Friday, November 29, 2013


     "Paying Attention To Details Is Often The Key To Truth And Success In Life" - Erasmus Of America
     A chemistry professor wanted to teach his class how to think scientifically. He had small glass beakers filled with transparent liquid on the desktop of every student. He had a similar glass beaker in front of himself. He invited the class to watch him. He stuck a finger out from the right hand, put it in the liquid, and then raised his hand to his mouth. He stuck his finger out, sucked on it, and then asked the class to do the same thing as he had done. Every student obediently stuck their finger out from their right hand into the liquid in the glass beaker, raised their hand to their mouth, and sucked their finger like he did. To their shock, that liquid on their finger tasted very terrible! Now the chemistry professor grinning this time, said, "Okay, geniuses! This time pay attention to details!" He did exactly as before, only this time in slow motion for them so they could all see exactly what he was doing. He stuck his second finger into the liquid, pulled his finger back with the others, and then brought out his third finger to suck on it. He invited the class to do it correctly this time. They followed his example this time and so this time they sucked on a dry finger instead of the wet one and there was no bad taste in their mouth. Then the chemistry professor commented to them, "You will never learn to think scientifically until you first pay attention to details!" That is the moral of this short example which applies to science, Bible reading, any technical field, business, jobs, etc.
     I took scientific logic courses both at a military academy and at a large university. Before you can think scientifically in any field whether the sciences, business, religion, etc., you also have to know the difference between genuine logic which leads you to valid ansers by scientific thinking or else the fool's gold of sophism what sounds like logic, but is not logic, but merely a play upon words for the naive and gullible who lack common sense in practical matters. An example I have used before as it is so obvious to all is the following which sounds like logic, but is not!  This is merely a play upon words for the naive and gullible who lack common sense in practical matters. "This room is full of American men. All these men are Republicans. Therefore, all American men are Republicans!" This sounds like logic, but is just sophism or psuedo-logic, a fool's gold for those lacking common sense and sound logic in their thinking patterns in life. Propaganda from many political leaders in Wash., D.C. and other deceitful leaders is mostly sophism and aimed at those elements of the American people too backward now to be capable of serious intelligence and sound thinking processes including sound logic! Obama is the greatest con artist with sophism I have ever seen in any leader from Wash., D.C. Also, too many people never check prime sources in key issues to verify whether claimed facts are really facts or else cleverly presented lies! 
      Right now the theory of evolution is being massed pushed by sophism, censorship of key facts, and distortions of valid scientific facts and discoveries. That is why the "Handbook Of Evolution" released a few years ago and not allowed in your science courses in high school  could have up to nearly 1,000 pages of scientific discoveries which overwhelmingly disprove the theory of evolution yet most students think the theory of evolution is scientific fact which it is not. They have heard the claims of sophism for evolution, but never the scientific facts which knock it out of the baseball field as to credibility. Two powerful examples censored from the high school science courses because they are too powerful showing that the theory of evolution is scientifically impossible and never happened include:  
     In two published experiments, the speed of light was reported multiplied by as high a factor nearly 100 times the claimed constant speed of light.  This was censored from the school kids because the "constant" speed of light was supposed to prove the universe was incredibly old whereas 100X speed of light could make the unverse young! Also, an Australian astronomer took the recorded tests on speed of light since science started this and found a mathematical curve of decay to the speed of light indicating that the speed of light was originally the speed of infinity and the universe could therefore even be just a few thousand years old! 
     Censored science! Creation Moments, P.O. Box 839, Foley,MN 56329-0839 publicized years ago that two British scientists Dr. A.R. Fersht and Dr. G.R. Lambert not too long ago discovered that special enzymes exist in each of your cells. They have one assignment only from nature. They find and correct errors in the genetic code in your cells - regardless if caused by radiation, chemicals, or other factors. This means in nature there was no mutation of basic life forms into other life forms and hence evolution is scientifically impossible! It never happened! The evil are trying to overcome this basic law of nature by GMO foods, colossal exposure to radiation, etc., but such factors did not exist in the natural order life has existed in. Because this scientific discovery blows the entire theory of evolution out of the waters, and because too many scientific sources have their private war going on calling God names and trying to wish away the scientific existence of God, there has been massive censorship in the scientific field about this revolutionary scientific discovery which once and for all totally destroys the scientific credibility of the theory of evolution first suggested before the time of Christ by Epicurus of Greece. Early Christianity discredited this by the scientific arguments, "Which came first? The chicken or the egg? The tree or the seed?" The Christians won the debate in the early Roman Empire. Those pushing evolution for over 2,000 years have always used this argument of evolution to try and disprove the existence of God by psuedo-science and psuedo-claimed scientific "facts." There has been massive sophism and scientific fraud to pass evolution off as a scientific fact which it is not! To my surprise, true science kept proving the Bible and God are true, not lies!
     I was very scientific as a child and was an atheist until 10 1/2 years old. Then genuine science showed me why there was a God for real according to true science and I became a Christian, but always found science proved deeper and deeper that God exists for real. And atheism is a psuedo-religion and psuedo-science for the fools and dumb of the human race.
     The Prophecies Of Mitar Tarabich appealed to me scientifically because he consistently called correctly world events from when he died until now 2013. In the January-February, 2006 issue of Nexus New Times , they had quite a writeup of 6 pages on Mitar Tarbich (1829-1899) who was an illiterate peasant from the small Serbian village of Kremna, Serbia. He had over the years many prophetic visions which were recorded by the Serbian Orthodox priest Zaharije Zaharich (1836-1918). He had prophecies up to the end of World War I which apparently all came true including battles, overthrows of governments, etc. He had a list of prophecies up to the end of World War II which all again apparently came true. He had predictions after World War II for the years following until and when World War III begins. He predicted the birth of Israel as a nation shortly after World War II. He had predicted the fall of the Czar of Russia during World War I. He predicted the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany and leading Germany into World War II. He predicted mass oil drilling long before this became a huge industry due to the invention of the car, electric generator, planes, etc. He predicted the invention of TV where you could watch events from all over the world, the landing of man and equipment on the moon and a number of other things long before anyone else saw these things would happen in our age.
     Mitar also makes comments for our age. "man will..., God forgive him, he will think that he knows better than God himself. ...God forgive him, not believing in God as it is proper for an honorable and decent person..." "The more people will know, the less they will love and care for each other. Hatred will be so great between them that they will care more for their different gadgets than for their relatives. Man will trust his gadget more than his first neighbor..."
       When things get so terrible on earth, he predicts in a great land surrounded by oceans, "Then people will run away from cities to the country and look for the mountains with three crosses, and there, inside, they will be able to breathe and drink water. Those who will escape will save themselves and their families..." "Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by great seas, as big as our Europe (America, Canada, Australia, Russia for example as big lands surrounded by great seas or oceans would be likely candidates for this prophecy), will live in peace, without any troubles...Those who run and hide in the mountains with three crosses will find shelter and will be saved to live after in abundance, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars..." Scholars were mystified by what he meant by the community with the three crosses in the mountains. I knew the answer when I saw his prophecies years ago. He is predicting the founding of my Camelot which will be in the mountains and with three crosses. This can represent the three crosses in the towers by the entrance way to this Camelot or that three branches of Christianity will learn to live together in peace as Jesus wants. These are Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox Catholic which also includes Russian Orthodox Catholic, and Protestants who also respect the traditions and teachings of first historic Christianity on earth. This is Apostolic Christianity as recorded in the first writings of Christianity while under prosecution and later liberation in the Roman Empire through the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. 
