Jade Helm Is Tightening The Noose Around America’s Neck (VIDEOS)
Hi All,
Why do they need over 1,000 FEMA camps that hold from as little as 35,000 to over 2,000,000 outside Anchorage AK ?? All with gas furnaces and head choppers??
I have never covered a topic where the flow of information is so voluminous and equally disturbing. There has never been a topic that I have covered that has been so dangerous to the safety of all Americans. The size of scope of Jade Helm is beyond comprehension. For the first time, I am wondering if I should make plans to immediately leave the country because there are people who want to do me serious harm.
We Have Everything to Fear and Then You Should Get Mad!
The elite are masters at controlling the narrative. Almost a generation ago, they labeled anyone who dared to mistrust the words of known liars as tin-foil-hat-wearing “conspiracy theorists”. The term conspiracy theorist became a conditioned response which described “crazy people” who doubt the actions and statements of known liars from the government. And of course there is no such thing as two bad people getting together to plan to do something evil. I guess that Oklahoma City, the Twin Towers, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Batman shooting, the Boston Marathon, and the 7/7 London bombings were just figments of our imagination. The four million people have died in Middle East countries that we have invaded are also just figments of our imagination.
As the Independent media began to fight back against the globalist PSYOPS to cover their wrongdoings, the elite came up with a counter PSYOPS. And now, anyone who points out government wrong doing is a “fearmonger” and this term has a companion term, “fear porn”. Subsequently, anyone who dares to promote any wrongdoing, on the part of the elite or the government, is engaged in fearmongering, and as such, should be ignored.
Only a Moron Would Not Be Afraid
When it comes to Jade Helm, I want you to be fearful and then I want you to get mad. Fear is the strongest motivator among the human emotions. The most unified this country has ever been happened during World War II when we feared being conquered by the Japanese and the Germans. That fear motivated an unparalleled coalescence of thinking and cooperative effort. Today, we need to tap into this emotion, or many of us are not going to survive.
Am I confident that we can accomplish rousing the nation to action against the tyranny posed by Jade Helm? I am not the least bit confident. And even if Jade Helm ends up being no more than a drill (not likely), Jade Helm’s successor will have learned lessons from what is about to transpire in America. To the cognitive dissonance crowd, I would say that these people are practicing to subjugate you for a reason.
In the meantime, I want to present a small cross-section of communications I have received from Americans all across this country who are fearful of Jade Helm.
FEMA Camps Are Out in the Open
The morning fearmongering brief begins with a reminder that the leaked Army document FM-3-39.40 provides the stunning details of what constitutes a FEMA camp and who will comprise the “detainees”. Further, I have previously identified Camp Grayling in N. Michigan as a huge FEMA camp. Of course the government says the facility is merely for training. If that is true then why are the Michigan Army Reserves and National Guard going to Guantanamo to train this summer? Learn to lift up the covers and ask the right questions.

This FEMA camp facility in Grayling, MI., is the sight of martial law training for the Michigan National guard commencing on July 15, the inception date for Jade Helm. This facility also houses hundred of UN military vehicles.
Below is an email from couple in N. Michigan who knows how to ask the right questions after staying vigilant.
Hello Mr. Hodges,I live in Northern Michigan in Osceola county right next to highway 131. My wife and I have lived here for many years and we have never seen the massive amounts of military vehicles on the highway like we seen yesterday! I think this information can validate some of the information in your recent article “Jade Helm is designed to take America directly into WWIII”.My wife called me over to the window to look at this huge convoy of military trucks heading North. I ran outside to get a closer look and they were still driving by. This is by far the largest convoy of military vehicles we have ever seen. There were at least 200 trucks pulling flat-bed trailers that had what looked like canons on the trailers. Each trailer had two of these brown/tan canon looking things and each of these things also had wheels and trailer hitches on them. These things look like they could be pulled by humvees. I have never seen these before or anything even close to what these things were and I served in the military from 1989-1992. Each round cylinder (canon barrel?) was about 30″ – 36″ inches in diameter and about ten feet long, so these might be some type of flak gun. They were huge! Also, there has been a lot of military type aircraft flying over the past week or so. And yes, I have seen the massive FEMA camp located at Camp Grayling, but they say it is just for training (yeah right). I just wanted to pass along this info to you.God Bless and thank you for your hard work!
Lt. Col. Potter Connects the “Red List” with Jade Helm
If the previous anecdotal account, with accompanying documentation is not enough to bring out the fear, then listen to the words of Lt. Col. Potter as he tells talk show host, Pete Santilli, that Jade Helm will soon be carrying out Red List executions prior to imposing martial law.
Thugs Are Invading Our Neighborhoods
From videos like the one below we see massive amounts of troops. This event may be in Ontario, CA., but it may as well be in your neighborhood. Here we see jack-booted thugs marching in their combat gear through a neighborhood near you.
And there are more foreign troops being spotted on our soil.
