Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Big News Will Be Coming Soon

It's All Happening Under The Radar
Big News Will Be Coming Soon
Episode 1600b

Published on Jun 25, 2018
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Report date: 06.25.2018

NSA has hidden spy hubs all around the US. The Skripal's house is going to be purchased by the UK government using tax payer money. Italy is pushing back against Merkel and the rest of Europe is starting to break apart. North Korea receives coffins from the US. War drills have been permanently suspended in Korea. Sudan is has begun peace talks. The deep state airlifts two IS commanders out of Syria. Assad says he will push foreign troops out of his country and rebuild with money from his allies which means Russia and China. Big news will be coming out of the mid east, US troops are distancing themselves from the paid mercenary forces, the people in Syria do not want foreign troops in their country. In the next couple of months we will be hearing news about the soldiers coming out of Syria.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.

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Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

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Maxine Waters history of inciting mob violence

Maxine Waters has a history of inciting mob violence

Where did this all begin? And with WHOM?

June 26, 2018
Benjamin Baird

In one of the ugliest days in American history, California trucker Reginald Denny was pulled from his dump truck by a mob of Los Angeles-area gangsters and mercilessly beaten to the edge of death. His brutal assailants used a claw hammer, bricks and other blunt objects to break Denny’s jaw, shatter his eye socket and fracture more than 100 bones in his body.

Denny would join more than 2,000 others injured in the devastating 1992 L.A. riots which resulted in 63 deaths, 9,500 arrests and over $1 billion in property damages. Yet, when asked to reflect on those lawless days of bloody turmoil, California Rep. Maxine Waters (D) recalled that the violence was “understandable, if not acceptable” and called the riots “a defining moment in this country.” (AMEN! On behalf of the Marxist communist agenda to destroy this nation.)


Waters, who represented the Golden State’s 29th district at the time of the violent uprising on April 29, could have used her leverage as a black leader to discourage the anarchy.  Instead, even after the casualty count stood at nine killed and dozens wounded, Waters encouraged her community to fight on. (Does that demonstrate one who is working for peace on behalf of the black community and this nation?)

“There are those who would like for me and others and all of us to tell people to go inside, to be peaceful, that they have to accept the verdict,” she said, standing alongside representatives from the Congressional Black Caucus and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “I accept the responsibility of asking people not to endanger their lives. I am not asking people not to be angry.”

She continued, choking on her own bitter resentment. “I am angry and I have a right to that anger and the people out there have a right to that anger.”

That may have been true, but “the people out there” certainly didn’t have a right to burn down their neighbors small businesses or make off with big screen TVs and VCRs. (Nor 'the right' to assault and to cause the death of innocent people.)

Using a strategy that would be repeated following riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York City, Chicago, St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and a dozen other towns and cities, Waters insisted that the unrest in L.A. should be characterized as a politically-driven, justified reaction to oppression, rather than an opportunistic period of mob rule.

“If you call it a riot,” Waters maintained at the time, “it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable. So I call it a 'rebellion'.”

However, looters were not hauling off sofas to avenge Rodney King, and they certainly weren’t targeting Korean convenience store owners out of a desperate need for bread and diapers.

Even as Waters’ own district (which she does NOT LIVE IN by the way) was being torn asunder, she rejected Mayor Tom Bradley’s description of the vandals as “criminals” and “gangsters,” and insisted that the destruction be referred to as “an insurrection.”

Making heroes out of villains

A contemporary Washington Post report noted that black leaders like Waters “wandered from one television channel to another deploring what the King verdict had brought, but they were not seen on the streets imploring the mob to go home.” Indeed, they whipped their vigilante fury to bacchanalian heights by blaming the bloodshed on then president George H.W. Bush and LAPD Chief Daryl Gates.

Long after order was restored by the very police officers Waters loved to demonize, she took the unfathomable position of supporting a homicidal racist when she visited the family home of Damien Williams, the leader of the mob who attempted to murder Denny. Waters was present to show her support and celebrate with Williams’ mother, as her son was sent to prison on a single felony charge.

During a weekend rally in L.A., Maxine told supporters: "Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.

Just as she did over a quarter-century ago in her own district, Waters is exploiting the unspent anger and barely restrained violence held by her supporters and channeling this rage to satisfy her own political ends. It is no coincidence that her extremist call-to-action follows D-list celebrity Tom Arnold’s promise to make President Donald Trump’s 11-year-old son “uncomfortable” by showing up at his school, or actor Peter Fonda’s threat to rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and “put him in a cage with pedophiles.”

