Monday, November 19, 2018

Freewill here.. Update on my situation - Cabal trying to take me out

The cabal is after me. I am being forced to leave for Alaska to protect my life. I have sold my home and land in Michigan. I have a place to go in the mountains that has no power and no internet. It is a cabin on a mountain with a stream and fishing. I have a job waiting for me that pays really good. Waiting for closing before I can get my money and running out of time to get out of here. While in Alaska I will be continuing the states assemblies and work with Anna. I will have access to internet while at work and with friends at their homes. I have a feeling I will not be living too much longer if I remain here in Michigan. The cabal has done much to make life difficult for me here by creating bogus false charges and dragging me into their jails. The cabal has deemed me a serious threat against them because of my participation in educating the people and resettling the original jurisdiction assemblies. They don't care what my political status is. They don't pay any attention to my rebuttals. They ignore the laws even when I present them. They toss out any filings done on my behalf as non-nonsensical. While in Alaska I can see them coming from a long ways out. Being surrounded by bears, moose, and other predators may help in my self defense against any direct assaults against me in the mountains will be a blessing. I have a dog that alerts me to any visitors.

I do need some help between now and when I get the money from the sale of my home. My new employer has flipped the bill $3,000 for the moving truck which is good as it is out of my name. But I need funds to pay for fuel for the truck for 3,700 miles. I will be working on Ice Road Trucks and building specialized trailers for the Dalton with independent suspension as the steel gets so cold that standard solid axle trailers break. If I wait any longer for the title company I may not survive. They can take up to a month to complete the sale. I gotta get out of here now. Weird things have been happening around my area. Friends tell me that they have been questioned about me by corporate policy enforcers. Asking if I consider myself a sovereign citizen or if I make any threats involving 2nd Amendment activities. Those friends of mine know too well that I am not anything like they ask. I can read the writing on the wall and know now is the time to split.

If anyone has it in their heart to help me out I sure can use some help with costs of getting to safety. Anything will help. Paypal or use the donate button on the left side of this blog. I hate asking for money but I am in a bind and worried about my life and my daughter loosing her daddy.

Thank you

Jeff Rense & Gordon Duff – Campfire Stories Are Getting Hotter

Richard Presser's Blog

Jeff Rense & Gordon Duff – Campfire Stories Are Getting Hotter

I have long respected the insights and understandings gathered and shared by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at Veterans Today, amongst many other hats, about how the world works and who pays the rent. I haven’t always agreed with his assessment of things, but he’s way better informed and connected than I could ever be or want to be.
But for me, this interview with Jeff Rense reveals a depth of understanding and a grip on how the game works and how it’s worked for hundreds of years that’s very rare. Very rare. And some of it validates some of the more extreme claims made by David Icke for over 25 years.
I consider it the best 50 minute summary of the state of our world that you’re likely to find.
I commend it to you.
Check out the extraordinary new, life-changing technology at

Watch Free "Real Genius 1985

It's a war zone and Americans were murdered

Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎November‎ ‎17‎, ‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎10‎:‎12‎ ‎AM‎ ‎EST
Subject: Directed energy weapon attack that killed 1000,s in the paradise Calif fires demands a Grand jury investigation see link

FFT mike wrote 

attached is the photographic video evidence a crime scene  the vehicles torched as people were trying to flee a supposed firestorm  does not match a forest fire  specifically when the trees near the torched vehicles remained intact and un-burned 
Since I am able to speak as a  former expert in R&D on Directed energy weapons development this in my expert opinion has all the premia   facia  evidence of a directed energy assault on this community is present .   An investigation by experts under the guidance of a grand jury is warranted here before it happens again .    see the video  , please copy the video in-case its pulled or shadow banned . Very wealthy  Transnational military weapons developer terrorist most likely cause this attack , most likely they used this same weapon on 911 against the twin towers . 
This shot across the bow of advanced  Global warfare  has been unleashed again we better not ignore it's ramifications .   This may be the opening round of an act of war . It needs to be investigated quickly to make a determination of responsible parties and threat assessment . 

