Wednesday, October 17, 2012

European Protocol Update


Tom Heneghan explosive intelligence briefings ALL patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL, reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions
Tuesday October 16, 2012

European Protocol Update 

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Exper
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that France and Spain, along with Italy, have received over $390 billion euros in Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds from the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

They clearly don't need a bail out from the soon to be defunct ECB (European Central Bank)
So then, who wants a bail out? Answer, the crooked banks in Europe and the United States who made unsecured and non-collateralized loans to each other utilizing derivatives. This ponzi scheme was used by the aforementioned crooked banks to manipulate worldwide financial markets; reference the rigged libor rate scandal.

Question: Where were the corrupt financial regulators: the SEC, the CFTC and the NFA while all of this corruption was occurring?

Answer: They were busy having lunch at a bank cafeteria conspiring with their banking handlers on how to frame ma and pa brokerage firms with entrapment calls and other Nazi gestapo tactics so they could then let the banks steal the accounts.
P.S. Thanks to QE3 aka Titanic1, these aforementioned banks have significant exposure on the back end of the yield curve, reference derivative costs.

P.P.S. At this hour, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) continues to order massive redemption and repatriation of collateralized assets aka precious and industrialized metals along with oil and natural gas holdings (eyes over Asia, China, India and the Philippines).

The IMF has decided that it is time for bank consolidation and re-collateralization (using sovereign draw down accounts outside the ECB mechanism) and continuing the non-stop process of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol implementation.
American Patriot
Ambassador Leo Wanta
French President Francois Mitterrand and 
American President Ronald Reagan

. . .

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 10/16/2012

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 10/16/2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-Oct-2012 23:26:05

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 10/16/2012
13 Ix, 2 Tzec, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return with more to discuss. Presently, several areas of activity are being brought to completion, forming the foundation of your new reality. As we informed you recently, your world is based on the original legitimacy of certain institutions dating back thousands of years. The individuals who represent these ancient power bases are in the process of creating new documents that will constitute the legal platform for your new form of governance. A series of meetings whose sole agenda is to focus on the complexities of creating a new world are currently underway. Try to imagine the intricacies involved in such an undertaking! Our sacred allies are uniting the ancient foundations of many tribal nations with that of the old monarchies of Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. Numerous documents need to be discussed, modified, and interwoven into a specific prototype that renders invalid and thus unseats the current de facto regimes of your world. This authentication process needs to be done properly and in the right order in order to confer legitimacy on this lofty goal.
Our sacred associates understand that what they are doing is producing a legal fusion of the elements that form the essential 'scaffolding' of modern nation-states, whilst also bringing up-to-date the legitimacy of present global tribal governance. What are required are documents that honor common law concepts while forging a new and unique form of global governance. Ultimately, this operation will change the basic concept of government as you know it. Your present indirect (representative) system of governance needs to change via a well-thought-out transfer of power to enable true transparency in government to come into being. The aim is to establish a judicious 'people-power' contract with you. The great thinkers of the late 18th century created documents that achieved this within the context of their times. Now it is necessary to modernize these documents as part of the process of preparing you for your grand shift in consciousness. This is just one of the tasks presently being accomplished behind the scenes.
As you know only too well, you live in a society that constantly threatens basic human rights and this taint is no longer viable. You are also on the brink of forming a true galactic society. You need government documentation that is flexible enough to reflect your growing needs as you morph from your present state of consciousness into your fully conscious one. The first step is to restore all that the dark cabal has illegally taken from you; the next, is to enlarge the body politic to include your Agarthan kin and us. Your world is moving swiftly through a series of inevitable, Heaven-decreed events which will disassemble the evil that this global cabal has put in place over the last few centuries. Your economies are crumbling and the cabal's system of carefully selected leaders is failing to save this group from the multi-faceted catastrophe that it has brought about over the past half-decade. Behind the disintegrating facade a new epoch for humanity is taking shape and it is a process that needs to be supported and actively promoted. Many things, and especially disclosure, need to be brought out from the shadows.
What our sacred allies are doing is thus much more than merely replacing an illegally appointed series of governments. They are opening up your reality to the changes you so desperately require. Heaven has chosen this time for a radical altering of your consciousness, which is being carried out in a series of steps that have taken over two decades to reach this point. The next phase is to be done rather rapidly, which is why we have come to set up a first-contact mission for a world that currently does not meet any of our normal criteria for contact. Once you become fully conscious, you will require our immediate mentoring and advice on how to swiftly create your own galactic society. For nearly two decades, we have been watching and assisting both you and Gaia, and carefully interacting with those on your world who are dedicated to changing how your societies function. The transformation is both spiritual, based upon the decrees of Heaven, and technological; about a century's worth of sequestered devices are to be released.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with news about a number of events that are soon to happen in your reality. Long ago, we were put on this Earth to provide a means for the Light to prepare humanity for distant change in its reality. Over the millennia we have grown both in number and wisdom. Our mission has remained the same; that is, to be messengers and mentors to every surface human. In recent months we have been joined by Ascended Masters from every corner of this galaxy. A grand covenant among us has forgathered to bring this realm to the Light! Together with our sacred associates we forged a bond to enable us to use our abilities to change this realm and oust the dark from the vast power it still retains. This task is reaching a most exciting point. Certain actions are ready to begin which will lead to success in our many ventures.
As we mentioned in previous reports, our sacred secret societies are now working with a number of groups which represent the origins of your present power structure and those who have long kept the wealth of past ages in their care. These individuals and groups have come together to begin building upon the work that our sacred associates started decades ago. Various legal decisions have been put forth which set the stage for several documents to possess now the power of law. These 'anchor documents' are just the beginning. Many others are ready to be processed, which will establish the legalities for the global governmental changes that we intend to manifest. What is being created is a chain of documents that leaves the dark no alternative except to resign. The other issue being pursued is putting an end to a decaying financial system. The end is indeed near!
Our blessed task is to see that what we have described actually happens. This reality is being squeezed, suffused with Light, and transformed by Heaven. We dearly require a move upward in consciousness. What we are doing with our sacred associates is to ensure that Heaven's edicts are truly manifested upon this realm. We work therefore with joy and determination as we prepare the dark ones for their inevitable exit from power, despite their ongoing commitment to finding a way out. In fact, there is none. A new timeline is being set which requires their immediate resignation; hence our blessed resolve. This drama is set shortly to end. A new reality is rising, which needs new governance, prosperity, and a formal disclosure. It is time for the surface world to rejoin galactic humanity by returning to its natural state of divine service and full consciousness.
Today, we used this message to inform you about what is brewing on your world. Many different activities are taking place that are bringing in the longed-for great changes. These will prepare you for a full disclosure and your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Open letter 3 to Drake….

