Thursday, January 14, 2016

This Is What Awaits America

Muslim Woman In Hijab Is Raped And Beheaded By Fellow Muslims - This Is What Awaits Europe And America

Consider that if Muslims treat their own women this way, such as with the acid attacks against Muslim women in Pakistan as well as beheadings and various other atrocities, what will they do to non-Muslim women?  And to American women?

To think liberals in the West claim we are all the same. 

Our culture is far superior to the Muslim culture for one reason amongst many…that women are free to dance, go outside and socialize with lots of men with a miniscule threat of rape.

That tragic woman was not even safe around her own kind wearing a headscarf. How unsafe does that make our beautiful girls and women with their hair, arms, legs and often chests on show, walking around outside alone, their white skin and ‘infidel’ status screaming ‘whore’ to Muslim men?

How it is possible our politicians were unaware of this threat before they let millions of these men into our once safe countries?

Is it possible to be a leader and be so stupid? So naive? So ill informed?

Our open borders, open arms and unfurled welcome banners were all about us…how it made us free being good to people.

It had nothing to do with whether or not welcoming these people in was the right thing to do…for everyone.

It’s all about feelings now and not facts.

Europe is now infected with this rape culture thanks to the silence of the twisted feminazis and the New World Order 'elitists' who are behind the open border/ multi - culturalism crimes against humanity, which are acts of white Christian genocide.

American men and women..
Fight now with your voice 
or fight later with your body



Anonymous said...

An immeasurable amount of Universal grace is being consumed by Islamic extremists that has bought into the lie of religious fascism. Your lack of and suppressed consciousness is evidenced by how poorly you treat women and the women in your own communities. Stop buying into the alien agenda of the rogue dark matrix or your light what little is left be extinguished forever. Their is nothing eminent I desire to share with your kind. As humans if you want to call yourselves that you would need to take an interest in your own existence and wise up. But now you are despicable and damnably disgraceful in all that you represent.

Anonymous said...

Since the Roman papacy created 'Islam',
It is high time they send the elite
force aka the 'college of cardinals'
to the 'Levant', to labor until solved
the ancient mess their 'fraternity' created.

They can take the brainwashed with them from
Georgetown, Fordham, Notre Dame, and Columbia.

Isn't 'Education' the Jesuits' forte?

Why shouldn't they intervene to assist and
correct the medieval Muslim attitudes
toward others, women and children
especially their own?

I'm sure a THINK TANK that impressive,
could have by now, been able to come
up with some solutions toward that end.

Because no one tells the truth or is willing to
admit what, why and who is instigating this lust
for blood and suffering, we will all remain doomed.


One wants control of Jerusalem
One wants control of mammon & power over it
One wants control to protect the reputation
of the 'chosen race'
and secretly all are indifferent
to group annihilation.

No one will openly admit the forces of darkness
in control of your actions. Why?

There cannot be satisfaction in perpetual
observation of the ignorance underlying
the suffering of those by the unenlightened.

You are defective in your thinking
and not worth a shekel, a pint of blood
or the price of anything, to hide
what you've done to create this HELL.

To the hypocrites, heretics,
infidels and PAGANS,
Come forward, promote the TRUTH
of what was created within the
extremes of each cultures diversities.

I'm pretty sure, you're NOT going to get
the next WAR for any reason.

So get over it.

The world needs skilled doctors and teachers
to repair who's left that hasn't been killed.

That eliminates sociopaths
that don't fit the criteria.

You can take the farce
back to the 'Dark Ages' it came from.

Anonymous said...

5 down with 1 billion to go.