Published time: April 24, 2015 14:50

The central focus of the American administration has been consistent containment of Russia to prevent alternative center of power emerging, said Lieutenant General Andrey Kartapolov, head of the Main Operation Directorate of Russia’s General Staff.
In January, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the support that Washington provides to the Kiev authorities and Ukrainian army is aimed at “achieving the geopolitical goals of restraining Russia.”

Now the US has deployed hundreds of military instructors to Ukraine to train troops. Yet Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov accused Washington of sending its soldiers not to training ranges, “but directly in the combat zone near Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Artyomovsk and Volnovakha.”
“The US appears to be the ultimate instigator of all military conflicts in the world. The Western countries have begun to hold themselves out as ‘architects’ of the international relations system, leaving to the US the role of the world’s only superpower,” Kartapolov said at a military-scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Russia’s victory in WWII.

In September 2014, RT reported that although the US has not declared war since 1942, Syria became the seventh country that Barack Obama, the holder of the Nobel Peace Prize, has bombed in the years of his presidency.
Since that recent campaign, US allies in the Persian Gulf, Sunni monarchies armed primarily with American-made weapons, launched a military offensive against Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen, bombing out country’s military depots and infrastructure.
Kartapolov stressed that this position of the west has been officially spelled out in the US national security strategy, presented to American Congress by Obama on February 6.
The course being pursued by the White House is determined by strategic ambition to keep the leading geopolitical and economic positions, Kartapolov said.
And it appears there’s no cost Washington is unwilling to pay to retain its international position. In early March, Fox News Channel aired a segment featuring Robert H. Scales, a former United States Army major general, who shared his own plan to settle the Ukrainian crisis. The recipe is simple: kill the Russian soldiers allegedly roaming eastern Ukraine.

Speaking on the use of military force, Kartapolov recalled that “on six occasions [US-led military] operations have been conducted with decisive intentions and have outgrown into armed regional conflicts.”
“Their deplorable results are known all too well,” the general concluded.
READ MORE: Fox News analyst: ‘Start killing Russians’ to save Ukraine (VIDEO)
READ MORE: O, bomber! Obama bombs 7th country in 6 years
Operation 'Decisive Storm' in Yemen ends, new phase underway - Saudi-led forces
READ MORE: Syria, Iraq turned into ‘international finishing school for extremists’ – UN report
WOW! Ya think? The US is the biggest terrorist country on the planet. Isn't it obvious or am I living in the Twilight Zone?
Nothing much has changed since the 1920's...
My two grandfathers left Greece to pursue life, opportunity,
freedom, peace and happiness in America.
One married an Irish immigrant that arrived with her widowed mother
and several of her fifteen children.
The other grandfather married the Colombian immigrant
who arrived at the direction of her Catholic priest brother,
along with their three other sisters.
They all thought they were leaving some form of oppression
in their native homelands
for a country with more noble aspirations.
They made good for themselves by their own hard work
and determination. Of that I am proud.
Today, I would be hard pressed to explain to any of them
what has happened in the USA since their initial arrivals.
They would probably be shocked if I told them
in order to leave the USA, you must now pay
a $2,350.00 dollar exit fee.
Of the three countries they originated from, Colombia is the most unsafe to return to,
as they still have in the street shootings as a frequent occurrance.
I can only guess who's behind that regularity.
My conclusion is the same as other aware individuals';
most, if not all, the misery on the planet has been devised
and carried out by the usual suspects...
The drastic changes required to undo
the threefold method tyranny - (economic, political, religious),
is long overdue.
Humanity demands and deserves it.
Every secret must be made known and atoned for,
in order for peace to go forward;
starting with the elite, three city-states of the empire
and its final END!
this guy is right. The US needs to get out of all of these Countries,leave them alone. To all of the "Retired Generals" still on the "Scherff" payroll. your "Reckoning" is coming. Quit now while you are ahead. What you have done to the Ameican people and the world-Shame.
And we the people don't want this! We have no say about it! Treasonous forces are now calling the shots. If we had our way this arrogant military industrial complex would never have grown to be the oppressor and hubris-fill instigator that it has become, totally unanswerable to us the people. We are now murdering people in foreign lands to defend out dollar. This is evil! Think of the MILLIONS of people this out of control behemoth has murdered, maimed, and displaced over the last few decades in undeclared wars that we never approved! And we the people will be the price, they are bankrupting more by the day, precious national resources squandered to satisfy their pride and lust for power.
And we the people don't want this! We have no say about it! Treasonous forces are now calling the shots. If we had our way this arrogant military industrial complex would never have grown to be the oppressor and hubris-fill instigator that it has become, totally unanswerable to us the people. We are now murdering people in foreign lands to defend out dollar. This is evil! Think of the MILLIONS of people this out of control behemoth has murdered, maimed, and displaced over the last few decades in undeclared wars that we never approved! And we the people will pay the price, they are bankrupting us more by the day, precious national resources squandered to satisfy their pride and lust for power.
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