     I found the Bible to be a great tool to sharpen the mind of any private Christian or Christian scholar. Answer questions raised by different passages in the Old Testament and New Testament and it is a great training tool for your mind to find smart answers to tough questions raised by certain statements in the Bible. 
      Give you examples. What is the oldest city mentioned in the Bible? Not Jericho as many Bible scholars claim. It is Enoch mentioned in Genesis which was the first city founded in the world according to the Bible. One Bible scholar said he got from Pennsylvania a metal cup from a coal vein which was identified as coming from the ancient city of Enoch. The city of Enoch was named by Cain after his son. This Bible scholar theorized that somehow the Great World Flood must have washed this metal cup over to North America. Nice theory but can't be correct. Metal could not float enough to do this vast trip by a world flood due to its concentrated weight. This cup if from Enoch meant that Enoch was originally located in North America, not the Middle East.
     Enoch was located close to the entrance way to Paradise which you know by the name of the Garden of Eden. As Genesis described it, if you tried to enter Paradise, a guardian cherubim with a flaming sword would kill you if you tried. But Adam and Eve and their descendants stayed close to Paradise even though they could not reenter it or else die if they tried. What was the natural marker showing where Paradise was located at? Bible scholars would be stumped to answer this in our age. However, early Christianity knew the answer. As Bishop Hippolytus wrote around 200 A.D., Noah built his Ark at the foot of the Holy Mountain of God where Paradise was located below it. As Jesus Christ taught in a parable, both Hell and Paradise are below inside the earth and the rich man in Hell could see the poor man in Abraham's Bosom (another name for Paradise which in Persian means a beautiful garden or park) but could not cross over due to the great abyss between them. 
     Now you ask what is this holy mountain? You did not read about it in Genesis! Well, there is more to the Old Testament than just Genesis! In Ezekiel 28:13-16 is described the Holy Mountain of God which is the entrance way to the Garden of Eden also called Paradise by early Christianity. When you train your mind to pay attention to details, amazing what the Bible can show you! As I said, the Bible can train you to have a sharp mind if you use it seriously as a scholarly document!
     Now where was and is still the Garden of Eden according to Genesis? Being always a scientist in thinking, I approach this question maybe different than most Bible scholars. Genesis says four great rivers branch off from the great river coming from Eden which is a great land. Looking at the direction these four rivers come from and it points in the direction of the Straits of Gibraltar. If the river from Eden had a deep depth to it which would be a permanent river bed, then with a World Flood and the earth under tremendous stress, the river bed would expand into what is called the Mediterranean Sea today. In my huge library of technical references including science, one of these science books well done shows the evidence that North America, Central and South America were once connected as one land mass to Europe and Africa. I agree with their scientific evidence on the one continent at one time conclusion, but where they think this happened millions of years ago when these land masses separated from each other, I think it was more recent at the time of the Great World Flood mentioned in hundreds of ancient historical accounts from races all over the world. Also, these accounts from hundreds of ancient cultures also mention the strange man with his huge boat loaded with his family and animals of every kind in it who saved life on earth when the earth was flooded out. 
      Lactantius who was a highly honored Church father at the time of Constantine the Great around maybe 310 A.D. mentions the key thing that triggered God off where he destroyed all the human race on earth except for Noah and his family. They had an angle how to genetically alter the human race and were trying to create a race of giants on earth. This messing with the genes of mankind so angered God that God wiped out all the genetically altered mankind on earth and left alive Noah and his family who had not been made impure genetically by this evil of mankind on earth. Maybe this is a message for our time and age!
      See how paying attention to details opens up many parts of the Bible to much deeper understanding what it is talking about? This is also great exercise to make your mind sharper as you read the Bible for what it says!
      On my mother's side of the family, they claimed they had the hereditary gift of prophecy and there were many family accounts about this family gift they claimed they had. One of my forefathers from this line predicted someday a descendant of his would oppose the tyranny of Wash., D.C. and restore a free government to America for the American people. He predicted what year this descendant would start arising to restore a free government to a people who were no longer living under a truly free government from Wash., D.C. As the Bible says in Amos 3:7. "Surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets." I seem to have an instinct to find the hidden meaning of Bible prophecies other Bible scholars cannot see. However, once I show them the answers, they in amazement say that I am right in what I say.
     One prophecy in the Old Testament the Bible scholars carefully tiptoe by without writing on it. Jeremiah 30:18-22 predicts in the Last Days shortly before the World Tribulation suddenly a community would be founded by descendants of the tribes of Israel. They arise with great power suddenly and God is so proud of them that God declares to them in Jeremiah 30:22: "And ye shall be my people, and I will be your God." God invites their governor to personally meet with God. A Catholic translation of this section mentions that it means certain death for this governor to carnally meet with God unless God has invited him to meet with God. My scientific instincts say that the most practical place for such a meeting to occur is at the Holy Mountain of God which is the secret entrance way to Paradise also called the Garden of Eden. My scientific stand on any theory is that it remains a theory and not fact until proven by conclusive evidence that the theory is actually the truth and fact, not nonsense. In this case, if such a prophesied meeting occurs, then the theory is no more and now proven to be a correct explanation of this section of prophecy in the Old Testament.
     If this meeting occurs with a community leader somewhere close to the original Holy Mountain of God which is the secret entrance way to the Garden of Eden as mentioned various times in ancient Jewish writings, then this community prophesied in Jeremiah 30 is likely close to the Holy Mountain of God which Genesis by arrow points to North America and not the Middle East for this location. If that is true, then the ancient city in ruins this community is built over is probably Enoch, oldest city in the world and not Jerusalem as a few Bible scholars thought it must mean.
     Also, Bible scholars are frequently so cowardly in many issues. Ancient historical records including the famous Josephus shortly after the time of Jesus Christ mentions that the "Lost 10 Tribes of Israel" were then at the time of Christ living up in the area now called Russia and just beyond the reach of the Roman Empire. Checking against other ancient historical records, these 10 tribes multipled into a huge multitude beyond count as also Josephus had reported, only they expanded on the subject and indicated these tribes probed the Roman Empire for weak points as Russia was very cold and they wanted warmer lands to migrate to. They became known in our history books as the barbarian tribes who moved into Western Europe including Scotland and the rest of the British Isles. Their descendants moved to America and there are your descendants of the Tribes of Israel joined into a mighty community as prophesied in Jeremiah 30:18-22. This community would if founded in America would be composed of many descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and the tribes remaining of Judah later called the Jews which is a derivative name from Judah which were those of Benjamin, Judah, and part of the Levites. Another part of the Levites went with the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. As illustrated by Ruth the Moabite who became an ancestor of Jesus Christ, she was accepted and assimilated into the Israelite Race by accepting their religion and culture and so was treated the same as those who by flesh descended from Abraham and one of his sons which each created a tribe of Israel.      