Waters is an accomplished race-baiter, an instigator-extraordinaire who will stop at nothing to see her bigoted worldview advanced to the detriment of her political foes.

The worst part? It’s only a matter of time before Waters yells “fire” in a crowded theater once again.

Unfortunately, Waters failed to learn from her mistakes, and continues to stand opposed to peaceful civil discourse. m=automated&utm_campaign=ci1&utm_source=boomtrain&utm_medium=automated&utm_campaign=ci1




First published at 12:17 UTC on June 26th, 2018 

Please share far and wide, credit or no credit. People asking to donate I say thanks but no thanks. We work for freedom only.

The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time.

You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story. These are people I trust to bring you the right information.

Look on Twitter for:
@_ImperatorRex_ (not a Q follower but predicts a lot accurately).
@josephmasepoes (me)

There are many others you can find, too. Don't be a sheep. They want you divided. They have been working to divide us forever. It's time to wake up and experience true freedom instead of the fake kind we have been living under.

The good guys, with control over the NSA, began the Q intelligence dissemination program to invoke an online grassroots movement that came to be called "The Great Awakening". It started on underground internet channels, then moved to the mainstream.

Q has been a fun distraction for those who follow world events and desire truth, but it is about to begin a much more important and necessary phase - keeping the public informed when the Deep State war breaks out onto the surface. By this, I mean high-profile arrests.

Yes, folks. The criminals I am referring to are famous politicians, actors, singers, CEOs and celebrities. People who have earned our trust, respect and admiration. They have done very bad things that are all fully known and documented, and they will be severely punished.

Those of us who have followed Q since the beginning will be here to help you make sense of the coming events. We are among the first to realize that our petty partisan divisions are just trivial distractions, and we are all enslaved by a hidden enemy.

We realize that the problem was never Capitalism or Socialism, Democrat or Republican, black or white, Muslim or Christian. We know it was just very powerful criminals who had too much power and were crushing us under debt and asinine entertainment.

Fellow slaves. It's time to buckle your seat belt, recognize your true enemy, and embrace a new future that we all owe to the brave patriots who risked their lives to achieve this victory against the greatest force of evil the world has ever seen.


Olive Oyl & PopEye


 June 26, 2018


My Name, My Name, My Name

By Anna Von Reitz

For all the mentally challenged people who just can't wrap their minds around the fact that my actual given Christian Name is: Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck, who can't say it, and who can't imagine the difficulties of living in the modern world with such a moniker or why I have multiple shorter versions of my name---without any intention or desire to deceive anyone about anything: give up right now.

You will never have the mental capacity to understand what I am telling the rest of the people.

Just go home and hope for the best.

Who or What is in Control of the "Federal Government"?

By Anna Von Reitz

I was having dinner with a very elite group of academics and high rent businessmen. Doctors, lawyers, and literally--Indian Chiefs, business moguls, heirs of great fortunes, clergymen of renown--- and suddenly, there was a brief silence.
Into that silence I heard my own voice tossing this innocent-sounding question: "Who or what do you think controls the Federal Government?"
Since the "Federal Government" has become a vast mish-mash of separate corporate interests and privatized agencies and foreign mostly British and French commercial conglomerates, this is a somewhat disingenuous question. I was asking it almost as a rhetorical query to see what they would all say.
The President, according to more than half of our experts, controls the Federal Government.
The Congress, according to about a quarter of the pundits.
Political Parties split the rest of the vote with "Private Business Interests".
Not one single person in that whole assembly came up with the actual correct answer, which is ---- the States.
Not the States of States. The States.
So while we are moaning and groaning and seeking answers, it seems that we need to do some remembering as well.
We, the People of this country, are in the process of reclaiming our birthright, We are assuming our proper political status and assembling our Counties and our States.
There are no "citizens" of our States, except those that serve our States in some public capacity or office, as I do. The Justices, Sheriffs, and other Public Officers are known as "State Citizens".
By definition, a "citizen" owes an obligation of service to the government, either voluntary or paid, but most people occupying our States are simply Minnesotans or Vermonters or Oregonians, New Yorkers, Floridians, Virginians and so on.
So far as the "United States" is concerned, we are known as United States Nationals, not United States Citizens, not citizens of the United States, and certainly not US CITIZENS.
This is not actually confusing. It's just different than what we have been taught and led to suppose.
To get to the truth about our government and how it is supposed to be organized -- and run --- and by whom -- requires us to delve far more deeply into our own history than US History 101.