I can tell you from first hand knowledge that Directed energy weapons are very real and when I worked in the aerospace industry thirty years ago that they were well  on the way back then to bringing this advanced technology into fruition .   The purpose of erw's was to be able to direct the energy of the erw releasing it neutron blast into a precise directed and very focused narrow beam to eliminate targets by the high energy emission while leaving most of the surrounding  un burnt. Most of the actual testing occurred at the Nevada test site and other large area test sites  and in near earth orbit directed at bringing down cold war orbiting weapons satellite platforms circling the earth at least that's what they told us who were the R& D techs assembling the prototypes  to be used  for supposedly peaceful purposes only .  This show what they told us is bull shit and that technology now fully advanced since then is deployed  and being used against civilian populations  it is sick and evil  and the culprits need to be exposed and brought to justice . If this was indeed a directed energy weapon attack which I believe it is and not the first then someone is showing a real live fire weapons demonstration for the purpose of power extortion .  

American Intelligence Media


From:  Arnie Rosner

SuperDeltaBravo1 - Published on Sep 19, 2012

This is a re-upload of the original posted by youtube user tatoott1009 whereby he posted it using the Creative Commons License (for re-upload).

I have already posted this per said guidelines yet feel the message is of such importance that it merits being loaded again. See my first upload of this video for complete details. I am in compliance with you tube regulations given the details, conditions and provisions seen by all in the first upload. While the text below is mine, given I have already loaded this in compliance with YouTube guidelines with tatoott1009's permission, I feel this of such significance to merit re-uploading again.

See tatoott1009's credits at the bottom of my text which is as follows: This video provides THE VERY POINT IN TIME whereby the 41st Congress literally SOLD OUT our then fledgling Republic's Sovereignty along with a trusting and unsuspecting American populace by "The Act of 1871". We were all taught that The Civil War was waged to abolish slavery BUT FACT IS that as our Republic lay in ruin, BANKRUPT, having pit American against American, a new type of slavery was created using the silent weapon known as DEBT - as in "NATIONAL DEBT".

With this "Act of 1871" the 41st Congress modified our Original "Constitution FOR a United States" to it's current form, "CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" - IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Per this seemingly insignificant change in Type we became a de facto corporation seeking monies from "foreign interests" - today known by several Names.

BY THIS ACT we became a Nation OWNED and as such the 41st Congress committed the crime of TREASON which COULD HAVE BEEN rectified by subsequent Administrations but never was which IS THE REASON WHY we now have tremendous National Debt comprised of FIAT MONEY or worthless Notes printed by true "foreign interests" - wealthy foreign bankers who made their fortunes using this new silent weapon.

The American people NEED to be made AWARE of "The Act of 1871" if we EVER Hope to regain our sovereign Republic and personal Freedom!


The Nation is OWNED, lock stock & Barrel as are we upon issuance of Birth Certificates which bear our Names in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. This would be your STRAWMAN; your "legal fiction", NOT the flesh & blood person! We are NOT a FREE Republic and have not been for a very long time.

A citizen is NOT the same as a Sovereign. Just watch, save and share this video, complete with the very Act of 1871 itself with EVERYONE YOU KNOW for herein IS TRUTH. This Act MUST BE REPEALED! Make it YOUR business to educate everyone you know regarding this "Act of 1871" or America is forever lost.


You want Truth!? You now have it. Do something with it! Original upload the creation of you tube user tatoott1009. Many thanks for all his hard work & allowing re-uploads per Creative Commons license. Thank you for watching & thank the Original creator of this video for caring enough to make this video available for re-upload.

Canada Becoming a Potential Base for Terrorists to Attack the US

shared by: Eva


From:  Jackie Juntti; WGEN; via Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr

Re: SP: Jihad entering U.S. thru Canada a problem, say experts

How many WARNINGS do we need before we start paying attention to the DANGER on our Northern border?   We are all focused on the INVASION at our Southern Border but that means our eyes are not paying attention to the forming army to our North.

Jackie Juntti

Jihad entering U.S. thru Canada a problem, say experts

Sunday, November 18, 2018 | Michael F. Haverluck (

Terror experts are sounding the alarm that Islamic terrorism invading the United States from Canada is now a clear and present danger, thanks to lax security – or no security at all – along most of the northern border.
“Canada is today the happy home of thousands of radical Islamists, ex-ISIS fighters and the Muslim Brotherhood,” CBN News reported. “Their numbers continue to grow, with Islamists infiltrating the Canadian government on several levels, [but] security experts [in Canada] warn that by welcoming radical Islamists, Canada now presents a danger to the United States.”