     Genesis has these prophecies about all the tribes of Israel and their future as separate nations from each other. Again the Bible scholars normally tiptoe around these prophecies as it forces them to admit explanations they don't want to say to Christian audiences. Now Scotland used to talk about they still remembered their background as one of the Tribes of Israel and fighting their way across Europe until they ended up settling in Scotland. Like an Indiana Jones, I went to the ancient historical accounts that most Bible scholars of today avoid which show historically what happened to the so-labelled "10 Lost Tribes Of Israel."
      Romans 10:17: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Today, most churches evade reporting on Miracles of God like avoiding bubonic plague. Also, Amos 8:11: "Behold, the days come, Saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." 
     Paying attention to details and not afraid to investigate whatever seriously proves the supernatural exists and therefore God exists, the Miracle of Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917 was witnessed by maybe 70,000 to 100,000 citizens of Portugal after three children said a great Miracle of God would occur that day. This supernatural event was witnessed by people up to 20 to 32 miles away. This took around 10-12 minutes and with people even screaming this was the end of the world, suddenly the sun sent out bright shafts of colored light spinning around the sun, and then plunged towards the earth scaring people to death. Then the sun went back up into the sky and it was a bright, sunny day after being drenched with rain for hours before this happened. Wet clothes were suddenly dry. Deep puddles of water instantly gone! Incurable people suddenly cured of the medically impossible to cure. Newspaper reporters were there and even the New York Times I understand reported on this when it happened in Fatima, Portugal. 
     Going through deep research and logic, I personally evaluate that this was a Miracle sent from God. But taking the sound position of a scientist instead of just a Christian scholar, I point out that something definitely supernatural happened that day at Fatima. This shows that a fight is going on between God and Satan for the minds, souls, and commitments of mankind on earth. You judge if this stunnning supernatural miracle was from God or else from Satan. But this was supernatural and maybe the biggest witnessed religious miracle on earth since the Red Sea parted for Moses so the Children of Israel could pass through to safety from the Army of Pharaoh of Egypt. The message of the three children of Fatima which they said the Virgin Mary gave to them in very capsule form runs as follows. World War I was a punishment from God for the sins of mankind. A period of peace would be given to the world. If mankind did not seriously return to God, then a World War II would occur and much worse than World War I. If the people did not return to God and stop mass sinning, then God would let a World War III occur in which entire nations would be annihilated. 
     In capsule form, a Bible Code has been found in the Bible defying odds of even billions to one at points in predicting the future before it happened. The Bible is the only book in the world which was ever found with this mathematical code predicting all the future correctly. It has been theoretized by some Bible scholars that maybe in Bible Code is included the names of every human that has ever lived or ever will live on earth. This is a mathematical system which translates into a coded message like in military intelligence. 
     Just around 7 years old I had the manifestation of what the adults said was the "Cloven Tongues of Fire of the Holy Ghost of God." This lasted for maybe 20 minutes and then disappeared. When older I got the written testimony of all three adults to what happened that night. I didn't tell them but apparently that night I got the explanation to key parts of the Book of Revelation which is most strange as I had never read the Bible at that age. When older, I checked out certain things and was startled to find the information I somehow understood then checked out against historical records. Technically Hitler warred against America called the "wilderness" in Chapter XII for exactly 1,260 days counting from when the Imperial Japanese Naval Fleet left port to begin its attack on Pearl Harbor to when Nazi Germany surrendered to America at the Allied Supreme Command Headquarters of Gen. Eisenhower in France. 
     Quoting President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on December 8, 1941 in his evening radio address, "Your government knows that for weeks Germany has been telling Japan that if Japan did not attack the United States, Japan would not share in dividing the spoils with Germany when peace came." I have the whole address where Pres. Roosevelt said that the attack on Pearl Harbor was required by Nazi Germany as the price for military alliance with Nazi Germany. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Nazi Germany did also! The war with America began when the Imperial Japanese Fleet left port to attack Pearl Harbor on Nov. 25, 1941 Washington time. 1,260 days later Nazi Germany surrendered to America as prophesied in Chapter 12 of Revelation. That was the dragon empire attacking the wilderness.
      The manchild born in the wilderness just before this attack on Pearl Harbor is an explanation I will not give here though I know the answer what this represents. The whore in the wilderness in later Revelation is Wash., D.C. today under Obama. Obama is to receive such punishment from God as to feel the pain of all those unjustly ever killed by Wash., D.C. and Obama will suffer this pain without end as the punishment from God as he wants to be the archenemy of God on earth. Also, those who support him in America will meet the Wrath of God in judgment for all eternity unless they repent before it is too late for them and their fate is sealed for all infinity of time. 
      A historical note here. The woman in Chapter 12 was clearly stated by early Christianity to be True Christianity on earth, not Israel as many modern Christian scholars think. 
     You pay attention to details and use deductive reasoning like "Sherlock Holmes" publicized in the clever detective stories about him, you can crack almost any secret of history, science, military intelligence, and as illustrated above likely of much of what the Bible says in prophecy so long as you stay honest with the scholarship.
     A practical point here. Jesus Money was used 4 times in history and always performed the best of any monetary system in human history. I got all the details on it and by deductive reasoning knew where to look for missing records so all details were found verifying how it worked and worked so spectacularly for mankind each time used in human history. I cracked the top economic secret of Nazi Germany called the "Inverted Inflation" by paying attention to small but important details and use of deductive reasoning saw the game the Nazis were playing. When the exile German captain who heard from Hitler the whole economic secret of Nazi Germany verified that I had successfully cracked the entire economic secret how Nazi Germany rearmed Germany so fast and boomed the economy to where Hitler was wildly popular with the German people, the economists were stunned by this and the top doors of economic scholarship in America and Europe were opened up to me because now they respected me as a top "genius" (I would just call it a good scholar at details and deductive reasoning) in economic science.
     Pass my Omni Law to show God that you are His friend and not the friend of His enemies such as Obama in America. An old saying goes, "He that does not oppose evil supports evil!" Pass the Omni Law and you are started on the right track to become later good friends with God. God is the friend of freedom and prosperity, not tyranny and mass murder of human beings.
     Pass this report around to all Americans. To support the Omni Law which is posted on our website for those who have not seen it before, send in orders to our website which is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.comOur email is  Our mailing address for those sending in orders and not using the website for this is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what products are being ordered (buy two Romanian skin creams and get one free, two orders of organic silica and get one free - these help your health and good looks and also help finance the Omni Law Drive) or else what loan payment is being sent in to help finance the Omni Law Loan Program which in turn finances the drive to pass the Omni Law. God is watching all of us including you as to whether you care to support good or else evil. Remember Jesus said the widow who gave of her two mites was more highly honored by God than the rich man giving much more to the cause of good because she sacrified and the rich man did not giving from his abundance and she from the little she had.
     When you have money riding on a horse bet, then you care whether the horse wins or not. God is no fool. When you have money riding on any cause, God knows that you will care more whether that cause wins or not than if you had no money riding on whether it wins or not.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the American who dares to actually think when Wash., D.C. does not want you to think in America but blindly accept all their lies and con propaganda and act like they are telling you the truth for America which you must believe in.) 

