Thursday, January 14, 2016

Obama Mocks Joint Chiefs during his SOTU

Camera Catches Joint Chiefs After Obama Mocks Them at SOTU… Their Reaction Is Going Viral 

Wed Jan 2016

It’s little secret that America’s military strength hasn’t just waned under the Obama administration, but plummeted. Weapons systems have been neglected, troop strength has declined and the president has been using the armed forces as a social experiment.

So, if someone were to tell you that America’s military were just as strong as ever, you would probably laugh.

One group that wouldn’t, though, are the Joint Chiefs of Staff. When Obama mocked them over America’s military strength during last night’s speech, the men who lead our military said it all with their demeanor — stony-faced, unsmiling and not clapping.

During his paean to himself yesterday night, Obama denounced “all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and America getting weaker.
“Let me tell you something,” Obama continued. “The United States of America is the most powerful nation on earth. Period. Period. It’s even close. It’s not even close."

The Democrats in the chamber applauded profusely, as they were wont to do during Tuesday night’s hour-long  Obama-gasm. However, that’s when the camera focused on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the men who know best about America’s readiness:

They had a reaction to the president’s words that was, um, slightly different. Their faces displayed a wide range of emotions, none of them positive.

The most neutral seemed to be Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, on the bottom left. He seems to wear a mien of vague amusement — almost as if he’s asking, “What is this guy smoking?” (Answer: probably something from the “choom gang.”)

However, just to the right of Gen. Dunford were Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Mark E. Milley and Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Robert B. Neller, respectively. Both of them look like if you hooked their arteries up to a hydroelectric generator, their blood pressure could power the entire Eastern Seaboard.

While the military lie was just one of many in Obama’s State of the Union, it was the most blatant, inasmuch as we saw the reaction of those who knew the truth almost immediately.

I only wish the men and women of our armed forces could have been there, too. The look they would have given the president could have cut glass.

Carnage along the west coast exploding since 2011

Excerpt:  The name Fukushima which is on most peoples lips is never mentioned by the media...

70% of our sea birds and 75% of the worlds fish are now depleted: No fish left in our oceans by the year 2048 NOAA: Carnage along the west coast exploding since 2011

Gary Walton
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Thousands of starving and dead seabirds have been shored up along the coast of Alaska, prompting scientists to investigate the unusually high mortality rate of one of the Arctic's most abundant birds. Around 8,000 dead common murres were found last week on a one-mile stretch of beach, 60 miles south of Anchorage, the true amount is thought to be more than 100,000.

The common murres have been found starving, too weak to fly, and have come inland to forage nearer the coast.
After examining around 100 carcasses, scientists said there has been no evidence of pollution or disease, but rather the birds were emaciated - they had no stomach contents or body fat.

Higher than usual mortality rates have also affected marine life by the billion, fish, sea otters, fur seals, whales, crabs, dolphins, walrus, lobster, mussels, starfish, turtles and many more have been dying in alarming numbers along the coastal waters of north America.

Dead birds and sea animals have been found along the the north American coast from Mexico to Alaska since March last year say the scientists but the death of marine animals have been increasing along the coast since 2011.

A press release from the USFWS Alaska Migratory Bird Management said that the "die-offs of the little birds is unusually large" and is likely to be related to the warmer than usual sea temperatures and El Nino weather phenomena.

El-Nino is the latest of many explanations given for the unprecedented loss of marine life along the coast, in the past experts have blamed :-  Cold water, a lack of food, an enormous toxic algae bloom stretching from Alaska to Mexico, a massive methane leak in the Pacific, US underwater weapon testing, and sea quakes.

The name 'Fukushima' which is on most peoples lips is never mentioned by the media, government or the experts, even though between 300 and 800 tonnes of Cesium-134 has leaked into the Pacific every day since the disaster struck in 2011.
Indeed, scientists last year recorded radiation levels 50 times higher than normal along parts of the west coast.

A government funded scientist Ken Buesseler of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution claims the amounts are perfectly safe, what he doesn't say is, if the stricken nuclear plant keeps leaking radiation, which it is, the amounts will keep rising.
Maybe the reason is not Fukushima, I don't have any evidence to say it is but....The world environment organisations are not telling us the truth for fear of losing funding.

