Saturday, May 28, 2016

"HISTORY BEING MADE RIGHT NOW" - New Republic via GCR - "220 Points of Fact" as of May 2016

As a not , I do not agree with the title of "New Republic" as we are re seating the original jurisdiction republic. ~Freewill

"HISTORY BEING MADE RIGHT NOW" - New Republic via GCR - "220 Points of Fact" as of May 2016 

From the Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via Global Currency Reset 220 Points of Fact as of May 2016 Submitted Anonymously on May 27,... 

New Republic via GCR -- 220 Points of Fact as of May 2016
From the Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via Global Currency Reset
220 Points of Fact as of May 2016 

Submitted Anonymously on May 27, 2016
Compiled 27 May 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces," CEO, Child Abuse 


Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking system began with creation of the Vatican Historical Asset Trust Accounts, today known as the Global Collateral Accounts. These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families. Certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secretive ​off-ledger​ private banking trust accounts. The monies were intended for humanitarian projects to help the world for the better, though had been fraudulently abused by a corrupt global banking system since at least the late 1600s. 

In 1694 this global monetary system overseen by a secretive Cabal was being run out of a central bank in England controlled by the Rothschilds family. Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild once declared, "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." 

By the mid-to-late 1700's of Eastern Europe these dark forces had gained complete control of the planet's wealth by secretively taking over world assists through an invisible web of usury and fiat finance. The Cabal's influence upon greedy global leaders led to domination over the world's military, diplomacy, education, science and media systems. 

In 1871 the Cabal created the Corporation of the US to work under orders of the world monetary organizations: International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, Bank of International Settlements, North American Union, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300 and the Trilateral Commission. They discarded the US Constitution, manipulated funds of Central Banks across the globe and eventually formed the US Federal Reserve to continue their plunder of global assets. 

The privately owned US Incorporated, US Federal Reserve and US Treasury were designed to conform to dictates of those loyal to Masonic Orders such as Skull and Bones, institutions like London's Crown Temple and the Vatican, plus private families of European Royalty, the Bilderbergs, George Soros, Rothschilds, Carnagies and Rockefellers. Among their ranks were powerful church, government, political, education and business people, bankers, European royals, Vatican hierarchy and former Nazi mind control experts brought into the US, Canada and Australia after World War II upon formation of the CIA. 

In a greedy quest for power these global elites were said to attend child exploitation get-togethers in order to blackmail politically-powerful participants, gain power and privilege and thus influence world events. These same global elites were known to work with the Khazarian or Ndrangheta mafias to run criminal enterprises extensively involved in drug and gun running, plus the kidnapping of vulnerable children and youth. Those who kept atrocities on innocent children under wraps enjoyed free manipulation of world monetary funds under protection of the mafia criminal syndicates, with their dirty money freely laundered through the Vatican Bank. 

Since 2012 eyewitnesses to this rape, torture, murder, kidnapping and exploitation of children by global elite bankers have testified before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Apparently a criminal syndicate based in Italy regularly supplied indigent children for use in Satanically-oriented sex abuse and child sacrifice ceremonies. The kidnapping rings worked through the Vatican office of Catholic Charities, Jesuit Superior General or US, Netherlands and European government and church-owned foster, day care and youth detention centers. One of the most horrific examples was the Canadian child genocide. See the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State Head Kevin Annett's award winning documentary film Unrepentant:
For three years survivor-witnesses who went before the six international judges claimed that well-known world leaders regularly sexually abused and killed children in Satanic ceremonies. Their unholy rites were directed by what was known as the Satanic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult. The Ninth Circle was globally based,centuries old and closely tied to the CIA, Vatican, Nazi Germany, European royalty, prominent world leaders and bankers of the global monetary system.
Apparently the rituals layered in pedophilia and child sacrifice were supported by the international monetary fund with monies funneled out of the CIA and further filtered through the Vatican Bank.
Obama U.S. State Dept. Pedophilia Cover-Up. HBO’s Bill Maher & DynCorp Pedophile Coverup: Council On Foreign Relations Tied To Both HBO & Dyncorp!
The most influential of their Cabal organizations was the privately owned US Federal Reserve. The Fed had functioned as the primary creator of world reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference at the end of World War II. The practice of charging US citizens interest for use of their own money depleted US gold reserves to where none existed in Fort Knox and eventually created the Petro Dollar. Allowing easy credit soon led to a global economy that functioned on currency that was backed by nothing. 

The 1999 NESARA Act - the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, also known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act - was formed to correct the situation. NESARA came about from a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court after 30 years of lawsuits by the Farmers Union. In that successful suit the US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens. Yet to this day, NESARA lay hidden in Congressional archives collecting dust. NESARA 

By the year 2000 and to avoid a global monetary crisis, an urgent need for a reset of world currencies became apparent. Beginning in 2007 and running through 2015, all countries of the globe except for the US, had joined asset-backed currency of a newly-formed BRICS Alliance. BRICS was an acronym representing the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In retaliation to the world's main reserve currency of the fiat US Dollar, the BRICS system supported a country's currency through it's natural resources, oil, gold, silver, copper and other precious metals. 

This led to the Global Currency Reset of May 2016 - a complicated process concerning a revaluation of world currencies that included removal of the Federal Reserve and certain global elites, along with their Khazarian mafia, from control of the global monetary system. The reset would restore a new US Republic that functioned under NESARA law and within the original Constitution. US citizens would finally be given their own gold-backed currency, along with much needed changes in the US tax and banking systems. 

On April 26 2016 the Global Currency Reset began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard through the BRICS system. Completion of the GCR rollout across the world was scheduled to occur the latter part of May of 2016. By this same time the Cabal had bankrupted themselves, plus their privately owned US Federal Reserve Dollar was no longer being accepted for world trade. 

The history of that process included formation of the new US Republic, integration of the Federal Reserve into the US Treasury and changes in the US tax system. Initially there would be a revalue of 20 different currencies including the Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Zimbabwe Zim, Indian Ruphia and Iranian Rial. Revaluation of other world currencies was expected to quickly follow.
Higher exchange rates were made available during the first six days of initial exchanges, especially if a good percentage of monies were dedicated to Humanitarian Projects. These projects were said funded in part by gold of the Chinese Royal Dragon families and by $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush Administration, then confiscated during a 1992 Federal Reserve Audit. 

Another source of funds was $3.8 trillion gained through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet Union. The $3.8 trillion had also been illegally held by the Federal Reserve. 

It was also found through an intensive investigation that Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Roberts and President Bush Sr. had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers' funds from the US Treasury. The Mastermind behind this heist by Roberts and Bush was said to be Henry Kissinger. By midday on Friday 21st March 2008,John Roberts' control of the USA Treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court Justices. Three of the Assistant Justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion Treasury theft. 

On Monday 31st March 2008, Federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald had a team of one hundred and seventy seven attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the US Treasury and the US Supreme Court. The stolen or miss-applied funds vastly exceeded America's gross annual budget. 

During his investigations into the US government wire frauds at the Treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud: Washington DC itself had no right in Constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing. The United States was not even the United States of America. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class, especially when the US Congress' long lost NESARA legislation was ruled valid by the US Supreme Court. NESARA 

Repeated attempts to pay off the US national debt using these $800 trillion, $3.8 trillion and $9.1 trillion of taxpayer monies illegally held by the Federal Reserve had been continually thwarted by the Cabal. At present the funds were in European bank accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset. 

See this soon-to-be released trailer of a documentary about corruption in the Federal Reserve, "Eagle One to Wanta":
There is also a feature documentary film about the US monetary system and it's relationship to the Cabal, CIA, 9-11 (which happened as an intial Global Currency Reset was to take place), Presidents Johnson and Bushes and the assassination of President Kennedy. Right before Kennedy was murdered, he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve:
1. The privately-owned US Federal Reserve system started around 450 years ago with creation of a Vatican Trust account attached to the generational wealth of several nations. This world financial system was set up by and mainly funded through gold of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families of Asia. 

2. The ancient Chinese Royal Dragon society was an organization of old families within China and Taiwan who operated above the political divide of the two independent Chinese Governments. The Chinese held that old family ties and functions superseded political arrangements and were inconsequential over the passage of time. 

3. Dragon Families were said to abstain from any public view and knowledge, but acted for the benefit of the World in coordination with higher levels of the global financial organizations, Committee of 300 and in particular, the private Federal Reserve System. 

4. Dragon Families had accumulated great wealth (with trillions in interest payments still owing), in the form of a variety of notes, bonds and certificates that were an obligation of the Federal Reserve System. These bonds had values ranging in the many thousand of trillions of US dollars. 

5. In the last decade the Dragon Family organization attempted to contribute significant billions of US dollars for the purpose of aiding numerous global humanitarian purposes, such as relief during disasters to countries throughout the world, including Hurricane Katrina in the United States, earthquakes in Haiti, China and Indonesia, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, rebuilding the Republic of Georgia's infrastructure, water and energy supply for the Cayman Islands, Bangladesh and more. 

6. In the late 1700s a group in Eastern Europe known as the Cabal began taking control of the global monetary system using fiat or paper currency that was not asset backed. To counter this movement some sovereign families of Asia and Europe dominated by the Chinese Royal Dragon Families, pooled their gold assets into secretive off ledger private banking trusts now known as the Global Collateral Accounts, or Global Debt Facility. 

7. On the darker side, Switzerland, the home and legal origin of United Nations charters, housed Cabal organizations of the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and Bank of International Settlements. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland controlled all central banks of what was known as the G7 nations. "He who controls the gold, rules the world."

8. In the US, the Cabal-operated monetary system went back to founding of the United States of American Corporation in 1871, re-organization in 1907, Jeckyl Island in 1910 and forming of the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913. They discarded the US Constitution, manipulated funds of Central Banks across the globe, and used the US Federal Reserve to plunder global assets rather than utilizing the monies for their original Humanitarian purpose, thereby enriching their own and fellow global elites' pockets.

9. Since the US monetary system began it has been subject to the privately owned US Incorporated and US Federal Reserve, plus other Cabal organizations including the Khazarian Mafia. Cabal monies were commonly laundered through the Vatican Bank.

10. The US Federal Reserve functioned under orders of the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, Bank of International Settlements, North American Union, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Committee of 300.

11. This corrupt system was run by political elite secret society members whose allegiance was to Masonry including those initiated into Skull and Bones, or were associated with the sovereign City of London's Crown Temple, Vatican hiearchy or in private families such as European Royalty, the Bilderbergs, George Soros, Rothschilds, Carnagies and Rockefellers.

12. The private US Federal Reserve System which issued fiat U.S. Federal Reserve Notes, was financially owned and controlled by the Crown Temple BAR in the independent and sovereign City of London.

13. BAR stands for British Accredited Regency. The City of London Crown Temple BAR also controlled the US judiciary system.

14. In the war of 1812 British soldiers had destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) because it prevented anyone who had ties to the Crown of England from holding public office. US Attorneys gave oath to the Crown Temple BAR of England in order to become licensed under practices of the US Bar Association.

15. The US Bar Association was owned by the Northern Trust Company which eventually also owned as a holding company, the US taxpayer system of the Internal Revenue Service. For all intents and purposes the IRS and US Bar Association functioned as the same entity under the control of the Vatican and Crown of England.