The Video Proving JFK Kill Plot Backed By Secret Service

Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement Ponzi 'Scheme' Err I mean System

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement Ponzi 'Scheme' Err I mean System
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Nov-2013 15:07:05

A recent hearing sponsored by the Treasury and Labor Departments marked the beginning of the Obama Administration’s effort to nationalize the nation’s pension system and to eliminate private retirement accounts including IRA’s and 401k plans, NSC is warning.
The hearing, held in the Labor Department’s main auditorium, was monitored by NSC staff and featured a line up of left-wing activists including one representative of the AFL-CIO who advocated for more government regulation over private retirement accounts and even the establishment of government-sponsored annuities that would take the place of 401k plans.
"This hearing was set up to explore why Americans are not saving as much for their retirement as they could," explains National Seniors Council National Director Robert Crone, "However, it is clear that this is the first step towards a government takeover. It feels just like the beginning of the debate over health care and we all know how that ended up."
A representative of the liberal Pension Rights Center, Rebecca Davis, testified that the government needs to get involved because 401k plans and IRAs are unfair to poor people. She demanded the Obama administration set up a "government-sponsored program administered by the PBGC (the governments’ Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation)." She proclaimed that even "private annuities are problematic."
Such "reforms" would effectively end private retirement accounts in America, Crone warns. "These people want the government to require that ultimately all Americans buy these government annuities instead of saving or investing on their own. The Government could then take these trillions of dollars and redistribute it through this new national retirement system."
Deputy Treasury Secretary J. Mark Iwry, who presided over the hearing, is a long-time critic of 401k plans because he believes they benefit the rich. He also appears to be one of the Administration’s point man on this issue.
"This whole issue is moving forward very quickly," warns Crone. "Already there is a bill requiring all businesses to automatically enroll their employees in IRA plans in which part of every employee’s paycheck would be automatically deducted and deposited into this account. If this passes, the government will be just one step away from being able to confiscate all these retirement accounts."
NSC has taken the lead in warning the nation about this new government onslaught and is plotting ways to stop it.
"This effort ultimately is designed to grab the retirement nest eggs of America’s senior citizens. This new government annuity scheme, even if it is at first optional, will turn into a giant effort to redistribute the wealth of America’s older citizens," explains Crone. "This scheme mirrors what I expect the President will try to do with Social Security. He wants to turn that program into a welfare program, too."
NSC will likely unveil a new grassroots campaign effort later this year or early in January to coincide with the seating of the new Congress.

NSC Battles Government Efforts to Seize Private 401K's and IRA's - Retirement Savings

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
NSC Battles Government Efforts to Seize Private 401K's and IRA's - Retirement Savings
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 29-Nov-2013 15:10:10

NSC Battles Government Efforts to Seize Private Retirement Savings
The National Seniors Council continues to lead the fight to prevent Congress and the Obama Administration from confiscating private retirement savings as part of a scheme to create a new “national retirement system.”
During negotiations between Congress and the Administration over the so-called “fiscal cliff,” NSC’s website was nearly overwhelmed with visitors seeking information on efforts to change the tax code to limit the ability of Americans to save on their own for retirement.
National Director Robert Crone warned that, “As part of the Administration’s continuing drive to redistribute wealth, the National Seniors Council believes that tax-deferred contributions to retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs may very well be on the table in bipartisan budget negotiations going on right now between Congress and the White House. NSC will vigorously oppose any such ‘compromise.’”

Comments per Lord Sananda's message

re:  What Exactly Is The Event
       dated: Noverber 22, 2013
       A Message From Lord Sananda
       Through Elizabeth Trutwin


I find it very difficult to put any Faith or TRUTH
in any message I find to be tainted, no matter
how well it is cleverly written OR by whom!
This ONE just happens to be a perfect example.

We need to admit and recognize that we live in a
world where an on going battle exists and rages
between GOOD and EVIL for ultimate Control.
Unfortunately all to many citizens fail to realize
the significance and seriousness of this struggle.

Satanic Evil has been in power and control of our
US Government for all to many years.  This Cabal
likes to "entertain" their membership thru activities
related to dates!  Case in point: todays article on the
same 1963 infamous day they Murdered JFK! 

Coincidence?  Exactly 50 years? Not likely since it
follows their pattern. Therefore I for one conclude
that this so called Author is a Cabal supporting member. 

Further evidence is buried in the Ninth paragraph where
it mentions that President Obama has prepared over
1000 lifetimes to be the Disclosure President. Really?

How can any Heaven and Devine Plan include a NON
Christian as their Spokeperson?  It has never happened
before, at least in the last 2000+ years; And Especially
from One who disrespects ALL aspects of Christian
beliefs in BOTH public displays and ALL of his actions? 
He is without a doubt a major FRAUD in all portions of
his existence.  That said, are WE to witness Forgiveness
on a Grander Scale by Heaven towards Obama that was
NOT provided to Jesus resulting in his death?

You decide for yourself.  Thank You for allowing me to
submit my Two Cents worth.



