Monday, November 19, 2018

Freewill here.. Update on my situation - Cabal trying to take me out

The cabal is after me. I am being forced to leave for Alaska to protect my life. I have sold my home and land in Michigan. I have a place to go in the mountains that has no power and no internet. It is a cabin on a mountain with a stream and fishing. I have a job waiting for me that pays really good. Waiting for closing before I can get my money and running out of time to get out of here. While in Alaska I will be continuing the states assemblies and work with Anna. I will have access to internet while at work and with friends at their homes. I have a feeling I will not be living too much longer if I remain here in Michigan. The cabal has done much to make life difficult for me here by creating bogus false charges and dragging me into their jails. The cabal has deemed me a serious threat against them because of my participation in educating the people and resettling the original jurisdiction assemblies. They don't care what my political status is. They don't pay any attention to my rebuttals. They ignore the laws even when I present them. They toss out any filings done on my behalf as non-nonsensical. While in Alaska I can see them coming from a long ways out. Being surrounded by bears, moose, and other predators may help in my self defense against any direct assaults against me in the mountains will be a blessing. I have a dog that alerts me to any visitors.

I do need some help between now and when I get the money from the sale of my home. My new employer has flipped the bill $3,000 for the moving truck which is good as it is out of my name. But I need funds to pay for fuel for the truck for 3,700 miles. I will be working on Ice Road Trucks and building specialized trailers for the Dalton with independent suspension as the steel gets so cold that standard solid axle trailers break. If I wait any longer for the title company I may not survive. They can take up to a month to complete the sale. I gotta get out of here now. Weird things have been happening around my area. Friends tell me that they have been questioned about me by corporate policy enforcers. Asking if I consider myself a sovereign citizen or if I make any threats involving 2nd Amendment activities. Those friends of mine know too well that I am not anything like they ask. I can read the writing on the wall and know now is the time to split.

If anyone has it in their heart to help me out I sure can use some help with costs of getting to safety. Anything will help. Paypal or use the donate button on the left side of this blog. I hate asking for money but I am in a bind and worried about my life and my daughter loosing her daddy.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

authorty is ecclesiastical. You are in ancient lands pursuing civil process. The effective process is naturalization/ repent. US is the lessor seal under Motu Proprio. You need aboriginal priest to counter Rome. Charter and bonds brought colonist here. You must have superior bond. Jural assemblies alone is not remedy in another nation's land. Therefore repent and seek Aboriginal solution with the Aboriginal and not amongst your selves.

penny4yerthoughts said...

what proof do you have and what process have you used to evidence you have changed your political process formally and lawfully?

Freewill said...

Of all the procedures that I have done, back in 2011 I did the Clyde Edward Powell procedure Which is lawful and and severed all contracts. The corporations Honored it until 2015 when I started working on the other states assemblies. The way the Demonstration Project court system is here in Michigan, it doesn't matter if the Pope himself separated me and set my political status as these corporate thugs don't care what my status is, they are doing all they can against me because of what I have been involved with over the last few years. If they decide to assassinate me, you think they are going to verify who I am before hand? They are treating me similar to how Thomas Jefferson was treated. They look at me as the enemy and I cannot make myself invisible to them. If I didn't work on settling the states assemblies, they wouldn't be bothering me now. Why do you need the proof anyway? You think Anna's procedure would make me invisible? No it will not. It is not about political status. It is about their survival and I am the enemy destroying their world.

Ri-chard said...

Keep a score card on Anna for how many around her have gone to jail. She always says they didn't follow what she told them. However, she always remains safe.

Anonymous said...

Every man must honor his mother and father. You honor civil process which is mindset of colonial colonists. You must seek Aboriginal\ Allodial. All colonist are debtor. Aboriginal is guarantor with ecclesiastical authority in north america. Pope revoked bond putting all civil process under direct indictment. Aboriginal martial has authority to seize civil process actors. Only road for colonial colonist is repent and naturalize into effective nation \ country or deport back to own land and lineage. Its not a political event it is natural law not commercial. What assets do you have as colonist?? All natural resources belong to firts nation \aboriginal. Fiat currency is fraud. Land is under trust. Jural assembly etc are further coropus contracts.

Anonymous said...

How are you going to get there? You cannot pass the border with Canada unless you have a Passport and just having one has to make you some kind of vassal, don't it? You can't go to Washington and take the ferry, again, to board an ocean going vessel you need a secure ID issued by the government and your Michigan Assemblies/Bob's Grocery Discount Points VIP card ain't good enough. You've gone to jail enough for not having a drivers's license, are you going to break down and get one to flee off to a place where you might end up dead by the springtime from exposure? Darwinian Selection, it works sometimes.

Freewill said...

American State National Passport. It has 5 stars on it where a U.S. Citizen Passport has 3 stars. Look it up.