Terror alert …
One Canadian terror expert from Canada’s Security Intelligence Service, David Harris, indicated that Canada essentially acts as a launching pad for Islamic terrorists to begin jihadist operations in the U.S.

“Many years ago, I suggested that many of the Islamist extremists might regard Canada as an aircraft carrier from which to maintain operations against the United States,” Harris recounted, according to CBN News. “[A major attack by Canadian extremists on the U.S. is] only a matter of time.”

Author of SUBMISSION: The Danger of Political Islam to Canada – With a Warning to America, Thomas Quiggin, issued a similar warning.

“[The northern one-third of North America] is becoming a foundational sort of place for Islamists,” Quiggin insisted. “[Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau] actually said in our parliament that if you are opposed to ISIS fighters returning to Canada, it is because you’re Islamophobic.”

He was quick to criticize Canada’s leftist leader’s pro-Muslim rationale that essentially empowers jihadists to carry on their business unquestioned – in the name of so-called tolerance and multiculturalism.

“In other words, it’s not them that’s the issue,” Quiggin added. “It’s your opposing their return that makes you Islamophobic. It makes you racist.”

Trudeau’s politically correct inclusion verbiage and anti-discrimination rhetoric has rallied leftists to ignore the threat of jihad – essentially promoting unsecure borders.

“[As Canadians, we have the shared] beliefs of fairness, equality, opportunity and acceptance” Trudeau proclaimed, according to CBN News.

Quiggin wondered how Trudeau could use these terms to describe fundamentalist Muslims when they embrace jihad as a key tenet of Islam.

“Do you know who you’re talking to?” Quiggin rhetorically asked Trudeau. “[How could you claim shared beliefs with those who are] anti-democratic, anti-women’s rights, pro-slavery, pro-stoning of women?”

He said that Canada’s national security and defense has dissipated, stressing that Canada can no longer wage an effective war on terror, noting that he would not be surprised if Canadian-based Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. in the near future.

"In the past, I think Canada had a defense,” Quiggin shared, according to CBN News, "We could say, 'Look, we tried to get this stuff stopped, but we failed. You know it's bad. It happens to everybody.' But if it happens this time, we don't have that defense."

Toronto Sun columnist Antony Furey was critical of the left’s politically correct inclusion rhetoric that allows terrorists to go undetected.

“[I don’t see why we think] we need to welcome everyone because everyone’s wonderful,” Furey complained, according to CBN News. “This notion that ISIS fighters are somehow deserving of kind of a respect and a cultural accommodation just as much as anyone else is nonsense.”

No such thing as Islamic terrorism?
Similar to former President Barack Obama’s refusal to use the term “Islamic terrorism” – because his foreign policy separated the two as having nothing to do with each other – Canadian journalists have also reportedly banded behind Islamists by avoiding rhetoric that associates Islam with jihad, which the religion’s holy book, the Quran, calls Muslims to wage against “infidels” – those who do not submit to their god, Allah.

“Much of Canada’s mainstream media seems to stand with the Islamists,” CBN News’ Dale Hurd noted. “The Toronto Star announced it was no longer using the name ‘the Islamic State’ because something so barbaric could not be ‘Islamic.'”

Canada … a safe haven for terrorists?
Canada’s shared border with the U.S. – spanning across the continent from the Pacific to the Atlantic – poses major security risks for Americans because the Canadian government refuses to take the threat of Islamic terrorism very seriously.

“The U.S. and Canada share the longest undefended border in the world,” Hurd pointed out. “There hasn't been a reason to defend it because there hasn't been a serious threat from either country in a couple hundred years. There is now.”

With more and more advocates of jihad living across America’s northern neighbor, impending attacks on U.S. soil are more than likely.

Blatant evidence of Canada’s refusal to acknowledge the terrorist threat can be seen today on its shared border with the U.S.

“There’s even a garden – the International Peace Garden – on the border to mark the fact that there hasn’t been a need for security there,” WND reported. “Summertime concerts are held there, with French horns and trombones played by high school kids in Canada, while the flutes and clarinets are in the U.S. The band director has one foot in each nation.”

Guard Canada’s border … not just Mexico’s
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Pilot Gerhardt Perry – who routinely patrols America’s Canadian border with New York, Vermont and New Hampshire in his infrared camera-equipped Cessna 206 – monitors the area to help agents on the ground track illegals from entering the U.S., and he believes more focus should be put on the northern border, which has often been ignored with the focus continually being on the southern border.

"When you ask the average American citizen about the border, 'What do you know about the border?' they immediately go to the southern border,” Perry asserted, according to VPR News. “They don't even think about the border with Canada."

Because of the problem of illegal aliens pouring into the U.S. via the southern border, less attention has been directed to the north.

“Competing versions of what constitutes a safe southern border with Mexico are at the center of a debate echoing from Mexico City to Washington, D.C. – and especially in the four border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas,” VPR News reported. “And citing national security, President Donald Trump recently signed an order to deploy the National Guard on the southern border, adding to an already substantial presence of personnel and technology there; however, some argue that when it comes to the potential for terrorism, the security focus should be applied equally to the Canada-U.S. border.”

Even though the terror threat from Canada is known – and despite the fact that the U.S.’s border with its northern neighbor is much longer than its shared border with Mexico to the south – eight times more border security is deployed to patrol from California to Texas in the south than what is seen between Washington state and Maine to the north.

“There are about 16,000 border patrol agents on the Mexican border,” VPR News’ Lorne Matalon informed. “There are about 2,000 agents on the Canadian border, which is twice as long as Mexico's.”

Having previously flown missions in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, as well as other patrols over Montana’s norther border with the Canadian province of Alberta, Perry has a good idea of the terrorist threats existing to both the north and the south, but he maintains that media coverage only pans down to the southern border.

“Perry knows both borders well and says he believes preventing terrorism also means looking north to Canada,” Matalon added. “While U.S. law enforcement is already doing that, Perry wishes more of the general public knew.”

The border security expert indicated that a couple of Canada’s largest cities not far from the U.S. border are home to a good share of Islamic terrorists, which America should be very concerned about – especially with Canada’s lax national security policy regarding terrorism.

"You have large population centers within a hundred miles of the border,” Perry pointed out. “You have Toronto, you have Montreal. If you want to address terrorism, the northern border is the place to look."
Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot >

Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed


2018 02 27 Directed Energy Weapons- Sonoma County Board Supervisors Meeting Infrastructure Recovery Workshop

Sunday, November 18, 2018

*SHOCKING* You Will Not Believe This

'Robin Hood' 2010
Rise and Rise Again
Until Lambs become Lions

Douglas M. Ducote Sr.

Assange Indictment- What is Trumps Role?

Tracy Beanz

They All Know, Part Of The Plan, One Step Closer To The Central Bank Removal - Episode 1718a



Here's a Thought!...

Men Thinking Man Thinking Man Male Man Thi  Alone, Sad, Depression, Loneliness

Here's a Thought!

I Think
I AM...First expressed in French by René Descartes, a 17th century French philosopher, as je pense donc je suis.

Let's expand on that thought!

I Think
I AM....accountable for my own choices!

I Think
I AM....responsible for my own actions!

I Think
I AM....Liable for all harm I cause!

Now lets apply this thought to ALL the actions of the Liberals, Migrants, ANTIFA drug cartels, human traffickers, etc. and to ALL those who are terrorizing and destroying our lives today! Nikki G.


Black Conservative Patriot

James Gilliland ECETI 11/17/18


Why Are the Good People of Tijuana Smarter Than Their American Counterparts

The Common Sense Show

The Stupidity of France's Macron, 2446

The Still Report

Zooming In 02 - California Burning featuring Breaking Spectre

We The People Insider 1776

Trump Lays Groundwork To Ban Mandatory Vaccinations Across U.S.

explain life

President Trump has created a new division within the Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights, with the express purpose of banning mandatory vaccinations across the country, and ensuring citizens have a right to choose their own healthcare.
With the establishment of the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division division on Thursday, Trump has laid the groundwork to dismantle each and every vaccine mandate across the country. Big Pharma’s choke-hold on the nation’s health has been released.
If you don’t think this new division at the Health and Human Services Office is a big deal, it’s time to think again.
The Conscience and Religious Freedom Division gives many different groups a big tent under which to fight for our constitutional rights. Christians and libertarians, as well as freethinkers and people of other religious faiths, have a common interest in fighting against Big Pharma’s corrupt health establishment.
Mainstream media are desperate to keep this news quiet. They don’t want you to know that the president is working to ensure American citizens have a right to choose their own healthcare.
Pharmaceutical companies provide mainstream media outlets with a huge percentage of their advertising revenue. Big pharmaceutical companies actually spend far more on advertising than research. We are talking hundreds of billions of dollars.
Here’s why this is such a BIG DEAL
Per BolenReport: The House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy (R – California) is one of the key figures who got this project over the line. Do you think he is unaware of the draconian mandatory vaccine law in California which took away religious and philosophical (conscience) exemptions?
This new division at HHS is a home run for all those who believe in liberty and health freedom.
In a press release put out on Thursday by the HHS Office for Civil Rights, Director Roger Severino said,
Law protecting religious freedom and conscience rights are just empty words on paper if they aren’t enforced.  No one should be forced to choose between helping sick people and living by one’s deepest moral or religious convictions, and the new division will help guarantee that victims of unlawful discrimination find justice.  For too long, governments big and small have treated conscience claims with hostility instead of protection, but change is coming and it begins here and now.
In an article for TownHall, House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy was very explicit.
In the past this office sent the message, now is not the time for freedom, it is time for you to conform.  What a difference one year makes.
Dr. Everett Piper of Oklahoma Wesleyan University echoed these comments and brought a laugh to the group by noting what a difference it was to be thanking Health and Human Services rather than suing them...Continue article here

Bulgaria Nixes UN Open Borders Pact, 2444

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

The Still Report

More news coming out on U.S. troop's at air port in Haiti security alert

Stroppy Me

Jim Stone Current Reports

It appears my original prediction of 600+ dead in Paradise is probably accurate. There are still far too many people missing for it to be a low number.


Newt Gingrich calls out Hillary's scams (by proxy of Imran Awan)

