Monday, January 30, 2012

Message from Jennetta of the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - January 30, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Jennetta of the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - January 30, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 30-Jan-2012 20:30:11

Message from Jennetta of the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - January 30, 2012
Open your hearts. What is it that certain of you want to do at this time? What is it that your heart desires? What is calling you? Whatever it is that calls your name in the winds shall you heed, for it is this calling that is your reason for being here on this planet at this time. For many of you there are a multitude of different worlds you could be living in right now, but you chose to be here at this very time. Why? What is it that is so important for you to be here at this point in time? The only way for you to find out is to go out and seek these answers. Along this journey you may discover many other things as well, and you will have the opportunity to bring all these wonderful discoveries home with you when your mission here is complete.
We see so many of you searching for these answers, and we are so pleased to see that you are now motivated by what truly matters in your lives. Releasing the distractions of your 3D world is the key to finding the paths you have laid out for yourselves before you entered into the human vessel, and it is this path that will lead you back home.
Take the time along your travels to assist your brothers and sisters on their journey as well, as this is not a race, but a team effort, and there are no prizes for you for finishing first. You may find that the greatest prize comes in the satisfaction in knowing that you helped another soul on their journey. Such is your never ending journey through your many stages of development throughout this universe. You will find that all the things that you work so hard for here on Earth come easy to you once you release yourself from this land of illusion, but what requires effort is assisting others that could benefit from your help. Such has been the careful design of your universe, with the intention of bringing us all together in love and service to each other while we enjoy the splendors of this magnificent creation.
Take the time to look after yourselves at this time as well, as it is important to take care of your body as well as your mind as you approach the many changes in store for you. Ascension, as magnificent as it is, is only one of the life-changing events that your race has to look forward to, and this year of 2012 shall see the unveiling of many of these. We await your house to be put in suitable order, clearing the way for the commencement of some of these events, and there are many men and women working tirelessly behind the scenes to see to it these paths are cleared. Be patient my dears, as you cannot yet see the tremendous efforts of so many of your brethren to bring about these changes at this time.
We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are doing our part as well, and soon our efforts will combine on a greater personal level. This is the plan, and we have every intention of seeing this plan reach fruition. Nothing will stop us, and together we shall see the fruits of our hard labor. There is so much in store for you dear ones, and you shall soon see for yourselves the early stages of these changes as news of these events begin to be shared with you through your so far reluctant media.
Are you going to share the words of truth and justice? Are you going to set out to discriminate truth from disinformation, light from dark? You have all the tools necessary at your disposal and you all know what is required to discriminate between opposing forces. It is time you all began to utilize your powers of discernment, and filter through the large amounts of disinformation and misdirection that has been placed before you. It is time you cleared your path yourself, to advance on your journey without undue interference.
Whatever it is you need to complete these tasks you may ask for, and if it is within our power we will deliver to you what you require. Never feel that you are alone in this endeavor, as we are here to assist you in any way we can. Give us this opportunity to assist you in this way. Allow us to use our experience in these matters to their fullest potential. We have taken part in many similar projects all across this universe, and wish nothing more than to assist humanity break free from their tyrants and ascend into the higher realms where you belong.
Ascension is never an easy task, and that is why you have so much help available to you today. Virtually all civilizations could benefit from outside influence from one time to another, and your planet is no different. You have not received any more or less help than most of the other worlds we have assisted, and although some of the difficulties you must overcome are unique to the obstacles other worlds have faced, on the whole your situation and challenges are quite similar to the majority of the worlds at your current level of development. We not only assist 3rd dimensional worlds, but we also assist civilizations that exist within the higher dimensional vibrations. Our work with you is not nearly complete after you achieve ascension, but in many ways it is just beginning. We assist worlds beyond your next level as well, and each successive dimension offers its unique challenges to us.
One of the things that make your ascension so unique is that not only will many of your population ascend, but your host planet as well, simultaneously. This has never been done before in this universe, and this is why the eyes of this entire universe are upon you. This is why everything you choose to do at this point forward is so crucial to not only your future, but the future of your planet and your universe as well, for the successful outcome of this immensely complex project means that similar projects based on the mold created here will be undertaken in the future. What this means to other worlds that still exist within the limitation and struggle of a lower dimensional world is incalculable. The gift of your experience here is a gift that will be shared throughout this universe, and will be offered to so many worlds that could benefit so greatly from what can be offered them from your work here. Please take the time and make the effort to give these many other worlds the gift that they deserve, just as you are receiving many gifts today that you have earned. This is the plan, and now you see how important a role you are all playing. What happens here affects this entire universe.
On to matters concerning day to day operations, we are currently engaged in warfare with the dark cabal and their underlings. If many of you could see our operations, we feel you would be less motivated to voice your displeasure at the speed at which matters are progressing. On an almost unrelenting basis, our forces of light move forward towards certain victory, capturing and dismantling vast amounts of the dark’s fighting forces. There are seemingly endless supplies of men and women willing to sacrifice themselves for those who plan only to enslave the entire human race, including their own soldiers after their necessity is no longer required. This has only been made possible by the complete lack of information based on fact, rather than fantasy. This is why we say again that one of our main goals is to restore the free flow of information and idea to your world.
In information there is light, and in disinformation darkness. When we speak of restoring light to your world, this is of what we speak. Your world has been submerged in darkness for so long that there are many of those around you who cannot recognize the light as it shines upon them. The reeducation of these individuals will be a long and difficult task, but it is absolutely necessary for them if they wish to reenter a free society again. We cannot allow them unrestricted access to other worlds where they can wreck havoc and spread destruction like they have done here. The toll taken on you and taken on your mother planet has been great, and many of you will need healing and counseling when your 3D experience is completed. Your Mother Earth also requires healing on many of her different levels, and we are here to assist you and provide to you the tools necessary for this important task. You owe it to your mother, as she has provided for you throughout so many successive incarnations. It is time you repaid her for her generous gifts to all of you.
This is the task we will begin immediately upon our re-introductions to you and we feel it is safe to land our ships en masse on your soil. Many of you will be working personally with us, and many more will be working in a more indirect relationship with us in the days ahead on this, and many other vital projects as well. Until then, apply your hard earned skills to your tasks now at hand, as the successful accomplishment of them are required for us to move ahead with further projects including full disclosure and a mass first contact with your people. You are all loved, and we eagerly await our reunion with you so we can get busy on our work together.
I am Jennetta of the Galactic Federation of Light, and it has been a pleasure to speak with you today. Be well all of you. We will be with you soon.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Ascension Earth 2012