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Supporters of Barack Obama tout his dedication to the responsibilities of the presidency by noting that he had taken 96 days of vacation at the point in his term that President George W. Bush had taken a reported 335.
But they admit that 51 of Bush’s trips were to his Texas ranch, while records show that Obama’s destinations have ranged from exotic European and African locales to pricey digs to Hawaii, where he’s sometimes traveled separately from his family, effectively doubling transportation costs for taxpayers.
The records released are partial, meaning no firm travel-expense total can be assembled. But individual cases are revealing.
For example, the Washington Post in June revealed the Obama family’s African vacation was slated to cost between $60 million-$100 million, according to a “confidential internal planning document.”
Part of the expense the purchase of nearly 4,000 “room-nights” for one stop in Johannesburg and close to $2 million for car rentals.
The cost of trips that are purely personal, such as daughter Malia Obama’s 2012 spring break trip to Mexico that took $115,500 from the U.S. Treasury, are not always fully disclosed.
And the Obama family has made many trips that are a hybrid of personal and business.
While it seems that members of the media are not generally asking pertinent questions about such travel and expenses, the administration also has provided information on an inconsistent basis.
In some cases, federal entities such as the State Department, which arranges the logistics of executive branch travel, have thwarted efforts to discover more about the government’s accomodations, transportation and related expenses.
Indeed, WND has been waiting more than a year and a half for the State Department to reveal details of a mysterious stay at the super-luxurious Hotel Hessischer Hof in Frankfurt, Germany.
Although State on Nov. 17, 2011, had uploaded to the FedBizOpps database a contract awarded to the hotel for $52,000, it released no details explaining the contract. State acknowledged receiving the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, request, but otherwise has remained silent on the matter.
It remains unclear who may have stayed at the luxury hotel, as the award date is not necessarily indicative of when the government actually used the facility.
Vice President Joseph Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, and Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, traveled to Frankfurt just months prior to the notice. However, there is no record of where they stayed as they cheered for Team USA during the Women’s World Cup Final.
The media lack of interest in pertinent details of administration travel is startling.
“Is the president reading any books on his vacation?” one unidentified reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney aboard Air Force One as Obama headed to the exclusive Martha’s Vineyard resort scene last summer.
“I expect he will, and I will see what I can find out,” Carney said in response to the softball question. “Most of the many hours I spent with him in the last couple of weeks, when he’s been reading, he’s been reading briefing materials.”
While it often takes FOIA requests and lawsuits to obtain information about the vacations of POTUS (president of the United States), FLOTUS (first lady) and VPOTUS (vice president), CNN’s “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer earlier this year tooted its own horn for purportedly finding a seemingly once-in-a-lifetime document about such trips.
CNN bragged about its supposed findings in the broadcast version of the report. In contrast, the online text version deferred, erroneously, to the Weekly Standard for breaking the story – even though U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor (with which this writer is affiliated) reported on the Biden trip Feb. 23, nearly a month ahead of either media outlet.
In that report, it was revealed the State Department spent $585,000 on hotel rooms and racked up $322,000 on intra-country transportation costs.
Blitzer, nonetheless, expressed wonder at CNN’s supposedly “rare” uncovering of detailed documents specific to VPOTUS Biden’s one-day jaunt to Paris.
Blitzer and CNN White House Correspondent Brianna Keilar on March 22 bantered back and forth about their “amazing, amazing discovery.”
Blitzer went so far as to claim he had never seen such information in the seven years he had covered the White House.
Keilar added that she personally conducted a search of the FedBizOpps contractor database. Data on the publicly accessible source was limited to Biden accommodations specific to the Parisian trip and a corresponding stop in London, she claimed.
“We’re getting an extremely, extremely rare glimpse at how much it costs when Vice President Joe Biden goes traveling,” Blitzer proclaimed in the broadcast. “Brianna, we’ve covered a lot of presidential and vice presidential trips, but this is pretty amazing.”
“It kind of makes you wonder if this information was put out accidentally,” Keilar later said. “I did a search myself of the past 365 days where obviously the president and vice president have gone on other foreign trips and I could find no contracts in addition for any of those visits.”
An immediate follow-up search by this writer – followed up by a more recent search by WND – revealed that Keilar either did not actually look or, at the very least, did not look closely at the records.
Also readily available were hotel and transportation records of the Obama and Biden trip to Colombia that year – the scandal-plagued journey to South America in which Secret Service agents were caught patronizing prostitutes while guarding the president.
The trip called for the rental of 1,046 hotel rooms at 13 separate establishments in and around Cartegena, Colombia, where the sixth annual Summit of the Americas took place.
While the overall cost to taxpayers is unknown, the rooms and cars alone cost nearly $1 million.
A simple keyword search using terms such a “POTUS,” “VPOTUS” and “presidential” quickly turn up the records, which separately include the cost of hotels and limos as well as a “justification for other than full and open competition” document governing State’s selection of vendors.
Conservative media generally have acknowledged that Bush took more vacation days than Obama but argue that he often did so at his own expense and at personal or family owned locations, where at times he hosted world leaders.
Left-leaning media have retorted that – despite taking 51 of those trips to his Texas ranch – Bush had vacationed for a total of 335 days, contrasted to Obama’s 96 days at a similar point in his second term.
The Washingtonian earlier this year conducted a profile on Mark Knoller, CBS News correspondent and “unofficial White House statistician,” to find out more about presidential facts in general.
It attempted to glean critical statistics from Knoller by posing questions, for instance, about Obama’s dog, Bo, including how many times the pet had been aboard the president’s helicopter, Marine One.
According to the article, Knoller admitted that despite the voluminous tidbits of data that he has amassed, he had no knowledge of Bo’s flight information.
Despite its discovery, the Post at times appeared apologetic, claiming that “the preparations appear to be in line with similar travels in the past,” and that, in advance of the trip, “the federal agencies charged with keeping him safe won’t be taking any chances.”
WND separately located numerous procurement documents detailing some expenses for the Obamas’ African travel and accommodations. Though the administration in late September and early October posted records for the Obama’s stay in South Africa, it did not disclose records for their stay in Senegal and Tanzania.
It cost an estimated $550,000 to house a “Senior High Level USG [U.S. government] Principal” at the Radisson Blu Sandton in Johannesburg, South Africa,” whom the document did not explicitly identify – despite the FedBizOpps page referring to the procurement as “POTUS Accommodation.”
The no-bid justification called for “2,200 lodging room nights” for this unnamed official for “June 12, 2013-July 11, 2013.”
Separately, it cost another $500,000 for “1,700 lodging room nights” during the same period at the Table Bay Hotel overlooking Cape Town Harbor.
Despite the documents’ secretive nature, even the White House made no secret about the POTUS/FLOTUS hybrid vacation and official business visit to Africa during that period, as Michelle Obama kept an online journal about their journey across the continent.
The U.S. Department of State made arrangements with multiple transportation vendors for the South African presidential visit that totaled close to $2 million.
Contractors included Europcar ($702,342), Kwathlano ($500,000) and Cabs Car Hire ($185,000).
A separate $503,846 contract was awarded to Europcar for SUVs, pickup trucks, vans, buses, box trucks and “large capacity vehicles.”
Judicial Watch has been building a dossier on Obama family vacations, obtaining documents that otherwise had been publicly released and also suing the government when it withholds information.