Fukushima or not, 75% of the worlds fish are now depleted, these numbers cannot be reversed, for instance, for every pound of fish caught on this planet, five pound of untargeted species are trapped in nets, turtles, whales and sharks don't stand a chance, 40 to 50 million sharks a year are killed this way.

Our oceans are close to collapse, NOAA are claiming there will be no fish left in the oceans by the year 2048.
Last year 30 billion animals were taken out of the worlds oceans, it can't recover, fish don't multiply that quick.
Back to the west coast of north America, I have done some basic research, since 2011 I have been able to find 140 reports of marine life die offs along the west coast, 20 of them were sea bird deaths and 120, fish, whales, dolphins etc.

In 2011, the year of the Fukushima disaster I found 8 reports of marine life die offs along the west coast.

In 2012, I found 9 marine life die off reports and 2 sea bird die offs.
In 2013 I found a further 21 marine life die offs and another 2 sea bird die offs.

In 2014 I found 31 recorded marine life die off and a further 2 sea bird die offs.

In 2015 a massive 48 recorded marine life die offs along with 14 recorded sea bird die offs, and a very disturbing find further south where a record 337 dead whales were found along a small part of the coast of Chile.

At the beginning of 2016 8,000 common murres have been found dead along a 1 mile stretch of coast in Alaska, the real death toll is thought to be more than 100,000, so even with my meagre attempt at research it's easy to see that since the Fukushima disaster the problem has increased enormously but a very powerful El-Nino event has also warmed up the East Pacific, however with the El-Nino event set to end this winter it will be interesting to see if the deaths continue.

There are about 2.8 million breeding common murres in 230 Alaska colonies, with a worldwide population of 13 to 20.7 million birds.

The monitored seabird populations of our world have dropped 70 percent since the 1950s, a loss of around 250 million birds in 60 years, or more than four million a year.




And Especially for Snopes.dumb

by Anna Von Reitz

For those who have been attempting to "look me up" among the Bar Association Members in Alaska or searching for my face among the judges of the Administrative and Admiralty Courts ---you won't find me or any of the other Common Law or Federal (Postal District instead of US District) Judges in those locations, because we are part of the Land Courts and they are part of the Corporate and Maritime Courts.
There are three(3) Court Systems in America: (1) Common Law; (2) Administrative Law; (3) Maritime/Admiralty (which includes Martial Law).
Common Law is the Law of the Land, which includes the Organic Law of this Country---- The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, The Constitutions (1787) and (1789- 1791), plus the Public Law, the United States Statutes-at-Large. This is all "Land Law" affecting "Land Assets", which includes people, livestock, houses, barns, etc., etc., And this is why Amendment VII specifically requires Common Law regarding all important decisions regarding people and their property interests.
Our Common Law Courts came here with the first Colonists and have continued to function for over 400 years despite all efforts of the Bar Associations to get rid of them. That's because Bar Members can't work in Common Law Courts in America---- it is forbidden by our Constitution because Bar Members hold a title from a foreign government ("Esquire" from Britain----) and no such conflict of interest is allowed.
Therefore, no Common Law Judges, such as myself, are Bar Members. We don't appear as Bar Members and we don't appear as members of the Administrative or Maritime/Admiralty Courts as a result.
And here is a big, fat "Duh!" for all those who have been rampaging around "exposing" what they don't know, and claiming to "know for certain" that I am a "fake" and listening to Bar Association Members who have an ax to grind because they are in competition with the Common Law Courts actually required by our Constitution.
The same Bar Association Members who have been acting in treasonous disregard of the Organic Law of this country and who are about to get served their cajones on toast, with or without croutons, have been trying to avoid the facts for decades, but the persistent Truth has a way of dispelling oceans of Shinola. Read Amendment VII and realize that according to Thompkins v. Erie Railroad, there is no Federal "General Common Law" which means the ONLY form of "common law" in the Federale's kit-bag is Martial Common Law, which they have been applying improperly to us "non-resident aliens" and "non-combatant civilians" and using as a means to usurp jurisdiction owed to the landlords.
Thank you, very much. Applause and donations are due to me, but especially to John Trowbridge today.
All the Gurus who think I am kidding are about to not only get the smiles wiped from their faces, but their butts relocated to their occipital domes.