16. In the American Civil War (1861–1865) both sides were financed by the Crown Temple in London and all subsequent legal and financial settlements were controlled by the Crown Temple for the Vatican.

17. Because of this mutual agreement and ties between the Vatican, London Crown Temple, US Bar Association and the IRS, it became important to have Roman Catholics placed in ruling positions in the Washington DC Corporation and at the Supreme Court (SCOTUS). After all, American BAR attorneys worked for the British Accredited Registry or British Accreditation Registry and legally, American taxes, treasury and resources were chattels of Old Europe.

 18. This mess which continued today, came about in 1871 when a privately-owned United States of American Corporation was secretly and covertly founded for the purpose of controlling the US monetary system. The corporation was simply a privately-owned Maritime Corporation out of Puerto Rico using funding of the Royal Dragon families.

19. In 1910at Jekyll Island Georgia the US Corporation fraudulently put together this monetary system as an omnipotent fiat dollar-making machine. Among the founders were J.P. Morgan and National City Bank President Frank A. Vanderlip. Shunning use of their last names, the group met at a privately-owned railway car in New Jersey.

20. By 1913 this secretive organization had become the privately-owned and Rothschild-dominated Federal Reserve system that served as the US Central bank.

21. The US Congress was said to be bought off as they secretly passed the illegal and un-Constitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913. A corrupt President [Wilson] signed it into law.

22. In an act of treason the US Congress allowed the privately owned Federal Reserve to print the emerging nation’s physical money for the US Treasury.

23. Under the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and the privately-owed Fed, the almighty USD quickly spread as a de facto global reserve currency, replacing the British Pound Sterling.

24. The Fed alone was allowed to have full global monetary authority over rest of the world and print as much US dollars as they deemed necessary without any international oversight, except to those private families owning this Central Banking System.

25. The Federal Reserve Bank was not connected to the US government, but composed of a group of privately owned Central Banks with a main interest of serving the Cabal. The Central Banks acted on behalf of sovereign countries to buy bonds backed by the Chinese Royal Dragon family Historical Asset Trust Accounts.

26. The Federal Reserve was also a franchisee of the Khazarian Banking Mafia, know as the Rothschild World Moneychangers. They were notorious for creating money from nothing and lending it to 98% of the World’s nations in order to receive pernicious usury in exchange.

27. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters not only created about 98% of the World money from thin air, they charged interest to those who used their own money. Usury alone added 40% to the cost of all goods and services in the global community. This was insane for any nation’s people to pay a foreign based private bank of Luciferian child murdering pedophile Khazarian Mafia parasites to use what should have been their own money in the first place.

28. For years this Cabal has fought implementation of the Global Currency Reset since it took away a great deal of their power, ongoing monetary gain and was designed to close their privately owned Federal Reserve system by which they controlled the world.

29. The United States was the only country on the planet that did not have its own national currency. One of the purposes of the Global Currency Reset was for the US to secure and use their own asset-backed currency.

30. For several years US Federal Reserve Notes backed by gold borrowed from the Royal Dragon Families, had been used for government and trade purposes. This monetary system functioned under the non-US government-owned North American Union.

31. The Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) that were used by the common US citizens had no backing at all and were referred to as fiat currency. Fiat currency was any non-asset backed money declared by the government to be legal tender.

32. Thus, since inception of the nation, US citizens had been forced to buy their Federal Reserve Note currency, along with paying interest on it, from the privately owned Federal Reserve.

33. The Federal Reserve Note had interest attached to it which helped create our nation's well over 17 trillion dollar national debt (some would say that the US was well over 100 trillion dollars in debt).

34. Greed ruled the privately owned US Central banking system. The funds from the Chinese Dragon families were originally designed for humanitarian purposes, though US citizens were forced to pay interest on their own money in 

35. For these many years the US government has borrowed a huge amount of collateral assets in gold and silver from the Dragon Families. Therefore the US government was able to issue huge amounts of USD as currencies via the Federal Reserve.

36. The likes of William Jennings suggested a new central bank under the US Republic, but like many such proposals to Congress, Jennings' plan never saw the light of day.

37. By Nov. 16 1914 - the time the first World War began - privately owned central banks under this corrupt system had been opened in 12 US cities. The US indirectly financed the war by helping in the flow of trade goods to Europe and more so when they declared war on Germany in 1917.

38. By the 1920s as the world was regaining to normalcy, it was recognized that gold was no longer a central factor in credit control. History of the Federal Reserve System

39. In March of 1933 President Roosevelt changed Constitution wording away from Constitutional Law and declared the bankruptcy of the United States.

40. The banks took over our gold and silver money that was backed by a gold standard. The result was more fiat money. Before 1933, paper money was backed by gold. The Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) were money substitutes backed only by a false belief.

41. In 1934 the US Internal Revenue Service came on shore and was immediately purchased by an attorney firm which incorporated it as the Delaware Corporation.

42. The corrupt financial system came to a head at the end of World War II. Amind control program called MKULTRA was begun upon import of Nazi trained mind control experts into the US, Canada and Australia. The Nazis helped design philosophy behind the creation of the CIA in 1954. The mind control program funded by US tax dollars for the purpose of developing “Super Spies” and assassins, was tightly tied into the world monetary system.

43. George H.W. Bush was influential in forming of the CIA and their mind control program MKULTRA. The Nov. 13 2010 New York Times reported that Dr. Josef Mengele was among the Nazis given a safe haven in the US through the CIA-sponsored Project Paperclip - a pre-runner to MKULTRA.

44. MKULTRA was heavily involved in human experiments to torture children into multiple personalities through Satanic ceremonies of pedophilia and child sacrifices. Global elites including those in the banking system, were known to regularly hold the Satanic child exploitation ceremonies for the purpose of gaining power and privlidge.

45. A Canadian mind control victim, now in her mid-sixties, gave heart-wrenching details about child genocide during 2012 hearings at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. She discussed her eyewitness to murders of seven other children during her two year childhood stint at Canadian Air Force base known as Lincoln Park in Calgary Alberta. She was a victim of a CIA-funded mind control program to develop “Super Spies.”

46. The Brussels ICLCJ court heard this and testimonies of eighteen other witnesses to illegal activities of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Children in the CIA mind control program claimed to be victimized by a former Nazi SS doctor referred to as Dr. Green. According to the survivor, the Nazi mind control expert and three Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members were working undercoveras Canadian military personnel. children/

47. These human experiments on children were run at the base between 1956 and 1958. On her website the witness gave tribute to children, like her, who were born into and raised in the CIA mind control program MKULTRA. Children ages 2 to 10 “were put to death,” she said, “due to the severity of injuries sustained during the course of human medical experiments.”

48. In both Canada and the US several survivors of the CIA mind control program have identified Nazi mind control expert Josef Mengele as their torturer. He was known by them as a Dr. Green or Greenbaum.

49. Christine Nicola testified about a Dr. Green in 1995 Congressional Hearings on human radiation experiments. In this video the mind control survivor said that beginning at the tender age of four she was terrorized by CIA operatives under the direction of Dr. Green. They were “training” her to be a spy and assassin by subjecting the child to radiation, drugs, electroshock, sexual abuse and mind-control experiments. Dr. Green was able to split her young mind into multiple personalities.

50. Dr. Green evidently tortured another witness of the 1995 hearings. Claudia Mullen stated in this video that she discovered documents where the US government gave Dr. Green 50 million dollars to run the program with the CIA Science Division, CIA Office of Research Development. Mullen said that from age seven and near Dr. Green’s office she was given electro shock, radiation, drugs, isolated in a tub of water, sexually abused, endured sleep deprivation, burns and all kinds of emotional and physical abuse. She claimed these atrocities were also performed on countless other children.

51. Jenny Hill of Garden Grove California also claimed to be a victim of Dr. Green’s CIA mind control practices. The CIA claimed they closed MKULTRA in 1964, yet Hill’s torture-programming by Dr. Green began a year later in 1965. According to her biography, “Twenty Two Faces” Hill was abused by Dr. Green and others in a Satanic child sacrifice rite that took place on June 21 1965 Summer Solstice. In this video Hill discussed her witness of another six year-old child’s murder. The severe abuse caused a disintegration of her personality.

52. In Australia Fiona Barnett also claimed to be a victim of Nazi mind control programming that included Human Hunting Parties where children were raped, hunted down and killed:,264

53. The Cabal's Satanic practices and evil purposes under protection of the CIA and mafia lead to the acceptance and availability of easy credit by the privately owned Central Banks and Federal Reserve.

54. The immoral practices soon created a fiat US Dollar that since the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference at the end of World War II, had functioned as the primary world reserve currency. This resulted in the global economy to function on currency backed by nothing.

55. It was not supposed to be that way. At the end of the World War II, with Communist and Kuomintang factions at war in China, the international community and the Chinese assented to their gold being placed under the covert control of Indonesian President Sukarno. As per arrangements agreed in the 1921 Pact of Nations made in London, much of this gold was delivered and hidden in Indonesia and the Philippines in secret bunkers constructed by the Japanese between 1924 and 1945.

56. In June of 1944 a private global monetary control framework was introduced to the world during the Bretton Woods Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Since then the Central Banking System has attempted to privatize global wealth, monitoring and restricting the world’s money supply, including bonds, banking instruments, stocks, digital, paper and coin currencies.

57. At this same Bretton Woods Conference NATO introduced a global monetary and military strategy that was agreed to in treaties by 44 allied nations. The allies who won the war, declared that the United States of America was world’s liberator, and therefore should be the world’s future military enforcer and top economic power player.

58. Thus, the USA was granted the right to print the de facto global reserve currency, and called it the United States Dollar (USD). All other currencies of the world would be held in par comparison to determine their own international value.

59. In 1944 post World War II at this Bretton Woods Conference ​the Chinese Elders and Cabal agreed to a transition​al​ truce in order to reset the world's financial system ​after several gruesome world wars. The Elders would place a minority percentage of the Global Collateral Accounts, specifically gold, into Central Bank​ing​ vaults worldwide.

60. They physically transferred ​said ​gold over a two year period, ​which ​​established the current financial system in 1946. A common gold standard against currency was to be spot-set daily in the City of London.

61. This benevolent gold was on lease to all good standing sovereign nations​ ​for a 50 year period, with a 5 year transition period ending in the fall of 2001.

62. The SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication banking system) was a private institution based in Belgium composed of the US Federal Reserve Bank (FED), Wall Street banks and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The SWIFT system operated in 215 countries and territories. This network was involved in international monetary transfers heavily influenced by the Rothschild family.

63. In 1971, President Nixon allowed the Federal Reserve Bank to print the nation's money without re​g​a​r​ding previously agreed to gold standard​ treaties​. This act effectively ​ignored the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement and re-valued all US issued debt​, past, present and future,​ against the per barrel price of oil, ​known as the Petrol Dollar.

64. This instigation of the Petrol Dollar into world currency by President Richard Nixon took the US Dollar off the gold standard, thus further perverting the value of the now-artificial fiat US Dollar.

65. Between the late 1980s and 2016 practically every US President has had their hand in the international monetary fund. The level of corruption saturated every nook and cranny of the entity that we call “USA Inc.” These same global leaders were named as perpetrators during Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors' child abuse at exclusive gatherings of Masonic global leaders such as at Bohemian Grove California.

