Wednesday, April 29, 2015


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CA SB277 on vaccines moves toward disastrous passage.....
CA SB277 on vaccines moves toward disastrous passage
By Jon Rappoport
April 29, 2015
California Senate Bill 277 has passed through the Judiciary Committee, and needs another Committee's rubber stamp before it arrives on the Senate floor for debate---and what looks like a ride into law.
Governor Brown will sign the Bill. Brown has become a standard fool. He's worn out. Whatever interesting ideas he may have entertained in his former "moonbeam" incarnation are gone in the wind.
Bill277 eliminates the personal belief and religious exemptions from vaccination. It also states that children cannot attend public or private school unless they are vaccinated according to the State's schedule.
Medical exemptions are still allowed, but these won't be easy to come by, because physicians who grant them will be scrutinized and harassed.
In Committee, before the vote, the Bill was changed to offer two compromises. Personal belief exemptions will be permitted for all future vaccines, beyond the current 10 mandated shots. And children who are now in school will be allowed to forego vaccination (with some limitations).
Eventually, in years to come, you can expect these two "gifts" to be rescinded.
All in all, personal freedom and choice are gone.
Vaccine manufacturers are popping the champagne corks.
For those California parents who are looking for a way out, there is home-schooling. But you can be sure that, at some point up the road, those children will be falsely blamed for "an outbreak," and pressure will build to force them to take shots.
This Bill is going to become law, unless there is huge uprising of parents between now and the final legislative vote.
Seen in a larger context, the Bill is one element in a thousand-element program that standardly proclaims: if you want security and protection, you must give up your freedom.
Of course, as I've pointed out before, this program always overstates the threat from which one needs protection. In fact, quite often, the same agents of the State who offer that protection manufactured the threat in the first place.
In the case of vaccines, the preposterous notion that vaccinated children (who are purported to be immune) need shielding from unvaccinated children is a contradiction on its face.
So is the idea that children who live in poverty, lack nutritious food, and consequently function on grossly weakened immune systems can gain substitute-protection via vaccines. The reverse is true: vaccinations attack their already-compromised level of health.
In any event, parents seeking their own information about vaccines becomes a useless fantasy under this new California Bill. Everything is decided for them by the State.
In case you want to place all the blame on Big Pharma and its undue influence, keep in mind that government is where the buck is supposed to stop. This is the place where officials can say no if they want to.
Letting them off the hook as helpless victims of corporate power is absurd. They aren't helpless. They go to the slaughter willingly. Sometimes, with deeper pockets.
Vaccination=protection is the equation that has been shoved down the throats of the population. And to back it up, we have the ever-popular, "This is science. Only crazy people oppose science."
Ever since 9/11, protection has risen as the most important government theme: "Let us protect you, let us do our jobs, keep your mouths shut and everything will turn out well."
People buy it. Their minds are vacuums, and they need something to fill it. Might as well be "protection." Seems important. Seems right.
Seems like the sort of thing a parent is supposed to provide.
"Yes, I remember as a child that Daddy told me (or I wish he had) that everything would be all right. When the government tells me that now, it feels good."
So does an endless supply of tranquilizers. Until it doesn't.
Until the brain turns to mush.

Jade Helm Is Tightening The Noose Around America’s Neck (VIDEOS)

Jade Helm Is Tightening The Noose Around America’s Neck (VIDEOS)

the noose is tightening
Hi All,
Why do they need over 1,000 FEMA camps that hold from as little as 35,000 to over 2,000,000 outside Anchorage AK ?? All with gas furnaces and head choppers??

I have never covered a topic where the flow of information is so voluminous and equally disturbing. There has never been a topic that I have covered that has been so dangerous to the safety of all Americans. The size of scope of Jade Helm is beyond comprehension. For the first time, I am wondering if I should make plans to immediately leave the country because there are people who want to do me serious harm.

We Have Everything to Fear and Then You Should Get Mad!

The elite are masters at controlling the narrative. Almost a generation ago, they labeled anyone who dared to mistrust the words of known liars as tin-foil-hat-wearing “conspiracy theorists”. The term conspiracy theorist became a conditioned response which described “crazy people” who doubt the actions and statements of known liars from the government. And of course there is no such thing as two bad people getting together to plan to do something evil. I guess that Oklahoma City, the Twin Towers, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Batman shooting, the Boston Marathon, and the 7/7 London bombings were just figments of our imagination. The four million people have died in Middle East countries that we have invaded are also just figments of our imagination.
As the Independent media began to fight back against the globalist PSYOPS to cover their wrongdoings, the elite came up with a counter PSYOPS. And now, anyone who points out government wrong doing is a “fearmonger” and this term has a companion term, “fear porn”. Subsequently, anyone who dares to promote any wrongdoing, on the part of the elite or the government, is engaged in fearmongering, and as such, should be ignored.