And all you Bar Members out there---- better start gathering around burn barrels in the public squares---- bring your Bar Cards.
For the Boyz in the Ba-El Hood:
This goes out to Larry Becraft who has chosen the unfortunate group name "Kill the Gurus" while he continues to present himself as such, for Dougie-You-Know-Who-You-Are-But-It-Does-Not-Matter, and Bob Hurt (is that your real name?) and all the other Alphonses out there who want to "expose" me as a "fake" and "denounce" me, blah-blah-blah.....
Hey, fellas, it's part of my mission to teach people to think for themselves.
1. If I am a "fake" and don't know what I am talking about, how is it that nobody has tried to arrest me for impersonating a Judge after three years?
2. Maybe it is the same reason I haven't paid "income taxes" for twenty years and all of you have?
Mark Twain was right--- it would be easier to defraud you than to show you how you've been defrauded.

This Is What Awaits America

Muslim Woman In Hijab Is Raped And Beheaded By Fellow Muslims - This Is What Awaits Europe And America

Consider that if Muslims treat their own women this way, such as with the acid attacks against Muslim women in Pakistan as well as beheadings and various other atrocities, what will they do to non-Muslim women?  And to American women?

To think liberals in the West claim we are all the same. 

Our culture is far superior to the Muslim culture for one reason amongst many…that women are free to dance, go outside and socialize with lots of men with a miniscule threat of rape.

That tragic woman was not even safe around her own kind wearing a headscarf. How unsafe does that make our beautiful girls and women with their hair, arms, legs and often chests on show, walking around outside alone, their white skin and ‘infidel’ status screaming ‘whore’ to Muslim men?

How it is possible our politicians were unaware of this threat before they let millions of these men into our once safe countries?

Is it possible to be a leader and be so stupid? So naive? So ill informed?

Our open borders, open arms and unfurled welcome banners were all about us…how it made us free being good to people.

It had nothing to do with whether or not welcoming these people in was the right thing to do…for everyone.

It’s all about feelings now and not facts.

Europe is now infected with this rape culture thanks to the silence of the twisted feminazis and the New World Order 'elitists' who are behind the open border/ multi - culturalism crimes against humanity, which are acts of white Christian genocide.

American men and women..
Fight now with your voice 
or fight later with your body


Obama White House promises a dictatorial 2016

OBAMA WHITE HOUSE PROMISES A DICTATORIAL 2016 -  Voters are clear: They don’t want the president using executive orders to go around Congress
Judging by recent remarks from his chief of staff, Obama’s last year in the White House is going to be a painful one for conservatives.

White House chief of staff Denis McDonough told reporters this week to hold off on declaring Obama a lame duck just yet. According to the top official, 2016 is set to be a year of “audacious executive action” from the president.

We’ll do audacious executive action over the course of the rest of the year, I’m confident of that,” McDonough said, adding that the president has been quiet about his plans to avoid having his orders undermined by Congress.

“Process is your friend, but process also dictates what you can do,” he said. “And we do want to make sure that the executive actions we undertake are not left hanging out there, subject to Congress undoing them.”

McDonough said the president is considering using executive orders to advance anything he feels he has failed to accomplish because of congressional pushback. 

Specifically, some of the things the president will likely try to accomplish via executive fiat in his last year include allowing more immigrants into the country, closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay and even adding to his previous gun control orders. 

According to McDonough, the president’s main question when choosing to issue new executive orders during his remaining time in the White House will be: “Why not?” “That’s the spirit through which we’ll approach this last year,” he said.

According to the results of a recent Rasmussen poll, most Americans aren’t looking forward to the president’s wave of unilateral demands in 2016. Fifty- eight percent of respondents to a recent poll said they disagree with Obama’s recent executive orders on gun control. 

Voter attitudes about possible executive orders to respond to climate change (57 percent disapproved) and immigration (61 percent disapproval). “Voters aren’t happy,” said Rasmussen’s Alex Boyer in a video poll release. “Voters are clear: They don’t want the president using executive orders to go around Congress.” 