To: U.S. House of Representatives Inspector General Mike Ptasienski As a former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and a concerned private citizen, I am alarmed by the appearance of a cover-up of serious crimes committed by a former House employee and his associates, as well as, potentially, members of the House of Representatives themselves.
I waited until after the election to send this letter so it clearly would not be seen as a political act.
To help reassure the American people that our nation's leaders stand for honesty, accountability, and transparency, this letter is a formal request to ask for the release of the two PowerPoint presentations given on September 20, 2016 and September 30, 2016 by your office to House leadership.
The presentations provide critical information pertaining to the possible invoice manipulation, equipment theft, illicit cyber activities, irregular cyber-related login and usage patterns, and outside storage of House data by Imran Awan and his associates.
The plea agreement for Mr. Awan, court appearances, and reported conversations with witnesses connected to the FBI's investigation of Awan and his associates' activities suggests that the FBI (while working with the United States Capitol Police) and the Department of Justice have avoided conducting a thorough and meticulous investigation.
For example, in the July 2018 plea agreement, the DOJ stated that approximately 40 witnesses were interviewed throughout the duration of the investigation. Upon further examination, this number seems substantially inadequate for an investigation potentially involving so many individuals. While employed by the House for 13 years as shared IT employees, the Awan associates worked for more than 60 members, and in 2015, 2016, and 2017, the Awan associates were on the payrolls of approximately 40 members each year. When taking into account the members, the staff of each member, fellow House IT colleagues and peers, and additional business associates, the 40 interviews that were conducted appear to be remarkably insufficient to support the argument that an investigation of this magnitude was conducted thoroughly.
In connection with the investigation, it has also been reported that key witnesses were only contacted days or hours before the plea agreement was signed. In another case, a witness was asked to be interviewed by the FBI but was prohibited from bringing any documents. Conducting investigative interviews in this manner suggests that the FBI investigators merely wanted to be able to say that they contacted witnesses and raises significant questions as to whether these interviews were actually conducted in good faith.
Aside from the alleged criminals themselves, this apparent collective effort of willful negligence sought to protect the involved members of Congress and their staffs - at the expense of the American people who they were entrusted to protect in the first place.
The sheer scale and size of the alleged criminal activity, the potential damage it could have caused, and the continual threats it potentially poses for the United States, raises significant questions that every American deserves to have answered.
In just one of the dozens of offices where one of the Awan associates were employed, almost $120, 000 worth of equipment was written off of the House inventory, after he was unable to produce the equipment. An unofficial transcript of your office's PowerPoint presentation from September 20, 2016 asserts that the "shared employee stated that the items were never received, shouldn't have been inventoried, or the staff lost the equipment." The flaw in this claim is emphasized by the transcribed statement that follows: "However, equipment could not be on inventory or have [an] asset tag unless it had arrive[d] in office and EIN had been signed."
The member of the office in question is a member of the Committee on Ethics.
Additionally, more than $111, 000 was paid by the House Democratic Caucus to one of the Awan associates throughout the duration of her employment. Members on the Committee of Foreign Affairs issued payments to associates totaling more than $950, 000. The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence paid the associates over $530, 000, while the Committee on the Judiciary paid more than $446, 000. The Committee on Ethics paid more than $221, 000, and the Committee on Homeland Security paid upwards of $175, 000.
Close ties between Pakistan and the Awan associates were also identified, including large amounts of property that were owned but not properly disclosed in House documents. A $165, 000 home equity line of credit loan received in January 2017 was wired in its entirety - almost immediately - to two individuals in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Imran Awan pleaded guilty this summer to obtaining this exact loan illegally.
These allegations and the accompanying investigation have been kept under such secrecy that the American people have been denied their fundamental right to know what happened, who is responsible, and what actions have been taken to ensure the fair and transparent administration of justice.
The American people expect better than this. The United States Congress should be better than this.
Releasing the requested documents is essential to show that the U.S. government will require every member of Congress to answer to his or her constituents and fellow citizens for his or her actions.
If you choose to deny this request, I will appeal to the House membership to pass a resolution that will make public the two documents, and all additional documents that are related to the claims made against and his associates, investigators and law enforcement, and the House members and staffers who may be involved.
Americans deserve truthful, complete answers to the questions that have been raised surrounding these extensive allegations.
Newt Gingrich
My comment: Saving his *ss from the upcoming hellstorm? Who knows. Good anyway.

How cold is Mexico right now? I have a nice scientific metric for that . . . . .

Last night I put a frozen #10 can OUTSIDE on a totally open table for it to thaw (at around 8 PM). Today, at 1 PM it is still TOTALLY frozen. Surprisingly, it did not thaw. 15 hours outside in Mexico, a frozen #10 can is still totally frozen, all the way to the outside edges. It was above freezing, but obviously not by much, the same results would have been accomplished in the refrigerator. So the U.N. can SHOVE it's carbon tax. It is very cold for a place where none of the houses have heat. Inside temps are in the 50's at most and winter has not even started yet.

Update to the update to the update below: Oops, only one headline needed. Oh well, I am not going to log in to fix that.

Nancy Pelosi has hit a snag . . . . . .

Update to the update below: Fudge is superbly intellectually dishonest. She'd be BAD.

Nancy Pelosi has hit a snag . . . . . .

Update to below: Fudge would probably be at least as bad as Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi has hit a snag . . . . . .

"Never Nancy" movement is building in the Democrat party

The revolt inside the Democratic Party against Nancy Pelosi's return to the House speakership is gaining momentum with a growing number of Democrats signing a letter pledging not to support the California Democrat for speaker. Fox News has confirmed at least 17 House Democrats, including incumbents and incoming members, have signed on to a documet saying they will not support Pelosi on the House floor for speaker. A Democrat familiar with the effort says they are trying to add more names before the letter is publicly released.
If all those Democrats vote against Pelosi on the floor, Pelosi would not have the votes for speaker. To get the gavel, Pelosi will first need to pick up a majority of the Democratic Caucus in internal leadership elections, then go on to win an absolute majority of the House.
Still, even as these Democrats try to convince Pelosi she doesn't have enough support to win, no Democrat has stepped forward yet to challenge her.
But on Wednesday, Rep. Marcia Fudge, a Democrat from Ohio, said she is contemplating running for speaker.
"People are asking me to do it, and I am thinking about it, " Fudge told a local news outlet. "I need to give it some thought and see if I have an interest. I am at the very beginning of this process. It is just in discussion at this point."
Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton tweeted his support for Fudge.
â€Å“Congress needs a new leader. Period, ” Moulton said. â€Å“I’m hoping Marcia Fudge, my first (and arguably best) mentor in Congress, will run for the next Speaker of the House. I have full faith in her ability to lead our new Congress to its fullest potential.”
My comment: It is clearly understandable why Dems would want to ditch Pelosi, the problem is Fudge might be more competent which would be bad if she actively sought to destroy Trump. Pelosi is about as "with it" as a cracked damascus twist gun barrel, if Fudge is a brand new howitzer it would be a lot worse. I'll have to check up on that . . . . .