This was submitted by a very astute patriot who is knowledgeable on the subjects.

Open letter 3 to Drake….
Hi Drake,
We’re Baaaack!  Drake, we ALL like you as the talkative friendly person you appear to be on the broadcast. We, like you, are older and often use the expression …. “Don’t mess with us old messers.” We are all well educated and, when something doesn’t look right to ALL of us, we will be writing you. Please, do not say something just to say it, as WE are listening.  If you do not have a truthful informed answer, just say “I don’t know but I will find out.”
The American people have been lied to and double crossed ALL of our lives.  In ALL our life time we have never voted in an honest election in this nation.  We have learned from many years of experience that what politicians and those connected to them say are mostly lies, and promises made are seldom, if ever, carried out.
When things you or others say are far from the truth, we have reason to put our antenna up. We have learned to question everything. We ALL want to believe you are telling the truth, but we have other information sources providing opposing intel to what you say, so we continue to say to you “show me the money”.   There are numerous statements you have made during your many broadcasts.  In that regard we have many concerns that we would want to address here, but the following are the issues that we currently consider the most urgent.
In past broadcasts you have inferred things like several crooks were supposed to have been arrested; i.e. Timmy boy and Billy Bop Gates, and others.  Then we learn from the American media that those arrested are back on the job conducting “business as usual.”   You have referred to ‘arrests’ and no evidence of these arrests has ever been produced as having taken place. What is with that??
Drake, in one of your last shows you said that ALL the foreign troops have gone home and now, Sunday, Oct. 14th,  you are saying the troops from Canada, Russia and China on American soil are here to serve the American people and support the ‘positive military’ and militias.  China and Russia are non-aligned nations and they are not controlled by the cabal. 
So ……  what is it?  Are the foreign troops GONE?  Or still here??  We have ‘intel’ that disputes your reports. We are hearing that there are LOTS of foreign troops (not ‘friendly’ to any ‘positive military’) that are ‘hidden’ on America’s soil.  For a starter our Intel says there is or was a rather large contingent of Chinese troops in an abandoned military base near Rock Springs WY.   Anyone close and can check this out??
Drake, the next item on our frustration list is chemtrails - you know, the subject you ALWAYS quickly pass over so you can get to the ‘NEXT!’ topic. You have said several times, and even on last Sunday’s show, that “the US military has nothing to do with chemtrails” … If you can truly believe this and in a clear conscience tell this to your listeners ALL around the world, we have to call you out on this one.   Americans have been lied to enough already concerning chemtrails.  The US Air Force, Army and Navy and the CIA are deeply involved in the entire operation that is being orchestrated and run out of Wright Patterson AFB and Washington, DC.   It is also true the CIA has contracts with many folks (private air services such as Evergreen Air out of Oregon, and Omega Air, based in Wa D.C.) around the planet for delivery of these death toxins, but good old Wright Patterson is the ring leader.
We have included a video of a crashed 707 chemtrail plane:
Omega in Greek means ‘the end’.  Take a good look at emblem on the plane’s tail. When you watch the video, it says: “MILITARY tanker plane”. We highly doubt the military uses antiquated old planes that probably came from a mothball fleet to do this death project on us.  If you don’t believe us, CALL YOUR MILITARY FRIENDS.  IF THEY SAY OTHERWISE, THEY ARE LYING.…. If they don’t have anything to do with it, WHY ARE THEY ALLOWING IT??   SOUNDS LIKE COLLUSION TO US. 
What would happen if someone went up in a little plane and dropped chalk dust on a town??  Your right, they would be shot down. The US military takes an oath to protect and defend this nation from enemies both foreign and domestic, yet the chemtrails are continuing to be sprayed in American airspace.   Against our will, and with few even knowing or understanding what is happening to them, Americans are being bombed daily with all manner of toxins, viruses, biological concoctions, weapons grade barium, nano-particles, etc.  through the airspace over this nation.  THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE MILITARY DOES NOTHING.   IF THIS WAS ANY OTHER TIME, THEY WOULD BE SHOT DOWN. Bet your listeners would find it of interest that China does NOT ALLOW chemtrail spraying over their nation.