The organization has chronicled the cost of Obama family trips, particularly those of first lady Michelle Obama and her children unrelated to official White House business.
Her 2010 trip to Spain cost taxpayers $487,585, the group discovered.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said at the time, “The American people can ill afford to keep sending the first family on vacations around the globe. There needs to be greater sensitivity to the costs borne by taxpayers for these personal trips.
“It is hypocritical for President Obama to fire GSA officials for wasteful conference spending, while his family went on a luxury vacation in the Costa del Sol Spain that cost taxpayers nearly half-a-million dollars.”
Judicial Watch also has filed FOIA requests for, among others records, information about President Obama’s trip to Palm Springs, Fla., and “the simultaneous vacations of Michelle Obama and Joseph Biden in Aspen, Colorado.”
Although other publicly accessible records do not necessarily address presidential vacation-specific trips, they do indeed shed light on the cost of such standard globe-trotting in general.
Despite some gaps in the Obama trip record, a comprehensives search of FedBizOpps produces multiple records on the current administration’s travels.
On the other hand, it produces zero records for the George W. Bush administration, despite the database’s voluminous provision of federal procurement information extending back to the William Jefferson Clinton administration.
The following list offers a chronological record of what is publicly and readily available about the cost of Obama and Biden trips on primarily official business.
Obama’s 2009 trip to Germany included an estimated cost of $272,976 for rooms at Hotel Leonardo Weimar.
It took an additional $533,585 on that same journey for presidential accommodations – rooms, office space and parking spaces – at the Hotel Tascshenbergpalais Kampinski in Dresden.
One travel blogger describes the German luxury facility as a “Distinguished and elegantly restored 214-room hotel housed in the resurrected ruins of an 18th-century royal baroque palace, in the heart of a historic district adjacent to the famous Semperoper and Zwinger palace complex.”
It separately cost about the same amount for additional rooms at the Dresden’s Steigerberger Hotel de Saxe.
Obama, during his re-election campaign several years later, praised his union supporters in Ohio while on the re-election campaign trail because, he said, “It is unions like yours that helped to forge the basic bargain of this country – the bargain that built the greatest middle class and the most prosperous country and the most prosperous economy that the world has ever known.”
Part of that union bargain includes the ability of workers to save enough money to retire and take “maybe a vacation once in a while – nothing fancy, but you can enjoy your friends and your family.” Presumably that bargain does not include vacations in European palaces.
Due to “unusual and compelling circumstances,” the State Department awarded an approximately $3 million no-bid contract to secure rooms at Pittsburgh’s Omni William Penn Hotel and the Hilton Pittsburgh Hotel “to meet housing and security requirements for POTUS staff and DoS [Department of State] senior-level support staff” for Obama’s visit to the G20 Summit.
The contract arranged housing for about “1,000 officials and support staff from September 1, 2009 through September 26, 2009″ needing close access to the David Lawrence Convention Center, where the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, or G20, event was held.
Obama’s trip to France to commemorate the Normandy D-Day invasion cost $870,868 for single rooms, suites and control rooms at the Hotel Westin in Paris between May 25 and June 8, 2009.
It cost another $343,643 for additional rooms at the Mercure Omaha Beach and four other hotels in the region from May 24 to June 7.
Yet another $166,824 helped house 80 Secret Service agents at the five-star Hotel du Louvre June 1 to June 8 during the Normandy event.
The president in 2010 traveled to Prague to sign a nuclear arms-reduction treaty with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
The trip led to an $811,000 bill at the Hotel Hilton Prague for 1,533 single-room, single-occupancy room nights, 13 single-room, double-occupancy room nights, 64 suite room nights, 248 single offices, 12 suite offices, one “special use of an elevator, 100 late check-out fees [and] 126 room-emptying fees.”
Related accommodations at the Hotel Marriott B.H. Centrum in the Czech Republic fetched an estimated $163,000 for 287 single room nights and various conference rooms, electronic devices and late check-out fees.
Driving first lady Michelle Obama and other VIPs around Denmark to lobby – unsuccessfully – the International Olympics Committee to choose Chicago as the site of the 2016 Olympics was a boon for Copenhagen Limousine Services in 2009, which received an estimated $212,449 payment for its services.
The U.S. Department of State, however, did not release those records until 2010.
Judicial Watch separately uncovered an additional $467,175 in expenses related to the arrival of the president and his entourage. The group included Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago political hack who needed an “ethics waiver” to serve as Obama’s “Olympics czar” on behalf of Chicago, the group said. The president arrived in the Denmark capital toward the end of that campaign.
In December 2009, the president visited Copenhagen to attend Climate Change Conference: vehicle and driver rental services via Viking ($405,679), Copenhagen Limousine Service ($510,204) and Edelskvo Bus ($306,192).
The president and his staff also rented 90 rooms at Scandic Palace, Scandic Copenhagen and Scandic Front hotels ($1 million) and another 70 rooms at Scandic Syhavn ($195,183).
Additional records include:
The Warsaw, Poland, rental of 2,114 lodging room/nights cost $454,000 for an Obama stay May 27 and May 28, 2011, at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel as part of his multi-state trip to visit the leaders and citizens of England, France, Ireland and Poland.
Obama presented himself to the British people as “the grandson of a Kenyan who served as a cook in the British army,” while in Ireland he “drank a beer with the residents of Moneygall, birthplace of his maternal great-great-great-grandfather,” the Washington Post reported.
Oct. 28, 2010 – Nov. 11, 2010: Presidential visit to New Delhi, India, required 134 rooms and conference facilities at Taj Palace Hotel, cost: $203,853.
November 2010: Presidential stay at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, requiring 450 sleeping rooms, offices and one-day ballroom rental, cost: $700,000.
August 2011: VPOTUS trip to China, Japan and Mongolia. Records available only for 1,601 room nights and conference rooms at Hotel Okura Tokyo, cost: $477,301.
May 26-27, 2011: G8 conference, Deuville, France, 3,498 hotel accommodations for POTUS at 10 different hotels, cost: $2 million. Estimated transportation package with Biribin Limousines: $992,400-$2,857,150.
Dec. 2-3, 2011: VPOTUS trip to Istanbul, Turkey, $475,000 for 218 rooms.
Feb. 21, 2012-March 8, 2012: VPOTUS trip to Mexico City, requiring 919 hotel room nights at Inmobiliaria Nacional Mexicana (Four Seasons Hotel), cost: $348,936.
March 13, 2012 to March 28, 2012: POTUS hotel room rental at Grand Hyatt Hotel for Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea. Designated a “sensitive/secure package” and locked. Cost undisclosed.
June 2012 (specific rental dates not provided): POTUS attendance at G20 Summit, Los Cabos, Mexico. Estimated hotel room cost (through travel agency Turismo y Convenciones): $1,889,388-$2,078,327. Vehicle rentals (via Operadora Transtur): $630,760-$693,836.
November 2012 (specific rental dates not provided): Obama visit to Phnomn Penh, Cambodia. Raffles Hotel Royale; 895 room nights and several conference rooms. Cost: $400,000. Another 1,010 room nights at Sunway Hotel for an additional $400,000.
August 22, 2013: Presidential trip to Stockholm, Sweden. Total number of rooms: 121. Grand Hotel Stockholm and Lydmar Hotel. Estimated cost: $112,190 -$246,230.
The most recently published presidential travel records offer limited access.
Full records for Obama’s travel to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, or APEC 2013, conference in Indonesia are not currently accessible.
Records exist under the headers of “Cargo trucks to support POTUS visits” and “Passenger car rental services for APEC 2013, Bali, Indonesia.”
Partial records come up during a search of FedBizOpps, but the entire package remains marked as “sensitive,” thereby requiring site registration.
Although this writer is a registered and validated user of the FedBizOpps and System for Award Management, or SAM, access remains blocked, with the error message “SAM Validation Required” popping up when the APEC records list appears during a database search.
Records of the presidential stay at Yokohama Grand InterContinental Hotel in Japan for APEC 2010 likewise are only partially accessible – and for some reason the three-year-old records remain marked as “sensitive.”


