Wednesday, March 27, 2013

US Citizens Defined as Property of the Government

US Citizens Defined as Property of the Government

Huge thanx again to AK- you rock guy!


This UCC document appeared on one of the Skype chats yesterday, it seemed familar to one mentioned to me by a very connected financial person.  The UCC filing statement from 2011raised 14.3 Trillion in money under the Obama Administration by using the the people of the United States as “property improvement” capital on the land for purposes of collateral. Essentially they sold you for 14.3 Trillion dollars in borrowed funds.  This is quite separate from the birth certificate bonds.

I contacted the financial person and they provided me with President Clinton’s 1997 Presidential Order, publicly defining the people of the United States as “Property Improvements” on the land of the United States.  You can’t file a UCC on property, but you can file on property improvements. 

This defining people as property has been going on since the 1930s but was only declared publicly in 1997 by President Clinton. 

Here’s the quote from  my anonymous contact:
The UCC-1 filing that you posted is related to this matter however, The executive order specifically mentioning publicly that we are Human Capital was Executive Order No. 13037 March 4, 1997 (specifically section 2 subsection ( b ) ). Prior to this the registrations of birth was secretly used in order to create a ‘Bond’ or debt on each individual. This has been taking place since 1933 in private.

Attempted Patent of Human Embodiment by Bank of America and VISA INTL

Attempted Patent of Human Embodiment by Bank of America and VISA INTL

This is just the rough information for you all- we felt the need to get it out immediately and we’ll go back after the show tonight to pretty it up and fill in some blanks.
THIS is why the PTW have been freaking out.  The OPPT stomped on their attempts to Patent HUMANS as “tech”!!!!!!!
A HUGE thank you to AK and Brian for pulling this all together from Heathers skype notes that I quickly emailed to them….. because I was making lasagna, lol!!
*side note*  Within 10 minutes of Heather posting all this info to us on skype, her internet went down and has been bouncing on and off every few minutes since then……. Sorry Dude’s who are listening in for the PTW, you’re all   TOOOO FREAKIN’ LATE!!!!!!!    Your bosses are already foreclosed on and you are about to be jobless, AND…….  We already have all the info into the public’s eye!!!!!!   Nice try though! ;>)
……buhhahahahahhahahahh!!!!!!!   I love it when a plan comes together!!!!


3:28:11 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: this was just sent to me, or rather, I just received it (Giggle)
<<< [9:27 AM] G: 

<<< Hi Heather, Is the UVE based on US patent number 20120233072 A1?
does Visa International. Still hold the patent or was it released with all UCC filings?
[3:28:44 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: [12:26:09 PM] Jarrafusa:
[12:26:22 PM] Jarrafusa: Very interesting…isn’t it
<<< So the Universal Value Exchange that you and Caleb brought forward has nothing to do to with that suggested UVE patent by Visa? 

Nope…the first I knew of it was now…because of you bringing it forth…very interesting indeed. (Star)
[12:31:20 PM] Jarrafusa: the purported patent that is
[3:35:10 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: and meet the man who purportedly helped bank of america/visa “patent” “ownership” of the embodiment prior to OPPT going in and taking it all back to Source…
[3:35:36 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: no wonder they were/are soooooo nervous
[3:36:01 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: thank you G for shining the light of Absolute Truth on that data!
[3:37:22 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: D can you get that all out please for all to know why the PTW are afraid of eternal essence embodied BE’ing and DO’ing?
[3:37:44 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: awesome….i love ABSOLUTE DATA! (Music)(Winking)(Music)
[3:38:11 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: The mechanics and who was operating them are becoming ABSOLUTELY VISIBLE!!!!!
[3:52:42 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: please do not print G’s full skype handle
[3:52:49 PM] *** Call from HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST, duration 00:54. ***

union states assembly call tonight

REMINDER: union states assembly call tonight 03/27/2013 9:00 PM est.
9:00 PM eastern  218-895-0970  pin 396109#

For those without unlimited free phone time, you may also listen in at LISTED AS unionstates. There you can communicate via the chat board as well.
Please join us - AND bring a friend
Tonight's agenda: - Divided into three segments:
 Segment 1.  Identify and recruit capable people in each of the original 13 states who will help organize a group of fellow state inhabitants to bring their lawful State government back and give Lawful Notice to the world.
Segment 2.  Identify and recruit capable people in each of the remaining states who will help organize a group of fellow state inhabitants to bring their lawful State government back and give Lawful Notice to the world.
Segment 3. Only after the above business is completed will other issues regarding the completion of this project will be discussed - just be patient if you have a topic relative to the completion of this project needing to be brought forward - you WILL be heard.