Dear Dave,I live near Redding California.
For the past year I have noticed groups of young Chinese men in Red jackets/ black pants, at a bus stop along the side of Costco. Here is a picture I took recently, from across the street. There were about 20 of them. I mentioned this to a friend who is a retired police officer. He said “oh, they are here taking flight instruction at the airport”. I find this strange , but not in light of everything else we are seeing with Jade Helm.
God bless you and the work you are doing to help inform those who are awake and listening. Time is indeed short!
Who is This Massive Military Hardware Going to be Unleashed Against?
From the Barstow area, there is a massive military hardware buildup. The locals are scared to death. I am in communication with a retired Sheriff’s Deputy who has occasion to deliver product to the base in the video below and he routinely sees Russian soldiers in uniform training at this base.
Judicial Watch, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russia and ISIS
Informed Americans were stunned when they learned of the presence of an ISIS camp eight miles from El Paso, TX. Judicial Watch connected ISIS to the Mexican drug cartels. As I covered two days ago, Hamas and Hezbollah are connected to the cartels. And now it seems that this unholy alliance has a silent, but participating partner, and that would be Russia and her Western Hemisphere allies. These dots will soon be connected.
The photo below, might be why Texas is preparing to be invaded as evidenced by the photos of Surface to Air Missiles found on the ground 45 miles southeast of Lubbock, TX.
How much more real does Jade Helm have to get where you finally reach the point where fear motivates you?
It is time to allow yourself to feel fear and the accompanying rage that goes with a development such as this. How dare this criminal administration practice extracting Americans to FEMA camps with our own tax dollars. This should scare the hell of you and the accompanying rage should motivate you to action.
Dave Hodges is the host of the popular weekly talk show, The Common Sense Show, which airs on Sunday nights from 9pm – Midnight (central) on the Republic Broadcasting Network and its 29 affiliate stations. Dave also hosts a website (www.thecommonsenseshow.com) in which he writes daily articles on the geopolitical state of affairs both nationally and internationally. The theme of Dave’s show and website centers around exposing the corruption and treason which has invaded the presidency and Congress as well as their corporate and banking benefactors. Dave is an award winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor. He is also a former college basketball coach who retired as the winningest coach in his college’s history. A mental health therapist by training, Dave brings a broad based perspective in his fight against the corrupt central banking cartels which have hijacked the US government. Dave and his wife, Nora have one son and they presently reside in rural Arizona approximately 25 miles north of the greater Phoenix area. Dave was drawn to the fight for freedom when the globalist central banking forces, led by Senator John McCain, attempted to seize his home and property and that of 300 of his neighbors, without one dime being offered in compensation. This attempted public theft of private property was conducted for the purpose of securing cheap land in which the globalists intended on putting in an international highway through their area known as the Canamex Corridor. Dave’s community appointed him the spokesperson and eventually his community won their fight against the bankers and their front man, Senator McCain. This event launched Dave’s career as a broadcaster and an investigative journalist. Dave’s website presently enjoys over a half a million visitors every month.
To those who are declaring with all bravado "Well big deal, we'll just shoot them outright and finish it right there!"
You should be very concerned about the fact that they are not that foolish anymore to just attack outright. No, you see this has been a decades in the making so even if you succeed at taking out half of this feeble force....the intent of the military build up was staged for a natural disaster prevention.
Right as you read this there is a major geological time-bomb occurring underneath the ground. The volcano around Yellowstone national park is set to blow.
And it is now active which means it will blow, as once it begins a large amount of the population including many banker types will be wiped out within days. Leaving not a whole lot of soldiers left, and presumably opening the way for the UN to come in and enact total martial law.
Now, such a set of natural disasters in that region cannot be coincidence...Along with the fallout of dying crops and grain. So given that the disaster is occurring in that exact area, you better expect that these issues are tied together to give the U.N. emergency powers.
I am tired of all of the speculation. I am tired of someone saying do not worry because they are coming for the traitor elite. I am tired of people saying that it is Americans who are going to be in the Fema Camps. Someone who is really in the know (trusted intel) needs to come up with HARD PROOF of what these FOREIGNERS are planning so that we know who is going down. Where is Anon 2? They have the intel. Please get with Anon 2, and see what they have come up with.
So the elite are not afraid of being ill-trained for combat, because they intend to cause a calamity?
I actually agree with you on this point. It seems to me they assume when yellowstone explodes, that will instantly kill off two thirds of their opposition and remaining nwo leaders in one shot. Those dead will not witness against 'em.
People need to pray to God with all their might during this hour! These things are coming quickly and were foretold. There's no escape for anyone.
Through prayer and obedience to God, I believe he will confine the damage of the volcano to a smaller area. Call up state national guard to focus all efforts on yellowstone. Go down below since that's the only way many will survive!
I'm going to assume it is going to be real ugly, so those who survive the blast need to then take down all elites that remain as by that time the tribulation will be ending.
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