66. By 1979 the US military had started training to re-take the country and eliminate this Cabal shadow government that ruled the corrupt world monetary system.

67. In 1991 Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the international bankers and government criminal activity through the Federal Reserve. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which intended to bring about a fascist One World Government ruled by the international bankers.

68. In 1992 a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported Constitutional Law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, Congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.

69. The task force included Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, General David McCloud and former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby. They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only two out of 535 members of Congress were deemed honest. More importantly, in 1992 they ordered and carried out the first-ever (and only) audit of the Federal Reserve.

70. The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint if necessary, they complied with the investigation.After reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. Contrary to federal government propaganda, they also discovered that most nations owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.

71. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay a successful Farmers Claims class action lawsuit that helped to instigate the 1992 Federal Reserve Audit. Later this money would become the basis of the Global Currency Reset Prosperity Programs.

72. Despite the death blow of loosing control of $800 trillion through a 1992 audit of the Federal Reserve, the now-President and founder of the CIA mind control program MKULTRA George H.W. Bush garnered the help of the Illuminati to continue on with their plans of global enslavement. This included using mind control torture methods gained from adult and child victims of Nazi Germany concentration camps.

73. In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would return the United States to Constitutional Law. He was ordered to never use the term New World Order again. Bush pretended to cooperate, but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway using the CIA and their use of mind control to overpower the American public.

74. On December 25, 1992 President George H.W. Bush set out to sign an Executive Order that would have indefinitely closed all banks, giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new Constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years, plus removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order.

75. In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of Congress and representatives from the Clinton government met with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to Constitutional Law, reforms of the banking system and financial redress. Clinton, however, was a proponent of the New World Order and the CIA mind control programs. As a result, nothing of substance was done. See CIA mind control salve Cathy O'Brien's books "Access Denied" and "Tranceformation of America."

76. The 1999 NESARA Act - the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, also known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act - came about after a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court after 30 years of lawsuits by the Farmers Union. NESARA

77. In that successful suit the US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens.

78. Also in that successful suit it was proven in court that the US office of the Internal Revenue Service that collected taxes from citizens had never been ratified by the US Congress.

79. Initially the Clinton Administration attempted to get the World Court to overrule NESARA, though by 1999 the true NESARA Law was introduced in Congress.

80. NESARA was the most ground breaking reformation to sweep the US. The 1999 Act did away with the Federal Reserve Bank, IRS and shadow US government of the Cabal, plus implemented the following changes:

A. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

B. Abolishes the US income tax.

C. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

D. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes.

E. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

F. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

G. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

H. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.

I. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

J. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

K. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

L. Initiates a new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

M. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

N. Restores financial privacy.

O. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

P. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

Q. Establishes peace throughout the world.

R. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

S. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including 

81. Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA could be found on the Internet. Wikipedia's article was total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard's NESARA bill was rejected by Congress in the 1990s. Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions. A testimony and articles by Dr. Barnard's close friend, Darrell Anderson, was shown here:

82. Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the NESRA Act.

83. These 15 members of Congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th Amendment (which made a lawyer's oath to the British Crown).

84. Finally in a March 9 2000 required meeting, Congress passed NESARA.

85. During the Nov. 8 2000 US election fiasco in Florida of Bush Jr, the state was approached by 4,000 CIA agents of Bush Sr. Officials were told that they must make Bush Jr. president or there would be civil war in the US.

86. In Oct. 2000 people in military betrayed their agreement to implement NESARA.
President Clinton had no interest in signing NESARA into law.

87. On October 10, 2000 and under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval SEALs and Delta Force stormed the White House. Under gunpoint, they forced then-President Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, were disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order. President Clinton also relinquished his bar registry.

88. From its very inception the promoter of mind control Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official Congressional registry to reflect a commemorative coin. It was again revised even more recently. This is why there was no public Congressional Records about NESARA and why a search for this law would not yield the correct details until after the reformations were made public.

89. Members of Congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence, or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction over their discussions of NESARA. When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed, killing his wife, daughter and himself. If fear was not enough to keep Washington in line, money was. Routine bribes were offered to government and military officials by the power elite/secret government.

90. The next step was the difficult task of announcing NESARA to the world. Many powerful groups tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA. The NESARA law required that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three current US Supreme Court judges have used their authority on the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement to secretly sabotage efforts to reveal NESARA.

91. On 9 Sept. 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law, the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass a resolution approving NESARA. That same day Congress passed NESARA.

92. The next day on 10 Sept. 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White House to steer his son on how to block the announcement of NESARA.

93. Upon forming the CIA after World War II, Bush Sr. helped to import those Nazi mind control specialists into the US, Canada and Australia. Bush Sr.'s father had ties to Nazi Germany. Bush Sr. helped run the mind control, torture, rape and murder of children by the CIA. Bush Sr. also managed the CIA in Dallas during the Kennedy assassination. It was well known that the CIA controlled the media.

94. The day after Bush Sr. moved into the White House on 11 Sept. 2001 at 10 am EST, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.

95. It was speculated that on September 11, 2001 at 8am EDT, the Cabal, working with the CIA, did the unthinkable in New York City. Two nuclear de​vices were imploded beneath the Twin Towers.

96. It was alleged that just before the announcement at 9 am on Sept. 11, 2001Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1 and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were said to be planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which it is alleged, was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.

97. It was also said that on 11 Sept. 2001 remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of a group of military personnel known as the White Knights. Back in 1871 upon creation of the United States of America Inc. and as a contingency plan, the military had formed an interim government headed by these White Knight military leaders. On 11 Sept. 2001 the White Knights were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide from their new Naval Command Center at the Pentagon - which was destroyed during the events of 9/11.

98. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. was said to have decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people.

99. Between the late 1990s and early 2000s the Bush family crime syndicate was believed to have stolen $800 trillion in taxpayer monies through use of the Federal Reserve, plus expanded their operations during the past half-decade.

100. The $800 trillion was recovered during a 1992 Federal Reserve audit. More illegally taken taxpayer funds were recovered around 2006.

101. The funds were stored in European accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset where they were targeted for use in Humanitarian Projects.

102. The illegally taken funds formed the basis for some of the criminal charges to be levied against this broad Bush criminal syndicate. An organization called the New Republic was holding off on these arrests until a series of charges were authenticated and could be acted upon.

103. A major film documentary "Eagle One to Wanta" covered how President Reagan's secret agent Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta amassed 3.8 trillion through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet Union. The 3.8 trillion was designed to go back to the American people but was stolen by the Federal Reserve System. Wanta has pledged to eliminate our national debt overnight after a 2006 US District Court mandate was honored that would return the money. The documentary was scheduled to be released upon announcement of the new US Republic. A trailer of "Eagle One to Wanta":

104. By 2007 two world wars and several "conflicts" had been funded by the Federal Reserve in a failed yet direct response to give the Royal Dragon Families back their collateralizing assets to a rapidly defaulting Central Banking System.

105. On Friday 18th January 2008 colleagues heard the seventeenth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Glover Roberts, a prominent American Roman Catholic, say that the NESARA global prosperity packages would "never be delivered".

106. By March 2008 it was decided that Chief Justice John Roberts was holding the global prosperity packages illegally in the vaults of the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC.

107. On the evening of Thursday 20th March 2008 John Roberts called a meeting at the US Treasury. Supported by senior American Roman Catholic archbishops and cardinals, the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London, John Roberts and George Bush Jr, were conspiring to prevent delivery of the Wanta Plan Funds and the NESARA global prosperity packages.

108. John Roberts said to his colleagues: "I run Treasury. I decide what will be done and what I am doing is none of your business. You don't work for the government and you don't work for the American people. You work for me and you will do what I tell you to do and what I am doing is none of your business. I am sick and tired of calls from all over the world and my business being reported on the internet by Casper. Anyone caught opening their mouth will immediately be fired."

109. John Roberts' problem was that several of his Washington DC colleagues in both the Supreme Court and the Treasury, did not agree that it was right for the Chief Justice to act in open defiance of the American Constitution, the International Court of Justice and the International Monetary Fund.

110. John Roberts and Bush Sr. had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers' funds from the Treasury. The Mastermind behind this heist was said to be Henry Kissinger. The stolen or miss-applied funds vastly exceeded America's gross annual budget.

111. By midday on Friday 21st March 2008, John Roberts' control of the USA Treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court Justices.

112. Three of the Assistant Justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion Treasury theft. They were: Samuel Alito (a Roman Catholic with Italian connections), Antonin Scalia (a Roman Catholic with Sicilian connections) and Clarence Thomas (a Roman Catholic with a developed interest in pornography and a public history of sexual harassment).

113. When Roberts' resignation was demanded he quickly signed the letter, correctly dating it the 21st March 2008, but deliberately signing it fraudulently by writing his name as Robert rather than Roberts. Centuries ago, others successfully falsified biblical texts with similar measures.

114. On Tuesday 25th March 2008, it emerged that Sandra Day O'Connor, a recently retired Supreme Court Assistant Justice, was actively involved in attempting to trade the stolen $9.1 trillion for Bush and Roberts. O'Connor was regarded as a Farm Claims and NESARA turncoat who was bribed into conspiratorial obedience by the Bush White House.

115. On the morning of Tuesday 25th March 2008, Roman Catholic Patrick Fitzgerald, Federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, returned to the US Treasury to continue his investigation of the stolen monies. A few hours later he was instructed by Chief Justice Roberts to stop his work and leave.

116. By the beginning of April 2008 agents acting for President George Bush Jr and the Vatican had a contract out for Patrick Fitzgerald's assassination and had told him so. Fitzgerald and his co-workers were closely protected with security provided by Interpol and a Chinese Secret Society of which Benjamin Fulford had spoken in 2007, see details here and here.

117. The Chinese enforcers also had people in place within the inner circles of George Bush Jr, George Bush Sr, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, as well as in the special hospitals these people would be taken to in the event of an "accident." If the Chinese bullet didn't work, the Chinese syringe certainly would.

118. On Monday 31st March 2008, Fitzgerald had a team of one hundred and seventy seven attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the US Treasury and the US Supreme Court. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class.

119. During his investigations into the US government wire frauds at the Treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud: Washington DC itself had no right in Constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing.

120. Fitzgerald also uncovered that the United States was not the United States of America. There were two completely different legal entities operating. There was an illegal President of the US in post, but no legally constituted President of the USA. The US (Washington DC) was not about the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The US was about the control of the people by the corporations for the Crown Temple in London. More details about the legal status of the US/USA were here.

121. All this might have stayed invisible but for NESARA and the American financial depression of 2007-2008. The combination of these two things engendered irresistible pressures which allowed Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to uncover the truth about the US monetary system being run by the Cabal.

122. By the time of Fitzgerald's investigation America's money was gone. There was nothing to replace it with except the NESARA world prosperity funds. The politicos were desperate. They didn't want NESARA. NESARA would re-establish Constitutional law and they would be forced out of office to face public Treason charges. They were terminally desperate. In their desperation, they made mistakes via attempted illegal wire transfers and off-shore stealth trades (more details here). Their flailing about caused the whole corporate legal fiction to unwind visibly.

