Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Picture Worth a Thousand Words - Obama Corruption and Incompetency

If There Ever Was A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

This “president” is a disaster in so many ways .

As Jay Leno says: “How can Obama hold anybody accountable when he doesn’t have any accountants in his administration?”

Obama may be the worst foreign policy president in U.S. history, but he is also the most corrupt:
“How many more scandals have to crop up before the words “Obama” and “corruption” become dictionary synonyms?
In January, the issue of corruption, like the television show “Jeopardy,” came in the form of a question.
Four months later, Obama corruption is a certainty and a redundancy.”
- Washington Times, May 29, 2013

Move Over Jimmy – Barack Hussein Obama Now “Worst Foreign Policy President Ever”
by Ulsterman on August 31, 2013

Barack Obama is hated by those who have seen the United States help to tear apart their own nations in favor of radical Islamic regimes.

Through one bungle after another, the Obama Administration has maneuvered itself into a box. If Obama launches an attack on Syria, he will bring America under widespread condemnation and risk a broader war. If he launches the limited cruise missile attack that he has suggested, he will look impotent at the same time he risks war. And if he does nothing at all, he will look impotent for backing down on his threat over “red line” of chemical weapon use and trash what little credibility he has left in the Middle East.
Obama has managed a feat in the Middle east that was all but unimaginable five years ago: He’s even less popular in the region than President George W. Bush was at the end of his presidency.
The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project finds that support for the United States is lower now in Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan than it was in 2008. Approval for Obama’s policies was only 15 percent in Muslim countries last spring; what that rate would be now in Egypt and Syria is anyone’s guess, but a safe guess would be “lower.”
Our foreign policy in the Middle East is incoherent. There is no strategic vision on display, only one ad hoc reaction after another. Secretary of State John Kerry wanders aimlessly through it all like a patrician Forrest Gump.
Five years ago the Norwegian parliament awarded Obama the Nobel Peace Prize in the hope that the change he represented would bring peace. It never occurred to them that change could be for the worse. Rarely has peace seemed so unattainable in the Middle East, nor the web of alliances and hatreds so tangled.
It takes a special kind of genius to make so many wrong steps to make an impossibly bad situation even worse.
President Obama is a very special kind of genius. 

President Obama drowning in corruption scandals

Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting
“The sheer number of scandals suggests that misbehavior, abuse of power, and possibly corruption are not something being dreamed up by the GOP, but a defining characteristic of the Obama administration.”

by Keith Koffler on August 1, 2013, 9:25 am
President Obama claims that Republicans are busy probing “phony scandals.” But the sheer number of scandals suggests that misbehavior, abuse of power, and possibly corruption are not something being dreamed up by the GOP, but a defining characteristic of the Obama administration.
Here is a full list of the administration’s most egregious scandals. The ones we know about, at least. I’ve added four since the last time we ran the list – an increase of 20 percent!
1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.
2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.
4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.
5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.
6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme: Allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
7. Potential Holder Perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.
8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.
9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.
10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.
11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.
12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.
13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.
14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.
15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.
16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.
17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.
18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.
19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).
20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”
21. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer: It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both the motive and the means to do it.
22. An American Political Prisoner: The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over his anti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspicious coincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly told the father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Benghazi.
23. Get rid of inconvenient IGs: Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired in 2009 as he fought wasteful spending and investigated a friend of Obama’s, Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson. The White House says Walpin was incompetent.
24. Influence peddling: An investigation is underway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for the number two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas may have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas for foreign investors in company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodman.

How Many More Obama Scandals Are There?
“If Obama’s first term raised ethical concerns, the last four months suggest an administration deep in moral bankruptcy…
At this point the only question is whether he takes the entire nation down with him.”
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 - The Tygrrrr Express by Eric Golub

