Sunday, November 18, 2018

Here's a Thought!...

Men Thinking Man Thinking Man Male Man Thi  Alone, Sad, Depression, Loneliness

Here's a Thought!

I Think
I AM...First expressed in French by RenĂ© Descartes, a 17th century French philosopher, as je pense donc je suis.

Let's expand on that thought!

I Think
I AM....accountable for my own choices!

I Think
I AM....responsible for my own actions!

I Think
I AM....Liable for all harm I cause!

Now lets apply this thought to ALL the actions of the Liberals, Migrants, ANTIFA drug cartels, human traffickers, etc. and to ALL those who are terrorizing and destroying our lives today! Nikki G.

1 comment:

random thoughts dude in a library said...

That I AM part is your soul...