There have been websites we have shared with you explaining all this. Even Alfred Webre has a bunch of information on his site that totally contradicts what you say. Why are you sooo adamant on skimming over this?  You have said the funding is running out and it should end soon. OR …. Is it WE should end soon?  Did you know that Queen Beatrice of the Nederland’s, along with her psychopathic son, is one of the main contributors (funders) of chemtrails. They have so much money that they are swimming in it. OH!   Forgot to mention the CIA’s involvement. How about their BLACK budget?  Let us not forget the MANY quadrillions the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers’ have hid.  We cannot believe that anyone of these folks were stupid enough to not to have hidden a lot of dough, gold etc. all over the world just in case of something like this.
“Chemtrails affect your health, your memory, your relationships, your emotions, every organ and function of the human body.  Chemtrails affect the quality of your life and how much longer you live”.  They have now started spraying a new clearer substance that trails out for miles and then starts to spread out clear. NO, I am not talking about contrails.  Many people are being even more severely affected by this new clear concoction, as it is causing blood pressure to skyrocket. 
There is a very smart 45 year old chemtrail expert on the east coast that ended up in the hospital with a chemtrail heart attack. He runs a world-wide chemtrail awareness site.  Several ER nurses we have spoken with have been inundated with emergency upper respiratory problems in area hospitals, as well as heart attack cases.  Doctor’s offices and emergency rooms across this nation are being overrun with respiratory problems.  Thousands of Americans are experiencing a very serious ramification from these chemtrails known as ‘Morgellons’, and yet you tell your audience that there are no problems with the chemtrails?????  We have heard from various sources as well as informants on the Alex Jones Show that there are 25,000 (estimated) people worldwide dying per day from these chemtrail bombs.
There is another new thing the assholes have started, and that is a black jet that suddenly drops down out of the sky and releases a (NUKE TYPE) flash explosion behind it.  Many are believing it to be a killer death ray.  Having read many reports of the plasma affect resulting from these chemtrails being put in place in America’s skies, these flashes appear to be igniting the plasma.  Perhaps this could also be used to kill off Americans????? 
Pilot friends are really PO’ed every time they see these assholes spraying us. One of the pilots said he used to fly F-16’s, and said he would love to be able to take these assholes out.  None of us understand how 75% - 85% of the US military could be on ‘our side’ and yet continue to allow this biological warfare to continue over the nation. A couple F-16’s confronting some of the chemtrail planes in-flight ought to be able to get the point across that they better stop what they are doing – OR ELSE. 
Some of us have sent you, Drake, allot of documentation to read on the subject of chemtrails.  Much of that documentation applies to the things we are mentioning in this open letter, but you seem adamant on misleading the people or foo fooing the seriousness of the situation as being a non-serious subject, non-important and you aren’t going to address it.  Why do you think these murdering SOB’s are still dumping this crap in our skies at an even more accelerated rate?  THEY WANT 90% OF US DEAD ….  ASAP.   
We are sure that some of your followers will write in voicing their opinions against this letter.  That’s OK, as we only want to know the TRUTH, and if they don’t care about the truth, that is their problem. This is not a witch hunt, but a TRUTH hunt…  There are literally thousands of blogs and websites to explore to learn the TRUTH.  Perhaps the dissenters and you, if they would spend time doing their own HOME WORK thorough research as we have, they would be able to make more informed decisions regarding the chemtrails/bombs. Below is a tiny sample with which to begin. 
Lastly, we want to mention that if the chemtrail planes are not taken out before the SHTF, they could use these planes in a desperate attempt to spray us with something in their bag of tricks like a mustard gas, etc....      Notice the jet taking off…. It says US Air Force         Chemtrails to Depopulate    