Sheriff Clarke Sends Maxine Waters Back!

Sheriff Clarke Comes Forward, Sends Maxine Waters Back To Planet She Came From

June 25, 2018

Maxine Waters is in HOT WATERS after her latest political stunt she pulled on Sunday afternoon. Waters held a rally telling her supporters to confront and harass members of the Trump administration at a public rally. Maxine Waters is in HOT WATER after she said “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” (It appears Maxine would prefer to be subject to a 'leader' who would terrorize and torture a child, cut off her face, put the face over her own with the blood dripping down, seduce the child, and the help herself to the child's flesh and blood. Is THAT what the leftists/Naxis want for our nation? The nation has been taken over by the very demons that terrorized and murdered the people in the death camps in Europe during WW2. And this type of criminal behavior is only one of MANY the Clinton/Bush/Obama practice. ; )
It appears Maxine is trying to create a political divide to low informed people who will follow and listen to the propaganda garbage that flows out of her mouth. Liberals are leading their mob to an ugly place, and it will cost them in the midterms and when Trump is re-elected for President. In the past week, protestors have driven Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Trump adviser Stephen Miller out of Mexican restaurants in D.C., citing the administration’s policy that resulted in family separations at the southern border. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave The Red Hen in Lexington, VA by the restaurant’s owner for the same reason. Maxine Waters is drawing harsh criticism for her obnoxious comments, even from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who tweeted: “In the crucial months ahead, we must strive to make America beautiful again. Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea.” President Trump took to twitter Monday ripping Maxine after her stunt, calling her and extraordinary low IQ person. Additionally, Sheriff Clarke, one of Maxine’s worst critics, had something to say about her shameful stunt she pulled. He didn’t hold back. Sheriff Clarke took to twitter posting an article from from Washington Times and calling Maxine a “James Brown impersonator,” mentally unstable, and should have to undergo psychiatric evaluation. He said, “Maxine (Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag) Waters call for open warfare on people is a campaign of menace. If an angry crowd circles someone, that person should view that as a threat to their bodily security. People reserve the right to defend themselves.” And with a second tweet, Sheriff Clarke declared, “Maxine (James Brown Impersonator) Waters is mentally unstable and should have to undergo psychiatric evaluation. She should be called out for her GHETTO behavior by Speaker RYAN. HE’S AFRAID OF HER though. I don’t blame him either. That goof is DANGEROUS” Many are appalled at Maxine’s dangerous tactics and feel she needs to be held accountable. Additionally, if you would like to file a complaint on Maxine Waters, contact the office of Congressional Ethics.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Former Clinton Aide Indicted

Former Clinton Aide Indicted
for Child Trafficking
 June 26, 2018

Maxine Waters CAREER Just ENDED

Maxine Waters CAREER Just ENDED! 
After Congress Issued a Bill 
to FINISH HER Reign of Terror
June 26, 2018

A Thank You and a Call to Action

By Anna Von Reitz

 First, I want to very much thank everyone who has dug into their own "Cookie Jar" money and those who continue to do so, to help fund the operations of The Living Law Firm and make possible the progress of The American States and Nations Bank. 

Both efforts are crucial and both are still in desperate need of funds, because our fake government has made such a mess of things that our assets have been falsely involved in their corporate bankruptcies. I am still the Paymaster---- Paypal is: and mailing address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

The work load is unbelievable, so I very rarely get a chance to send written thank you notes, but I always FEEL the gratitude to each and every one of you and often send my silent wishes and blessings across the miles. 

The first important "Call to Action" is for everyone to reclaim their original birthright political status and get their Good Names solidly back on the land and soil jurisdiction of their State of the Union.  The second is to gather together and "populate" your County and State via the lawful assembly process.  Go to or contact

The third is my personal plea to all of you to take the time to check all the disinformation about me that is flooding the internet, thanks to my exposure of the banks and the Satanists and all the other crappola.  

Please note:  

1. I do not recommend that normal average Americans set up Treasury Direct Accounts (TDA's) which are meant for Federal employees and dependents and those who --- for reasons known only to God --- wish to buy Treasury Bonds. 