123. Historical detail described here came to the attention of Patrick Fitzgerald. In April 2008 the Bush-Cheney-Clinton junta was in a fight for its political, legal and financial life, but still controlled the mainstream corporate media. Thus, the general population was unaware of anything but a politically understated financial crisis, a collapsing dollar, a rising gold price, and a few million foreclosures on domestic properties.

124. Also by 2008 another proponent of the New World Order, the Obama Administration, was in charge. Obama refused to work under a budget while ballooning the national debt with a stimulus package that didn't stimulate the economy, but more than tripled the national debt.

125. The US fast began loosing their influence as the main world reserve currency due to it's uncontrollable monetary policies, ever-growing debt and use of fiat currency.

126. These discrepencies built to a head when the Dragons demanded payment for derivatives debts on Lehman Brothers. The Royal Dragon families were very concerned the the US could not even pay the interest on it's debt to them.

127. The Dragon families called in their loan on Lehman Brothers, thus causing the2008 Mortgage Crisis.

128. When Lehman could not pay off the debt call, the US government declared a global financial emergency, borrowing $700B from its citizens (T.A.R.P.) in order to maintain repayment schedules negotiated by Federal Reserve Bank to the Chinese Royal Dragon Families.

129. By now nations of the global monetary system had alarming concern about the US national debt and US currency which had no backing, yet was being used as the main world reserve currency. In 2009 the Royal Dragon Families stepped in to form BRICS, an organization of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South African.

130. A 2011 Treaty White Paper informed different global finance ministers of the economical conditions of the world. As a result, Ireland challenged the world monetary system saying, “If you can prove that you loaned us any money, we will gladly pay you. But If you can’t, basically ‘go pound sand’!” And they held to it. They had that same thing going on with Greece. It was believed that if the right one had gotten elected in Greece they would have done this same thing as did Ireland.

131. In the fourth quarter of 2012 as the Settler on a Econo Trust Lein against the Federal Reserve Bank and to prevent them from rechartering, the Federal Reserve was melded into the new United States Treasury now located in Reno Nevada under what was eventually called the New Republic (formally formed in 2015).

132. By 2015 all the nations of the world except for the US and Japan, had joined BRICS. Japan joined in the Fall of 2015, leaving the US as the lone holdout.
133. BRICS economic resources united together to replace the US as the world's leading economic power, but BRICS had a problem: The fiat US dollar was the global reserve currency by which all other currencies are valued as equal.

134. To solve their problem BRICS re-evaluated the currencies of the world which had joined the BRICS system. They backed all those world currencies with natural resources of the countries and gold reserves of the Dragon Families so as to conform to the IMF's Basil III regulations.

135. By Feb. of 2015 the new US Republic had been formed by concerned Congress people. The Royal Dragon Families had demanded formation of this New Republic as a necessary step before they would back US currency with their gold in the BRICS system.

136. By this time the United States of America Inc. corporation was defunct, bankrupt and operating as a facade.

137. As of March 1, 2015, the FED nor the United States of American Corporation (founded in 1871) had liquidity left to satisfy its debt repayments.

138. The Obama Administration had repeatedly refused to join BRICS, thus creating a dangerous situation of fiat currency whereby the US and the even all world economies, could easily collapse.

139. The New Republic went into formal operation on March 1 2015. It was stationed in West Virginia and protected by the US Army.

140. In 2015 Marine Corp. General Joseph Dunford was selected to be the interim President of the New Republic because he had recently been appointed by Congress to be the Joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon.

141. Also in 2015 when Paul Ryan replaced John Boehner as Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House, he did so knowing he might eventually replace Dunford as the interim President of the New Republic. As it turned out, Ryan served in the position for a few months while Dunford served as Republic Vice President, but Ryan eventually declined the new Republic President's job.

142. Under the New Republic the US Government was turned over on an interm basis to military leaders referred to as the White Knights. As the only legally operating entity left of the Republic, the White Knights worked within the US Pentagon to run the country's affairs. This transition had quietly rolled out going back to 4th quarter 2012.

143.In Feb. of 2015 the new US Republic incorporated the 2015 Jade Helm military exercises as part of their movement to take back the original US Constitution.

144. The New Republic had to construct a national currency but they didn’t have the gold by which they could comply with the IMF's Basil III. In April 2015 the Chinese Elders leased 100 billion in gold to the New Republic.

145. US Treasury Reserve Notes [TRNs] were created by the New Republic for use at the government level, but were not designed to be used on the street. Since 2015they have been trading the new TRNs internationally, in Europe and in the Japanese Market.

146. For a monetary system that could be used by the general US public, the New Republic created what’s known as United States Notes [USNs]. The only difference between the new US Notes currency and the Federal Reserve Notes was that the new currency would not be charged interest.

147. The new US Note currency was like what President Kennedy had created way back in 1963 when he tried to shut down the Federal Reserve right before he was assasinated.

148. Kennedy's ultimate cost of trying to take down the Federal Reserve using the new US Notes was explained in this documentary about to be released as an introduction to the New Republic:

149. On April 22 2015 the Chinese Elders began moving the USA into gold backed currency by making the TRNs live on the back screens.

150. In 2015 the New US Republic (charged with protecting the Royal Dragon Family gold that backed the new US currency) located the new US Treasury in Nevada on an Indian Reservation because Indian Reservations had free trade zones.

151. One of the major Royal funding streams for the US Federal Reserve Dollar (which was also the major world's reserve currency) reached its term, with the last of the funding streams cut off at the start of Dec 2015.

152. Patriots like Winston Strout helped the Federal Reserve to be absorbed into the US Treasury. A recent interview with Winston Strout discussing the process could be found here:​c

153. The Dragon Families excused all US debt when their gold was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno in April 2016. This included excusing debt and derivates of the Wells Fargo Bank, which is mainly owned by the Dragon Families, plus derivatives of certain other banks. (There is question about excusing debt and derivatives of the Bank of America since it is heavily used by the Cabal).

154. In April 2016 certainpatriotic members of Congress formed the new US Republic, US Treasury and US currency notes. The US Notes were backed by the USA's natural resources, plus 100 billion more in gold borrowed from Royal Dragon Families.

155. On Jan.1 2016 and as Senate Majority Leader, Paul Ryan replaced Joseph Dunford as interim President of the New Republic with the charge to remain in place as the interim US President until the Nov. 2016 elections.

156. Dunford stepped down to fill the slot as Vice President of the New Republic.

157. On March 31 2016 the US finally joined BRICS, opening the door for the New Republic to take over and dictate US monetary policy under rules as outlined in the original US Constitution.

158. The New Republic of United States government and Treasury were restored at6:30 pm Wednesday, March 30, 2016 when the Dragon Family released funding for the New Republic (the real reason for the Chinese visit to the White House that day).

159. The Dragon Family's 100 billion in gold that was leased to the new US Treasury was temporarily stored in Texas.

160. On April 1 2016 an agreement was signed between old SWIFT system and new BRICS CIPS system. The Cabal financial system of SWIFT which had been used in monetary transactions by over 10,000 financial systems worldwide, was taken over by the BRICS CIPS system.

161. On April 8 2016 Obama, Biden, IMF, Chinese Elders, IMF began a series of emergency meetings in Washington DC that continued through April 14.

162. In the middle of these meetings on April 10 2016, over 100 arrests of bankers were made and charged with funding ISIS.

163. On April 11 2016 Iraq ordered dealers to stop selling Dinar. The Iraqi government payouts were now done in bonds. Iraqi bonds stopped trading on the international market. The Dinar currency was no longer allowed in or out of Iraq.

164. By April 18 2016 a disturbing series of events were in motion along the lines of the last financial collapse. US banks were expected to report their worst financial quarter since the start of the Great Recession. The Fed issued a warning to the biggest bank in the country - JP Morgan Chase - that they couldn't take another hit without incurring an epic disaster. The letter was addressed to Jamie Dimon, the leader of the bank, who seemed to have become completely immune to prosecution, no matter what he did. It is 19 pages and heavily redacted. The Great Recession Blog posted a bullet list. The letter sparked secret meetings among those in power.

165. On April 19 2016 an announcement was made that the Chinese Yuan was now gold backed and China no longer accepted US Federal Reserve Notes in trade.

166. On April 20 2016 Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew announced new USN currency to world via CNN and Fox News. New USN or gold backed currency has been printed with new faces such as Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill.

167. On April 21 2016 at 4 pm, US markets closed on the US Federal Reserve notes. They were no longer accepted for world trade and only could be used in the US.

168. On April 21 2016 the Chinese Yuan became a world wide gold backed reserve currency as of 8:30 pm eastern Thursday night.

169. The Zimbabwe dollar price was fixed at a high level as of April 21 2016.

170. On April 26 2016 Pentagon Chief of Staff General Joseph Dunford and the New Republic Military made their way into the White House via the underground tunnel system. “White House on lock down. New Republic Special Forces alongside General Dunford had entered the White House via JFK’s tunnel. Papers of surrender and resignation have been issued.” OperationDisclosure.Blogspot.Com on April 27th, 2016

171. Between April 26 and April 30th Dunford and his team were involved in negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal and USA Corp. Dunford and the resistance movement knew they could use the threat of exposing the Cabal on a global media live streaming event that was to air on April 30, 2016 for the White House Correspondents Dinner.

172. Also on that April 26 2016, the Global Currency Reset process began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard.

173. Pentagon sources say that the White House was under lock-down April 26 and 27th “as Special Forces led by (General Joseph) Dunford entered via tunnel to demand Obama and Biden resignations.” The official version was that the White House was under lock down that day because of a fence jumper.

174. On April 30 2016 Madam Woe declared the Dinar gold backed and exchanges took place in Atlanta Georgia.

175. On the evening of April 30th in Washington, DC just before President Obama was scheduled to speak at his White House Correspondent’s Dinner (WHCD), an agreement was reached. The Cabal had functioned on fiat currency through the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve was bankrupt. The Cabal had no choice but to surrender and sign the agreements to begin the Global Currency Reset. If the papers weren't signed Obama was threatened that as overseeing “President” Pentagon Head Chief of Staff Joseph Dunford, would push Obama aside at the dinner and publicly announce the New Republic in front of all the world’s press corps.

176. The BRICS bank AFIIB, Wells Fargo and HSBC bank put a 10:00 pm April 30 2016 deadline on Citibank to get Basel III compliant or default. A backroom deal was signed at 8:59:59 PM. Citibank defaulted to AIIB/WF/HSBC and became Basel III compliant and thus Obama was allowed to speak. Security Forces which earlier had been pulled from the Citibank currency center redemption locations, returned bymidnight.

177. Obama started his talk at the White House Correspondent's Dinner by saying, “It is my honor to be at my last, and perhaps the last, White House Correspondent’s Dinner… hahaha”, and he next says, “The END of the Republic never looked better! I am just counting the days before my death panel! I have only 2 words to close with… Obama… Out!” He quickly raises two fingers to his lips (Masonic secret degree sign-his obligation that enjoins secrecy) and with his other hand picks up the portable mic, raises it over his head, and then intentionally drops the mic out of his hand to the ground.
A transcription of the Obama speech can be found here at the Washington Post.

178. It was reported that after the WHCD dinner that Obama did not go back to the White House. For several weeks the Obama family had occupied an apartment inside the beltway in order to “keep up appearances” both during his remaining months as “President” and to act as though the Obama family is staying in DC so their 2 girls can finish their education.

179. The plan was to keep everything appearing “status quo” without bringing attention to the change-over in government, currency, banking, and, ultimately, control of the Republic. International rates would change on FOREX without fanfare as well with sovereign rates showing on offsite redemption centers concurrently.

180. By May 2016 the Cabal was bankrupt and their US Federal Reserve Dollar was no longer accepted for trade worldwide. Through this bankruptcy and subsequent backing of the new US Treasury Note by gold of the Royal Dragon families, the USA and 100 Indian Nations were legally separated from the Cabal. Members of the Cabal were being arrested under the US Federal Marshall Program.

181. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation told banking giants like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, New York Mellon Bank and State Street Corp that their bankruptcy plans were not credible. To put it another way, some of the top Khazarian cabal banks and owners of the Federal Reserve Board were basically being told they were bankrupt.

182. On May 1 at 8:59 pm EST the cabal surrendered when Citibank defaulted.

183. On May 1 the Zimbabwe note was declared gold-backed and was reported to have a value of $11.80 in Europe.

184. On that same Sunday May 1 in Iraq US Secretary Lew made the announcement that the US currency was gold backed, along with other world currencies. It was now a brand new financial system around the world. On the new digital BRICS system transactions took place in a matter of seconds instead of days.

185. On Monday May 2 2016 Geneva Switzerland became a ratifying adherent of the China-sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), making the confederation one of the last countries to complete the membership process.

186. By that same Monday at midnight May 2 2016 Puerto Rico defaulted on their sovereign loans. Puerto Rico was the headquarters of US Incorporated - the Cabal organization fighting the Global Currency Reset.

187. On that Monday the USA Corporation defaulted also. As a result all government agencies created by USA Inc. legally defaulted too, including but not limited to: The Federal Reserve Bank, Internal Revenue Service, Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

188. As of Monday May 2, 2016 the USA and 100 Indian Nations were legally separate from the Cabal. The Cabal (along with their Federal Reserve) was bankrupt. The US Federal Reserve Note was no longer accepted for trade in and outside of the US. Members of the Cabal were being arrested under the Federal Marshall Program.

189. On Tues. morning May 3 2016 there was a technical transfers of funds. All soverign nations had agreed to the new BRICS monetary system including having asset backed currencies under Basil III and Basil IV compliance. Ancient Historic bonds were reconfiled of all countries dating back hundreds of years including 1776 in the US.

190. A hand chosen White Hat military leadership, along with White Hat politicians, were positioned and seated in the new Republic government to handle the day to day operations of the United States. This included military and political oversight over all domestic and international matters concerning the country.

191. The new US Republic put out a gold-backed currency called United States Notes (USN). The Republic's sovereign currency Treasury Reserve Notes (TRN) was already being traded on government world markets.

192. All 208 sovereign nations of the world were diplomatically, militarily and financially recognizing the Republic of the United States and their USN/TRN monetary value systems. The USA, Inc was no longer acknowledged on the global stage.

193. Through the USA Inc. bankruptcy and backing of the new US Treasury Note by gold of the Royal Dragon families, the USA and 100 Indian Nations were legally separated from the Cabal.

194. As of May 2016 the CIA plan was to keep Obama as the face of the regime and use him to transition to a possible Donald Trump presidency. The powers behind the US government throne had changed and Obama was no longer living in the White House.

195. The epic events regarding the changeover of the global monetary system was news throughout Europe and Asia, though no mention was made in the Cabal leader George Soros-owned US main stream media.

196. One very visible sign of the US regime change was the fact that Pentagon sources noted, “1500 Yale Skull and Bones documents will be released to expose [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, the Bushes, and other cabal members."

197. On Tues. May 3 2016 at 12 midnight to 3 am EST the digital world monetary system was put into the new BRICS system to officially begin the Global Currency Reset and RV of world currencies.

198. On May 6 2016 the White House put out a detailed plan for a “peaceful transition of power.”

199. On May 10 2016 the following letter was written by Judge Anna Maria Riezinger to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and United States Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry:

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
Postal Extension Code 99652

May 10, 2016
Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Secretary General
United Nations Secretariat
New York, NY 10017

John Forbes Kerry
United States Secretary of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

I am forwarding the content of the following synopsis so that you are fully informed:
In the interest of expediting mutual understanding I have organized the key information:

1. The “United States” that has been causing all the trouble is only “the territories and District of Columbia”. Those “United States” known as the United States of America (Minor) have committed fraud against these United States (Major) and the entire rest of the world.

2. As a result, the United States Major has still not come to the table with regard to the eminent changes in the financial system.

3. The United States Major issued new Sovereign Letters Patent in November 2015 and appointed new Federal representatives. Mr. Jacob Rothschild representing the UN Corporation and Pope Francis as Trustee have both been notified that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. has no contract, is acting on a for hire basis only, and is obligated to honor the terms and conditions of the actual Constitution while doing so.

4. The High Contracting Powers have similarly been informed that none of the ESTATE trusts named after living Americans and created by the UNITED STATES, INC. for its own benefit are contractually valid. These private contracts have been created and secured under conditions of non-disclosure and semantic deceit.

5. The High Contracting Powers have also been informed that we have acted as the lawful Beneficiaries and Priority Creditors and have authorized the discharge of the “National Debt” owed by the UNITED STATES, INC. against our already accrued “National Credit” so as to put an end to all pretense of conflict with or valid commercial claim against the American People and their actual property assets.

6. The position of the United States Major is one of guarded optimism. Having clearly defined the problem of fraud and misrepresentation by the United States of America Minor, it is now possible to overcome it. That said, we agree that gold has always been the international medium of exchange in modern times and we understand that other nations may desire or require gold in payment for goods and services. We agree that at least for the time being a precious metals standard may serve to restore a degree of honesty and stability to international markets and that new and stringent bank regulatory mechanisms are sorely needed to prevent speculation, insurance scams, commodity rigging and a host of other evils.

7. We draw everyone’s attention to the fact that the United States Major’s lawful money is and has always been the United States Silver Dollar. We see no reason why our currency would be in any way incompatible with the proposed international return to a precious metals-based system.

8. We welcome the understanding and the assistance of the international community as we put our house in order and point out that as we have authorized our Trustees to settle all the debts of the UNITED STATES, INC. there can be no complaints or accusations held against the American People nor any continuing claims against their assets based on the fraudulent misrepresentations of the United States of America, Minor.

9. What remains to be resolved is an arbitration process by which the United States Major is credited back costs which we have incurred by covering the UNITED STATES, INC. debts and which were never agreed to by any fiduciary deputies of ours.

10. We trust that the banks are well-aware of where the accounts actually stand, the fraud that has been committed against the United States Major, and their own fiduciary culpability. A prompt and just settlement of these issues is in the best interests of the entire planet and we stand ready to do our part. 

We hope this synopsis of the situation clarifies it for everyone concerned.
Please note the irrefutable evidence of the purposeful fraud that has been perpetuated against the American People contained in the Protocol Manual and attested to by every Protocol Officer which states that the “only purpose” of the Birth Certificate is to naturalize “citizens” into the foreign jurisdiction of the United States defined as the “territories and District of Columbia”. 

No such misrepresented and undisclosed process of “naturalization” may be considered valid. 

The United States of America (Major) is alive and well despite the gross fraud and unnatural ingratitude of its employees. 

I am also enclosing a wet-ink copy of the transmittal forwarded to Pope Francis and the Bank of International Settlements authorizing the transfer of credit from our trust accounts to cover all debts of the UNITED STATES, INC. This was necessary to forestall violence based on false claims and presumptions against the American People and their assets. 

Mr. Kerry— you have a choice. You can voluntarily release all of the bogus franchises that have been created in the NAME of living Americans and save us all a lot of paperwork or you can establish and publicize an agreed-upon process to return Americans to their lawful birthright status. 

This needs to be done without further obfuscation or obstruction.
Judge Anna

200. Three days later on May 13 2016 an intelligence alert stated that, "All necessary components of American life and national mechanisms of function are securely within Republic control via the military forces of Commander in Chief General Joseph Dunford."

201. By May 20 2016 the new US Republic had issued Sovereign Letters (Patented in November 2015) and appointed new Federal representatives. Jacob Rothschild representing the UN Corporation and Pope Francis as Trustee were notified that the United States of America, Inc. had no contract, was acting on a for-hire basis only, and was obligated to honor the terms and conditions of the actual Constitution while doing so.

202. As of Sunday evening May 22, 2016, the Chinese Elders placed their gold to back the entire new BRICS financial system. That included backing US notes of the new US Republic.

203. On Monday May 23, 2016 the Chinese halted all financial extension graces to the ever withering cabal political, financial and military pageant. They eliminated the USA, Inc. No sovereign country in active participation with the BRICS could participate with the USA Inc. on their new gold backed financial system.

204. There were 208 countries which had agreed to use the new BRICS electronic payment system that came online on May 23 2016. The new BRICS CIPS electronic payment system of CIPS was active. The old western banking system called SWIFT would not be able to access and exchange the new gold-backed Yuan.

205. Also on May 23 2016 US financial markets were switched over to the new gold backed money, as was every bank account in the US system of finance. All Americans were now operating safely inside of the new BRICS system with no meaningful or immediate changes to day to day financial activities.

206. On May 24 2016 the new monetary system had still not gone into effect. On that same day a Benjamine Fulford published, "The man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, according to his close relatives as well as the CIA. Baron Rothschild is the head of the Khazarian mafia referred to as Octopus that controls the issuance of US dollars, Euros, Japanese yen and many other currencies, not including the Chinese yuan, or the Russian ruble. If Baron Rothschild does not contact the White Dragon Society to negotiate a compromise within 24 hours of this newsletter being published, the WDS will offer 1 ton of gold, available for pick up in Hong Kong, to anybody who can persuade him to get out of the way."

207. Evidently the glitch in the system was corrected when on May 25 2016 Fulford published, "The Rothschilds have contacted the White Dragon Society so the 1 ton gold offer has been suspended. Negotiations are proceeding."

208. All 208 sovereign nations of the world were now expected to diplomatically, militarily and financially recognize the Republic of the United States and their US Notes and Treasury Reserve Notes as being gold and asset backed under the new BRICS system.

209. The USA, Inc, and all of it's agencies were no longer to be acknowledged on the global stage.

210. Under the new US Republic the US Federal Reserve banking system was closed. The Fed was owned by a British foreign corporation and its monies had not been governed by the people, for the people. There were insufficient federal government controls over detailed physical performance and day-to-day operation of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency. Here were excerpts from a court case connected to NESARA that proved the Federal Reserve system's illegal status.

211. Under that US Supreme Court ruling connected to NESARA it was ruled that US banks should be independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations. The Fed would be replaced by a system of Treasury Banks which issued the new US Notes and Treasury Notes that were asset and gold-backed.

212. Under the new US Republic the IRS and corrupt judges would be dealt with.

213. Under the new US Republic the Bar Association and all US attorneys would have to renounce their Bar Oath to the Temple Bar of London and become lawyers, but they couldn't be considered attorneys anymore.

214. Under the new US Republic the individual governments of the 50 states would remain in place.

215. The North American Union would be done and Washington D.C. would be dis-incorporated.

216. Pope Francis has fired five of the Cardinals out of the Vatican Bank which controlled the world currency before instigation of BRICS.

217. The new US Republic Military was in the process of reclaiming all military installations.

218. The purpose of the new US Republic was to function as a restored Constitutional Government as established pre-Civil War.

219. See this trailer of a soon-to-be released documentary about corruption in the Federal Reserve, "Eagle One to Wanta":

220. There was a three hour feature documentary film produced about the US monetary system and it's relationship to the Cabal, CIA, 9-11 (which happened as an intial Global Currency Reset was to take place), Presidents Johnson and Bushes and the assassination of President Kennedy. Right before Kennedy was murdered, he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve: 


WATCH – Charlie Daniels Issues THIS Warning to Terrorists, Millions Agree!

With all the bloviating about what a great deal they made with the Islamofascists of Iran, one would think Barack Obama and John Kerry got the Ayatollahs to destroy their nuclear program, take off their turbans, grab a beer, and watch Animal House.

Alas, for all their Progressive efforts, Americans are more threatened by Islamofascists than ever. But country music legend Charlie Daniels has a message for the Ayatollahs and their henchmen: “You’ve never met America. And you ought to pray you never do.”

In one of the series of spectacular ads put out by the National Rifle Association, Charlie Daniels addresses the Islamofascists of Iran and their terror-minded jihadi brethren directly saying, “You might have met our fresh-faced flower-child President and his weak-kneed Ivy League friends, but you haven’t met America.”
In a message that anyone can hear loud and clear, Daniels takes us from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea, introducing – if only in a cursory manner – the sand-eating death-merchants to those who would kick their behinds all the way back to the sand pits of the Middle Ages from whence they came.

He talks about the people of America’s heartland, or as the elitist establishment politicians (both Progressive and sell-out) call if, “fly-over country, who will – without hesitation – defend this nation with their “bloodied, callous bare hands, if that’s what it takes.”

Daniels paints a picture of hard-working honest wage making every day Americans – from steelworkers to hard-rock miners to swamp folks in Cajun country “who can wrestle a full-grown gator out of the water” – who would gladly face down the tyrannies of Sharia Law should it imposition come treading on our shores.

He introduces the cowards who hide in the shadows, who use women and children as human bombs, to the determined and committed farmers, the self-sufficient cowboys, persevering the loggers and truck drivers who would travel hundreds of miles in hours to defend the innocent against the oppression offered at the hand of Islamofascism.

Daniels points to the “mountain men who live off the land, and the brave cops who fight the good fight in the urban war zones,” as warning signs to the terror-minded that no matter the carnage they would effect on the American people, we will never give up; we will never surrender; and we will never live under Islamic law.

Listening to Daniels speak those words made me proud to be among those considered the “Three Percenters” (those who would gladly pick-up a weapon to defend our American freedoms).

No, Mr. Ayatollah and the rest of you pathetic death cult followers, you damn well haven’t met America. And Charlie Daniels is absolutely right. You ought to pray you never do.

Click here to get my DAILY Trump email newsletter free!!
What did you think of Charlie Daniels new spot for the NRA? Please share the story on Facebook and tell us what you think because we want to hear YOUR voice!


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diamond + Diamond Merchant Banking Group <>
Date: Sat, May 28, 2016 at 10:59 AM

Attached hereto is the written funding offer to Mother Ellas  from Ambassador & Secret Agent, Mr. Lee Emil Wanta.
I am sending a copy of this message to the Ambassador Wanta.
Please make 1-2-3 copies of the attachment herein which represents the official funding offer Ambassador Wanta made to Mr. Tsipras and his administration on August 14, 2015, and, these so called gentlemen did not have the decency or courtesy to send a thank you note to Ambassador Wanta.

I am sure, the 4 year tenor can be extended, to whatever tenor will be helpful to settle this so called debt matter. [ if this was a sticking point ].
Any payment to these so called creditors will be made "in protest" so as we serve notice to them, that we are going after them, for their participation in this conspiracy and organized criminal acts against Mother Ellas, Ellines, & Ellinismos.
When you meet with the Ministers on Monday, please put it - the funding offer - in front of him / them - [ if - since he probably complain that "we are short of funds for this, and this, and this, and this...], and let us see what he/they will say, when the funding offer from Ambassador Wanta, is in front of them again.
I am sure Ambassador Wanta, would renew the offer, with a new, current date, of this was their only "sticking point". I am willing to bet, that he would also lower the rate of interest, in the event this was another sticking point. And, further, I am sure he would even increase the amount, if needed, [ in the event this was another sticking point ].
I am certain, Ambassador Wanta, "will format an offer they cannot refuse", to help, assist, support, and enhance Mother Ellas, Ellines, & Ellinismos.
Should they wish that Ambassador Wanta present himself personally to the Administration, to reconfirm the offer, I am sure he would organize such.
Should you have any questions, please inform.

Best  Always,
Anthony Diamond.

Diamond + Diamond Merchant Banking Group

The Burden of War

An interesting look at who the burden of war falls upon the most in modern times. As the United States military shifted to an all volunteer force over the years the burden of war has fallen on a smaller percentage of the population. It’s very easy for politicians to get into wars and send someone else to fight them. It’s seems much more difficult for politicians to take care of those who they sent to fight their wars.

Mike Norris - Call To Action - Amerigeddon: The Movie Hollywood Tried To Block

Mike Norris - Call To Action



              Theaters Amerigeddon is currently running in:


Harkin's Arrowhead Fountains 18, 16046
N. Arrowhead Fountains Ctr. Dr., Peoria, AZ 85382

Scottsdale 101, 7000 East Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85054


Prescott Valley 14, 7202 Pav Way, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314


AMC Highlands Ranch 24, Highlands Ranch

AMC Westminster 24, Westminster

Grand Rapids

Loeks Celebration River Town 20, Grandville, MI

Las Vegas

Cinemark's Las Vegas Suncoast 16, Las Vegas, NV


Regal's Stone Creek @ Piper Glen Stadium 22, Charlotte, NC

Oklahoma City

AMC Quail Springs Mall 24, Oklahoma City, OK


AMC Crossroads 20, Tulsa, OK


AMC Grapevine Mills 30, Grapevine, TX

AMC Mesquite 30, Mesquite, TX

Santikos Silverado, Tomball, TX

Cinemark Movies 16, Lubbock, TX

AMC Galaxy 16, Waco, TX

Magnetic Generators - A Real Alternative to Solar Power

Magnetic Generators - A Real Alternative to Solar Power

magnetic electricity generatorIf you’re interested in alternative energy and saving money, you've no doubt thought about looking into solar power. While solar power is still the first choice for many people, magnetic energy is becoming increasingly popular. Despite it's many advantages over solar power, magnetic energy will always be less popular for the simple reason that magnetic generators can't be bought, they have to be built.
Using the power of magnetism to produce free energy is nothing new. In fact it's been possible since Tesla discovered it. It's only recently though that it has actually started gaining popularity as an alternative to solar power for home energy.

The Tesla Magnetic Generator Review

magniwork inventorsThis review is going to look at the Tesla Magnetic Generator. John Christie and Lou Brits from Cairns in Australia (pictured to the right) were the first to invent a home magnetic generator that could be easily replicated by just about anyone with basic DIY skills. Their efforts to actually bring the generator to market failed because of opposition from various electrical power companies. There is an interesting video on their website where you can learn more about the conspiracy theories behind it.
This resulted in them deciding to release their plans as a down-loadable package that anyone could buy via the Internet and then build their very own magnetic generator. The Tesla Magnetic Generator plans proved to be a good idea as John and Lou are now millionaires and their plans have been downloaded and used to build close to a million home magnetic generators around the world.

What Do You Get For Your Money?

magnetic generator plansAfter you've made your payment you get to instantly download your plans which usually takes under one minute depending on your connection speed.
The plans consist of 143 pages of extremely detailed and yet very easy to follow information, which is a rarity when it comes to things like this.
The one other thing that you get it is access to a 24 hour help line where you can get technical advice and help if you run into problems. I had to use it once when I built my first magnetic generator and they helped me sort out my problem right away and were very helpful.
They even contacted me about a week later to see how my generator was progressing. This really is a support service that can help you out if you run into difficulties.

Print Your Plans!

Although you could take a laptop into your garage or where ever you are going to build your magnetic generator and work from it like that, the best advice I can give you is to print the plans out on normal printer paper so that you have them on hand.
As I said, the plans are really easy to work from, but that doesn't mean everyone will be able to build their own generator..

Can Anyone Build a Magnetic Generator With These Plans?

I would like to say yes, but the truth is you're going to need a little bit of DIY experience. Don't let me put you off though as building the generator isn't really that hard if you know how to use a screw driver, hammer and other standard DIY tools.
There are no special tools required and no special techniques. If you are the kind of person that can work from plans or blue prints then you'll be able to build a magnetic generator without any trouble.

Does it Work?

In short, the answer is YES! It does work and if you build a decent sized magnetic electric generator, then it really can power your whole house. I personally opted to build a smaller version of the magnetic generator as it was my first attempt.
Once I wired it into my regular power supply it reduced my electricity usage by just over 30% which really impressed me! I'm now constructing the full scale version which will still easily fit in the cupboard under the stairs! I can't tell you how excited I am about it and how much money it's gonna save me!

Some People Say it Doesn't Work

So why then are there reports that it doesn’t work and that a perpetual energy generator is impossible?
The reason is that the Tesla Magnetic Electric Generator still requires a battery to start the perpetual motion. It’s no secret and on the demonstration video where the inventors are seen starting the generator via a battery. When the magnetic electric generator was first marketed it should have read ‘Free Energy’ and then in small print except that it takes a small battery charge to start the device!
People who say that a magnetic electric generator won’t work are really just splitting hairs because by using a battery to start the device it will generate enough electricity to power your whole house. Maybe they are just solar energy sales people that are peeved off that Solar Energy is now old hat.

Are There Other Magnetic Generators Plans?

Since Tesla launched their magnetic generator plans there have been a lot of other copy cat companies releasing their own plans. None of these match the quality of the Tesla plans are most importantly, they don't include the 24 hour support line which is basically your guarantee that you can get the Tesla magnetic generator upa and running and powering your home.


electricty billIt's not as easy as buying some solar panels, but building your own magnetic generator is a lot more fun and the results really do put solar power in to the shade!! After all, there's no way you can go completely "off the grid" with solar energy.
Magnetic generators are definitely going to be the most popular home alternative energy source in the coming years.
Building it was fun and the one time we had to call the support line, they were very helpful and sorted out our problem right away. When we had the first generator up and running we soon wired it into our existing power supply without any problems thanks to the easy to follow instructions.
All the parts needed to build the magnetic generator were easy to get hold of, just like the advert said. I'm confident that no matter where you live you'll be able to find the parts needed, they really are just standard parts. You can find more detailed information about this at
Another plus is the 60 day money back guarantee which covers you for everything.
If you want a much superior alternative to solar power and you're up for building your own generator then you're going to have a lot of fun building it and you're going to save a lot of money in electricity bills!
The magnetic generator comes highly recommended for anyone who wants to save a huge amount of cash on electricity bills!

magnetic generator plans

Go to the Tesla website for more information.


****ANONYMOUS 2**** 



We have been told several times in recent weeks that the Federal Reserve is now out of business??  Yet employees of the cabal’s Federal Reserve (Rothschild loyalists) are now working inside the Treasury of the new Republic in Reno?  Who put the cabal Fed Res foxes in the new Republic’s hen house Treasury?  WHY would you EVER put cabal Federal Reserve treasury agents to work inside the Treasury of the new Republic?   How stupid is that? By doing this the Rothschild cabal is in control of the Treasury of the Republic, stopping the movement and release of the Republic’s funds for operation…

We are being told repeatedly that Dunford is not yet funded?  And Dunford cannot get anything done because he doesn’t have any money in the Republic’s trust account?  And yet we have been told several times in recent weeks that Dunford HAS been funded by the Chinese and that the Chinese want the Republic activated and announced immediately with resulting mass arrests of traitors and cabalists, and yet that has not been done.  Our question is WHY NOT?  And what is the TRUTH about the funds for the Republic?

The Constitution provides that when the ‘government’ needs to be dissolved, the united States military has not only the authorization but the duty to remove them.  Nothing is stated that any money has to be in a bank account to authorize the military to remove the offending government. This is why they take a oath….. If we are wrong show us the rule on this!!!!

Forget about the ‘guru’ reports.  What GOOD have they done? WHEN has ANYTHING they have predicted actually come forth as being accurate?  These self proclaimed ‘gurus’ issue false ‘news’ after phony reports, all kinds of false hype such as getting everyone worked up about receiving 800 numbers and getting your suitcase ready to travel.  Then there are the ‘dinarian’ idiots (Gur-fools) working feverously to purchase that last package of zim or dong or dinars when what they have isn’t ENOUGH already?? GREED!  HOW MUCH MORE do these people need to HAVE ENOUGH!  WHEN is ENOUGH ENOUGH?? HOW are they EVER going to spend the millions, billions, trillions of dollars they are all recounting on a regular basis and gleeing over, and expecting to receive from their exchanges. There is no way one can spend that kind of money in our short lifetimes.  Sadly, most people speak of what they are going to buy – for THEMSELVES – and NOT about what they have plans to do to HELP THOSE IN NEED.  Right now with all the damage being done across the nation from all the horrific storms, GMO’ed food, Chemtrailed air and all the illnesses they cause, vaccines, filthy water with fluoride and all manner of toxic chemicals, stupid so called medical doctors freely dispensing prescriptions upon which they receive kickbacks/ commissions from the drug companies ….etc, etc…..there are plenty of people in need RIGHT NOW and ‘dinarians’ continue to talk about the huge mansions they are purchasing for themselves, and all the properties and cars and vacations, etc. they are going to take when their bank accounts are full of money.  Little to nothing is being planned or discussed about their plans for housing, even if temporary, and soup kitchens, food suppliers and medical care for those in need RIGHT NOW. The greed espoused by these folks is just as bad as the ‘elitist’ cabal members that they are envious of and attempting to duplicate in their own lives ….

We are going to hold ALL members of the fake congress and all responsible in the military for ALL damage to human life and property for allowing the cabal / military to continue to use the 20 or so new HAARP warfare facilities to cause collateral damage across this nation because they have not yet been taken down.

Many HAARP towers have been identified leading from Houston northward right  through Dallas and Fort Worth as well as in surrounding areas. Military, we ORDER you to turn them off or TAKE THEM DOWN!  These are being used as warfare against America.  STOP the ‘politically correct’ position and GET THE JOB DONE!  You are working for the American people – NOT THE CABAL - during this restoration of our Republic.  As it stands right now, you are helping the cabal succeed in the continuance of their evil destructive plans by playing by THEIR rules.  IT IS TIME TO TAKE THE GLOVES OFF AND TAKE THEM OUT AND IF YOU CAN’T DO THAT, AT LEAST PROVIDE COVER FOR OUR MILITIA AS THEY ARE PREPARED, READY AND WAITING IMPATIENTLY FOR THE ‘GO’ TO TAKE OUT THESE AHO’S AND GET THE REPUBLIC RESTORED AND IN FULL OPERATION!!!

The disinformation about the Republic about everything from who is the interim president, whether funding has been provided or not, whether the TRNs are in the banks and activated or not, arrests being done or not, who is in the White House and who is not, where the NEW Republic is to be located and operational and when, announcements to be made about everything from TRNS to PP packages to exchanging, to who is using excessive toilet paper and who is not.  One day ‘this’ has been done and the next day it has NOT been done, BUT….. 

The situation with the restoration of the Republic is the same as with the continuing gur-fool reports.  Every day the reports are changed and no one knows what the heck is truth and what is fiction / deception, even to the point that allot of the confusion appears to be coming from those ‘closely associated’ with the Republic officers.   If these reports continue to be as confusing and ridiculous as they are currently, then what hope do the American people have that the restoration of the Republic will EVER be successful much less the opportunity to exchange their currencies – regardless of whatever plans the dinarians have for the funds once in their bank accounts.  How are we to have confidence in the leadership of the Republic when there are so many conflicting stories  and by all appearances it looks like absolutely NOTHING constructive has been or is now being accomplished? We are tired of lip service without evidence. We have heard that our resurrected Republic and its Constitution has now become a French cabal corporation???  Can someone please clarify??





Published on May 17, 2016
Urgent to share! Take a look! Please Watch this video! 
The FEMA CAMPS MARTIAL LAW proof evidence! 
Please share!! 
All people need to see this! 
Share… let's share urgent 

* It's time for ACTIVATE FEMA CAMPS (approach is imminent)

ALL American people need to see this




FRIDAY MAY 27 2016 

 NYC Has 32 Different Gender Identities

If you are wondering where president Obama is taking America, look no further than his recent quote: The End of The Republic Never Looked So Good

New York City has just passed an ordinance as a test where there are 31 different “Gender Identities” an employer must be aware of and will be now forced to consider hiring before looking elsewhere.

Here is the list:

1) Bigendered
2) Cross Dresser
3) Drag King
4) Drag Queen
5) Femme Queen
6) Female -To - Male
7) FTM
8) Non-op
10) Pangender
11) Transsexual/Transexual
12) Trans Person
13) Woman
14) Man
15) Butch
16) Two-spirit (Demon Possessed)
17) Trans
18) Agender
19) Third Sex
20) Gender Fluid
21) Non-Binary Transgender
22) Androgyne
23) Gender Gifted
24) Gender Blender
25) Femme
26) Person Of Transgender Experience
27) Androgenous
28) MTF
29) Non-Op
30) Genderqueer
31) Gender Blender

So here is how YOUR state sees this type of hiring:

When an employer now looks at an employee they must hire off of a Point System - the person with the most points wins.  Experience, honesty, intelligence do not matter and veterans points do not matter any more:

Female: 1
Non-Whites - 1
Disabled Veteran - 1
Disabled Vet 30% War Time - 2
Gay - 2 ½
LGBT Gay - 2 ½
Any of the above other than a man or woman - 2 ½

So suppose you own a Bagal Shop in Manhattan and you need a new employee to run the CASH Register. A Minority Woman walks in with a criminal record and she cannot read or add or subtract - and she has committed rape, murder, child molestation
and stolen from her employers many times and been convicted for all of the above.

As a non-white woman she walks in with 2 points

Now suppose she claims on her Employment Form - which YOU are obligated now to fill out - wasting an hour of your time that she is a “Gender Queer” -- this adds 2 ½ more points to her resume’ and the state now requires you to hire a “Rehabilitated Criminal” on probation --- yes - this is happening all over.

So this potential employee now has 4 ½ points and is a convicted rapist, murderer and child molester and reveals this openly in the interview

She has no experience, lied in the interview and, like many perverted people, has a venereal disease and more than likely HIV and wants to work at serving food.

If you do not hire her the City of New York, the County, the State of New York or even the US Department of Labor can simply shut you down and take every thing away you own - yes - they now fine Business Overseers and CAN take away your 401K and your house.

Think this is a Joke?

Three Governors ago I sat in the Washington State Governors Office of Mike Lowry (Surprised to see Washington State had a Business License on the wall) and had Doug Tanabe - the Governor’s Chief Hiring Expert - explain this to me

This has been on the works for over 40 years - ever since George Bush Senior stepped into the White House
In addition - the Obama Administration has ordered streets, power lines, sewers, and other infrastructures outside of cities to not be repaired, thus forcing higher taxes on rural homes, farms, ranches, etc -- thus forcing people into cities.

These actions are identical to the Soviet Tax Structure found in the USSR in 1925-27 that caused the Great Famine of 1933-35.
And creating a Third World Nation.

Russia has yet to recover from the actions of Stalin 90 years ago.
If you visit there, you will see how poor the poor really are

The idea of a small farm in the suburbs is now dead in America.

Prepare for Slavery
We now have a complete break down of society - 40 years of Nazhonal Zozhaleesm (NAZI, FASCISM) running this nation, The Bush/Clinton/Bush/ Obama destruction of America.
Hitler Wins

If the banks close this weekend to be “Re-adjusted” we are all in deep trouble.

Pray that those responsible for these actions are severely disciplined immediately before any more damage is done

Turn back to GOD

Prepare Your Families for what is coming

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


Warning: Don’t Reboil Water Ever Again!

Warning:   Don’t Reboil Water Ever Again! 

by Get Holistic Health

It’s something they never taught us in chemistry class, but really should have. When we boil water, the chemistry of it changes, which is usually a good thing as it boils out volatile compounds and dissolves gases. 

This is why boiling water mostly ensures that it’s safe to drink.

If water is left boiled too long or is reboiled, the chemical compounds change for the worst. By leaving your water to boil down, you’re actually concentrating many harmful chemicals instead of getting rid of them.

The same thing happens when you reboil water, as the compounds concentrate and increase the risk of ingesting certain chemicals.

These chemicals could include arsenic, nitrates, and fluoride. Even the minerals that are healthy for us can become dangerous when concentrated, such as calcium salt which can lead to kidney stones and gallstones when taken excessively.

The Destructive Effects of Reboiled Water

1. Arsenic

“Drinking-water poses the greatest threat to public health from arsenic,” states The World Health Organization (WHO).

Exposure to arsenic may lead to arsenic toxicity, which can develop physical effects slowly over a number of years, depending on the level of exposure.

Dangers of arsenic toxicity include peripheral neuropathy, gastrointestinal symptoms, skin lesions, diabetes, renal systems effects, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.

2. Nitrates

Nitrates are found naturally all over earth, in the soil, water, and air.  However, the chemical can become harmful when used as a food preservative, such as in deli meats, or when exposed to high heat, such as boiling water.

When nitrates are exposed to high temperatures, they convert to nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic.

Nitrates have been linked to many diseases such as leukemia,
non-Hodkin lymphoma, and different cancers, including colon, bladder, ovarian, stomach, pancreatic, and esophageal cancer.

3. Fluoride
Many studies have been done over the controversial chemical fluoride and its presence in drinking water. The fact is, it’s there and it could pose a threat to your health. Despite the proof of the dangerous effects of fluoride, the government insists to keep it in our water.

Harvard University took data from over 27 studies that were carried out for 22 years and linked fluoride exposure to neurological and cognitive function in children.

The results were published in the journal of Environment Health Sciences and concluded that fluoride found in drinking water resulted in lower IQ scored among children.

A more recent study completed in 2013 links fluoride to lower infertility rates in male mice.

Article sources: Proof



Published on May 27, 2016


Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg·Friday, May 27, 2016

Transcript: INDICTMENT OF HRM Elizabeth II


JUNE 2, 1953

CONTENTS June 2, 1953, Coronation Vows: "REIGN" VS. "RULE" Defaults in ROYAL COVENANT OBLIGATIONS as if nonexistent. Adding Efforts to Confuse the Public, a political strategy for world dominance Looking Away, "NOT-SEE"ing EU-HEGEMONY as Predation on Peoples.

--Pedophilia, Human-trafficking & Serial Wars, ALL in fact "just bidness," no one accountable for harm. --Debt & Class Bankruptcies, Bank Usury and investment fraud are running rampant, uncorrected.

--Wars for profits & prophets occur for PC-population reduction en masse, genocide & omnicide at work.

-Radiological Contamination. The Crown is a primary purveyor, processor & marketing agency for reactive and depleted uranium used in fission reactors and armaments in the world. LAWS of Marriage and Bloodline. Tavistock Institute's Goal to OVERRULE Morality & Civil Ethics. UNESCO's Common Core Sex Ed Curricula Parties of the First Part, in the Royal Succession. Looking to a Future to Live In.

June 2, 1953, Queen's Coronation Vows: "REIGN" VS. "RULE"

Transcript of the original Coronation video, herein is the dialogue between the Queen and officials of the Church of England at Her Majesty's Coronation. . . . dedicating herself before God, to the service of her subjects."

"Madam, is Your Majesty willing to take the Oath?"

[HRM states] : "I am willing." "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland--Canada, Australia, New Zealand, . . . according to their respective laws and customs?"

[HRM states] : "I solemnly promise so to do." "Will you to your power, cause Law and Justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?"

[HRM states] : "I will." "Will you, to the utmost of your power, maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the gospel? "Will you to the utmost of your power, maintain in the United Kingdom, the Protestant Reformed religion established by law? “Will you maintain and preserve invoil­able, the settlement of the Church of England--and the doctrine, worship, discipline and government thereof, as by Law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and of the churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?"

[HRM states] : "All this I promise to do." . . .

[HRM states] : "The things which I have herebefore promised, I will perform and keep, so help me God." 


Muslims feed live humans to vicious dogs

Muslims Take Human Beings And Feed Them Alive To Vicious Dogs

ISIS terrorists are feeding people to dogs, alive, as we read in one report:

The ISIS used dogs in a new violent method of punishing its members as it has recently executed several leaders by giving them to dogs to be eaten to death.
A Peshmerga commander on Gwer frontline said that IS has recently executed a number of its leaders on charges of failing to accomplish their chief duties.
Hasan Khala Hasan, the Peshmerga commander, said that IS has reportedly tied the leaders to trees and used dogs to maul them to death.
IS used this violent method of executing its members to frighten other members to strictly follow the rules and commands.
Dler Ahmed, a Kurdish sociologist, explained that "IS employs frightening methods as a principle of the organization to achieve its aims."
“IS uses any members who are thought to be of no use for the organization to frighten other members.”
"The frightening method affects only the members of the organization and it will leave no effect on anti-IS forces," he added.  ??!! 
(NO? Is Ahmed implying that all their other inhumane methods of execution are not frightening nor extremely painful?  Among the many methods ISIS / Muslims use to execute - they burn people live, dousing them with gasoline or diesel and striking matches, or crucify upside down, or cut off heads and body parts, and cut out body organs, drink blood and eat the hearts - a much more 'humane method' to execute?? 

Iraq: Muslims continue their demonic slaughter of innocents

Muslims Slaughter 120 People, They Kill So Many Victims That Pools Of Blood Begin To Form

By on May 26, 2016 

ISIS terrorists in Iraq slaughtered 120 people, killing so many that small pools of blood began to form, as we read in one report:
Up to 120 people have died in large-scale suicide bombings in two Syrian towns on the Mediterranean coast, human rights agencies have said, with the Islamic State terror group taking responsibility for the slaughter.
BBC News reported that the attacks occurred in the port city of Tartous and in Jableh, a town to the north, which are two of President Bashar al-Assad’s strongholds.
While state media have said that at least 78 people have been killed so far, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported from sources on the ground that there are at least 73 people dead in Jableh, and another 48 in Tartous.
Sana, the state news agency, said that the majority of the victims in Jableh are women and children.
The suicide blasts targeted several locations, including Jableh’s bus station, the entrance of the emergency department at Jableh National Hospital, and the offices of the town’s electricity directorate.
Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi argued that IS is resorting to attacking through suicide bombs because it is unable to fight Syria’s Army.
“We will not be deterred,” he told al-Ikhbariya TV. “We will use everything we have to fight the terrorists.”
Hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians have died in the ongoing civil war in the country, though there are disputes about the exact number. Assad’s government has been fighting both the spread of IS alongside various other Islamic rebel groups seeking to take it out of power.
The car bombing killed mostly civilians as it ripped through a crowded market, targeting Shiite Muslims, which the terror groups considers heretics.
Reuters said in its report of the Baghdad bombing that rescue workers had to step though “puddles of blood” to put out fires and save victims, with several shops ablaze. mpaign=Feed%3A+shoebat+%28Walid+Shoebat%29


Re: Hague Notice of Fraud, Order to Cease and Desist

Judge in International Capacity, Justice at Home — Unanswered Letters 19 — for Patriot Jenn
The Alaska State Superior Court is the “undelegated” side of the Alaska State Court, which the people are owed under The Alaska Statehood Compact—-otherwise, the Compact would be both illegal and unlawful.  The two sides of the court can be invoked separately and in fact have to be invoked separately.
To better understand this remember that the actual Constitution delegated only nineteen strictly enumerated functions to the “Federal Government”—all in the international jurisdiction of the sea. Article X reserved all other undelegated rights, duties, functions and prerogatives in all jurisdictions including the jurisdiction of the sea, either to the states (meaning the states on the land) or the people of the land.
Thus the states on the land and the people retain the exercise of all undelegated powers owed to them in international jurisdiction as well as plenary control of their national (land) jurisdiction.  The actual state court acting under the Organic and Public Law is charged to fill and serve that “undelegated” international jurisdiction as well as the actual state (national) jurisdiction requirements.
Thus I have duties as a Judge in international jurisdiction and duties as a Justice of the Peace as you have described.
In the international jurisdiction it is my duty (and sometimes pleasure) to stomp on trespasses and usurpations against the sovereignty of the actual states and people made by foreign governments, including the foreign Federal United States Government and its franchises.  In the national (state) jurisdiction it is my honor to serve as a Justice of the Peace for those who wish to live under the American Common Law as American State Nationals.
In the international jurisdiction under Article X, therefore, I act as a Judge and operate under international law in behalf of the nation-state of Alaska. As most of the misunderstandings and conflicts we currently face are in this foreign jurisdiction this is where I spend the majority of time and this is most often the office I occupy.  And that is why you see orders by me signed as a “Judge”.
I very much hope that in days to come you will see me listening to the vows of happy young people planning a life and family together and recording their marriage on the public records of the land of their birth. You may be sure that I would be signing those records as a Justice of the Peace.


Queen Elizabeth - CloakedTruth
In the second week of May 2014, British soldier Vivian Cunningham was drugged and institutionalized against his will. Apparently, his “crime” on May 6 was daring to ask superiors about Queen Elizabeth’s outstanding arrest warrant.
The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964.

On May 10th, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State was asking concerned citizens to demand Cunningham’s immediate release. The ITCCS successfully prosecuted Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping, along with 50,000 cases of other missing children.
Regiment soldier Cunningham had innocently questioned a senior officer about Queen Elizabeth’s arrest warrant, only to be committed to a mental care unit in Stafford England.
He was injected with an atypical anti-psychotic drug olanzapine under orders of Captain Murrell and Doctors Khan and Sema. The soldier was committed for six months to the St. George Hospital Psychiatric Unit with a “diagnosis” of suffering from an acute psychotic episode.
“Queen Elizabeth had direct involvement in the kidnapping and death of aboriginal children” it was reported on the ITCCS website. “Royal Family members also appeared to regularly participate in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rituals at the Mohawk Indian School in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.”
In April, a second international trial began in Brussels on global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult.
A court document had been filed indicating that in Jan. 2012 UK Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby acted under the direction of Queen Elizabeth to destroy forensic remains of a Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child homicide. Two eyewitnesses have testified that as children they were present during this same murder of a native child.
The satanic rite evidently occurred in a sub basement catacomb under the west wing of the Canadian Branton Ontario Mohawk Indian residential school. The two eyewitnesses alleged that they saw a young girl being bound to an altar.
The five or six year-old child was gagged, repeatedly raped, killed, disemboweled and dismembered. Her blood was consumed by nine red-robed figures that included a member of the British Royal Family.
Unfortunately Cunningham was not alone in his victimization after exposing these Ninth Circle Satanic Cult activities. Several incarcerations and even a death appeared to surround exposures of Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping case.
Former Kamloops School resident William Combes died after a 2010 radio interview where he discussed witnessing Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip leave the school with his ten friends and fellow Kamloops residents.
Directly after the interview the healthy Combes was ordered to report for tests at the Vancouver St. Paul’s Catholic hospital. There he was given an injection that put him into a coma. Within hours and without consent of his family members, Combes was permanently pulled off life support.
British citizen David Compan was another victim of whistleblowing against Queen Elizabeth. In 2013 he was twice arrested, as was his wife. Compan’s “crime” was daring to post Queen Elizabeth’s arrest warrant on a Catholic Church.
Compan was never charged, but accosted, drugged and incarcerated in the London Park Royal Mental Health Center. After several days of protests irate citizens secured the couple’s release. Compan discussed the incarceration in this video.
Last October in Kitchener Ontario Canada Steve Finney was trying to expose this same Ninth Circle Satanic Cult case on 50,000 missing native children that included Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping charges-conviction. Finney was arrested without cause and held in prison for three days. Protests around the globe organized by the ITCCS appeared effective in Finney’s release.
“Like my friends Combes, Compan and Finney, Cunningham is being cruelly drugged and imprisoned against his will because he simply mentioned the existence of a citizens arrest warrant against Queen Elizabeth” stated Kevin Annett of the ITCCS.
“As a British soldier and citizen, Cunningham has now become a Prisoner of Conscience at the hands of the British Crown in an effort to hide proven crimes of the Royal Family.”
Annett himself has felt the wrath of Queen Elizabeth. In 2013 when Annett was in London attending a rally for the 50,000 missing children, he was detained, held in jail overnight, then deported – all done without being charged.
In March the ITCCS began a second prosecution on global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Five international judges and 27 jury members were scheduled to hear the testimony of at least 16 adult survivors who have come forward to expose their witness to child kidnapping and murder.
The first prosecution in the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels concerned 50,000 missing native Canadian children and included Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping case.
The court’s Feb 2013 guilty verdict by six international judges on 40 global elites appeared to influence the resignation that same week, of Pope Joseph Ratizinger.
By Judy Byington, Child Abuse Recovery;
Judy Byington is the author of Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities.” The book documents how the only known survivor-intended-victim of a modern-day human sacrifice ceremony six year-old Jenny Hill, overcomes multiplicity resulting from brainwashing, her perpetrators having subjected the child to insidious mind-control techniques culled from Nazi Germany.