Only a Moron Would Not Be Afraid

When it comes to Jade Helm, I want you to be fearful and then I want you to get mad. Fear is the strongest motivator among the human emotions. The most unified this country has ever been happened during World War II when we feared being conquered by the Japanese and the Germans. That fear motivated an unparalleled coalescence of thinking and cooperative effort. Today, we need to tap into this emotion, or many of us are not going to survive.
Am I confident that we can accomplish rousing the nation to action against the tyranny posed by Jade Helm? I am not the least bit confident.  And even if Jade Helm ends up being no more than a drill (not likely), Jade Helm’s successor will have learned lessons from what is about to transpire in America. To the cognitive dissonance crowd, I would say that these people are practicing to subjugate you for a reason.
In the meantime, I want to present a small cross-section of communications I have received from Americans all across this country who are fearful of Jade Helm.

FEMA Camps Are Out in the Open

The morning fearmongering brief begins with a reminder that the leaked Army document FM-3-39.40 provides the stunning details of what constitutes a FEMA camp and who will comprise the “detainees”. Further, I have previously identified Camp Grayling in N. Michigan as a huge FEMA camp. Of course the government says the facility is merely for training. If that is true then why are the Michigan Army Reserves and National Guard going to Guantanamo to train this summer? Learn to lift up the covers and ask the right questions.
This FEMA camp facility in Grayling, MI., is the sight of martial law training for the Michigan National guard commencing on July 15, the inception date for Jade Helm. This facility also houses hundred of UN military vehicles.
This FEMA camp facility in Grayling, MI., is the sight of martial law training for the Michigan National guard commencing on July 15, the inception date for Jade Helm. This facility also houses hundred of UN military vehicles.
Below is an email from couple in N. Michigan who knows how to ask the right questions after staying vigilant.
Hello Mr. Hodges,
I live in Northern Michigan in Osceola county right next to highway 131. My wife and I have lived here for many years and we have never seen the massive amounts of military vehicles on the highway like we seen yesterday! I think this information can validate some of the information in your recent article “Jade Helm is designed to take America directly into WWIII”. 
My wife called me over to the window to look at this huge convoy of military trucks heading North. I ran outside to get a closer look and they were still driving by. This is by far the largest convoy of military vehicles we have ever seen. There were at least 200 trucks pulling flat-bed trailers that had what looked like canons on the trailers. Each trailer had two of these brown/tan canon looking things and each of these things also had wheels and trailer hitches on them. These things look like they could be pulled by humvees. I have never seen these before or anything even close to what these things were and I served in the military from 1989-1992. Each round cylinder (canon barrel?) was about 30″ – 36″ inches in diameter and about ten feet long, so these might be some type of flak gun. They were huge! Also, there has been a lot of military type aircraft flying over the past week or so. And yes, I have seen the massive FEMA camp located at Camp Grayling, but they say it is just for training (yeah right). I just wanted to pass along this info to you.
God Bless and thank you for your hard work!

Lt. Col. Potter Connects the “Red List” with Jade Helm

If the previous anecdotal account, with accompanying documentation is not enough to bring out the fear, then listen to the words of Lt. Col. Potter as he tells talk show host, Pete Santilli, that Jade Helm will soon be carrying out Red List executions prior to imposing martial law.

Thugs Are Invading Our Neighborhoods

From videos like the one below we see massive amounts of troops. This event may be in Ontario, CA., but it may as well be in your neighborhood. Here we see jack-booted thugs marching in their combat gear through a neighborhood near you.

And there are more foreign troops being spotted on our soil.
Dear Dave,
I live near Redding California.
For the past year I have noticed groups of young Chinese men in Red jackets/ black pants, at a bus stop along the side of Costco. Here is a picture I took recently, from across the street. There were about 20 of them. I mentioned this to a friend who is a retired police officer. He said “oh, they are here taking flight i
nstruction at the airport”. I find this strange , but not in light of everything else we are seeing with Jade Helm.
God bless you and the work you are doing to help inform those who are awake and listening. Time is indeed short!