2.  I am not a Bar Attorney.  You can't be a Bar Attorney and serve in any capacity related to the land and soil jurisdiction of this country.  Thus I am not a "Judge" in their system.  Please note that there is a difference between the "Alaska State" and the "State of Alaska".  You have to be sharp enough to pick up on these differences or you will be misled and fed all sorts of poppycock. 

3. There is a difference also between the word "person" and the word "people" as I have recently pointed out yet again.  A "person" -- like a US citizen -- has no rights guaranteed by any Federal Constitution.  Only "people" have such guarantees.  So if you want the protections of the Constitutions you are heir to, run-don't-walk back to the land and soil of your birth and teach others to do the same.  

4. The UN Corporation is an evil thing, an uber-militaristic mercenary operation not to be confused with the United Nations organization.  

5. We haven't had an actual United States Treasury in this country since 1924.  The IMF has served as the treasury since 1946.  All mailings from entities pretending to be or to represent any US Treasury are fraudulent and need to be attacked under the provisions against mail fraud. 

6. This morning I was awakened by this blurb from Paul under the heading, "This one will get you going...." and this link: wiki/Judge_Anna

Obviously, whoever wrote this is in La-La-Land and "wiki" needs a wake up call.  But I don't have time to do it.  

Please, my readers, feel free to join in the real battle for planet Earth--- which is a battle of truth against lies and love against hate?  

Correct this "wiki" posting for me?  Let loose on "Virgotriad" and "Manna Trust" and all these other agents of disinformation?  Just squash them flat. I have given you all more than enough information to defend yourselves, and also enough to defend me, too. 

As it Began, So it Ends.....

By Anna Von Reitz

Back in the 1860's in England, an enigmatic figure played an incalculable role in destroying the lives of millions, if not billions of people. His name name was Benjamin Disraeli.
He was an infamous fop and dandy who became an elder statesmen in Britain, Lord of the Exchequer and Prime Minister. His debates with William Gladstone, his chief adversary, are still studied by those interested in Forensics. Those interested in the history of the modern world will study Disraeli, as I did in college, for other reasons.
The long and the short of it is that after Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria became disconsolate. Like King Solomon she despaired of any greater purpose for human life than the grave and became ensnared in a cynical and destructive frame of mind that meshed well with the wit and guile of a man like Disraeli.
Disraeli approached the Queen with a new scheme (or, to be honest, actually a very, very old scheme) to make money for the Crown and then use the financing to conquer India. It would, if one were cynical enough to do it, solve two problems at once -- the burgeoning economic and political power of the industrial working class, and the crimp in the royal coffers caused by losing the American Revolutionary War and War of 1812.
All you had to do, was "enfranchise" the working class and convince them that the ability to "vote" was a good thing.
They would be too ignorant and lazy to grasp why it was also a supremely bad thing.
While millions of British workers hailed Disraeli's enfranchisement as a step forward for the working class, he cynically and very quietly placed claims upon their names and estates, their lands and small businesses, and began using these formerly private assets as chattel to "hypothecate" debt and finance the Raj -- the vicious British mercenary forces sent to conquer India.
Hypothecation is a quintessentially evil--- and should be illegal ---process of making claims against someone else's property as chattel backing your own debts, without notifying them, and without formally taking title to the property. It's all done under the table, by a process of "debt assumption".
Thus the seizure of private property and the de facto enslavement of British workers via this process of enfranchisement was used to finance the conquest of another people half a world away and the entire Indian Subcontinent was soon under the iron hoof of Crown rule.
That's how the Babylonian Slave System got a new foothold in the modern world and how the current malaise began.
And now we are seeing how it ends.
As has been endlessly repeated, the Territorial and Municipal United States conglomerates have accrued a so-called National Debt of around 21 Trillion Dollars.
At the same time, the Pentagon has "lost" 21 Trillion Dollars.
Let me observe that in a "debt-credit" system, such as the one we have, it is impossible to accrue a debt ---national or otherwise -- because any debt is instantly expunged by a credit. Every single transaction generates an equal and opposite credit.
So when someone advances the idea that a 21 Trillion dollar National Debt exists, one should immediately ask --- what happened to the National Credit?
Now, we know. It was siphoned off and spent by the Pentagon, leaving the hapless American people who earned all that credit in the first place, still holding the bag.
And what was all that money actually used for? To subjugate the entire world, much as India was subjugated a century earlier, to the greed of the Royal Family and all their megalomaniac pals.
The Americans, Aussies, Canadians, Germans, Japanese, and others around the world were all "enfranchised" according to Disraeli's model. A surreptitious "assumed" title was taken against their names and labor and material property. Debt was hypothecated against these private assets. The resulting wealth was spent on expanding "American" military power, howbeit, all this military power was actually under the secretive, surreptitious command of the British Crown.
Because, remember, the British Territorial United States usurped upon our actual Federal Government in the wake of the Civil War and the Brits have been commandeering everything behind the scenes ever since.
It is well past time for these Odious Debts to be recognized for what they are, and for the British Interlopers and their Allies in this criminality, to be removed from our shores.
And you have a simple choice. Either correct the falsified political status records and reclaim your birthright political status, assemble with like-minded people and give face, force, and body to your land and soil jurisdiction counties and States --- or live as slaves of these criminals. Forever.
Their mental and moral illness has reached terminal velocity.
Either put a peaceable and public end to it, or suffer the consequences.
To get started, make your claim to your birthright part of the land jurisdiction record by recording it and re-conveying your Trade Name and all attached Assumed NAMES back to the land and soil of the state where you were born. See Article 928 on my website.
Next, assemble your Counties and your States. Get going by sending an email with your County and State as the subject line to, or by visiting the forums at
Then join the national reconstruction effort and the national teleconference call every Thursday at nine o'clock Eastern Standard Time: 1-712-770- 4160, access code 226823#.
For additional information about the "missing" National Credit that the Pentagon purloined, please see:…/ron-paul-heres-21-trillion-reas…