Good Day!

Health - Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-Oct-2012 17:34:39

(The Best Years in Life) It has long been known that exercise helps build bone density and prevent age-related bone loss and fractures. Now, a study has found that an age-old exercise that dates back around 200 years can help seniors literally shake their way to better bone health and prevent bone density loss, fractures, disability and death.
In the study just published in the journal Bone, researchers at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) found that 12 weeks of daily 30-minute vibration improved bone density around the hip joint, femur and long leg bone in mature mice equal to humans aged 55 to 65. All of the improved density measurements reduce the likelihood of a hip fracture, one of the most common causes of disability in the elderly. The researchers also found a reduction in a biomarker that indicates bone breakdown and an increase in the surface area involved in bone formation in the vibrating group.
The rest of the article:
See also:
"How to Beat and Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally"
"Calcium Alone is not Enough for Healthy Bones"
"Bone Drugs: The Latest Skeletons in Big Pharma's Closet"

Write In Vote Rebuttal - What "B" doesn't realize!

We are not SURE when the change over to the Republic is coming whether it is before or after the election. The first issue is to stop Obama. When the change over does occur, we who have been in the Farm Claims/Bank Claims program for 20 years have been told that Ron Paul will be the interim President and Dennis Kucinich the VP. Therefore, they will still have Ron Paul and will have haulted Obama. Obama, Biden, Hillary, Santorum, Bachmann, Rubio, and Romney are lawyers, and under the original 13th Amendment being reinstated they all lose their citizenship and cannot hold public office. Newt and Ron Paul are NOT attorneys.  I know about all the things "B" mentions and more than just The Organic Act of 1871 which formed the corporation and why it was passed. Until the change over happens, we are working within the system with its constraints. If Obama should win, remember how it is always interpreted as a MANDATE to continue to do what they have been doing, so put it on fast track. So to defeat Obama and still get Ron Paul in the change over is having your cake and eating it too. Not enough states allow write-ins so Ron Paul cannot get the necessary electoral college votes to win. There are many skirmishes in a war with this election being the next skirmish with the final battle the change over back to the Republic.


Marine Colonel Tells It Like It Is ---- Semper Fi

Tue, 16 Oct 2012 10:15:06
The Colonel Requested We Leave His
Communication Info Intact.

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 1:04 PM


                His Communication Info Intact.
                The Colonel Requested We Leave His Communication Info Intact.

                More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before. Thirty have died in August.  During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan .

                The commander in chief is AWOL. Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half staff for the Sikhs that were killed.  There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president.

                It has taken on a dangerous tone. No one knows what to do  about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight  to the idiocy of this war.

                Obama has had 4 years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform.

                But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president.

                Not just current active duty types, but the National Guard, Reserves, the retired, and all other prior service members. This is no small special interest group, but many millions of veterans who can have an enormous impact on the outcome of the November election if they all respond.

                The million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls. It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die.