President Obama is drowning in corruption scandals. Whether you believe he is an innocent victim, incompetent bungler or  nefarious schemer, one thing is certain. These scandals will not disappear just because he and his supporters want them to.
We asked the question in January - is President Obama corrupt?
At that time, scandals abounded.
Solyndra, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the NLRB suing Boeing, and Lisa Jackson’s EPA emails are all serious scandals involving government corruption at the highest levels. At the minimum they show Obama to be ignorant or indifferent to what’s going on in his own administration.”
Those words appeared here only four months ago, and in retrospect they’re astonishing. The astonishment comes not from those listed powder kegs, but from the ones missing from the list. If Obama’s first term raised ethical concerns, the last four months suggest an administration deep in moral bankruptcy.
Only now are Americans learning that Obama’s IRS deliberately targeted and harassed conservative, tea party, pro-Israel, and other organizations that Obama dislikes, as well as individuals who supported them.
The facts are not in dispute. The IRS admitted guilt. The only question is from how high up the political food chain the order came to use the IRS to intimidate political opponents. IRS employee Lois Lerner invoked her Fifth Amendment privileges to avoid answering questions on the subject, but because she indulged her desire to grab some air time with a self-serving statement before a House committee, she may be called back for further questioning.
Only now are Americans learning that HHS Secretary and Obamacare Czarina Kathleen Sebelius engaged in illegal Obamacare fundraising.
Only now are Americans learning that Obama’s Justice Department seized telephone records of AP reporters. The facts are again not in dispute. Obama admitted doing it, citing national security concerns. The Department of Justice was still required to notify the AP of their intentions, but failed to do so.
Only now are Americans learning that Attorney General Eric Holder personally signed the order authorizing the Obama DoJ to track the movements of Fox News reporter James Rosen, after asking three different judges to approve the order. Rosen’s parents were even tracked. Obama’s hostility toward Fox News is well established. Again, the facts are not in dispute. The only question is whether Holder went rogue or acted on Obama’s orders.
Only now are Americans learning the motivation behind the seizure of property from the Gibson Guitar company. Gibson was accused by this same DoJ of using illegal wood. A guitar company may seems apolitical, but everything is political with the Obama administration. Gibson’s owner is a Republican who donated to conservative candidates. A rival company using the same wood is owned by an individual who donates to Obama and other Democrats. His company was left alone.
Only now are Americans learning that HHS Secretary and Obamacare Czarina Kathleen Sebelius engaged in illegal Obamacare fundraising.
This is all in the last four months.
As for Benghazi, it is far worse than originally thought. Only now are Americans learning that the original Obama narrative was a deliberate lie. The anti-Muslim video did not inspire the Libya attacks on the American consulate that led to the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three others. Radical Islam was the cause.
The Obama administration stayed afloat just long enough to win reelection. Most mainstream outlets refused to cover his scandals. They then cited their own refusal to cover them as evidence that Americans did not care and the scandals did not matter. Hillary Clinton’s “What difference does it make?” became the symbol for every critic of an administration clearly spiraling out of control.
Forget momentarily the scandals known in January of 2013. Put aside briefly newer scandals developed in early 2013. Now ask a simple question.
How much more is there?
Obama defenders claim that Republicans deliberately focus on scandals to purposely weaken Obama. Even if this false claim had a kernel of truth, why did Obama give Republicans the ammunition to begin with?
Why would anyone in the age of Facebook, Twitter, and cellphone cameras think that bad behavior by anybody, much less famous people, would stay hidden?
Put simply, why can’t President Obama and his administration just stay out of trouble? Is it that hard to obey the law? Is it that difficult for Obama to accept that freedom of speech and freedom from government harassment are the rights of all Americans, even Americans who disagree with him?
Some people blame the media. The media emboldened Obama through their fawning worship. This allowed Obama to believe that he really is, as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews intoned, “the perfect man.”
Obama was treated less like a president and more like a messiah. As Lord Acton reminded us all, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
The reasons why Obama and his administration behave this way is irrelevant. This is the one case, unlike their scandals, where the reasons make no difference. At this point, too many people in the Obama administration have allowed themselves to be corrupted by pride and power to believe that they can do as they please, when they please, to whom they please. Whether this is the “Chicago Way” or the Obama way does not matter. The bad behavior must cease.
Republicans lost the 2012 election, but Democrats have seen their entire liberal agenda become paralyzed. Everything they believe in is failing because advancing a policy agenda requires the trust of the American people. A majority of Americans look at the Obama administration with distrustful eyes. Even people who like Obama personally no longer associate him with sincerity and integrity.
The original scandals were bad enough. The scandals accumulated in the last twenty weeks are far worse. This is just what we know.
As with confronting a cheating spouse, there exists reasonable suspicions that what we know is not “all of it,” not by a long shot.
How many more scandals have to crop up before the words “Obama” and “corruption” become dictionary synonyms?
In January, the issue of corruption, like the television show “Jeopardy,” came in the form of a question.
Four months later, Obama corruption is a certainty and a redundancy.
The life preservers in the media have been punctured. President Obama is drowning under the weight of his scandals. At this point the only question is whether he takes the entire nation down with him.

US attack on Syria, war of aggression: Alfred Lambremont Webre

US attack on Syria, war of aggression: Alfred Lambremont Webre
Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:42PM GMT

Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre

"If we look at the law of the UN Charter it is clear that wars of aggression are prohibited and it would be clear that if the US were to attack Syria, that would be the commencement of a war of aggression."

Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, international lawyer, about the United States and some of its allies, including France and Israel, still threatening military strike against Syria over false claims about the role of Damascus in a recent deadly chemical attack.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Mr. Webre, first of all we know that according to the British parliament the UK does not have permission now from its own MPs to get involved militarily but the United States has suggested that it is going to go it alone.

With no report yet on the part of the United Nations and no agreement or no UN mandate, what could a possible move by the United States mean in terms of international law?

Webre: Well it seems rather clear that this appears to be a replay of what the George W. Bush administration launched a war of aggression against Iraq in 2003 on the basis of a false flag operation and its false claims that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and this is the exact analogy and George W. Bush and Tony Blair and the Bush administration have been adjudged war criminals because of this.

If we look at the law of the UN Charter it is clear that wars of aggression are prohibited and it would be clear that if the US were to attack Syria, that would be the commencement of a war of aggression.

Article 2, Section 4 of the UN Charter states all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.
And the only exception is the right of collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a member of the United Nations which is not the case here and in fact we now have mounting evidence that the gas attack against the people of Syria was in fact the false flag attack.

This is a former PLO member, a native speaker Walid Shoebat which shows for example that there is a video showing the Free Syrian Army or FSA rebel forces launching a sarin gas attack on a Syria village. There is another YouTube that shows what appears to be Syrian rebel forces loading a canister of nerve gas on a rocket to fire presumably at civilians and possibly government forces.

And I have seen and I am looking at what appeared to be canisters in the sea to rebel arsenal from Jobar that appeared to resemble the canister launched by rebel forces initially. These are canisters of sarin gas.