So Simple -- Person or People?

By Anna Von Reitz

 I have been carrying on a conversation for many days now with Americans who consider themselves "United States Citizens" yet insist on making references to the federal constitutions. 

These references almost always include the word "people" or "people's", such as the "people's right to peacefully assemble" or the "people's right to petition".  

The problem is that thanks to deliberate and self-interested falsification of the public records, nearly all of us have been misidentified as "persons", not "people".  

Until and unless we all wake up en masse and object, the vermin can get away with this----and it is very profitable for them, so they have no motivation short of law suits and pitchforks to stop making these insane false claims against us and continuing to act in Gross Breach of Trust. 

We must all grasp the fact that "United States Citizens" and especially Municipal "citizens of the United States" have NEVER had any recognized guarantees under any of the constitutions----and they still don't. 

So, are you operating in the capacity of a Territorial or Municipal United States citizen---- that is, as a "person" merely "residing" here on our shores, obligated to provide us with "essential government services"??? 

Or are you a native of a sovereign State of the Union, operating in the capacity of a United States National without any obligation of public servitude?  

In other words, are you a "person" or one of the "people" of this country?  

Bear in mind that PERSONS like "AMY MARIE MARTIN" are foreigners by definition and that they have no constitutional guarantees, can't own land in the actual States, and can't elect anyone to serve their interests in any lawful public election.  At most, they can act as shareholders and officers of corporations---- like "The United States of America, Inc." or the "UNITED STATES, INC." and participate as "voters" in elections hosted by "political parties".  

Is everyone on the same page?  Beginning to see how you've been "impersonated"?  And abused?

Obama/Clinton Were Cofounders of ISIS

Admitted: Obama/Clinton Were Cofounders of ISIS

Joe Scudder

ISIS was bolstered and armed by Barack Obama’s CIA as his deputy national security adviser reluctantly admitted.

There was reason why Donald Trump called out Obama/Clinton as the cofounders of ISIS. And it’s a reason that may explain why the intel community targeted Michael Flynn first. 

Trump chose Flynn and even floated the idea of making Flynn the vice-president. That was a bad idea but it proves that Flynn had a big impact on Trump.