Angola Continues To Close Down Mosques, And Now Burns Qurans

This is what I call a 'smart move.'  Only wish ALL nations, especially America, would do this and ship them back to where they came from. Obviously Angola has had ENOUGH of their demonic killings and outrageous demands, etc.

Angola Continues To Close Down Mosques And Now Burns Qurans
By Theodore Shoebat
A recent report has come out saying that the Republic of Angola has closed down or destroyed most mosques in its country, and the crackdown continues.
Elias Isaac, country director of the Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (Osisa), had this to say:
From what I have heard, Angola is the first country in the world that has decided to ban Islam … This is a crazy madness. The government is intolerant of any difference.
David Já, president of the Islamic Community of Angola (ICA), said: We can say that Islam has been banned in Angola.
Here is a video of a mosque in Angola being bulldozed:,go to link above.
There were 78 mosques in Angola, now they have been reduced to only a few, because most of them were closed down except the remaining number in the capital city of Luanda, and the only reason why they are still there is because of the world’s protest against the anti-Islamic policy. According to David Ja:
The mosques in Luanda were supposed to be closed yesterday but because of an international furore about reports that Angola had banned Islam, the government decided not to …So, at the moment, mosques in Luanda are open and people are going for prayers.
Also, according to Ja, the Angolan government began to shut down mosques in 2010, and they justified the measure by saying that Islam “was an invasion of Angolan culture and a threat to Christian values.”
And it most definitely is.
This month, according to the same Islamic leader, Angola shut down a mosque in Luanda and burned down 120 copies of the Quran.
This Angolan Inquisition (which I whole heartedly support), has been notifying mosques, ordering the Muslims to destroy them with the guarantee that they will be demolished anyway. As Ja said:
They usually issue a legal request for us to destroy the building and give us 73 hours to do so. Failure to do so results in government authorities doing it themselves.
This information is not only coming from Muslims, but a reputable and leading Angolan journalist named Rafael Marques de Morais, who has stated:
I’ve seen an order that says Muslims must destroy the mosques themselves and clear away the debris, or they will be charged for the cost of the destruction.
This is only the beginning of what is come, and that is, a war between Christendom and the empire of the crescent. I commend Angola for what it is doing, and I only hope that it will continue on and do the same for other dangerous and heretical groups (such as sodomites, and pro-abortion advocates).
If you think I am medieval in my thinking, I will say that this is not an insult. When the Albigensian gnostic heretics dominated Southern France, the Church did not tolerate them nor their false and wicked teachings, but launched a war on them and outlawed their false doctrines.
When the Bogomil gnostics overran Constantinople, the Eastern Orthodox Church did not suffer them to thrive or proselytize but suppressed them, all for the preservation of orthodoxy.
When Arianism (the rejection of the Trinity) arose, Constantine decreed that all Arian books must be burned, and many were thrown into the flames. It is only beneficial that works that promote the destruction and devaluing of human life are not tolerated or given liberty to, for we worship a God Who declared: “all the idols thereof will I lay desolate” (Micah 1:7).

As Christendom and Islam are at war, we must remember the Christians who are being brutally persecuted every day

Ascension Earth 2012

Ascension Earth 2012

Thousands of MARTIAL LAW NOW IN EFFECT Signs Spotted on Truck Illinois Are Banksters Plottting To Keep Your Deposits?
In-depth Analysis of the Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO Occupant Videos How Your State of Mind is Affecting Your Well-Being Mysterious Fibers Fall from the Sky in France Ghost Cat Caught on Video?
Mysterious Spire on Moon's Surface
Super Creepy Extraterrestrial or Giant Mutant Insect?
Has comet ISON Exploded?
The Mysterious Disappearance of Lieutenant Felix Moncla New Book Says Government, not Aliens, Behind Cattle Mutilations Sheriff Buford T. Justice Explains what a Redistribution of Wealth Really Means ~ by Greg Giles Arkansas Citizens to March Against Chemtrails Thousands of MARTIAL LAW NOW IN EFFECT Signs Spotted on Truck Illinois

Posted: 29 Nov 2013 12:12 AM PST

Click image to zoom

Are Banksters Plottting To Keep Your Deposits?