THRIVE Movie - Comment from an 'in the know' observer


Much of this is correct. As one who has been involved in private placement, major international projects- some funded and others funds stolen, gold and currency transactions, oil and gems you learn along the way who the "controllers" are and how they operate.

These controllers stole funds raised by the American people for helping earthquake victims such as in Haiti and hurricane victims such as with Katrina and continued calling themselves Americans-just because they could get by with it. They have participated in the ruining of others nation's currencies and thus their economies through market manipulation.

They have systematically done what they could to do destroy the health and well being not only in this nation, but around the world. Environmental contamination, geo-engineering, pharmaceutical, military-industrial complex (Monsanto included here-Agent Orange and Round Up, amongst others) and the corporate/financial/banking/government quad. All to bring the strings of power and heavy streams of income to the choice few. They are not just American's though. They belong to various old families of Europe and elsewhere.

I walked away a year ago from all this and now just homestead and help where needed. I went to homesteading because  also knew of their plan to kill most of the world's population. Here in the states they have had the camps ready for some time.

This will not come to pass though. They are defeated and that will soon be known to all. The arrests are beginning and those who have committed high treason will be among the first to be brought into custody. The truth of 9-11, the Federal Reserve, Lee Wanta, the death of JFK, etc and of the many machinations designed to cause harm and keep the truth from being known will become known.