And what did Flynn know? Hear for yourself:

Now the same person who interview Flynn just got to interview (and interrogate) Obama’s national security advisor:

Zero Hedge reports, “Ben Rhodes Admits Obama Armed Jihadists In Syria In Bombshell Interview.
In spite of Rhodes trying to dance around the issue, he sheepishly answers in the affirmative when Mehdi Hasan asks the following question about supporting jihadists in Syria:
“Did you intervene too much in Syria? Because the CIA spent hundreds of millions of dollars funding and arming anti-Assad rebels, a lot of those arms, as you know, ended up in the hands of jihadist groups, some even in the hands of ISIS. 
“Your critics would say you exacerbated that proxy war in Syria; you prolonged the conflict in Syria; you ended up bolstering jihadists.” 
Rhodes initially rambles about his book and “second guessing” Syria policy in avoidance of the question. But Hasan pulls him back with the following: “Oh, come on, but you were coordinating a lot of their arms.”  
The two spar over Hasan’s charge of “bolstering jihadists” in the following key section of the interview, at the end of which Rhodes reluctantly answers “yeah…” but while trying to pass ultimate blame onto US allies Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia (similar to what Vice President Biden did in a 2014 speech): 
MH: Oh, come on, but you were coordinating a lot of their arms. You know, the U.S. was heavily involved in that war with the Saudis and the Qataris and the Turks. 
BR: Well, I was going to say: Turkey, Qatar, Saudi. 
MH: You were in there as well. 
BR: Yeah, but, the fact of the matter is that once it kind of devolved into kind of a sectarian-based civil war with different sides fighting for their perceived survival, I think we, the ability to bring that type of situation to close, and part of what I wrestled with in the book is the limits of our ability to pull a lever and make killing like that stop once it’s underway. 
To our knowledge this is the only time a major media organization has directly asked a high ranking foreign policy adviser from the Obama administration to own up to the years long White House support to jihadists in Syria. 
Also see: 
Ben Rhodes Admits Obama Armed Jihadists In Syria In Bombshell Interview
Zero Hedge

Pope's Arrest Warrant Served

Pope's Arrest Warrant Served 

David Zublick Channel
Published on Jun 26, 2018

Pope Francis wanted for crimes against humanity including pedophilia, child sex trafficking and murder. An arrest warrant issued for the convicted pontiff. The shocked Francis is confronted in Geneva, Switzerland just hours before the scheduled sacrifice of an innocent your child in a Satanic ritual. The pope is shackled, and then…all hell breaks loose. Why haven’t you heard about it? Media blackout.

Sources for this story include, and Judy Byington: M.S.W, L.C.S.W, ret.; CEO, Trauma Research Center and Child Abuse Recovery Speakers Bureau; former Supervisor, Children Services, Alberta Mental Health; Clinical Director, Provo Family Counseling Center; Utah Child Welfare; CEO, Trauma Research Center; Author, Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities.

Plus… A mother has life saving medication for her 12 year old son seized by authorities at an airport. The boy suffers from epilepsy and has over 100 seizures a day. This life saving treatment could mean the difference between life and death. The mother’s plight causes international outrage…but the questions remain…is this natural substance really successful, and and if so, why is Big Pharma running scared? David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Interesting at cemetery while burying grandma

I buried grandma today. She lived 91 great years. As we were at graveside for the service I happened to look down into the hole and what did I see laying in the bottom? The lower half of a black plastic F.E.M.A. coffin. They lowered the casket down into the lower half of the plastic F.E.M.A. coffin then I noticed the top half laying on a wagon in the distance.

I wanted to put this out there and you can all formulate your own considerations on the black F.E.M.A. coffins seen being transported on big trucks.

Trump Prepares Rex 84 Martial Law Plan to Stop Fall of US

Trump Prepares Rex 84 Martial Law Plan
to Stop Fall of US
June 25 2018

Did you consent to being enslaved?

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he’s fed.
Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.
Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway!
Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.
Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then tax his tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ass.
Tax all he has Then let him know, That you won’t be done till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers Then tax him more,
Tax him till he’s good and sore.
Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he’s laid.
Put these words Upon his tomb, ‘Taxes drove me to my doom.. . ‘
When he’s gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax (currently 44. 75 cents per gallon)
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most > prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?

Trump and the Reset: Fake debt owed to the Banks must be defaulted on

Get Involved!!! Dangerous ID Vote Delayed!


Last week we put enough pressure on Congress and defeated their first vote on the Dangerous ID/E-Verify scheme I’ve been warning you about.  Together, we won that battle, but the war is far from over.

Capitol Hill experts are warning that lawmakers are considering a massive Dangerous ID/E-Verify database scheme -- under the guise of “reforming” immigration.

Our anti-gun enemies are already threatening to transform it into a backdoor gun registry and abuse it to curtail the gun rights of law abiding Americans.