The Republican party has found proof the election in Arizona was stolen and is now auditing the election, which is something they would have been jailed for during the last election. "According to Arizona's GOP, the investigation will examine and report the Recorder's decision to open an emergency voting center before Election Day, voting procedures and challenges, ballot counting, results reporting process, and allegations of fraud in the election.
In the press release, the GOP stated that they hope the audit will produce a fair, factually-based report that will help them understand what happened in the elections and address the voter concerns.
AZ GOP's Chairman Jonathan Lines has asked Phoenix attorney Stephen Richer to conduct the audit with State PLLC serving as advisory legal counsel.
GOP officials said the auditor will soon create a website where Arizona residents can submit information about the recent election that could be useful to the independent audit. The GOP will provide updates of the review's progress and hopes to use the auditor's final report to improve the process in future Arizona elections.
My comment: Just yesterday Hillary was begging to have the consent decree reinstated, claiming it's cancellation caused too many black voters to not vote! In actuality, too many voters were left open to prosecution for voting early and voting often. This is not over yet. It's looking good for Arizona if the GOP is going to do this.


Heads up on a potential NWO trap

There's little question the New World Order has real scientists that know there will be a mini ice age in the near future, rather than global warming. They know that the demand for fuels (which now have a carbon tax applied to them) will reach astronomical heights once this happens. The snowfall in New York is a key indicator, and even here in (central) Mex it has been so cold you can see your breath already this year. It is unprecedented cold. Consider this: If the Farmer's Almanac called this winter correctly in advance, there's no chance whatsoever that the globalists do not have scientists that also know what is really going on. Even NASA has come right out and said it. The sun is simply not cooperating with the global warming scam, there's no way fractional percentages of CO2 will change anything when whole percentages of water vapor have far more impact, it is all a sham and now we get to see it, for real.
So what would the reason be for Al Gore knowingly fronting a global warming lie? The answer is easy:
The carbon tax is what will fund the New World Order, and since their scientists already know the world will be cooling, they know that people will be forced to pay exorbitant amounts into this tax just to keep from freezing to death. Already, in Ontario, some normal middle class families have to pay 5, 000+ CAD a year for the carbon tax alone, all hidden in artificially inflated fuel prices. ALL going to the New World Order. A scam of epic proportions.
Like America's election process, people need to realize the entire global warming ruse is a sham and a lie used to front a liberal globalist agenda. You can bet that even after the world has impaled itself on an ice dagger the globalists, who live for a lie, won't give up on the global warming scam and will instead rejoice as people destroy all wealth they have just to stay warm, while the inevitable future will evolve to 10 percent of what they pay to stay warm actually going to fuel, with the rest going to fund the new world order. They will probably say they made a mistake, and burning fuel to stay warm is what caused the cold. Whatever lie it takes to maintain public consent. One way or another, the carbon tax will be kept in place forever, now that they have it.

I am sick of stories about "65, 000 sealed indictments".

Until something of substance happens, don't regurgitate, re-post, compost, and re-plant that CRAP. Tired of it.

Directed energy weapons starting fires in Cali? A video someone took makes it appear plausible.