                Please Send This On To Any Military Friends, And Ask Them To Forward It On.

                Ed Schriber Col. USMC (Ret.)

                "Semper Fi"

You know you’re an Omaba voter

You Know You're An Obama Voter If...

By Don Feder

         Who are these Obama voters? They can’t all have head injuries, have been in a coma for the past 4 years, or own stock in an electric car battery company. Besides having “stupid” stamped on their forehead, here’s a handy guide identifying these clueless creatures.

         You know you’re an Obama voter if:
• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think our dismal economy is all the fault of George W. Bush, who left office 45 months ago, and whose average unemployment rate was 6.3% – almost 2 points lower than under his whiz-kid successor.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think lack of adequate regulation is responsible for the home-mortgage meltdown of 2008, rather than a Democratic Congress that (in the name of fairness) made banks to give sub-prime mortgages to unqualified lenders.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the Muslim Brotherhood is a fraternal order. Their initiation rite is killer.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you believe Joe Biden’s claim that the intelligence community initially told the administration that our Benghazi consulate was attacked by a spontaneous mob – a spontaneous mob of al-Qaeda fighters armed with AK-47s, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and gun trucks.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the president has done a consummate job of keeping Iran from getting nuclear weapons – by enacting more sanctions (which have never worked before), working with our “allies” China and Russia and refusing to draw a red line which would elicit military action against Tehran-- while the mullahs spent the last four years developing fissile material.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Barack Hussein has “got Israel’s back.” By having Israel’s back, the president means sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Palestinians committed to Israel’s annihilation, seeking to dictate Israel’s future borders (so as to make the Jewish state impossible to defend), helping the Muslim Brotherhood come to power in Egypt, and telling the former president of France how much he hates Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if, like your candidate, you think the Israeli “occupation” of Israel is the principal cause of turmoil in the Middle East, and that, before Israel’s rebirth in 1948, from time immemorial the region looked like Woodstock.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Islam really is the religion of peace – and that al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Ahmadinejad, the scholars of Cairo’s Al-Azhar University and the imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque don’t understand their own religion.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the Ft. Hood massacre (where 13 of our soldiers were murdered in cold blood by a Koran-spouting jihadist) was “workplace related violence.”

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think it doesn’t matter that this president skips more than half of his daily intelligence briefings. After all, he reads the reports at night – or on the golf course.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the “undocumented workers” streaming across our southern border (thanks to the president’s non-deportation order) are all hard-working family folk, eager to learn English and assimilate – with nary a hardcore criminal, gang member, grifter or terrorist among them.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Joe Biden is clever and witty, not to mention polite and respectful.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Michelle is hot and Hillary belongs on the cover of the next Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the oil companies, the Arab Spring or hurricanes in the Gulf states are responsible for prices at the pump more than doubling since January 19, 2009, rather than this administration’s insane environmental policies and war on energy development.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you believe that green energy is our salvation – with a wee bit of help from the unicorns, the fairies and the little people.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think drastically limiting off-shore drilling, closing coal-fired energy plants, nixing U.S. participation in the Keystone Pipeline and extreme environmental regulations will make us less dependent on foreign oil.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the GM bailout is a shining success. At a cost of $50 billion to taxpayers, the president saved $56-an hour union jobs, while screwing bondholders and giving Washington 26.5% share of the auto giant.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think “gay marriage” strengthens the family.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you don’t care that the voters of 32 states have overwhelmingly rejected this absurdity by passing defense of marriage amendments.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Obama and Biden care about the middle class – instead of looking at them the way Dracula views a blood bank.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think raising tax rates on businesses, in the weakest economic recovery in history, won’t devastate job creation.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if, like your candidate, you think the question of when life begins is “above your pay-grade” – that you can’t tell if an unborn child with a heartbeat and brainwaves and fingers and toes is human.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think opposition to the incumbent is motivated primarily by racism.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think that Barack Obama – who was raised by his white grandparents, spent his childhood in Indonesia and Hawaii and went on to Columbia and Harvard – was immersed in the black experience.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Republicans want to put black people “back in chains.” That includes Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Star Parker and Thomas Sowell.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the man who sat in a pew in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Church of God Damn America for 19 years never heard anything in the least controversial – that anti-American, anti-white and anti-Israel sermons were reserved for those occasions when the future president was absent.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Mitt Romney is a liar – but Obama has told the God’s-honest truth about responsibility for the deaths of our ambassador and three other Americans in Libya, getting the unemployment rate under 7% if we passed his $832-billion stimulus bill, cutting the deficit in half in his first term, his Justice Department having no knowledge of Fast and Furious (the ATF’s gunrunning-to-Mexican-drug-lords operation) prior to February 2011 and that he’d never dream of raising taxes on the middle class. The Supreme Court says the “penalties” under Obamacare are a tax – on guess who?