Here are some past recordings that will help introduce your friends to the union states project:  
800-858-6563 – 8 minute telephone introduction to union states. - A 50 minute audio overview and explanation of the union state project. - union state website containing documents and archived recordings of our assembly meetings.
Utube describing union states project
union states email:

Wikileaks founder speaks out

Subject: Wikileaks founder speaks out


Julian Assange of Wikileaks is
still stuck in the Ecuadorean
Embassy in London.

Meanwhile fake "journalists"
run free.

Here he gets a chance to
explain himself.

We should all be interested
in what he has to say.


- Brasscheck

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Where Do Millionaires Invest Their Cash to Keep It Safe?

Subj: Where Do Millionaires Invest Their Cash to Keep It Safe?

Where Do Millionaires Invest There Cash To Keep it Safe posted at OOM by SpecialAgentGibbs

Where Do Millionaires Invest Their Cash to Keep It Safe?

By Joshua Kennon

I’ve been having a conversion about investing and money with the reader “Frat Man” in the comments section of another post. He asked:

I also had one other question I have always wondered. Where do millionaires keep their money? In the sense that FDIC insurance only covers $250,000 at the bank and SIPC only covers $500,000 at the brokerage. I mean, I can’t see Bill Gates putting $250,000 at thousands of banks across the country, nor can I imagine Lou Simpson’s net worth getting wiped down to half a million because of a bankrupt Scottrade. Ha! So when people accumulate millions, what becomes the “safe spot” to keep it?
Read More Link on Right
Monopoly When I went to hit “reply” in the comments section, I realized that it was nearly 1,500 words so I thought it might be better to just post it as its own in the event some of you were interested in where billionaires and millionaires like Bill Gates or Lou Simpson invest their cash. It really has nothing to do with beginners, otherwise I could have gotten an article out of it, but it might still interest those of you who are curious about these sorts of things.

Here is my answer …

Where Do Millionaires Park Their Cash?

First, you have to realize that “money” in one sense doesn’t exist. It is an idea. If you are talking about the green pieces of paper the Treasury department prints, there is only about $575 billion in circulation yet household assets in the United States are valued at more than $50 trillion.
Think about that. If you owned every single United States dollar bill in the entire world, you would only have 1/100th of the estimated household net worth in the United States. The reason: Those greenbacks are merely an exchange mechanism. They represent something that people can trade to signify a claim check on society. In and of themselves they have no value. We could have just as easily chosen sea shells or jars of strawberry jam. The reason societies have preferred gold and silver over time is they are difficult to mine, so it is very hard for governments, politicians, kings and presidents to make the currency worthless by printing more paper.

The result is that most wealth isn’t held in the form of cash. In fact, I think of money as being held in seven distinct forms (there are more but these are the major ones):

    Business ownership (stocks). If you own a chain of dry cleaners that makes $1 million a year in profit, you could probably sell the company for between $10 million and $15 million. You don’t have that money “sitting” anywhere, but it is yours nonetheless.

    Money they have loaned and must be repaid to them in the future such as bonds, certificates of deposit, money parked in bank accounts, and money invested in money market funds.

    Real estate, such as hotels, apartments, stadiums, homes, storage units, bridges, etc.

    Commodities such as gold, silver, platinum, corn, cattle, mineral rights, oil, natural gas, sugar, coffee, etc.

    Nominal currencies, such as United States dollars, Euros, Yen, and British Pound Sterling stuffed in envelopes or briefcases.