Leaked documents reveal US diplomats actually work for Monsanto

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Leaked documents reveal US diplomats actually work for Monsanto
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Monday, 30-Jan-2012 14:02:24

I just read in the past couple days that Monsanto purchased Blackwater mercenaries aka Xe. I cannot think of anyone who may need their services more once people figure out what all they have been up to. M
Leaked documents reveal US diplomats actually work for Monsanto
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 by: Anthony Gucciardi
See all articles by this author
(NaturalNews) Biotech giant Monsanto has been genetically modifying the world's food supply and subsequently breeding environmental devastation for years, but leaked documents now reveal that Monsanto has also deeply infiltrated the United States government. With leaked reports revealing how U.S. diplomats are actually working for Monsanto to push their agenda along with other key government officials, Monsanto's grasp on international politics has never been clearer. Amazingly, the information reveals that the massive corporation is also intensely involved in the passing and regulations concerning the very GM ingredients they are responsible for. In fact, the information released by WikiLeaks reveals just how much power Monsanto has thanks to key positions within the United States government and elsewhere. Not only was it exposed that the U.S. is threatening nations who oppose Monsanto with military-style trade wars, but that many U.S. diplomats actually work directly for Monsanto.
What the leaked documents reveal -- Military style trade wars, government corruption
In 2007 it was requested that specific nations inside the European Union be punished for not supporting the expansion of Monsanto's GMO crops. The request for such measures to be taken was made by Craig Stapleton, the United States ambassador to France and partner to George W. Bush. Despite mounting evidence linking Monsanto's GM corn to organ damage and environmental devastation, the ambassador plainly calls for 'target retaliation' against those not supporting the GM crop. In the leaked documents, Stapleton states: "Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits. The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory. Moving to retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-biotech voices." The undying support of key players within the U.S. Towards Monsanto is undeniably made clear not only in this release, but in the legislative decisions taken by organizations such as the FDA and USDA. Legislative decisions such as allowing Monsanto's synthetic hormone Posilac (rBGH) to be injected into U.S. Cows despite being banned in 27 countries. How did Monsanto pull this off? The biotech juggernaut managed to infiltrate the FDA positions responsible for the approval of rBGH, going as far as instating the company's own Margaret Miller as Deputy Director of Human Safety and Consultative Services. After assuming this position, Miller reviewed her own report on the safety and effectiveness of rBGH.
Many US diplomats pawns of Monsanto's GM agenda
While it may be shocking to you if you are not familiar with the corrupt influence of Monsanto, the cables also show that many US diplomats are pushing GMO crops as a strategic government and commercial imperative. Interestingly enough, the U.S. Focused their efforts toward advisers to the pope specifically, due to the fact that many Catholic figureheads have openly voiced their opposition to GM foods. With this kind of political influence, is it any wonder that many food staples are now predominantly GM? Nearly 93% of U.S. Soybeans are heavily modified conservatively, with many other staple crops coming in at similar numbers. U.S. Diplomats have unique opportunities to spread honest and intellectual campagins that can serve to better mankind and end suffering, however they are instead spreading the roots of Monsanto deeper and deeper into international territory. As a substitute for the betterment of mankind, these paid-off diplomats are now spreading environment desecration and health destruction. As if there wasn't already enough information to reveal Monsanto's corruption, the biotech giant also spends enormous amount of money lobbying government each year. Monsanto spent an astonishing $2 million lobbying the federal government in the 3rd quarter of 2011 alone, according to mainstream sources. Why so much cash? The government lobbying focuses on issues like regulations for GM crops and patent reforms. This 'legal' form of persuasion is the reason government agencies like the USDA and FDA let Monsanto roam freely. Satisfying government officials' financial vested interest is all that matters when dealing with corrupt mega-corporations like Monsanto. As long as these financial ties continue to exist, Monsanto will continue to reign over the food supply and continue to wreak devastation to the environment, ecosystem, and humankind.Sources for this article include: the author: Anthony Gucciardi is a health activist and wellness researcher, whose goal is centered around educating the general public as to how they may obtain optimum health. He has authored countless articles highlighting the benefits of natural health, as well as exposing the pharmaceutical industry. Anthony is the creator of Natural Society (, a natural health website. Anthony has been accurately interpreting national and international events for years within his numerous political articles. Anthony's articles have been seen by millions around the world, and hosted on multiple top news websites.
Articles Related to This Article:
• Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit
• Monsanto nation: Exposing Monsanto's minions
• Monsanto: History of Contamination and Cover-up
• Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath
• Who and What Is the Monsanto Chemical Corporation?
• The Organic Elite Surrender to Monsanto - What Now?
Learn more:

President Obama’s State of the Union - WAS THIS THE INTRODUCTION TO NESARA?

Hi John

President  Obama’s State of the Union.

     Was it a introduction to the Nesara bill? The beginning of a new banking system? The end of the IRS?  Peace! No more wars.
     Tugboat Harry and a group of people discuss what Mr. Obama said or what they thought he said. Good call! You listen and come to your own conclusion. 218-936-4143 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            218-936-4143      end_of_the_skype_highlighting access code 396775  The call is long so to get to the part of Mr. Obama’s speech. Once your on the call press the * key on your phone you will hear skip amount set to 30 seconds. Press the * key again, you will hear skip amount set to1 minute. Press the * key again, you will hear skip amount set to 5 minutes.

      Next press the number 3 button 32 times do this slowly and set back and listen. You will hear Carol and Elizabeth talking and then it will go into the discussion of the speech. Make your own conclusion.  
                                                                                        Tugboat Harry

To hear the speech again go to 


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Monday, 30-Jan-2012 13:44:16

As the Georgia court hemhaws on the Obama eligibility issue the lack of prosecution against Obama for lying his way onto the ballot for POTUS is sending a bad message to wannabe ID thieves and other forgers. Obama is getting away with it and courts are reluctant to prosecute him for these alleged crimes. (1)
As if we haven't got enough ID theft and forgery in America we have this USURPER jackass in the White House who obtained his passport by false declaration, (2) had his birth certificate forged and used up to 39 different social security numbers. (3)
Obama is just a lying, bought-off FALSE PRESIDENT jackass Chicago gangster forger Ultimate ACORN NUT. This executor BUM(4) has given America the bum's rush, enabled by the criminal Democrat party whose members had JFK killed, and is getting away with his crimes which encourage a massive future crime wave. Every two bit ID thief who is watching how Obama succeeds through use of numerous social security numbers and a forged birth certificate must be salivating at the prospects of committing more ID thefts.
I'll tell you something else for a fact. Every citizen who witnesses Obama's lawlessness (5) is apt to feel a certain degree of rage and hatred for so-called law and order which has not held this USURPER jackass POTUS accountable. As such each citizen is likely to feel a certain despicable contempt at those in charge of this so-called American system and is a lot less likely to cooperate with government in the future. This is what engenders detachment from government, perhaps even to the point of telling the IRS to shove it.
What we are witnessing is the pantywaist courts and leaders enabling Obama to destroy the last vestiges of U.S. credibility.
Therefore, Obama is hardly any role model, and certainly not any motivator of law and order, rather quite the opposite. At this rate of inaction by the courts this Marxist disaster jackass-prez is likely to soon have the country completely in shambles, in an unrecoverable state.
1. See: Georgia Birther Hearing Proceeds Without Obama, Without Effect

War --- Who is really responsible? From Veterans for Ron Paul

Humor - Fishing and your girl friend;Knot-Wars#c=HWYKNL29PJKQ6WGM&t=Nitro boat vs whiney girlfriend