And in a Syrian television report you can see a chemical agent and I am looking at the picture now that was identified has having been made in a Saudi Arabian factory.
In fact you can go to the Russian channel RT and an Arabian language channel shows captured rebel arsenals apparently with chemical agents manufactured in Saudi Arabia as well as gas mask, supporting the Russian claims that the rebels here are the culprits in the alleged chemical attack i.e. is a false flag attempted to provide a pretext for the attack by the US which itself would be a violation of the UN Charter and a war of aggression.

Press TV: Mr. Webre, just quickly before we leave you, we are hearing the United States say now that when we are going to decide on the Syria’s situation, we are going to consider the United States national interest.

I wonder what that means, you know if we want to get into the meaning of this, what is America trying to say by considering America’s national interest in this decision?

We earlier heard the French President also saying that France considers the chemical attack as a threat to global peace apparently in defense of the argument that this could actually be some kind of self-defense. So what is your argument here?

Webre: Well the arguments are that in all phases of this war starting with the false flag operation of September 11, 2001 to the Iraq war, the false claims of weapons of mass destruction and now to the Syrian case where we can see that there are apparently pictures of sarin gas attacks manufactured in Saudi Arabia and launched by the FSA as a false flag attack, that these are the standard operating procedures of the US forces and of the military and intelligence assets of the US forces carrying out a false flag operation which always proceeds their attempted war of aggression.

So they are just following their own military intelligence manuals. It means absolutely nothing in the world of truth. What it means is that this is part and parcel of the lead-up to a war of aggression and it is a real question as to which nations are going to stand up in the United Nations at the Security Council, at the International Criminal Court, in the various courts and tribunals and bring this war criminal nation to justice, both Israel and the United States which are war crimes nations. It is utterly clear in the UN Charter. 

Is the Syrian Conflict Leading to Isaiah 17?

1 - Updated article on how to discern Damascus' destruction...

Is the Syrian Conflict Leading to Isaiah 17?

As many prophecy fans already know, Damascus is a doomed city. Isaiah prophesied that the world's longest inhabited city will "cease to be a city..[and]...become a ruinous heap."(Isaiah 17:1). So why do things keep going on the same with the prophecy unfulfilled?

The Syrian uprising certainly seems different. If the US. goes ahead with her "shot across the bow" punishment for the chemical weapons or the uprising simply continues to expand, Syria looks to be going through big changes.

Naturally, this has prophecy students wondering if Damascus' end is near...again. As someone who has been watching the Middle East in light of the prophecies about Damascus for the last two decades, I can tell you this is nothing new. I have seen many fruitless predictions of  "the end of Damascus soon" with almost every M.E. conflict.

Why do these predictions keep failing?

Obviously, something has been missing in people's analysis of Isaiah 17 if they keep expecting it and it keeps not happening.

2 -  Know the Future - The latest 8th Edition features new chapters, new charts, a full page master chart and rewrites on every page letting it give you the most comprehensive understanding of end time prophecy easier than ever. See for full details.

3 - To watch my first teaching video (on Bible prophecy, of course) go to:

Thank you.

Tim McHyde

PO Box 120-2070, Sabanilla, San Jose 2070, COSTA RICA

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Friday Afternoon Dinar Chatter

Friday Afternoon Dinar Chatter

Currency Chatter/Randy Koonce

How you Makin it ?  Just dropping a note to let people know that we are still in a good window for
the next 10 days, Things seem to be progressing,

It could be any day up to the 10 days if it happens to go past then there would be a hold up and we would need to get information and we will as soon as we can….

But right now the window is very strong for the next 10 days….

Check  every day to see if it has changed… do not take a guru or a post about in
country RV or any thing else do not be fooled just check the CBI

Do not let your emotions get to you.

Read More Link on Right


Stevo : This will be a lot of lasts for us. The last Friday, the last weekend, the last holiday before the RV.
It will also be the beginning for a lot of things. A lot of really GREAT things!!!   GO RV!!!

[mort] fri-3:22 pm est-just talked with my int lawyer and he just told me that some high up from madam woo-probably one of the elders of hers is already on his way to Hong Kong to swipe one of the cards through from someone there-they do not need his signature-but they do need his card run through to signal to get this rv done...did not say what happened to the guy...but i guess they are glad to help the guy out-lol... There are a certain amount of some kind of cards that all have to be swiped through for the rv to get done-he said this was one of the last one's they needed to get this done..alot going on behind the scenes that we do not know and probably never will! He said this should all be done between now & Sunday! He does not see this going to the Royal Bank of Canada at all. So look for the higher rates!

[jake00] the $660T bonds were completed. A group of US congressmen came from Switzerland with bonds. I got calls from people who received their bonds, they were elated. I actually got a copy of a check (front & back) of $500M that someone received. so this is what okie meant about the swiss watch

[carguy] Words or phrases I will strike from my vernacular Post RV - Soon, Done, There, Wait, JL, O, CL, Wu, Reserve, Any Minute, Reno, IMF, CBI, GOI, Malaki, backscreen, teller screen, place holder, process, rate, Called in, On alert, also all metaphors with ships, planes, trains, birthing babies. My new reply to anyone asking how I am - post RV? - Superfantastic!

[suzy] BLUWOLF I want the President to know that we know, I want all secret societies to know that we know, I want the Queen to know we know, I want your Congress and all 3 letter agencies to know that we know, enough is enough just get the darn thing done no more bs.Bluwolf



[Jamison] BLESSME Everything looks great based on what everybody knows that has happened so far, everything is prepared to handle us when it does happen, eventually that checklist of things that need to happen (which we dont know about) will be done and the emails will start flying

 [Jamison] BLESSME There is no plan a and plan b , there is not a 660 trillion dollar situation, its just stories that are being fed into the system, knowing that certain people will pick them up and run with it to confuse the massess, just take care of your families and when its ready it will happen

[wingnaprayer] Jamison Do you agree that we are in a window for this to happen?

