Tuesday, April 28, 2015

SB 277 Will Unleash "Medical Civil War" In California As Parents Demand Doctors Be Arrested For Felony Assault

SB 277 Will Unleash
"Medical Civil War"
In California
As Parents Demand
Doctors Be Arrested
For Felony Assault

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly support all parents' right to choose whether they should vaccinate their
children or not. Especially with any vaccines above the protective norms.

Desperate times are calling for desperate measures to assert those rights.

Many vaccines have been added to the 'suggested' list since the previous routine
MMR - measles, mumps and rubella etc..
Are the newly added items of major value and protection or not?
When the risk outweighs the benefit, it's time to scream 'No!'

I'm not sure now what is considered 'essential protection' and what is 'hype'.
But I hope to have that defined before the arrival of the first grandchild.

In retrospect, I wonder if anyone knows of any adult males (or females),
born in Chicago in the 1950's in any Catholic homes for unwed mothers,
who found out in their young adulthood
that they were sterile.
I have an intuitive suspicion that something nefarious occurred following
my husband's birth, possibly in the 'vaccine' department.
Those involved no doubt are long gone.
With the family being quite large on both sides and
already multiplied successfully, that leaves open the possibility
for suspicion of 'punative' action deliberately taken
against him and his unsuspecting unwed mother at the hands
of the benevolent 'institution', AKA the RCC.
It remains an unsolved mystery.