Posted: 28 Nov 2013 10:44 PM PST

by N.  We have seen bank account confiscations in other countries, like Cyprus. Will America be next? Would Americans stand by while their bank accounts and assets are pillaged by the Obama Regime? This is something we, who have bank accounts, must begin to consider. This regime is running out of options, for bilking money out of the government forum, so guess what is next? Our bank accounts! Here is how the problem works.  The Social Security Administration maintains a Death Master File which is then shared by a number of other government agencies including Medicare and the IRS.  When the SSA receives a notice that someone has died, they automatically enter the information into their master file without any verification of the information.  Once a death has been wrongfully entered into the system, it is very difficult to get it corrected because it has already been disseminated to other agencies.  Dr. Lawrence Huntoon, a neurologist from Derby, New York explained:“The problem is once wrong information gets into the electronic database, it’s very difficult to get it corrected or get it out of there.  What happens is the flawed data is now spread more efficiently among different agencies, and that’s not good.”However, if you ask the Social Security Administration about the accuracy of the Death Master File, they will admit that inaccuracy was built into the system.  One SSA employee explained:“We get criticized for not having all these records be accurate, and the fact is, they were never intended to be 100-percent accurate.”Huntoon shared what happened to one of his patients with WND.  An 80 year old female patient was declared dead by Medicare and the information was shared with other agencies through Obama’s central database system.  Consequently, Medicare denied all of her medical bills because they insisted she was dead.  Huntoon sent around 20 letters to Medicare stating that he is a board certified neurologist and that his patient was very much alive.  He explains the responses he received from Medicare:“Each time I contacted them, rather than accept my diagnosis that she was alive, they insisted that I, as a licensed physician in the State of New York, was wrong, and they were correct in determining the woman was dead.” So what happens if a person has been declared dead by the government and they go to the emergency room for treatment?  Most states have laws that say the emergency room must treat a person regardless, but treating someone previously declared dead could result in serious repercussions for the hospital, as explained by Huntoon:“A hospital could actually be accused of fraud by the federal government for providing care to a dead person.”In the case of his 80 year old patient, he ended up contacting his congressman in Washington who then went to Medicare and finally got the woman’s records corrected.  He didn’t say how long it took to completely filter through the system to everyone.Huntoon also described another problem with the central databases that involved his own mother-in-law:“My mother-in-law, who is in her 90s now, has it in her medical records that she is a smoker, but she has never smoked a day in her life.  This claim is now out there for doctors all across the country to see, despite it not being true.”“We’re beginning to see a pattern of incompetence here that is manifesting itself with the rollout of Obamacare and the website.  What is stunning is how they actually argue with you. Even when they are totally proven wrong, they never say they are sorry, because they aren’t.”So while our federal government vigorously protects the right of dead people to vote, they also vigorously defend their declaration of someone’s death even though the person is alive and walking around.  While they desperately need dead people’s votes, they also need to get living people off of the Medicare rolls so they don’t have to pay for their care.  It’s a hypocritical two-edged sword.

Removing The Shackles

Subject: Removing The Shackles

Removing The Shackles

Morocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco

Posted: 28 Nov 2013 11:49 AM PST

Bill/AK is chronicling his adventures in Morocco.  Here is chapter one- or some of chapter one if you will..... I think many people will find some of the information Bill lays out in this chapter very interesting as he discusses who the "Divines" are, the "old man", and a few other bits and pieces that we haven't really discussed before on our sites.  Enjoy!!I've posted below the last section of Chapter one, as I think you readers will find it very interesting!  Read the entire article HEREMorocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco 

Morocco Diary Chapter 1By American KabukiNovember 28, 2013......There's a wide variety of climates here, from desert to alpine.  Where we live its almost identical to San Diego (right now make that San Diego in winter!).  I'll be writing more about my experiences here in coming days, one chapter at a time.  I do apologize for the delay, D warned me I'd get so much data that I'd forget the earlier stuff just trying to keep up with the current stuff.  Heather has asked D. and myself to chronicle our experiences as we go through the learning curve of what she's going to show us as we set out on some new projects.  D. is currently waylaid in Malta sorting out some passport/visa issues with her children's documents. Heather feels our work in banking is complete.  So we are planning and creating new projects which will disclose in the coming months. Three things are yet left that have to transpire event wise, the exact sequence I am not quite sure. We'll have to see if they are sequential or simultaneous (lately I am betting on the latter).  But I am not making any dogmatic statements on that because I don't know.  Depends on how things unfold I suppose and the choices that are made by the various beings...1) The Galactic/Celestial Energetic pulse of Creator Source's Love and light Event (which many blogs speak of including us)2) Disclosure of ETs3) Disclosure of "the divines". Those new to the blog may be familiar with ETs but not the divines. The divines are a class of beings of a higher energetic than ETs, kind of the middle managers in this universe. They don't die, some call them "the eternals", "the elders", "ascended masters" (the ones who worked their way out of our 3d energetics through some very rigorous spiritual disciplines) and others.  There will be complete disclosure of their roles in this experiment in duality.  Some of them fear that.  They need not fear. There are no losers in the end of the experiment here.The divines control the very top of the banking system.  You can think of them as the invisible capstone on the illuminati pyramid.  They have remained largely hidden in recent earth history, but they do show up in myths from ancient times as greek "gods", "goddesses",  asian "deities", "demigods", etc. from a time they worked more directly with mankind.  They are hinted about in many Hollywood movies, Highlander, John Carter of Mars, and in the super hero movies. At some point in history, perhaps after numerous human rebellions, they found it more useful to work indirectly with the planet through human proxies like the Rothschilds and other old European families and Chinese Dragon families. They are all interrelated through Genghis Khan anyway. The divines exist (although everyone thought we were nuts last January when we published that, until confirmation started coming in from other sources unrelated to our work like Zap and Keenan and Fulford), and its now its well known the Chinese "old man" is the original emperor from the Qing dynasty and comes and goes from this planet to sign off on major banking events (love the old man - he's making everything transparent as he told Heather he would!) He funded the American revolution with gold, and the building of the transcontinental railway.The divines are ultimately the ones pulling the strings on this planet.  And honestly they really thought no beings would be capable of  holding them accountable.  The did not think Eternal Essence itself would "enforce" on their in-body-ments, and that is now occurring throughout their realm among those that choose to harm other in-body-ments.  And its got more than few of them in a real panic right now.  They try to do one RV after another but each time they feed it into that Universal Value system AI Computer it spits back out as the energetics of it just won't fly.One of the big questions we were asked with the filings, was "this is all legal and good but how will you enforce?"  To which we just laughed.  They wouldn't  believe us if we told them!  We don't have to.  Eternal Essence that lives in all in-body-ments enforces it.  The filings were just formalities closing out what began as a contractual arrangement for a finite time.  But they had to be done and published openly so nobody could say they didn't have notice before the EVENT happened.There's a wide variety of intentions within the divines realm, just as there is among humans.  So when you see the Rothschilds being