US Army Chemical, Biological War Projects

US Army Orders $900Mln on Chemical, Biological War Projects

The United States faces current and emerging chemical and biological threats and requires integrated defenses against them, report states

Who killed the 'audit the fed' bill


Alex Jones talks with Senator Rand Paul about his 2016 Presidential campaign, how the people can support him as well as who killed the audit the fed bill.

Truth is Treason

Let’s Talk GCR/RV

As submitted by a NESARA reader:

Show #7 Let’s Talk GCR/RV w/ Deb & Sean The Upheaval, Dismantling and Fear has Begun


Why We've Been Breathing Toxic Air For Decades

Elana Freeland On HAARP, 
Chemtrails & Why We've Been Breathing 
Toxic Air For Decades!


WHAT THE UN Agenda 2030 HAS PLANNED FOR YOU!!! : A Recipe for Global Socialism AND MORE



UN AGENDA 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

Wednesday, 06 January 2016  

The United Nations and its mostly autocratic member regimes have big plans for your life, your children, your country, and your world. And those plans are not limited to the coercive “climate” agreement recently concluded in Paris.

While the establishment media in the United States was hyping ISIS, football, and of course “global warming,” virtually every national government/dictatorship on the planet met at the 70th annual General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York to adopt a draconian 15-year master plan for the planet. 

Top globalists such as former NATO chief Javier Solana, a socialist, are celebrating the plan, which the summit unanimously “approved,” as the next “Great Leap Forward” — yes, the old campaign slogan of the Chinese Communist Party.

The master plan is comprised of 17 “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) with 169 specific “targets” to be foisted on all of humanity — literally all of it, as the plan itself states explicitly. “As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind,” reads the UN manifesto, entitled Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. But if you love liberty, self-government, free markets, or the U.S. Constitution, you will almost certainly be wishing that the UN would leave you behind.

Officially dubbed “Agenda 2030,” the UN plot, as its full title suggests, is aimed at “transforming” the world. The program is a follow-up to the last 15-year UN plan, the defunct “Millennium Development Goals,” or MDGs. It also dovetails nicely with the deeply controversial UN Agenda 21, even including much of the same rhetoric and agenda. But the combined Agenda 2030 goals for achieving what is euphemistically called “sustainable development” represent previous UN plans on steroids — deeper, more radical, more draconian, and more expensive.

This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity,” reads the preamble. “All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.” Ironically, the preamble even claims the UN goals will “free the human race from the tyranny of poverty” and “heal” the planet — or, as the planet is also referred to in the document, “Mother Earth.” Not-so-subtly purporting to usurp the role of God, the UN even claimed that the “future of humanity and of our planet lies in our hands.”

Speaking on September 25 at the opening ceremony of the confab that adopted Agenda 2030, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hinted at just how far-reaching the plot really is. “The new agenda is a promise by leaders to all people everywhere,” he explained, presumably conflating “leaders” with mass-murdering gangsters such as Kim Jong-un, Raul Castro, Robert Mugabe, and other despots who hold great sway with most of the regimes comprising the United Nations. “It is a universal, integrated and transformative vision for a better world.” “We need action from everyone, everywhere,” Ban said, pointing to the “guide” offered by the 17 SDGs. “They are a to-do list for people and planet, and a blueprint for success.” “We must use the goals to transform the world,” Ban continued. 

“Institutions will have to become fit for a grand new purpose.”

The Agenda 2030 agreement makes the audacity of the scheme clear, too. “This is an Agenda of unprecedented scope and significance,” boasts the document.  “Never before have world leaders pledged common action and endeavor across such a broad and universal policy agenda,” the agreement continues. “What we are announcing today — an Agenda for global action for the next fifteen years — is a charter for people and planet in the twenty-first century.”

The Agenda

Perhaps the single most striking feature of Agenda 2030 is the practically undisguised roadmap to global socialism and corporatism/fascism, as countless analysts have pointed out. To begin with, consider the agenda’s Goal 10, which calls on the UN, national governments, and every person on Earth to “reduce inequality within and among countries.” To do that, the agreement continues, will “only be possible if wealth is shared and income inequality is addressed.”

As the UN document also makes clear, national socialism to “combat inequality” domestically is not enough — international socialism is needed to battle inequality even “among” countries. “By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources,” the document demands. 

In simpler terms, Western taxpayers should prepare to be fleeced so that their wealth can be redistributed internationally as their own economies are cut down to size by Big Government. Of course, as has been the case for generations, most of the wealth extracted from the productive sector will be redistributed to the UN and Third World regimes — not the victims of those regimes, impoverished largely through domestic socialist/totalitarian policies imposed by the same corrupt regimes to be propped up with more Western aid under Agenda 2030.

Wealth redistribution alone, however, will not be enough. Governments must also seize control of the means of production — either directly or through fascist-style mandates. “We commit to making fundamental changes in the way that our societies produce and consume goods and services,” the document states. It also says that “governments, international organizations, the business sector and other non-state actors and individuals must contribute to changing unsustainable consumption and production patterns … to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production.”

In plain English, the Agenda 2030 document is claiming that today’s “consumption and production” patterns are unsustainable, so we’ll need to get by with less. How much less? It would be hard to find a more clear and concise assessment than that offered by the late Maurice Strong, the recently deceased Canadian billionaire  and longtime UN environmental guru who led the 1992 Earth Summit, in a pre-Earth Summit document: “It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle-class … involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and ‘convenience’ foods, ownership of motor vehicles, numerous electrical appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning ... expensive suburban housing … are not sustainable.”

In truth, such “lifestyles and consumption patterns” are sustainable, so long as the freedom that makes prosperity possible is not destroyed in the name of achieving “sustainability.” The UN and the environmental lobby claim that we must get by with less because there are now too many people on the planet consuming too many resources. But this rationale for accepting UN-imposed scarcity is patently false.

Of course, the promoters of Agenda 2030 would claim that rather than impoverish us, the global regime they envision would take good care of us — through universal health coverage, for instance. One of the targets for Goal 3, ensuring “healthy lives” and “well-being,” is: “Achieve universal health coverage,” including “vaccines for all.Universal access to “mental health,” along with “sexual and reproductive health-care services” — code words for abortion and contraception — are also included. All governments are expected to integrate such services into their “national strategies and programmes,” the agreement demands.

It is worth noting that mass-murdering Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin made clear that controlled healthcare is the “keystone” of socialism. The United Nations obviously agrees. And though he may not call it “socialism,” Obama undoubtedly also views government control of healthcare as key. Indeed, enactment of ObamaCare could be viewed as a “great leap forward” by the United States toward implementation of a key component of Agenda 2030, before Agenda 2030 was even “approved.”

But as important as targeting healthcare is to the globalist schemers, any plan for building international socialism would be lacking without also targeting the next generation with global-socialist propaganda. And so an entire goal of Agenda 2030 is devoted to ensuring that all children, everywhere, are transformed into what the UN calls “agents of change,” ready to push forward the plan for the new global order. “Children and young women and men are critical agents of change and will find in the new Goals a platform to channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world,” the agreement explains.

The sort of activists that the UN hopes to make your children into is also explicitly defined in the agreement. “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development,” the global plan for 2030 states. 

Considering what the UN means by “sustainable development” — population control, central planning, global governance, and more — the agenda for your children takes on an even more sinister tone.

“Sustainable” children for global citizenship in the new order will be accomplished via what the UN misleadingly refers to as “education.” In the UN document the word “education” alone is mentioned more than 20 times. And throughout the agreement, the UN openly advocates the use of schools to indoctrinate all of humanity into a new set of values, attitudes, and beliefs in preparation for the new “green” and “sustainable” world order. The UN’s education agenda also puts sex “education” front and center. “By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services [abortion and contraception], including for family planning, information and education,” the document explains.

How much will Agenda 2030 cost? Various figures have been thrown around by UN bureaucrats regarding the monetary costs of the plan, generally ranging between $3 trillion and $5 trillion per year.

Yes, trillions. In the “From Billions to Trillions” report released by the World Bank in July 2015, the globalist outfit, a key player in Agenda 2030, conceded: “To meet the investment needs of the Sustainable Development Goals, the global community needs to move the discussion from ‘Billions’ in ODA [Official Development Assistance] to ‘Trillions’ in investments of all kinds: public and private, national and global, in both capital and capacity.”

But the money needed to implement Agenda 2030 and other UN schemes is only part of the cost. Other parts include the loss of our national independence and freedom that the rise of global governance and global socialism would surely entail. Revealingly, empowering dictators to help in global governance is openly touted by Agenda 2030. The document states, “We recommit to broadening and strengthening the voice and participation of developing countries [the regimes ruling those countries] — including African countries, least developed countries, land-locked developing countries, small-island developing States and middle-income countries — in international economic decision-making, norm-setting and global economic governance.”

Powerful Promoters

When Agenda 2030 was adopted at the 70th annual UN General Assembly confab in New York City on September 25, the UN plot to re-engineer civilization was ushered in with a “thunderous standing ovation,” the UN Department of Public Information reported. Every one of the 193 UN member governments on the planet — from murderous communist and Islamist dictatorships to those ruling what remains of the “Free World” — vowed to help impose the UN’s controversial goals on their subjects.

It all sounded so wonderful to some of the world’s most brutal dictators that they could hardly contain their glee. “This agenda promises a brave new world, a new world which we have to consciously construct, a new world that calls for the creation of a new global citizen,” gushed Marxist dictator Robert Mugabe, the genocidal mass-murderer enslaving Zimbabwe who also serves as chairman of the African Union. “I want to believe that we are up to this task that we have voluntarily and collectively committed ourselves to. Our success, and in particular the promise of a new world that awaits us, depends upon this commitment.” He also promised to vigorously impose the UN Agenda 2030 on the starving and impoverished victims his regime lords over with Agenda 2030-style policies. 

The communist Castro regime vowed to work with socialist Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro and other tyrants to impose the UN goals on their victims, too — all with financing from Western taxpayers.   

The brutal tyrants ruling Communist China, meanwhile, have also been enthusiastic cheerleaders for the UN goals — goals that the regime boasted it played a “crucial role” in developing. The Chinese autocracy, infamous for forced abortions, censorship, religious and political persecution, the “one-child policy,” terrible pollution, kangaroo courts, and of course, murdering more human beings than any other entity in all of human history, used its vast, global propaganda machine to celebrate Agenda 2030.

“China has made important contributions to the global efforts in reaching a fair, inclusive and sustainable post-2015 development agenda,” the regime’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, Wang Min, was quoted as saying in a report by the Communist Chinese news and espionage service Xinhua. “China is also very active in putting forward Chinese proposals…. The agreement includes important proposals by China and many other developing countries in numerous aspects.”
Among other “commitments,” China promised to spend $2 billion in foreign countries to meet the UN goals in “education” and “health,” with its funding increasing to $12 billion by 2030. While only contributing a small piece of the pie, the fact that Beijing is so excited about the agenda is quite revealing. Echoing Chairman Mao’s rhetoric, EU and NATO globalist Javier Solana said, “With a sustained commitment from all countries, developed and developing alike, the world can ensure that it celebrates another great leap forward in 2030.” (Emphasis added.) 

The last “Great Leap Forward,” presided over by Chairman Mao Tse-tung between 1958 and 1963, resulted in the murder of an estimated 45 million Chinese who were worked, starved, or beaten to death.

Even the world’s leading religious figure, Pope Francis, addressed UN member governments with a plea to support the UN goals. “The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ... is an important sign of hope,” he declared, before demanding a UN “climate” regime as well.

Beyond governments and religious figures, much of the private sector also enthusiastically backed the new goals. Among the mega-corporations backing the scheme are the world’s top three search engines: Google, Microsoft’s Bing, and Yahoo. It was not immediately clear whether those corporations’ support for the UN agenda would affect the supposed impartiality of search results, but critics of the UN plan expressed alarm nonetheless.

For now, at least, the world and the White House are all pretending that the SDGs are binding on Americans, too. However, the U.S. Senate was not consulted as the Constitution requires for all treaties. And even if the Senate were to ratify it, the federal government cannot grant itself new anti-constitutional powers merely by approving a treaty. Therefore, the agreement has no force in the United States. But as UN Agenda 21 showed clearly, that does not mean that the Obama administration, and possibly future presidents, would not attempt to push it forward anyway. The American people, therefore, must demand through their elected representatives that the UN power grab be stopped.


Will Obama Seek UN Secretary Generalship?