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the president is upholding the Constitution – by interim appointments while Congress is still in session, governing by executive order, refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, sending troops to Libya without Congressional approval and not prosecuting the New Black Panther Party for a blatant case of voter intimidation in 2008.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think your candidate’s 2008 resume – law professor, community organizer, Chicago politician, less than two years in the U.S. Senate – trumps Romney’s as a job-creator (Sports Authority, Staples, Domino’s Pizza, etc.)

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Romney would get a kick out of firing Bob Cratchit on Christmas Eve, while stealing Tiny Tim’s crutches and muttering “Bah humbug!”

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think opposition to requiring Catholic institutions to provide birth control through their health insurance plans (in violation of Catholic teaching), constitutes a Republican War on Women.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius are Catholics.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you believe that Ann Romney – who raised five sons while running a household, doing charitable work and battling MS – “never worked a day in her life,” unlike Michelle Antoinette who earned a six-figure salary for serving as “vice president of community relations” for the University of Chicago Medical Center and vacations at five-star resorts on the Spanish Riviera.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you’re blithely unconcerned about your candidate’s past associations with (communist) Frank Marshall Davis, (revolutionary communist) Bill Ayers and (Islamist) Rashid Khalidi.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think complaints about the president increasing the National Debt by $5.4 trillion (almost 50%) in less than four years is a Republican campaign gimmick to divert attention from Obama’s economic achievements – like increasing the food stamp rolls to 47 million (50%) since he took office and raising federal spending from 20.2% to 23% of GDP.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think we can provide health insurance to 10 million currently uninsured – without a plan to add a single new doctor – it won’t cost taxpayers a cent and there won’t be rationing of services.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you’re thrilled at the prospect of turning the best health care system in the world over to the same people who bankrupted Social Security and Medicare.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you don’t care that under this administration we’ll soon have a navy that can float in a bathtub and an army that can maneuver in a broom closet.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think your candidate will be carried to victory by the Big Bird vote – like fans of Public Broadcasting would ever vote Republican, without a gun to their heads.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you’re skeptical about putting God in your party’s platform because it excludes atheists, agnostics, animists and most of the president’s appointees.

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think Islam is a civilizing force that’s enlightened in its treatment of women and minorities, but Christianity is repressive, patriarchal and a threat to liberty and democracy.

• You know you're an Obama voter if you think "American exceptionalism" is a ploy devised by Newt Gingrich to stigmatize people who don't think America is exceptional. Just because we have a Constitution that's been a model for emerging nations for over 200 years, we built the greatest economic engine in the world, we created a unique society, and we saved humanity from the horrors of Nazism and communism in the 20th century -- what's so special about that?

• You know you’re an Obama voter if you think the Occupy Wall Street movement is composed of idealistic, humanitarian reformers but the Tea Parties are a gang of race-baiting, neo-fascist thugs.

         You know you’re an Omaba voter if you think pigs have their own air force, the moon is made of green-energy cheese and, while standing in a torrential downpour, you wonder why you’re soaked to the skin.
Don Feder is a former Boston Herald writer who is now a political/communications consultant. He also maintains his own website,

Chemtrail-Related Illnesses

(The Lord gave me a word some time back that people will be too weak from a 'respiratory illness' to fight the NWO, and it is the respiratory system in humans that is being increasingly adversely affected by these chemtrails.  Many deaths are now being diagnosed as resulting from 'respiratory illness,' and yet the public is NOT being informed about WHAT  IS CAUSING THE EVER INCREASING  INSTANCES OF 'RESPIRATORY ILLNESS."  When the subject of chemtrails is put before those who claim to be 'patriots' working to free our nation from tyranny and who claim to have close intel contacts with the US military, the subject is taboo and not allowed to be pursued whether via radio, TV, blogs, etc.  Despite the 'military's' and 'government's' and their 'representatives' continued REFUSALS to address the seriousness of this tyranny, the PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP. THEY ARE ANGRY.  THEY HAVE HAD ENOUGH!]

Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials which can cause "serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin."46 He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores which secrete a powerful mico-toxinare part of the air we breathe.

Chemtrail-Related Illnesses
People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals and plant life are occurring as well.
This page provides you with an overview of the illnesses that are being experienced. It also contains information that you won't hear in mainstream media.
Please take a moment and send a link to this page to a friend. You may help them by enabling them to discover the root cause of their own illnesses.

Symptoms Associated with Chemtrails

Following are symptoms commonly associated with chemtrails:
·  Fatigue
·  Headaches
·  Sinus pain
·  Muscle pain
·  Joint pain
·  Frequently cracking joints
·  Depression
·  Insomnia
·  Anxiety
·  Anger issues
·  Inability to concentrate
·  Looping thoughts or songs
·  Salty-metallic taste to the air
·  Chemical taste to the air
·  Swelling/inflammation
·  Ringing in the ears
·  Changes in eyesight
·  Near or farsightedness
·  Upper respiratory infections
·  Elevated blood pressure
·  Accelerated heart beat
·  Heart pain
·  Skipping heart beats
·  Shortness of breath
·  Loss of balance
·  Dark circles under the eyes
·  Stomach pain
·  Frequent illness
·  Difficulty achieving deep sleep
·  Vivid or restless dreams
These symptoms are being experienced by a rapidly-growing number of people around the world. They are commonly associated with the appearance of chemtrails.
Most of these symptoms are commonly associated with mercury poisoning. A few other items are associated with aluminum and barium toxicity.

Not Experiencing Symptoms?

The toxins that make up chemtrails often have health effects that are cumulative, so if you are not affected by the spraying now, you may be in the future.
It's important to think about children. Just as most symptoms of mercury poisoning do not generally appear until mercury reaches a certain level in the body, chemtrail toxicity appears to work exactly the same way.
We have spoken to many people having symptoms that increased over time as they were exposed to chemtrail spraying. This cumulative effect is all the more reason to get involved in stopping the spraying even if you're not experiencing symptoms right now.

Animals and the Environment

Chemtrails appear to be having a dramatic effect not only on humans, but on animal health and on the environment. For example:
·  We have witnessed deaths of entire ladybug colonies after 3 extremely heavy days of spraying. Others are witnessing massive die offs of ladybugs in many other areas as well.
·  There have been unexplained continuous deaths of bats and bat colonies. Over 11,000 bats died in 2008. The disease is being called "while nose syndrome" but the cause is baffling experts.
·  Nearly everyone has heard about the massive bee die-off nation wide. The U.S. And U.K. Both reported to have lost about one-third of its bee population in 2008.
·  Soils are becoming contaminated with very-high levels of aluminumIf aluminum levels elevate above 400ppm, numerous species of plants will die.
·  Brown pelicans are dying in California. The cause is "a mystery" but they have found a "residue" on the feathers of the dying animals.
·  Starlings fall from the sky without explanation"The sky was raining starlings. One of my neighbours saw them. They seemed to just fall out of the sky. About 70 were dead straight away."
·  Largest Whale Die-Off on Record: "This is the single largest die-off event in terms of numbers and in relation to population size and geographic range," said Marcela Uhart, a medical veterinarian with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). She represents an associate director in Latin America for the WCS Global Health Program.
o    Small dots appear to "burn" through leaves
o    Area affected is along Tipton and Shelby County line
o    Farmers afraid they may lose their entire crop
Numerous other environmental anomalies are occurring and we believe we know what is causing this harm, but we need to test our hypothesis and then publish our results
Finally, legal action needs to be taken to put an end to chemical spraying and to punish those who are responsible.

THRIVE - new video blog

Dear Thrive Movement,

Do you have friends or families whose homes are going into foreclosure? 

Is your government out of money and unable to balance the budget?

Millions around the world are facing these problems. Families are being forced out of their homes and governments are cutting key programs in order to balance their checkbook.

It doesn't have to be this way!

Check out my new video blog where I highlight three bold activists who are taking on these issues in South Africa, the US, and Ireland:
Click to watch.
These stories are not covered in mainstream media. Please share this video with your friends and spread the word!

Thrive on!
Foster Gamble
Creator of THRIVE

 PS -Did you know that the THRIVE DVD has 50+ minutes of bonus footage?  BUY NOW in our online store or on Amazon.

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