And this could be voted on in Congress very soon...

That’s why it’s vital you take action right now.

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

Capitol Hill insiders have told me that House Leadership are frantically running around Congress, cutting more backroom deals and attempting to resurrect the Dangerous ID/E-Verify monster this week!

In fact, Washington, D.C. newspaper The Hill reported that one Representative told them, “there is going to be a discussion on [E-Verify].”

We cannot let them get away with a second attempt at their backdoor gun registry.

Only through your activism and support will we defeat another vote on Dangerous ID/E-Verify.

If you agree lawmakers have no business mucking up immigration reform with GUN CONTROL, then I hope you’ll read my email below, and sign your petition against Dangerous ID / E-verify here.

If you’ve already signed, please chip in $15 or $20 to the fight, and forward this email to a friend -- tell them to sign, too!

For Freedom,

-- Dudley

Friends .........

Trouble is brewing in Washington.

According to multiple media reports, lawmakers are on the verge of stuffing ANOTHER gun control present into a major bill.

This time it’s the Dangerous ID/E-Verify database scheme we’ve been warning you about for years.

Unfortunately, some misguided politicians in the smoke filled rooms are demanding this scheme be added to the immigration reform deal they’re working on . . .

. . . no matter how much damage is done to your Second Amendment rights along the way.

Reports from capitol insiders indicate that Speaker Ryan may bring up to two bills for a vote very soon.

If you agree gun control shouldn’t be stuffed into the immigration bill, then I hope you’ll act now.

Please, click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

E-verify has long been called “Dangerous ID.”

That’s because it’s really just a MASSIVE national catalogue containing TONS of personal information of every single American, including gun owners.

Already, Dangerous ID/E-Verify links together dozens of massive federal databases with information about every American, and puts it in a centrally accessible place.

As soon as the gun grabbers realize the wealth of information on you that is “conveniently” available to them, you bet they’ll use it to deny gun rights to even more law-abiding Americans.

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how this system could be abused by identity thieves -- or gun grabbing bureaucrats.

*** Firearm purchases -- including serial numbers -- could easily be linked to the national Dangerous ID/E-Verify database creating an instant National Gun Registry. Ammo purchases could be linked too.

*** Health records, book purchases, online activity, religious views -- contribution history to political candidates -- could all be at a federal bureaucrat’s fingertips!

For years, our anti-gun enemies have been dreaming of a nationalized database to track gun owners and their firearms purchases.

After the massive expansion of the Brady-NICS database earlier this year, Dangerous ID/E-Verify will help them get even closer to that reality.

Make no mistake, they know it, too!

Chicago Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D) already proposed an amendment to link the E-Verify system with the Brady-NICS Gun Control Databases.

Why in the world would a committed gun grabber like Rep. Gutierrez push for a gun control amendment on E-Verify?

Because he knows that E-Verify isn’t about immigration.

It’s all about giving the government the means to track every single American citizen, and their most private information.

That’s why the LAST thing supposedly “pro-gun” members of Congress should be doing is helping Gutierrez or others like him expose MORE data on you to anyone!

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

Unfortunately, many well intended, but misguided, members of Congress want this bill voted on ASAP.

Including members of the House Freedom Caucus.

Reports from Capitol insiders indicate that Congress is looking at two bills, either or both of which could make the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database usage mandatory.
That means we don’t have much time to act.

But the good news:

Including this mandatory Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database provision is said to be a MAJOR sticking point in the smoke filled rooms.  That’s why your efforts NOW could make all the difference.

Click here to sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

This isn’t the first time your National Association for Gun Rights has fought to expose the threats to the Second Amendment that Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database poses.

And while our immigration system has major problems, I hope you’ll agree that any attempt to damage your right to keep and bear arms in the process of fixing it isn’t acceptable.

So I hope you’ll you join me in this fight, TODAY.

If you agree with me that gun owner privacy must be preserved, click here and sign your petition against the Dangerous ID/E-Verify Database.

After you sign, please take a moment to chip-in $20 or $35 to help us stop this scheme in its tracks!

With your help, I’m confident we can defeat this latest threat to the Second Amendment.  Thanks!

For Freedom,
Dudley Brown, President
National Association for Gun Rights

And once you sign, please consider chipping in $20 or $35 to help get the word out.

The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80539. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is