Will Obama Seek UN Secretary Generalship? If He Does, Could He Become World-Socialist Antichrist With Petrus Romanus At His Side?

“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous shoot, and he shall reign as king and prosper, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. 6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely; and this is his name whereby he shall be called, The LORD is our righteousness.” (Jeremiah 23:5)

Fox, NewsMax, Yahoo News and more have reported on it. 

Al –Jarida, an Arabic language Kuwaiti magazine, published an article on Friday claiming that US President Barack Obama has set his sights on becoming the next Secretary General of the United Nations when he leaves the Oval Office in one year. 

If true, and if he succeeds in this endeavor, Obama would be replacing the present Secretary General, South Korea’s Ban Ki-Moon, who is serving his second five-year term in the position. 

Ban’s term as Secretary General is set to end December 31, 2016, coincidentally 21 days before Obama’s second term as President ends. 


Putin Orders 100,000 Troops To Western Fron

Putin Orders 100,000 Troops To Western Front, Warns Switzerland Is Now “Greatest Threat To Mankind”


An astonishing Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin signed an order this morning authorizing the movement of up to 100,000 Federation troops to the Western Front to be comprised of three new divisions and five regiments of Strategic Missile Forces equipped with atomic weapons to prepare for an expected counter-attack by NATO forces due to Russia launching a nuclear strike against the European nation of Switzerland who Russia’s leader is now calling “the greatest threat to mankind”.  

According to this report, not to the Switzerland government or its people is Russia planning to obliterate with its planned nuclear strike, but rather the US-EU backed European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) underground research site based in the northwest suburb of Geneva on the Franco–Swiss border who MoD analysts are now reporting have successfully “unlocked” one of Nazi Germany’s most feared secret weapons—“interdimensional communication/travel”. 

Evidence supporting that CERN has “unlocked” this feared Nazi secret weapon was obtained recently by Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) “assests” operating in Spain who had been tasked with uncovering the truth behind the mysterious “Death Star” orbs falling upon the Spanish countryside this past November—and which these intelligence operatives linked to the similar “Death Star” orbs videotaped emerging from CERN. 

Though CERN officials have stated that the mysterious cloud formations being formed over their Swiss research facility from which these “Death Star” orbs are emerging is due to their studying a link between galactic cosmic rays and cloud formation, the truest evidence of what these Western scientists are actually doing was revealed in 2009 when their Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci, astoundedly stated:   Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”

To the first known confirmed historical existence of these “Death Star” orbs, this report explains, was during the early morning hours of 14 April 1561 in the skies over Nuremberg,Germany, which that cities newspaper, The Gazette, described as an aerial battle between “large cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about... All these elements started to fight one against the other” and was preserved for posterity in the famous woodcut made of this strange event by the famous German printer Hans Glaser.

During the Nazi regimes rise to power in Germany during the 1920-1930’s, this report states quoting World War II Soviet archives, an “examination/exploration” by their most “secretive/mystical/satanic” organization known as Ahnenerbe began tunneling beneath Nuremberg where they discovered an ancient “electromechanical machine” they believed was the source from which these “Death Star” orbs came from—and which upon this discovery turned this entire area of Nuremberg into Adolf Hitler’s “greatest shrine where he first told hundreds-of-thousands of his devoted followers his regime would rule for the next 1,000 years.

With the Nazis believing that these “Death Star” orbs had not only saved Germany in 1561, this report continues, they likewise believed that these “interdimensional devices” would save them, again, from defeat against the Allied armies—and by 1944, this “ancient device/machine” was again reactivated sending into the skies over Germany hundreds of “Death Star” orbs that were described by Allied fighter pilots as “foo fighters”.



Upon the Nazi German’s being defeated, however, the United States secretly pardoned the German scientists that had reactivated this “ancient interdimensional device” bringing them to America in what is now known as Operation Paperclip where their research, even to this very day, continues.

And to the “ultimate purpose” of these Western powers continuing the Nazi’s research into these “interdimensional powers”, this report concludes, they openly mock the entire world about as not only is CERN’s logo emblazoned with the “Mark of the Beast” number 666, the main statue adorning their facility is of the Hindu god Shiva—otherwise known as “the destroyer of worlds”.

Sorcha Faal
January 12, 2016