Who is This Massive Military Hardware Going to be Unleashed Against?

From the Barstow area, there is a massive military hardware buildup. The locals are scared to death. I am in communication with a retired Sheriff’s Deputy who has occasion to deliver product to the base in the video below and he routinely sees Russian soldiers in uniform training at this base.

Judicial Watch, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russia and ISIS

ISIS base camp near El Paso.
ISIS base camp near El Paso.
Informed Americans were stunned when they learned of the presence of an ISIS camp eight miles from El Paso, TX. Judicial Watch connected ISIS to the Mexican drug cartels. As I covered two days ago, Hamas and Hezbollah are connected to the cartels. And now it seems that this unholy alliance has a silent, but participating partner, and that would be Russia and her Western Hemisphere allies. These dots will soon be connected.
The photo below, might be why Texas is preparing to be invaded as evidenced by the photos of Surface to Air Missiles found on the ground 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX.
Surface to air missiles located 45 miles Southeast of Lubbock, Texas.
Surface to air missiles located 45 miles Southeast of Lubbock, Texas.
How much more real does Jade Helm have to get where you finally reach the point where fear motivates you?
It is time to allow yourself to feel fear and the accompanying rage that goes with a development such as this. How dare this criminal administration practice extracting Americans to FEMA camps with our own tax dollars. This should scare the hell of you and the accompanying rage should motivate you to action.

Dave Hodges is the host of the popular weekly talk show, The Common Sense Show, which airs on Sunday nights from 9pm – Midnight (central) on the Republic Broadcasting Network and its 29 affiliate stations. Dave also hosts a website ( in which he writes daily articles on the geopolitical state of affairs both nationally and internationally. The theme of Dave’s show and website centers around exposing the corruption and treason which has invaded the presidency and Congress as well as their corporate and banking benefactors. Dave is an award winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor. He is also a former college basketball coach who retired as the winningest coach in his college’s history. A mental health therapist by training, Dave brings a broad based perspective in his fight against the corrupt central banking cartels which have hijacked the US government. Dave and his wife, Nora have one son and they presently reside in rural Arizona approximately 25 miles north of the greater Phoenix area. Dave was drawn to the fight for freedom when the globalist central banking forces, led by Senator John McCain, attempted to seize his home and property and that of 300 of his neighbors, without one dime being offered in compensation. This attempted public theft of private property was conducted for the purpose of securing cheap land in which the globalists intended on putting in an international highway through their area known as the Canamex Corridor. Dave’s community appointed him the spokesperson and eventually his community won their fight against the bankers and their front man, Senator McCain. This event launched Dave’s career as a broadcaster and an investigative journalist. Dave’s website presently enjoys over a half a million visitors every month.

This Flu Vaccine Caused Brain Damage In About 60 Children – And It Could Get Worse....

This Flu Vaccine Caused Brain Damage In About 60 Children – And It Could Get Worse....

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At least 60 Britons – most of them children — suffered severe brain damage as a result of a government-administered flu vaccine and will receive huge payouts, London’s Sunday Times reported.
To make matters worse, as many as 800 children and adults may have been made sick by the same vaccine.
“There has never been a case like this before,” attorney Peter Todd told The Sunday Times. “The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication.”
The vaccine, called Pandemrix, has been proven to cause serious problems, including narcolepsy and cataplexy, in about in 16,000 people, The International Business Times reported. Victims are unable to sleep at night, and they lose much of their memory and intellect, and lose consciousness during the day.
Around 6 million doses of Pandemrix were administered to British subjects by the National Health Service (NHS) during the swine flu panic in 2009. Across Europe, 30 million people received it.
“There’s no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Pandemrix increased the occurrence of narcolepsy onset in children in some countries — and probably in most countries,” Emmanuelle Mignot, a sleep disorder specialist at Stanford University, told Reuters.
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Mignot was paid to research the effects of Pandemrix by the vaccine’s manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
Big Settlements
“The government has accepted Pandemrix did cause narcolepsy,” Todd, who represented some of the victims, told The Sunday Times.
Image source: sheknows
Image source: sheknows
The British government has agreed to pay each of the British victims of Pandemrix £1 million (US $1.5 million). Some of the victims are NHS employees who were pressured to get vaccinated by the agency. The NHS is the government agency in charge of most British health care facilities.
One man identified as a “50-year-old medical worker” told The Sunday Times that he was bombarded by emails from NHS urging him to get vaccinated. Brain damage from the vaccine destroyed the man’s life, leaving him unable to work at a computer.
“I am facing the end of my career and the loss of my house,” the man said. “GSK did not do enough research and we are suffering the consequences.”
Another victim was 8-year-old Josh Hadfield of Somerset England who now suffers from narcolepsy, The International Business Times reported. Hadfield needs drugs that cost $22,595 a year to stay awake in school because of Pandemrix.
“If you make him laugh, he collapses,” the boy’s mother, Caroline Hadfield, told the Business Times. “His memory is shot. There is no cure. He says he wishes he hadn’t been born. I feel incredibly guilty about letting him have the vaccine.”
Taxpayers Left Holding the Bag
GlaxoSmithKline refused to sell Pandemrix to governments unless it was protected against financial fallout if the vaccine caused harm, The International Business Times reported.
That means the British taxpayer and not Glaxo Smith Kline will pay the settlement to victims.
GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK) is a publicly-traded company that reported annual sales of $37.87 billion on Dec. 31, 2014. The company has an enterprise value of $148.09 billion.
The number of Pandemrix victims could grow because many of them have not yet come forward, The Sunday Times reported.
Do you believe this tragedy is an anomaly – or are other vaccines also dangerous? Share your thoughts in the section below:

5 Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car’s Glove Compartment Right Now

5 Emergency Items That Should Be In Your Car’s Glove Compartment Right Now

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These are the top five survival items that should be in your car’s glove compartment at all times, no questions asked:
1. Flashlight
The importance of a flashlight simply cannot be overstated. If your car breaks down at night, how else are you going to see what you are doing when you conduct repairs? How are you going to signal for help? How can you build a shelter or move around at night without the aid of a flashlight, other than building a fire? Don’t take flashlights for granted. Find a good quality one to store in your car’s glove compartment.
2. First-Aid Kit
Many first-aid kits are so small and compact they can fit in your pocket – and easily in your glove compartment. A good first-aid kit in a survival situation can treat injuries and prevent an infection from spreading – either of which can be quite devastating when alone on a road or in the wild. Plain and simple, you won’t want to find yourself in any survival situation without a solid first-aid kit.
3. Map and GPS
If you know your sense of direction, you hopefully won’t get lost and need to utilize your survival tools in the first place. But if you do become stranded – and you’re in an unfamiliar area — a map will be imperative to finding your way out on foot.
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A GPS system can come in quite handy, but always have a paper map as a backup.
4. Mirror
With a mirror, you can signal for help, check your face and back for wounds, and start a fire by angling it at the sun’s glare. It also can come in handy during certain car repairs when you need to see under the vehicle.
5. Paracord
Finally, you should also always keep paracord in your car’s glove compartment.  With paracord, you can set snares, lash branches together when constructing a shelter, make a sling, a splint, or a tourniquet, and tie a knife to a pole to make a survival spear. Paracord is also very light and compact, and should fit nicely in your car’s glove compartment.
Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to just these five, but these items are the bare minimum. They are small and light enough to fit in the glove compartment, and they all serve multiple uses.
What would you add to this list? Share your ideas in the section below:

This Brilliant New Plan May Finally Stop The NSA’s Spying.....

This Brilliant New Plan May Finally Stop The NSA’s Spying.....