 [Jamison] wingnaprayer based on what we all know that has happened, it looks like it, but a month ago we did not know about the cix, things pop up monthly that we did not know about that actually makes sense that need to happen, like I said, when that list of things that we dont know about is done, we may  see this happen

[Jamison] wingnaprayer In the meantime, alot of disinformation is being put out there, and the part of the dinar world just needs info so they believe that the info is true, when it is so far from the truth. If we dont stay grounded and be effected by the misinformation we might make it thru this winning

[nolaspice] Jamison and all of this is in your personal honest opinion correct? Lol

[t3mpo83] Jamison Agreed, 30 days is nonsense. That whole time limit is disinformation, it's illegal for them to do so.

[Jamison] nolaspice well if the site makes me say it , I guess so lol

[Jamison] If you want to go cash exchange in your home town and that teller spreads the rumor that you are rich you will have ever charity in your area calling you daily, the NDA is also to protect us for things like that happening


Emailed to Recaps:

My brother, a non-dinarian, is beginning to be a believer and shared a personal story with me that I felt compelled to pass on.

 His friends won $50,000000. in the lottery ( around 12 years ago), which unfortunately becomes public info. They have said that it is the worst thing that has ever happened to them. They've had no peace and have had to move several times.

They were initially flashy with their new wealth as lottery winners and said they should have been more prudent with their choices, though they still have wealth they feel was a curse.

Their advice to anyone who comes into sudden wealth; stop, breathe, relax, get advisement, stay LOW KEY in helping people in need, as there are many. Don't let it change your core values, but to let your new abundance be an instrument to enhance those wonderful attributes we hold in our hearts.

For they are the real reason we have been chosen to be here at this time. How we respond to His generosity in this life will undoubtedly impact our next - for we can't take any of our prosperity with us.

As a believer, I know in my " knower" that we are blessed and I put my trust in Him as our prosperity is delivered in His time! Peace, God bless, stay calm and strong and embrace today as the gift that's our present while we plan for for tomorrows!   Savvy1Sez

Only the Man On The Damascus Road(JESUS) who dismounted Saul from his mount and spoke directly to him can turn this around now!




Only the Man On The Damascus Road(JESUS) who dismounted Saul from his mount and spoke directly to him can turn this around now!

29 August 2013: Brother Bob’s revelation of what will happen if we attack Syria.


What the Father showed with regard to the Syrian scenario has made me, "sick within my own spirit."

Have not slept well since last weekend, 23 - 25, (Friday - Sunday), when the Father simply, “pulled back the veil of time and said, 'Look! This is what’s coming if your beloved America goes through with her plans to attack/invade Syria. America will suffer gravely...internally!”

In fact, I have not wanted to connect with nor talk to you about any of sickens me in my spirit to even think about any/all of it. And yet, everything the Father has shown is right there for anyone to see...exactly. I will try to write it down if I can deal internally within my own soul and spirit, mind and intellect, emotions, etc.

Know this...all information flow is a CyOp (sic) [Psychological Operation). Syria is a "Trip Wire Op," for something much more sinister than anyone can even imagine in their worst nightmares. Ask why England has backed away? Inquire why other nations are becoming skittish?! America is being isolated for a very specific purpose, reason, and meaning.

September 11, pay very close attention to the date and the surrounding dates; it is poison to our beloved America's internal life at this moment in history. Only the Man On The Damascus Road who dismounted Saul from his mount and spoke directly to him can turn this around now!

NBC’s (Nuke-Bio-Chem) on our own soil as retaliation for a Syrian attack/invasion? Unless El Shaddai intervenes...likely. Results: marital law, round ups, incarcerations, encampments and resettlements, confiscations of not only weapons but (food, clothing, fuel, water, IDs, property, modes of transportation, Rx's, financial accounts, personal records of any and all data relating to an individual and their relatives, executions; churches and Christian schools bombed and strafed, etc.).

Any and all statements/words against the president/vice president/cabinet/State Department/TSA/intelligence agencies and departments related thereto will be considered seditious and treasonous; thus, grounds for arrest, interrogation, imprisonment with hard labor, and or execution.

This is only a "glimpse into what the Father has shown."

Aug 30, 2013


Rebels Admit Responsibility for Chemical Weapons Attack

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Militants tell AP reporter they mishandled Saudi-supplied chemical weapons, causing accident
Paul Joseph Watson
August 30, 2013

Syrian rebels in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta have admitted to Associated Press correspondent Dale Gavlak that they were responsible for last week’s chemical weapons incident which western powers have blamed on Bashar Al-Assad’s forces, revealing that the casualties were the result of an accident caused by rebels mishandling chemical weapons provided to them by Saudi Arabia.
Image: YouTube
“From numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families....many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the (deadly) gas attack,” writes Gavlak. (back up version here).
Rebels told Gavlak that they were not properly trained on how to handle the chemical weapons or even told what they were. It appears as though the weapons were initially supposed to be given to the Al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra.
“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions,” one militant named ‘J’ told Gavlak.
His claims are echoed by another female fighter named ‘K’, who told Gavlak, “They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them. We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”
Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of an opposition rebel, also told Gavlak, “My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” describing them as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.” The father names the Saudi militant who provided the weapons as Abu Ayesha.
According to Abdel-Moneim, the weapons exploded inside a tunnel, killing 12 rebels.
“More than a dozen rebels interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government,” writes Gavlak.
If accurate, this story could completely derail the United States’ rush to attack Syria which has been founded on the “undeniable” justification that Assad was behind the chemical weapons attack. Dale Gavlak’s credibility is very impressive. He has been a Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press for two decades and has also worked for National Public Radio (NPR) and written articles for BBC News.
The website on which the story originally appeared - Mint Press (which is currently down as a result of huge traffic it is attracting to the article) is a legitimate media organization based in Minnesota. The Minnesota Post did a profile on them last year.
Saudi Arabia’s alleged role in providing rebels, whom they have vehemently backed at every turn, with chemical weapons, is no surprise given the revelations earlier this week that the Saudis threatened Russia with terror attacks at next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi unless they abandoned support for the Syrian President.
“I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” Prince Bandar allegedly told Vladimir Putin, the Telegraph reports.
The Obama administration is set to present its intelligence findings today in an effort prove that Assad’s forces were behind last week’s attack, despite American officials admitting to the New York Times that there is no “smoking gun” that directly links President Assad to the attack.
US intelligence officials also told the Associated Press that the intelligence proving Assad’s culpability is “no slam dunk.”
As we reported earlier this week, intercepted intelligence revealed that the Syrian Defense Ministry was making “panicked” phone calls to Syria’s chemical weapons department demanding answers in the hours after the attack, suggesting that it was not ordered by Assad’s forces.
UPDATE: Associated Press contacted us to confirm that Dave Gavlak is an AP correspondent, but that her story was not published under the banner of the Associated Press. We didn’t claim this was the case, we merely pointed to Gavlak’s credentials to stress that she is a credible source, being not only an AP correspondent, but also having written for PBS, BBC and
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     I in different form released a similar message yesterday, but headstrong Obama is trying to trigger off World War III any moment now. It is time for Congress to tell him that he cannot proceed without first study and authorization by Congress as required by the terms of the U.S. Constitution. If he tries to start a war without authorization of Congress, promptly impeach him from the White House and I emphasize promptly!
      The evidence is now coming out clearly that Saudi Arabia was the instigator of this pending nuclear World War III. The chemical weapons were supplied by Saudi Arabia and apparently accidentially set off by the Syrian rebels who didn't know what they were. These were not the chemical weapons apparently that Syria possessed, but Saudi Arabia did possess them and supplied them to the Syrian rebels who didn't know what they were and how to use them.

     Saudi Arabia is apparently behind all this and trying to instigate a "Holy War" against Russia by the Muslim nations of the Middle East. The U.S. news services are heavily censoring the truth from the American people. Dr. Goebbels of Nazi Germany would be so proud of the U.S. news media practicing the principles of propaganda and news censorship that Dr. Goebbels taught to Nazi Germany and studied by U.S. intelligence sources and carried out by the American news media getting into very deep and dangerous waters by setting America up to a pending nuclear World War III.
      Nesara News has done such an excellent job of bringing out the truth versus the censored and lying version presented by corruptly controlled American news media, I recommend all Americans read all the reports pretaining to this crisis Obama is trying to turn into World War III from this Thursday through August 31, 2013. Read them on Nesara News and promptly tell your elected officials to slam the brakes on Obama and be ready to impeach him immediately if he tries to start a war without Congressional investigation and authorization first as required by the U.S. Constitution.
      I spent eleven calendar years in military academies, heavy background in military intelligence, and I warn you that Obama is apparently insane as all hell and needs to be promptly yanked out of the White House on mental grounds of insanity before he gets America clobbered in an all-out nuclear war and killing off most or all of America as well as getting killed off colossal millions in the Middle East and Europe and maybe mass slaughter in all nations of the world before this mess of mass stupidity is all over. The Russian military are not stupid. I cracked their security and studied all their nuclear attack plans for the annihilation of America from the Moscow Institute For Nuclear Studies. The Pentagon is apparently controlled by Obama stooges and they are not listening to my warnings how deadly Russia would be in a pending nuclear war. This matter needs to be calmed down by the prompt removal of Obama from the White House as he is acting on fraudulent claims and ignoring of evidence that the chemical weapons came from Saudi Arabia to start a Middle East war with, not from Syria. Also, prompt passage of my proposed Omni Law which creates a legal oversight committee not controlled by politics to keep Wash., D.C. honest and responsible and smart in laws and policies they set up. The politics have got to stop and sanity start reigning in America!
      Pass this message all over America and fast. Obama wants to push the button to start World War III and maybe get America annihilated in the process and over damn nonsense stirred up by the mad Nero in the White House called Obama.
     The proposed Omni Law is on my website and can be passed as soon as the major portion of the American people care and want responsible government in Wash., D.C. instead of the insane actions of an insane man in the White House called Obama. My website is  Email is  Mailing address for those wanting to place orders for items on the website but prefer to place order by mail instead of through the website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and what payment is for. Website is used to help finance the Omni Law Drive in America through the Omni Law Loan Program and sell of products that deliver more funding for the Omni Law Drive. Obama is a prime example why the Omni Law needs to be passed and now! Read the updated Omni Law report on the website for the version to be passed by Congress and ratified by the state legislatures.
      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for the maverick in military intelligence the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon long ago sent congratulations to him for the Slavic Royal Alliance Ruse which saved America from pending nuclear World War III then and said this was the most brilliant military intelligence ruse in the national history of America. Unfortunately for now, no ruse is going to save America from a fast coming World War III but only facing the truth and acting promptly to strip Obama of national power and leadership unless 300 million Americans are anxious to die in a possibly fast coming World War III.)

TNT Blast from Tony Friday Night

TNT Blast from Tony Friday Night


TNT BLAST FRIDAY NIGHT 8 EST - Good Evening Everybody! Sorry for the short call this morning but we were anticipating the President having something to say immediately at that time or I would have stayed longer.

We have been on calls all afternoon getting information. The general consensus is, even though we saw the lower rate today, PLAN A IS STILL IN EFFECT! NO BAD NEWS!

Everyone is still excited and bank personnel are on the job as we speak.

We will know better by sunrise, which way we are going… so look for a TNT BLAST or TNT CALL tomorrow at our regular time! Tony TNT


Massive Manipulation-We Are At The CUSP

Keep A Jaundice Eye On Silver Price Especially Until September 1st 2013: Massive Manipulation ~ We Are At The CUSP!

Silver 5Xs More Rare Than Gold
Silver 5Xs More Rare Than Gold
UPDATE -> They may throw in the towel even after massive manipulation or plummet price for last go of paper silver.

Bullion was mauled in the overnight session, when thin volume facilitates cartel price management.
As can be seen with the overnight session’s sharp decline, this was not the typical stair-step downward move that would be considered normal profit taking following last week’s big gains.
In fact, the regular session on Monday saw normal profit taking during London and New York trading sessions.
Who in their right mind would try to exit large positions for profit taking during the most illiquid period during Tuesday’s overnight session?
Today’s upside reversal speaks to the underlying strength of this new bull cycle. The character of the bullion market has changed, readily apparent to anyone with a lick of “mercantile sense” as James Sinclair observes.
The silver COT’s [COMMITMENT OF TRADERS] are showing that SOMEONE is massively shorting on the latest rise in the price of silver. Although in the past it has usually been JP Morgan, I believe that it may be someone else this time…a non-regulated hedge fund like BLACKROCK. This would be part of their takeover plans of the silver rigging reigns. RoadtoRoota
By Eric Dubin, The News Doctors:
It should also be noted: the argument can be made that coming into Monday during the access hours there was a small cartel raid that set the stage; who needs “nudge teams” when they already exist on Wall Street?
Conventional thinkers outside of the reality-based community might scoff at this analysis. So be it.

The bottom-line is that Tuesday’s overnight session witnessed a raid. It’s very visible in the chart.

Today’s upside reversal speaks to the underlying strength of this new bull cycle. The character of the bullion market has changed, readily apparent to anyone with a lick of “mercantile sense” as James Sinclair observes. It also comes a day before the release of minutes from the FOMC, and futures contract settlement later this month. Precious metals markets typically come under pressure against that sort of backdrop.
Regular readers are familiar with daily cartel patterns of crashing the gold and silver markets on both the LBMA and COMEX open.
Hedge funds are incrementally increasing their long exposure. Some of these very same hedge funds were playing the short side more aggressively only three weeks ago. In addition, the hot money crowd is demonstrably not interested in laying on big, new short positions; many are looking for entry points to get long. This shift in the speculator community is contributing to fast upside reversals like we see in this morning’s trade.
Meanwhile, fundamentals for the physical market are strengthening. The seasonally strong period for Asian purchases has begun. We also have the bullion banks apparently net long both gold and silver. The talking heads on CNBC might not be able to see that the bullion markets have turned, but you can and that’s why you’re reading this (and the brainwashing box is ideally turned off!).
Mining Shares Confirming Bullion Price Action
Monday’s standard profit taking was telegraphed to some extent by Friday’s tepid trading across mining shares. Mining shares have a tendency of revealing short-term inflection points when it comes to the speculator community. The shares also can reveal shifts in the aggregate view of longer-term oriented investors.
Ever since the cyclical bear cycle in bullion began last fall, all mining share rallies were eventually sold. Precious metals equities acted like they had fallen into a bottomless pit. Early this month, that pattern decidedly changed. Dips are being bought – sometimes, quite aggressively.
Today’s trading offers a perfect example. It speaks to the fact that the character of the precious metals market has changed. At 12:00 EST, Gold was up about half a percent, Meanwhile, the Market Vectors GDX ETF was up over a buck, and more than 3.5%. Trading volume in the shares has been healthy all morning. This” confirming” trading action is consistent with a precious metals market that has fully switched into a new bull market cycle.
Last Friday, SD Weekly Metals & Markets radio show covered longer-term forecast for the balance of the year and 1Q-2014.
Click here to listen to the show.
Trading we see this week fits with our longer-term forecasts. Most investors are not seeing this rebirth of the bullion bull market cycle. Eventually, that will change.
Simply hold – they are now trying to buy your silver on this tiny rise but you MAY see the price fall dramatically. They have created a massive amount of paper silver to trick the silver charts into thinking there is much more silver than there really is. But Demand Is growing Strong For The Real Physical Silver At This CUSP.
China has outlawed this practice of ‘derivatives’, where’s the law enforcement in our own country?
Commercial longs are controlling the silver PHYSICAL market supply (this is good as we who hold are apart of this).
But its the banksters who are printing paper silver as if it were real. They in time will see their own waterloo. Volubrjotr
Silver Doctors
Silver Paul


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Glenn Beck begins to teach America’s biblical (Israelite) identity!

Glenn Beck begins to teach America’s biblical (Israelite) identity!

by: Dr. James W. Bruggeman of Stone Kingdom Ministries -

August 30, 2013

Praise God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ! An article posted today (Friday, August 30, 2013) in the widely-read World Net Daily began this way:

[Quoting] Radio and television host Glenn Beck is now going public with his belief the United States is among the famous “Lost 10 Tribes of Israel,” and America today is suffering calamities just as ancient Israel did due to its disobedience to the laws of God.

Echoing the conclusions of some experts who have delved deeply into what’s known as the theory of “Anglo-Israelism” or “British-Israelism,” Beck took viewers of his TV show into a biblical history lesson dating back to the time after King David of the Old Testament, when the once united kingdom of Israel became divided. …Beck explained that eventually, God warned the rebellious northern kingdom to stop its sinning, or else face disaster. [end quote] Full story here.

I am so thrilled for many reasons that Glenn Beck has taken this courageous step.  One reason is because this is a second and extended answer to my personal prayers of over 30 years ago!  And I did not even expect this second and greater answer to my prayer.

At that time—the late 70s—I was working full-time for an organization trying to educate my fellow citizens, to awaken them to the true facts of history and politics and how we are losing our God-given liberties.  Here was the first step in how God answered my prayer:

At this point, allow me to quote myself (only slightly edited) from a lecture which I presented to our Stone Kingdom Fellowship groups in Tennessee and Atlanta in June of 2010.  It is lecture #2 in my series called Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. It is entitled “We’re in Trouble—First, the Prophet.”

[begin quote] The more I labored the more disheartened I became as I was coming to the conclusion that there was no way that I and my fellow laborers—in 1979—were going to be able to stop the juggernaut of a tyrannical, one world government which would plunge the world into a millennium of the darkest of Dark Ages.

But there I was, basically teaching true American history to merely small groups of interested citizens, and occasionally to larger audiences of maybe a couple hundred.  In those days, I used to pray that someday, someone could get on national radio or television and teach the American people our truth—the truth about the Founding Fathers, the truth about the Constitution, and the truth of our history, how it has been distorted and twisted by evil men who have crept in unawares.

Men like Horace Mann in the 1800s and John Dewey, the progressive socialist, in the early 1900s, and men like William Ayers in our era.  Back in the 70s, Bill Ayers was a co-founder of the violent, Marxist Weather Underground terrorist group, who blew up buildings which killed and maimed people.

Ayers now says they should have done more bombings!  The word for that is “unrepentant.” Last I heard, Ayers is a university professor who, among other activities, writes textbooks for teaching teachers, and is a friend and unofficial consultant of President Obama.

I prayed back then that I would see the day when the truth would be taught, not just to small groups as I was doing, but to the masses on television.  My friends, praise God, my prayer of 30 years ago is being answered. I told you earlier that in this series of lectures I would name names.  I now see a man who is doing that work.  Yes, I believe that Glenn Beck is one of the prophets sent by God to teach America our true history.  And he is a Mormon of all things! (grinning)

Isn’t that just like our Father, though?  He is always coming up with something to surprise us—an answer to prayer sometimes comes from where we would least expect it.  Has that ever happened to you?  Yeah, so God sends a Mormon to do the job.  I think part of the reason is to see if we can learn to work with Christian brethren no matter what brand they are wearing, no matter what denominational box they are popping out of.

I have heard Glenn Beck enough on his radio program and seen enough of his television programs [when he was on the Fox network] to believe that he is my Christian brother.  Of course, he does not have perfect doctrine—but then neither do I,… nor do you.

Now before some of you go bananas on me, just think about it.  Did you expect that God would send prophets who are without warts, as it were?  Perhaps you have been under the impression that the prophets of old were so holy and pious that they never had a flaw or fault in their lives.

If that is the impression you have had, let me help dissuade you of that false notion: think of the prophet Hosea.  He believed that God told him to marry a whore, so he did.  And He was right; that was God’s Plan for him, but I am here to tell you that if you think you know about some rocky marriages, just picture how rocky that one must have been.

Then there is cry-baby Jeremiah, (known as “the weeping prophet.”) Jerry at first balked at God’s command to him because, he said, he was too young to be a prophet.  And then there was Moses, who complained that he was not a public speaker.  And Jonah, who was so in defiance against God’s will that he go preach to the non-Israelite Assyrians of Nineveh so they would repent…

Jonah was so dead set against that idea that he took off on a ship in the other direction.  I could go on, but you get the picture.  Glenn Beck frequently reminds his listeners and viewers of his warts, including the fact that he divorced his first wife, and that he hit bottom as an alcoholic.

I don’t know if he was raised as a Mormon or simply converted to it after he hit bottom, but as you know, in the Mormon religion, alcoholic beverages are forbidden, so obviously that kind of church family would make his abstinence from alcohol easier for him.

[I have since learned that Glenn was born Roman Catholic, and only became Mormon in the past decade or so, probably due to the influence of his long-time Mormon friend and radio show sidekick, Pat Gray.  Glenn’s other radio show sidekick is Stu Brugiere, who is Jewish.  The Wikipedia entry about Stu says he is the Executive Producer and head writer for The Glenn Beck Program.]

So when I tell you that Glenn Beck is a prophet, it does not mean that he walks on water.  I mean that the work he feels compelled to do fits right in line with God’s word in Isaiah 10 and Judges, chapter 6: Namely, that first comes the prophet, then the deliverer.  The prophet who teaches Israel her history.

That is what Glenn Beck is doing.  Five days a week, this man reaches millions with his radio program.  And five nights a week, on the Fox News Network [now on his own The Blaze TV and internet program], he is there for a full hour with his chalkboards and other visual aids, just a self-taught man, who is now America’s true-history professor.

So, you may wonder, is James Bruggeman becoming a clone of Glenn Beck?  [Meaning that my introductory lectures in the Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom series were all about true American history and a look at the proper function of government, which was what Beck also happened to be teaching at that time (2010).]

No, he is a clone of me 30 years ago, except that he has a national megaphone and I praise God for it!  He is teaching what I was teaching 30 years ago, except of course, the names have changed.  We have a new generation of Insiders who are now at the helm of Mystery Babylon.  But the game is still the same.

And Glenn Beck gets it… not completely…and not exactly as you or I might see it, but enough to do the job he is called to do.  So understand that this is not an unqualified endorsement of everything he says and does.

Because occasionally, I hear him say something or promote some person or their work, something which just makes me cringe.  For example, he and I have a very different view on Israel.  But what do you expect?  He is a Mormon and their view of  Israel is about the same as the Baptists, the Methodists, and numerous other Christian denominations.

[Perhaps that is now beginning to change (with Glenn teaching America is Israel).  It will be interesting to see if Stu Brugiere becomes a “Messianic Jew,” or a (fill-in-the-blank-denomination) Christian; although that would still conflict with Beck if Beck is indeed learning more about America’s true biblical identity.

At this point, it appears that Glenn is at the old Worldwide Church of God level of understanding; i.e., Armstrong’s version of old Anglo-Israelism or old British Israelism (where they identify the Anglo-Saxons as the ten lost tribes and the modern Jews as the true and literal descendants of the tribe of Judah.)  Herbert W. Armstrong came along in the 1930s and essentially plagiarized large portions of Bishop J. H. Allen’s 1903 classic, Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright—an enlightening and basic book, which we still offer: SKM # B-124, a 377-page hardback, $22 ppd.]

It is important to recognize that Glenn Beck had become a famous and prominent talk show host long before his eyes were opened to what is really going on.  It has only been in about the last three years that his program has changed to become American History 101, Continuing Education for America.

God put Glenn Beck in the “pulpit” of the 3rd most-listened-to talk radio program in America and then God opened his eyes and put fire in his heart to plead with the American people to wake up.  He even referenced himself as one of the “watchmen on the wall” of Ezekiel.  Beck is one of the answers to my prayer in the 1970s.

Beck is a funny guy, a true comedian, and that helps to break up the very serious matters he is dealing with.  But when he is serious—and of what I have heard of his programs, I would guess that I agree with about 90-95% of what I hear coming from his lips.

And brothers and sisters, that is far more than enough for me to feel comfortable in suggesting to you that you encourage sleeping Americans to listen to or watch Glenn Beck.  They may not wake up to who true Israel is by watching Beck, but at least they will wake up to the plight we are in as a nation.  That’s a first step.  [But now, three years later, in 2013, millions more Americans may just also wake up to their true biblical identity as the descendants of Jacob-Israel!]

I have often heard Beck pleading with his listeners to pray to the God of the Bible, and “you must look to God” for deliverance; he used illustration of Moses putting the serpent on the pole—and he said it’s so simple that many will not do it! “Look to God,” Beck says.

“You must pray,” he says “and expect miracles…like Moses and the children of Israel at the Red Sea.”  Hello-o-o-o-o-o!  There is much, much more that I have heard from him that persuades me this man is a true prophet, a prominent one, but only one of many who are doing the job of teaching Israel her history before God sends the deliverers.

Remember how in lecture #1 of this series, I told you about George Orwell in the same context with Ayn Rand and her book, Atlas Shrugged?  And I told you her book was prescient of what we are now experiencing in America?

Well, just a couple nights ago [June, 2010], on his evening television program, Beck was giving a promo for what he was going to be discussing next week, and he had three pictures on his magnetic blackboard: George Orwell and Ayn Rand were two of them.

And let me close this lecture with this: Do you remember that I closed the first message with a passage from Isaiah 52:1 which began with the commands to Israel to “Awake, awake!”?  Well, at the beginning of 2010, Glenn introduced a new theme song for his radio program.  [..which in 2013 has now been superseded with a screaming “singer”—an irritating theme song.]

It’s a powerful melody, but I wondered who wrote the interesting lyrics.  I researched it this week and found out that he, Glenn, did.  So listen to these two short lines:  He is a prophet. Here are the lyrics: Search for answers everywhere, we will be the key.  We must remember who we are; we will be the key.

I am certain that my brother in Christ, Glenn Beck, has no idea that he is asking for America to be awakened to who we are, [...or maybe I was wrong.  Maybe he was already learning in 2010 what he is now in August of 2013 sharing with America.] and when we do awaken, we will be the key to our deliverance because we are also commanded to loose thyself from the bands of thy neck.  (Isaiah 52:2) Praise ye the Lord! [When I agree with Beck that we will be the key, do not misunderstand: of course, it is the Lord’s doing, but God usually works through people, doesn’t He?]  [End of quoting my lecture from 2010.]

So in 2010, I saw that the Lord had answered my prayer of 30 years ago.  Now, today, in August of 2013, He has added even more by having this self-admitted, flawed man (aren’t we all?)  fulfilling the role of a prophet to help awaken God’s true Israel people in America (and elsewhere).  Praise ye the Lord!