    Intellectual property, such as ownership rights to famous songs, books, movies, and photographs. If you owned the rights to Star Wars, you could have no money in the bank but the truth is, you are probably a billionaire because you could sell those rights to a lot of interested investors; they, in turn, could create new merchandise and products and make money from it, which is why they are willing to pay you. Brand names are a huge source of intellectual property value, such as Coca-Cola, Clorox, Wrigley, Hershey’s, and Folgers.

    Tangible property, such as famous paintings, historical artifacts, rare books, etc. If you owned an original, signed copy of the Declaration of Independence, you could convert it into any other form of wealth you wanted, such as nominal currency, which you could then use to transfer your wealth into real estate, or commodities, or any of the other categories.

That means that most of the time, someone with substantial net worth doesn’t need to park their money in a checking account. You couldn’t steal Bill Gates’ $50+ billion from him because it isn’t money in a briefcase; it is office buildings, shares of stock, railroads, book copyrights, personal real estate, private jets, rare art … the list is endless.

Don’t Think of “Money” As Being Cash

This may help explain the perspective of an investor…

It is estimated that there are 1,348,528,420,000 barrels of oil in the ground that have a 90% or greater probability of being drilled and recovered by humans (called “proven reserves”). The current spot price of crude oil is roughly $73. That means that all of the oil in the ground is worth an estimated $98,442,574,660,000. Let’s round up and call it $100 trillion.

(For now, let’s ignore the obvious fact that if this oil was harvested at once, oil would be worth about 50 cents a barrel because the supply would grossly exceed the demand. At current consumption rates, that is enough oil to meet world demand for 54 years. )

That means if you were to suddenly inherit 100,000 barrels of oil, you would be worth $7,300,000 at today’s market prices (100,000 barrels x $73 per barrel = $7.3 million).

If oil rose to $100 per barrel, your assets would rise to $10,000,000. You are now worth an extra $2.7 million! Where did it come from and where is it parked? Nowhere. It is the estimated liquidation value of your oil if you choose to sell right now and the market has enough demand to fill your order without the price falling. You are quoting the value in dollars because, as a United States citizen, those dollars mean something to you. You inherently understand the value of $5 and what it will buy you compared to $20.
If the United States government began to print money so it became worthless, and a loaf of bread that originally cost $5 is now $10,000, your oil may be trading at $146,000 per barrel even though you have gained nothing in purchasing power, giving you an asset value of $14.6 billion. The thing is, your purchasing power would be the same because:

$14,600,000,000 would buy 1,460,000 loaves of bread if each loaf was $10,000 just like

$7,300,000 would buy 1,460,000 loaves of bread if each loaf was $5

That means that, measured in bread as an exchange, the government printing money didn’t have an influence on your actual purchasing power. You can still buy the same loaves of bread as you could before hyper-inflation. This is one of the reasons famous investor Warren Buffett talks about the importance of measuring gains in your net worth in “how many cheeseburgers you can buy”. Purchasing power counts. Not dollars.

What Do The Rich Do With Their Cash?

If you are specifically interested in what the rich do with their short-term cash, comparable to the middle class putting money in a checking or savings account, there are several popular alternatives to those with at least a few million dollars:

Establishing a so-called zero-balance account. The rich investor has his or her money in bonds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and other highly liquid debt instruments. They write checks out of the account, which has $0 in it, and at the end of the business day, the private bank sells off enough of the highly stable, liquid investments to wipe out the negative balance in the account, bringing it back to $0. That way, if the bank fails, it doesn’t hurt the investor because the underlying assets are held in his or her name, not the name of the institution. (This service is known as custody or, in some cases, global custody. The banks will charge a small fee for it as a percentage of assets in most cases.) Almost every intelligent rich person on the planet uses some form of global custody because you don’t want to worry about losing your shirt because a broker failed.

Parking the money directly with the United States Treasury in an account backed by the taxing power of the United States government. They can buy short-term Treasury bills and keep rolling them over until they need the money. Unless the United States goes bankrupt by hyper-inflating, they are safe. Buffett literally has tens of billions of dollars of Berkshire Hathaway’s money parked in Treasury bills, bonds and notes at times. There is no risk of default or bankruptcy unless the entire nation goes bust!

Physically holding cash in multiple currencies in safe deposit boxes throughout the world. These aren’t insured, though, so there is that risk.

I hope that helps you understand how a lot of private banks such as Northern Trust think about parking money for millionaires and other rich investors.

The Icelandic Revolution and the New World Order

The Icelandic Revolution and the New World Order

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:48
The Icelandic Revolution and the New World Order
Our ruling crime families are quite flexible when it comes to making allowances for societal differences in culture, religion and mentality. They are also reasonably accommodating to individual inclinations of the local ‘elite’. However they can get quite nasty in cases where a country’s leadership openly refuses to take orders. In most cases, those countries are quickly brought back under control through a variety of measures. Blackmail, murder disguised as accidents and acts of terrorism are just the beginning. If they don’t work those countries and their leadership see themselves quickly vilified and internationally isolated as ‘rogue states’, and their economies systematically destroyed. If that doesn’t do the job either, an international coalition of countries will sooner or later rape and pillage them under some flimsy ‘humanitarian’ pretext.
One country that doesn’t seem to fit into this grim picture though is Iceland. Many observers in the dissident media scene rave about what they call the ‘Icelandic revolution’. They fret about the media blackout that won't report how the Icelandic people have managed to free themselves from the dictate of the likes of the IMF, revive the economy and jail the banksters who almost destroyed their economy. What those writers fail to consider is why our ruling crime families allowed events to go their natural cause. Why haven’t they – as they normally would – coerced the Icelandic leadership into compliance with unsavory scandals, murder and acts of terrorism? Why haven’t they destroyed Iceland yet with H.A.A.R.P. induced earthquakes and volcano outbreaks? And why do they still invite the Icelandic prime minister to international meets such as Davos instead of portraying him in the media as the next worst thing to Iranian President Ahmadinejad?
We know that our ruling parasites like to experiment with different societal models. North Korea is a good example. Here our self-chosen rulers test how badly you can oppress a society, before they start to revolt. In places like Scandinavia they try out how the sheeple will behave if it is provided with a good life. And in Singapore they experiment how hard you can push humans to maximum performance as long as you take well care of their basic needs such as affordable housing, food, health and education. Those experiments go way beyond the usual local adjustments. They are about finding out how to get the most out of their farm animals. But why on earth would they want to run a field test to see what happens if they allow things to go their natural way?
The answer has probably something to do with the fact that our ruling crime families don’t agree on everything. Behind the scenes there is a lot of backstabbing and leaks embarrassing each other seem to be a favorite pastime. That’s why the locations and agendas of the annual Bilderberg conferences cannot be kept secret. Obviously not everyone in the ‘ruling elite’ agrees with the New World Order agenda of enslaving mankind and culling 95% of us to make room for the ‘elite’ to enjoy eternal life. They might not have the power to stop the likes of Prince Phillip and Evelyn Rothschild, but they have the means to sabotage and at least slow down their evil agenda in very effective ways.
The tightly contained hands-off experiment in Iceland – in my opinion – is intended as a stark warning to those elements within our ‘ruling elite’ and their minions who secretly sabotage the New World Order agenda. It demonstrates to them how quickly things can turn nasty for them, if they don’t play along. It’s up to us to convince them that it is in their best interest to stop the madness before it’s too late.
Rebel of Oz is the editor and publisher of dissident news and analysis site The Rebel. You can find more of his writings on
Source: The Rebel


With release of my national report yesterday on Nesara News, I now hold the aces needed to play a powerful legal hand. The report on March 26 was "FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MURDERED DR. DAVID M. GARST TO BLOCK HIM FROM RELEASING DVD MOVIE EXPOSING FEDERAL SCANDALS OF HIGH TREASON." Any hour any grand jury is ready to investigate this federal murder of Dr. David M. Garst, we will be glad to cooperate and supply them the legal evidence and witnesses to arrest those in the F.B.I. involved with this federal murder. Anyone want to call our bluff? Then call a grand jury and the U.S. Justice Dept. will be tore apart by grand jury investigations before we are through with them. 
     Many people are won to support worthy national movements for very practical reasons rather than the idealism the movement may stand for. The DVD movie "Mad About Alternatives" by Dr. David M. Garst had practical answers you the American people should know about regardless. He mentioned cures for cancer and diabetes that worked, and other health answers you needed if you wanted to live healthy or even live until old age rather than dying young or younger than you should. Nesara News had a report just today how chem trails is an operation run by the Department of Defense for Wash., D.C. and is intended to control the population of America by killing off many of you by poisoning your air to kill off the weaker of you American citizens. In his DVD full-length movie, Dr. Garst told you where to get natural health answers that worked to save your life from ailments Wash., D.C. wanted you to die from such as cancer and diabetes and heart attacks. He tells how Wash., D.C. was bought off to set up these federal laws and policies designed to injure you for life or kill off on a regular basis millions of you Americans. You personally have been a prime target of Wash., D.C. to have your health ruined for life or else killed off by deliberate, calculated Washington policy and so-called "laws. All this legally means they decreed to themselves the legal authority to kill off millions of American on a regular basis and be quiet, sucker American! Don't complain when they kill you early in life by calculated Washington policy. The legal and medical evidence is steadily building up that GMO food crops is steadily killing off more and more Americans and has the potential if not stopped in time may kill off the entire human race on earth. I suggest we have a serious national scientific investigation into GMO  food crops before this matter goes further. If it is not proven safe, then outlaw it from further use in American and world agriculture. I am afraid power elite I can't be bought off by you! My integrity is not for sale like many members of Congress, federal judges, and heads and personnel of federal agencies.   
     We may be within a few years of having all of America suddenly killed off by a surprise natural occurrence that has some scientists and engineered concerned about. If the disaster becomes too big, it may also kill off the entire human race on earth at the same time. I had the technology nearly attained that could have defused this natural occurrence so it would not threaten the national destruction of America, but guess what? Our jackass moron federal government of Wash., D.C. rushed in, broke up a national deal of mine just before I was to buy the technology that would save America from this pending national disaster. Now whether I can ever get this unique technology for America again is highly up in the air or a lost answer for America because the idiots and lunatics are running Wash., D.C., not sound and patriotic American leaders. Pass my Omni Law and we do potentially have a backup answer to save America from natural annihilation, not as good as the original technology Wash., D.C. caused me to lose but still probably could save America from annihilation if this pending national disaster decides to occur soon. I warned correctly of a pending national real estate crash. It happened as I predicted in some national reports. I knew it was touch and go, but others along with me warned of a pending potential crash of the computers in America, etc. Quietly corrective actions were taken in military circles, etc. and the potential collapse of the computer systems in America and abroad did not occur because it was quietly headed off in time before it occurred.
     Okay, now how do some of you become millionaires by reading this report? The report I released nationally yesterday on how the federal government murdered Dr. Garst in order to silence him and block the release of his DVD movie costing him $50,000 to produce exposing two giant scandals of high treason going on in Wash., D.C. has set the stage so grand jury investigations can be opened up on how the federal government using the F.B.I. murdered him in order to silence him. Once the legal investigation begins into his federal murder and then with the Pandora Box opened of federal scandals, we get investigated how Mike Kodosky got his two feet chopped off by the U.S. Justice Dept. and murdered him trying to force him to tell the U.S. Justice Dept. where the money was deposited for American citizens and foreign citizens he handled their money for them. He said that this money belonged to the American people and foreign citizens who had dealt with him, not Wash., D.C., so they murdered him for that legal answer to them. Soon the grand jury investigations get into the area where the U.S. Justice Dept. smashed my quite legal deal of selling high mileage technology for trucking firms in America and abroad for an understood maybe $7 billion to $27 billion in sales and most of it in profits after expenses. An independent test with 100 commercial trucks which the U.S. Justice Dept. did not know about confirmed that one part of my technology increased the gas mileage of 100 commercial trucks out of 100 commercial trucks 30% or greater gas mileage increase on every truck tested. If all of my technology had been tested, I think the final result would have been much higher than the 30% plus gas mileage increase achieved with just part of my total system I was going to use! Even 30% plus truck gas mileage increase was spectacular in results for this time and age!
     I am the boy who beat a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court until he faced me! And to his shock, he lost for the first time in his legal career. I also have engineered other stunning upsets in legal clashes. I already know the laws which will collect for me not only actual but punitive damages from all federal officials and personnel who were involved in these criminal acts by Wash., D.C. and I know how to nail Wash., D.C. so they will to their shock pay me likely $100 billion in actual and punitive damages for this totally legal deal with the trucking industry I already had the commitments for until the U.S. Justice Dept. broke up this deal with no valid legal grounds to break up a very legal deal as no fraud was involved. 
     I collect actual and punitive damages for the trucking deal that the U.S. Justice Dept. broke up a few years ago, I collect actual damages or more, I will take aside $100 million and 100 of you who have purchased my book "The Eternal Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" By Erasmus of America (my pen name) will have your names drawn from a common lottery drawing and my gift to the 100 names drawn, you each get $1 million as my way of thanking you for being patriotic enough to help finance the winning back of America to the founding principles of 1776. Same system again for those buying the DVD movie by Dr. Garst  called "Mad About Alternatives." I saved this movie from being destroyed by the U.S. Justice Dept. by murdering Dr. Garst and with a truck or trucks hauling away his inventory of DVD copies of this movie filling up his entire house like a warehouse then. They hauled away the DVD copies the same day they murdered him according to involved legal evidence. I take all the names of customers for his DVD movie bought from my NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. We pick 100 names of customers by random lot from our national list of those buying this and one hundred of you are suddenly each millionaires having just won by random chance $1 million each in cash you can spend right away!  And then we take all names of customers who haven't won yet for either my book or else the improved copy of Dr. Garst's DVD movie and draw 1,000 names. Each name drawn will then receive $100,000 as our gift to thank you for helping to save the future of America by backing us when it counted to save America from pending disaster as a nation. 
      Now I don't like any losers in all this. So we continue on. All you who buy this book, send me a self-addressed envelope and 20 cents, and those who buy this DVD movie by Dr. Garst from my NIFI, and I will send back to you a two page report on a free energy system that used the discoveries of 4 inventors in free energy to design it. It is simple in concept and yesterday noticed on the internet one source having a more sophisticated version of the same basic design and said it was producing for free the electrical energy needed to live on as I understand they claimed. and they showed it running in their filming of it. I have already won this debate before even beginning to debate on free energy. A quiet village in Switzerland has for decades been supplying themselves with free electrical energy to power their village with. I have a film taken showing their equipment which has quietly been doing this for decades now! I know more than I admit as I had all the secret research files of the National Institute For Inventors for two decades now. I don't have to believe in perpetual motion or creating energy. Gravity is correctly stated in physics to be a force. The catch is that it is force created by free energy the whole universe is mass filled with. How to harness it is the secret how to create all the free energy you want to power your house, your car, your community, your industry, your farm, your city, your state, your nation with. Now Wash., D.C. in sudden shock realizes how dangerous it was to provoke me to make public this revolutionary technology so now it can be used by mankind in America and throughout the world. 
      In my two page report covered by copyright, it will tell half the secret how gravity is harnessed into workable energy and in a form might as well call it "free energy" as it is free to us as a gift from God. The two page report will tell you where to pay for additional information and leads on what is called "free energy." You have to pay my NIFI $25 for us to make one copy for you of a 20 page report probably the best ever written showing you several free energy systems and explanations showing how they were built. Ordering one copy to be made for you of this 20 page report is legally the only way we can release this report to you. We cannot reprint it and sell it in bookstores, etc. We will  also at this time release to you with your copy what we rate to be the best source in America to buy free energy reports which you can build. Also, I once secretly interviewed the aide to a man who built a car engine which ran without liquid fuel put into it and was apparently tested at the Crosby Institute in Hollywood, CA running for one week without visible fuel put into it. This aide told me that the inventor of this unique car engine once secretly told him what he judged the car engine actually ran on as no physical fuel was ever added to it. When the aide told me, I almost grinned as I knew what the inventor was talking about. I even know more of the answer than the inventor did. His source of energy ultimately traced to gravity to power his car engine, but he didn't know that branch of physics to know this. I will tell you the secret he used to power his car engine according to what he told his aide at the time. I reserve the right to withdraw this free energy information at any time. If the oil cartel, etc. wants to quick pay me $100 million to stop promoting this, I will accept this money and then shortly afterwards begin setting up my father's food industry based upon his great discovery in food which the Vatican indicated was potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. Unknown to the Vatican, university tests and later, 1300 or more medical labs across the world predict the soon end of the human race on earth if this Vatican endorsed great food discovery is not quickly added to the human diet on earth. If America passes my Omni Law, I will build this great world food industry in America. If America does not want this great food industry, I will negotiate with Russia, Australia, Canada, and other large lands to set it up there instead of America. The nation with this great food industry will become the industrial leader of the world and richest nation in human history. If established in America, it should lead to millions of new jobs in America, skyrocket the national economy of America, and probably make America the greatest nation seen in all of human history. But pass my Omni Law or I will not trust the federal government and build this in America. I am morally obligated before God to set this up in the right nation and not the wrong nation on earth. And I must build this soon in order to save the human race from potential biological extinction like the dinosaurs which are now extinct on earth. If you want this food industry for America, folks, you see your state and federal representatives see this report now and demand they back me now so I don't establish this great food industry in another nation rather than America. No games here! God gave this colossal food discovery to my family for a reason. I must honor the covenant terms God required for me to be allowed to offer this to America. It is in the Old Testament the covenant terms God required to let a nation have this great food discovery God has offered to the human race since Old Testament times. I want America to be approved by God so I am allowed to establish this world power food industry in America instead of abroad. But time is up. I must make my final decision soon what nation gets this great food discovery based upon God's greatest secret in health food to keep the human race alive and well on earth generation after generation.
     Pass this report on to all in America. My national website is . My email address is .
     My website offers the book. My report yesterday on March 26 on Nesara News offers the DVD movie in the report "Federal Government Murdered Dr. David M. Garst To Block Him From Releasing DVD Movie Exposing Federal Scandals Of High Treason By Erasmus Of America.
     Whether you realize it or not, great power moves are being made by these reports posted on the internet. There is a law higher than that of governments and it involves moral force connecting with public opinion connecting in a nation or across the world. Sir Winston Churchill commented in the 1930's that moral force was the most powerful force in the world to force governments to change their policies and laws. I think Gandhi of India would also understand the power moves being made by these reports seen by too much of the public to try and ignore afterwards. 
     Act fast to get my free energy information by getting the option to obtain this by either purchase of my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" or the DVD full-length movie by Dr. Garst "Mad About Alternatives also obtainable from NIFI at the website or else postal address at South Carolina. If the oil cartel or electrical utility industry, etc. offers me $100 million to buy my marketing rights to my free energy information, I will sell as the food industry is what I am fighting over, not the free energy information for all the people to have. This is negotiating power to achieve my goals or else I play the free energy angle all the way and teach the people all the answers they want for practical reasons. 
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the industrial leader who intends to establish the God-given world food industry promised in Exodus 23:25. God is using me to alter the power control of America and abroad. I am pretty sure of God being behind what is going on!) 

Prussia USA

Subject: Prussia USA


Why are US public schools such
disaster areas?

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Sen. Reid Beefs up "Base Bill" to Destroy Gun Ownership

Sen. Reid Beefs up "Base Bill" to Destroy Gun Ownership
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013 23:15:37

"the bill is a lot worse than even we anticipated.
We expected it to contain the Veterans Gun Ban, which would mean that you would sell, gift, or raffle a gun in America at the risk of a 15-year prison sentence because of something you didn't know about the veteran/buyer.
But, surprisingly to us, the Far Left has convinced Reid to include the original Schumer version of the Universal Registry Bill. This would ban private sales of firearms, unless purchasers first get the permission from the government. If Senators can pass this de facto registration bill, they will be well on the way to confiscation"

A Vital Message to Christians and the World at Large

Old Thinker News: A Vital Message to Christians and the World at Large
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Tuesday, 26-Mar-2013 20:35:39
A Vital Message to Christians and the World at Large
Old-Thinker News | Feb 5, 2013
By Daniel Taylor
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me [Jesus] ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
“I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” – John 17:15
I am writing this message to you as a Christian; But I was not always a follower of Christ. This article should be important to you whether you are a Christian or not. The events happening now foreshadow what is to come, and every person on earth will be impacted.
I was once blinded by a worldly deception that came in the form of New Age philosophies. The lie “Ye shall be as gods” told to Adam and Eve will give you an idea of what I strayed into. The circles of friends I came in contact with were also led astray. I was told that in Lucifer great power was found, and that Hitler was not a bad person but rather another advanced soul playing its part in the coming new age. Jesus was viewed as a “great moral teacher” and not the savior of mankind.
During this time I was fairly informed about the issues covered daily in the alternative media. It was not until I came out of this deception and fully submitted to Jesus Christ that I came to completely understand what was happening in the world. The blinders finally came off. It was a bitter sweet moment of deep revelation and painful introspection.
A similar transformation is happening to others as they understand that a great lie has injected itself into modern day Christianity. The “Pre-Trib Rapture” theory has placed its adherents in a self contained bubble. Fictional movies like Left Behind reinforce the lie. They are willingly ignorant. Their rightfully troubled spirits have been soothed by a worldly doctrine crafted to lull them into a state of complacency.
The Pre-Trib Rapture theory says in a nutshell that because “we know not the hour” of Christ’s coming, he could come back at any moment; Today, tomorrow, any time. Any attempt to fight evil, therefore is futile. There is a problem, however. According to the bible there will come a great deceiver. He will be an imposter, a false Christ. He will convince the world that he is God, and then wage war against all Christians who do not worship him.
The new documentary “After the Tribulation” is exposing this false doctrine.
The truth as presented in this documentary stands on its own. All I can do is provide supporting information. The establishment has a serious interest in shaping religion. This has been true for ages. Noted historian Alexis de Tocqueville warned us in 1835 when he wrote Democracy in America that the churches were being usurped by power elites for their own agenda. He wrote,
“…sovereigns… are using the priests influence and turning it to their own exclusive profit. They are turning clergymen into functionaries and, often, servants, and they are using the clergy to reach the deepest recesses of the individual soul.”
In addition to the Pre-Trib doctrine, Christianity has been molded over decades to hold an international, globalist viewpoint. This is largely due to the influence of various Rockefeller family interests, but to what end?
Raymond B. Fosdick, a close friend of the Rockefeller family during World war II, served as president of the Rockefeller Foundation during that time. Fosdick, like the Rockefellers, held a belief in internationalism. He went as far to say that in the future, one man would rise and construct a global federation, stopping all war. Fosdick writes in 1941,
“Some day, I predict, a man will rise by whose hands a federation of the world will be so effected, and wars so stopped thereby, that his name will go down across the centuries associated with that great achievement, as Copernicus’ name is with the new astronomy, or Lincoln’s with the preservation of our union. That man will come. Some day he will arise.”
The question is, who is this man Fosdick is welcoming? If we understand what the bible tells us, the world is in for an unpleasant surprise.
“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” – Mark 13:13
Individuals steeped in the occult have looked forward to a time when the world will be “bathed in blood”, ushering in a new golden age.
“There is a Magical operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned and conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.” – Aleister Crowley
“Maitrea himself spoke to me. He said ‘I myself am coming, sooner than anyone thinks possible.’ He will face humanity with a choice; Create justice in the world and build the most brilliant civilization this earth has ever seen, or perish utterly. That is the choice.” – Benjamin Creme
“Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds. It is a case of the… elimination of the ego-driven, godless one-fourth who, at this time of planetary birth, can, if allowed to live on… destroy forever the opportunity of Homo sapiens to become Homo universalis… Before this stage of power can be inherited by the God-centered members of the social body, the self-centered members must be destroyed… Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.” – Barbara Marx Hubbard
Where do you stand?