Image source: marshable
Image source: marshable
Legislators in eight states have introduced laws designed to literally pull the plug from the National Security Agency by choking off the resources the organization needs to organize within a state’s borders.
The bills are part of an effort to end what critics see as the NSA’s systematic violation of the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.
“We’re saying, ‘No, it’s inappropriate.’ We have a Fourth Amendment to the Constitution,” Washington State Representative David Taylor (R-Moxee) told USA Today. “And if you violate that there’s going to be civil penalties and jail time.”
Taylor is a co-sponsor of state House Bill 1473, which would make it a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $5,000 for state officials or state contractors that “provide material support, participation, or assistance in any form” with any federal agency which collects “electronic data or metadata of any person pursuant to any action not based on a warrant.”
The idea behind the law is to prevent any company from doing business with the NSA. Among other things, the proposed law would prohibit utilities from providing water, natural gas and electricity and tech companies like Microsoft and from doing business with the NSA. It would also stop contractors from delivering food to federal facilities and end service like trash collection.
Learn How To Become Invisible In Today’s Surveillance State!
This is the second time that Taylor has sponsored legislation to stop the NSA from operating within his state. Last year he sponsored a similar law, which did not receive a vote.
Grass Roots Efforts
An organization called is encouraging state legislators to introduce similar bills. The group’s mission is a bold but simple one: Make it impossible for the NSA to operate in the United States by barring companies and local governments from doing business with it.
“The short version?” the group’s website proclaims. “We intend to pull the rug out from under them, box them in and shut them down.”
The website contains model legislation called the Fourth Amendment Protection Act and details the group’s strategy to bypass Congress and assert state’s rights against federal surveillance. The model legislation is at the heart of the plan.
“This model legislation, ready for introduction in any state, would ban a state (and all its political subdivisions) from providing assistance or material support in any way to federal spying programs,” the OffNow website states.
This would include, but is not limited to:
  • Refusing to supply water or electricity.
  • Ending NSA partnerships with public universities and colleges.
  • Prohibiting state officials from using warrantless data given to them by federal agencies.
OffNow’s lawyers believe a legal principle known as the anti-commandeering doctrine gives state and local governments the right to refuse to cooperate with federal agencies. They cited several US Supreme Court decisions in which the doctrine has been upheld.
States with Similar Bills
Laws based on the model legislation have been introduced in state legislatures in Indiana, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Alaska as well as Washington State, USA Today reported. Some of the laws go further than OffNow’s model and ban evidence from warrantless surveillance from being used in state courts.
OffNow’s website reported that 171 universities nationwide operate National Centers of Academic Excellence in partnership with the National Security Agency’s Central Security Service.
Would you support such a bill in your state? Write your thoughts in the section below:

The Sneaky (And Warrantless) Way Police Are Monitoring Your Mail

The Sneaky (And Warrantless) Way Police Are Monitoring Your Mail

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Your telephone and Internet traffic are not the only communications subject to warrantless surveillance. The US Postal Service (USPS) is helping intelligence, law enforcement and security agencies monitor the mail of tens of thousands of people without warrants, The New York Times reported.
The Post Office is recording names, addresses and other information on the outside of packages and envelopes. This data, called a “mail cover,” is then turned over to federal agencies that request one.
“A mail cover is an investigative tool used to record data appearing on the outside of a mail piece,” an audit of the US Postal Inspection Service by the USPS Office of the Inspector General states. “Law enforcement agencies use this information to protect national security; locate fugitives; obtain evidence; or help identify property, proceeds, or assets forfeitable under criminal law.”
No warrant is required to get a mail cover as long as the mail is not actually opened. Critics say this seems to be an end-run around the Fourth Amendment, which bans warrantless searches.
Learn How To Become Invisible In Today’s Surveillance State!
The Postal Service gets this information by using a technology called Mail Imagining in which computers take digital pictures of every piece of mail sent through its system, The Times reported. Another system, the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking Program, enables the postal service to track and investigate the individual pieces of mail identified.
The audit found that the Postal Inspection Service had violated its own rules by issuing large numbers of unjustified and questionable mail covers. An investigation by The Times indicates that thousands of innocent people might have been subject to mail covers.
“It appears that there has been widespread disregard of the few protections that were supposed to be in place,” Theodore Simon, the president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, said of mail covers.
Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio allegedly used mail covers to spy on one of his political opponents, Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox. The Postal Service granted the orders enabling Arpaio and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas to track Wilcox’s mail.
Using the data from the covers, Arpaio was able to get warrants to acquire Wilcox’s banking information and business records and raid Wilcox’s business. Wilcox thinks Arpaio investigated her because she criticized some of his policies. Wilcox sued the county and won $1 million after she lost a contract to operate a concession at an airport. Thomas was later disbarred for his actions.
“I don’t blame the Postal Service, but you shouldn’t be able to just use these mail covers to go on a fishing expedition,” Wilcox told the newspaper. “There needs to be more control.”
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Simon told The Times he believes the Postal Service is using mail covers to conduct uncontrolled snooping into Americans’ private lives. The Inspector General’s investigation seems to confirm Mr. Simon’s fears.
Some of the abuses of mail covers exposed by the Inspector General included:
  • No one knows how many mail covers have been executed. The USPS “processed” around 49,000 requests for mail covers in 2013, but the report does not say how many of the requests were carried out.
  • Postal Service policy states that only a handful of high ranking postal inspectors can approve mail cover requests. Yet 21 percent of requests in a sample examined by the inspector general were approved by persons without the proper written authority.
  • Around 13 percent of the requests in a sample of 196 requests for mail covers from police agencies did not meet the USPS requirements.
Documents obtained by The Times indicated that federal agencies using mail covers to monitor Americans include the US Army Criminal Investigations Command, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the State Department and even the Department of Veterans of Affairs.
The number of requests for mail covers from security agencies such as the FBI and the NSA is unknown because that data is apparently classified information.
“There are a lot of mail covers, but they don’t seem to be very careful about following their own rules,” Kate Martin of the Center for National Security Studies said.
Do you believe “mail covers” violate constitutionally protected rights? Share your thoughts in the section below:

Your ‘Baltimore’: How To Survive When Riots Break Out Where You Live.........

Your ‘Baltimore’: How To Survive When Riots Break Out Where You Live.........

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On April 12 in Baltimore, a young black man made eye contact with police and then began running away. Officers chased him down, handcuffed him, and threw him into the back of a police van. While in police custody, the young man, Freddie Gray, somehow had his spine severed – and died.
The African-American community, and many people throughout Baltimore and the nation, were enraged that yet another person of color died at the hands of police.
Gray’s funeral was held on Tuesday. During and after the funeral, protesters began to vent their rage. They started throwing bottles at police and journalists. A police officer was dragged away by a mob of angry people, and the mob starts destroying police cars.
By late afternoon, rioters begin setting fires and looting. In one example, protestors flooded into a pharmacy, looted it, and then set it on fire. Responding firefighters had to deal with protestors cutting holes in their hoses.
By early evening, the governor had declared a state of emergency. He sent in the National Guard and canceled school for the next day. The Maryland State Police deployed 5,000 police officers to help quell the rioting. The mayor imposed a 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew.
But Baltimore continues to burn….
Bombshell Book Reveals… How To Survive The Coming Martial Law In America
The violence and destruction in Baltimore can come to your neighborhood at any time. With society’s racial tensions, disparities in income, and struggling economy, there are many reasons why a local group of people may suddenly become violent and begin burning, looting and indiscriminately hurting people. As with Baltimore, it may take days or even weeks to restore order and safety.
So you need to be ready, and there are several actions to take before the riots come to your town. These include security, water, food and emergency transport.
The most important step is to make sure you and your family are protected. The two key components of safety during a riot are self-defense and a secure area.
Image source: CBSLocal
Image source: CBSLocal
When human society breaks down and people turn into roving bands of thugs bent on destruction, you must protect yourself. This means firearms. To the extent the law allows, purchase firearms and learn how to use them. Every member of the family should do this, because a riot can spring up at any time, leaving individual family members by themselves.
The second component of security is a safe place. Ideally, your home has a safe room, which will withstand fire and any attempts a mob uses to break through. Safe rooms can be easily retrofitted in any home. If you don’t have a safe room, then buying the best secure doors and window protection available is a second choice.
The idea is that between firearms and a secure location, the thugs will give up and move on to easier prey.
Food and Water
If the riot continues, power lines or power stations may be damaged or destroyed, resulting in loss of city power and water. FEMA recommends that a family store three days’ worth of food and water. However, many survivalists recommend a year’s supply. For a typical urban family, I recommend a couple of weeks. A year’s supply is expensive, and frankly, if society breaks down to the extent that there’s no government aid or security for a year, living in an urban environment likely won’t be feasible in any case.
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Many parts of the country have very cold weather during winter. If you live in one of these areas, make sure you’ll be able to stay warm. If you’re fortunate enough to live in an urban environment where some of the old houses still have fireplaces, then have some wood on hand. Otherwise, you can get a portable heater that runs on propane. However, this will have to be used outside, because they’re not safe inside.
Each household is different. Just ask yourself how you would safely stay warm without power, and plan accordingly.
Get Out of Dodge
Sometimes, the only safe course of action is to flee the area. For example, if rioters have destroyed the infrastructure and are engaged in a sustained battle with law enforcement, your firearms or secure shelter plans may not protect you. If your house has no safe room, and the neighborhood is being systematically torched, you need to leave.
But leaving won’t be easy, for two reasons. First, the rioters will be drawn to any moving vehicle, looking for a target for new “fun.” Second, law enforcement and the National Guard will be out in full force, probably enforcing a curfew. They will be tired and in full defensive mode, and may not be able to distinguish friend from foe.
So have a plan to escape. It all depends on where you live, but there are many options. For a middle-class family with one or two vehicles, one economical option is to have the second vehicle with some off-road capability. This includes all-terrain tires and a supply of spare fuel, spare tires, and other basic necessities for keeping a vehicle running.
For those with more financial means, a dedicated and armored vehicle could be the way to go.
Another option is an all-terrain vehicle. This may be a good idea, because an area under quarantine may be facing roaming bands of armed thugs, and roadblocks manned by law enforcement.
Motorcycles are another option, simply because they can drive often where cars cannot.
Violent riots, from the Rodney King incident in the early 90s to today’s riot in Baltimore, can spring up at any time. Make sure you and your family have the tools for self-defense, the supplies for sustenance, and an escape plan.
What would you add to this list? Share your thoughts on the Baltimore situation in the section below:
When Riots Break Out, Will Your Know How To Fully Protect Your Home? Read More Here.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Washington started all modern military conflicts - Russia’s General Staff