Ford F-150 Truck Humor

I stopped by the Ford Dealership yesterday, for a look at the new F-150 pickups.
Just for fun, I took it out for a test drive. I wanted to sense that new
"feel" before they become extinct. The salesman (a black guy wearing
an Obama "CHANGE" lapel pin) sat in the passenger seat describing the truck and all of its cool options.
The seats were of particular interest. He explained that the seats directed warm air to your butt in the winter and cool air to your butt in the summer heat.
Feeling a little frisky and messing with him, I mentioned that this must be a Republican truck.
Looking a bit angry, he asked why I thought it was a Republican truck.
I explained that if it were an Obama truck, the seats would blow smoke up your ass year-round.
I had to walk back to the dealership... the guy had no sense of humor.

2/2 Federal Reserve-Gate is Now Greek-Gate

EXPLOSIVE BREAKING NEWS: 2/2 Federal Reserve-Gate is Now Greek-Gate

click to enlarge*F6wlTV-wvEbEwOGFHe40uH8RMS8qzKotGYBfmg85/bank.jpg

Item: At this hour the worldwide currency war continues as the conspiratorial privately owned Federal Reserve continues to use the Japanese yen as a pimp currency.

Last week the Japanese yen took an unusual spike upward from .78 exchange rate to .76. Previously the Japanese yen had been weakening against the U.S. dollar after financial reports surfaced showing the Japanese budget deficit was 200 times their own GDP.

Reference: Clearly the rest of the world does not believe the Japanese yen is any longer a safe haven currency except, of course, if you are Bloomberg News and the Federal Reserve.

P.S. All of this hocus pocus ponzi scheme trading manipulation is actually being orchestrated in the basement of the U.S. Treasury with financial terrorist U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner calling the shots.

Nine (9) major NSA (National Security Agency) computers located in the U.S. Treasury basement are utilizing PROMIS software that allow a 30-second lead time on all electronic trading. Accordingly, turning the worldwide financial markets into a major electronic cyber ponzi scheme.

This special PROMIS software trading vehicle has been made available by the U.S. Treasury to the London LIFFE Exchange, the German Deutsche Bank and the criminal U.S. banking giants Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Citibank, and Marc Rich's Swiss-based Richfield Commodities, which operates as a clearing house for this massive electronic trading fraud.

Note: It should be noted that Marc Rich's Richfield Commodities is the brokerage firm that placed all of the insider trading orders for the TREASONOUS members of the U.S. Congress and is currently aiding and abetting financial terrorist George Soros using, once again, illegal compounded derivatives to create an asset bubble in worldwide commodity markets, including precious metals and oil futures.
Jeb Bush, daddy, (H.W. Bush) and Obama White House photo

P.P.S. At this hour we can also divulge that foreign born pResident Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro aka step and fetch it hosted a White House dinner for none other than former President George Herbert Walker Bush and his election stealing, drug trafficking son, the former Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.

Obama, a clear stooge of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, takes his marching orders directly from the mafia don daddy Bush.

Daddy told Obama that he would assure Obama's re-election if Obama would continue to allow misuse of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds for financial "black ops" purposes.

Obama also agreed to continue to pursue the Bush Family Nazi "Skull and Bones" agenda that has turned the United States of American into a total dictatorship.

Reference: Obama, with the help of the TREASONOUS U.S. Congress, recently signed the TREASONOUS National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that permanently shredded the U.S. Constitution.

Obama or any future U.S. President can arrest American citizens on their own soil without due process of law or habeas corpus.

Obama also agreed to pave the way for a Jeb Bush presidency in the year 2016 aka the Bush Family stealing another election.

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will deal with the forthcoming resignation of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Office of Naval Intelligence has fingered Hillary and her husband, Bill, in using State Department offices to engage in a massive, illegal Citibank money laundry aka oil derivatives with the Saudi Royal Family and none other than financial terrorist George Soros.

This involves the Clinton Foundation and a major hedge fund administered by their daughter Chelsea.

We will also present new information concerning Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney involving massive medicare fraud and the Mormon church.

Here is an early teaser, folks: