
trade the funds, or profit from them.
Trump seems unaware or unable to do anything about it. International
officials at the so-called Treasury are no better. The Bankruptcy
Trustees appointed by Secondary Creditors, are, of course, only working
in the interests of those who appointed them and generally doing their
best to disregard the Priority Creditors and our interests.
So today I am issuing a public complaint.
to The American States and Nations Bank / ASAN, like transfers
generally, are being blocked for no credible reason. We are not a
commercial bank and function exclusively in international trade. We are
not subject to any Territorial or Municipal statute, code, or
agency----nor are we subject to their Bankruptcy Trustees. This
obstruction and restraint of trade against our sovereign government,
The United States of America (Unincorporated), is unconscionable and
unlawful and must be promptly corrected.
as our business is private and Third Party and sovereign with respect
to both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States
which received their delegated powers from us and which we now exercise
ourselves or have re-delegated to other federal partners as a result
of their bankruptcy, there is no excuse for any interference in our
affairs or the affairs of any corporation we own.
situation is like having a derelict bankrupt son and his best buddy
preventing you from controlling your own bank business and trying to
tap into your assets to pay off their creditors--- when you are
yourself, by far, their largest priority creditor.
this is Public Fair Notice and Complaint that the US Bankruptcy
Trustees and the Treasury and the so-called Homeland Security forces
need to get their act together and stop "misplacing" and blocking and
trading on assets that don't belong to them or to their debtors-----
clean up and clear the system.
a final note, the official logo and emblem of The American States and
Nations Bank/ASAN is the American Bison, otherwise known as the
Buffalo. Like the people who are increasingly coming home, they were
once on the brink of extinction--- but have made a great comeback.
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Join in with the De Jure National Assembly Weekly Quorum Meeting and Learning Sessions.
Welcome to the National Assembly of the states assembled!
The states are reforming their original assemblies and
sending representatives to the national level quorum.
Roll call taken at 9pm eastern and don't be late.
Assembly business Conference Call EVERY Thursday evening:
6pm Pacific – 7pm Mountain
8pm Central – 9pm Eastern
First hour is assembly business
Second hour is general discussion
Call Number: 1-712-770-4160
Participant Access Code: 226823#
Meeting agenda and records available in the forums.
For those who wish to be involved with your local county
The states are reforming their original assemblies and
sending representatives to the national level quorum.
Roll call taken at 9pm eastern and don't be late.
Assembly business Conference Call EVERY Thursday evening:
6pm Pacific – 7pm Mountain
8pm Central – 9pm Eastern
First hour is assembly business
Second hour is general discussion
Call Number: 1-712-770-4160
Participant Access Code: 226823#
Meeting agenda and records available in the forums.
For those who wish to be involved with your local county
and state assemblies can register in the forums and create an
introduction post in your state's section as your state's coordinator
is checking your states section for new prospectives.
Alternately you can email contentmanager1@yahoo.com
For those of you already involved we are inviting you to join in the forums on the new website.
The new website is the focal point for the assemblies.
1stmichiganassembly.info is now obsolete and redirected to the
new website which is continuously updated and maintained.
1stmichiganassembly.info is now obsolete and redirected to the
new website which is continuously updated and maintained.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Public Notice, Anna Von Reitz Special Guest Speaker
Public Notice, Anna Von Reitz Special Guest Speaker
My Final Answer to Larry Becraft and Bob Hurt, Et Alia.
By Anna Von Reitz
Tired of Arguing With Family and Lawyers and Everyone Else.
Here's my reply to Larry Becraft, Bob Hurt, and all the other Bar Attorneys and everyone else in denial.
is your answer. Quick, easy, utterly authoritative. It's not just
Grandma telling you (or all the Doubting Thomases you know) the Truth
about the Banks and Politicians and Bar Associations and Political
Parties and the history behind all this.
Read it, download it, print it, reproduce it, share it ---- and weep for how gullible we've been.
We, the Sheeple v. the Banksters:
I have had to deal with thousands of people like you, certainly
hundreds of Bar Attorneys. It's always the same. You always deny
everything, right down to the point where you can't deny anymore---and
then you fall silent.
just stop arguing, because you know you can't win, you can't explain,
you can't pull the necessary evidence --- even falsified evidence ---
out of your hat, anymore.
So you go silent. And you
wait a few days or weeks or months or years and then you come barreling
out of your silence and you whack away at me (and others, too) until,
once again, you are forced into silence.
after being repeatedly reduced to silence, you still don't bother to
inquire into the information that quashed you so completely that you had
nothing left to say. You never reply to that. You just let it lay and
apparently hope that it won't be dredged back up and used to silence
you again.
So I am tired of this game. This
is the slam-dunk, the reiteration of so many arguments we have had, only
this time, it's not just me reducing you to silence and begging for
your honest contemplation.
to discredit all the witnesses lined up in the 384 pages above and come
back and try to prove that I am an ignorant madwoman leading people
astray. Or just stay silent to the rest of your days.
Donation to assist in efforts to restore our republic
I hate to ask but money is too tight this month. I have not asked since January but I need to ask now. We have been moving forward with taking back our country. I try to cover what I can from my pocket and my job has been very slow. Work has just picked up a little but the pay is still short. Servers, bills, domains, security, etc... it all costs money. If anyone is willing to pitch in and assist, your donations will be greatly appreciated and are going to a worthy cause.
How to Join Your Local County and State Assembly The New More Efficient Way!
Visit http://national-assembly.net/ and click on the National Assembly Forums button to access the forums. then
visit your state's forum section. Open the introduction forum for your
state. Make a new post and introduce yourself. Do not include any
private information like phone numbers or addresses. If you know who the
coordinator is for your state assembly then you may send them a private
message or email by clicking the bubble next to their userid in any
post of theirs. You will have 2 choices. Either send a private message
or send an email. You may include private contact information in the
message or email as the recipient will be the only one to see it. We
respect and uphold your privacy the best we can.
The contentmanager1@yahoo.com has been overwhelmed with hundreds of new contacts and this forum has been set up to make joining and participating a much smoother and more efficient system. State coordinators can simply check into this forum daily or as often as they can to see if new prospective contacts are awaiting to connect with their local assembly and respond to you.
The contentmanager1@yahoo.com has been overwhelmed with hundreds of new contacts and this forum has been set up to make joining and participating a much smoother and more efficient system. State coordinators can simply check into this forum daily or as often as they can to see if new prospective contacts are awaiting to connect with their local assembly and respond to you.
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