Published time: April 24, 2015 14:50                                                         
Soldiers of the US Army arrive in Ruzyne barracks as they take part in the "Dragoon Ride" military exercise in Prague March 30, 2015 (Reuters / David W Cerny)
Soldiers of the US Army arrive in Ruzyne barracks as they take part in the "Dragoon Ride" military exercise in Prague   March 30, 2015 (Reuters / David W Cerny)
The US is the sole initiator of all modern military conflicts, maintains Russia’s top brass, adding that Washington and its allies have used military force against third parties over 50 times in a matter of just one decade.
The central focus of the American administration has been consistent containment of Russia to prevent alternative center of power emerging, said Lieutenant General Andrey Kartapolov, head of the Main Operation Directorate of Russia’s General Staff.

In January, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the support that Washington provides to the Kiev authorities and Ukrainian army is aimed at “achieving the geopolitical goals of restraining Russia.”


Now the US has deployed hundreds of military instructors to Ukraine to train troops. Yet Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov accused Washington of sending its soldiers not to training ranges, “but directly in the combat zone near Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Artyomovsk and Volnovakha.”

“The US appears to be the ultimate instigator of all military conflicts in the world. The Western countries have begun to hold themselves out as ‘architects’ of the international relations system, leaving to the US the role of the world’s only superpower,” Kartapolov said at a military-scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Russia’s victory in WWII.

Head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s Armed Forces Andrey Kartapolov (RIA Novosti / Vadim Savitskii)
Head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s Armed Forces Andrey Kartapolov (RIA Novosti / Vadim Savitskii)

In September 2014, RT reported that although the US has not declared war since 1942, Syria became the seventh country that Barack Obama, the holder of the Nobel Peace Prize, has bombed in the years of his presidency.
Since that recent campaign, US allies in the Persian Gulf, Sunni monarchies armed primarily with American-made weapons, launched a military offensive against Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen, bombing out country’s military depots and infrastructure.


Kartapolov stressed that this position of the west has been officially spelled out in the US national security strategy, presented to American Congress by Obama on February 6.
The course being pursued by the White House is determined by strategic ambition to keep the leading geopolitical and economic positions, Kartapolov said.
And it appears there’s no cost Washington is unwilling to pay to retain its international position. In early March, Fox News Channel aired a segment featuring Robert H. Scales, a former United States Army major general, who shared his own plan to settle the Ukrainian crisis. The recipe is simple: kill the Russian soldiers allegedly roaming eastern Ukraine.

Countries once invaded or interfered with by the US and its allies, be it in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia or Syria, have become hotbeds for extremists linked with various offshoots of Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and similar groups.

Speaking on the use of military force, Kartapolov recalled that “on six occasions [US-led military] operations have been conducted with decisive intentions and have outgrown into armed regional conflicts.”

“Their deplorable results are known all too well,” the general concluded.

READ MORE: Fox News analyst: ‘Start killing Russians’ to save Ukraine (VIDEO)
READ MORE: O, bomber! Obama bombs 7th country in 6 years
Operation 'Decisive Storm' in Yemen ends, new phase underway - Saudi-led forces
READ MORE: Syria, Iraq turned into ‘international finishing school for extremists’ – UN report



Very good Video... Baltimore Cops Murdered Freddie Gray By Severing 80% Of His Spinal Cord ...