It is hard to say how this evolved, but it really does look like the fires in California were started by directed energy weapons that used the metal in cars to interact with and get them burning, which then started forest fires. This is because there are simply too many cars that are totally melted and burned to a crisp in the same place where there are trees that are not that badly hurt. It looks like the cars themselves started the fires after being torched by something and whatever happened to the trees is whatever happened. I have seen lots of fires on roads like this, with everything torched to a crisp on the sides of the roads, with ZERO burned cars. even though they had to drive through the fire zone. As long as you don't stop anywhere, it is not likely there will be a problem. It appears obvious that these cars were burned to a crisp while they were moving down the highway which is highly unlikely to happen naturally. On a road of the type in this video below, even if you do drive through a wild fire, there's little chance your car, which is substantially away from anything that is burning, will simply torch off before it can even roll away from it. There are no trees downed across the road (which would be doom, if you stop you'll obviously take a chance of getting burned) However, the road is instead perfectly clean, with relatively good condition trees on both sides in several areas where cars are torched to a crisp. NOT PLAUSIBLE.
Here is the video. Warning, it is on Facebook but you can get it to play without an account. Facebook has lost 65 percent of it's users to date for good reason. I explained what happened above quite well for those who don't want to hit Facebook.

I agree with the DEW crowd: The aftermath of the fires is not plausible. If it was a real scenario, trees would have burned through and fallen across the road. They did not. The road is very clean for "after an enormous fire", the burned out cars make it look like it was an alien attack on the cars that sparked a forest fire, not a forest fire burning cars.

You can thank the deep state/dems/communists/soros for the fires in California for sure, the way they just sprang up right as massive election fraud was being exposed during an election that will spell life or death for America is suspicious to say the least, ESPECIALLY since the main target was Paradise, which (was) one of California's strongest conservative areas. They wanted it killed without question. Very suspicious it happened, and it is SO BAD that I doubt the city will rebound, every last thing is destroyed and now it looks like a substantial portion of the population is dead also. Too many people who would bring the city back are dead. My take on this is that even if it was not DEW's doing this (doubtful, it really looks like it was) but if it was not, it was done on purpose anyway by operatives on the ground. The election is the key to all of this, the suspicious timing is undeniable.

Paradise California: Over 600 likely dead

I thought the death toll was awful low. The fire ripped through that town so fast people could not even get to their cars and start driving. Over 600 people are now confirmed missing and odds are they are dead. The entire town was burned. I would not be surprised at all if the death toll went over 1, 000. Paradise is probably not going to be rebuilt.

How they are going to finalize the steal in Florida

They are going to go over ballots the machine did not count correctly and if someone did not fill out all fields on a ballot they are going to "decide" who that person wanted to vote for and fill the incomplete portions of the ballots out for them. You can't make this stuff up, HEADLINE: DEM TAKES SENATE and as a consolation, the governorship goes to the Republican. That's probably what they will do.


You have GOT TO see this 45 second video that shows startup and shutdown of one of these machines. This is TOTALLY ILLEGAL!!! SEE THIS._______________________

Here is the link to what is below, this was reported by news radio KLBJ


I KID YOU NOT. Some libtard, in an effort to get a gun ban is shooting at jets taking off from Libtard Austin Texas airport. So if the school shootings are not doing the job, they'll bump it up a notch and shoot at jets. The entire airport is now shut down over this. HOW CUTE.
Interesting it is that this happened right when Dems drafted up legislation to ban guns, in anticipation of their ill-gotten takeover of the House.

Death toll rises to 76 in California fire with winds ahead

CHICO, Calif. (AP) — Northern California crews battling the country's deadliest wildfire in a century were bracing for strong winds, with gusts up to 50 miles per hour, creating the potential to erode gains they have made in containing a disaster that has killed at least 76 and leveled a town.
Donald Trump

Even as hundreds of searchers sift through the rubble in the town of Paradise looking for the dead, nearly 1,300 people remain unaccounted for more than a week after the fire sparked in Butte County, Sheriff Kory Honea announced Saturday night. Authorities stressed that the long roster does not mean they believe all those people are missing.
Honea pleaded with fire evacuees Saturday to review the list of those reported as unreachable by family and friends and call if they are safe. Deputies have located hundreds of people to date, but the overall number keeps growing because they are adding more names, including those from the disaster's chaotic early hours, Honea said.
"It's really very important for you to take a look at the list and call us if you're on the list," he said. The remains of five more people were found Saturday, including four in the decimated town of Paradise and one in nearby Concow, bringing the number of dead to 76...Continue article here

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