The Cat's Outta The Bag Now!! Breaking: Baltimore Mayor Key Player in Obama’s Federal Takeover of Local Police

by Kit Daniels | | April 28, 2015

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who gave rioters “space to destroy” property and reportedly told police to stand down, was a key player in the Justice Dept.’s plan to expand federal control over local law enforcement.
Rawlings-Blake was one of three mayors who provided broad input into President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which advocates the federalization of police departments across the country by forcing them to adhere to stricter federal requirements when they receive funding.
“The federal government can be a strong partner in our efforts in build better relationships between the police and community,” she said in written testimony before the task force.
 That would explain her inaction to stop the rioting when it began: by allowing it to spiral out of control, the mayor and her friends at the Justice Dept. could use the unrest to justify the expansion of federal power into local law enforcement, which would also allow her to receive more funding.
President Obama said the Task Force on 21st Century Policing is “directed at the 18,000 law enforcement jurisdictions that are out there.”
“I’m going to be asking Eric Holder and the Justice Department and his successor to go through all these recommendations so that we can start implementing them,” he said. “I know that one area that’s going to be of great interest is whether we can expand the COPS program that in the past has been very effective, continues to be effective, but is largely underfunded – to see if we can get more incentives for local communities to apply some of the best practices and lessons that are embodied in this report.”
And Rawlings-Blake was more than willing to apply these “best practices” in exchange for federal funding.
“Our police commanders are constantly seeking additional dollars, both to develop best practices and to then teach those practices to our officers and our developing leaders,” she also said. “If there is any place where the federal government and U.S. Department of Justice could produce a tangible impact on our officers and our efforts, it would be to provide more resources in this area.”

BREAKING! Texas Gov. To Send State Guard To Monitor Jade Helm Exercise

Is Gov. Abbott truly concerned about the Army's mission?
by Rob Dew | | April 28, 2015

Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted that he will be sending the Texas State Guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 operations in Texas “to safeguard Texans’ constitutional rights, private property & civil liberties.” 
Is this statement meant to have citizens let their guard down, or is Gov. Abbott truly concerned about the Army’s mission?

Soros Group Advocates Violence Against Cops in Baltimore

Foundation played role in agitating demonstrators during Ferguson protests
Soros Group Advocates Violence Against Cops in Baltimore
by Adan Salazar | | April 28, 2015

Social media pages run by the George Soros-founded Open Society Foundations appeared to justify violence in Baltimore, in particular against police.
Yesterday, two of the foundation’s social media pages sent a Vox article out to their followers entitled, “This is the perfect response to anyone calling for nonviolence in Baltimore,” with an alternate headline reading, “The important thing everyone calling for nonviolence in Baltimore fails to say.”
The article highlights a story from The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates, in which the author argues that protestor violence is an apt response to the violence perpetrated by police on residents of Baltimore throughout the years.
When nonviolence is preached by the representatives of the state, while the state doles out heaps of violence to its citizens, it reveals itself to be a con. And none of this can mean that rioting or violence is “correct” or “wise,” any more than a forest fire can be “correct” or “wise.” Wisdom isn’t the point tonight. Disrespect is. In this case, disrespect for the hollow law and failed order that so regularly disrespects the community.
In the wake of the destruction, other leftist publications such as Salon also got on the violence-against-police bandwagon, running a headline that reads, “Baltimore’s violent protesters are right: Smashing police cars is a legitimate political strategy,” which called non-violence a sometimes “futile tactic.”
The issue of police brutality, as in anywhere else in America or the world for that matter, is a problem in Baltimore. The city has paid out close to $5.7 million since 2011 to victims of police violence.
But the only logical response to riots, looting and destruction of private property is a more heavy-handed police crackdown, manifested in Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s recent decision to deploy the National Guard.
The Soros group knows this, and its social media sendouts illustrate how the foundation deliberately pours gas on the flames of civil unrest in order to “advance systemic change,” hoping to bring about their version of order out of chaos.
The Open Society Foundations, chaired and founded by Soros, was found to have contributed at least $33 million towards emboldening activists in Ferguson, Missouri, helping make the flawed “Hands up, don’t shoot” mantra ubiquitous.
Soros himself also admitted on CNN last year that a non-governmental organization he set up in Ukraine prior to its conflict with Russia “played an important part” in fomenting the events that destabilized the region.
While police violence on citizens of Baltimore is in no way justifiable, violent protests and attacks on police will merely serve to increase police forces and justify a militarized response.
Following their social media post, the Society had to “clarify” its position to a concerned Facebook user, claiming, “we’re not criticizing the call for calm nor are we condoning violence. We’re sharing this story since it draws attention back to police violence and brutality.”